History Debunked
History Debunked
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Hold the front page! Africans invent the sharpened stick
When one sees a newspaper headline which announces that, ‘Scientists stunned by 'extraordinary' ancient wooden structure discovery’ it is perhaps reasonable to expect something a little more dramatic than the finding of sticks in Africa.
zhlédnutí: 18 632


The Magdalen laundries began in London and were still operating in England in the 1950s
zhlédnutí 9KPřed 13 hodinami
There is a popular idea that the notorious Magdalen laundries were somehow an exclusively Irish institution and connected in some way with the Catholic Church. In fact, the first one was set up in London and they flourished in 20th century England . www.regencyhistory.net/blog/magdalen-house-regency-history-guide-london
How Britain become addicted to immigration in fields as varied as agriculture and higher education
zhlédnutí 12KPřed 17 hodinami
Getting on for half the universities in this country would become bankrupt without foreign students, many of whom will remain in Britain for good after they graduate. www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/articles/reasonforinternationalmigrationinternationalstudentsupdate/november2023#:~:text=For the year ending (YE,their time in the UK. www.t...
Russell Brand finds Jesus, although for what purpose remains obscure
zhlédnutí 13KPřed 2 hodinami
There is always something slightly fishy about public declarations of becoming religious and all too often an ulterior motive may be found
What was wrong with Section 28? Why the new government guidelines for schools are wise
zhlédnutí 17KPřed 2 hodinami
Thirty-five years ago, there was a lot of fuss when the promotion of homosexuality was banned in schools. Something similar is now happening with the teaching of ‘trans’ ideology. www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-69017920
The case of Lucy Letby, convicted of murdering a number of babies
zhlédnutí 28KPřed 2 hodinami
The New Yorker magazine has published a 13,000 essay, arguing that Lucy Letby may be innocent, but for legal reasons, this cannot be published in Britain. czcams.com/video/cZeTng1fpzo/video.html czcams.com/video/cZeTng1fpzo/video.html
The BBC continue to use the magic word ‘Windrush’ as a way of inflaming racial tensions in Britain
zhlédnutí 22KPřed 4 hodinami
Whether the BBC believe their own propaganda, it is impossible to say, but that they are engaged in the spreading of falsehoods relating to post-war immigration to this country is quite certain. www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c97z6dgjey9o
How a recent court ruling in Belfast has punched another hole in Britain's international borders
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 4 hodinami
The recent decision by the High Court in Belfast that asylum-seekers in Northern Ireland cannot be deported to Rwanda, signals a new era in illegal immigration to Britain and the Irish Republic. This is a result of Tony Blair dismantling the United Kingdom. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-69007979
Why are we hiring Chinese men to guard Britain’s borders and police our streets?
zhlédnutí 24KPřed 4 hodinami
The news that a Chinese man who works as a both a border guard at Heathrow airport and also a special constable has been arrested for spying for China raises an interesting point. news.sky.com/story/chinese-ambassador-summoned-to-foreign-office-after-men-charged-with-spying-for-hong-kong-13135692
Are Muslims more likely to end up in prison than members of other religions?
zhlédnutí 21KPřed 7 hodinami
Using percentages to say something useful and interesting about criminality in Britain commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn04334/
The modern myth of a supposed epidemic of childhood obesity in Britain is examined and demolished
zhlédnutí 16KPřed 7 hodinami
Percentages are important when considering possible links between crime, intelligence and ethnicity
zhlédnutí 15KPřed 9 hodinami
The old beliefs about racial difference are manifestly wrong, but that does not mean that the whole subject is fatally flawed.
A country run exclusively by and for black people for over two hundred years; how did that work out?
zhlédnutí 38KPřed 9 hodinami
Haiti has been an independent black nation since the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Things are not altogether rosy there though, and an increasing number of people are turning to Voodoo to solve their problems. www.africanews.com/2024/05/10/haiti-voodoo-attracting-more-believers-as-gang-violence-surge/
The Net Zero agenda is similar in many ways to the craze for ‘nuclear free zones’ in the 1980s
zhlédnutí 14KPřed 9 hodinami
Environmental scares change from year to year and previous worries often sound farfetched after a few years
Guess the ethnicity in nicer parts of London
zhlédnutí 45KPřed 12 hodinami
At one time, a news story about certain offences in districts of the Capital such as Brixton or Tottenham would cause people to jump to conclusions about the likely perpetrators. These days, even smart areas such as Whetstone are not immune to the scourge of violent crime. www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407471/Pictured-Grandmother-66-stabbed-death-near-bus-stop.html www.bbc.co.uk/news/artic...
Why is Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest?
zhlédnutí 21KPřed 12 hodinami
Why is Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest?
Why shouldn’t we feel proud of being Anglo-Saxons?
zhlédnutí 26KPřed 12 hodinami
Why shouldn’t we feel proud of being Anglo-Saxons?
Dublin’s immigration policy has created the right conditions for civil strife and tension is growing
zhlédnutí 41KPřed 14 hodinami
Dublin’s immigration policy has created the right conditions for civil strife and tension is growing
A woman in Croydon succeeds in making herself a victim of her own irrational behaviour…
zhlédnutí 55KPřed 14 hodinami
A woman in Croydon succeeds in making herself a victim of her own irrational behaviour…
Hearts and minds, how the British ran concentration camps in Malaya in the 1950s
zhlédnutí 9KPřed 14 hodinami
Hearts and minds, how the British ran concentration camps in Malaya in the 1950s
The chief economist at the Bank of England blames immigration for the housing crisis!
zhlédnutí 43KPřed 16 hodinami
The chief economist at the Bank of England blames immigration for the housing crisis!
What was ‘Victorian race science’ and why should we be so ready to reject it?
zhlédnutí 15KPřed 16 hodinami
What was ‘Victorian race science’ and why should we be so ready to reject it?
What was going on in sub-Saharan Africa before white Europeans arrived in the 15th century?
zhlédnutí 22KPřed 16 hodinami
What was going on in sub-Saharan Africa before white Europeans arrived in the 15th century?
Two of my most vociferous critics come a bit of a cropper…
zhlédnutí 32KPřed 19 hodinami
Two of my most vociferous critics come a bit of a cropper…
How Britain’s Green Party has become a Trojan Horse for militant Islam
zhlédnutí 28KPřed 19 hodinami
How Britain’s Green Party has become a Trojan Horse for militant Islam
In Germany, Alternative für Deutschland call for remigration of certain elements
zhlédnutí 21KPřed 19 hodinami
In Germany, Alternative für Deutschland call for remigration of certain elements
When the Americans fly over, everybody ducks
zhlédnutí 14KPřed 21 hodinou
When the Americans fly over, everybody ducks
Humza Yousaf says that his heart forever belongs to Scotland; some take leave to doubt this claim
zhlédnutí 27KPřed 21 hodinou
Humza Yousaf says that his heart forever belongs to Scotland; some take leave to doubt this claim
What is The Muslim Vote demanding from Labour?
zhlédnutí 27KPřed dnem
What is The Muslim Vote demanding from Labour?
The Irish seem to have had enough of African immigrants, at least for the time being
zhlédnutí 122KPřed dnem
The Irish seem to have had enough of African immigrants, at least for the time being


  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před 3 vteřinami

    Frederick McKinley Jones - Mobile Refrigeration: Black invention

  • @phil4893
    @phil4893 Před 12 vteřinami

    The Chinese! A great bunch of lads.

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před 24 vteřinami

    Lewis Latimer - Durable Carbon Filament for Electric Lightbulbs: Black inventor

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před 46 vteřinami

    Mark Dean - Peripherals: Black inventor

  • @Some_retard
    @Some_retard Před 59 vteřinami

    I know the treatment of it by media as some kind of proof of black excellence is hilarious, but I do like stories about pre-human discoveries and how much can be gained from finding basic tools

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před minutou

    Garrett Morgan - Gas Mask; Three-Way Traffic Signal: Black inventor

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před minutou

    Marian Croak - VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Technology: Black inventor

  • @cdub5033
    @cdub5033 Před 3 minutami

    I thought this was a The Onion post. the african Wood Scientists have indeed collaborated with their Stabbing Engineers to develop a weapon grade pointy stick.

  • @georgekrpan3181
    @georgekrpan3181 Před 4 minutami

    That’s only the tip of the iceberg of the lies about WWII.

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před 5 minutami

    Technology behind 3D movies and images: Black inventor

  • @GrandEmporer
    @GrandEmporer Před 5 minutami

    The first open heart surgery: Black inventor.

  • @mikusoxlongius
    @mikusoxlongius Před 6 minutami

    Invent a pointy stick and you need someone to poke.

  • @spencereagle1118
    @spencereagle1118 Před 6 minutami

    I'd rather fight for Russia.

  • @phil4893
    @phil4893 Před 6 minutami

    US TV Evangelism is his future. People will send him envelopes stuffed with their hard-earned.

  • @codewalters
    @codewalters Před 7 minutami

    Islam will destroy Europe. Europe needs to wake up.

  • @Wolf-hh4rv
    @Wolf-hh4rv Před 8 minutami

    Of course my comments get deleted by CZcams. Facts are totally unacceptable.

  • @lawrencehenson8409
    @lawrencehenson8409 Před 8 minutami

    It appears that the Officer in question has been found guilty of "assault by beating" and will be sentenced shortly! And they want to recruit more Police Officers, Huh, when they get nicked for doing their job, I don't think so.....

  • @philipbunker146
    @philipbunker146 Před 9 minutami

    I’m sure I’ve seen chimps using a stick to get termites and ants out of a hole!

  • @lorenzbroll0101
    @lorenzbroll0101 Před 9 minutami

    Still need whitemen to build their wells though?

  • @jillwilson6105
    @jillwilson6105 Před 9 minutami

    yes we are bankrupt 😢

  • @godofcycling
    @godofcycling Před 11 minutami

    Well they didn't invent work boots, that's a certainty.

  • @philipbunker146
    @philipbunker146 Před 13 minutami

    Ah but dem sticks in Essex and Germany was left there by the black Africans who helped transform Europe and made it what it is today!

  • @Cyclone546
    @Cyclone546 Před 13 minutami

    They have never accomplished anything and they never will.

  • @deedahinkent
    @deedahinkent Před 14 minutami

    50% of universities folding would be OK by me . Idiot factories imo

  • @neddyseagoon9601
    @neddyseagoon9601 Před 15 minutami

    Oh come on Simon, those pointy sticks in Essex wus made by African Kangz... After they began their colonisation of Britain... Given so much contained in black history month, they never left but were obviously very good at hiding... 😂

  • @love83forever
    @love83forever Před 15 minutami

    From pondering on this topic over the years. I think the issue with blks and educational achievement has a few factors that are mainly environmental. Firstly, environmental poor behaviour patterns and the acceptance of poor behaviour. Then there is the cultural factors which are also environmental of not putting enough effort into things. Everything is done in a rubbish way, many don't take pride in producing excellence, which is tried to how low they value themselves. And how they value themselves is the same way they value others from the group. I think mank blks are not aware of how much work , time and effort is needed to become successful. They don't know what it takes to be successful so some may look for overnight success and not be willing to push from the bottom up, not always due to laziness but due to frustration with their circumstances

  • @Namron137
    @Namron137 Před 17 minutami

    Why not go the whole hog and replace the entire government with people of Chinese descent, I’m sure they can be trusted with running the state in Britain’s best interest, couldn’t they? It would be interesting to see the expression on the faces of the ex Home Office staff as they are replaced by Chinese workers! After all, when making a comparison between the running of the Chinese government and the bloated, corrupt and incompetent British government I know which I’d prefer!

  • @stevevoyles3816
    @stevevoyles3816 Před 22 minutami

    Well didnt africans build the pyramids?

  • @dazzerd.9921
    @dazzerd.9921 Před 23 minutami

    He was broadcasting about Covid and the vaccine not yo mention some people involved in conspiracy theories and all of a sudden the British parliament and media are doing the dirty on him. Just saying.

  • @gort5583
    @gort5583 Před 24 minutami

    Ah yes but what did the Africans use those sharpened sticks for? Their primitive Ipads most probably, an obvious reason why they had to be so sharp. So when you say Eurocentric imbalance you are referring to reality? Just checking as so few people these days refer to, or even have an awareness of reality, one must check.

  • @mewvufxz8007
    @mewvufxz8007 Před 26 minutami

    Why does the media have a black people fetish

  • @Sabhail_ar_Alba
    @Sabhail_ar_Alba Před 28 minutami

    Listening to this I thought of Frederick Douglas before you mentioned it because Frederick Douglas was used in Scotland as a "diversity" poster boy about 15 years ago when they first started flooding the country with 3rd world immigrants. His surname is Scottish so that probably implies he has Scottish heritage and since a good number of Northern Irish people are of Scottish heritage the link is established. He's one of yours.

  • @mewvufxz8007
    @mewvufxz8007 Před 28 minutami

    Well, they did build the western world and the pyramids so I'm not surprised they sharpened a stick.

  • @rogershore3128
    @rogershore3128 Před 29 minutami

    Congratulations you have managed to give us a post funnier than the African space program...

  • @JoeBlowUK
    @JoeBlowUK Před 30 minutami

    The next thing we'll see is a newspaper article about a man from Zambia who has learned to tie his shoelaces.

  • @user-xu9ib9cd6d
    @user-xu9ib9cd6d Před 31 minutou

    Stop eating at multicultural restaurants period. U all complain about migrants and enjoy the curries, Chinese etc Boycott them and u will be taken seriously Hypocrisy 😅😅

  • @dazzerd.9921
    @dazzerd.9921 Před 32 minutami

    Now they use a new sharpened stick a zombie knife.

  • @alexandergeorge2604
    @alexandergeorge2604 Před 33 minutami

    these two sticks could be the only remaining foundations for the fabled African civilisation known as Wakanda.

  • @user-lt9py2pu6u
    @user-lt9py2pu6u Před 33 minutami

    They seem to be very adept at using sharpened impliments these days too.

  • @tommaguzzi1723
    @tommaguzzi1723 Před 35 minutami

    If only the European colonists had not stolen their advanced pointed stick technology.

  • @gwae48
    @gwae48 Před 35 minutami


  • @user-jh8mo1gx6l
    @user-jh8mo1gx6l Před 36 minutami

    Sharpened sticks have been found in Africa and Europe dating back thousands of years, but only European Mums deserve the credit for telling their children running with them was dangerous! Superior parenting that may have set the conditions for greater inventions?

  • @MegaSelby
    @MegaSelby Před 37 minutami

    Have deaths decreased on her shift since her arrest. I bet they have.

  • @Malbeefance
    @Malbeefance Před 38 minutami

    Didn't you get the memo? Blacks invented "everything"! Including Nazism, the Inquisition, slavery, genocide, incest, the common cold, cancer, everything.

  • @hughblack6831
    @hughblack6831 Před 44 minutami

    I thought the Thames was poisonous and shouldn't be touched? That was the impression the BBC gave during the O-C boat race.

  • @JAMIRA-bw4tj
    @JAMIRA-bw4tj Před 45 minutami


  • @johnpurcell7525
    @johnpurcell7525 Před 46 minutami

    Then there is the Bulawayo Bollock Scratcher don't forget that one

  • @shaunpatrick8345
    @shaunpatrick8345 Před 48 minutami

    In the news this week I read that chimps have entered the stone age. I wonder if they'll invent the wheel.

  • @wordup1944
    @wordup1944 Před 49 minutami

    That’s the only thing that they have ‘invented’

  • @thescarletandgrey2505
    @thescarletandgrey2505 Před 51 minutou

    Did native black Africans even discover how to make fire? I’ve always taken for granted that they had, but I do wonder.