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Why The Protestant Reformation Was Worse Than You Thought
The Protestant Reformation, or simply 'The Reformation', was the religious movement that began in 16th century Western Europe that revolted against the Catholic Church. The movement led to the creation of Protestant Churches, which today make up nearly 40% of all Christians in the world. This video will analyze what caused the Reformation, how it occurred, and the figures involved. It will also ultimately make the case that this Reformation did more harm to Christianity than good. Listen in for a lesson about arguably the most important event in modern history!
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0:00 Intro
3:35 The Catholic Church Before the Reformation
11:12 Political Causes of the Reformation
14:54 The Protestant Reformation Begins
18:42 Other Protestant Groups
25:01 Consequences of the Reformation
31:32 Conclusion
'The Reformation' by J.P. Kirsch
'Causes and Consequences of the Reformation' by Steven Pfaff, Jared Rubin, and Sascha O. Becker
'Why The Reformation Was Necessary - But Protestantism Was Not' by Mark Brumley
'Not a Reformation but a Revolution' by Karl Keating
'Reformation' - Encyclopedia Britannica
'The Scofield Bible-The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians' By Maidhc Ó Cathail
zhlédnutí: 94 983


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Why The Sexual Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought
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Why The French Revolution Was Worse Than You Thought
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Why The Crusades Were Awesome, Actually
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  • @samerjaber8183
    @samerjaber8183 Před 16 hodinami

    I see being historically accurate is non of your concern.

  • @Kiyosaka
    @Kiyosaka Před 16 hodinami

    agreed specially loli hentai

  • @nissassagame
    @nissassagame Před 18 hodinami

    All religion is a joke. If it's a man-made fairy tale based out of fear than it equals nothing more than the nightmares of a primate. If it wasn't so humorous it would be tragic. Human's are so stupid.

    • @caucas989
      @caucas989 Před 16 hodinami

      You believe that everything came from nothing

  • @Doweunderstand6419
    @Doweunderstand6419 Před 18 hodinami

    Very interesting seeing the reformation explained very elequently from a Catholic perspective. I'm always drawn to the opinion Jesus himself expressed towards the established church of his day. It's clear to me that any organisation can never save anyone. Catholic or Protestant! When Jesus proclaimed that He was the Way, The Truth and the Life he didn't add, "and don't forget to join an established church organisation". I thank God he didn't. x

  • @remcomanuel8670
    @remcomanuel8670 Před 20 hodinami

    Very good representation of the course of events. Objective viewpoint. Thanks!

  • @ribos2762
    @ribos2762 Před 21 hodinou

    Their facial features are mixes of white and non-existence races, but we all find them attractive regardless of our race.

  • @OublietteTight
    @OublietteTight Před 22 hodinami

    12:50 Re: Crop failures... Volcanic discharge from the 1783 explosion of the Laki volcano in Iceland lasted over half a year. There were at least 10 sizable explosive eruptions and continuous emission into the lower atmosphere. European crops suffered for years afterwards.

  • @ogedeh
    @ogedeh Před 22 hodinami

    Nice try, the rich

  • @georgebogdan397
    @georgebogdan397 Před 23 hodinami

    Great material. Muslims invaded us, we fought back. Fast forward in the last century, nazis invaded europe, americans started to fight to push back nazis (american churches played an important role btw). Why double standard?

  • @CaneDimitrov
    @CaneDimitrov Před dnem

    13:35 That is a picture of Tsar Simeon The Great, a Bulgarian monarch at the time

  • @rgnyc
    @rgnyc Před dnem

    This clip disappointed me. There is a disturbing bias evident in the narrative, which mischaracterizes only non-Catholic sects as intolerant, as if the Catholic church itself was a model of understanding. Anabaptists were the forerunners of Mennonites, Amish and other pacifistic separatist groups - hardly the violent berserkers depicted in this clip. Finally, the clip ignores the very real schism that separated the Catholic church from the Eastern churches, acting as if the only rift was the Protestant Reformation. The author obviously has a knowledge of history; it's sad that this knowledge was not employed to explain this period a more neutral, accurate way. By the end, antisemitism and conspiracy take over as the narrator makes US "liberalism" appear bad (because no religion controls the government) and lays the blame on tolerance of Judaism and the infiltration of Freemasonry. Never mind that the US was founded on enlightenment principles embodied in Masonic teachings and that many Founders based our government on what they practiced as Masons. If I were grading this, I would give it A for effort and F for accuracy (due primarily to its prejudice).

  • @Enigma11072
    @Enigma11072 Před dnem

    The crusades were truly justified

  • @ward142
    @ward142 Před dnem

    Why does that sound like what's happening now in America!

  • @jamesvanlinden3567

    Robespierre was a cruel tyrant. And he is the sole cause for its destruction. A pure bad seed.

  • @normzemke7824
    @normzemke7824 Před dnem

    Today both Afghanistan and Iran are conducting “inquisitions”, investigations to root out heresy. I can’t imagine anyone in the West calling these Moslem inquisitions as “awesome”, so, I don’t see how the Spanish Inquisition was “awesome”. That said, religions slowly change over time. Centuries ago, most people believed that their religion was the one true faith and no one else will be saved, which lead to human rights abuses. In a pluralistic society, this egocentric belief system simply does not work. For instance, in the US the Christian far right is attempting to force everyone else to abide by their moral code.

  • @Sticks48
    @Sticks48 Před dnem

    This guy is so islamaphobic. In This video hes purposefully making islam and prophet muhhammed (PBUH) seem like the bad guys. Instead of making the people who were in the wrong, the arab warlords who invaded and forced conversion. for the s*ave part, it is not as bad as how the Westerners used s*aves. Prophet Muhhammed made strict laws on s*avery, to the point you cant even hit or punish at all. you cant even sell him. if you want to get rid of the s*ave you must release him.

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      The Arabs started it and conquered all of the Christian lands in Africa, West Asia and Iberia. The Crusades, as an idea, were to retake these lands and free them from Arab rule, don’t play the cheap victim card. If anything, you’re the oppressor here

    • @caucas989
      @caucas989 Před 16 hodinami

      Cry abdool

    • @Sticks48
      @Sticks48 Před 16 hodinami

      @@caucas989 now that you have said "Cry Abdool" it proves your racist aswell. you have agreed with me.

    • @caucas989
      @caucas989 Před 16 hodinami

      @@Sticks48 I'm Moroccan so not sure how I can be "racist" lol

  • @Denokri
    @Denokri Před dnem

    i don't really like Christianity but i find the crusades interesting and love knights

  • @paddybardic7325
    @paddybardic7325 Před dnem

    We need a new crusade!

  • @GaryRayBetz
    @GaryRayBetz Před dnem

    A historically inaccurate video. Merely Catholic propaganda.

  • @ezwrrr
    @ezwrrr Před dnem

    man why does this even exist and most of all, why did i get this recommended to me 😭

  • @lilestojkovicii6618

    Protestants are indeed cringe

  • @rangamurali7667
    @rangamurali7667 Před dnem

    Can America learn from history

  • @citizenb9318
    @citizenb9318 Před dnem

    you should study this with a (how to say it) non "wasp" pov...

  • @citizenb9318
    @citizenb9318 Před dnem

    forgot to mention that the US didn't pay back all the loans... wich caused a bankruptcy... wich caused... etc

  • @Wooden_wheel
    @Wooden_wheel Před dnem

    Bro these Christian mfs still hated on jews making their lifes a lot more difficult. Yiu cannot deny the barbarianism that was brought with the crusaders.

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      It was barbaric in nature, this is Middle Ages Europe. But he’s talking to it as an idea: a response to the persecution of Christians and the reconquest of conquered land by the Arabs

    • @caucas989
      @caucas989 Před 16 hodinami

      Cry jew

  • @curtisnewton895
    @curtisnewton895 Před dnem

    ugh yeah, that "worst than you though" new fucking trend

  • @Tasfiq_park
    @Tasfiq_park Před dnem

    This Video is such A JOKE bro , full of gibberish to defend the horrible acts of the Crusades!

  • @Auditioneere
    @Auditioneere Před dnem

    So both religions were fighting back and forth and both religions were needlessly fighting to conquer lands in the name of the religion they thought was right. So yes, we should keep religion, all religion, out of politics.

  • @novakaizr
    @novakaizr Před dnem

    What a totally honest and non biased video, especially with the subtle jabs at modern secularism. Seriously what a load of shit. Firstly you cite pope Urban as if his writings are not self serving propaganda. Seriously, the man gets a request from the Byzantines that offers to heal the fractures between the churches, and then he uses that situation to unify the Christian kings under the power of the catholic church (the pope). Urban was handed a exploitable situation on a silver platter and used it to increase his own power. It was a brilliant strategic move. Moral? Not so much. Secondly you summarize centuries of history with "Muslims bad". Were a lot of muslim leaders conquerors? Absolutely. Were all muslim leaders conquerors? Absolutely not. Did the muslims mistreat non muslims at some points in history? Absolutely. Did the muslims mistreat non muslims at all points in history? Absolutely not. You also talk about how muslims conquered territories and forcibly converted the population, and while that is true, are we going to pretend that is unique to muslims? Are we going to pretend christians and jews don't have a history of the exact same thing? Read the old testament. A huge amount of time in the jewish holy texts is dedicated to talking about the various tribes and civilizations they wiped out. A huge part of the age of colonization was christians travelling around the world forcibly converting people. Lets also not forget that a major reason pope Urban called the crusade was to stop the christian kings from constantly killing each other. You talk about muslim slavery but let me ask you, who implemented the trans atlantic slave trade? Also are we going to pretend the medieval christian kings treated the peasantry well? Serfdom might not technically be slavery, but it isn't far off. You also talk about how there were muslim pirates. It is true that christian nations did not employ pirates...... they preferred to call them privateers. Remember, its not piracy if you only do it to hostile nations...right? If the crusades truly were so moral, let me ask you, what happened when the crusaders conquered Jerusalem in 1099? Hint: "our men were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles" "None of them were left alive; neither women nor children were spared"

    • @Sticks48
      @Sticks48 Před dnem

      Dont forget that any s*ave couldnt even get hit or forced to do there work in the first place. He even tries to blame islam for greedy empires wrong doings lol

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      I think that the crusades themselves were supposed to be a response to the centuries of aggression by muslims, but then they went so off-shore that the ones who were suffering ended up being the Christians themselves: they sacked Constantinople in the 4th Crusade. And literally look at the Christian and Jewish populations of the Middle East, and read the Quran and Hadiths to see what happened to them. The vast majority of Muslim rulers were just as bad as the Crusades, if not sometimes worse.

    • @novakaizr
      @novakaizr Před 20 hodinami

      @@Sticks48 Lets not whitewash islamic slavery either. That was also bad, it just wasn't as widespread as the video claims, nor was it unique to Islam.

  • @chrisschaeffer9661

    American Ultra Wealthy heads up!! Heads Roll

  • @JamesHolbrook-eh5sp

    A lesson for our times if ever there was.

  • @gbaker1a775
    @gbaker1a775 Před dnem

    Puzzling to me is the people that attack the crusades but are oddly silent on the forced expansion of Islam.

  • @chrisschaeffer9661

    Well. The U.S. Stock Market is doing well but people still Cant Afford Rent. Record business profits and people still cant retire.

  • @JamesHolbrook-eh5sp

    So we're basically looking at the direction of travel of the United States.....

  • @juanvaladez5703
    @juanvaladez5703 Před dnem

    The devil’s revolution. Let all truth be exposed. God is good. 🕊️

  • @popcornfps
    @popcornfps Před dnem

    Reminds me of the U.S. right now

  • @Melo2k7
    @Melo2k7 Před dnem

    After seeing the graph in 2:21 I can't take this seriously. Leaving out the Kingdom of Aksum shows some lack of information.

  • @cyclonemc7915
    @cyclonemc7915 Před dnem

    its not "anatolia" its the Armenian highlands

  • @victorpearce4709
    @victorpearce4709 Před dnem

    Thank God almighty that He raised up courages men and women to stand up against the tyranny and brutality of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope is currently aligned with the WEF in which the next NWO will arise and we all know who will ultimately sit at the head of that. The son of perdition, the Anti-Christ

    • @lilestojkovicii6618
      @lilestojkovicii6618 Před dnem

      "Roman" "Catholic" church he praises is neither Roman nor Catholic It is a breakaway patriarchate lead by illegitimate bishop of Rome for centuries True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic church used to be in Constantinople Nowadays it's almost extinct ... The Roman emperor is the only one who can appoint the bishop of Rome since the times of Constantine

  • @henrylimnyuy3195
    @henrylimnyuy3195 Před dnem

    The bottom line is the catholic church founded by Jesus, with its human and divine nature had its holiness reputation tainted by sinful Christian and God with his infinite wisdom used the protestant reformation which opened a door for so many evil to clean the catholic church. I believe God aloud it so that the catholic church will become clean again. It's not about how many people believing in the catholic, its about the church being consistent in its holiness. Judas sin and left, Peter sinned left and came back to the church but the catholic church stayed the same. It is the mystical body of Christ , its better to have the church holy with one member than to have the whole world come to an unholy church. We saw how everybody denied the truth of Jesus saying unless you eat the body and drink the blood you have no life in you. Than for Jesus to change that truth just to have people follow him, he prefered to have one follower or no follower with the truth still in tacked. Today the holy Eucharist is still denied and replaced with rock bans, public speaker, comedian with the bible in hand claiming they are churches with contrary and contradictory views on what the mystical body of christ is. It happened 2000years ago. SOME say u are Elijah other say you are John the Baptis and on and on and on. Confusion on Who Christ is in his human form, Confusion on who Christ is in his mystical form. Pray for your protestant brothers and sisters. Most of them learned about Catholicism from their pastors who know little about the faith. But most importantly Let uphold our catholic sacraments and struggle to b holy. Because our holiness reveals the holiness of Christ in the catholic church with the fullness of truth. I love the catholic faith but if I was born a protestant, I would even take the catholic church to court thinking its evil meanwhile its evil people making the church evil and causing pastors and theologians to make generations hating on the catholic church 😊

  • @rustypowers5316
    @rustypowers5316 Před dnem

    This video wants to be fair to the Christian side. Yet when talking about Islam taking slaves and treating others as 2nd class citizens when Christianity literally did the exact same thing. The Bible literally has passages on how to treat your slaves. In addition Islam did nothing to make Armina unliveable. The people who sacked Armenia did. You didn't mentioned weather or not the war was about religion or just another conquest that happened consistently by every single kingdom no matter what religion in that time period. Plus on the topic of making Anatolia Islam by force. Yes they did do this. So did the Christians. You ever heard of English Paganism? It was assimilated and destroyed by Christianity. Also the third point of threats to France Italy and Anatolia. You could argue the Arabian Muslims were scared and were united by religion to defeat the Christians persecuting them in nearby lands. Do you see how quickly these arguments fall apart when you release that everything your saying was done by the Christians. Yes what the Islamic kingdoms did while they enslaved and murdered was bad however it wasn't because they were Islamic but rather it was just what literally everyone did at that time including Christianity and Christian kingdoms. The crusades were about a Pope trying to gain a legacy and murdering and pillaging the holy land in order to gain it's vast wealth. Also for your so called ''Catholism achieved what hundreds of religions and ideologies could not' The literal thing you talked about at the beginning was Islam coming together and making their civilisations and spreading their religion. You talk about another religion performing this before the crusades even begun. Ideology has also done this many times before with Unification of countries such as England and Greece who strived together in response to a greater threat (e.g. Alexander the Great's father and then him uniting against the Persian threat). Also the crusades did not 'often come out on top' If we going by just what historians refer to as [insert number] crusades there was literally only one success and that was the first one. I learnt that in year 7 history class dude. Don't just lie. The modern system demonises crusades because they deserve to be. They were a force of Christians will one goal. Go to the holy land and pillage and kill all who aren't Christian. That not a force of good that is a force of genocide.

  • @quaterman1270
    @quaterman1270 Před dnem

    You can say whatever you want but you can not ignore the fact that satan has something to do with the fact that christianity is depicted as evil, while all the unimaginable islamic atrocities are simpy ignored. An example of nowadays is that in Europe, Muslim send their children to kill their sisters. It's called honor murder. And not one country made laws against it. They just let the children go because they are not old enough to get procecuted. They let poeple die and don't do anything against it, because it could be discrimination. Ridiculous and evil.

  • @quaterman1270
    @quaterman1270 Před dnem

    It's a disgrace and an unimagine evil act that throughouth all the movies, books and series, the crusades are depicted as something evil. You see the bad crusaders and the good muslim. The Muslim invaded countless christian countries, murdered, raped and enslaved whole populations. The Crusade started only after 400 years of muslim aggression and if they have not done that, we would now all live in a 3rd wolrd culture where some guys have hundres of wifes and everything is about hate and murder. We should pray for them and thank them that they scrifeced their lifes for our freedom and future!

  • @idkwhattowritedownhere

    14 minutes of yapping and defending genocide

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      How? I mean, the idea of a Crusade was a good idea, but it just drifted so off course. The 4th Crusade literally just sacked Constantinople, and the ones who suffered the Crusades became the Christians of Eastern Rome.

  • @Gio-ce8ob
    @Gio-ce8ob Před dnem

    I truly appreciate videos like these. Most don’t understand the context of history ands what actually happened

  • @josiahbaker8339
    @josiahbaker8339 Před 2 dny

    Do you just make videos without researching? First ten minutes it's easy to find a lot of misleading or wrong statements. It's almost like a christian wanting to rewrite history to fit their narrative.

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      How so? The Muslims did spread by conquest, didn’t they?

  • @hero4963
    @hero4963 Před 2 dny

    How to know the person making this video dont know anything about the crusades says Jihad is a holy war😂😂😂😂😂 go learn what Jihad means like i know your salty your little crusades were an epic fail but repeating misinformation and lies to gain some views lol

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      Still doesn’t disprove the fact that Islam was spread by conquest, and was started by a conqueror.

  • @Jmjmjmjmjmjmjmjmjmjmjm1

    This channel is propaganda

  • @faustomadebr
    @faustomadebr Před 2 dny

    Jesus gave His life to save us and set the example. Christians were killed by romans untill 313, them we spread peacefully. Then came the muslims. After 1000 years of peacefully spreading the gospel and 400 years of muslims attacks, we had to fight back.

  • @bryceanderson640
    @bryceanderson640 Před 2 dny

    Also note, the Christians pointlessly killed thousands of armless Jews….thats not very awesome

    • @frixxer87
      @frixxer87 Před dnem

      And then when they sacked Constantinople, they just wanted to have fun I guess.