A Benediction of Praise: The Covenant of Redemption (Heb

  • čas přidán 10. 05. 2024
  • A Benediction of Praise: The Covenant of Redemption
    (Heb 13:20-25)
    I. What is the Covenant of Redemption?
    A. Covenant Definition - For our purposes, the covenant of redemption may also be called God’s eternal plan of salvation. It is a pretemporal agreement made in "eternity past" among the members of the Godhead, whereby God the Father agreed to purpose, plan, and provide for the salvation of an innumerable chosen company of people; God the Son agreed to procure and secure the salvation of that company; and God the Holy Spirit agreed to apply the merits of the Son's redemptive work to that company, all of which was designed for the eternal praise of the triune God. (Eph. 1:3-14)
    a. The covenant of redemption doctrine was first articulated at the General Assembly Scottish Kirk in 1638:
    B. The Biblical Concept of Covenant:
    a. A covenant is simply an unconditional or conditional agreement between two or more parties.
    b. There are several agreements or covenants mentioned in Scripture (shoe- Ruth 4:7, salt- Num. 18:19 and blood covenant- Heb. 9:18; Ex. 24:3-8).
    c. The Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic and New Covenant are all blood agreements or covenants.
    d. Through God’s progressive revelation (the Bible), these unfolding covenants will culminate in God’s future kingdom, ruled by Jesus Christ.
    II. Where do we find the Covenant of Redemption in the Bible?
    A. The Covenant of Redemption in the Old Testament:
    a. The decree of God’s anointed, Jesus Christ, will be established (Psalm 2:1-7, [cf., Rom 1:1-4]).
    b. It is predicated specifically on the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:12-16)
    B. The Covenant of Redemption in the New Testament:
    III. What are some objections to this doctrine and how do we answer them?
    A. If God’s plan is eternal and was purposed before creation, does this destroy man’s free will?
    B. If God’s plan is already worked out then why should we do good works?
    C. If the covenant of redemption is purposed in God’s decree, does this make God the author of evil?
    IV. Why is the Covenant of Redemption important to us?
    A. It is an encouragement to us when we face difficult times because God’s plan and our ultimate victory will come to pass. As such, your salvation does not depend on your ability to “hang in there.” Your salvation is secure in Christ because He is the one who saves us and holds us in His grip. He loses none of us but will raise us up on the last day (Jn 6:37-40). Be bold in your confidence in Him. Press on in the Christian life being led by the Holy Spirit to be conformed to Christ in your words, your walk, and your witness. This is the message of Hebrews.
    Sola Deo Gloria
    R.C. Sproul, Covenant of Redemption. Online. Accessed February 19, 2019. www.ligonier.org/learn/devoti....
    John MacArthur, The Body Formed in Eternity Past, Part 2. [Online] Accessed 3/11/16. www.gty.org/resources/sermons...
    David Dickson, ‘Arminianism Discussed,’ in Records of the Kirk of Scotland, containing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies, from the Year 1638 Downwards, ed. Alexander Peterkin (Edinburgh: Peter Brown, 1845), 156-58.
    J. V. Fesko, The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption (Fearn, Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications, 2016), 11.
    John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue, eds., Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth (Wheaton: Crossway, 2017), 212.

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