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How Riot Phreak Ruined His Reputation
Riot Phreak (David Turley) was with League of Legends from the very beginning - and was once one of the most beloved members of the League of Legends community. His iconic casting and champion spotlights are part of League of Legends history as we know it. But after retiring from casting and moving on to become a game developer, Riot Phreak's reputation with the community has tanked to say the least. THIS is how Riot Phreak Ruined His Reputation With the League of Legends community.
Editor DC : beemo2794
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  • @commandershepard6241
    @commandershepard6241 Před 13 minutami

    So he's the one to blame for Briar getting nerfed over and over again because people can't land an ability on a champion that walks in a straight line 80% of the time while yone and yasuo get away with everything. Yeah i don't need any more reasons to hate him

  • @JeffroZethro
    @JeffroZethro Před hodinou

    he really should have stayed a caster, he truly excelled at it. Seems to be a better fit for him as a person as well, especially compared to his current role

  • @diomio-ri2vo
    @diomio-ri2vo Před 2 hodinami

    lol you went over two old champions one of which wasnt very old

  • @kril859
    @kril859 Před 5 hodinami

    Shaclone is what he wishes to other players

  • @solacesalvatore1079
    @solacesalvatore1079 Před 6 hodinami

    Janna Rework Abused by Phreak to get his first Master ever in s13

  • @PaPajimWoW
    @PaPajimWoW Před 10 hodinami

    bro only talked about the new twisted treeline

  • @elleeVee
    @elleeVee Před 10 hodinami

    you used to be able to say actual slurs ingame and no one would bat an eye, shit was crazy

  • @annoyingsmuganimeavatar7229
    @annoyingsmuganimeavatar7229 Před 12 hodinami

    i hate these overedited videos

  • @QuazarFC
    @QuazarFC Před 14 hodinami

    His life savings??? Prove that

  • @QuazarFC
    @QuazarFC Před 14 hodinami

    It's not easy flipping the switch and making different content. You were spot on the ban unleashing a new era of T1 contentb(by force), but he still hits 15k average live views nowadays.

  • @QuazarFC
    @QuazarFC Před 14 hodinami

    Lmao! Scarra gosu 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 someones a hater of real entertainers

  • @QuazarFC
    @QuazarFC Před 14 hodinami

    why do all these people pretend Riot is NOT notorious for crazy changes. Lets just keep playing that same crappy game with horrible graphics back in 2009 instead yea?? No! Thats the beauty of League of Legends, the only MoBa constantly evolving. Trial and error, calm down everyone its going to be OK

  • @davidgatimu2905
    @davidgatimu2905 Před 15 hodinami

    14 minute long video, just to say that he made himself the face of the balance team, and he doesn't have good PR sense🤷‍♂

  • @enriqueesteve70
    @enriqueesteve70 Před 18 hodinami

    Who remembers 1v1 gamemode in aram think it was during the Christmas event

  • @GeninGeo
    @GeninGeo Před 18 hodinami

    T1 walks into dash range of a melee fighter "how does he do more damage than me"

    • @GeninGeo
      @GeninGeo Před 18 hodinami

      To be fair i never liked caster phreaks shit takes.

  • @PagingDoctorGuy
    @PagingDoctorGuy Před 21 hodinou

    Tyler1 wrecked this guy and he never recovered from it

  • @grayblood2419
    @grayblood2419 Před 22 hodinami

    It's epic to pretend like the loud minority and their cancer streamers speak for the whole community lols.

  • @Houko2k
    @Houko2k Před 23 hodinami

    I think the real turning point when people started to hate Phreak was during MSI when rumble jungle was broken. He went on stream saying it was bad as a jungler even tho it was basically the best jungler in the game at the time. Then justified his argument with MSI data saying it wasnt even 50% win rate while removing the wins the pick had with the best team at MSI saying they were just gonna win anyway regardless of rumble. Of course community lost their shit on this especially cuz everyone wanted the champ nerfed. And he was adamant he was right but next patch they nerfed rumble jungle and Phreak never admitted he was wrong.

  • @jacobcannon8876
    @jacobcannon8876 Před 23 hodinami

    The fuck is wrong with the audio on this, constantly bouncing between quiet and loud

  • @jsjokestyler7784
    @jsjokestyler7784 Před 23 hodinami

    Not the OG twisted treeline map, Sadge

  • @brotendo
    @brotendo Před 23 hodinami

    The dude is unlikeable, sure, but is this the first time League players have complained about balance changes? Is this the first time League players have complained about anything? Lmao. They just have an individual to blame it all on now, but nothing's changed.

  • @Nick-Kcin
    @Nick-Kcin Před dnem

    more adc buffs and nerf everyone else also nerf singed out of the game directly and indirectly thats why i hate this clown

  • @MemeAdicction
    @MemeAdicction Před dnem

    I think you missed a very key factor, the catalyst for the hate he is receiving and it isn't the bad balance changes they were a part, but the main one was his bad responses, condescending responses, not addressing anything, not listening to the community in general, etc. Most ppl expected since he was a community figure he will be very willing to listen to the community and be the bridge between devs and the community. Even tho he didn't met any of the community expectation, he destroyed his own reputations with the bad social management he had, ppl will disagree and so on, but you have 0 excuse for the bad responses and condescending responses he gave since day one.

  • @mis8866
    @mis8866 Před dnem

    Yeah letting a guy who thinks ADC is underpowered every season be on the balance team was a fucking horrible idea. I must be the only ADC main in the world who thinks my role is actually the most busted out of the 5. Literally do nothing but fight squishys in bot side of map, just farm, get 2 items and run down the entire enemy team. Every other adc main ive ever talked to, crying about mid and jungle and top, meanwhile ADC the only CLASS of champion in the game that can actively play in all 5 roles and its not inting. But nah. ADC is underpowered apparently lmfao.

  • @tomtom2052
    @tomtom2052 Před dnem

    his egirls videos are the best amd most fun league content. kutiekitten and alyri goated

  • @samuelcavalcanti3345

    His "i dont get to decide what gets buffed or not" phrase back in patch 13.10 doesnt apply anymore. Since hes the head of balance team, he has already stated in some patch breakdown that every change goes through him, and he effectively chooses what to PASS and what to NOT pass, so in a way he DOES decide what changes the game gets (or at least MOST of them).

  • @Thepupps5
    @Thepupps5 Před dnem

    My goat. He doesn't deal with the toxic shit. The amount of work and content he does for league is near unmatched. I know what type of people hate him. Same ones to type shit in league

  • @f34r0r
    @f34r0r Před dnem

    Imagine the lashout if Phreak patches the game so you can't play if you never touched a woman other than your mother 💀

  • @AntiT42
    @AntiT42 Před dnem

    He deserves every bit of it and then more, the "balance" team deserves worse than the worst the community said

  • @XshadowXkhanX
    @XshadowXkhanX Před dnem

    Maaaaan i miss phreak's champion spotlights :/

  • @PongLenis-zw8kv
    @PongLenis-zw8kv Před dnem

    Its called football bro. FOOTBALL

  • @bomss2
    @bomss2 Před dnem


  • @tellmewhenitsover
    @tellmewhenitsover Před dnem

    I thought everyone always hated Phreak, because he has always acted like one of those guys who gets pleasure out of being a dick/smart ass to people.

  • @NycroLP
    @NycroLP Před dnem

    Always knew the league community is full of angry addcits but i didnt know it was this bad. Those people are sad.

  • @storeblaa
    @storeblaa Před dnem

    No wonder this man gets bitter with this community, haven't played in so long I didn't even know this was a thing. Thought he was in some actual bad stuff

  • @henrymeere6374
    @henrymeere6374 Před dnem

    Phreak is a clone from ghostcrawler

  • @Sirvix_Assassin_1991

    I'm a big fan

  • @patrickschwartz6961

    phreaks hate is undeserved.. first off players do not understand balance.. they will nerf whatever matchup is hard for their main roster if they had the chance. and the idea of phreak being targeted because he is (mean) is just dumb.. who started with all the negativity? Community or Phreak? we all know the answer to that. but as always league players DO NOT take accountability x)

    • @Thepupps5
      @Thepupps5 Před dnem

      easy answer but these videos make LOL players think they are not the problem.,

  • @foxg1ven
    @foxg1ven Před dnem

    Tbh it’s similar to Bunnyfufu 😅 I can’t watch both anymore.

  • @indigostorm7320
    @indigostorm7320 Před dnem

    wow who wouldve guessed that being a piece of shit would get you hated WOW

  • @dlgprodz.4797
    @dlgprodz.4797 Před dnem

    God i miss the dominion hide n seek

  • @fillphd
    @fillphd Před dnem

    wait, people actually used to like Phreak's casting?

  • @Salazareo
    @Salazareo Před dnem

    Imagine sending death threats over a game… go touch grass folks

  • @arsenicwafers7536
    @arsenicwafers7536 Před dnem

    Didn’t he nerf Evelynn into the ground after losing to her in a masters game?

  • @VTsimpingSan
    @VTsimpingSan Před dnem

    After not playing for months, and uninstalling today, I’m sad to see how things have been turning out.

  • @G1ingy
    @G1ingy Před dnem

    Wait...what the ****? What the actual **** why did they change Pings so that only the pinger can see them? What the actual **** is the point of pings anymore?!

  • @davo4074
    @davo4074 Před dnem

    phreak at the start looking young and fresh now his hair is turning grey within a mere decade, yeah league does that to you alright.

  • @entitledindustries9135

    your title is clickbait garbage. i expected to hear about something wild he did, and what i do see? fuckin'...bad balance changes and sassy comebacks to unhinged personal attacks over them? woooaahhh...such a betrayal...for fuck's sake.

  • @StolenKiss
    @StolenKiss Před dnem

    I hope he GP Qs himself soon. Would help adc players climb quicker

  • @DavianLicanius
    @DavianLicanius Před dnem

    I mean I'm kinda siding with Phreak seeing him get death threats and "professional streamers" scream like literal children over changes he made.