STEVEN THE SHATTERER! *Steven Universe Future* Episodes 15-16 REACTION Mr. Universe, Fragments


Komentáře • 89

  • @crowsenpai5625
    @crowsenpai5625 Před 2 měsíci +40

    Steven “I stopped holding back and IMMEDIATELY accidentally killed someone” Universe.

  • @andalilbitqueer
    @andalilbitqueer Před 2 měsíci +204

    the more distance i get from the original relase, the more i think the decision to not have Jasper be permanently shattered and instead bow to Steven as her diamond is just a better writing decision.

    • @SputnikSpyglass
      @SputnikSpyglass  Před 2 měsíci +48

      I can definitely see that being a more complex outcome. I kind of wish they left her shattering in limbo for a bit longer though.

    • @Bugthaw
      @Bugthaw Před 2 měsíci +21

      @@SputnikSpyglassI personally don’t see how it’s complex at all. She called him her diamond a few times and wanted to leave with him, and that was it. I think it would have been more impactful if there was at least SOME consequence, like maybe he lost a shard and so she came back missing an arm or something.

    • @Yogurg
      @Yogurg Před 2 měsíci +11

      @@BugthawI don’t think they had time to go with that approach. It sucks they didn’t get more episodes to work with. I still enjoyed it but another season would’ve been awesome

    • @natalimoina
      @natalimoina Před 2 měsíci +22

      @@Bugthaw the point is that there isn't any immediate consequences, that's a large part of the plot that sends Steven spiraling

    • @padparadscha9921
      @padparadscha9921 Před 2 měsíci +20

      I like it because if Jasper stayed shattered he could’ve pulled a rose by bubbling her then put her away and trying to forget. But now that she is reformed she is a LITERAL walking reminder of what he did and what happens I’d he looses control

  • @heytallman
    @heytallman Před 2 měsíci +100

    The end of ep 16 had me SICK. One of the most insane moments in the whole show. At first I thought it would be more impactful if Jasper remained shattered but over time I've come to more appreciate that it took literally killing her for Jasper to come around on Steven. And that's so chilling.

    • @cherryflack1114
      @cherryflack1114 Před 2 měsíci +11

      exactly. i just hope jasper doesnt live in the woods forever. kinda like even if steven cant help her, she helps herself

    • @Pinkywinkykinky
      @Pinkywinkykinky Před 2 měsíci

      @@cherryflack1114 I'd live with her man 🙏

  • @thatunknownindividual4554
    @thatunknownindividual4554 Před 2 měsíci +94

    What I appreciate about the first episode is that it’s hard to watch, but neither character is entirely in the wrong. It’s a complex thing.
    Also that second episode is crazy!

    • @stars_and_lattes3078
      @stars_and_lattes3078 Před 2 měsíci +7

      Fr! Cause I can understand both sides. Greg felt stifled under his parent's roof, and he didn't feel like they supported anything he wanted to do.
      Meanwhile steven went through so many traumatic experiences because he didn't have a normal human life. Greg, while we love him, doesn't really know how to approach this kind of trauma, since he seems like he's still dealing, or ignoring his own.

  • @historyking9984
    @historyking9984 Před 2 měsíci +52

    Greg was there for Steven but he ignored key parts of his development. Steven had almost no experience of life outside of beach city . He never went to a doctors appointment before or understood how that worked. He made some friends but with school he’d have more understanding of how to socialize and maybe more options and experience. He lived an insane life fighting gems and stuff in space and drama with his mom, that a regular school hours and regular stuff might’ve been helpful and structured. Steven’s human and a gem but Greg kinda didn’t help him develop some of his human side he needed in terms of structure and finding life beyond the crystal gems for years . We see with Connie’s friends the issues Steven has due to not experiencing any normal life, or having anything to really talk about beyond gems and beach city

    • @mr.crystalflake
      @mr.crystalflake Před 2 měsíci +8

      You guys are forgetting that Greg tried to get Steven to enjoy more human things all the time, but Steven didn’t want to do those things. He only wanted to help the gems. Even during season one when Peridot and Jasper were coming to earth, Greg tried to get Steven far away from the gems because he didn’t want his child getting hurt all the time, or to get kidnapped. (Which happens multiple times). That man tried so hard to get Steven to not fight and to go to school, but Steven didn’t want it. Greg didn’t like his decisions but still accepted.

    • @nellepastel
      @nellepastel Před 2 měsíci +16

      ​@@mr.crystalflake Well that's sort of Greg's problem throughout, and it's by extension a problem Rose and Steven share. Greg is *right* to be scared of gem stuff, and he's right to not want Steven having to deal with it, but he never makes it a hard and fast rule or puts any limits on how the gems take care of Steven because he doesn't feel like he's qualified. Greg could say "He's my son, I'm his father. He's not going to space," but he doesn't-even when he wants to. Greg sort of acquiesces a lot of his parenting responsibilities over to the gems, not out of laziness or lack of care, but because he doesn't trust himself. It's why he lies and says his leg is broken, rather than tell Steven he wants to spend more time with him. It's why after Steven is kidnapped in space, he begs the gems to talk to him rather than try and do it himself-because he believes the gems when they say he doesn't know what Steven needs-despite the fact he does. It's why he can't ever be upset with Steven, and instead just tells him he's proud when Steven crashes the van. (This is a perfect parallel to Connie's family btw, who is so overconfident in their parenting they can't admit when they've made a mistake.) This is Rose's problem too, she never understood how much she meant to the Diamonds, and to the gems, and to Greg. Her assumption was always that everyone was better off without her, or wouldn't miss her when she was gone, and underestimating herself like that leads to everyone being more burdened than they'd have been otherwise. And like his parents, Steven is the same way where he is so selfless, he can't ever advocate for himself, such to the point he spends a huge chunk of the series believing he's a lie his mother made up to avoid her mistakes, and that all of his friends would abandon him if he didn't have powers. Part of Steven Universe has always been that selflessness is not always a moral good, especially when it stems from a place of low self-esteem-and Gregg, Rose, and Steven exemplify that.

    • @Asterite100
      @Asterite100 Před 2 měsíci +5

      ​@@mr.crystalflake "That man tried so hard to get Steven to not fight and to go to school, but Steven didn’t want it. "
      Proof of this? Let's not embellish what happened just to make Greg look good. He was a good enough father but was way in over his head trying to start a family with Rose. No matter how you paint it, their child was always going to be an experiment into uncharted territory.
      Unless you mean the whole "paying for college" thing which... just because you can pay for college doesn't mean you're ready for it or will succeed in academia. The placement tests alone will be humiliating for Steven since he has no sort of formal education whatsoever. of course, Greg, bless his heart, wouldn't be familiar with that experience since he was a simple roadie throughout his youth.
      That's where the root of Steven's anger comes from (albeit a little overblown fueled by his hormones and Pink Diamond's destructive gem energy). Steven is the CHILD, and the parent(s) should be the one making important life decisions like this. You don't ask a child if they want to start going to the doctor's office or not. You just take them.
      Greg _does_ make some decent points about why he was apprehensive about treating Steven like a normal human child, but that doesn't invalidate Steven's dismay at his stunted growth.

    • @Scott-ql2kx
      @Scott-ql2kx Před 6 dny

      @@nellepastel He could say "Steven's not going to space", at which point everyone involved would fully recognise that Greg has zero power to make Steven do anything he doesn't want to do. He doesn't provide for Steven, he can't overpower him, and he only has as much authority over Steven as Steven allows.

    • @ShurouInu
      @ShurouInu Před 2 dny

      @@nellepastel what? greg quite literally says that as steven's father he forbids him from going to space when pearl tried to take him. Relating to steven's doctor visit, possible explanation kinda comes up in the previous episode, steven instantly heals from his injuries making it difficult or impossible to tell when he actually needs a doctor. Greg and Steven in this episode kinda show a common theme of overcorrecting, shows like the legend of korra had a theme like this. In TLOK toph was raised in an overly strict home and given no freedom so as a result she raised her daughter with little to no rules, which causes one of the daughters to raise their kids with too little freedom, the show even confirms it by saying "mom gave us too much freedom, but im afraid ive given opal too little". Greg gives steven a free childhood that he wishes he had but neglects that this method has no structure or consistency, inverse Steven is glorifying and wishing for greg's childhood because of its stability and structure but ignores how oppression it was and how miserable it is to have a lack of freedom like that. TLDR; greg and steven are basically the phrase "the grass isnt always greener on the other side"

  • @calypsolemon9571
    @calypsolemon9571 Před 2 měsíci +23

    you'll have to remember that it's not just that Steven didn't get to go to school or go to the doctor because of lax parenting, he experienced a lot of major traumas! he's angry at greg because in his mind, in that moment, greg ran from a "safe, " if controlling, home, and never gave Steven the option of that safety from quite literally life threatening dangers. Now of course, that's not entirely true, and Steven is not really picking up on some of the very obvious hints that Greg's home life was straight up abusive, but it's understandable that he's angry, especially when he draws the obvious comparison between greg and his mom. He has a lot of bad feelings about how he views rose as having run away from her problems and hoisted them onto him instead, and here greg is accidentally selling Steven the same advice, that the thing that helped him was simply running. But Steven doesn't see running as an option, because he is trying desperately to not be like his mother, and he doesn't see himself as capable of escaping responsibility for the entire universe.

  • @wtimmins
    @wtimmins Před 2 měsíci +68

    The disconnect between Greg and Steven about the song is so relatable.
    There are things in your life that are magical, almost divine, and in most cases ... it's TOTALLY impossible to really convey that magic to someone else who isn't at the same point in their lives, same circumstances.
    Ever see a great episode of TV and you are excitedly telling someone about it and they are just sort of staring at you?
    Add in how much is going on in Steven's head and his anger...

  • @kaylagaymon4873
    @kaylagaymon4873 Před 2 měsíci +32

    Fragments was so shocking. I can't believe Steven shattered Jasper. I was scared by that

    • @andalilbitqueer
      @andalilbitqueer Před 2 měsíci +4

      love that you posted the exact same comment on Gallifrey Gals' reaction

    • @Bread16091
      @Bread16091 Před 2 měsíci +5

      @@andalilbitqueerThey still can’t believe it!

  • @Peridot5xg
    @Peridot5xg Před 2 měsíci +12

    Steven went ALL OUT

  • @PersonMcHuman
    @PersonMcHuman Před 2 měsíci +18

    One of my favorite small details of Fragments always gets overlooked. In Episode 1 of Future, Jasper refers to grass as "Little green Earthlings" and then says she didn't bother to learn their names when Steven corrects her. In Fragments, when Steven heals the tree and regrows the grass, Jasper shouts, "No! The grass!" She did actually bother to remember what Steven said to her.

  • @iesika7387
    @iesika7387 Před 2 měsíci +28

    I see a lot of folks mad at Greg for keeping Steven from his grandparents and extended family just over them being too strict, but I feel like this has to be the highly sanitized version because they didn't want to use the word abuse. Greg was homeless and literally eating out of the trash. He was homeless with a baby with his partner freshly gone forever. You don't choose that if there's a better alternative waiting for you. Honestly, Vidalia (and later YellowDad) for MVP.
    Where Greg IS in the wrong is letting Steven be so isolated from everyone else when he was so young. He was left alone by the gems really often, he didn't have school, he didn't have connections outside the family. Greg should have taken him to a doctor and done his best to explain things. He should have enrolled Steven in school or other activities. The fact Steven had never even met Vidalia until he was a teenager when she lived right down the way and already knew about gem stuff is wild to me. Greg is a great guy, but he wasn't actually the best parent.

    • @azraelmacool3194
      @azraelmacool3194 Před 2 měsíci +10

      I mean, Greg sent them letters and they never opened one of them. Maybe he did tell them about Steven and they just didn’t care to look

    • @iesika7387
      @iesika7387 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@azraelmacool3194 If he did reach out and was rejected that’s just more evidence Steven’s grandparents were garbage. My point is, people who go no contact with parents do it for a reason. It’s rough, and not something anybody does on a whim. My concern isn’t Greg keeping Steven away from two particular people who probably weren’t safe for either of them, but rather Greg keeping him away from everybody else.

  • @Kendorable
    @Kendorable Před 2 měsíci +61

    You guys thinking he just poofed her was great, make the shock of the shattering ao much better.

  • @dogti2959
    @dogti2959 Před 2 měsíci +5

    The biggest problem is, there was no stability in Steven's life what so ever. His mother died to bring him to life, he didn't live with his father and the gems went off doing other things, living him alone at the house for long period of time. Sure, Steven is a special being, but he didn't get the safety he deserved to grow up as a strong adult. He fought death threats most his life, discover the mother he admired and was meant to look like lied to everyone, caused thousands of death and left a huge mess behind her. He saw at full front hos her death affected Pearl the most, how she basically trapped her with her secret for eternity. By the end of the series, Steven has no respect for Rose, only bitterness, and what Spinel went through made it even more somber. And then, we learn about Pink Pearl as well, how she was another traumatized victim of Rose's action. Sure, we can understand why she acted like that, the suffering she endure back on Homeworld. But that doesn't excuse her actions. During all this time, Greg stayed this perfect parental figure to Steven, more or less, someone who was always there for him and making the best choices for his sake. But the reality is, Greg is mpore aligned with Rose than we thought. As you said, that's why they connected so well, they understood each other even if they never share their personal life. But that's the problem, they were on the same page on the wrong end of the stick. I grew up in a strict family and I suffered from some of it. But I'll be forever grateful that I learned to respect rules, to respect others. It's when I started to grow up, when that rules started to disapear, that I went down hill with my life and I'll forever be bitter about that part of my life, because it wasn't good. Total freedom isn't how you raise a child, especially if you starve them of some basic stuff they need to survive later. I work with kids all day, I see hos terrible it is when parents don't set rules for them. And I can't do much with those little kids, only try to explain some rules when they're here and stick to it. At this point, if Greg is the same as Rose, then Steven has nothing left to cling to. The gems are moving on, Connie is moving on... By refusing to give him stability, all those people paved the way for him to turn into the worst person he can, using the violence he faced as a kid to protect himself as an adult. And, as a matter of fact, Jasper was the only one who can understand him at that point. He needed to let go of these emotions, to express how he felt in a safe environement. And Jasper being so powerful could take him, could offer him that time and space to vent. Until Steven got lose and went too far, hurting Jasper badly. He basically killed her and even if he regretted it, it doesn't change the fact that he has that darkness inside. And it's terrifying. When you feel trapped by that kind of emotions, when you're not trusting yourself anymore with the safety of other, you can only spiral. Because your mind is a powerful tool that knows where to press to hurt you even more. All those things you thought for so long but always hope weren't true... Now they're real and you can't escape for them. And at least, Steven is looking for help, he tries to be better. But he's running out of options. The gems are not an oprion anymore, Connie isn't a option anymore, Greg isn't an option anymore, Jasper isn't an option anymore... Who's left ? Will they be able to help ? Or will they only add to the problem ?
    I really love Steven Univers Future, for what it's trying to do with Steven's character. Mental health and past traumas are a real thing, but it's often dismissed as not that important. Invisible scars are the hardest to look at and to heal. That's why mental care is so important and needs to be developed. You don't need to have a major post-traumatic disorder to consult, even little things are important. Because it's when they start to add up in your mind that's it's becoming dangerous. When all those little stressed situation take their hold on your mind all at once and you can't think properly, when you start to spiral into depression and violent responses... That's when you might do something stupid, to yourself or others. So please, if you are stuggling with that kind of things, don't go out and deny your suffering because "some people have it worse". You matter jus as much as anyone else and you're not alone. You may not be safe at home but there are always people willing to help you. I know it's hard, believe me, I know, but keep calling for help. Someone will answer at some point. And, in the mean time, express how you feel inside. Wrtitting, singing, practicing sport... Anything that can make those terrible thoughts out of your system while being safe yourself. And if it comes to the worst, don't blame yourself. It's ok to fail, and it's hard to rise again. You're not less of a human being because you need help and time. I may not know you, but I value your strengh. If you're here reading my comment, then you keep on fighting. And I'm proud of that. Take care people.

  • @VsStuffs
    @VsStuffs Před 2 měsíci +28

    I don't know if you got to them off screen already, but a little note: the last four episodes of SUF (or atleast the 3rd and 2nd-to-last episodes) kinda connect to each other more than others (as you can guess from how it's going now), so maybeee, possibly consider doing a four-parter to send off SUF? You don't have to do it though, and if it means waiting longer if you do, I'm okay with that. Still loving the reactions! ❤

    • @SputnikSpyglass
      @SputnikSpyglass  Před 2 měsíci +18

      We're likely going to split them up. I know it makes more sense to watch them all in one go but I honestly don't think my heart could take it. I'm going to miss this show so much when it's over.

  • @Pvydrow
    @Pvydrow Před 3 měsíci +20

    oh my god I can't wait for thisss

  • @mauricemusiic
    @mauricemusiic Před 2 měsíci +7


  • @niyahmiche
    @niyahmiche Před 2 měsíci +9

    I love when yall react to SU I wish there was more SU content after future that yall could react to omg

  • @aarw4907
    @aarw4907 Před 2 měsíci +7

    I remember when this premiered. I lost about 3 years of my life when I saw Jasper in pieces. It’s the one thing Steven said he would never do
    Also a good transition show from Steven back into the real world would be “Kipo and the age of wonder beast”
    It gives you Steven vibes but brings you back to reality

  • @mimiquoi7380
    @mimiquoi7380 Před 2 měsíci +8

    I always thought it was kinda mess up that Steven growp up in the van when he was really young and never goes into an actual school. I'm glad it was adressed in this episode

  • @Domi_Nique811
    @Domi_Nique811 Před 2 měsíci +14

    Bless you (2x)

  • @modularb
    @modularb Před 2 měsíci +8

    Gotta love a good ol’ Sputnik Spyglass post 🤙✨

  • @patrickkh1245
    @patrickkh1245 Před 2 měsíci +4

    You guys should react to the steven universe teasers, promos and trailers😂 those were some of my fav parts of steven universe😭

  • @zzzaaarrriiiaaa.
    @zzzaaarrriiiaaa. Před 2 měsíci +1

    You guys deserve sooo much more. Your reactions are very entertaining!!💗

  • @aronth
    @aronth Před 2 měsíci +1

    Remember this is the same person who cried about discontinued ice cream

  • @vanb8797
    @vanb8797 Před 2 měsíci

    I didn't realize until rewatching the episode with you guys, that Greg probably did try to reconnect with his parents and want to introduce his son to his parents, but they never opened up his letters. The return address was from Beach City, so it's not that Greg kept Steven from his grandparents. Greg was protecting Steven from being rejected like he was. The grandparents could have opened Greg's letters or attempted to make amends with their son; the grandparents may not even know about Steven because they never attempted to open and read Greg's letters. Greg's parents' love was conditional; Steven was better off not being with judgmental, petty people like that. Think how conservative and intense Uncle Andy was initially--now imagine people 10x worse and less open-minded than he is.
    On the other hand, I get that Steven was also potentially checkn Greg on his privilege. The Beifong comparison was spot-on.

  • @ks58843
    @ks58843 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I think the anger in Steven might have been on how much responsibility he had to take in his life already as a kid while his dad has been kinda just goofing around in these regards. He is there for Steven emotionally, but he wasnt very good with these daily mundane parenting responsibilities and normacy that Steven needed but did not get from him or the gems (since they were learning about normal human stuff from Steven rather). I think the song moment might have hit the wrong way because it made him realise how light hearted Greg was (enough to base his entire life in a song and waiting for everything to just work out). Even now that Steven is in crisis and hes still a kid Greg is not able to offer him any realistic solutions (one would be to sort out a therapist when his kid has a difficult time, etc). Greg is obviously still a great parent, it seems more like Steven is just more frustrated with how his safety and normacy needs were not accounted for much comparing to other children. It may feel a bit less clear here because we don't think of trauma symptoms like a physical illness (even though it can be and it literally is in his case), but imagine he had other health issues he just learnt to live with (idk stuff like astigmatism or ADHD could be a common example), and then he realises he wouldn't have had to cope with it if his dad wasn't too hippie to ever take him to a doctor for a check up.

    • @SputnikSpyglass
      @SputnikSpyglass  Před 2 měsíci +2

      This definitely helps put things into perspective.

  • @LagostaAssada
    @LagostaAssada Před 2 měsíci

    I've waited so long for this episode

  • @justinehercthehuman
    @justinehercthehuman Před 2 měsíci

    Doggy barking when you stopped petting her cause you were too focused with Greg's song LMFAO

  • @shaunplaysgames2919
    @shaunplaysgames2919 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Omg just know I love your videos, I’m just so happy I got here before you were flooded with comments

  • @HisInfernalMajesty27
    @HisInfernalMajesty27 Před 2 měsíci

    This is truly exciting

  • @Sisqo49
    @Sisqo49 Před 2 měsíci +2

    I really do think you and Indi should watch “The owl house” after Steven universe too, I loved it after Steven universe ended and I think you guys will too(P.S I love you guys and the videos so much ❤)

    @IOSARBX Před 2 měsíci +3

    Sputnik Spyglass, I subscribed because your videos are super cool!

  • @kenwiljulius74
    @kenwiljulius74 Před 2 měsíci

    Sputnik your fit omg🤩🔥🔥

  • @nescirian
    @nescirian Před 2 měsíci +1

    lol I literally just made the toph/greg comparison in the comments on another reaction channel that happens to have their SUF reaction release schedule synced up with yours

  • @caitrose2198
    @caitrose2198 Před 2 měsíci

    The song Mister Universe is very good as a Bowie-esque song and very moving, but I think it’s only moving if you’re someone like Greg. He spent his whole adolescence feeling unwanted, dismissed, and shut down, and so of course he found the idea of a place where he could go and hear everyone say ‘welcome to the party, mr Universe’ extremely compelling. The thing is, Steven’s already seen the universe. He’s already found his place and fulfilled his purpose, and his current situation comes from not knowing who he is apart from that, making the song and all the things his dad says about it feel really unhelpful and probably even a little patronizing. Also, I love you Greg, but ‘you’re better off than me’ is the VERY WRONG thing to say to your son who’s having a crisis. I really feel for Greg though, he’s afraid of making Steven feel how he felt, so he’s just totally unwilling to put his foot down and be the rigid stability that Steven is desperately grasping for, even when he almost killed them both. He really doesn’t know what to do here because he’s so scared of being suffocating that he goes too far in the other direction
    Something that’s a major throwback that I think is really cool is that the very early episode Too Many Birthdays establishes that Steven’s physical form is directly tied to his self image. In that episode, he was feeling like he had to mature, so he actually started aging. That’s why we start to see buff Steven during his montage, and why his eyes turn to diamonds in that one very cool shot.
    The music in that fight sequence is so phenomenal it really just makes my guts squirm and you can just *feel* something bad is gonna happen waaay before it does and it leaves you clenching your teeth the whole time waiting for it to go bad. Actually, a lot of SU Future episodes have sequences like that where they use music and cringe comedy and subtle cues masterfully to set you on edge and leave you tense the whole time waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  • @khalibrown2042
    @khalibrown2042 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I love Steven.He's my favorite character in the whole show.But this episode made me really pissed off with him Like greg was trying to bond with him and he made it all about him.

  • @waizardsoda
    @waizardsoda Před 2 měsíci +1

    Idunno, if I found out my last name came from a David Bowie song Id be a little annoyed.

  • @iiraingirlii
    @iiraingirlii Před 2 měsíci +1

    Poor Greg ..

  • @agustinb2732
    @agustinb2732 Před 2 měsíci +5

    Greg could be a cool guy. But he was not a good parent. He was careless in so many ways. Steven feelings are valid

  • @chakaviontegriffin7221
    @chakaviontegriffin7221 Před 2 měsíci +1

    i get garnet tho like it’s more of a even if you didn’t propose now eventually your going to do it so…. go for it

  • @Diamondstichandtoothless
    @Diamondstichandtoothless Před 2 měsíci +1

    This we be amazing can’t wait in a few more hours

  • @iiraingirlii
    @iiraingirlii Před 2 měsíci

    Finally 😂😅

  • @miggeu_
    @miggeu_ Před 2 měsíci


  • @kujuqqo
    @kujuqqo Před 2 měsíci +1

    Alr big cuz

  • @patrickkh1245
    @patrickkh1245 Před 2 měsíci +1

    You should react to the steven universe shorts!😁

  • @Kensh1nxCory
    @Kensh1nxCory Před 2 měsíci +3

    Steven was giving me stress this ep

  • @Bread16091
    @Bread16091 Před 2 měsíci +1

    And then Steven was charged with gemslaughter

  • @-i_own_you_-
    @-i_own_you_- Před 2 měsíci +3

    I hate that pink yt boy sm in future

    • @mission6410
      @mission6410 Před 2 měsíci

      Pink youtube boy? Who is that I don't think I know them yet

    • @-i_own_you_-
      @-i_own_you_- Před 2 měsíci

      @@mission6410 lol I meant Steven

    • @mission6410
      @mission6410 Před 2 měsíci

      @@-i_own_you_- oh alright thank you

  • @rininabin3372
    @rininabin3372 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Ngl Greg is so like not based for his opinions on his parents. Like bruh