The best Chinese pasta, delicious and easy to learn, can eat a big bowl at a time|极品中式意面,好吃易学,营养丰富

  • čas přidán 10. 06. 2024
  • Chow mein is a quick and easy dish popular all over China. Here is a basic chow mein recipe:
    1. Proper amount of noodles (dry or fresh)
    2. Appropriate amount of green vegetables (such as Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, green peppers, etc.
    3. Shredded meat (pork, chicken or beef, according to personal preference)
    4. Minced garlic and ginger
    5. A few scallions
    6. Appropriate amount of soy sauce, dark soy sauce (for coloring), cooking wine, sugar, salt, chicken essence/MSG, pepper
    7. Appropriate amount of cooking oil
    8. A few drops of sesame oil (optional)
    How to do:
    1. ** Noodles preparation ** : If the noodles are dry, cook them until they are 80% mature according to the package instructions, then rinse them with cold water and drain; If they are fresh noodles, use them directly.
    2. ** Shredded meat marinade ** : Mix the sliced meat with appropriate soy sauce, cooking wine, salt and a little starch, marinate for 10-15 minutes.
    3. ** Green vegetables ** : Wash and cut the green vegetables into appropriate size for use.
    4. ** Sauce preparation ** : Mix proper amount of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt and chicken essence in a small bowl, stir well to form a sauce and set aside.
    5. ** Stir-fried shredded meat ** : Heat the pan and cool the oil. After the oil temperature rises, put the marinated shredded meat into the pan and stir-fry it quickly until it changes color.
    6. ** Stir-fry vegetables ** : Leave the bottom oil in the wok, add minced garlic and ginger until fragrant, then add the greens and stir-fry until cooked.
    7. ** The bottom strip ** : Put the prepared noodles into the pot, gently scatter them with chopsticks, and stir them evenly with the greens.
    8. ** Seasoning ** : Pour in the previously mixed sauce and stir quickly to evenly color the noodles and absorb the flavor.
    9. ** Double-fried Shredded pork ** : Put the fried shredded pork back into the pot, and quickly stir-fry with noodles and greens to make the flavor more integrated.
    10. Remove from the pan
    1. 面条(干面或者新鲜面均可)适量
    2. 青菜(如小白菜、豆芽、青椒等)适量
    3. 肉丝(猪肉、鸡肉或牛肉,根据个人喜好选择)适量
    4. 蒜末、姜末少许
    5. 葱花少许
    6. 酱油、老抽(上色用)、料酒、白糖、盐、鸡精/味精、胡椒粉各适量
    7. 食用油适量
    8. 芝麻油几滴(可选)
    1. **面条准备**:如果是干面条,先按照包装指示煮至八成熟,捞出后用冷水冲凉,沥干水分;如果是新鲜面条则直接使用。
    2. **肉丝腌制**:将切好的肉丝用适量的酱油、料酒、盐和少许淀粉拌匀,腌制10-15分钟。
    3. **青菜处理**:将青菜洗净切成适当大小备用。
    4. **调味汁调配**:在小碗中混合适量的酱油、老抽、白糖、盐和鸡精,搅拌均匀成调味汁备用。
    5. **炒制肉丝**:热锅冷油,油温升高后下入腌好的肉丝快速翻炒至变色,盛出备用。
    6. **炒制蔬菜**:锅中留底油,加入蒜末、姜末爆香,随后加入青菜翻炒至断生。
    7. **下面条**:将准备好的面条放入锅中,用筷子轻轻拨散,与青菜一起翻炒均匀。
    8. **调味**:倒入之前调好的调味汁,快速翻炒使面条均匀上色和吸收味道。
    9. **回锅肉丝**:将炒好的肉丝重新放回锅中,与面条和青菜一起快速翻炒,让味道更加融合。
    10. **出锅前调味**:根据个人口味,可适量添加盐、胡椒粉调整味道,撒上葱花增加香气。
    11. **完成出锅**:滴入几滴芝麻油提香(可选),翻炒均匀后即可出锅装盘。
    1. 炒面过程中火候要控制好,以中大火快炒为佳。
    2. 可以根据个人喜好添加其他配料,如胡萝卜丝、洋葱丝、木耳丝等。
    3. 若喜欢更多汁液,可在调味时加入适量的水或高汤。
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