Friendship Fractured | Kayaker Leaves Buddy at Sea in the San Juan Islands


Komentáře • 309

  • @lindasd7591
    @lindasd7591 Před 7 měsíci +237

    Venturing to the open night...during kayak experience....what could go wrong 🤔

  • @laurie1536
    @laurie1536 Před 7 měsíci +35

    Larry was a jerk! Not telling your best friend that you have zero experience with Kayaking in such dangerous circumstances isn't about fun, healthy, competition, it's about a narcissistic ego, flat out deception and a childish need to prove oneself!

  • @I_Am_SciCurious
    @I_Am_SciCurious Před 7 měsíci +70

    Saul did exactly the right thing at that point. Larry is the type that runs into massive trouble because he insists on taking ridiculous risks. He takes it for granted that people will risk themselves to help him because he is just so precious. Afterwards, his type brags about whatever he might have accomplished and leaves out the part where he was too lazy and selfish to worry about the rescuers who were required to clean up the mess he decided to make.

    • @Elhastezy888
      @Elhastezy888 Před 7 měsíci +8

      Underrated Post

    • @paraglidingnut26
      @paraglidingnut26 Před 6 měsíci +10

      No one did the right thing. I've paddled in the Suan Juan islands. If you're kayaking in the Suan Juan Islands without wearing a dry suit, you're better off playing russian roulette. And you never leave your party, two kayakers have a better chance than one. And you need to know the tide's schedule and the winds for those days you're planning on kayaking.

  • @Alaryicjude
    @Alaryicjude Před 7 měsíci +50

    What a tedious and tiring "friendship"... 🙃

    • @martharunstheworld
      @martharunstheworld Před 7 měsíci +4

      I was thinking that. Thank goodness my friends and myself are honest with each other and never try to outdo each other.

    • @Alaryicjude
      @Alaryicjude Před 7 měsíci +4

      @@martharunstheworld, I mean, I've even gotten into fights with friends about things we've competed on but we always make up at the end and our friendship isn't based on competition. Also, that was back in elementary school and my friends and I don't really compete against each other anymore bc we grew up. Lol!

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci

      Exactly! Yikes. No thanks. Lol

  • @tinymetaltrees
    @tinymetaltrees Před 7 měsíci +89

    If Larry had simply decided to be honest on dry land he could have avoided the whole thing.

    • @6AlphaMikeCharlie9
      @6AlphaMikeCharlie9 Před 7 měsíci +1

      I know right, Saul could have said Larry put his life at risk.
      And not the other way around.
      And him saying if one dies we both die.
      Well that's stupid as well.

    • @allytrudie864
      @allytrudie864 Před 7 měsíci +8

      Larry has a lot of nerve stating that his friend should have stayed with him and not saved his own life. Especially since Larry went out there dishonest- that isn’t his friends fault. I’m amazing at the selfishness of LARRY.

    • @javierross7441
      @javierross7441 Před 7 měsíci +2

      ​@@allytrudie864- He didn't state his friend should never have left him. He said the difference with me and him is that I would have never have left my friend behind. He didn't hold what he did against him and said he doesn't harbour a grudge, they have still even remained friends. He just said that he would of gone about things differently.

    • @javierross7441
      @javierross7441 Před 7 měsíci +1

      ​​​​​@@allytrudie864- So I take it your the type of person who if you happened to be out with a friend and got jumped by a gang, you would take off on your heels and leave your friend to fight them off alone?
      Ask yourself this, if it happened to be yourself instead who got viscously assaulted, and your friend took off running, leaving you alone to fend for yourself, would you be perfectly happy about that, or would you consider them a selfish coward and not much of a good friend?

    • @truettjohnson7230
      @truettjohnson7230 Před 7 měsíci +7

      ​@@javierross7441 That comparison is a really nut case analogy, and if you are much of a human,your gonna go along on a trip where you are pure dead weight,no help what so ever,and then you fault your friend for going to get enough help to deal with you incompetence and very poor judgment is that you could be thinking

  • @satyne1
    @satyne1 Před 7 měsíci +13

    What a ridiculously toxic relationship. And Larry, the ego on that guy. Ugh. "Anything Saul can do, I can do better." Well, not kayaking, apparently. The hubris of the guy. Some people should not be friends, they bring out the absolute worst in each other, and that seems to be the case with these two.

  • @fraise2481
    @fraise2481 Před 7 měsíci +94

    Larry was an idiot. His ego got himself in this situation. Blaming Saul is ludicrous
    I love your channel, btw

    • @txaggievet
      @txaggievet Před 7 měsíci +6

      100% Larrys fault.. he had NO experience and thought he could just do it.... Saul leaving and getting help was the best option.

    • @Jezus42
      @Jezus42 Před 7 měsíci

      Dumber and dumberest!

    • @fraise2481
      @fraise2481 Před 7 měsíci +2

      Agree! 💯

    • @HellyeahRook
      @HellyeahRook Před 7 měsíci +5

      Seriously had he any sense he would have understood that Saul self rescuing is ultimately what got search and rescue out there in time to save his dumb ass.

    • @paraglidingnut26
      @paraglidingnut26 Před 6 měsíci +4

      Both are at fault. You never kayak the San Juans without extensive kayak training and also wearing dry suits in the San Juan's, and knowing the tide schedules.

  • @jfrancis98
    @jfrancis98 Před 7 měsíci +46

    I grew up in Friday Harbor. My friends and I would make rafts out of driftwood and big nails/rope. I was judging these guys but it’s only by the grace of god that me or my friends never drowned. Glad they’re ok.

    • @kathyh.7709
      @kathyh.7709 Před 7 měsíci +1


    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci

      You're a rare person who can realize you're judging, and stop yourself. You have to judge not to kayak with these dudes, lol, but giving them mercy is way cool, and most people don't do it.
      I'm so impressed.

    • @kathyh.7709
      @kathyh.7709 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @SilentThundersnow I agree with Francis 98. I have gotten myself lost on numerous occasions in the Sierras, but only in the suummer because I hate snow, which was always a great contributor to my survival. But there was one time that I navigated a rock fall wrong, and I got very lost. It was ONLY by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit that made it out before running out of food. I always carried a water filter, so water was not a problem, but I would have easily starved out there. I stopped going off trail after the rock fall incident, but no true hike can judge because we know how tempting the siren call of our favorite wilderness can be to follow. I got very lucky!

  • @martharunstheworld
    @martharunstheworld Před 7 měsíci +22

    It really wasn't Saul's fault. Larry wasn't honest about his abilities. If he had said he'd never been in a kayak before, NONE of this would have happened. But then, you wouldn't have another great episode. 😉🤨

  • @craigdouglas7106
    @craigdouglas7106 Před 7 měsíci +10

    Know who your friends are. Doing outdoor activities, hiking, mountain biking and in this story kayaking, with someone who can help out if one gets into trouble, is considered to be safe, BUT know who your friends are. I went mountain biking with an egotistical friend who always wanted to lead. I fell, got hurt, couldn't go on, so I waited for help from my friend to look for me when I didn't show up. He didn't look for me. I got saved by some passing mountain bikers only hours later. My friend didn't even try to find out what happened to me, he just went home. The two guys in this story, both need to find better friends.

    • @tonykartracer8032
      @tonykartracer8032 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Wow.... that's not a very good friend. A friend is supposed to be there and have your back in times of need, and like you said, especially when you're doing outdoor activities which is why it's always wise to have a partner.

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci +1

      Agreed. Sorry your friend was so inhumane. True character is revealed in those moments, and if you won't help another human being, what's your life about?

  • @jeepliving1
    @jeepliving1 Před 7 měsíci +63

    Unfortunately, their competitiveness included trying to outdo each other in bad decision making. I think Larry won that contest. Choosing a very challenging trip to figure out how a kayak works and then abandoning his boat. Glad they both made it though.

    • @joemadda
      @joemadda Před 7 měsíci +4

      Yeah, if you have to swim you need to keep your dry bag. But then again, Larry couldn't even close it correctly.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Před 7 měsíci +1

      He's lucky they both didn't die.

  • @simrdownmon6431
    @simrdownmon6431 Před 7 měsíci +18

    I hope Larry got a nice, safe office job.

  • @pjattwells-fr6zs
    @pjattwells-fr6zs Před 7 měsíci +5

    100% Larry’s fault. Saul saved his life by going for help. Larry is not a smart guy.

  • @illicit_fpv8208
    @illicit_fpv8208 Před 7 měsíci +58

    Saul’s 1st mistake of bringing an inexperienced kayaker can be forgiven,since he didn’t know. His second mistake of letting the (now known) beginner make the judgement call to get out of the situation was inexcusable.

    • @simrdownmon6431
      @simrdownmon6431 Před 7 měsíci +10

      Such an outlandish conclusion to come to. Larry lied and said he had kayaked before and truth is, even a beginner kayaker who's at all athletic should he able to cross 3 miles of open water. And to top it off, Larry was willing to risk his friends life for the absolute foolish decisions he had made. Larry's no friend, he's a narcissist.
      This is 100% on Larry

    • @6AlphaMikeCharlie9
      @6AlphaMikeCharlie9 Před 7 měsíci +4

      That was my thoughts,
      A lot of people are like him,
      They see something and say oh that looks easy I can do it just as good as a person who's been doing it for years.

    • @user-bv7mk8id5t
      @user-bv7mk8id5t Před 7 měsíci +9

      Yeah I agree! I was like why the heck did he let the fool make the next decision. That was his biggest mistake.

    • @allytrudie864
      @allytrudie864 Před 7 měsíci +3

      Nope! Larry’s lie over something so dangerous it’s life and death is inexcusable. Saul had every right and made the correct decision to save himself. You are incredibly selfish if you don’t realize this. No one owes you their life.

  • @user-bv7mk8id5t
    @user-bv7mk8id5t Před 7 měsíci +7

    Larry put everyone in danger with his lack of experience. He should blame himself. Ego is a hell of a drug.

  • @cleopatraoatcake7364
    @cleopatraoatcake7364 Před 7 měsíci +19

    With friendships like these...

  • @laurenurban3942
    @laurenurban3942 Před 7 měsíci +37

    Embarking on a trip to do something that you have never done before in extreme conditions is crazy. This is just crazy… whatever happens….happens.

  • @miapdx503
    @miapdx503 Před 7 měsíci +7

    The first time trying something as dangerous as kayaking in those treacherous night. I cannot imagine the thought process that put him in that position. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. It's truly lovely here...and every year people die, in the ocean, the rivers, the mountains and rain forests. It's wild and unforgiving. It's also possible to enjoy it without endangering your life, and the lives of others. Remember, nature has a body count. Respect her, or die.

  • @anthonyvespia6662
    @anthonyvespia6662 Před 7 měsíci +8

    I've seen this Story and many different other's.This is all on Larry. Had he told Sol it was his 1st time, Sol would've checked everything, made the easier calls, and decisions. You never leave your vessel, because now you're in the ocean with Nothing! And how do you swim right by a big boey? When Larry flipped, all the water was out of his kayak. Those are at least 16ft sea kayaks, they're big kayaks. He could've paddled back, or swam back to the island, with the boat that was equipped with all those supplies. He would've been found in an hour! Me and a few friends have been fun fishing for years. We all own sit on top fishing kayaks 12' to 14ft long. We all have motors, but we all carry emergency equipment. For a day trip, or a 3 day camp/fish trip. We all have our own radio to communicate, with each other, or if this happens. Cell phones, bilge pumps, first aid, flares, small air horns, flare etc. All of these trips on the water, mountains, sking, hiking, etc. No one is EVER properly prepared. Everyone has that it won't happen to me attitude. I could be stranded for days and be just fine. But Sol did the right thing, and Larry had to wait, because he did everything you're not supposed to do, he did. Sea kayaks today are fully prepared, inside the boat, and other survival gear, with all the storage inside your PFD! All these incidents I've not once seen anyone carry a $100 radio, proper life saving gear. Mother nature can turn so fast, and if you have a hobby. Don't cheap out on the gear to save your life, especially when you go alone. At least purchase the proper radio for your Hobby!!!!🙏 🌊 🛶

  • @starfishey2
    @starfishey2 Před 7 měsíci +20

    The San Juan's are such a treacherous area kayak. The currents are all over the place causing whirlpools everywhere. On top of that, even in the summer a person can die of hypothermia in the water. Larry is a lucky man for sure.

  • @unHingedOYT
    @unHingedOYT Před 7 měsíci +12

    I’m loving these “I shouldn’t be alive” recaps, that show was one of my favourite things to watch 😩🎊

  • @jamescarter3196
    @jamescarter3196 Před 7 měsíci +12

    Man, it looks like Larry had not only never used a kayak but also never seen an episode of 'Survivorman'. With the number of bad decisions he made, it's a frigging miracle he survived.

    • @kelly2714
      @kelly2714 Před měsícem

      And he survived because his friend sent help he just dnt get it

  • @sandpiperr
    @sandpiperr Před 7 měsíci +5

    Important context there...Larry lied to Saul about knowing how to kayak. He also didn't bring proper clothing so Saul had to give Larry is sleeping bag the first night on the island so that he wouldn't freeze to death because all of his clothing and his own sleeping bag was soaked, and during that time Larry was pissy about letting Saul huddle up to him for warmth for reasons that amounted to nothing more than homophobia.
    Larry was an idiot who endangered both himself his friend. If Saul had stayed with him they likely both would have ended up swept out to sea. At least by paddling ahead he sent out help, but then Larry nearly ruined that too by making the completely idiotic decision to abandon his kayak!
    It's miracle Larry is alive in spite of his own efforts otherwise!

  • @timberdaniels7317
    @timberdaniels7317 Před 7 měsíci +24

    Thank you for the video! It wasn't good to leave Larry behind but I can see why Saul did so, he thought that it would be better for him to leave Larry and go for help so both of them would make it out of their ordeal. That is my theory anyway. I'm glad that Larry was rescued and survived his ordeal. I look forward to seeing your next video!

    • @allytrudie864
      @allytrudie864 Před 7 měsíci

      No one owes anyone their life. It was totally fine he left Larry. Larry is selfish for thinking otherwise

  • @leylag1466
    @leylag1466 Před 7 měsíci +19

    Honestly, with the lack of experience that one of the guys had this trip was doomed and wrong from the beginning. I wouldn’t abandon my spouse or my children. However I wouldn’t risk to death for a friend thats simply not equipped to take on a task that I can. Did you all expect Saul to go down with Larry? I tell you what, the bodies instinct and need for survival ranks significantly higher than your loyalty to any friend. Nobody wants to admit it but life is precious especially yours.

    • @Elhastezy888
      @Elhastezy888 Před 7 měsíci +3

      yeah...... notice how it's the one who doesn't know what he's doing at all that says he wouldn't leave lmao
      Not a coincidence

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci +1

      If you have to leave your humanity behind to survive, then living is pointless and tragic.
      'No man left behind' inn war is only for those with true character.
      If Larry would've told him he was going ahead to save them, it would've made a difference. But the fact he worried sick about him, and sent people to look for him, does make him a little less contemptible.

    • @leylag1466
      @leylag1466 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@SilentThundersnow this isn’t war but a leisure activity they took upon themselves. One was qualified the other one a grown ass man should have been aware of his lack of knowledge and experience. Comparing this to leaving your buddy behind in a war is like comparing apples to tomatoes. We can play that game further in your style. One has a family, kids the other one nobody. So should the sole provider of a family with a wife and kids die with the one that’s single and has no responsibilities? Again war is a different scenario and comes with different rules this doom trip though, I would have bailed on him too.

  • @annegrey3780
    @annegrey3780 Před 7 měsíci +12

    Morals of the stories are: 1. don't lie about your's just stupid. 2. if you're kayaking with someone who's clearly inexperienced, regardless of what they say, don't let them pick the route....and sure as hell don't let them pick a route you know could get you both killed then abandon them on it - either pick the easier routes or leave them on land and go get help

    • @petervenkman9838
      @petervenkman9838 Před 13 dny

      Finally a sensible comment!
      Yes this is the work of two very large egos and I honestly think they're as bad as each other.

  • @galeocean4182
    @galeocean4182 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Larry was such an albatross

  • @adamalton2436
    @adamalton2436 Před 7 měsíci +6

    I’ve only kayaked on a sheltered inland lake, only a few dozen meters from shore. I can’t imagine trying my first time in anything as dangerous as what Larry did. I can’t imagine trying it in the dark.

  • @KaptainKopter
    @KaptainKopter Před 7 měsíci +5

    Another wonderful story from outdoor disasters CZcamss best channel! I know Larry felt abandoned and betrayed but actually I think Saul did the right thing as he was the better kayaker and he was concerned that Larry may not survive! So he left and then got help! However Larry proved to be a survivor and he actually saved his own life! Great story and thanks for posting!

  • @user-ru3ql6ji4p
    @user-ru3ql6ji4p Před 7 měsíci +4

    These two are the worst company one could have in an adventure.

  • @KelleyKat
    @KelleyKat Před 7 měsíci +3

    I live on Fidalgo Island, where these guys launched... Deception Pass flows between it and Whidbey Island to the south. The Coast Guard is often rescuing hapless kayakers who decide to take the "challenge" of navigating this channel where the tidal flow moves in both directions and causes whirlpools. Tourist onlookers from the 200 ft high bridge above get a terrifying show. In recent years, people have even been paddle boarding near the pass! I keep my kayaking to the lakes here.

  • @joemadda
    @joemadda Před 7 měsíci +11

    I did some archaeology in the San Juan Islands and we used a charter daily. I kayak but you'd have to be about insane to be out there in less than perfect conditions.

  • @ocalafl954
    @ocalafl954 Před 7 měsíci +5

    That Larry was quite the character! Thankfully he made it Maybe he learned something

    • @sandpiperr
      @sandpiperr Před 7 měsíci

      That's a fun way to say 'compete idiot who's nearly too stupid to live'

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci +1

      I love this comment. So Occam's razorish. Right to the simple point. Lol

  • @ukrulesall1
    @ukrulesall1 Před 7 měsíci +9

    Incredible narration. Do you do audiobooks? Your voice is amazing!

  • @brynmorepayne1465
    @brynmorepayne1465 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I live in Vancouver Island, the ferry to Vancouver goes through the islands and it's so beautiful, until all of a sudden you leave the shelter of them and hit the wide open water. I've daydreamed of stories like this happening to me every time I'm on the ferry

  • @MUFC1933
    @MUFC1933 Před 7 měsíci +11

    14:58 he went to get help. He went to get help for you. Don’t blame him .

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Před 7 měsíci +3

      Right, after all he put their both lives in danger.

    • @AkaiNabi
      @AkaiNabi Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@teijaflink2226whom? The one that lied about their inexperience? The one that wanted to take the harder round DESPITE KNOWING THEY THEMSELVES were inexperienced?

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci

      But he didn't tell him that's what he was doing. He just left him. Communication is so important in life, and these guys fail at it. Even now, they say they can't talk about it. They need help.

  • @majorpayne8373
    @majorpayne8373 Před 7 měsíci +6

    If you leave me now, You'll take away the biggest part of me
    Ooh, no, baby, please don't go
    And if you leave me now, You'll take away the very heart of me
    Ooh, no, baby, please don't go

    • @Him_He_Me
      @Him_He_Me Před 7 měsíci

      Chicago. One of my favourite songs

    • @1972hermanoben
      @1972hermanoben Před 6 měsíci

      After all that we’ve been through, I will make it up to you - I promise to

    • @a.nobodys.nobody
      @a.nobodys.nobody Před 5 měsíci

      What song

  • @EveningShadeLori
    @EveningShadeLori Před 7 měsíci +2

    I believe he did the right thing leaving and alerting rescue- in this particular situation.

  • @mbryson2899
    @mbryson2899 Před 7 měsíci +5

    The hubris required to believe that with _zero_ experience you can match or outdo one who is has put in the hard work is unbelievable. Then to blame your companion for making the correct call in seeking help? That is not a friend at all.

    • @Zhort-rk9nd
      @Zhort-rk9nd Před 7 měsíci

      Larry is such a pretentious dick. "I would've died with my friend."
      How does a douchenozzle that lies so easily about his abilities even have friends?

      @EXROBOWIDOW Před 7 měsíci +1

      A lot of friendships have inequality and awkwardness. Usually not in a life threatening way, though. Forgiveness goes a long way towards restoring friendships, and it sounds like there has been a level of forgiveness in this particular friendship. Hopefully there were lessons learned about safety as well.

  • @lancehargis9685
    @lancehargis9685 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I live in this island area . I have a boat and the tides rip so hard here , if you're bucking the tide it can be intense , I don't even kayak here . These two guys a lucky they didn't end up crab bait! Love you channel !!!

  • @ydatoribio
    @ydatoribio Před 7 měsíci +3

    He left you to seek help and he did. Be thankful

  • @anikajain571
    @anikajain571 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Is this a joke? Larry is the biggest fool I've ever heard of, but then Saul knew that and still let Larry choose his own adventure ending... SMH

    • @outdoordisasters
      @outdoordisasters  Před 7 měsíci

      Agreed. They're both ridiculous. None of them took the chance to get out of the situation, too concerned with one-upping each other.

  • @audibjornsson6107
    @audibjornsson6107 Před měsícem +1

    Born and raised in Washington state and I can tell you the water around the San Juans are no joke especially in the winter

  • @billsmith3250
    @billsmith3250 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Saul made the right decision, but he made it too late imo. I didn't hear anything about Larry lying about his lack of experience. They should not have put in and certainly not at night. A common mistake in all outdoor adventures is not turning back in time to avoid disaster. They should have changed their plans to accommodate Larry having no experience kayaking. They should have made sure he was ready for his first experience. For example, what idiot packs all cotton clothes in a dry bag for a trip like this. Either recalculate the plans or don't go. I've done both in my life. When there is above average risk, it's important to sort things out before you start.

  • @Frank-nh9fe
    @Frank-nh9fe Před 7 měsíci +16

    Saul should have left Larry in land, then went for help. Leaving him in open water was unconscionable.

    • @GrammelVideo
      @GrammelVideo Před 7 měsíci +1

      💯 agree… I think he was making tracks to the nudie camp!

    • @outdoordisasters
      @outdoordisasters  Před 7 měsíci +10

      Totally agree. He should've took charge and told him we're either doing the easy route or tell him to stay put. Saul is very lucky Larry had a will to live.

    • @Frank-nh9fe
      @Frank-nh9fe Před 7 měsíci

      Must have some hardy nudies in that part of the country. Petty cold.... @@GrammelVideo

    • @Alaryicjude
      @Alaryicjude Před 7 měsíci +3

      He says he thought Larry was going under so he just left him to go get help but he WAS the help! If his friend was about to drown a phone call isn't going to help fast enough.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Před 7 měsíci +4

      Instead of a phone call how do you think he should have helped Larry then? They both would likely ended up in the water and no one would have known that they where there and looked for them. This way Larry at least had a small change to survive. At least how I think.

  • @marymaza2187
    @marymaza2187 Před 7 měsíci +3

    The rock had the most common sense in that whole ordeal.

  • @FatBlackGamerCat
    @FatBlackGamerCat Před 7 měsíci +3

    Saul made the right choice. If Saul had stayed with Larry, they probably both would have died, but he was able to save them both. I think Larry bears the most responsibility in going on an advanced kayaking trip without any experience.

  • @chengalvalavenkata2401
    @chengalvalavenkata2401 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I think the competitiveness caused the issue. Saul's decision was understandable; whether it was right is debatable. I would have stayed for 5 min and communicated to Larry that I'm getting help (after trying to get Larry to an island) and THEN leave him to get help

  • @MaryWahlen
    @MaryWahlen Před 7 měsíci +3

    Great video as always!! Thanks soooo much!!!❤

  • @Aspasia2929
    @Aspasia2929 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I bet Larry is just waiting for the right moment to DROWN Saul… I would be… LMAO… this is funnier than Jon Stewart’s journalism tutorial with Tucker Carlson!

  • @yakinsea
    @yakinsea Před 6 měsíci +2

    I saw this a few years ago on "I Almost Died". As a person who has done too many to count trips longer than this and mostly on open Pacific coastlines dealing with surf and camping on beaches and also having a second place that we built on a nearby island, this story seemed to be strange in so many ways. It's true that the currents and wind waves can be bad , but the ocean is 100 miles away!!! I've never seen waves as described in this area - it sounds like ocean conditions. How can you have a partnership/friendship as described and plan on a nine day trip and not have a clue that the other guy has never touched a paddle? Did they not have a pump between them or was there a spray-skirt to keep water out? It's unimaginable for either to be the case if there is any experience between them. No radio, but a drysuit, which are typically now $1000 or more. The experienced guy can't roll? Nobody bothered to get a weather report? That is unimaginable for the most basic paddler not to do before embarking on a trip of any consequence. Not knowing how to roll up a drybag, the most basic thing possible. Adventure athletes, yet cotton clothing is what is brought? Mind blowing for anyone doing outdoor adventure stuff. It sounds like a beginner paddler biting off more than he can chew with an absolute novice who wouldn't be able to hide his ineptitude before launch. I can go on and on, but you get the picture.

  • @shawnaweesner3759
    @shawnaweesner3759 Před 7 měsíci +3

    If you don’t know the first rule of survival on the water/sea- NEVER LEAVE YOUR BOAT (unless you absolutely have to)- you aren’t o’kay to be on the water/sea.

  • @michellehill4704
    @michellehill4704 Před 7 měsíci +2

    As a local here in San Juan, I can honestly say...most tourists are jerks. If you're going to visit here, please leave the wildlife alone and don't assume the roads are for pedestrians. It's not Disneyland. Also Sorry to hear about this tragedy...

  • @JackieSkellington
    @JackieSkellington Před 7 měsíci +1

    I kayaked once in a peaceful lake and was's much harder than it looks! To go out in the Pacific at night was suicidal

  • @bobbiegullickson1976
    @bobbiegullickson1976 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I lived in the San Juans for 30 years. The waters can be treacherous with strong tidal currents. However the islands are not part of Puget Sound as the voice over stated.

  • @TheApp9
    @TheApp9 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I think he left him alone at that point where he knew: alt 1: one is dying, alt 2: both are dying.
    So his decision to leave was right. He called the helicopter for the successful search mission. If both were died at the point he left, they both were dead today.
    He made some mistakes, but think of the other one paddles out on the dark ocean as a newbie, he was an adult, and he was saved because his friend decided at the right time and place to call for help. Giving the pro kayaker the fault is wrong.

  • @isabellind1292
    @isabellind1292 Před 7 měsíci +5

    What could go wrong when you set off into open waters in two plastic-slivers in the dead of night w/one who doesn't want to admit he's never paddled a kayak in his life because he doesn't want to be second-best?

  • @j.t.1086
    @j.t.1086 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Larry is responsible for not telling Saul his experience level, but it sounds like Saul never asked & as trip planner it is Saul's responsibility to know. Also - if Saul had proper gear, he should have had a tow line, & he could have towed Larry rather than leaving him. And there's ways to paddle an extra person without a towline.

  • @nyanbinary1717
    @nyanbinary1717 Před 7 měsíci +27

    This is sincerely one of the most foolish things I've ever heard someone do, and I'm trying to be charitable when I say this. I'm a kayaker in Washington. There is no amount of money you could pay me to kayak the San Juans at my current skill level, and I've been doing it casually for 5+ years. Kayaking the San Juans is one of my goals, but I'm humble enough to realize my skills are nowhere near what they should be to do so safely. The Sound can LOOK tranquil, but there are serious tides and currents, especially in narrow waterways between land masses like the islands, and the water averages 55 degrees max year round. It's incredibly irresponsible to let a novice paddler out there. Larry was foolish for thinking he could casually paddle in the freaking ocean, but he didn't know what he didn't know. I don't know why Saul wouldn't at least try to verify his friend's skills or at least ask if his ass has ever seen the inside of a kayak before. There's competitiveness, and there's risking your own and your friend's life because you can't admit your own limits. I'm at least grateful to stories like these for making me incredibly safety-conscious and cautious.

    • @cleanserene6330
      @cleanserene6330 Před 7 měsíci +7

      They were both terrible. Is this what happens when dudes have too much testosterone? The rawr he-man I can climb the side of a bldg with my fingertips in my underwear! Larry saying he would've stayed and died with his friend, he left out the part that this "friend" put them both in peril by not only lying about his kayaking experience, but not trying to get any before a 9 day kayak trip... the video stated the 2 were teammates, but I didn't catch what long of team. Or what kind of weekend adventures they normally got up to. It is mind-blowing that kayaking was never, ever brought up and discussed in any capacity, and that someone who had apparently established proficiency in other disciplines thought kayaking was so easy that he didn't need to, but was shady enough he kept that info from the person he then thought should have laid down his life with him when ish went sideways.
      No thank you, sir, I don't think so. It's like the guy who gets winded walking to the break room at his office decides he wants to climb Everest. But he wants to look like the big man, so along with all his shiny new top of the line gear, he boasts about his athleticism. His facade quickly falls apart however, leaving everyone around him in a risky and dangerous situation. He doesn't know what he doesn't know, but he still expects people to die nobly with his ignorant ass. If I was Larry I woulda been so embarrassed I forced my friend to have to make that decision- stay and die, or leave and get help- I woulda drowned myself in shame. But his ignorance is not just his toxic trait, it's his whole damn personality and he blames more of his poor decision making on everyone but himself. Saul should have forced him to wait on the island they were on, and gone himself to the closest point for help. Letting that fool make decisions fueled by hubris that compromised both of your safety was dumb af. You were pulling a Larry, as they say when your decisions are confusingly stupid. Saul saved your life you nincompoop. Say thank you, then stfu. Your death would not have been a tragedy, merely an expected consequence of foolish and risky behavior.

    • @MrSirlulzalot
      @MrSirlulzalot Před 7 měsíci


    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci

      Yeah they seem like their IQ for communication is below zero.
      Maybe smart guys, but they are terrible at communicating.

  • @norbertschmitz3358
    @norbertschmitz3358 Před 7 měsíci +2

    As a 67 yo. former risk taking cave-wreck diver, and outdoor adventurer, still alive and kicking....
    My advise is:
    Always know what your are doing.....get experience and training whatever your thing might be....
    Always have a plan A +a plan B......
    Always be prepared for the worst case scenario....
    Always follow your own matter what others might do or say.....a bad feeling for whatever reason, turn back and call it a day....better a alive "Coward" than a death heroic fool!
    Never rely on anyone but yourself....
    And, most importantly....don't be a hero....unless a close family member is in trouble.
    More people get killed by trying to rescue some unfortunate soul than by accidents.
    I've always, as a leader, made it quite clear....we are a team...we support each other as much as we can.
    But everyone knows the risk involved.....every one of you is responsible for their own survival....none of your team members is!!!
    That means one is putting their lives at a extreme risk to come to your rescue!
    Please, tell that your families....for the sheer excitement, the adrenaline or even a sense of achievement you rolled the dice...and you might just lose!
    In 40 years of high risk diving I never lost a team mate, but seen and retrieved too many death bodies to remember.

    • @SilentThundersnow
      @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci

      So you disagree with 'No man left behind' in war. I don't want to live if I have to lay my humanity aside to survive. There are times when it's best to go for help, but it should be communicated and done with the real intent of saving the other person. Character is revealed in times like these.

    • @candacegutherie
      @candacegutherie Před 6 měsíci

      @@SilentThundersnowyes and it shows Larry had shit character

  • @WaterfallWhispering
    @WaterfallWhispering Před 7 měsíci +2

    Foolish to attempt this! IMO the move to leave him and seek help was 100% the right idea. *note to self: never go kayaking at night in treacherous water!

  • @sietesamurais
    @sietesamurais Před 7 měsíci +3

    They both use “we’re so competitive” as an excuse for ridiculous behavior

  • @johnscott6481
    @johnscott6481 Před 7 měsíci +4

    I love this story.Larry was an idiot, almost wholesome in his unawaratude.

  • @kumber
    @kumber Před 7 měsíci +7

    if keith morrison & morgan freeman had a son together, he would sound like you

  • @MaryDoyle-xl2ri
    @MaryDoyle-xl2ri Před 7 měsíci

    Another great one O D love your channel👏❤️❤️

  • @proudchristian77
    @proudchristian77 Před 7 měsíci

    It was to call for & send help , so yes it was ! so glad you made up & are still friends, 💝

  • @roadpizza3470
    @roadpizza3470 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Why would anyone go out at night!! Oh lord! Talk about terrifying!

  • @louisepotier2784
    @louisepotier2784 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I don't understand why, if you don't know how to kayak, you would go at night. So many bad decisions in this recounting of a disaster.

  • @justbe1451
    @justbe1451 Před 7 měsíci

    Such a truth, to come to agree to not agree, and respecting each other. ❤

  • @aceykrew5207
    @aceykrew5207 Před 7 měsíci +5

    If it was their first time kayaking, they should've gone wayyyy further down the pudget sound, not near the oceans mouth.. in the winter.. at night. Yikes. & they were local??

    • @keryljensen978
      @keryljensen978 Před 7 měsíci +2

      It wasn't Saul's 1st time & he didn't know that it was Larry's 1st time. Also, they went out at night because Larry was 4hrs late .

      @EXROBOWIDOW Před 7 měsíci

      @@keryljensen978 They didn't have to leave that night. Just how badly would they have ruined their trip by making some schedule adjustments? They could have camped at the beach and set out the next morning. I guess lack of flexibility went along with their competitiveness?

  • @sioframay
    @sioframay Před 7 měsíci +1

    For some reason in my head all I can see is the kids in the vehicle in Jurassic Park after the lawyer runs away to sit on a toilet in a hut like that's gonna save him. "He left us."
    But really, I'm glad the guy survived and I'm glad they're still able to be friends.

  • @a.nobodys.nobody
    @a.nobodys.nobody Před 5 měsíci

    "The difference between Saul and me is, if my stupidity and misrepresentation is going to kill one of us, it better kill both of us. Whereas Saul not stupid. And saved both of us'. Ooooook Larry! 👌

  • @Trash-Castle
    @Trash-Castle Před 7 měsíci +1

    Ive kayaked whitewater for 20 years. We have a saying “always leave a man behind” if you lie about your skill and risk your life with us we will tell you to hike home

  • @0.-._.-._.-.0.-._.-._.-.0
    @0.-._.-._.-.0.-._.-._.-.0 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Larry was 4 hours late........ In the beginning

  • @kinseybruno5920
    @kinseybruno5920 Před 7 měsíci +4

    If ur interested in knowing the full scope of their egotistical ignorance there is an I shouldn’t be alive episode of this story must of the clips are from. These two have what I like to call “not professional athlete syndrome”.

  • @aceykrew5207
    @aceykrew5207 Před 7 měsíci +4

    A disaster by my neck of the woods again.

    • @outdoordisasters
      @outdoordisasters  Před 7 měsíci

      So many places in the beautiful state of Washington to get in trouble.

  • @stevenmartin3920
    @stevenmartin3920 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Just last month a navy seal fell into the ocean boarding a boat containing weapons for terror attacks, the seal whom he was with jumped in so the two could be together. The navy seals have strict codes regarding that if your mate is in trouble then you join him no matter the danger.
    Yes, Larry was a dbag. But Saul shouldn't have abandoned the self proclaimed "pro" these two men were lucky. Yes LUCKY that it worked out. Bottom line; Larry is a dastardly foe who put his friend (Saul) in an impossible situation. Both are lucky. And Larry needs to let Saul know. On hands and knees. How sorry he is.

  • @6AlphaMikeCharlie9
    @6AlphaMikeCharlie9 Před 7 měsíci +2

    He's like one of though people who think climbing mount everest is easy 😂
    And the mountain is littered with dead bodys

  • @iviewthetube
    @iviewthetube Před 7 měsíci +3

    Each kayaker is responsible for their own safety.
    When considering a rescue, use the acronym STEVE
    The rescue attempt should be considered in this order:
    Self: Will the rescue jeopardize self?
    Team: Will the rescue jeopardize the team?
    Equipment: Will the rescue jeopardize critical equipment?
    Victim: If the first three are not jeopardize then rescue the victim.
    Expendable equipment: OK to lose any expendable equipment to rescue a victim.

      @EXROBOWIDOW Před 7 měsíci +1

      Sounds like the parent/child in an airline safety briefing: Parent is to put oxygen mask on self first, then help the child. Not that passengers listen carefully to the briefings.

    • @iviewthetube
      @iviewthetube Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@EXROBOWIDOW An exception might be a paid kayak tour. The tour company is paid to be burdened with the responsibility of your safety. I am not an attorney so this comment does not replace professional legal advice.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 Před 7 měsíci +2

      Yeah feels like stupidity if Saul had tried to rescue Larry instead of getting help, both would probably ended in water and no one would have known they where there

      @EXROBOWIDOW Před 7 měsíci

      ​@iviewthetube I am not an attorney, but I know a tour company can be sued, or even tried for crimes, if they are careless, reckless, or negligent and someone is hurt or killed as a result. The dive boat Conception comes to mind.

    • @iviewthetube
      @iviewthetube Před 7 měsíci

      @@teijaflink2226 I've paddled with Saul. Saul founded the Seattle Sea Kayaking Meetup Group which I had joined and begun a lot of my serious kayaking. Once I paddled across the Rosario Strait solo. I had left my campsite on James Island one evening to return home because a thunderstorm was moving in the next day. I left despite that I knew that the tidal currents were not going to be ideal. In the area where Saul and Larry had problems south of Cypress Island, I paddled vigorously for a half-hour and the GPS said I was going nowhere. I knew that if I just held out a little longer, the tidal conditions would improve, but it would also become dark. Gradually my horizontal speed increased 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ... Glad I brought lighting because I got back to Washington Park when it was dark.
      Saul passed away a year or two ago from a heart issue while he was vacationing in Mexico.

  • @DJPoundPuppy
    @DJPoundPuppy Před 7 měsíci +1

    Kayaking scares me. I probably won't do it again.

  • @orangewarm1
    @orangewarm1 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Wasn't a friend. Its a good exercise to imagine who would leave and who wouod stay.

  • @msperez1234
    @msperez1234 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Your voice..❤❤

  • @flamebroiledsquirrel
    @flamebroiledsquirrel Před 7 měsíci +1

    Larry would be repentant and grateful to have beaten the odds by surviving his own stupidity if he had any useful self-awareness. November at night in 50° water with no experience whatsoever isn't a place you put yourself or others.

  • @donnavincent2004
    @donnavincent2004 Před 7 měsíci +2

    TIL kayaking takes skill, is dangerous and has pedals. 😳 It looks so simple. 🥴 Had no idea. But with all my ignorance I still would never go in the water at night.

  • @ComboMuster
    @ComboMuster Před 7 měsíci +1

    All these extreme activities borders survival skills and preparations. Not doing that you're asking for it and you will have it coming.

  • @64nessa
    @64nessa Před 7 měsíci +2

    Almost 60 K!!! Whoop whoop!!!

    @EXROBOWIDOW Před 7 měsíci +1

    Kayaking is a dance with danger? Not if you're out in summer on a small reservoir with lots of people around, and you stay close to shore away from the party boats and water skiers! My first time kayaking, my husband and I rented a 2 seat lake kayak (not a "real" kayak like the kind shown in the video). Our first mistake was sharing a kayak. We found this out when we paddled among some overhanging willows and vegetation near an inlet. We tried to paddle around a bush, and weren't getting anywhere. Finally we realized that one of us was trying to go left around the bush, and the other was trying to go right around the bush. So our second mistake was not communicating with each other. Silly us!

  • @col2959
    @col2959 Před 2 měsíci

    Good one Larry!

  • @tamisullivan8548
    @tamisullivan8548 Před 7 měsíci +1

    After listening to this for the second time I realized Larry made way too many mistakes is why he got in trouble...PERIOD

  • @SilentThundersnow
    @SilentThundersnow Před 7 měsíci +1

    Men like this refuse to communicate. Don't ever marry one. If Saul would've just TOLD Larry he was going for help, and told him to just stay with his kayak, maybe he wouldn't have felt so abandoned.

  • @teijaflink2226
    @teijaflink2226 Před 7 měsíci +2

    I don't think it was right by Saul to leave Larry (not yet at least), considering Larry survived they where not close to dying yet but maybe he panicked. I don't think it was either right of Larry to lie, he put their both lives at risk.

  • @Mary-momof8
    @Mary-momof8 Před 7 měsíci +1

    That's like taking a beginning skier down an expert slope!!!! Uh, No!😮

  • @lindaromero7780
    @lindaromero7780 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I’ve heard this story before and right off the bat, all precautions are thrown to the wind. It’s hard to continue watching, when I can’t feel empathy for morons!

  • @kennethprice5628
    @kennethprice5628 Před 7 měsíci +1

    That friendship would be forever over

    • @a.nobodys.nobody
      @a.nobodys.nobody Před 5 měsíci

      They probably tried to out-forgive one another. See who can turn their other cheek the most 😂

  • @ElSantoLuchador
    @ElSantoLuchador Před 6 měsíci

    I went climbing with a Larry once. Never, ever will I again plan an adventure without battle testing a partner on lesser terrain. Paddling the Rosario Strait in the tidal currents of Puget Sound is no place for a novice. What people are and what they say they are, are usually two different things. Trust and verify.

  • @kenwebster5053
    @kenwebster5053 Před 7 měsíci

    I tend to the opinion that when Larry finally admitted that he had never been in a kayak before, the priority should have become making any possible landfall & there make the best possibe shelter to wait out for the light of day. But I don't understand is how it was not obvious thta Larry had zero kayak skills much earlier than this. I wonder what safety gear they had, tow lines paddle floats, bilge pump, PLB/EPIRB are all pretty standard these days. Not sure how many people would carry stuff for an emmergency over night stay on an island, fire kit, thermal blanket etc. The Dry bag getting compromised is another sign of unprepardness in terms of outdoor experience. The signs were there, just not picked up on really. Anyway, it's easy to analyse & pick apart the mistakes after the vent, quite another to make the best decisions in the stress of the moment (still worth doing for future avoidance though). They both survived which is the main thing.

  • @DebraNelson-uj8hx
    @DebraNelson-uj8hx Před 7 měsíci

    kayaking ANYWHERE in Washington in winter is a risk no one should make. My dad was in the Coast Guard and was the sole survior of a rescue at the mouth of the Columbia River, January 1961.

  • @wasabiflavoredcocaine
    @wasabiflavoredcocaine Před 7 měsíci +2

    Better Not Let Saul Call

  • @PseudoAccurate
    @PseudoAccurate Před 7 měsíci +1

    Sometimes you move seamlessly from narrating to quoting someone and it's hard to tell who's speaking.

  • @_fgijhgftu
    @_fgijhgftu Před dnem

    I feel like they could of possibly both ended up dying if they’d stayed together considering their relationship.. the elements would of made it so much worse they wouldn’t of been able to make a decision together