Delicious soup, nutritious, good to drink not tired, easy to use, come |美味汤羹,营养丰富 ,好喝不腻,简单上手,快来一起做吧。

  • čas přidán 17. 05. 2024
  • Tomato and Egg Mushroom soup is a simple and delicious homemade soup, the main ingredients include tomatoes, eggs and a variety of edible mushrooms. Here is a written tutorial on how to make this soup:
    【 Material preparation 】
    1. Tomatoes: 2-3 (medium)
    2. Eggs: 2
    3. Fresh mushrooms or other edible mushrooms: 100g
    4. Spring onion: 1
    5. Ginger: 1 small piece
    6. Salt: Moderate
    7. Chicken essence or MSG: A little (optional)
    8. White pepper: A dash
    9. Water starch: appropriate amount (for thickening)
    10. Fragrance oil: a few drops (optional)
    11. Water: Appropriate amount
    【 Production steps 】
    1. Prepare ingredients: wash and cut tomatoes; Beat eggs and set aside; Clean mushroom, remove stem and slice; Chop scallions into scallions; Slice or pat ginger loosely and set aside.
    2. Boil water: Add appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.
    3. Scalding mushroom: Blanch the sliced mushrooms in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, remove and drain.
    4. Stir-fry tomatoes: remove from another pan, heat up and add a little oil. Pour the tomatoes into the pan and stir-fry until the juice is out.
    5. Cook the soup: Pour the fried tomatoes into the boiling water with the juice, add the ginger slices, and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
    6. Add mushrooms: Add the blanched pieces of shiitake mushrooms to the soup and continue to cook for 3-5 minutes, so that the aroma of fungi is fully released.
    7. Seasoning: Add appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence or MSG seasoning according to personal taste, you can appropriately add some white pepper to increase flavor.
    8. Thicken: Slowly pour the water starch into the soup, stirring quickly while pouring, so that the soup becomes slightly thick.
    9. Add egg liquid: Slowly pour the beaten egg liquid into the soup, use chopsticks to stir quickly to form egg flower.
    10. Out of the pot: Finally sprinkle with green onion, drop in a few drops of sesame oil for flavor (optional), turn off the heat source西红柿鸡蛋菌汤是一道简单美味的家常汤品,主要材料包括西红柿、鸡蛋和各种食用菌。下面是一份文字教程,指导你如何制作这道汤:
    1. 西红柿:2-3个(中等大小)
    2. 鸡蛋:2个
    3. 新鲜香菇或其他食用菌:100克
    4. 葱:1根
    5. 姜:1小块
    6. 盐:适量
    7. 鸡精或味精:少许(可选)
    8. 白胡椒粉:少许
    9. 水淀粉:适量(用于勾芡)
    10. 香油:几滴(可选)
    11. 清水:适量
    1. 准备食材:西红柿洗净切块;鸡蛋打散备用;香菇清洗干净,去蒂切片;葱切成葱花;姜切片或拍松备用。
    2. 烧水:在锅中加入适量的清水,大火烧开。
    3. 烫菌:将切好的香菇片放入沸水中焯水1-2分钟,捞出沥干水分。
    4. 炒西红柿:另起锅,加热后放入少许油,将西红柿块倒入锅中翻炒至出汁。
    5. 煮汤:将炒好的西红柿连同汁水一起倒入烧开的水中,加入姜片,用中火煮5分钟左右。
    6. 加菌:将焯水后的香菇片加入汤中,继续煮3-5分钟,让菌类的香味充分释放。
    7. 调味:根据个人口味加入适量的盐和鸡精或味精调味,可以适当加入一些白胡椒粉增加风味。
    8. 勾芡:将水淀粉慢慢倒入汤中,边倒边快速搅拌,使汤汁变得略微浓稠。
    9. 加蛋液:将打散的鸡蛋液缓缓倒入汤中,用筷子快速搅动形成蛋花。
    10. 出锅:最后撒上葱花,滴入几滴香油增香(可选),关闭火源。
    11. 装盘:将烹制好的西红柿鸡蛋菌汤倒入汤碗中,即可享用。
    1. 西红柿选择成熟的,这样煮出来的汤会更加鲜甜。
    2. 食用菌可以根据个人喜好选择,如金针菇、平菇等。
    3. 勾芡的时候要边倒边快速搅拌,避免淀粉结块。
    4. 如果喜欢酸味,可以在煮汤的时候加入少量的醋或柠檬汁。
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