Lewis Black's Rantcast #66 - My Déjà Vu is Déjà Vu-ing

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Two weeks into 2022 and the disquieting sense of déjà vu persists. While the title of this week’s episode would be a great title for a disco song, it’s not great as an apt description of the new year. The same issues that plagued 2021, including an actual plague, continue to hamper any sense of progress or anything that doesn’t resemble a rudderless drift. For example, this past week the anniversary of the January 6th Insurrection passed, fortunately without incident, but we still have no idea what exactly happened. All we can say for certain is that the former leader is a poor loser and his behavior wouldn’t be acceptable from a child who struck out in T-ball. It was ever thus with the man.
    The real news this week was the passing of Bob Saget and Sidney Poitier, and this episode is dedicated to their memory and the great works of art they created. While Lewis was never fortunate enough to meet Sidney Poitier, the effect he had on his view of race and society was possibly equal to that of MLK. Lewis did have a relationship with Bob Saget, working with him many times. He was spectacularly filthy and spectacularly sweet, was a great headliner, and was overall a terrific human. The deaths of both seems to show that some people pass on and our society is not producing people of a similar caliber that have a positive effect on the world.
    In other news, get vaccinated, whether for Covid, or as your host did this week, against Shingles.
    The live rants come from the Paramount Theatre in Charlottesville, VA on February 28, 2020. Keen viewers of the live rants will remember that the Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce appears to have something against Lewis, routinely downplaying his local appearances. As evidence, check out this 2015 recitation of the 25 things to do in Charlottesville: • Lewis Black | The Rant...
    For advertising opportunities email: advertise@thelaughbutton.com
    Lewis’ Grammy-nominated special, "Thanks For Risking Your Life" is available now!
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    #LewisBlack #Rantcast #podcast #BobSaget #SidneyPoitier #Shingles #CharlottesvilleVA

Komentáře • 170

  • @ameliatoreson1590
    @ameliatoreson1590 Před 2 lety +36

    You are one that will never be able to be replaced . Just like George Carlin

  • @patrickskramstad1485
    @patrickskramstad1485 Před 2 lety +22

    My favorite quote from Sidney Poitier was in the film "Sneakers" when he revealed, "Do you want to know why I left the CIA? ... My temper." And then he showed his true colors and hidden talents by kicking ass and disarming bad guys with ease.

  • @acenasty1298
    @acenasty1298 Před 2 lety +18

    Im glad you take care of yourself you are one of those people that wouldn't be replaceable

  • @vanessawhitneypro
    @vanessawhitneypro Před 2 lety +8

    You're the best... Love You, Lewis... What a beautiful tribute to BOTH gents... They were amazing humans...

  • @earlofsmeg
    @earlofsmeg Před 2 lety +11

    That rant, actually temper tantrum that Lewis had with 25 thing to do in Charlottesville is probably my favorite thing he's ever done. My God that was funny.

  • @hillarypritchard9249
    @hillarypritchard9249 Před 2 lety +4

    There’s people who can’t be replaced, Sidney is one of them. You’re another.

    • @MxIrony
      @MxIrony Před 2 lety

      There's also the entire population of planet Earth. ;)

  • @ursaltydog
    @ursaltydog Před 2 lety +24

    When I'd heard of Bob's passing, I thought of you... I hope you continue to stay healthy, and live a very long life filled with much laughter and pleasure, Lewis. I really do. P.S.... just stay the fuck away from Florida... He had the virus not long before his remarks about not being sure if he had omnicron or delta.. And was noted as still not sounding well. Just stay out of Florida..

    • @Kawiturbo750
      @Kawiturbo750 Před 2 lety +5

      I've loved Saget ever since I heard him doing, The Aristocrats.

    • @debrahelmlinger6256
      @debrahelmlinger6256 Před 2 lety

      That's fine, the more people that stay out of Florida the better

  • @Mariandna1
    @Mariandna1 Před 2 lety +7

    You don’t need make up. You’re beautiful the way you are..can’t wait to see you on Fallon.

  • @kathyrothen8266
    @kathyrothen8266 Před 2 lety +16

    I adore you. Your brilliant. I got all 3 of the vaccines and I got COVID with no symptoms. Guess I'm asymptomatic. Just imagine if I hadn't gotten the shots. I'd be in tough way. The vaccines work. Get vaccinated!!!

  • @SaltyMinorcan
    @SaltyMinorcan Před 2 lety +1

    I listened to this while my weird dog was having nightmares in my bed. It calmed me and kept from throwing him a mile and took my mind off my other troubles. You are a gem. Thank you.

  • @EricsWorlds
    @EricsWorlds Před 2 lety +28

    I never leave a comment but the time and energy you spend sharing time with us online is very valuable. After we are gone we can leave our memory here for everyone. Death is the most important thing for us to to laugh about.

  • @jimjett9996
    @jimjett9996 Před 2 lety +12

    That's what it seems like Lewis, it never f""n ends !

  • @MxIrony
    @MxIrony Před 2 lety +10

    Tell me about it. I'm going to be legitimately distraught if Lewis Black isn't in fact immortal.

    • @DavidRexGlenn
      @DavidRexGlenn Před 2 lety +4

      There can be only one immortal in the world at any one time. Lewis would have to cut the head off of Keith Richards to gain that boon

    • @astilealavatica1404
      @astilealavatica1404 Před rokem

      Queen Elizabeth passing ruined my hopes of extended life...She had all the resources a human could tap.
      Humans need to stop infighting long enough to topple our oppressors
      Mitch McConnell is Emperor Palpatine
      Some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! - Lord Trump
      @Justin Y. Trump is evil. He ignored this virus until he couldn't ignore it...the steps taken have been deliberately slow to contain this virus, as the government has made huge financial gains in allowing particularly older, retired people to die...no more pay outs each month...voting, if still valid in this country...is our only peaceful, legal recourse...voting 3rd party is the ONLY WAY to get real humans in power, rather than dynasty families and career politicians. When we realize the 2 parties we are divided over LOVE the division among us...then and only then may America be great again...
      @Justin Y. Lack of knowledge of the deep state? I just accused our government of mass murder...I understand deep state...fact that you refuse to listen, only attack, says too much about you...clearly you haven't known hardship. Clearly none of this has impacted you negatively...you are part of the problem, offering zero solutions.
      @Justin Y. Calling me stupid really helps your case...Trump has very limited brain power, as evidenced by his rambling, generally repetitive, toddler talks...although most of us are sorely undereducated, Trump really amazes me every time i listen to his banter. Trump did not close the borders in time, many flights to the USA brought sick folk here. Action wasn't taken until very late February, and by then 15 confirmed cases were more than enough to basically allow what amounts to airborn, quickly lethal AIDS《why this? (Because this virus mutates too fast to create an effective vaccine, which may never get made), upon the world. This is dangerous because common behaviors of common folk, such as shoulder to shoulder events, shopping and sardine packed working conditions, helped this virus along...even as people died in China daily...America went forward 2 full months wothout any concerns...then...rather than force the hands of state officials, and put the population through a 2 month quarantine, we've been seeing states react, rather than prepare...and all at the natural stages this virus thrives on...complacency among enough of us to allow the spread to continue. You refusing to see this logic isn't a blight on my mental capacity, just proves you are as simple as our Lord Trump...and likely among those very few, who like many elites, don't even understand the plight of the masses, whom I speak for, in this contrived crisis...Trump is calm about the virus because he exists outside the bounds of common folk...Trump and other powerful people would never have to take the risk of infection seriously as they are all well protected by expendable servants or can at the least afford to continue living lavishly and distanced from peons such as myself. 9/11 was an inside job and this proves what I've feared since then...that the government can perform mass murder and the people will always just accept it, hire the next sociopath in line, whichever of the 2 evil divisionary parties they aspire to dwell in...
      Our educational system is archaic. We could be educating everyone from home...there are no valid excuses for our current broken schooling, and no teachers need lose jobs...as the internet is an amazing communication device...
      Taxes are broken. Your dollar earned gets hit so many times...and we all just accept that blindly.
      Medicine is broken. My grandmother died because her selfish daughter needed cable tv more than grandma needed diabetes medicine...and millions suffer from the inability to afford insulin, despite that drug initially starting out as a gift to humanity from a generous genius, privatized by evil and greed, priced beyond reality for most.
      Our 2 party system is designed to keep us bickering...division keeps us docile enough to accept our own government conspiring to murder us, with our acceptance. 3rd party candidates are generally real humans...that care about other humans, even, gasp, total strangers and foreigners...
      We are all on the same damn spaceship...Earth. I judge character...not race, not whatever religion folks are born into. I am old...I am tired of seeing disaster after disaster get slow attention from government, as poor people die in thousands due to delayed or nonexistent help.
      It's about time the many take control, with votes, to dethrone the sociopaths that control us, play games with our very lives...
      When there are only voluntary homeless, when the janitor is paid living wage, when a high school graduate can earn enough in food service, or retail, to support a modest home and essentials, while creating a nest egg...when veterans are given the same care as Congress, Senate and other positions of highest power, rather than left to suffer and die, when the lowest paying jobs are enough to survive on, then and only then, can America boast of being great...
      As it stands...I feel most of us are born into lies we have no control over...It's well orchestrated, as my points are made clear in every satirical broadcast about the plight of the expendable masses, world wide...
      Do I want peace, equity and kumbaya? Yeah...I do...are there sociopaths in power oppressing the common folk...yeah...there are...have good Democrats and Republicans existed? Yes...they get blocked by evil at every turn, often resigning due to unbeatable corruption. Do I pity the very people I label simple? You bet I do...I want this planet to be a better place for most...not some...for all...if ever possible...
      This covid virus isn't done. It mutates too fast to pin it down with a vaccine...and we haven't seen the end of it because we, as a planet, would have to agree on a few ground rules to consider being a functional society.
      That's my 2 cents...some of it...take it or leave it. Most of us just exist and watch, lazily, rather than get directly involved in change. @soaringvulture We don't seem to take note...we, the expendable masses, are being told to push through life ignoring this virus...it took ONE infection to start a Planet Wide Pandemic...and because we didn't quarantine from January 1st to February, we get to watch innocent and otherwise lives lost, daily...who are "we", in "we're in it together"? Certainly not the elite...they step on us to avoid harm...I'm furious with humanity as a whole...I'm furious we accept all this death and Trump's toddler talks...like a Ted talk without useful insight...
      Those of us suffering are many...while the privileged watch the show They created...when...when will the common folk unite against tyranny, through the only peaceful means we have...vote out career politicians and dynasty families in favor of fellow human beings, with consciousness and compassion for the lowest among us.
      We won't stop the cycle of abuse by trading Democrats and Republicans, two sides of the same evil, corrupt coin.
      Vote 3rd party...vote for real people, with flaws, that understand what struggle is...that have put time behind any of these so called essential, yet minimum wage jobs...
      This economy is screwed...always has been. The vast majority of work available is menial labor...food service, retail, janitors, grocers...a great many take their wages in government...which is far too big, complex and unsustainable...
      Until any job can offer a modest secure household, until the only homeless are those who volunteer to live "free"...until the pill giants are mandated to make life saving medicine reasonably priced...we are a selfish, horrid nation, divided by the very people that oppress us, yet too busy fighting amongst ourselves to take any useful action towards a better tomorrow for the MANY, not the FEW

  • @tinaworley5584
    @tinaworley5584 Před 2 lety +4

    Safe journey. Say hi to your mom. Heck theater??!! I don't even want to go to pain clinic. You are a gem.

  • @davidkaul6180
    @davidkaul6180 Před 2 lety +9

    Guess who's coming to dinner is a must watch

  • @kimberlyb1180
    @kimberlyb1180 Před 2 lety +4

    My Grandmother was 85 when she came down with Shingles on the side of her face and eye. It was horrible.

    • @joanfregapane8683
      @joanfregapane8683 Před 2 lety

      That’s where I had mine, and I have lasting issues even 13 years later. Thank goodness for the vaccine!

  • @shelleyking8450
    @shelleyking8450 Před 2 lety +3

    Stay safe on your loop out west, and say hi to your mom for us, bless her.

  • @Puzekat2
    @Puzekat2 Před 2 lety +5

    The title is awesome

  • @stevezytveld6585
    @stevezytveld6585 Před 2 lety +3

    Thank you Mister Lewis. Sorry for your loss. Take care.
    - Cathy (&, Steve), Ottawa/Bytown/Pimisi

  • @kathrynmceachern9503
    @kathrynmceachern9503 Před 2 lety +10

    I LOVE YOU, even though it's 2022! And YES, the sh×t keeps RISING! WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? I am only buoyant in saltwater! However, they might want to distribute some scuba gear and sanitized air tanks... Unless, we can just develop gills? That can breathe $h:T!

  • @JimAllen-Persona
    @JimAllen-Persona Před 2 lety +6

    I like “The river of shit keeps rising”… extremely apropos to the shit flowing out of DC and Albany at an ever increasing pace.

  • @judithrapier7500
    @judithrapier7500 Před 2 lety +4

    I received all three and the flu shot. I don't have Medicare B so couldn't afford the shingles shot even though I had shingles twice.

  • @lalah9481
    @lalah9481 Před 2 lety +7

    We are all up sh*+ creek without a paddle my friend. In it together.
    I feel the loss too. My heart hurts.
    Thank God you keep me laughing!
    Peace on you and yours.

  • @rebeccageiger9110
    @rebeccageiger9110 Před 2 lety +3

    Good to know about the percentage of side effects for the shingles shot. I was planning on getting it this weekend as I am now over 50

  • @lillygardens1
    @lillygardens1 Před 2 lety +2

    RIP Sydney and Bob. 🙏✝️💖
    Two wonderful talents indeed.

  • @aimeeeisiminger2547
    @aimeeeisiminger2547 Před 2 lety +11

    Apparently I too am one of the 10 % who have an “adverse” reaction to the shingles vaccine. I can relate to the welt and punch in the arm feeling. Weirdly, the only shot I have had that did this to me.

    • @num1cheechwizard
      @num1cheechwizard Před 2 lety +5

      Having had Shingles , I can say the disease was far worse.Be Well.

    • @nancylevine2776
      @nancylevine2776 Před 2 lety +2

      I've had them 3 times. Thank God for the shot.

    • @zippyustar6350
      @zippyustar6350 Před rokem

      It’s a real bitch but it worked/ shingles is 10 times worse than the shot // Juz sayin 🍷cheers

  • @tinaworley5584
    @tinaworley5584 Před 2 lety +3

    Even as we may have loved or admired betty white, bob s, and sidney p, like near greatness . Mr. They grew elderly and departed from this earth. Yes, they were on loan. God rest. The difference being when upon introducing a friend or aquaintance it can become addicting. I feel you feel they will be missed. So when you meet someone in a person's circle, enjoy. Some lon ginger hot tea is nice. Have a clucky 🐔 day. Feel better.

  • @DavidRexGlenn
    @DavidRexGlenn Před 2 lety +5

    Rand Paul sports that same white-boy jheri-curl that my dad had in 1973 after he switched from his Johnny Cash-look because the guys at work were giving him shit

  • @shirleymason3853
    @shirleymason3853 Před 2 lety +14

    I think you’re an amazing man, you’re quite attractive because you’re really smart and that’s the finest quality about anyone. I’m sure you’ve heard this aplenty but I feel like I’m your biggest fan! Thanks for letting people who may not be getting immunizations they may not listen to anyone except you, that’s admirable

    • @robertcampomizzi7988
      @robertcampomizzi7988 Před 2 lety +2

      And he's great with kids lmao

    • @sandrastevens4418
      @sandrastevens4418 Před 2 lety +2

      The best comedians are extremely smart.
      It is much harder to tell the truth trough a joke.
      Take Robin Williams he was brilliant and a master mathmatian. He attended Juilliard the best school of the arts. But bringing people laughter made him happy.

  • @sharonsavage6679
    @sharonsavage6679 Před 2 lety +1

    You're a wonderful Man. I could listen to you all day, every day because most of your rants are exactly what I think.
    Please continue your format, you have a lot of fans who enjoy you and think that you speak to us 😉

  • @LAS495
    @LAS495 Před 2 lety +2

    I love you Lewis Black, for having the guts to say everything I’m feeling.

  • @willowdragonssacredfire6380

    I love you Lewis always have been a fan, and in times like these you especially are needed. And l too was sad about Sydney and Bob Saget amazing people may they cross in peace. And keep up the rants you are great and l agree about 2022 so far ugh. Stay safe all and thanks for your awesome brave comedy Lewis 💜✌

  • @theemporersnewclothes
    @theemporersnewclothes Před 2 lety +4

    Awesome rant! you made it 4 min 19 sec until the F bombing began . Happy New Year.

  • @ahnraemenkhera7451
    @ahnraemenkhera7451 Před 2 lety +1

    It’s always sad to say, “Good-Bye, I’ll miss you,” for the last time. But Lewis did so to his contemporaries, very gracefully.
    I’m sure it’ll make me smile later this year whenever I think of Lewis Black “high-stepping.” 🤣😂☺️ I cannot imagine anything more rigorous than strolling, fairly aimlessly, avoiding dog poop in 💩sville, stopping occasionally to ask what people are selling there, & turning to leave before he’s recognized & the magic has gone.
    “Orange Julius” was good, too. 🎃🥵😡🤬
    On a lighter note, we should perhaps thank the Milloonials & GenXers for guaranteeing that no one will ever confuse this era with The Roaring Twenties. But The Rants were great!

  • @ZERO_O7X
    @ZERO_O7X Před 2 lety +4

    All Hail the Rant⚡Cast!

  • @MoparMan1320
    @MoparMan1320 Před 2 lety +1

    Let's hear it for the rubber chicken!!! Love Lewis's co-host 👍👍👍

  • @jeffersonspace
    @jeffersonspace Před 2 lety +9

    Sidney Poitier, Peter Bogdanovich, Marilyn Bergman, Bob Saget. amongst others. Thanks for making me laugh Mr. Lewis. Bless

  • @trixieschneider5553
    @trixieschneider5553 Před 2 lety +2

    To sir with love. No one else could have been cast in the role.
    His voice could make your legs weak.

    • @debrahelmlinger6256
      @debrahelmlinger6256 Před 2 lety

      Yeah, used to stay up late at night just to watch his movies, even as a child in the 60's

  • @christopherallen9580
    @christopherallen9580 Před 2 lety +4

    Hello Louis from your fellow suburban Maryland homie!

  • @mitersangeeta2576
    @mitersangeeta2576 Před 2 lety +2

    The title is genius

  • @patruddiman4228
    @patruddiman4228 Před 2 lety +1

    Awesome range cast again. We also can't forget the lovely Betty White.

  • @chrisburke2085
    @chrisburke2085 Před 2 lety +2

    Thanks Great Job 👏

  • @Jazz8
    @Jazz8 Před 2 lety +1

    Mr. B.- I always enjoy these rant casts and have been a fan of your work for many years…just wanted to say what you do is important and much needed amongst the fuckery that’s out there! Good on ya man….and if it weren’t for my horse I wouldn’t have left this comment!

  • @jonathanjollimore4794
    @jonathanjollimore4794 Před 2 lety +2

    Lewis my life if I were to do a rant would make all your rants look tame ;)

  • @kevinconville3199
    @kevinconville3199 Před 2 lety +4


  • @theemporersnewclothes
    @theemporersnewclothes Před 2 lety +3

    Buffet on a cruise ship.. natural selection. Darwenism at it's Best....

  • @zazocar
    @zazocar Před 2 lety +1

    orange julius,,,, that got me ROFL. looking forward to see you on let nite again, hope Colbert gets you in too!

  • @neekniggit3606
    @neekniggit3606 Před 2 lety +1

    @Lewis Black Last Wednesday I got my Covid booster and the shingles vaccination. By Saturday I was flat out with the chills, aches and generally feeling like maybe I am about to die. The whole time I'm thinking 🤔 why this reaction when the initial vaccination only made me stiff and sore for a couple of days. Now I know. Shingles don't care! 🤣 Thanks for the laughs.

  • @earthn1447
    @earthn1447 Před 2 lety +2

    Thanks for the reminder! Sh shot!

  • @kitthornton2336
    @kitthornton2336 Před 2 lety +4

    I've often used the phrase "deja-poo," that is to say, "I've seen this Sh!t before...

  • @etb408
    @etb408 Před 2 lety +2

    Got my tickets for Salina, Kansas show

  • @bigtex4058
    @bigtex4058 Před 2 lety +2

    The rubber chicken never lies.

  • @nicolepsy
    @nicolepsy Před 2 lety

    I'm very sorry for your losses, Lewis. Sending hugs your way.
    I'm glad you got the Shingles Vax. I had them twice in my 40's and it was insanely painful. Very happy that you're taking care of yourself!

  • @thomaszitting2672
    @thomaszitting2672 Před 2 lety +5

    Your rubber chicken makes my dog crazy 🤪 and ya it's just more of the same vote all Republicans out of every office if you can

  • @joanfregapane8683
    @joanfregapane8683 Před 2 lety

    Please keep yourself safe, Lee. We need your voice! You’re one of our National Treasures.

  • @EpicJasonX9000
    @EpicJasonX9000 Před 2 lety +1

    just sent a pretty good short joke in your "summit rant" page, and it had a good punch line as well. hope you'll be able to read it Lew. ^-^

  • @monkeybutt405
    @monkeybutt405 Před 2 lety +2

    Louis, unfortunately, the pneumonia vaccine protects against streptococcal pneumonia, considered the deadliest type especially in the elderly or immune-compromised. You can still get pneumonia from other bacteria and viruses. I thought you should know. Please check with your doctor. Love your rant!

  • @tinaworley5584
    @tinaworley5584 Před 2 lety +2

    That's lemon ginger tea.

  • @kathyrothen8266
    @kathyrothen8266 Před 2 lety +2

    Oh yes... please stay healthy.

  • @katbear27
    @katbear27 Před 2 lety

    I got the Shingles shot right after my COVID shot. I got the really swollen arm and chills, but not the fever. And had both Pneumonia shots - my mother had a lot of cases of pneumonia. I was like a pin cushion, but managed to get my COVID shots in there, too. They were the only ones that were "free". My insurance (Medicare Advantage) didn't cover the full cost of the fucking Shingles shots - I paid over $50 for each.

  • @craigb8228
    @craigb8228 Před 2 lety

    66. WOOHOO, Im repairing a Theater at 66 Grant St. I LOVE saying 666 Rant St.
    Thanx, We love you Lewis.

  • @k.l.schiller8200
    @k.l.schiller8200 Před 2 lety +3

    Orange Julius Caesar, Mr. Black.

  • @autumnzolstice9758
    @autumnzolstice9758 Před 2 lety +1

    Mr Black's mannerisms are really just comedy genius even on a podcast, its so funny when he leans forwards into the cam view for an aerial view of his dome! 👴HILARIOUS!!
    Rand Paul's creepy hair look got me like 😨LMAO

  • @iamanomas
    @iamanomas Před 2 lety

    I waited too long for my shingle shots and regret it to this day. I’m suffering from the long term side effects of shingles and will for the rest of my life. You are doing the right thing.

  • @andreawalker7138
    @andreawalker7138 Před 2 lety +1

    I love all your Rantcasts, but I have to take issue at one thing you said. You called the last president Orange Julius...I have an orange kitty I named Orange Julius. I thought it was a clever name but now I'm starting to regret calling him that. On second thought, fuck it, I'm taking the name back. Orange Julius stands for my adorable kitty and nothing else. 😁
    Keep the rants coming.

  • @MMuraseofSandvich
    @MMuraseofSandvich Před 2 lety +2

    Ron wasn't "a little bit looney tooney", there's a reason why he named his kid Rand. Libertarianism is basically conservatism with weed.

  • @brianjennings7644
    @brianjennings7644 Před 2 lety +2

    only 231 more days til our Birthday, again.. Lewis.

  • @toddtalbott8243
    @toddtalbott8243 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you 👍

  • @maryvaltierra3944
    @maryvaltierra3944 Před 2 lety +2

    Floating Petrie dishes

  • @markgigiel2722
    @markgigiel2722 Před 2 lety +2

    COVID or not, it's NEVER a good time to take a big cruise. Save up and pool your money with family and friends and do a short cruise with less than 20 people on a private yacht. It's cheaper than you think.

  • @edwardlulofs444
    @edwardlulofs444 Před 2 lety +1

    You are right. You don't want shingles. A few people never stop having pain. All find the pain terrible. I took both shingles shots.

    • @joanfregapane8683
      @joanfregapane8683 Před 2 lety

      I am one of those people who still have pain and numbness where I had shingles. It’s awful. I am so grateful for the shingles vaccine- now I know I’ll never get it again.

  • @kathrynmceachern9503
    @kathrynmceachern9503 Před 2 lety +1


  • @LG633TV
    @LG633TV Před 2 lety +2

    I wanna know when the live rants are coming back again

  • @vicgarbutt3310
    @vicgarbutt3310 Před 2 lety +1

    I would go on a cruise if all of us were verified to have had Omicrom within a month.

  • @suzanne7576
    @suzanne7576 Před 2 lety +1

    I believe with my whole heart my mom was in love with him. So maybe that's why I loved him so much

  • @Dharmarenee
    @Dharmarenee Před 2 lety +2

    3 great losses Betty White,Sidney Poitier,Bob Saget (such a gut punch).

  • @rushfan1970
    @rushfan1970 Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you, Lewis for making my day! Even with all the rotten news, you made me laugh & smile, especially when you directly tell dumbass senators like Paul "F*&# you!" And I'm so thrilled about your partner, the chicken-- in my opinion a most vitally necessary & healing prop for comedy!!👏🏼🐓💓✌🏼

  • @ricklime5392
    @ricklime5392 Před 2 lety

    Bob's version of "The Aristocrats" is legendary, timeless and shamelessly-filthy funny as hell.

  • @mikerichards779
    @mikerichards779 Před 2 lety +2

    Love from Columbus Ohio ❤

  • @janetread7196
    @janetread7196 Před 2 lety +2

    Love your hair cut.

  • @BiancaTallarico
    @BiancaTallarico Před 2 lety +2

    Agree it has been 2020 for the last two years.

  • @lelandstronks319
    @lelandstronks319 Před 2 lety +1

    Shingles is one of the most painful,miserable f#*%ing things you will have. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.😲😩

  • @moxita91
    @moxita91 Před 2 lety +1

    You've said nothing here, Lewis, that I disagreed with. Paul running for president is hilarious 💞 . I also felt that my arm took on a talented baseball pitcher's pitch after the shingles vax. That Ted Cruz lost his sak to a guy like Flucker is enormously satisfying. Great show

  • @tinaworley5584
    @tinaworley5584 Před 2 lety +2

    My brother says I should not flush dog poop 💩 in the toilet; what the duck? What difference ? Does the garbage man need it? It's sanitary to flush any poop. Dog or me. Nothing to sniff.

  • @lindaward3156
    @lindaward3156 Před 2 lety +2

    Nonsense should only be allowed to be shouted into a void - where it belongs. l'm sick to death hearing of it. l found l had my limit yesterday. l watched a video of a hydraulic press crushing a modern soldier kevlar helmet vs a 1968 steel helmet, hilarity ensued (go figure but there were comedians there) and someone just had to bring the orange man up! How? Why? Sheesh. It put me past my tipping point and l later fired off some texts to a friend who l ignore his unfortunate (for me) lack of independent ability to think for himself and who loves tucker, and such. l've been able to steer that runaway accident skillfully away for some time now but l finally lost my ability to steer any longer. That one last bit just spilt my cuppeth over I guess. ☮

  • @KC-nd7nt
    @KC-nd7nt Před 2 lety

    Thank you Lewis Black

  • @gpan62
    @gpan62 Před 2 lety +2

    Rant, you crazy bastard! 🤣

  • @Arational
    @Arational Před 2 lety +1

    The Oath Crappers

  • @mrgregoo3104
    @mrgregoo3104 Před 2 lety

    You are the greatest Lewis .

  • @Metalbass10000
    @Metalbass10000 Před 2 lety

    I got chicken pox as a kid, and was told I was immune. Three times since 17 years old I've had shingles.

  • @antongromek4180
    @antongromek4180 Před 2 lety

    Ho, my favorite Rubber Chicken (and his Friend;) Happy New Year guys🤞

  • @MegaAshabasha
    @MegaAshabasha Před 2 lety +1

    We've only lost these people if we have learned nothing from their existence and choose not to embody what they tried to teach us.
    And the reason nobody was at the capital to defend it was the same reason it took so long to scramble fighters on you know which date...it's called a FFO. Draw what conclusions from this you choose...

  • @BiancaTallarico
    @BiancaTallarico Před 2 lety +1

    Don't worry Lewis we have new civil rights leaders rising in the BLM movement. Yes the originators may be gone but their spirit and a renewed more hungry spirit has been risen.

  • @jonathanblanchard6480
    @jonathanblanchard6480 Před 2 lety +2

    How many flu deaths last year?

  • @NewMessage
    @NewMessage Před 2 lety +2

    Vote Rubber Chicken/2024!

  • @Blyndem
    @Blyndem Před 2 lety

    Oh no, Lewis is going to be in trouble with the GFoA for his disparaging remarks about goats and those that love them.

  • @MxIrony
    @MxIrony Před 2 lety +2

    Thank you for the inspirational realization that this Trump nonsense is basically just a giant filibuster.

  • @ericmccarty9656
    @ericmccarty9656 Před 2 lety

    Good luck brother

  • @GrimJerr
    @GrimJerr Před 2 lety +2

    My Déjà Vu is Déjà Vu-ing Again

  • @WHix-om4yo
    @WHix-om4yo Před 2 lety +3

    Mask up and enjoy those Cracker Barrels!