Response to Comments About Vessel

  • čas přidán 25. 03. 2015
  • In addition to the haters and trolls there were some genuine concerns about Vessel that I address here. If you don't want to sign up to Vessel, no worries. If you do, please use

Komentáře • 1,3K

  • @kubaurban6496
    @kubaurban6496 Před 9 lety +302

    The reason you got hate was the lack of the beard.

  • @elementanimation
    @elementanimation Před 9 lety +61

    Couldn't have put it better! Nice work. I'd just like to add that by supporting one creator on Vessel, you're actually supporting all of the creators on Vessel. You have access to everything on Vessel, not just videos from a single creator.

    • @TasX
      @TasX Před 9 lety

      Does he support you for ur videos?

    • @baadeasd8609
      @baadeasd8609 Před 9 lety

      By any chance, when he mentions about getting people to help with animation,is that in any way including you?

  • @smartereveryday
    @smartereveryday Před 9 lety +371

    Keep making cool content Derek. Haters gonna hate. Most people don't know how many hours we put into these videos.... (for example 12:30AM when you really want to be in bed and you take a render break to go watch your buddy Derek's videos)

    • @pencilpen786
      @pencilpen786 Před 9 lety +7

      SmarterEveryDay Exactly

    • @firehog
      @firehog Před 9 lety +6

      You guys rock! Thanks to you all, I understand the world a little bit more and, as an added bonus... I get to listen to english! I live in Stockholm, Sweden, I work in the commuter trains so I need to be able to understand english, so keep up thevawesome work!!

    • @SHANTI99able
      @SHANTI99able Před 9 lety

      Don't you get revenue for all your videos?

    • @VikashSingh
      @VikashSingh Před 9 lety +6

      Shantanu Saxena : They do get some revenue for the Ads that show on CZcams. But CZcams only shares part of the revenue it makes (Which is ok considering it needs to maintain this platform). But the money wont be enough to ramp up, getting more people involved how Sci show has done or increase coverage, topics, etc etc.. So i support the idea of Vessel and would gladly help in any way i can :)

    • @HarryBalzak
      @HarryBalzak Před 9 lety +1

      SmarterEveryDay Dustin, I was pleased to see you hadn't adopted this platform, and I *really* hope you refrain from it in the future.
      This really is a poor decision. I'd rather just give you some money and still use CZcams. Vessel is not a good site(as of yet). Basically, you are limiting the ways people can, or rather, some would be willing to support you. I don't mind sending you $10 or $20+ a month/year because I love your videos. However, I do not like using vessel, free or not. So even if I support you by subscribing to vessel, I will never use it, and(this is what makes it bad, IMO) I will now have to wait an additional week before I can see your videos on CZcams, where I want to watch them, regardless of how much I support your channel. So where is the motivation for people like me? That is demotivational.
      This is *not about being a hater or a troll. This is about discouraging people* like me who do not like vessel and have no problem supporting your channel through donations, ads, and promotions.
      CPGrey started a new(to him) way to donate to his channel, and I think it is a great method. He has a video about it, you should check it out.

  • @Mythricia1988
    @Mythricia1988 Před 9 lety +53

    I don't know if you'll read all this but, as someone who's a big-time CZcams *Consumer* - I kinda of feel like I understand a bit of both sides when it comes to this whole Vessel ordeal.
    I think a lot of the negative comments are not because people don't want to support you - maybe some come across like that but I think that's just a loud minority. I think most of the genuine negative feedback is just from a lack of understanding, or maybe lack of willingness to actually understand, what the reasoning is and how it all works.
    And then the other reason, and one I can sort of understand a lot more myself, is the fact that a lot of people are really eager to see this content! People really want to see new stuff, and not just new stuff - they want the *newest* stuff and they want it really really badly! I'm like this myself, so I really get this mindset.
    Essentially they feel like they're forced to watch on Vessel, because even though there's an equally steady stream of content on CZcams, just offset by one week, it's still .... been available elsewhere for one week, and well... They could just have watched it one week ago, and enjoyed it, one week ago. It's that sensation that you're cheating yourself of instant gratification. It's completely nonsensical to feel that way, sure - you might just as well had delayed the video by one week IRL instead, and we would never have known better - but the fact we KNOW that the videos are on Vessel one week before, basically means well, shit, we have to go on Vessel now. Which won't always be a free offer, as you know. So people will be even less eager to make this jump in about... Oh, 11 hours or so.
    Now that's not the end of the world maybe. But there are other problems too - and I say this as someone who now watches videos on Vessel as well as CZcams. Problems like:
    Vessel video quality is inconsistent. Loading issues, stuttering in some cases, and worse video quality. Even though, on CZcams, I can load up your fancy 4K footage without problems (+1 for that). So, immediately, we go from a very good viewing experience to something that has technical problems and is sometimes slow. People don't deal well with that these days - maybe we're all spoiled - but really, a video stuttering and loading slowly for a minute, feels like the end of the world when you're used to that *not* happening, for so long, on CZcams (we all know how YT used to be in the early days - but that was the expected, it was the standard, so we didn't know better).
    The browsing experience on Vessel is also pretty inconsistent and confusing. The default homepage is a mess of videos and you have no sense of timeline. Maybe it's just me - but it bugs the shit out of me. Even though the current CZcams sub-box is also a broken mess, at least it's a chronological broken mess. I see a list of videos, from newest to oldest, and can "scroll my way back in time" if I've been offline for a day. That's great - it gives some vague context to it all, and I understand where in time these things all belong. No such view on Vessel - I have to seek out each individual channel, on it's own, and find the videos there, and even then I have to click a few buttons to get a good old chronological order.
    There's also no way to tell which videos are *unwatched* vs *watched* - as someone who's subscribed to like 120 active channels on CZcams, it's hard to just memorize thumbnails. CZcams does this well - it clearly indicates which videos you've recently watched, so that you can systematically consume your content. Vessel does not do this, and makes it hard to tell at a glance, if there is new content available or not - especially since a simple, chronological list view, is not available, or if it is, it's not the default - which it damn well should be.
    *And thirdly!* The weirdest issue perhaps, one that I didn't expect when I signed up:
    The Déjà vu syndrome that develops from trying to watch content on two different platforms.... Here's what happens:
    I launch my browser to do my morning consumption of video content goodness - right now I'm going to Vessel first because, well, see above - it's got the newest freshest content. I watch some videos on Vessel. Great - I can live with some of the problems, especially since it's a brand new service, and I'm not an impatient brat, I understand some problems exist...
    Some time later, I am on CZcams, watching videos. And I'm excited, because I see my favourite channels have uploaded some new videos! I head over to watch, *only to realize 5 seconds into the video* that I've already seen this. I saw this before. You know. *On Vessel*. Well, damn, I guess there is no new content after all.... But I can't tell, because I don't memorize thumbnails, and not all video titles are unambiguous.
    I can imagine this being really really annoying after a few weeks, once everyone's upload schedule is properly adjusted and working as planned - I will be experiencing a mixture of excitement and disappointment on CZcams because many of the videos I watch turns out to be old videos I've already seen... But I can't just unsubscribe on CZcams either - because I don't trust Vessel to work properly and because the browsing experience is vastly worse! And hey, it'd do you, the creators, a disservice too - you'd have less viewers on CZcams, which is not aiding the cause.
    So what am I going to do. Well, I'm going to watch on CZcams. Because it works, because it's what I'm used to. I'll end up checking on Vessel once in a while, because I'm hungry for fresh content, only to realize later that I just cheated myself of new content 1 week from now. So it becomes a double disappointment of sorts.
    I love all of you guys for making the content that you do. And I understand that you need something to help with funding the work that you do. Totally get that - totally want to help with that. But right now Vessel is making things complicated, not only from a technical standpoint (Interface, loading issues, slowness, whatever), but in practise, in actual use, there are conceptual problems with the entire idea that I wasn't even expecting, but that makes sense now that I've used both sites for a short while.
    Maybe this wall of text is worth something to you Derek - maybe not - but there's some hopefully constructive feedback on perhaps why, some people with less patience and open-mindedness, might be kicking and screaming about this.

    • @Mythricia1988
      @Mythricia1988 Před 9 lety +2

      To actually finalize my thought on it all I guess my feelings come down to this, I would subscribe to you, with real money, if CZcams added a button that let me support you. With or without video benefits - I don't really mind. Patreon is another option that many people like, but to me that's yet another external site to manage, and well, that's bothersome. Yet another page to open, yet another account to open, blah...
      Of course you can't personally do anything about CZcamss decisions not to offer ways to support content creators beyond just ads, but I think something along those lines would go much more smoothly with people than other options.

    • @TonyBogdanov
      @TonyBogdanov Před 9 lety +3

      I agree completely! Here, have a cookie ^_^

    • @MeisterHaar
      @MeisterHaar Před 9 lety +1

      Mythricia well i don't agree with everything you said. first thing the technical issues they are there but vessel is new and youtube is like super old... youtube has over 10 years of experience on video watching and still could be a lot better. vessel is new and i hope they will figure things out in the next months. i use youtube totally different from you i only have 20 or so subs and i know all the thumbnails of stuff i watched but i also think vessel is confusing and i often don't the new stuff i want to watch.third i think when he is able to produce more stuff due to paid early access everybody wins paying users but also free users because overall they get more content.

    • @gl1500ctv
      @gl1500ctv Před 9 lety +2

      Your second point is worth noting: Vessel doesn't have the technology to compete, yet. Well, you can't bust a monopoly with substandard competition. Vessel should have gotten their act together first, then launched as true competition for CZcams.

    • @fobusas
      @fobusas Před 9 lety

      This mirrors a lot of my experience. And youtube should really introduce paid version for say 3$/mon. Not only to allow viewers to show appreciation of their fav, channels, and for creators to get some extra money, but to effectively kill the competition. Wise business decision if you care only about that.

  • @PhoenixFire32
    @PhoenixFire32 Před 9 lety +73

    Do whatever you want Derek. Haters gonna hate :)

  • @m0rbidmand0
    @m0rbidmand0 Před 9 lety +28

    The internet is filled with trolls so dont worry Derek. I still appreciate and admire how you took the time to address them.

    • @veritasium
      @veritasium Před 9 lety +13

      yeah I felt the likes to dislikes ratio suggested that more than just trolls were upset by the video. Hence my response to clarify the things I didn't do a great job of explaining in the first place.

    • @IvBatakliev
      @IvBatakliev Před 9 lety

      Still tho, I don't get what the big deal is? Even if you do it so you can have some extra income I can't see why that would be a bad thing. In order for us to enjoy your videos you work a lot and how I see it, that should be rewarding for you not just on emotional level. It's not like you are making all your content premium and even if you are that still wouldn't be such a big deal. So don't mind them, thanks again for sparing time to clarify things and as always thank you for being so awesome! :D

  • @JosephHourany
    @JosephHourany Před 9 lety +47

    I can't believe that people are actually complaining about receiving free content. You've never sacrificed quality for quantity and for that reason I am still subscribed to your channel please disregard any negative feedback it is totally unjustified.

    • @WayneJohnsonZastil
      @WayneJohnsonZastil Před 9 lety

      Nothing is free

    • @Ruminations09
      @Ruminations09 Před 9 lety +3

      Wayne Johnson
      Well, depends how you define free, but even then, there are still quite a lot of undeniably free things. The sun, for example, you literally don't have to do anything to get hit by the sun's rays.

    • @mikegreen5249
      @mikegreen5249 Před 9 lety

      Wayne Johnson LIES

    • @OlgaGax
      @OlgaGax Před 9 lety +3

      Wayne Johnson You're not paying to see his videos. That's free.

    • @DeclanDSI
      @DeclanDSI Před 8 lety

      +PokemonTom09 ur a MR.LIER!

  • @experimentboyTV
    @experimentboyTV Před 9 lety +7

    Internet creativity and money has always been an issue...
    In France, for most people watching CZcams videos, making money out of them makes you a sell out. For absolutely no sensible reason...
    You said it, it takes a huge amount of time and work to pull out even a 6min video, but most viewers don't even realize that. They just keep watching and watching like Homer Simpson eats donuts.
    Best part, it's free! So why would they even move their butt to help you out with a few clics? You'll upload more anyway!
    Sometimes it's really hard to anticipate that some guys won't like the week of work you put into making your video. But as you say... be hated!
    When it happens, I just try to remember 1 thing: I don't make videos for everyone. I make them for those who LIKE them. Others can just go watch something else :)
    Please keep investing yourself the way you do in your videos, even if many people don't say it, they're a true source of inspiration, support will come naturally from your true audience Derek!
    Greetings from France!

  • @Grumble655
    @Grumble655 Před 9 lety +40

    This is the most beautiful spot I've seen in my life.

    • @derek
      @derek  Před 9 lety +30

      it was amazing!

    • @elliottmcollins
      @elliottmcollins Před 9 lety +15

      2veritasium Seriously! You could just post 10 uncut minutes of this place and I'd watch it.

    • @squanchy474
      @squanchy474 Před 9 lety +1

      Elliott Collins 2veritasium Please do also post 10 uncut minutes of this place in 4k, and also some sweet desktop/wallpaper stills

    • @DerekVerLee
      @DerekVerLee Před 9 lety +1

      I was there about a month ago, most amazing spot I've ever been. About 50m behind the camera is a black sand beach, amazing warm surf and cliffs on both sides.

    • @DerekVerLee
      @DerekVerLee Před 9 lety +2

      Actually I'm a little surprised Derek was there in that place and yet thinking about Vessel... I guess that just goes to show how much of an impact comments on the internet can have on you.

  • @dom_h
    @dom_h Před 9 lety +20

    I did find is slightly funny that you got a 4k camera, considering vessel supports low bit-rate 720p at maximum. :P
    That is my only gripe with Vessel, but I'm sure they will sort that out in a year, when the time to pay comes. It was not a very smooth platform launch.

    • @leonawroth2516
      @leonawroth2516 Před 9 lety +2

      It might be a little nerdy and I guess you didn't mean it 100% serious, BUT the better quality your source material is, the better the final version will be.
      For instance he could easily zoom in on detail of 4k source material and it would still be sharp.

    • @StephanEilert
      @StephanEilert Před 9 lety

      If you record in 4k and export as 1080p, you will get nicer images, and youtube, right now, supports 4k. I dont think its something for NOW, but in a near future.

  • @MrLumberBen
    @MrLumberBen Před 9 lety

    I went and signed up before the Vessel video was even finished. Came back and finished the video after. You, alongside Vsauce, are my favorite science channel hosts!

  • @Drupalista
    @Drupalista Před 9 lety

    Dude, I live in Brazil and am a huge fan. Your videos are awesome. Seriously, keep focus on what you are passionate about. It is great you are addressing those in your audience that don't quite get what you do and neither get how hard it is to do what you do, but do not let them knock you down.

  • @TheEvilVargon
    @TheEvilVargon Před 9 lety +7

    I have no problem trying out a new video platform, especially with the one year free. After using vessel for a while, it seems incredibly difficult to navigate and find the videos i actually want to see. If this isnt fixed in the upcoming weeks, i dont see anyone continuing to support it. Im personally for the idea of a higher revenue video platform, as long as it works as intended.

  • @DampeS8N
    @DampeS8N Před 9 lety +21

    This topic is something you should be doing a video about for Veritasium prime. The issue is that over the last 10 years people have become accustomed to video content being free. Ostensibly ad supported, but many people are using adblock now so for them the videos are 100% free. They don't understand how much these videos cost to produce. And it is entirely the fault of the internet's give-it-out-for-free-first methodology. In an era of Twitter, with still no real business model and of countless other start ups that focus on having a free product for some time... Including Vessel... and an era of easy piracy. The expectation that people have of internet content is that it will be free and ad supported. And if someone is moving to a pay model, it must be for greed because they did it just fine before when it was free.
    This issue needs to be addressed like you did Facebook likes.

    • @martinw3265
      @martinw3265 Před 9 lety

      Does CZcams notice add blocking? I use it on my PC.

    • @DampeS8N
      @DampeS8N Před 9 lety +4

      If you don't see the ad, the creator doesn't get money for the view. That's all you need to care about.

    • @daltonnabors
      @daltonnabors Před 9 lety +1

      limtd slipdf of course it does. Because there are so many ads being blocked, companies buying the ads pay less for them because a large percentage of them are blocked. Since they are paying less for the ad slots, people making videos get paid less for every view.

    • @dimitriid
      @dimitriid Před 9 lety

      Right because there was no piracy before youtube right? Oh wait yes there was, TONS. People became tired and burnt out of the old TV model and distribution and turned to avenues like youtube because the content was conveniently delivered and catered to their specific taste.
      The issue here is NOT that there are no revenue sources in videos, or even if ad block has an impact cause unless you do specifically tech related content the audience usually for the most part doesn't ad blocks. I bet most of you don't even ad block on your phones even if you do on your computers.
      The issue here is that while youtube IS making healthy profits in revenue money, it has taken a very serious stand against it's content creators: They share less of said revenue, they have become extremely aggressive in DMCA claims and have a draconic "You're automatically guilty until proven innocence 2 weeks later if we even care about you" system and now want to kill other sources of revenue like in video advertisements (Like people getting their own sponsors and partners that they integrate into their videos directly instead or in addition to using youtube adds)
      So if anything, the model is profitable you just need to be directing your criticisms at youtube, not the audience.

    • @BloodnutXcom
      @BloodnutXcom Před 9 lety

      limtd slipdf Yes. There are plenty of JavaScripts that check if the ad isn't present in the page. There's even the basic check to see if your browser downloads the banner image file.

  • @humToNoise
    @humToNoise Před 9 lety

    Happy to sign up. Also your unfiltered response on the issue is appreciated and convinced me to sign up when I had just glanced over it yesterday. Keep up the good work!

  • @hamodey1996
    @hamodey1996 Před 9 lety

    I would love to support your channel. you were my first science channel to find on youtube and made decide my future to become a physicist after I graduate from university. good luck and keep the good work

  • @wikipediaboyful
    @wikipediaboyful Před 9 lety +8

    I feel like crying :( Derek, you are my inspiration, I study physics, in...other country, a shitty one...but the point is that, everyone dislikes studying, but you are one of the main reasons that make me to, so I can become like you, and one day have kids, and grandkids, and students, and random people, so I can pass them the same level of excitment and wonder for the universe that you possess, I check your channels every single week, and when there's a new video, I run to my girlfriend and tell her what you told me about ice or light, we even have a lot fun with your video analyzing yourself, about how were the first videos that you made...and I dunno, your legacy is worthy of admiration, like lawrence's krauss work, and I will ensure that your legacy will be inherited by the next generations, I read your papper about educational science videos, and told my teachers in my college about them, you, and vsauce's michael, and brady...all of you guys have changed so many lifes, inspired generations...and it's so sad the hatred in comments...they don't really appreciate you, but keeo that in have no idea, there's no way you can possibly know in what ways you affect people, and I can speak for everyone here that loves you, you enlighten us with the bright of a billion stars

    • @Markus9705
      @Markus9705 Před 9 lety

      I don't think Derek nor Vsauce's Michael hold any Ph.D. whatsoever. It's nothing wrong with that, but if you really want to do science, then do science. Derek is a great educator, but I cannot say he's a great scientist.

    • @wikipediaboyful
      @wikipediaboyful Před 9 lety +2

      Derek has a Ph.D..., and I was talking about him and the others as science conunicators (: when you are in love you want to tell the world

    • @Markus9705
      @Markus9705 Před 9 lety

      claudio alarcon He has? In what field?

    • @wikipediaboyful
      @wikipediaboyful Před 9 lety +2

      physics education research from the University of Sydney in 2008 with a thesis, Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education, it's all in wikipedia ;)

    • @Markus9705
      @Markus9705 Před 9 lety +2

      claudio alarcon "In 2004, Muller graduated from Queen's University in Ontario with a B.Sc in Engineering Physics and completed a PhD in physics education research from the University of Sydney in 2008 with a thesis, _Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education_."
      Damn, you were right. Thank you for correcting me.

  • @veresstamas3162
    @veresstamas3162 Před 9 lety +11

    What type of camera you have?

    • @derek
      @derek  Před 9 lety +51

      this was shot on a Panasonic GH4 with 12-35mm f/2.8 lens

    • @subhammukherjee771
      @subhammukherjee771 Před 7 lety

      this is too much costly in INDIA..:(

  • @jameswiens152
    @jameswiens152 Před 9 lety +2

    You make the most epic science films on CZcams and I do not say that lightly. I subscribe to hundreds of channels and when the notification that you have created a video appears it makes me extremely excited to know phenomenal content awaits! In that I am so confident I share and give them a thumbs up before I even begin watching.
    Watching your videos increases my enjoyment for at least the remainder of my waking hours. Videos by Veritasium are always worth the wait.
    You mention that you (understandably) delay yourself, what takes the most time that others may be able to help with? You talked about how you wanted to get more organized before fully embracing funding, what requires organization?
    I signed up on Android (though it was a little slow, minute's channels were not selected by default, and I was forced to pick categories I did not want to follow, thankfully they could be removed later.) I hope the native application arrives swiftly.
    I would love to see some collaboration with other Educational CZcamsrs (the teamwork with Vsauce was fabulous) for example Vihart, It's Okay To Be Smart, AsapSCIENCE, HipHughsHistory, Brit Lab, SmarterEveryDay, BrainScoop, Big Think, Brady's channels, BytesizeScience, CGP Grey, maybe even host an AllTimeTens or a DNews! A Google Talk or a guest on Timothy Ferris podcast would be absolutely astonishing.
    Your passion for science shines through your videos, thank you for all your time and effort. I look forward to more amazing videos!

  • @tuomasaro-heinila9130
    @tuomasaro-heinila9130 Před 9 lety

    I liked this a lot. I like seeing new platforms arise. I appreciate your effort on pursuing your dreams. Keep on going!

  • @WandRindustries
    @WandRindustries Před 9 lety +23

    Hey! I didn't comment on the last video because I was sort of neutral on the whole thing. I got your point, but I checked out the sight and CZcams works much better for me as of right now. Really what I'm trying to say is don't think that all (or a majority, even) of subscribers are all up in arms about the vessel thing. I'd say by and large they are like me and they don't comment because they don't really feel the same way (definitely not as passionately) as those who seem to take offence to the vessel thing.
    Your videos are still cool and interesting and educational regardless of what anyone else's opinions about a new website are.

    • @veritasium
      @veritasium Před 9 lety +8

      Thanks for providing a voice of reason!

    • @DFX2KX
      @DFX2KX Před 9 lety +2

      I can back up Will here. Most of the people who watch your videos probably don't care too much. as for me? I don't do videos regularly, or professionally. However, Iv'e put up enough content on this account and the gaming channel to know the basics of how much you make, and when you start making it.
      It's an amazing job to have, but unless you get MILLIONS of views on every video you have, you're probably not going to be getting rich from it. Google will be getting rich, but not so much yourself. It's part of why I don't put up more gaming videos (let alone anything more expensive to do like science-related things).

    • @OlgaGax
      @OlgaGax Před 9 lety

      I didn't comment either because I really don't see an issue, and I got on Vessel and it seems like they're still working on it, so I'll wait to form an opinion on that. Being a student I don't have much money to spare, so it's amazing to get video content of such good quality for free, I'm grateful for that even if there is be a week of delay compared to Vessel.
      If I get it right the time between videos won't be affected, so for everyone not on vessel it's no different than you taking a one week holiday ( and getting more ressources in the course of the year.. )
      What I'm saying is that you shouldn't feel bad about those mean comments. I think only the few who were unhappy commented while the vast majority were totally fine with your decisions.

    • @ghostwhochats
      @ghostwhochats Před 9 lety

      Same here. I didn't reply, figuring I'd get around to checking out the options at some point, but fully aware that the CZcams experience would still be as available as before. I *like* the idea of providing support to my favorite content providers (inc Smarter Every Day and Vsauce and many others) so I have no problem with a pay-for-early-acess model.
      Don't let the loud minority get to you; they don't represent all of us. (Idea for a new video? "How the silent middle is lost in the polarising arena of internet comments" ...maybe more of a CGP Grey thing...)
      Do what you gotta do to survive and to keep providing awesome content, that's what we want!

  • @SimonVelazquez
    @SimonVelazquez Před 9 lety +4

    Unchecked ignorance spawns hate, and a skewed sense of loyalty doesn't help. I wouldn't give the haters too much consideration in this case. I like what vessel is doing for creators and wish you the best of luck moving forward. You have my support.

  • @temite80
    @temite80 Před 9 lety

    I appreciated your work here, man. Thanks for the honesty. Signed up and subscribed. Cheers.

  • @ItsOnlyLogixal
    @ItsOnlyLogixal Před 9 lety

    Thank you for making these videos. You have taught me so many interesting quirks and concepts.

  • @KemaTheAtheist
    @KemaTheAtheist Před 9 lety +3

    It was completely clear to me, 2veritasium. Don't let the haters get to you. Thank you for all you do.

  • @MrTaoMcCawley
    @MrTaoMcCawley Před 9 lety +6

    So... you're hiring? Soon? Eventually?
    Where do I submit applications?

  • @oldwornoutjeans
    @oldwornoutjeans Před 9 lety

    Im so sorry that this turned out this way. I know asking for support is a humbling thing and it is very difficult thing to do. To do it and to then have such a negative feedback must be brutal. Im so sorry

  • @Eh_Canada
    @Eh_Canada Před 9 lety

    I've been a viewer of yours for quite some time, and you have constantly inspired me with your videos. You have my support throughout whichever video sharing platform you choose, and the free support by just signing up is the least I can do for what you've done for me

  • @Jackconte
    @Jackconte Před 9 lety +3

    Derek - this is so clearly a miscommunication. I can't imagine that ANY of your fans would be actually upset if they understood what was really happening here. No one has to pay a cent to see your videos - STILL! Also, to say that you are motivated by greed is an assumption about your intentions, which ultimately can't be proved EITHER way and is therefore a meaningless discussion that has no possible resolution. What we do know is that you make awesome science videos, FOR FREE, for the world to enjoy and learn from. If other people want to make assumptions about your "motivation" without adequate data to back up their claims, then they clearly haven't watched enough of your video to understand what science is all about.

  • @thingonometry-1460
    @thingonometry-1460 Před 9 lety +4

    I have a question. When you pay $3 do you get access to all of Vessel or just that channel? Because I would love to support ALL my favourite channels but $3 each I can't do

    • @jackgogvail2565
      @jackgogvail2565 Před 9 lety

      All channels and the money goes to the people who make videos for vessel

  • @Gonzaskate77
    @Gonzaskate77 Před 9 lety

    You are my inspiration to study Physics, i really would love to support you, but i don't have a credit card but someday i will. Keep the good work, it really makes me happy, love from Argentina!

  • @mccannms
    @mccannms Před 9 lety

    I've signed up. Thank you for the content you produce. Keep up the good work.

  • @silverharloe
    @silverharloe Před 9 lety +3

    It's funny that CZcams next recommends I watch a video called "Be Hated" from you. Because you seem really concerned with not being hated in this video :)
    I hope Vessel does well. Even though it will ostensibly be a paid service eventually, the point is that then the viewers will be the customers... as opposed to on the 'free' platform of CZcams, where users are the products being sold to advertisers.

  • @timdreams4319
    @timdreams4319 Před 9 lety +7

    It was weird to see such negativity and overall dumbness in the comments. I considered the audience to be a bit more mature. Oh, well.
    I really wish you (and all of creators) luck in finding alternatives. Especially after some recent changes in CZcams, its' monopoly starts to be frightening. Will Vessel be that alternative? Maybe, maybe not.
    Ps. IE bit was hilarious.

    • @timdreams4319
      @timdreams4319 Před 9 lety

      And somehow I couldn't find 3$/m part in t&c of Vessel. Is it going to be 3$ per channel per month? Or 3$ and watch everything?

    • @UnknownXV
      @UnknownXV Před 9 lety

      Tim Dreams That's a good question. $3 per month to access all content is a very good deal, but per channel, that's a bit high. I guess it depends how many channels I'd be interested in.

  • @Chrisg077
    @Chrisg077 Před 9 lety

    Good on you man! I signed up right after that first video, it was free, no trouble to me, and I get to use that app for a year, I like these videos and if you're not doing these vids then I probably wouldn't be informed about the topics you cover. Thanks you for that.

  • @Kamy199
    @Kamy199 Před 9 lety

    Looking forward to the Hawaii videos! Just recently bought my first telescope, so it will certainly be interesting to see the technology on a larger scale. As for Vessel, I've signed up for the year. Whether or not I start paying in a years time I'll see at the time, but regardless I'm glad to be able to support all you guys (I'm a minutephysics fan as well), and I hope the negative response doesn't put you all off too much from trying something new.

  • @guillaumebourgault5532
    @guillaumebourgault5532 Před 9 lety +6

    Come on people! CZcamsrs are the equivalent of self-employed people, at the whim of the popularity. They want to make a decent living and cover their costs.
    I'm not going to be as polite as Derek: if you don't want to pay 3$ per months for well researched and high quality videos and complain you will see them 1 week later, I think you are a free-rider, entitled spoiled child.

  • @Alexw1100
    @Alexw1100 Před 9 lety +4

    Why you mad? Its only potato.

  • @tolsmadavid
    @tolsmadavid Před 9 lety

    I signed up! Thanks for all you do, I know you put your heart into your work and I appreciate it :) Best if luck :)

  • @MorganColleen0220
    @MorganColleen0220 Před 9 lety

    Bi thought vessel was fine? As soon as I saw your video I signed up, it was fast and easy and I was so glad to be supporting you Derrick. I think your great and so is minute physics/earth. Keep being awesome :)

  • @GigaBoost
    @GigaBoost Před 9 lety +7

    Can't help but perceive you as smug and entitled in this video. You're not wrong in what you're saying, but lines like 'I don't understand what they are complaining about' just come off as condescending.
    Personally I don't care much, I'll watch em when they get out on youtube if the quality remains as good as it has been thus far. You gotta make money, so you do you.

    • @Mackras
      @Mackras Před 9 lety +13

      Smug? How is that smug? What the.. That was not smug.. Those complaints are indeed stupid. They were watching on CZcams, then can continue watching on CZcams.. Its not that hard to comprehend.

    • @GigaBoost
      @GigaBoost Před 9 lety

      "I'm not going to even dignify the complaints with the mental effort to try to understand them." is how it came across as smug.

    • @Mackras
      @Mackras Před 9 lety

      GigaBoost Given the context, doesn't seem smug to me.

    • @GigaBoost
      @GigaBoost Před 9 lety

      That's like, your opinion man.

    • @dylanblade5459
      @dylanblade5459 Před 9 lety +2

      GigaBoost But you if you tried to understand them with the same mental effort, you'd end up with "By providing no information besides an email, I'm going to be stuck in this loop where at the end of the year I'll feel entitled to videos a week early, and I'm FORCED to watch a shitty website that doesn't have every channel I want....even though that means I'm blaming you for my own self-entitledness, which I wouldn't even notice if I never watched vessel to begin with".
      So... utterly illogical.

  • @rupinderrupi
    @rupinderrupi Před 9 lety

    This is the best science channel ever are going much thanks for this great exploration. Keep it up...also you are true mentor for all science lover's.

  • @ch334792
    @ch334792 Před 9 lety

    I don't really comment often, but I really enjoy your videos and wanted to speak up.
    When I saw the video in question, I didn't think the "pay for early access" option on Vessel was for me, but I also recognize that it won't really affect me much. I really appreciate the work that you and other creators put into these videos, and I'm all for you guys trying to find new ways to support yourselves doing that.
    I'll continue to be an enthusiastic subscriber and fan, thanks for all the work you put into your videos.

  • @Sprinterification
    @Sprinterification Před 9 lety

    I personally feel like you are one of the most genuine guys on CZcams and truly an inspiration for me. What you're trying to do makes sense and I'm sure people will come around, this video has definitely cleared things up for me and I'm sure it has for others too

  • @VIshnuthenoob
    @VIshnuthenoob Před 9 lety

    Been watching for a while, and glad that there is finally an effective way to support your work, even if it does require something new. I will be heading over to Vessel to check things out.

  • @MrLC92
    @MrLC92 Před 9 lety

    I will sign up to support you through Vassel. Even if after the year I probably will not use vassel service because I don't really care about the early access, I will continuing supporting!

  • @Jrakula10
    @Jrakula10 Před 9 lety

    most people who subscribed to this channel what to support you more and love seeing your videos. thats is why there is a lot more positive comments in this section. you really should add a link on last episode to this video showing your concerns. your first channel has 2 million subs this one has 245 thousand a huge difference. just a thought to get this message out there. love your vids keep them up. being a university student and taking physics you help me understand so much and i'm very grateful to have found your channels and same with minute physics. thank you

  • @wroscor1105
    @wroscor1105 Před 9 lety

    You dont have to apologize for doing things to benifit for all of us. Getting extra help to make even better quality videos AND let paying members get access to said videos early, is something new, people will get used to it. You guys are doing great, keep it up nyuga.

  • @RobertVarulfur
    @RobertVarulfur Před 9 lety

    I'm glad you took the time to address some people's concern.
    But honestly, I loved this video because the entire time I'm staring at the background. It looks so beautiful, I hope you are enjoying it and not letting the cynics and haters get you down!

  • @TheThund0r
    @TheThund0r Před 9 lety

    I signed up for Vessel and used the link to support you. As you mentioned in the video:
    It's free for the first year and we don't even have to submit our payment data - which is awesome (you would have to do that on Netflix for the trial version).
    The Veritasium videos are one of the few high quality educational clips available on CZcams and I appreciate your work a lot. That's why I was willing to support Veritasium.
    Maybe I'd even donate in exchange to a brief meeting (or something similar) when you'd come to my country, that would be brilliant :)

  • @allingtontee
    @allingtontee Před 9 lety

    I hope it works for you and you have my support even though I was one of those people that left a comment saying it wasn't going to work because your still posting videos to CZcams for free. I will sign up right now. Good luck.

  • @theW1ne
    @theW1ne Před 9 lety

    How can this get dislikes?
    I think Vessel is a really nice thing, especially because it allows people to support you without having to pay anything. I signed up, and will probably even continue the subscription even after the free year is over. You deserve every support you get and even more. Please don't let the bad comments/inappropriate criticism demotivate you. We love your work, keep it up! :)

  • @iSonikYT
    @iSonikYT Před 9 lety +1

    Just subscribed on Vessel. Thx for your work!

  • @for_frodo91
    @for_frodo91 Před 9 lety

    I love your content and I'm so glad I found you (I believe Vsauce is to blame for that).
    Also, I follow some other science channels and if anyone has the time, do tell about your favorites, I'd love to find more :)

  • @theSimonking
    @theSimonking Před 9 lety

    Just want to leave a big THANK YOU for all the work you have done in the past! Don't get unmotivated or frustrated by the negative voices. unfortunately they are always louder than the positives.. I love every single video you have produced and you are by far one of my favorite youtubers! You helped me see the world trough a different point of view and I am so thankful for that!
    Keep doing what you are doing, I believe 100% in the work you do!
    Greetings from the Technical University in Vienna! (maybe i'll get to see you here one day ;D )

  • @salem3363
    @salem3363 Před 9 lety

    thanks for making these videos and am glad to help out by clicking the link and joining Vessel :D

  • @diegoramirez3673
    @diegoramirez3673 Před 9 lety

    You are really accomplishing your goal on science film making, you inspired my to study physic which i will certainly do. Keep this amazing job and please don't stop making videos, ever!!

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm Před 8 lety

    I just admire you too much for words, Derek. Thank you for all you do and for sharing it with us.
    With admiration, respect and love, from Chile, where I would love to see you someday! 😊

  • @santhoshbgs
    @santhoshbgs Před 9 lety

    will support where ever you go bro!!!!!

  • @Mackras
    @Mackras Před 9 lety +1

    Don't worry about those people that write those comments. They are probably just trolling. I have never really been interested in science since I started watching your and Vsauce videos, so, if I might say, You can be proud that you have gotten one more person to be interested in and to, kind of, love science. :)
    Keep it up, people will support You and You will be golden. :) You are talented and awesome person and I wish all the best in the world.

  • @diggo19
    @diggo19 Před 9 lety

    Very well said Derek. As a teacher i love using your videos in senior physics classes and my students love the way you deliver content. Happy to support a guy who helps me in my teaching practice every day, and in 12 months I'll be giving $3 a month. Henry makes a lot of my yr12 topic intro videos too so happy to support him also.

  • @Tomski_19
    @Tomski_19 Před 9 lety

    Your motivations are golden. People are just scared of change. Please don't be discouraged.

  • @xaelee
    @xaelee Před 9 lety

    Honestly I thought your Potato video was quite informative and entertaining! I am also glad you posted this. It really helped me see where you're coming from better, although I would have supported regardless. I really do hope many people are able to find you to truly love your content!

  • @peterbrownwastaken
    @peterbrownwastaken Před 9 lety +2

    I signed up for Vessel, and it seemed benign enough to me. If it helps Veritasium, all the better...

  • @thecuriousengineer
    @thecuriousengineer Před 9 lety +1

    This response was put very well. I'm sure people will understand it over time that without funding it isn't possible to make the quality of videos you make. I've signed up for vessel. Great job. :)

  • @jowo7295
    @jowo7295 Před 9 lety

    I appreciate the time you took to make this video. I've seen a lot of discontent when CZcamsrs I like take steps to increase their income, be it via Vessel, Patreon or sponsor spots. I think there's a lot of misunderstanding out there about the time it takes to make a quality video and the return you get from ad revenue.
    You've addressed it a number of times, but with channels the size of Veritasium I don't think you have much of a chance to reach everyone. It's the same story for many other channels. You're probably mostly preaching to the choir here on your second channel.
    I decided to give Vessel a go after you and some other channels announced your desire to give them a try, and the site does feel a bit slow and clunky. I doubt I'll use them as a primary video source at the time being, but if they improve, I'll gladly pay a small monthly fee to support content creators like you. We'll see how things play out.

  • @Geeksmithing
    @Geeksmithing Před 9 lety

    Derek, several years ago, your videos were one of the first I had found to get me into CZcams and the whole subscription thing.. Thank you for that. I have met a good number of awesome content creators and have begun taking steps to push forward with my own channel. Your one video about just starting to record stuff has inspired me greatly and I think about it often.
    I happily signed up for Vessel and genuinely wish you the best of luck.

  • @LamboSavage
    @LamboSavage Před 9 lety +1

    I appreciate everything you do. Thank you.

  • @saeedkarajah9745
    @saeedkarajah9745 Před 9 lety

    i totally support you keep up the great work !
    suggestion upload your videos to vimeo so you dont loose the 4k quality that youtube compresses ( you get 25 gbs free each year i think)

  • @mmlstaviss
    @mmlstaviss Před 9 lety +1

    I want you to know that i truly appreciate everything you post. All your videos are extremely informative and i always look forward to your hard work. Keep up the excellent and passionate job please. Thank you for sharing yourself sir.
    Much love from Toronto Canada

  • @TalalAlkhadra
    @TalalAlkhadra Před 9 lety

    all your efforts are appreciated bro . . .
    wishing you the best of luck

  • @madisenhilligoss3989
    @madisenhilligoss3989 Před 9 lety

    Keep on doing what you're doing, Derek. Signed up for vessel and look forward to using it. hopefully people come to understand what you're doing. :)

  • @LucaMasters
    @LucaMasters Před 9 lety

    I missed the original announcement, but I just signed up.
    I'm pretty sure I also set up a "pay $1-2 per video" on Subbable and/or Patreon. I don't need perks or whatnot. Your videos are just worth it.

  • @kerendn
    @kerendn Před 9 lety

    Hi Derek,
    I usually watch your channel with my boyfriend through his subscription but I got off my lazy butt to sign up to vessel through your link. It doesn't give me a free year - maybe I missed the deadline - but I hope it supports you anyway. I appreciate your work!
    Good luck and all the best, Keren

  • @PrashantKr9496
    @PrashantKr9496 Před 9 lety

    hello derek! (can i call you derek?) i just stumbled upon this 2nd channel of yours. I am a guy living in india and let me tell you this. the internet speeds are bad here. Like REALLY bad. I tried to use vessel but the stream would always stop and a network error would show up. i can barely watch youtube videos at 360p! let alone 4k or even 1080p.
    also you look so sad man! i will be supporting your vessel account. i am going to subscribe the 3$ account (although the currency exchange rate is very high and i wont be able to watch it anyhow) i think you are one of the BEST content creator on the internet. Period.
    one more thing-if you ever decide to come down to india, i would to show you the fascinating things here, like Taj Mahal! (if you ever decide to do so) i love your work and would love to hang out with you! i hope to be like you someday. keep up the awesome work!

  • @zaneb8054
    @zaneb8054 Před 9 lety +1

    I'm sorry you've received so much negative feedback and I hope it hasn't discouraged you. I've signed up for Vessel just to help support Veritasium in any way I can, though I'm not sure if I'm going to use my account often. I feel you deserve more than a fair pay for your work. Your videos have benefited me for years without me paying a cent. Thank you for your work and I'm happy to help support.

  • @patrick.gilmore
    @patrick.gilmore Před 9 lety

    I singed up for vessel. I did not mind the ask in the slightest. I think what you and Henry are doing is amazing, and you deserve all the support you can get.
    Only posting this to counteract the negative comments. Keep up the good work, and I'll pay for vessel in a year.

  • @MrMarc1991
    @MrMarc1991 Před 9 lety

    I signed up to Vessel to support you. I really apreciate your videos so keep up the good work !

  • @palniok
    @palniok Před 9 lety

    WOW, the difference between 4K and 1080p is HUGE (even when you run in on a 1080p monitor), I wish the very best for you, keep up the good work. I'm also not mad about Vessel, a man gotta make his living and I don't mind the delay if I won't but the sub there.

  • @jellorelic
    @jellorelic Před 9 lety

    As a longtime viewer, I'm fully behind you exploring new ways to help fund the content, particularly if it eventually becomes free for everyone. Good luck!

  • @geeta172
    @geeta172 Před 9 lety +1

    Signed up @ Vessel dude!!
    And there is nothing wrong being motivated by money, you really needn't justify it to us.
    Your time, Your videos, your business.
    I'm glad to have your videos for free, but if they weren't I'd be more than willing to shell out 3$ for each of your videos (the ones with science!)
    Thanks for all the content, I've truly learned a lot.
    Love you and your content!

  • @BitcoinMoonBoys
    @BitcoinMoonBoys Před 9 lety

    Im just a ghetto boy from brooklyn and you got me watching alll your science videos... Keep making great vids!

  • @mastervader9796
    @mastervader9796 Před 9 lety

    You're the man Derek. I look forward to the new video's and perhaps some personal stories from the observatory.

  • @ragnkja
    @ragnkja Před 9 lety

    Is it possible for you to publish the videos on Vessel while they're still going through CZcams's Content ID system? If so, the actual delay for those who choose not to check out Vessel will actually be less than a week, seeing as there can be delays caused by that system.

    @CAPTIANKIPPER Před 9 lety

    I will always support you. Your work is great and only a fool could doubt your sincerity.
    Ignore the trolls and keep doing what you do.

  • @P7UHP
    @P7UHP Před 9 lety

    Congratulations for your great videos! I am with you in Vessel. Greetings from a big fan from Brazil.

  • @orange42
    @orange42 Před 9 lety

    I have no idea what this video is about but I really like listening to your voice so I watched the whole thing. Keep up the good work.

  • @Xo1ot1
    @Xo1ot1 Před 9 lety

    Just signed up over your link, not only because I like what you're doing, also because YT desperately needs competition. For me to pay a monthly fee for this page after the free time is over it would have to provide significantly more in terms of quality and quantity (in the areas that interest me personally) than YT does.

  • @m_jacko12
    @m_jacko12 Před 9 lety

    Derek, you keep doing you. I will always support you 100%. You make great content every time. Thank you for all you have done and keep doing it the way you know how!!

  • @thomasrad6296
    @thomasrad6296 Před 9 lety

    Would you consider posting more videos on this page? I really enjoy the more life talks and personal opinions of veritasium in contrast to the educational channel.

  • @AWarmSnowflake
    @AWarmSnowflake Před 9 lety +1

    Love your videos, always very entertaining and you help me satisfy my curiosity :). Keep doing what you do!

  • @normaolvera8124
    @normaolvera8124 Před 9 lety

    Love love love ur posts! Would support you any day! Thanks for sharing you inspiring vids!

  • @Ricochetmex
    @Ricochetmex Před 9 lety

    hi derek, student of physics here, keep making this awesome content! it have helped me to a better understanding of certain topics and also cheers me up, sothanks and keep making it :)

  • @SojournerDidimus
    @SojournerDidimus Před 9 lety

    I totally understand your being on multiple horses/potatoes, I also totally understand the model Vessel uses (essentially a synergy between CZcams's medium and Subbable/Patreon's reward model).
    As far as I've seen Vessel is really really young (a few months), so I also understand that their android support is somewhat limited.
    The only substantial doubt I have with the Vessel platform is that they require you to be already somewhat popular before getting allowed to publish content with them! This means that something like Veritasium could never have emerged on it, which is a real shame and also dictates that a platform like CZcams must exist as a breeding ground for new potential Vessel publishers.
    In this sense, I really prefer the CZcams policy that allows anyone to publish. I think it is vital to what makes CZcams so great, and thus is essential to the success of any competing platform.

  • @roticanay
    @roticanay Před 9 lety

    Keep making awesome science vids on CZcams! I don't mind the 1 week delay, and I'll click all the ads on the page after watching your vids.

  • @colorfulmoree
    @colorfulmoree Před 8 lety

    Sir you are the reason why I and many others love science and your videos are the biggest motivation I get so if it's free or not. I don't care Coz This is some quality content which can only be done through hard work and dedication.....its just human nature to judge someone without acknowledging the facts ...... And I think it's best to just forgive and forget ... U are best and you will always have my support as well as many other well wishes who have actually leant something valuable out of these amazing videos

  • @dexterscott7017
    @dexterscott7017 Před 9 lety

    Sorry for the negative thoughts, Hope people come around, and after initial hesitation I did sign up for Vessel yesterday, and I really like the interface over there.

  • @captaintimcurry1713
    @captaintimcurry1713 Před 9 lety

    I definitely appreciate all the hard work you put into your videos, keep up the great work! You have my support!

  • @arena5169
    @arena5169 Před 9 lety

    Well said. I've learned a lot from your videos and will support this transition. Like you, I don't see the problem because the videos will still be here on CZcams, like they always have. Keep up the good work.

  • @jamesoppel9929
    @jamesoppel9929 Před 9 lety

    I subbed to Vessel via your link. I really like your videos, and I think that yourself along with other science education/edutainment channels should get a *tiny* bit of active support from your fans that you go through great troubles to entertain. Good luck!