Road to the Champions Tournament Week 19

  • čas přidán 18. 10. 2023
  • Not sure what this has to do with Steak but here we go. 150cc with specific combos.
  • Hry

Komentáře • 12

  • @WindMK8DX
    @WindMK8DX Před 9 měsíci +4

    I was literally the only one using Morton the moron on the master cycle lol. Surprised I got top 10 using that tank. Also I did not deserve that 1st place on Bowsers Castle what so ever! Looks like there’s only a month to make a comeback, you got this!

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 9 měsíci +4

      I'm not out yet, but I am on the fringe. I've got to stop getting blatantly targeted like this.
      Good job tonight. Ggs.

  • @realJacobMK
    @realJacobMK Před 9 měsíci +4

    I read that you got targeted this tourney, that really sucks. Tbh people need to stop being so toxic.
    GGs, and here's to both of us being able to make it in the end of year tourney!

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 9 měsíci +2

      SO. MANY. RED. SHELLS. Then I got jerks who slow horn me. I'll bounce back. Ggs.

  • @SnowKingandDryBowserplays2743
    @SnowKingandDryBowserplays2743 Před 9 měsíci +4

    Game said you got some momentum? Let me just crush it real quick by having a million red shells after you and people targeting you

  • @RemyWillard
    @RemyWillard Před 9 měsíci +4

    Didn't need to make a quick scan this time. You told me in the post-stream comments that it would be safe. 😄
    Unfortunately, I didn't have anything particular funny or useful to say through the first 3 races, so commentary begins with the fourth race.
    Welcome to "Riverside". Seriously. Ask Alex. He'll tell you. 😆
    Welp... My faith in karma just took a hit. Bush league plays like what Thomas pulled nearly a minute and a half ago should not be rewarded with strong finishes.
    If I had to take a guess, I'd say Lava Bowser fisted him 3 seconds earlier. Since this isn't a direct response to Jacob, I'm not apologizing for the phrasing.
    I have no idea what was going on in much of the race. I'm just happy to see wind win with Morton the Moron.
    If you need a reminder for what you were supposed to watch off-stream over the weekend, this timestamp will help. 🤠
    14:21 and 15:17
    When you get to this part of what you were supposed to watch off-stream, I bet you'll burst into laughter. If not, my entire endeavor was a failure, at least for you.
    Sneak preview to your left, but you may need a frame-perfect pause.
    Oof. But that was either wind or CPE. If a perfect shot was needed for that hit, you know they're both capable of delivering.
    Sorry for how the race turned out as a result of this timestamp, but you know I have to go with the Cowboy Bebop reference.
    (in Radical Edward voice) Justin? **sniff** **sniff** Bad 🍄?
    If I had been able to tease one of these under better circumstances, I would have deleted this timestamp entirely. Since I couldn't, I have to keep this one up.
    It's Shortcat season.
    That said, if I had been participating in this tournament and been placed in this lobby for this race, I would have been a runner. I'm unlikely to win, but I'm also unlikely to drop below 6th with how many players were bagging (at least 5 were, since you were 8th while bagging at the first set).
    I'm surprised that Baby Mario was a COM. I thought for sure it was a live player, with how many of them I've seen in this tournament. Chalk up this brainless shock to COM stupidity.
    Expiration date for this being relevant: when Wave 6 drops, as then Daisy Circuit will be Daisy's home... but for now, this still works.
    How the *BEEP* does *THAT* make any sense? One green shell takes out one 🍌 *AND* hits you at the same time? This is bull on a level I never would have thought possible prior to Wave 5.
    How do you get squishalitied instead of a 🍄 boost here? The Nintendo lag is unreal.
    The faith I lost in karma over 16 and a half minutes ago has been reinstated. Well... mostly. I still have less faith in karma after this race than I did before this tournament started, but I definitely have more faith in karma than I did at the second timestamp.
    Not bad for not wanting Waluigi Stadium. If only I could do the same when others force Los Angeles 🗑 on me.
    I'm not sure if that was the right play by emma/luna, but I have a lot more respect for that Super Horn than I had with Thomas at Sunset Wilds and Waffles at Sherbet Land.
    I thought CZcams stopped my viewing of the video when I first saw the screen go black. If that had been what happened, I probably would have had to say goodbye to CZcams and see about joining Alex's Discord so I can stay in touch with this community.
    Picture's back. Previous timestamp commentary has been adjusted to reflect that. I'm feeling much less anxiety now.
    I almost didn't get this far, as evidenced by 2 timestamps ago. Fortunately, I had a timestamp to place in between that one and this one so that I could get this one.
    Post-Video Thoughts: Hopefully next week goes better. For both of us.

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 9 měsíci +2

      I'll get to the rest later but 32:18 was an editing mishap and I didn't catch it. Nothing's wrong on your end. Guess this can happen when I rush. I ended up finishing 5th that race.

    • @RemyWillard
      @RemyWillard Před 9 měsíci +2

      I figured it was something on your end when the picture returned less than 20 seconds later. It just gave me a bit of an anxiety attack (for lack of better phrasing) when I first noticed it, considering the issue I had been having for around a week now.
      Looking forward to your reply to the rest of my commentary. 😄

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 9 měsíci +3

      @@RemyWillard Boss gave the the rest of the night off so time to dig into the commentary proper.
      8:20 Did he seriously say Riverside? Wow. lol
      10:34 Dick moves like that really should be punished. This is not how you make friends; rather its a very quick way to make enemies.
      11:21 I came to the same conclusion. There's no way he'd just outright disappear like that, and I didn't see him with Father Boo so Bowser probably got him.
      13:27 That ending was bogus. The 2nd shock ruined me.
      13:34 Oh yes, a Maple Treeway Time Trial you asked me not to spoil. I've been dealing with a lot lately so apologies for forgetting
      14:21 & 15:17 I have a feeling I will burst out laughing...
      16:09 I spy... To my left... WIGGLER!
      16:13 That was Morton the Moron. I mean wind. lol. I could've done without the snipe, but at least he's not doing it to be malicious unlike some other players.
      16:39 That was a very bad Mushroom. Very bad. Daisy? Hey Daisy? You ok? I guess not...
      16:55 WE FOUND THE BAGGERS! That could've gone better for me though. It takes extreme luck to run this track and win.
      21:41 The shocks were out of control in this tournament. I haven't seen that many get pulled in a while
      23:16 Rigged. Hax. Total BS. Reminds me of that BS Red shell that went through my Triple Bananas and hit Rosalina last week. This one is more egregious however and shouldn't happen. PERIOD.
      26:06 More BS curtesy of Nintendo.
      27:12 It really does drive me mad when players pull those dirty plays. To see it actually backfire is nice.
      30:12 What makes it even better is that it came at Waffles expense. Add that to the karma from the prior race. That aside, this is the 3rd time Waluigi Stadium is going to be featured in my "End of Season" video which you guys actually got a sneak peak of on one of my streams while we were preparing for another war.
      31:14 I was caught from behind and didn't see it coming. More proper than Waffles and Thomas by far.
      Which leads to my editing mishap and the end of the video. I'm still not sure what I actually did to cause this, but considering how late in the video it was and that you really didn't miss much I'm not going to bother fixing it. I'm just going to write it off as an honest mistake and hopefully I don't make such an error again.
      If she's permitted, I may have to enlist the help of the Goddess again next week lol. Maybe I should've given Rosalina a shot in this tournament, but I don't know if that would've been a good play based on the resulting combo. Anyways, if you do take part next week, good luck to you too.

    • @realJacobMK
      @realJacobMK Před 9 měsíci +2

      I literally laughed out loud reading this LOL

    • @RemyWillard
      @RemyWillard Před 9 měsíci +2

      Time to reply to the reply to the timestamps. 😄
      He sure did. 😆
      I was the first to put "Riverside?" in the chat (at least as far as my browser was concerned, though Alex might have seen one or two others question it before me, since my messages are on a few second delay in most streams).
      Unfortunately for us, it's largely up to Nintendo and item distribution to determine if such players get rewarded or punished. There's definitely a line between proper bagging and blatant item abuse, and Thomas definitely did the latter while attempting to disguise it as the former during the referenced incident that was not timestamped, as this timestamp is the end-of-race results.
      I have to address Jacob's response directly, so expect another comment with this specific timestamp. 😆
      In fact, since I was unable to add anything that we didn't already cover in the previous mentions of this timestamp, I would have skipped over this one in my reply entirely without Jacob's reply.
      The multiple shocks were one of the things that had me so confused for much of the race. I don't know how two can be used in such quick succession, though I have seen quite a few instances in which there have been back-to-back shocks with a shorter delay, but those just confuse me even further than this one did.
      No worries for forgetting. I'll just keep reminding you until I get word that you have seen it. 😄
      For the record, 16:09 is more of a sneak peek for 14:21 and 15:17 than simply a Wiggler, but a Wiggler is definitely involved. 🤣
      Hey, Daisy? Are you okay? Are you okay, Daisy? You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth tree root.
      This timestamp response has been brought to you by Michael Jackson and remastered by Alien Ant Farm.
      I know all too well about how luck is needed to win, and not just on the specific circumstances of attempting to run Mario Circuit 3. My skill level is well behind the top-tier players in the community (I would say I'm similar to Alex himself, but if pressed to say which of us, him or me, is the better player, I would have to say he is), so whenever I *do* win, it's a combination of luck and me having the race of my life.
      I wonder if the frequency of shock pulls for COMs was also altered for Wave 5. We know about red shell pulls being increased and red shell activity being more erratic, and "triple protection" isn't protection (as had been addressed 2 timestamps later in both my original comment and your reply to that comment, so I'll probably skip that timestamp in this reply)., so it wouldn't be surprising if the only items that are still functioning as "normal" are Father Boo and the speed items.
      That's probably what Daisy in my original comment will need to say after Wave 6 drops, and she could also say it now and the quote would work. 😄
      Either I was wrong about the speed items continuing to function as normal (as stated 2 timestamps ago in this reply), or Nintendo lag is to blame here (as stated at this timestamp in the original comment). Either way, it's definitely bull (as stated in the timestamp in the original comment between the previous one and this one, which was a timestamp skipped in this reply).
      I remember that sneak preview. I'm going to love at least one of the other times Waluigi Stadium is featured. Scooty Puff Sr. gets featured, and likely served as a "meat shield" for you early on before making the comeback to finish 2nd, but frick if I can remember every last detail of that race. 😆
      The reason why I'm not sure if that was the right play is because the two of you were fighting for first place, and first place wants the Super Horn as a defense against a Spiny Shell.
      Like I said in my original comment, and you agreed with your response here, emma/luna used the Super Horn much better than Thomas and Waffles did.
      You mentioned you finished 5th, and I obviously couldn't see for myself who finished where because of the black screen, so do you remember where emma/luna finished?
      If you enlist Rosalina's help next week, I don't know what would be going through her mind when she sees my Mii. 🤣