Delicious spicy soup, nutritious, good to drink and easy to learn|极品美味胡辣汤,营养丰富,好喝易学,一次能喝很多碗

  • čas přidán 18. 06. 2024
  • Hu Spicy soup is a traditional breakfast soup popular in north China, especially in Henan province. It is characterized by delicious taste, spicy rich, nutritious. Here is a basic recipe for hulai soup:
    - Beef or lamb: 200g (choose according to personal preference, sliced or small pieces)
    - Flour: Moderate
    - Egg: 1
    - Stock or water: about 1500 ml
    - Green vegetables (such as cabbage, spinach, etc.) : moderate
    - Tofu skin/shredded tofu: Appropriate
    - Fans: Just the right amount
    - Coriander: a little
    - Green onion: a few
    - Minced ginger: a little
    - Minced garlic: a little
    - Paprika: Moderate
    - Ground pepper: Moderate
    - Pepper: To taste
    - Salt: Moderate
    - Soy sauce: Moderate
    - Cooking wine: moderate
    - Chicken essence or MSG: a little
    How to do:
    1. Prepare stock: If you do not have a stock readily available, you can replace it with water, but the stock will make the hulai soup more delicious.
    2. Marinate the meat slices with cooking wine, salt, pepper and a little soy sauce to add flavor to the meat.
    3. Add enough oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, fry the marinated meat slices quickly until they change color. Remove and set aside.
    4. Leave a little oil in the pot, add flour and stir-fry until slightly yellow, to make an oil batter, which is an important step of hulai soup, which can make the soup thick.
    5. Slowly pour in the stock or water, stirring as you go to prevent the batter from clumping and cooking to a thin paste.
    6. Put the fried meat slices back into the pot, add the ingredients such as ginger, garlic, bean curd skin, tofu and vermiculae, adjust the heat and time according to personal taste.
    7. Seasoning: Add chili powder, pepper powder, salt, soy sauce to taste, adjust the spiciness and saltiness according to personal preference.
    8. Break in an egg and whisk it up with chopsticks to form an egg flower.
    - 牛肉或羊肉:200克(根据个人喜好选择,切成薄片或小块)
    - 面粉:适量
    - 鸡蛋:1个
    - 高汤或清水:约1500毫升
    - 青菜(如白菜、菠菜等):适量
    - 豆腐皮/豆腐丝:适量
    - 粉丝:适量
    - 香菜:少许
    - 葱花:少许
    - 姜末:少许
    - 蒜末:少许
    - 辣椒粉:适量
    - 花椒粉:适量
    - 胡椒粉:适量
    - 盐:适量
    - 酱油:适量
    - 料酒:适量
    - 鸡精或味精:少许
    1. 准备高汤:如果没有现成的高汤,可以用水代替,但高汤会使胡辣汤更加鲜美。
    2. 将肉片用料酒、盐、胡椒粉和少许酱油腌制一下,增加肉的风味。
    3. 在锅中加入足够的油,油热后放入腌好的肉片快速翻炒至变色,捞出备用。
    4. 锅中留少许油,加入面粉小火炒至微黄色,制成油面糊,这是胡辣汤的重要步骤,可以使汤变得浓稠。
    5. 慢慢倒入高汤或清水,边倒边搅拌以防止面糊结块,煮成稀糊状。
    6. 将炒好的肉片放回锅中,加入姜末、蒜末、豆腐皮、豆腐丝、粉丝等配料,根据个人口味调整火候和时间。
    7. 调味:加入辣椒粉、花椒粉、盐、酱油调味,根据个人喜好调整辣度和咸淡。
    8. 打入一个鸡蛋,用筷子快速搅散,形成蛋花。
    9. 最后加入切好的青菜和香菜,煮沸几分钟后即可关火。
    10. 撒上葱花、胡椒粉等提香调料,一碗香辣浓郁的胡辣汤就做好了。
    - 胡辣汤的辣度可以根据个人口味调整,不喜欢太辣的可以少放些辣椒粉。
    - 炒面糊是关键步骤,要确保面糊完全融入汤中,没有颗粒。
    - 各种配菜的量可以根据个人喜好增减。
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