Dogs' Body Language Explained

  • čas přidán 6. 06. 2024
  • In this video, you’ll learn how to interpret canine body language to help you better understand your dog, and to make you a responsible dog parent.
    Wagging Tail
    All a wagging tail means is that the dog is emotionally aroused. It could be excitement, but it could be frustration or negative feelings. Excited dogs hold their tails higher than a neutral position, and wag them quickly from side to side. An uncertain or nervous dog will also wag their tail, but their tail will be slightly lower than a neutral position, and wagged slower and more steadily.
    A tucked tail
    A tail tucked between the legs is an unmistakable sign that the dog is scared, afraid, in pain, or feels uncomfortable. Putting a paw on youIf your dog puts their paw on you, it is their way of saying “I love you.” Avoiding Eye ContactDogs who are fearful or afraid will often look away as though they are avoiding something. You often see this if you scold your dog.
    Squinting Their Eyes
    Dogs squint their eyes to indicate peaceful intentions. If your dog squints their eyes when they look at you, they are expressing their love and desire for your attention.
    Tilting their head
    For many dogs, head-tilting helps them hear better. Rotating their ears, or their entire head, can help triangulate the location of the sound so they can hear it more clearly.
    Ears forward
    If the ears are standing straight up, or in the case of dogs with floppy ears, inclined forward, the dog is paying close attention to something or someone. The dog is curious and alert.
    Ears flattened against the head
    Slightly pulled-back ears signal that the dog is feeling friendly. You often see this when you are stroking your dog.But ears laid tightly back against the head may indicate fearfulness.
    A Raised Paw
    A raised paw is when a dog lifts one paw slightly off the ground. It often indicates the dog is uncertain about a situation or perhaps feels a bit insecure.
    Licking you
    Dogs lick you for a lot of reasons. They may want to show you affection and love. They may even want to groom you to show that they care about your well-being. Or they may simply enjoy the taste of your skin as you may have the residue of some yummy treat on your skin.
    Play Bow
    An easy-to-read aspect of dog body language is the play bow. This is when dogs place their chest on the ground with their butt in the air.This playful gesture is a clear sign that your dog is happy and is trying to initiate play with you or another animal.
    Trembling or shivering in response to another person or dog means your dog is scared. If it’s freezing cold outside, bring them indoors to help them stay warm! Smaller dogs may be more prone to shivering than larger breeds due to their lack of body fat and thinner fur.
    Exposing belly
    More often than not, belly-exposing behavior in canines indicates trust and acceptance. A dog may also use this submissive display as a way to avoid confrontation. At times, the dog may even dribble or squirt small amounts of urine to communicate a submissive status to a person or animal.Easing TensionA dog who is in the middle of a challenging or unfamiliar situation may suddenly turn away and start sniffing the ground to politely avoid interaction and calm themselves down.
    Hunching over
    A hunched-over posture in dogs indicates they are fearful and feeling particularly vulnerable. By hunching over, dogs try to make themselves small, almost wishing to become invisible.
    Whale eyes
    When a dog shows the whites of its eyes, it is known as “whale eye”. it’s a signal they are feeling anxious or stressed in a situation.Smiling A dog’s mouth mimics the emotions human mouths show. A happy dog will have a soft, relaxed mouth which may look like a grin.
    In dogs, yawning is also a sign of stress and indicates your dog is feeling nervous. If your pooch yawns after you, it means they are very attached to you. Recent studies have shown dogs that dogs yawn contagiously, and dogs that are bonded with their owners are more likely to yawn when their especial humans do.
    Turning their back to you
    When your canine turns their back to you, they are showing you that they are friendly and trust you
    Shaking off
    If your dog shakes without some kind of irritant such as water, it’s a way of relieving tension. Probably your dog was stressed.
    You often see your dog getting the zoomies when they've been confined in a crate for some time, or after a bath.
    Nose And Lip
    Licking Licking lips or noise is also a sign of stress in dogs.
    Raised Hackles
    When a dog’s hackles are raised, it is a clear sign that the dog is aroused, but not necessarily in a negative way.
    Baring teeth
    If a dog shows their teeth, but doesn’t bark or snarl, it is often a sign of territory protection. You will often see this if you try to take food away from a dog who is eating.
    More often than not, dogs whine when they need or want something from you, like some food, or going out for a walk

Komentáře • 432

  • @JustADogLover396
    @JustADogLover396 Před 2 lety +395

    As a dog trainer, this video is entirely true. Good job for actually putting the time into researching different dog body languages.

    • @TimPetrone
      @TimPetrone Před 2 lety +7

      Not sure if the video creators will have the time to answer my if you're a dog trainer, I'll just ask you :) I adopted a Chipoo (1/2 Chihuahua, 1/2 toy poodle, for those who don't know) a few months ago (she was born in July of she's around 9-months old), and just so you can understand my situation some...I'm a 41-year-old man with pretty severe depressive and anxiety disorders. So much so, that I can't work or function normally...and back in August, I moved from Oregon to upstate New York to live with my retired parents. I got the dog because A) with severe social anxiety, and living in a place where I don't know anyone and am too "socially anxious" to go out and meet people...and given the fact that my 8-year-old cat passed away just a couple months prior to my move...I felt it would benefit me greatly to get an emotional support animal (as did my doctors). B) Though it HAS been beneficial...sometimes she drives me absolutely INSANE (not literally. My mental health isn't THAT bad). For one thing...she steals. Everything that will fit in her tiny mouth...and she rarely seems to have a reason. She'll take something; drop it in some random place; then just leave it there (except socks. Those are her obsession, and she will use them as chew toys, despite her dozens of ACTUAL chew toys). C) She's gotten pretty good about using training pads for #2's...but not always for #1's (and since we rent our place...that's bad). I've tried training her (with a reward system...never punishment...though I admit I do sometimes yell. My mental disorders cause me to become overwhelmingly stressed very quickly, and with even the most minor of triggers). D) I HAVE owned a couple dogs before...but that's when I was a kid, and didn't care much about really training them. As an adult, I've almost always had 1 or 2 cats at a time, which are FAAAAAAR more independent than my experience is very limited. E) We live in a large, upscale townhome community with 2 or 3 very nice dog parks on the premises (though I don't believe I've seen a single resident use one). Our home is nice...but there are no private, fenced-in outdoor areas, and our single-car gararge is full of storage and tools (though I did set-up a grooming station out there, because professional grooming (even at Petco) is just too expensive...especially with a dog that's 1/2 poodle. I watched a few CZcams videos on grooming Chipoo's (or similar breeds)...but my first attempt was't great. Anyway...our home is nice, and a typical size for a 3-bed, 2 1/2 bath townhome...but there's not a lot of open space. Since this is wayyyyyyy upstate NY...there was around a foot or more of snow on the ground for several months (and she's like 6 or 7 inches walks). I wasn't able to take her outside at all. Currently, there's been no snow for a few days...but more is still expected within the next week or so. How do I potty train her or exercise her in these conditions? We're all very affectionate here, and I strive to do my best with do my parents...but obedience training is also quite expensive. She barks too much; steals too much; gets in to the trash; and generally doesn't obey. She's very loving, and though she does get the "zoomies" me, that's a result of not being able to get outside and exercise. We definitely play with her a lot...she's far from neglected, and I refuse to crate her. We got her a large sort of playpen (similar to one you'd get for a human baby)...and we'll use that on rare occasions if necssary...but that's it. I feed her the healthier, more expensive wet food (appropriate stuff for her age)...but she often doesn't like it, and will refuse to eat it until she's so hungry that she has no choice (it's the same with dry food...only worse). She darts out the front or back doors whenever they're opened for even a second, then won't come back when called. She knows her name...she knows the word "NO"...but often won't come when called even indoors, and will respond when you tell her "no"...but only for a moment...then goes right back to doing whatever she was doing. She gets into the garbage...steals mail and important paperwork, doesn't simply destroy it...she actually EATS IT. My parents are retired, and I'm basically she's rarely unsupervised at all. I'm just at a loss here. I love her, and I need her for the sake of my emotional well-being...but my mental/emotional disorders also make the training process nearly impossible for me...and since she's my dog, my parents refuse to help with her training much, if at all (as if I'm a child being taught responsibility...not a middle-aged man who's owned countless pets, and understands responsibility quite well). Any advice???

    • @JustADogLover396
      @JustADogLover396 Před 2 lety +11

      @@TimPetrone Okay. Sorry I didn't see this sooner!!! So, I have anxiety too. It was a big leap for me being able to talk to people and sort out their problems with their dogs. It seems your problem might be lack of exercise. I used to watch a goldendoodle, it seemed no matter how much we walked him he would not stop bouncing off the walls. So, I recommend getting a treadmill. You see, poodles and poodle mixes are very energetic. They need lots of walks especially when they are a puppy. They need to be tired to learn new commands or just be easier to handle. When you are feeling stressed, step back, take a deep breath. All puppies chew stuff they aren't supposed to. And I'll be honest with you, most dogs don't really calm down until they are adults which is 4 years old. Again, treadmills work so well when you are trying to train them or making them easier to handle. And try hand feeding your dog, sounds gross I know but it works when one of my dogs are being stubborn. Hope this helps, if you have anymore questions let me know.

    • @TimPetrone
      @TimPetrone Před 2 lety +5

      @@JustADogLover396 thanks for the response. I’ll try this stuff out.

    • @JustADogLover396
      @JustADogLover396 Před 2 lety +2

      @@TimPetrone keep me updated! Good luck!

    • @snackenlemon6623
      @snackenlemon6623 Před 2 lety

      Ty will

  • @timraschke2915
    @timraschke2915 Před 14 dny +2

    So thankful for this info.
    I'm a "pet whisperer". We have a rescued dog that has been very standoffish toward me. We believe that his former owner abused him. But after five weeks, he is beginning to know that I'm not his former owner.

  • @benprofessab1496
    @benprofessab1496 Před 2 lety +891

    My dog can talk. I asked him what his favorite part of the house is, he said, “roof, roof”…I’m not sure why he likes the roof though

    • @WisdomThumbs
      @WisdomThumbs Před 2 lety +97

      He's just making a joke, but it went over your head.

    • @charleyember9226
      @charleyember9226 Před rokem +10


    • @eskigarcia9178
      @eskigarcia9178 Před rokem

      u are a clown 🤣🤣🤣

    • @skyemacallister1306
      @skyemacallister1306 Před rokem +50

      I asked my dog how does sandpaper feel? He said "ruff, ruff!"

    • @skyemacallister1306
      @skyemacallister1306 Před rokem +23

      I then asked him who was the best baseball player ever? He said "Ruth! Ruth!"
      I said, oh, come on now and he looked up at me and said, "was it DiMaggio?"

  • @DoveSh4mp0o
    @DoveSh4mp0o Před 2 lety +218

    This doesn’t have anything to do with the video but one time when my dad came to my house to say hi even tho I was sleeping (obviously he didn’t know😂) and my dog was just sleeping near my bed, and when my dad came and tried to wake me up and hug me my dog barked at him bc she probably thought he would hurt me! When I heard about this I was so happy!

    • @AYUSHKumar-yl4ld
      @AYUSHKumar-yl4ld Před 2 lety +16

      Maybe he didn't came to hug or wake you... I think his plans to eliminate you flopped because of your dog... Sucha nice dog

    • @GenericUsername1388
      @GenericUsername1388 Před 2 lety +5

      My girlfriend had this one dog who would bark at me nonstop whenever I went anywhere near them 😂
      I think he also thought I would hurt her or something

    • @BrokenEquipment.
      @BrokenEquipment. Před 2 lety

      He probably wanted to take your virginity but your dog saved you

    • @AmeliaJarline
      @AmeliaJarline Před 2 lety +1

      My puppy bites my nose!🥵🤪😝🤣

    • @carmenhoward7919
      @carmenhoward7919 Před 2 lety

      This just happened to me , my dad came in the house and I was showering , the dogs were on their beds in the dinning room and followed my dad upstairs and my dad threw a towel at me to say hurry up and my dogs went for him . Didn’t hurt him but they scared my dad and myself , I have 2 dog de Bordeaux’s and one cane corso , so big dogs

  • @nicolewagner6549
    @nicolewagner6549 Před rokem +45

    My dog does the paw thing. I've always thought it was cute. Now I'm extra happy to know it means she loves me. 💘

    • @charls6383
      @charls6383 Před rokem +1

      ye i got my pug today so idk much about dogs and he kept putting hes paw on my hand when i was strokeing me i was so confused then i searched this and it just meant he loved me wich isnt to surpriseing cuz pugs are one of the most loveing dogs out there it could get annoying if i leave him he just wimpers or barks so i have to be with him 24/7 hes so cute tho

    • @goofygrandlouis6296
      @goofygrandlouis6296 Před rokem +1

      So who's more trustworthy ? Humans or dogs ? 😋

    • @USGrant21st
      @USGrant21st Před 2 měsíci

      Remember when your teen came to you telling he/she loves you? -- It means they need money. The same with dog's pawing, they want something from you.

    • @Amazing-art907
      @Amazing-art907 Před 24 dny +1

      @@charls6383Congrats💖💖💖🙂☺️ on ur new pug 🎉🎉😊

  • @purpleorchids7112
    @purpleorchids7112 Před rokem +27

    I knew what some of the body language positions meant, but I learned about several that I didn't know. Thank you for taking the time to explain each one & give examples of what the dogs are trying to communicate. Very helpful

  • @Beachbby850
    @Beachbby850 Před 2 lety +22

    My dog always seem so dang happy, for no reason. She’s awesome & my soul mate. But I always wondered about her postures, thank you!

  • @lakshmisrinivasu3815
    @lakshmisrinivasu3815 Před 2 lety +75

    Dear friend I had a hard time understanding my puppy but I was assuming all these signs correctly, and your explanation has boosted my belief in my puppy. Thank you for your wonderful work.

    • @JustADogLover396
      @JustADogLover396 Před 2 lety +3

      Aw. How old is your puppy now? I can give advice if you'd like, I'm a dog trainer. Just ask, I give training advice to people alot on CZcams along with quotes.

    • @Earth_Luna
      @Earth_Luna Před 2 lety

      Same, my dog is like 8 or 9 years old in dog years as im typing this comment and these videos help me alot to understand her.

  • @yusunha8510
    @yusunha8510 Před rokem +15

    Of all the dog behaviour contents out there, this channel seems to provide the most complete information. Thank you!

  • @kellysworld6930
    @kellysworld6930 Před 2 lety +29

    But also the head tilt it’s adorable

  • @Eternal_11_Sasha
    @Eternal_11_Sasha Před 2 lety +115

    I have been a people trainer for over ten years and would like to share an interesting story about the "exposing belly". I had a client I was working with that came to me for training with her 8 month old female Shih Tzu. I was working with the owner and dog for about 3 weeks. The dog was very social and quite sweet. I noticed that she would leak urine when approached by a friendly stranger. This would happen at the start of our sessions but stop after we had been in our session for a little while. I also noticed the dog would excitedly run up to strangers and once they started petting or engaging with her, she would quickly lie down and expose her belly. On her 4th week of training, I didn't spend as much time in the beginning of the session petting her as I had a very clear cut routine that I wanted to quickly get started on with her. However, she performed exceedingly well that day and at the end of the session, so I decided to have a little play session to end the day. I knelt down to pet her and she did her signature roll over and show belly. I gently petted her belly while I looked at her parent engaging her in conversation. As I petted her, I quickly noticed her lower belly felt different. I looked down at her belly and noticed the mammary glands closest to her back legs looked (and felt) swollen and bruised. I instructed the parent to quickly get to the vet. She took her in the next day and it was discovered the dog had a mastitis or infection in the glands. She underwent vet care and the dog was also spayed. There was a two week span for the dog to recover before we picked training back up. Once she came back to me I noticed that she was no longer exposing her belly like she did so frequently before. She seemed so be more engaged in the training than before as well. I wonder if sometimes, dogs can use exposing a belly for example to indicate trouble and perhaps that's what this dog was trying to do? Just a thought.

    • @deefee701
      @deefee701 Před 2 lety +7

      An interesting story. I'm not a trainer but I have two cavaliers and they often have things wrong, like ear infections. I have read books that say that dog's will push through pain so they're not targetted by other dogs so I don't think this was the dog's intention.
      What I am impressed with is your observation skills. You only saw the dog once a week but still noticed an abnormality.
      That's the type of thing we all should aspire to.

    • @Eternal_11_Sasha
      @Eternal_11_Sasha Před 2 lety +3

      @@deefee701 Thank you Dee! I really appreciate the kind words! I sometimes think with my animals (2 dogs and a bearded dragon) that I can be a bit of a overly precautious pet parent and do tend to seek vet advice on any and every detail no matter how small. I tend to have the same approach with my clients dogs. In this case, I am really glad we got her the help she needed right away before it became something much worse!
      You are right, she may not have been indicating anything at all with the belly showing other than, "please pet me here!". Dogs do have great resistance to pain and ailments, so what you said sounds accurate! I just thought how interesting would that be if it were the case! 😊

    • @nonsens7832
      @nonsens7832 Před rokem +1

      Too long, did not read

    • @kathen832
      @kathen832 Před rokem


    • @jennysmith8835
      @jennysmith8835 Před rokem +1

      @@nonsens7832 definetley dont ever get a dog

  • @tati5311
    @tati5311 Před 11 měsíci +9

    Many comments mention that zoomies (8:57) are a good thing and dogs do it for joy. This can be true in many cases, but also wrong in others. I watched a puppy doing zoomies to relieve stress. Kids would force him to play all day long and chase him a lot. Also putting him up, carrying him around, stuff like that. He had zoomies so much, it was crazy. Please tell your kids how to interact with dogs, how to read their signals and respect them..!

  • @gbells9171
    @gbells9171 Před rokem +6

    Such an important lesson! Thank you!

  • @mdhrhfgvbf2915
    @mdhrhfgvbf2915 Před rokem +12

    I asked my dog how's life, he said "ruff"😭

  • @CGMB777
    @CGMB777 Před 2 lety +15

    The differences in breeds is very important.

  • @SashaTheConqueror
    @SashaTheConqueror Před 2 lety +2

    Omg. The dog will literally "Shake it off" ...oh the joy in my heart right now ☺

  • @bridgetbtuttle9731
    @bridgetbtuttle9731 Před 2 lety +36

    My mini Doxie pets my cheek with his paws - true love ❤️

    • @oldfogey4679
      @oldfogey4679 Před rokem

      Bridget my boy rubs against objects to show he likes me!

  • @justinbolton5032
    @justinbolton5032 Před rokem +1

    I really enjoyed your video's.
    I love my Dog 🐶. I take her everywhere with me including work. Dogs are the greatest companion you could ever want.

  • @jeanicegraves9322
    @jeanicegraves9322 Před 2 lety +11

    "Your dog may lick you because you have some yummy residue on your skin."
    My dog: mmmmmm. Lotion.

    • @tamararagbir2084
      @tamararagbir2084 Před 2 lety

      I'm laughing so hard! My puppy knows when I'm going to apply lotion and tries to lick it all off. Yummmmmm...Neutrogena hydro boost lick lick lick

  • @feifeishi6499
    @feifeishi6499 Před rokem +4

    This is really helpful, thank you, this will definitely help me understand me dog more ☺

  • @youtuber3328
    @youtuber3328 Před 11 měsíci +1

    thanks a LOT for the USEFUL information SERIOUSLY

  • @ErnieTheDachshund
    @ErnieTheDachshund Před 2 lety +44

    Im going to show my owner this video so now she can understand me 😁🐾

  • @nerf.ashton
    @nerf.ashton Před 2 lety +80

    i just wanna mention something about the tail tucking! some breeds, such as greyhounds and their smaller counterparts (whippets and italian greyhounds), naturally have their tails tucked in all the time. so if you have one of those breeds, dont worry!

  • @ostbagar3
    @ostbagar3 Před 2 lety +8

    I mostley understand my dog but he is 7 years and he came to me 2 years ago soo we have some communication-problems, in a good way, he’s an expert on surprise me and i love it❤️

  • @vaughnslavin9784
    @vaughnslavin9784 Před 2 lety

    This site rocks! Thank you!

  • @pepethegood
    @pepethegood Před 4 měsíci +4

    bruh my dog look at me like patrick bateman

  • @SillysCave
    @SillysCave Před 2 lety

    Thank you for this video, now i can know my dogs body language and spend more time with him

  • @hinasajjad6345
    @hinasajjad6345 Před 5 měsíci +1

    It's a set of great knowledge 👍👍

  • @karmatamang6002
    @karmatamang6002 Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you!

  • @shanepower3628
    @shanepower3628 Před 2 lety +52

    Useful information but seems like most of them are always down to stress or anxiety my pup is neither she yawns the whole time and she’s the happiest pup going

    • @craigoryrobie5676
      @craigoryrobie5676 Před 2 lety +4

      I agree my dog is so spoiled and pampered and yawns and shakes like out of the bath all the time. She's kinda lazy and does not like her fur out of place.

  • @user-xo1mz3wh9u
    @user-xo1mz3wh9u Před 3 měsíci

    Omg. The dog will literally "Shake it off" ...oh the joy in my heart right now

  • @dinanabil229
    @dinanabil229 Před 2 lety +4

    Thanks for the information ✨
    Can you make a video why do some dogs when we open the door they run out or bark at the people that are out side please

  • @PetsWrite
    @PetsWrite Před 5 měsíci

    This is awesome. Thank you!

  • @shivanikhanna1089
    @shivanikhanna1089 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks for such useful information..

  • @amilton1015
    @amilton1015 Před 2 lety +7

    Wow! Thank you so much - excellent lesson.

  • @lylapuppylove
    @lylapuppylove Před rokem +1

    Our Dog and I Thank you🙏✌️

  • @chocobambam8
    @chocobambam8 Před rokem

    Thank you for the video.😊🥰

  • @doreenswaim6802
    @doreenswaim6802 Před rokem +1

    My dog always has her tail tucked.. She always has for about a year? She's been to the vet .. I never really thought about it .. Thank you .. I will investigate ..

  • @Melody_ed1itz
    @Melody_ed1itz Před 2 lety +13

    My dog always like me at the face and everywhere and does a playbow everytime and shows her belly all the time so I think my dog loves me thanks 😊

  • @ObiKwabKenobi
    @ObiKwabKenobi Před 2 lety +2

    Such a helpful channel 🍻

  • @matthewrichardson2533

    That animated corgi looking dog always gets me smiling 😁

  • @robertfrey3607
    @robertfrey3607 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Good video. It's kind of a "Sesame Street" of understanding dog behavior, but useful.

  • @debbiemcnamara7059
    @debbiemcnamara7059 Před 2 lety +10

    My dog had to be put to sleep Thursday; he was a good boy. I will love him forever.

    • @davidr7872
      @davidr7872 Před rokem

      Just read you're post. Very sorry to hear that. I had to put down my mini doxie 2 years ago. Still miss him terribly. Finally got another mini 2 months ago. A sweet little guy. After grieving for as long as you need, please get another one. It won't replace your baby, but can help you and give a dog a loving home.
      Take care.

  • @tazdillon6313
    @tazdillon6313 Před rokem

    So true thumbs up

  • @Mr.Potato_
    @Mr.Potato_ Před 2 lety +1

    Awwww my dog, Sally, always put her paw on my leg or hand. i always tought that it meant to caress her more.

  • @GhostTheGoldenPuppy
    @GhostTheGoldenPuppy Před 2 lety

    Very true.

  • @wafflecult27
    @wafflecult27 Před 7 měsíci +1

    10:00 I have an Aussie shepherd and she also does this when she's feeling really happy and silly. Idk if it's like that for other dogs but it's a thing with Aussies

  • @Ms.ViVans
    @Ms.ViVans Před 2 lety

    That really helped me ty

  • @abbzb2083
    @abbzb2083 Před rokem

    Thank you

  • @lynnmartinez3195
    @lynnmartinez3195 Před 2 lety +1

    Thx for the information Now i understand my dog pixie so well shes a corgy shes so cute and fluffy :)

  • @kaikai2881
    @kaikai2881 Před 2 lety +1

    2:02 this made me really happy actually, knowing that my dog and i always have staring contests whenever we look at each other at the same time

  • @CandyAngela_Kit
    @CandyAngela_Kit Před 5 měsíci +1

    WOW! Thank you ^W^!!!

  • @antonioconeglian7471
    @antonioconeglian7471 Před 2 lety

    I loved It thanx

  • @dogphobiatherapist
    @dogphobiatherapist Před rokem

    Nice video, will be useful for lots of people

  • @user-dk1wx7jt5n
    @user-dk1wx7jt5n Před 5 měsíci

    tis vedeo is realy gonna help me.

  • @tiffanypersaud3518
    @tiffanypersaud3518 Před 2 měsíci

    That’s so cute! My Archie does the stretch bow :). And my Mamba does the belly up for rubs. I notice he also does that to look cute so we won’t be mad at him for peeing somewhere he shouldn’t too. Dogs are clever.

  • @srilathachittem1831
    @srilathachittem1831 Před rokem

    Informative Video

  • @MyLifeIsAFrickingMess_MRPOLSKA

    Finally, an answer to "What the dog doin?"

  • @Gulshan_farmer
    @Gulshan_farmer Před rokem +1

    Thank you love from India 🇮🇳🔥

    @SUPRAENTERTAINMENT. Před 2 lety +1

    Suoer explanation subscribed

  • @diegofamily1396
    @diegofamily1396 Před 2 lety


  • @khangahraman5891
    @khangahraman5891 Před rokem

    thank you, 7 months old Liza😍

  • @derykmacleod4979
    @derykmacleod4979 Před 2 lety +2

    my CKCS "Jack" will sit down and wag his tail between his legs...most people laugh because at first it looks like the little guy has a "Big Friend"...nope just his tail, and he isn't cowering, just sitting (excitedly)when he really wants to run around and play with the strangers.

  • @markdavidmagat9866
    @markdavidmagat9866 Před rokem +10

    I'd say some of these are case by case. most are true for my dog, but some seem to be a bit too strict. Like Zoomies, it's said here that it's cause they're releasing tension, but my dog gets the zoomies when people she's really comfrontable with come in our house. Like When my mom and I walk into the house after throwing garbage or something quick like that, she would jump on us and then run in circles around the house or when my sister comes to visit. Like yes that is a valid reason, but not the only reason.

    • @vrkdkdksks
      @vrkdkdksks Před rokem

      They do it when they're overwhelmed I have noticed that if they get extremely excited for one of my dogs he does that more often in similar instances when somebody he likes comes but my other dogs that if we scold him or try to stop him he starts running

    • @ohioguy215
      @ohioguy215 Před rokem

      Mark...sounds like my Aussie. He's a spinner. He barks if my wife sneezes. He barks when my wife throws a small bag of trash in the can outside. He spins when he knows he's getting a treat. He is the most intelligent and easily trained dog I've ever had. Also, he will not tolerate violence on his turf. When my wife and I pretend we're going to fight, he steps between us and barks at the aggressor. He is a hoot.

  • @user-xd9eu3xz1r
    @user-xd9eu3xz1r Před 3 měsíci

    Thanks for the information
    Can you make a video why do some dogs when we open the door they run out or bark at the people that are out side please

  • @jeanicegraves9322
    @jeanicegraves9322 Před 2 lety +6

    My dog hunches over when I trim her nails to try to get out of it. I've never cut her quick. I'm not sure that she's scared exactly, more like she just really doesn't like it. Like trying to climb outta the tub before her bath is over.

  • @donnamarieharrison1125
    @donnamarieharrison1125 Před rokem +5

    My parent’s husky used to talk! He would come to her and when she asked what she wanted she would say “out”. She called my mother “mama” always which I don’t understand because all of the rest of us called her Mom. She said lots of other words too but I can’t think of them right now!

    • @bretcappola6904
      @bretcappola6904 Před rokem

      So cute,my dog answers me all the time,I'll ask her,is that good?? She go,,ah huh,I swear she talking to me

  • @cmono
    @cmono Před rokem

    잘 보고 갑니다❤

  • @m.g.1089
    @m.g.1089 Před 2 lety +4

    My dog gets the zoomies after a long walk or play session. Hes happy as a clam when we are walking and fetching outside. As soon as we get home though, he goes nuts. It honestly feels like his way of saying "I LOVED THAT".

  • @holeastroud3899
    @holeastroud3899 Před 2 lety +1

    "Dogs lick you for many reasons, they may want to show you affection and love"
    My dog: here, you have 1 crumb on your hand I'll fix that *eats whole hand*

  • @prachiparekh3758
    @prachiparekh3758 Před 11 měsíci


  • @carolineymichi
    @carolineymichi Před 2 lety +2

    Chris Reher you got no idea of how many people doesn't know this facts. I already knew them but always nice for those you doesn't yet.

  • @annatanneberger1
    @annatanneberger1 Před 2 lety +23

    I think a dog sometimes shivers in excitement. E,.g. in the car on our way to a walk in the forest. There may be a bit of trepidation in there, but I think it is happy excitement. Arousal can be good or bad.

    • @TomBombadil123
      @TomBombadil123 Před 2 lety +1

      my dog always shivers when he is excited

    • @liette4541
      @liette4541 Před 2 lety


    • @gunasena9588
      @gunasena9588 Před rokem

      Are you a proud dog owner who wants to ensure the best possible health for your furry friend? Look no further than this amazing ebook on dog health care, available at the link above!
      Written by experts in the field, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to keep your dog healthy and happy for years to come. From nutrition and exercise to preventative care and common health issues, this ebook is an indispensable resource for any responsible dog owner.
      Don't wait until it's too late - start taking proactive steps to care for your dog's health today. Purchase this invaluable guide now and give your furry friend the gift of a long, happy, and healthy life. Click the link below to get started!

  • @N0rseman
    @N0rseman Před rokem +28

    I agree with most of these. But the "zoomies" are not due to a stressful situation at all. While it can be due to being in an enclosed environment for a period of time. In my experience, only happy and healthy dogs will get the zoomies. Most of the time they are experiencing intense joyful moments and they let that out with their explosive energy. My pup is spoiled and is treated better than anyone i know and she is extremely happy. The only time she gets the zoomies is when we are playing, which is pretty much every day. She was horribly abused by her previous owner so i refuse to crate her or enclose her by force. She loves going into the open closet at the end of the night to relax. I put a bed in there for her and that is her little safe space where she can go if she wants to relax. I have always been a dog owner and dog lover and i have never experienced a dog getting the zoomies after a stressful situation. I have always known the zoomies to come after or during happy time or play time.

    • @melblacke5726
      @melblacke5726 Před rokem +4

      Like you I think my dog's zoomies are simply expressions of joie de vivre, too. She is just happy excited and overall happy with life.

    • @siyuyao3896
      @siyuyao3896 Před rokem +3

      True, my dog only does this when he is extremely happy

    • @lahlahluv8380
      @lahlahluv8380 Před rokem +3

      Same! My dog has the zoomies whenever he’s playing, just lets me know he’s happy and I spoil him too! 😂

    • @N0rseman
      @N0rseman Před rokem +2

      @@lahlahluv8380 I love dog parents like us. I don't "own" my dog. If anything, my dog owns me. When I look at her I don't see just a dog. I see a family member who's sole purpose in life is to make me happy because she wants to. When she sees me happy, she is happy. But she wants nothing in return from me. That's why I spoil her. She has no idea how many times she has saved me and has brought me back from a very dark place. I could NEVER repay her for what she has done for me. That's why she is spoiled and will be spoiled for the rest of her life. I owe her that and more.

    • @lahlahluv8380
      @lahlahluv8380 Před rokem +2

      @@N0rseman I definitely get it! When I’m having a bad day at work and when I get home, my dog Biscuit greets me and makes my day so much better! I love him so much ❤️

  • @warayupay2682
    @warayupay2682 Před 2 lety +5

    This is something creepy. In the middle of the night our dog barking towards my bed and seems like he didn't recognize me while im asleep. It woke me up and had a goosebumps all over my body.

    • @Alex-eh9bm
      @Alex-eh9bm Před rokem

      We just experienced this last night, our dog randomly started barking while we were in bed just staring at us like he didn’t know who we were.

    • @nicolewagner6549
      @nicolewagner6549 Před rokem

      Yikes! What kind of dog is it? Unless it's a small dog that can't do damage, I'd keep get a lock for my bedroom and not let it sleep in my bed. People have gotten mauled in their sleep, so that's not something to take a chance on.

    • @faith1222
      @faith1222 Před rokem

      ​@@Alex-eh9bm the dog could see what our humans eye couldn't. You had a companion in your bed or room which the dog only can see.

  • @user-ok7rn2np5o
    @user-ok7rn2np5o Před rokem +1


  • @dionnedunsmore9996
    @dionnedunsmore9996 Před 2 lety +14

    I was owned by a Great Dane for almost (3mos. Shy of)14 years n i loved her like no other! She loved me too. She loved me enough for me to... even years after her death I still miss n mourn her.. That girl dog would NOT KISS ME THO!!!😂❤lmao I've never felt love that deeply bfor from a dog but she just WOOD NOT kiss any of us! Lmao in all those yrs...I can count on 1 hand how many times she kissed all of us combined! Smh she wasn't a kissy kinda girl lmao smh
    Funniest dog Id ever kissing tho. None! Nope! Notta! Lmao ZILCH!😂❤ smh crazy ole lady dog lol
    Phoebe Daniella❤🥺

  • @ooopestq2101
    @ooopestq2101 Před 2 lety +3

    OMGGGG i was so scared because my whole family left and told me to watch over my dog and she stood next 2 the door crying and im like does she hate me??? i give her everything then i went and gave her a piece of bacon and peanut butter than she cuddled on me im like oh..this is confusing so i searched up this video and the end just helped me

  • @BuzzKill9.
    @BuzzKill9. Před 2 lety +2

    One of my dogs actually loves the vet lol

  • @kristen7623
    @kristen7623 Před 9 měsíci

    My dog shakes when she doesn’t get something she wants. It’s like, resetting her brain. It’s so funny and interesting!

  • @funnyman1102
    @funnyman1102 Před 29 dny


  • @ii_wxther
    @ii_wxther Před 2 lety +18

    "Your dog will not fake emotion."
    In reality: *He stepped on a leaf and got a fright.*

    • @AbsoluteLeeNot
      @AbsoluteLeeNot Před 2 lety +4

      My dog: “OMG I have to go potty soooo bad, I might not make it. We gotta go.”
      In reality: Spends 20-30 minutes examining various trees and bushes, sniffing everything, and eating things that aren’t food. Spends 5 seconds at the end of that to squeeze out a quick pee.
      Me: “What happened to all that urgency? Thought you had to go potty sooooo bad.” 😒

  • @GhostGaming-so8sh
    @GhostGaming-so8sh Před 2 lety +4

    My dog does the playbow whenever she has a bone and stays in that position

  • @mercuryspawn19
    @mercuryspawn19 Před měsícem

    in certain context like with a new dog, young dog, dog in stress- licking can be a warning that theyre about to bite.

  • @_Chezzy_
    @_Chezzy_ Před 2 lety +8

    My rottweiler gives me his paw🥰❤

  • @drthelsie2189
    @drthelsie2189 Před 2 lety +2

    I hope this vid helps me

  • @lilwarmzoo279
    @lilwarmzoo279 Před rokem

    My friends dog always shivers bc before my friend got her dog some ppl were about to kill her and now she’s scared of loud things and is always shivering

  • @stephanevu-hoang1014
    @stephanevu-hoang1014 Před 6 měsíci

    I thought the raised paw meant pointing at prey, my Beagle/Brittany mix used to do that then would pull on the leash towards the target. I noticed even a plastic bag would sometimes get her going.

  • @joltfoxplayz
    @joltfoxplayz Před rokem

    My dog stands up on 2 legs and she wants a hug LOL

  • @user12484
    @user12484 Před 2 lety

    Him: avoiding eye contact
    Me: idk where my pug is looking tbh, one eye is looks one way and the other looks the other way lmao

  • @renut1382
    @renut1382 Před 2 lety +9

    My greyhound "shivers", but that means he's happy. Different breeds may mean different things.

  • @TivtheDoggo
    @TivtheDoggo Před 2 lety

    My dog will do the zombies sometimes when I just walk towards her :D
    Mostly cuz she wants to play

  • @jagannathmk1863
    @jagannathmk1863 Před 2 lety +5

    6:16 whic dog breed is that?🤔

  • @grantandhandworld4995

    Bro finally bro you finally said us humans I finally found a video that says Us humans

  • @thepatriotbangingxi4718

    This should all be intuitive imo

  • @Aceofwolves
    @Aceofwolves Před rokem +2

    Remember...a wag doesnt always mean friendly. Be careful when approching a dog you dont know.

  • @vidhividhi295
    @vidhividhi295 Před 2 lety +2

    You have pasted JK's dog pic on first page. Is it JK's dog? 💜💜

  • @xclarxx420
    @xclarxx420 Před 2 lety +3

    I just threw a chip at my dog and he caught it I’m so proud of him!

  • @AmoryPlays
    @AmoryPlays Před 2 lety

    I saw a video saying if they put there paw on your leg or so its a sign of dominance and you should firmly remove there paw so is that true?

  • @strangerthings-ev8ib
    @strangerthings-ev8ib Před 2 lety

    I remember I was yelling at my dog because she chewed up my shoes and then she just put her paw my lap, I personally also feel like it’s another way to tell you to stop or to calm down.