老友记美食LaoYou Ji【Amazing Food】
老友记美食LaoYou Ji【Amazing Food】
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Summer is coming, making delicious egg fried rice and sweet red sugar tea, simple and easy to learn
Egg fried rice is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish. Here is a common recipe for egg fried rice:
** Material Preparation: **
1. Rice: It is best to use overnight rice, because it is dry and not easy to lump.
2. Eggs: 2-3, adjusted according to personal preference and number of people.
3. Shallot: Just enough, cut into scallions.
4. Salt: In moderation, to taste.
5. White pepper: A little to add flavor.
6. Soy sauce: appropriate amount, add color and flavor to the meal.
7. Cooking oil: appropriate amount, for cooking.
8. Other ingredients (optional) : diced ham, peas, carrots, etc.
** Production steps: **
1. Prepare the ingredients: Beat the eggs and set aside. Wash the shallots and cut into scallions. If other ingredients are used, they should also be prepared in advance.
2. Heat the pan to cool the oil: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan and heat it over medium heat until the oil temperature is moderate.
3. Scrambled eggs: Pour the beaten egg liquid into the pan, quickly stir fry into small pieces, fry until basically set, set aside.
4. Fried rice: Add a little cooking oil to the pot, pour the overnight rice into the pot, press the rice ball with a shovel, make the rice evenly heated, fry until the rice is dry.
5. Add ingredients: Add the other ingredients prepared before (such as diced ham, diced vegetables) to the pot, stir together with the rice.
6. Seasoning: Sprinkle with salt, white pepper and soy sauce to taste, and continue to stir until the seasoning is evenly coated on the rice.
7. Add eggs and scallions: Return the scrambled egg cubes and most of the scallions to the pan and stir quickly a few times to combine the eggs and scallions with the rice.
8. Put the pan on the plate: After all the ingredients are stir-fried evenly, turn off the heat and put the egg fried rice on the plate.
9. Garnish: Sprinkle the remaining chopped green onion on top of the egg fried rice for garnish.
10. Enjoy: Now your egg fried rice is ready to enjoy蛋炒饭是一道简单又美味的家常菜,以下是一种常见的蛋炒饭做法:
1. 米饭:最好使用隔夜饭,因为较干爽不易结块。
2. 鸡蛋:2-3个,根据个人喜好和人数调整。
3. 青葱:适量,切成葱花。
4. 盐:适量,用于调味。
5. 白胡椒粉:少许,增加风味。
6. 酱油:适量,为饭菜增色增味。
7. 食用油:适量,用于炒菜。
8. 其他配料(可选):如火腿、豌豆、胡萝卜等切丁。
1. 准备食材:将鸡蛋打散备用,青葱洗净后切成葱花。如果使用其他配料,也需提前准备好。
2. 热锅凉油:在锅中加入适量的食用油,用中火加热至油温适中。
3. 炒蛋:将打散的鸡蛋液倒入锅中,快速翻炒成小块状,炒至基本凝固后盛出备用。
4. 炒饭:在锅中再加入少许食用油,将隔夜饭倒入锅中,用铲子压散饭团,使米饭均匀受热,炒至饭粒干爽。
5. 加配料:将之前准备好的其他配料(如火腿丁、蔬菜丁)加入锅中,与米饭一起翻炒均匀。
6. 调味:撒入适量的盐、白胡椒粉和酱油进行调味,继续翻炒使调味料均匀裹在饭粒上。
7. 加蛋和葱花:将之前炒好的蛋块和大部分葱花倒回锅中,快速翻炒几下,让蛋和葱花与饭混合。
8. 出锅装盘:待所有食材翻炒均匀后,即可关火,将蛋炒饭盛出装盘。
9. 装饰:在蛋炒饭表面撒上剩余的葱花作为装饰。
10. 享用:现在你的蛋炒饭就做好了,可以享用这道色香味俱佳的美食了!
1. 炒饭时火候不宜太小,否则饭容易出水变软。
2. 可以根据个人口味添加一些蚝油或者香油提鲜。
3. 如果喜欢更加丰富的口感,可以在炒饭前先炒制一些肉丝或海鲜等搭配。
zhlédnutí: 237


Delicious spicy soup, nutritious, good to drink and easy to learn|极品美味胡辣汤,营养丰富,好喝易学,一次能喝很多碗
zhlédnutí 29Před 14 hodinami
Hu Spicy soup is a traditional breakfast soup popular in north China, especially in Henan province. It is characterized by delicious taste, spicy rich, nutritious. Here is a basic recipe for hulai soup: Material: - Beef or lamb: 200g (choose according to personal preference, sliced or small pieces) - Flour: Moderate - Egg: 1 - Stock or water: about 1500 ml - Green vegetables (such as cabbage, s...
Delicious dry pot prawns, home style, easy to learn, can eat a big bowl|极品美味干锅大虾,家常做法,简单易学,一次能吃一大碗
zhlédnutí 128Před 21 hodinou
Dried prawns are a very popular Chinese dish, characterized by their tangy flavor and attractive color. Here are the basic steps for making dried prawns: 【 Material 】 - 500 grams of prawns - One green and one red pepper - Garlic cloves - A small piece of ginger - A spring onion - Dried chilli in moderation - A handful of peppercorns - 1 TBSP bean paste - Light soy sauce - Cooking wine in modera...
Home sweet and sour spare ribs, easy to learn, sweet and sour refreshing|家常糖醋排骨,简单易学,酸甜爽口,非常美味
zhlédnutí 650Před dnem
Sweet and sour spare ribs is a very popular Chinese dish, which is characterized by delicious sour and sweet, and bright red color. Here is a common recipe for sweet and sour ribs: Material preparation 1. Ribs 500g 2. Ginger A small piece 3. Garlic Several cloves 4. Green and red pepper (optional) Appropriate amount 5. Scallions white part appropriate 6. Cooking oil appropriate amount 7. Salt l...
The best Chinese pasta, delicious and easy to learn, can eat a big bowl at a time|极品中式意面,好吃易学,营养丰富
zhlédnutí 37Před 14 dny
Chow mein is a quick and easy dish popular all over China. Here is a basic chow mein recipe: Material: 1. Proper amount of noodles (dry or fresh) 2. Appropriate amount of green vegetables (such as Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, green peppers, etc. 3. Shredded meat (pork, chicken or beef, according to personal preference) 4. Minced garlic and ginger 5. A few scallions 6. Appropriate amount of so...
Delicious potato homely practice, simple and easy to learn, delicious |美味土豆家常做法,简单易学,好吃不贵,根本吃不够
zhlédnutí 64Před 14 dny
Potato eyebrow beans (also known as green beans) are a simple home cooked dish, and the following is a common way to make them: 1. Prepare materials 1. Potatoes : Choose 2-3 medium sized potatoes, wash and peel them, cut them into slices or strips about 0.5 cm thick, adjust according to personal preference. 2. Eyebrow beans : Buy about 200 grams of eyebrow beans, clean them, remove both ends an...
Stir-fried delicious chicken breast, delicious home-cooked dishes,|爆炒美味鸡胸肉,美味家常菜,肉质鲜嫩,一口爆汁,好吃不贵,简单易学
zhlédnutí 99Před 14 dny
Stir-fried chicken breast with edamame is a simple and healthy home-cooked dish, and here's a basic way to do it: 1. Material preparation - Fresh edamame : Choose fresh, bright green edamame and avoid yellowing or spotty skin. About 200 grams is usually enough for two adults. - Chicken breast : Choose a firm, odorless chicken breast, fresh chicken should be pale pink. About 200 grams of chicken...
Don't Cook An Egg Until You Watch This Video,Make Perfect Eggs Every Time With Sohla|超级美味的鸡蛋粉皮,简单易学
zhlédnutí 173Před 14 dny
Egg stew is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish, the main raw materials are eggs and powder, through the braising way to make the powder absorb the umami flavor of the soup, while the egg increases the rich taste of the dish. Here's how to make one egg crust: 1. Prepare materials - Eggs 3 - Skin 200g (Choose sweet potato skin or mung bean skin according to personal preference) - Appropriate...
Hot sauce beef, fire cooking, spicy and delicious, easy to learn,try it|火爆酱牛肉,烈火烹饪,香辣可口,简单易学,快来尝试吧
zhlédnutí 4Před 14 dny
Stir-fried beef with soy sauce is a very popular Chinese dish, the key lies in the pickling of beef and the preparation of sauce. Here are the basic steps for making stir-fried beef: Material preparation: 1. Beef (sirloin or brisket recommended) : 300g 2. Garlic: 3 cloves 3. Ginger: A small piece 4. Spring onion: 1 5. Green pepper: 1 6. Red pepper: 1 7. Bean paste: 1 tablespoon 8. Light soy sau...
Chili fried sausage, hot, super delicious, easy to do, come and taste|辣椒炒腊肠,火辣十足,超级美味,做法简单,快来一起品尝
zhlédnutí 46Před 21 dnem
Stir-fried sausage is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish. Here's how to make it: Material preparation: 1. Sausage: 2-3 sticks (adjust according to personal taste and number of people) 2. Green and red pepper: 1 each (you can also choose other favorite vegetables such as Onions, carrots, etc.) 3. Minced garlic: Moderate 4. Light soy sauce (soy sauce) : 1-2 TSP 5. Dark soy sauce: 1/2 TSP (op...
Chili stir-fried pork head, fresh and refreshing, delicate meat|辣椒炒猪头肉,鲜香爽口,肉质细腻,做法简单,快来一起学着做【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 219Před 21 dnem
Stir-fried pork head with chili peppers is a delicious home-cooked dish that is prepared as follows: 【 Material 】 1. Pig head: 500g (cooked in advance, sliced) 2. Green and red pepper: appropriate amount of each (shred or cut in circles) 3. Garlic: Several cloves (sliced) 4. Ginger: A small piece (sliced) 5. Spring onion: appropriate amount (cut into sections) 6. Soy sauce: 1-2 TBSP 7. Cooking ...
Summer must taste the food, spicy cold powder, fresh and refreshing, simple|夏季必须品尝的美食,辣调凉粉,清新爽口,做法简单
zhlédnutí 46Před 21 dnem
Summer must taste the food, spicy cold powder, fresh and refreshing, simple|夏季必须品尝的美食,辣调凉粉,清新爽口,做法简单
Jadeite vegetable balls, green soft tender, soft and delicious, simple|翡翠蔬菜丸子,翠绿软嫩,松软可口,做法简单,好吃易上手
zhlédnutí 18Před 21 dnem
Jadeite vegetable balls, green soft tender, soft and delicious, simple|翡翠蔬菜丸子,翠绿软嫩,松软可口,做法简单,好吃易上手
One of the best soups in the world,Silky egg soup, delicious and easy to make|丝滑细腻鸡蛋汤,好喝美味,做法容易【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 31Před 21 dnem
One of the best soups in the world,Silky egg soup, delicious and easy to make|丝滑细腻鸡蛋汤,好喝美味,做法容易【LYJ】
Soul egg fried rice, rich ingredients, excellent taste, simple|灵魂蛋炒饭,食材丰富,口感极佳,做法简单【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 266Před 28 dny
Soul egg fried rice, rich ingredients, excellent taste, simple|灵魂蛋炒饭,食材丰富,口感极佳,做法简单【LYJ】
Home-cooked delicious: An easy and delicious recipe for minced eggplant"|家常美味:肉沫茄子的简易美味做法【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 1,7KPřed 28 dny
Home-cooked delicious: An easy and delicious recipe for minced eggplant"|家常美味:肉沫茄子的简易美味做法【LYJ】
Scrambled eggs with green pepper, delicious and inexpensive, simple and easy to learn|青椒炒鸡蛋,好吃不贵简单易学
zhlédnutí 141Před měsícem
Scrambled eggs with green pepper, delicious and inexpensive, simple and easy to learn|青椒炒鸡蛋,好吃不贵简单易学
Fried pork slices with bamboo shoots, crispy and delicious, spicy acid cool|竹笋炒肉片,香脆可口,麻辣酸爽,回味无穷
zhlédnutí 78Před měsícem
Fried pork slices with bamboo shoots, crispy and delicious, spicy acid cool|竹笋炒肉片,香脆可口,麻辣酸爽,回味无穷
Hand-torn cabbage, vinegar sour and hot, crisp and refreshing, easy to learn|手撕包菜,醋溜酸辣,清脆爽口,简单易学
zhlédnutí 235Před měsícem
Hand-torn cabbage, vinegar sour and hot, crisp and refreshing, easy to learn|手撕包菜,醋溜酸辣,清脆爽口,简单易学
Spicy stir-fried meat, hot and sour, delicious and easy to do, delicious|风味辣椒炒肉,酸辣爽口,好吃易做,美味无比【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 116Před měsícem
Spicy stir-fried meat, hot and sour, delicious and easy to do, delicious|风味辣椒炒肉,酸辣爽口,好吃易做,美味无比【LYJ】
The temptation of instant noodles, rich ingredients, simple practice|泡面的诱惑,食材丰富,一口香晕,好吃不贵,做法简单【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 73Před měsícem
The temptation of instant noodles, rich ingredients, simple practice|泡面的诱惑,食材丰富,一口香晕,好吃不贵,做法简单【LYJ】
Home tomatoes and eggs, fresh and attractive, simple, come and learn to do together|家常西红柿鸡蛋,鲜香诱人做法简单
zhlédnutí 286Před měsícem
Home tomatoes and eggs, fresh and attractive, simple, come and learn to do together|家常西红柿鸡蛋,鲜香诱人做法简单
Delicious soup, nutritious, good to drink not tired, easy to use, come |美味汤羹,营养丰富 ,好喝不腻,简单上手,快来一起做吧。
zhlédnutí 342Před měsícem
Delicious soup, nutritious, good to drink not tired, easy to use, come |美味汤羹,营养丰富 ,好喝不腻,简单上手,快来一起做吧。
Tomato and egg soup, fresh and fragrant smooth, simple, homely soup|西红柿鸡蛋汤,鲜嫩香滑,做法简单,家常汤羹。【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 189Před měsícem
Tomato and egg soup, fresh and fragrant smooth, simple, homely soup|西红柿鸡蛋汤,鲜嫩香滑,做法简单,家常汤羹。【LYJ】
Home style ham, spicy and fragrant, endless aftertaste, simple practice|家常火腿做法,麻辣鲜香,回味无穷,做法简单【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 111Před měsícem
Home style ham, spicy and fragrant, endless aftertaste, simple practice|家常火腿做法,麻辣鲜香,回味无穷,做法简单【LYJ】
Onion shortcake tutorial, simple practice, layers of crisp, the whole small skills|葱油酥饼教程,做法简单,层层酥脆
zhlédnutí 729Před měsícem
Onion shortcake tutorial, simple practice, layers of crisp, the whole small skills|葱油酥饼教程,做法简单,层层酥脆
Spicy fried clam, spicy ,one bite,super next meal, home cooking|辣炒花蛤,正宗青岛小海鲜,麻辣鲜香,一口一个,超级下饭,家常料理
zhlédnutí 49Před měsícem
Spicy fried clam, spicy ,one bite,super next meal, home cooking|辣炒花蛤,正宗青岛小海鲜,麻辣鲜香,一口一个,超级下饭,家常料理
Delicious, green and healthy, simple, home-cooked broccoli recipe|人间美味,绿色健康,做法简单,家常小炒西兰花的秘诀做法
zhlédnutí 27Před měsícem
Delicious, green and healthy, simple, home-cooked broccoli recipe|人间美味,绿色健康,做法简单,家常小炒西兰花的秘诀做法
Hot and sour potato shreds, crisp sweet and delicious, simple practice,|酸辣土豆丝,脆甜可口,做法简单,一学就会【LYJ】
zhlédnutí 222Před měsícem
Hot and sour potato shreds, crisp sweet and delicious, simple practice,|酸辣土豆丝,脆甜可口,做法简单,一学就会【LYJ】
The secret recipe of spicy crayfish will definitely give you an appetite |麻辣小龙虾的秘制做法,绝对让你食欲大开,回味无穷。
zhlédnutí 39Před měsícem
The secret recipe of spicy crayfish will definitely give you an appetite |麻辣小龙虾的秘制做法,绝对让你食欲大开,回味无穷。


  • @mylittlethought6245
    @mylittlethought6245 Před 18 hodinami

    Looks so delicious👌👌👌

  • @muzadil0
    @muzadil0 Před 16 dny

    Ютуб спасибо за рекомендацию, сохраню себе этот рецепт. Чтобы познакомиться с кухней и культурой другой страны.

  • @Anucookingpassion
    @Anucookingpassion Před 22 dny

    Looks so delicious 😋😋👌thanks for sharing 🙏👍🎉

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před 22 dny

      Thank you for your evaluation.😊😊😊

  • @sergeyosinkin2901
    @sergeyosinkin2901 Před 26 dny

    Wow!!!!!!! 😋 Super! 💝 Like! 👍

  • @Baking915
    @Baking915 Před měsícem

    Looks pleasing ❤❤

  • @Baking915
    @Baking915 Před měsícem

    Mmm yummy

  • @Baking915
    @Baking915 Před měsícem

    Looks delicious ❤❤

  • @biruktawitassebe9647
    @biruktawitassebe9647 Před měsícem

    You took a lot of my time to get to the point

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před měsícem

      Thank you for your reminding, I will improve immediately😊

  • @Jennifer-qo4kz
    @Jennifer-qo4kz Před měsícem

    I love broccoli!👍🏻 Thank you for showing your way to cook it. Looks delicious

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před měsícem

      Thanks for watching, I will share more food tutorials in the future❤❤

  • @escarletDeleon-ct9gi
    @escarletDeleon-ct9gi Před měsícem

    This has 0 comments🤣🤣🤣.But Imma start the conversation bc I'm nice

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před měsícem

      Thank you very much, I think, you must be a kind person😊😊😊

  • @user-yb1nj2gc7x
    @user-yb1nj2gc7x Před měsícem


  • @user-iw3ph8rs2u
    @user-iw3ph8rs2u Před měsícem

    Y que se supone que estába asiendo

  • @angellee9307
    @angellee9307 Před měsícem

    Only from Han n VON! ❤

  • @Journal2Awakening
    @Journal2Awakening Před 2 měsíci

    The dirty trash on the ground!

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před 2 měsíci

      To explain to you: this rally is held once a year, the flow of people is very large, only when it is held to allow garbage, after the rally, the ground will be cleaned very clean

  • @user-hh5gl5gs2o
    @user-hh5gl5gs2o Před 2 měsíci

    Work smart 😂

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před 2 měsíci

      This is featured artificial intelligence🤣

  • @bruce5563
    @bruce5563 Před 2 měsíci

    That's one way of getting it out

  • @Mali-pg5rv
    @Mali-pg5rv Před 2 měsíci

    ฉันไม่มีวันที่จะซื้อมะพร้าวเจาะแบบนี้มากิน​ เพราะมันหนัก​ สกปรก​ และกินเนื้อไม่ได้

  • @anushkabhoyar
    @anushkabhoyar Před 2 měsíci

    Just wow

  • @projectzorgo4310
    @projectzorgo4310 Před 2 měsíci


  • @user-ke2un2xn7u
    @user-ke2un2xn7u Před 3 měsíci

    Что он готовит

  • @user-kl4jt4jj4m
    @user-kl4jt4jj4m Před 5 měsíci


  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 5 měsíci

    ❤i like you video

  • @Denis7725
    @Denis7725 Před 5 měsíci

    Она и так руками гнется

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před 5 měsíci

      Ты был особенно прав, когда сказал, что ты умный❤

  • @user-ph4en6qp6o
    @user-ph4en6qp6o Před 5 měsíci

    Зачем столько газа и кислорода тратить что бы согнуть арматуру👎

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před 5 měsíci

      Спасибо за вопрос, на который я отвечу, изогнув арматуру газом и кислородом, изогнув её, изогнутую арматуру, которая могла бы исправить количество поврежденных автомобилей с помощью изогнутой арматуры, которая могла бы восстановить старые объекты, сохранив ресурсы и защищая экологическую среду😊😊😊

  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 5 měsíci


  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 5 měsíci


  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 5 měsíci

    wa,it looks so delocious❤

  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 5 měsíci


  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před 9 měsíci

    so cool

  • @LaoYouJi1949
    @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem


  • @David_996
    @David_996 Před rokem


  • @LaoYouJi1949
    @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem


  • @LaoYouJi1949
    @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem


  • @LaoYouJi1949
    @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem


  • @LaoYouJi1949
    @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem


  • @MadisonNguyen-yo8he

    I love pandas!!❤❤🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

  • @DemonEyeHelix
    @DemonEyeHelix Před rokem

    That first one was not funny at all... poor guy probably had to go to the hospital for a concussion or worse...

    • @LaoYouJi1949
      @LaoYouJi1949 Před rokem

      You're right. This is a serious accident for him