''I Just Want To Sleep'' were his LAST WORDS on Everest

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2023
  • ''I Just Want To Sleep'' were his LAST WORDS on Everest
    Helping someone who is in need is the morally correct thing to do practically anywhere in the actual world. Most people do this without thinking about it.
    But there is one location so hostile, so harsh in nature, that ensuring your own survival becomes a higher priority than assisting others. This is, of course, Mount Everest, where many climbers have gotten into terrible problems and been left for dead.
    Mountaineering, Climbing, Accident, Mount Everest
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Komentáře • 14

  • @antoniotula262
    @antoniotula262 Před 10 měsíci +13

    Sharp, as well as Kuriki, both would have known the additional risks of climbing without supplemental oxygen. Yet they both insisted on not using oxygen even after losing fingers or toes to frostbite. It's one thing to want to end one's life above 8000m, it's another thing to risk other people's lives who spend more time in the death zone, using precious oxygen trying to revive someone who willfully put themselves in that situation.

    • @wr1120
      @wr1120 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Losing your toes and still continuing climbing is what I dislike so much in the character of mountaineers. What they basically say is: screw it all, I'm going to do my own thing, even if if means I might bring others in trouble while trying to get me out of my self created mess.

  • @melodysmith307
    @melodysmith307 Před 10 měsíci +4

    I have heard this story quite a few times and it is truly heartbreaking. My opinion is that when you decide to climb a mountain that big, you know what you are getting yourself into. I'm not saying that people shouldn't try to help.others. my point is they are not risk their own lives to help others. Of course if they are in a position to help they absolutely should. If they could ultimately die trying to help, they must make a devastating decision. The story is that many people tried him but couldn't. Don't judge others unless you have walked in their shoe's. God bless this mans heart. RIP

  • @KatmanJazznBlues
    @KatmanJazznBlues Před 10 měsíci +4

    I had no idea David Sharp was so accomplished. He pushed for the extreme, he had a mission to beat that mountain whether it killed him. Tough human being, but not indestructible.

  • @user-ck8pb2np5w
    @user-ck8pb2np5w Před 10 měsíci +2

    On Everest everyone is in need , specially in the death zone , you will not find someone there without need,
    they are all dying in the death zone as soon they enter it and time is running to survive as also strenght is very rapid shrinking in that zone in time.
    The most deadly choices is stop walking or holding a postion to long, not having oxygen, letting time run out ,
    to be too slow, got signs of high altitude sickness wich mostly everyone has at least in little and of course never go up in bad weather conditions,
    as soon the weather goes bad, you are too slow, you are feeling not well , you getting snow blind, you are to late in the Timeline you have to turn back and hoping you will not get punished by death
    as soon as you walk you can not stop, never take off cloth also not gloves , not take off the sun protection, have enough oxygen, be acclimatize, well fed and got enough water and be fit enough to keep on walking , because you are starting to die and you have to make it in time not to be dead.
    That is right there were 4or5 people checking david sharp, one wanna give him oxygen but he refuse, later he was given oxygen but it did not help anymore, david sharps body wo so frozen he could not move his legs anymore , david sharp was exposed to a blizzard in the death zone even froze him in the cave he was, he was much too late and much to slow to get up and leave, so he spend many hours alone in the death zone in very cold conditions without moving and without shelther.

  • @MrIsomer
    @MrIsomer Před 10 měsíci +2

    With his history of frostbite - the guy should've quit while he was ahead...

  • @SpicyMartina
    @SpicyMartina Před 10 měsíci +2

    If you don't follow safety procedures what do you expect. Each person knows the risk and no its a possibility they won't return. As callous as it sounds those people who didn't stop did the right thing or they could have died too. Not to mention paying a lot of money for their experience only to waste it on someone who was an idiot. I would have checked on him but i would have continued. Sad yes but thats life. Part of me thinks he was hoping to die. Or he was an idiot. 🤷 you won't catch me doing crazy stuff like that.

  • @blackhawkorg
    @blackhawkorg Před 10 měsíci +1

    A fool's errand. A willingness to lose body parts is an abnormal addiction to something. He choose death.
    A mountain of tourists, no glory in that either.

  • @SerafinaTorgul
    @SerafinaTorgul Před 10 měsíci

    So many inaccuracies.

  • @sallyspencer5624
    @sallyspencer5624 Před 10 měsíci

    I think it is stupid to clime Everest with out Oxygen. The oxygen level at sea level is 21% In the death zone at 26,000 ft. the Oxygen level is half the level at 11% At the summit of Everest the oxygen level is 1/3rd the amount at sea level at 7% The over crowding on Everest of those trying to summit the mounting are standing still for 1&2 hours while waiting this is dangerous as they are in the death zone to long and there are consequences.
    Altitude sickness with pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, frost bite, running out of supplemental oxygen and hypothermia. At 28,000 ft. they have hypothermia no and's if's or but's about it. With hypothermia the body will give a last effort to preserve itself by creating a body flush so what do people do? they loosen their collar and slip their hood down a little to cool themselves. This flush takes warmth from their extremities to supply the main body then they get frost bite.
    Most people die on their decent usually on or around the death zone. When in the death zone the body is dying and this is why they are unable to help others. I've heard that 1/3rd of the deaths are the Sherpa's, now they do try to help others and in so doing they often die themselves. If a Sherpa tells climbers they will die if they continue to climb, the climbers need to take the advice of the Sherpa.

    • @wr1120
      @wr1120 Před 10 měsíci +1

      They just want to show the world that they are better than the rest of us.

  • @taotracy4431
    @taotracy4431 Před 10 měsíci

    guy states climbing Everest without o2 is sucidal yet he calls his channel mountaineering. apparently he has a disconnect with mountaineers and their techniques. My guess is he's not a mountaineer and most likely has never climbed anything