James Brooks
James Brooks
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What is Man? (Genesis 2:4–7)
What is Man?
Genesis 2:4-7
Biblical & Theological Terms:
1. Toledoth - Also spelled toledot, this is the literal story or genetic line that came from…a person or event. Knowing the toledot they came from gave the Israelites context for what God was asking of them when they entered the Promised Land…Most of all, the toledot showed them how God had worked in the past and how He was sure to work in the present [to fulfill His promises].” There are nine toledots in Genesis (2:4, 5:1, 6:9, 11:10, 11:27, 25:12-13, 25:19, 36:1,9, 37:2).
2. Law of Recurrence - This is a hermeneutical principle which observes that often in Scripture there are two blocks of passages side by side. The first block of Scripture gives an account of an event or a person from start to finish in chronological order. This is followed by a second block of Scripture that goes back to an earlier time within the first block, in order to give more details as to how certain things or events happened. This technique is not unique to Genesis…It is a common method of biblical writers that should not be missed. Therefore, there is no need to postulate the theory of different documents written at different times by different authors, put together much later by a “redactor” trying to harmonize the different accounts…Recurrence is frequent in Scripture and should simply be recognized for the method that it is.
I. Man’s Domain (v. 4-6)
A. Man’s Start (v. 4)
B. Man’s Surroundings (v. 5-6)
a. Verse five appears to state a contradiction with events in chapter 1.
b. Four Possible Solutions to this apparent contradiction:
1. Mediate Creation - what God commanded the earth to produce on the third day had not yet become visible on the sixth day. The process was not an immediate creation.
2. Statement Review of Creation- the author may simply be describing the earth before events of the third day, as a precursor and introduction to man’s creation.
3. Edenic Creation - the author may simply be describing the creation and installment of man in the garden. That is, there were no plants and shrubs set within the context of the Garden of Eden.
4. Perspective Creation - the author is distinguishing the pre and post fall states regarding cultivated plants, rain, and man having to till the ground, as he writes in a post fallen world.
c. Verse 6 reveals how God watered the earth. A mist came up from the ground. It will not rain until Noah’s time, where God will flood the whole earth.
II. Man’s Design (v. 7)
A. Man’s Substance (v.7)
a. Man was created a bipartite unity of body and spirit, though this is debated.

1. Spirit and Soul can be used interchangeably in the Bible to describe the whole of the inner person (example: John 12:27, 13:21; Luke 1:46-47):
b. Origin of the Soul (Immaterial Facet of Man’s Inner Being)
1. Creationism - This view holds that God creates the soul at the moment of conception and then places the soul into the developing fetus.
2. Traducianism - This view holds that both the material (body) and immaterial (soul) facets of a person are both produced through the natural procreation process.
• After God rested on the Sabbath, He does not perform any more ex nihilo creations.
• A biblical example from Hebrews 7:10 demonstrates that Levi was already in Abraham, as a full person, when Abraham paid a tithe to Melchizedek.
Point to Ponder:
Genesis is important because it tells us where we have come from and that ultimately, we have a final destination. You are not an eternal being but every human being is immortal, because of the imago dei. That means you had a beginning, a starting point, but you will have no end. In light of this fact, do you know where you will be one million years from now and how can you be sure of that final destination? If you do not know or are not sure, then today is your day of salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31) and you can know that heaven is your final destination.
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Ariel’s Bible Commentary: The Book of Genesis, 1st ed. (San Antonio: Ariel Ministries, 2008), 70-71.
Ibid., 72.
John MacArthur, “The Creation of Man,” Online. Accessed 06/26/24 www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/90-226/the-creation-of-man
Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Basic Theology (Chicago: Moody Press, 1999), 225.
John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, eds., Biblical Doctrine (Wheaton: Crossway, 2017), 424.
J. Oliver Buswell, A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1962), 252.
zhlédnutí: 80


Order Out of Chaos: Days Five-Seven (Genesis 1:20-2:3) Part III
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Order Out of Chaos: Days Five-Seven Genesis 1:20-2:3 (Part III) I. The Events in Creation Days (1:3-2:3) A. Day Five - Birds and Sea Creatures (v. 20-23) a. This is the first time the Bible records God speaking to a creature (v.22) B. Day Six - Land Creatures & Man (v. 24-27) a. Land Creatures (v.24-25) b. Man (v.26-27) 1. Man was created in the “image” and “likeness” of God. To sum up: the ima...
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Order Out of Chaos (Gen 1:1-2) Part I
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Genesis - Introduction
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Genesis 1-11 by Dr. James Brooks Author There is much evidence to suggest that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, to include Genesis. The earliest Jewish traditions, as recorded in the Talmud, attribute authorship to Moses. Being Jewish, Moses would have had access to the Jewish historical records as well as the Egyptian records, since he was a prince of Egypt. Additionally, Jesus a...
A Benediction of Praise: The Covenant of Redemption (Heb 13:20-25)
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A Benediction of Praise: The Covenant of Redemption (Heb 13:20-25) I. What is the Covenant of Redemption? A. Covenant Definition - For our purposes, the covenant of redemption may also be called God’s eternal plan of salvation. It is a pretemporal agreement made in "eternity past" among the members of the Godhead, whereby God the Father agreed to purpose, plan, and provide for the salvation of ...
Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Our Personal Obligations (Heb 13:15-19)
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Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Our Personal Obligations (Heb 13:15-19) I. Christians are to Sacrifice (v. 15-16) A. Christians have two obligations to God. One is vertical the other is horizontal: a. Offer Sacrifice of Praise (v.15) b. Offer Service to People (v.16) 1. This would include Christians and non-Christians (James 2:14-17, 1:27) II. Christians are to Submit (v.17) A. Christians are to s...
Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Our Pastoral Obligations (Heb 13:7-14)
zhlédnutí 64Před 2 měsíci
Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Our Pastoral Obligations (Heb 13:7-14) I. We are to regard faithful teachers (v. 7-8) A. Mimic the Christian character and maturity observed in the faithful (v.7) B. Jesus Christ is the antidote against compromised and false teaching (v.8) II. We are to reject false teachings (v. 9-14) A. Be discerning about what you hear and believe. (v.9) B. Be decisive about why ...
Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Practical Obligation for Christians (Heb 13:1-6)
zhlédnutí 60Před 2 měsíci
Don’t Forget Your Schooling: Practical Obligation for Christians (Heb 13:1-6) I. Concerning treatment of Men (v. 1-3) A. Neighbors (Both Christians & Non-Christians) (v. 1-2) a. Your neighbor is anyone in your sphere of influence. (Luke 10:30-37; Jn 13:34-35) B. Neglected (Those in Prison & Pain) (v. 3) II. Concerning treatment of Marriages (v. 4) A. Marriage is to be held in high regard and re...
Don’t Depart God’s Ways (Heb 12:18-29)
zhlédnutí 70Před 3 měsíci
Don’t Depart God’s Ways (Heb 12:18-29) I. By leaving our Christian practice (v.18-24) A. Consider the fear of Mt. Sinai (v.18-21) a. God’s presence and power caused a great fear in Israel (Ex 19:10-22) B. Consider the fellowship of Mt. Zion (v.23-24) a. Two Mt Zions are compared and contrasted II. By losing our Christian perspective (v. 25-29) A. In ignoring God’s warning (v.25-27) a. In light ...
Practical Responses to Positional Truths (Heb 12:12-17)
zhlédnutí 41Před 3 měsíci
Practical Responses to Positional Truths (Heb 12:12-17) I. Be An Encouragement to the Weak (v. 12-13) A. Meet the needs of the weaker Christian [cf., Luke 13:11-13] (v.12) a. Be gentle with those who struggle in running the Christian race. (Gal 5:26, 6:1) b. Be ready to help them carry their burdens. (Gal 6:2) B. Remove all stumbling blocks to the goal (v.13) a. Important Definitions [cf., 1 Co...
God’s Training Program in Trials (Heb 12:1-11)
zhlédnutí 49Před 4 měsíci
God’s Training Program in Trials (Heb 12:1-11) I. It has a pattern to follow (v. 1-3) A. The Christian Life is compared to a race to be won (v.1) a. The Witnesses in Context: 1. The Pre-Flood Saints (Heb 11:4-7) 2. The Patriarchal Saints (Heb 11:8-22) 3. The Promised Land Saints (Heb 11:23-31) 4. The Peacekeeper & Prophet Saints (11:32-40) B. One prepares for the race by 3 actions (v.1b - 3): a...
The Peacekeeper & Prophet Saints (Hebrews 11:32-40)
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The Promised Land Saints (Heb 11:23-31)
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The Promised Land Saints (Heb 11:23-31) I. A Prodigy (v. 23-29) A. God selects Moses to be Israel’s deliverer. (v.23) a. The emphasis in Hebrews is on events surrounding Moses’ birth and parents. [cf., Ex 1:15-22] b. Reconciling the ethical dilemma of the midwives lie - Contextual Absolutism or One’s Actual Duty. c. Biblical Examples of One’s Actual Duty in Ethical Dilemmas 1. 1 Samuel 16:1-6 (...
How the Righteous Roll: The Patriarchal Saints (Part II) Hebrews 11:20-22
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How the Righteous Roll: The Patriarchal Saints (Part II) Hebrews 11:20-22 I. Pragmatists (v. 20-21) A. Both Jacob and Esau unscrupulously accomplished their desired ends. Esau was driven by short-sightedness, and Jacob by deception. a. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (Gen 25:27-34). b. Jacob deceived his father (Gen 27:1-41). c. This dysfunctional family was marked by several issues, which sh...
How the Righteous Roll: The Patriarchal Saints - Part I (Heb 11:8-19)
zhlédnutí 72Před 6 měsíci
How the Righteous Roll: The Patriarchal Saints - Part I (Heb 11:8-19)
How the Righteous Roll: The Pre-Flood Saints (Heb 1:4-7)
zhlédnutí 101Před 6 měsíci
How the Righteous Roll: The Pre-Flood Saints (Heb 1:4-7)
How the Righteous Roll: Faith Described (Heb 11:1-3)
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How the Righteous Roll: Faith Described (Heb 11:1-3)
Why We Press On (Heb 10:1-39)
zhlédnutí 54Před 7 měsíci
Why We Press On (Heb 10:1-39)
The Necessity of Christ’s Death Part II (Hebrews 9:23-28)
zhlédnutí 100Před 7 měsíci
The Necessity of Christ’s Death Part II (Hebrews 9:23-28)
The Necessity of Christ’s Death (Heb 9:15-22)
zhlédnutí 87Před 8 měsíci
The Necessity of Christ’s Death (Heb 9:15-22)
A Better Sanctuary (Heb 9:11-14) Part 2
zhlédnutí 51Před 8 měsíci
A Better Sanctuary (Heb 9:11-14) Part 2
A Better Sanctuary (Heb 9:1-10)
zhlédnutí 101Před 9 měsíci
A Better Sanctuary (Heb 9:1-10)
A Better Covenant (Heb 8:1-13)
zhlédnutí 64Před 10 měsíci
A Better Covenant (Heb 8:1-13)
Why the Melchizedekian Priesthood is Better (Heb 7:23-28) Part II
zhlédnutí 123Před 10 měsíci
Why the Melchizedekian Priesthood is Better (Heb 7:23-28) Part II
Why the Melchizedekian Priesthood is Better (Heb 7:11-22) Part I
zhlédnutí 86Před 10 měsíci
Why the Melchizedekian Priesthood is Better (Heb 7:11-22) Part I
How Melchizedek is Like Jesus (Heb 7:1-10)
zhlédnutí 387Před 10 měsíci
How Melchizedek is Like Jesus (Heb 7:1-10)
Why God Can Be Trusted (Heb 6:13-20)
zhlédnutí 71Před 11 měsíci
Why God Can Be Trusted (Heb 6:13-20)
A Word of Encouragement (Heb 6:9-12)
zhlédnutí 84Před 11 měsíci
A Word of Encouragement (Heb 6:9-12)
When Christians Check Out (Heb 6:4-8) Part III
zhlédnutí 291Před 11 měsíci
When Christians Check Out (Heb 6:4-8) Part III


  • @ElouiseRaats
    @ElouiseRaats Před 13 hodinami

    Yes, this is the vision to come before the year ends. Obey the Commandments!

  • @georgeball5723
    @georgeball5723 Před 9 dny


  • @georgeball5723
    @georgeball5723 Před 9 dny


  • @georgeball5723
    @georgeball5723 Před 9 dny

    I beg to differ , there was never a Canopy , the Hebrew term is Rakea or FIRMAMENT and also since you dont see ur Error , your understanding of a Dome is from the Evolutionary mindset you and all of us were given by our Schools , Because no matter what u think ,, The Earth is Stationary , non Rotating as Seen thru out Scripture, So your Spinning Ball doesn't work in The WORD of GOD , 2nd day MOST HIGH GOD created one thing , THE DOME , And ur Evolutionary mind once again is not letting SCRIPTURE interpret SCRIPTURE, he did not Nowhere in BIBLE Create vastness of Space. THE HEAVENS ARE ABOVE US , AND A LOCALIZED SUN N MOON , 2 LIGHTS NOT A SUN N A REFLECTIVE ROCK ALL SPINNING, THEREFOR UR MESSAGE IS FROM A GODLESS MIND , THE SCRIPTURE SAYS HE PUT 2 LIGHTS INTO THE FIRMAMENT, THE STARS ARE JUST AS THE BIBLE SAYS , ANGELS , DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS U BIBLE HATER,, YOUR BIBLE IS NOT HALF TRUTH , THE SUN N MOON ARE LOCAL VERY SCIENTIFICALLY LROVEN N LIGHTS NOT MILLIONS OF MILES AWAY, ITS THE HEAVENS ABOVE US .. HOW FOOLISH A MAN IS TO PREACH ON LIES BUT CALLING IT TRUTH

  • @georgekoeninger5725
    @georgekoeninger5725 Před 27 dny

    We’re older and don’t get out much. I deeply appreciate your research and honest teaching of the Bible. I’ve been to thousands of Bible teachings but learned more in one of your teaching than hundreds of the others. I wish we could print out some graphs etc. from your lectures. Thanks and pray God showers you with millions of blessings!

    • @TheExpositors
      @TheExpositors Před 27 dny

      Thank you my friend. And if you will tell me which slides you would like by the minute markers on the video I would be happy to send email them to you. Send me a DM.

  • @yolandavelez9991
    @yolandavelez9991 Před měsícem

    Thank you 🙏

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 Před 3 měsíci

    It’s honestly embarrassing that other humans I share this planet with are stuck in Bronze Age superstition and mythology. It almost makes me feel sorry for them.

    • @TheExpositors
      @TheExpositors Před 3 měsíci

      What specifically are you referencing, the notion of a God, which is presupposed in this video, or the Christian ethic espoused, premised on the specific text?

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 4 měsíci

    Blessings 🙏

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 4 měsíci

    Blessings 🙏

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 4 měsíci

    Blessings 🙏

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 4 měsíci

    Blessings 🙏

  • @LarryLarpwell
    @LarryLarpwell Před 4 měsíci

    Christ never authorized a new religion to threaten men with damnation

  • @gavinadams4572
    @gavinadams4572 Před 5 měsíci

    I was pondering dual fulfilment last night and randomly clicked on this video and its about dual fulfilment,what a glorious and faithful God we serve Amen.

  • @jonathanrogers7713
    @jonathanrogers7713 Před 5 měsíci

    We will never be able to fully understand and explain how God's sovereignty and free will exactly interact. We can try our best, but we're finite beings trying to fully explain how an all powerful, all knowing God does things or allows them to happen. It would be like trying to explain how a being like God never had a beginning. It's beyond our full comprehension, at least on this side of the Resurrection.

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 5 měsíci

    Excellent class 👍

  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 5 měsíci


  • @lupemontenegro8730
    @lupemontenegro8730 Před 5 měsíci


  • @fruitful7753
    @fruitful7753 Před 6 měsíci

    The 6th seal, 6th trumpet and 6th vial all coincides in one event. 6th seal angels under Euphrates river unleashed, 6th trumpet Angels under river Euphrates unleashed and 6th vial Euphrates river and angels or 666. The man of sin, the beast, antichrist also has this number in his name 666 as he is given his seat of great power by the dragon during these events. Same order with all the seals, trumpets and vials they all coincide with the seal that is broken 1st seal, 1st trumpet, 1st vile all the way through the 7th seal 7th trumpet and 7th vile all one event. They are not in chronical logical order in bible, they all happen in succession just like the 6th one as we see above.. This puts the book of Revelation events in their proper order all the way through Revelations and then you can see every event that unfolds after that seal is broke.

  • @Z3nHolEminD
    @Z3nHolEminD Před 7 měsíci

    #endtimes 🤍 ❤️ 🖤 💚/(•)(•/March 07 1970 ( White Horse ) February 26 1979 ( Red Horse ) August 21 2017 ( Black Horse ) April 08 2024 ( Pale Horse with a Green Tinge)

  • @graceruth1977
    @graceruth1977 Před 8 měsíci

    Around the 25 min mark, you quote Pink. What page was that quote found on? You're personal box covers that information. "A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1975), ___?___."

    • @TheExpositors
      @TheExpositors Před 8 měsíci

      I no longer have the edition of that book but here it is on page 34 of 150. www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/pink/TheAttributesofGod%20A.WPink.pdf

  • @Tracy-Inches
    @Tracy-Inches Před 8 měsíci

    He is in heaven or Sheol?

  • @orangepeel3465
    @orangepeel3465 Před 9 měsíci

    Excellent commentary.

  • @linegrant4605
    @linegrant4605 Před 9 měsíci

    Salvation in symbols and sign has a study of the book of Revelation. Verse by verse, scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter. It's a deep study of the book of Revelation. Make you understand easily of Revelation. This book is full of symbols 💯💯🙏🙏 It's s prophetic book. You'll be surprised that the USA is the 2nd beast. Also who the antichrist is. 🙏🙏check it out, you won't be disappointed 💯💯

    • @Z3nHolEminD
      @Z3nHolEminD Před 7 měsíci

      #endtimes 🤍 ❤️ 🖤 💚/(•)(•/March 07 1970 ( White Horse ) February 26 1979 ( Red Horse ) August 21 2017 ( Black Horse ) April 08 2024 ( Pale Horse with a Green Tinge)

  • @mulanfromtheblock
    @mulanfromtheblock Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you so much for sharing, learned a lot!

  • @jameslindsay8245
    @jameslindsay8245 Před 10 měsíci

    Donald John Trump 2017 Truth shooting arrows for the KING Dec..6th 2017 Daniels 70 week Jan. 2019 COVID 19 RED HORSE Jan. 2021 OBIDEN BLACK HORSE Jan.2023 King Charles Rosh Hashanah 2023 begins Friday, September 15 at sunset (in 8 days) ends Sunday, September 17 at nightfall UN

    • @Z3nHolEminD
      @Z3nHolEminD Před 7 měsíci

      #endtimes 🤍 ❤️ 🖤 💚/(•)(•/March 07 1970 ( White Horse ) February 26 1979 ( Red Horse ) August 21 2017 ( Black Horse ) April 08 2024 ( Pale Horse with a Green Tinge)

  • @tammyhicks1450
    @tammyhicks1450 Před 10 měsíci

    I have been following along with this study since Rev. 14 and find it concise, true, and understandable.God bless you and your ministry!

  • @tammyhicks1450
    @tammyhicks1450 Před 11 měsíci

    This video is great.I am trying to learn the real lessons and meanings of Revelation and the facts of the seals,trumpets, and bowls are very helpful.I really liked that he said that this is after the church is gone which had confused me at first but no longer does.Also loved him saying the global warming delusion will be gone.Great video and I will look for more from these lessons.

  • @eugenaionesca
    @eugenaionesca Před rokem

    Old Testament: 1 Kings 17:17-24: Elijah raises the widow of Zarephath's son from the dead. 2 Kings 4:18-37: Elisha raises the Shunammite woman's son from the dead. 2 Kings 13:20-21: A dead man is revived when his body touches Elisha's bones. New Testament: Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:40-56: Jesus raises Jairus' daughter from the dead. Luke 7:11-17: Jesus raises the widow of Nain's son from the dead. John 11:1-44: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Matthew 27:51-53: After Jesus' crucifixion, tombs open, and many saints are resurrected and appear to people in Jerusalem. Peter resurrects Dorcas/Tabitha? Matthew 27:50-53 Eutychus Acts 20: 7-12 Many Holy people in Jerasalem Matthew 27:50-53 🥰

  • @ghebalouhacene7422
    @ghebalouhacene7422 Před rokem

    Amen to that..

  • @jankompos2330
    @jankompos2330 Před rokem

    let me get this correct: all this church laws are written in the constitution ,and are laws that were turned corrupted ,smart move by satan ,very interesting video,thank you

  • @pascalrugenerwa441
    @pascalrugenerwa441 Před rokem

    God bless you as you continue to share this🙌

  • @damonoswald40
    @damonoswald40 Před rokem

    No, there is no pre trib rapture !!!

  • @heatherhall3452
    @heatherhall3452 Před rokem

    With all the talk of an Alien invasion could the massive army be the Aliens - paladins?

  • @heatherhall3452
    @heatherhall3452 Před rokem

    @ 14:00 the description of the horses is seen in this Video depicting UK Monarchy czcams.com/video/GJul0igzPtQ/video.html

  • @keionstudor
    @keionstudor Před rokem

    It's the spirit of Elijah return the first seal open.

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem


  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem

    The Great Tribulation Already Took Place In A.D. 70. DID YOU FORGET?

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem

    “The Premillennial Theory teaches that the church is only a temporary substitute for the failure, or, the change of Gods plan in the establishment of His kingdom. The church is concidered in this theory, a secondary provision after the Jews rejected Christ.” That Christ was to establish the kingdom is well documented in scripture. It is also true that the Jews of the first century rejected Him. Although, not all did, because the first church was composed of Jews. It is true that Christ returned to heaven, and will return as promised. But when He returns, “it will not be to establish the kingdom that He failed to establish on His first trip. JESUS CHRIST NEVER FAILS HE SUCCEEDED IN ESTABLISHING THE KINGDOM. It had its beginning on the first Pentecost ten days after His ascension. (ACTS CHAPTER TWO) Next time upon His return, He will come and deliver up the kingdom to the Father. (I CORINTHIANS 15:24) You see, the kingdom and the church of Christ are not separate entities. The church of Christ is the kingdom, and the kingdom is the church. (MATTHEW 5:19). It’s also where A Cappella singing is commanded (EPHESIANS 5:19) And the Premillennial Theory is as false as a three dollar bill.

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem

    (HEBREWS 9:28)

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem

    Rapture’s an old wives fable! It’s as phony as a third coming of Christ!

  • @walterlahaye2128
    @walterlahaye2128 Před rokem

    The tribulation period covers that period when the armies of Rome came destroyed Jerusalem, burned the temple, and brought to an end the Jewish economy in 67 to 70 A.D. Thousands of unbelieving Jews were killed, but the Christians escaped from that terrible desolation and destruction!

  • @jillkreutzer4700
    @jillkreutzer4700 Před rokem

    I learned so much, thank you.

  • @nickmansfield1
    @nickmansfield1 Před rokem

    I'm not sure that the title is apt given how no evidence was presented that God would become a man, in fact the triune gods presented in the latter part of the video seem indicative that God was always God, and Messiah came to Earth, and that they are different.

    • @TheExpositors
      @TheExpositors Před rokem

      Hey thanks for the comments. The title is reflective of the overall argument that the writer is trying to encourage his Hebrew audience from defecting because of the persecution they were facing. The writer's argument is that Jesus is superior to the former system they were associated with as evidenced by the fact that He is both God and man. Namely, he is better than the angels because He is the Creator and He is greater than the angels in His humanity. Why, because he grew in obedience in his humanity and died in the place of those who would put their faith and trust in Him, both of which angels could not do. As such, the writer argues, Jesua is better. Why then would one reject the superior position for the former one? That is the context of the writer's argument. Thanks for watching friend and for your comments. Blessings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @nickmansfield1
      @nickmansfield1 Před rokem

      @@TheExpositors The issues around this topic are difficult, complex matters and you did examine many of the important references around Messiah's blood sacrifice. God bless.

  • @nickmansfield1
    @nickmansfield1 Před rokem

    25:23 I think you may be taking the words out of context. When was Hebrews written, after Yeshua and before the 2nd destruction? If so then this was the period, according to the B. Talmud when the acceptance of sacrifices was in doubt and strange phenomenons were about.

  • @nickmansfield1
    @nickmansfield1 Před rokem

    5:16 If people are already in Paradise, what more can Messiah do for them? The same for those in Hell, but for those in Purgatory/Sheol, this is the redemption of the dead promised through the prophets.

  • @ulricagollop8528
    @ulricagollop8528 Před rokem

    God bless your ministry. Thank you for your elnlightenment on this book. Looking out for the other chapters.

  • @ddmound
    @ddmound Před rokem

    I guarantee you he has no clue what he is talking about. If you agree with him then that just means like him you are still in your sins. The general problem is no knowledge of God that comes from God. That means with what you think you do know will not help you. Allow me to tell what all the christian world is missing. The Holy Spirit is Elohiym which is plural for singular (THE GREAT) "Eloah" the Hidden One of Israel. In essence, Elohim is the Right Hand (Yawmeem' Yad-Ya') of 'EL that exerts Power for the Godhead. As Yawmeem' Elohim is the Lord' (2nd) anointing called dunamis. (Acts 1:8.) In that capacity Elohim is the 7 Spirits of God which is in His fullness. (Rev.1:3,4.3:1.4:5.5:6. Yawmeem' is the Spirit of Life, Grace, Adoption, Supplication, Truth, Holiness and Glory. It is by the Spirit of Glory (aw-nawn kawbode') that the 9 gifts of the Spirit are manifest. (3 do, say, reveal something) The Believer has to transverse these by walking with the Lord on the streets of your city to fulfill righteousness. (Mk.16:16.) That is when he will first reveal the Heavenly Father to you as Abba Patyr'. (Matt.11:27-30.) This is glorification bc The Patyr' pronounces you holy. That is the consecration of His Justification (thru Wisdom - ibid v.19.Lk.7:35.Prov.9:1.) and the day you become a son. He says this day have I begotten you . And takes you to the secret place. This is when the reality of the Lord saying he is the Way by your faith. The Truth by your righteousness you added to your faith while making your calling and election sure. (II Pet.1:3,5,10.) He said if you dont do it you will die. (Isa.28:9-13.) And the Life by holiness. However, you need to know that the Patyr' will bring His Left Hand Spirit called Ruach. (Sem'ole Yad 'Eloah) He bids you take hold of that Hand in the Holy of Holies aka Secret Place and YOU use His strength to love Him with. (with all your heart, soul, mind (of Christ) and strength the joy of the Lord) But this presenter is clueless and is not called of the Lord to teach in these last days

  • @Dirt_Road_Diva
    @Dirt_Road_Diva Před rokem

    This was excellent! Thank you 🙏

  • @sharlafenwick4056
    @sharlafenwick4056 Před rokem

    Your interpretation is totally different from Biblical prophecy teacher Irvin Baxter. He had a t.v. show on a major global Christian t.v. network. He says the 6th Trumpet War is an attack by a literal human army of 2,000,000 against Israel. They will march down the Euphrates & 1/3 o mankind will be killed.