Liason 9/26/12 - Carly Has A Warning For Elizabeth


Komentáře • 164

  • @jana2012
    @jana2012 Před 8 lety +40

    Now that we know she changed the test, look at Elizabeth's face as Jason is walking around the bed. She is scared stiff. Deception is bad and the consequences can be brutal.

    • @cathleenbranca5992
      @cathleenbranca5992 Před 7 lety +2

      General hospital just 2. different now. 2 many new faces an all these hosp murders. is General hospital ending! Get that dirty 🐀 rat ..... bring the original cast back! out w the new one. bring back the olds ones. if still living??? Jason. Rick Springfield. Allen.. Monica. Tracy. lucky ... the good ones!! way 2 much drama now!! Lucy always looses her clothes at nurses balls!! bring back the funk!# the casidines drama......... nicoles! ...General hospital. was worth watching then!!!!! excitement... thrills.. is the boat sinking???? baby dramas!! the goodies......!!

  • @FutureSoapStar09
    @FutureSoapStar09 Před 11 lety +11

    I still can't believe they are going with the danger excuse... still. It looks utterly ridiculous now.

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +7

      Erulastiel, it was always ridiculous. Jason cared about Liz, but wasn't as into her as she was him. But still, he cared and didn't want to hurt her feelings. So going with the danger excuse gave him his escape, without having to hurt her, and go through drama. Jason hates drama.

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 4 lety +5

      R Pigeon FabNayNay Oh my god, FINALLY someone else who understands that when Jason tells Elizabeth that his life is too dangerous for her & kids, it’s a line. It is like his mobster version of I can’t be a relationship right now because I’m going to be so busy with work. How any Liason fan actually buys that crap is hilarious since ALL of his actions in his other relationships prove that he feels the exact opposite about his mob life and having a family too. However, if just once Jason had been brutally honest with Elizabeth, she might’ve gotten the actual point of how he’s just not that into you! 😉

  • @highashope
    @highashope Před 11 lety +15

    As much as I hate this storyline, this all about the drama. Becky and Steve has been doing great with the material. My question is do the writers have Jason forgiving Liz. If they dont then I will agree RC ruin Liz/Liason for JaSam. Jason can forgive Liz for this.Worst things has been done and people still forgave. I just hope she comes clean sooner rather than later

    • @justlina2769
      @justlina2769 Před 2 lety +2

      Jason has forgiven Carly for much, MUCH more.

    • @beckyburton9749
      @beckyburton9749 Před rokem +1

      Jason forgive Sam for putting Liz and her kids lifes in danger by hiring thugs to scare Liz and her kids in the park so Liz wouldn't want to be with Jason and Sam watch Jake get kidnapped and did nothing from stopping Jake from being kidnapped or being brought back home for revenge against Jason and Liz.
      Lastly I'm happy Jason Morgan is dead and I hope the actor won't ever come back to the show because the writers ruined Jason Morgan by putting him back with Sam after Sam hurt his son by putting in danger by hiring thugs to threaten his son and brother and mother life's in the park and watching get kidnapped and didn't do anything to stop him from being kidnapped or brought back home and for bringing the Russian mob to Liz home were Liz and her kids lives.

  • @imseekinmore
    @imseekinmore Před 11 lety +5

    I must say that Liason is acting the heck out of these very confusing scenes. I cannot hazard a guess what the GH writers are thinking!!

  • @ElvisRose_
    @ElvisRose_ Před 4 lety +14

    I see so many comments on here complaining about how they could not believe the writers would have Elizabeth do something so terrible to “prop” a couple. That’s exactly how Sam/JaSam fans felt in 2007 when they had Sam watch the kidnapping, hired the gunmen, and all to paint her as an evil witch. The ploys didn’t work, fans supported Sam but turned on Jason for him becoming a dickhead to make Liason work even a little & after 2 years of trying to force that mistake on the fans, the show pulled the plug and killed Liason. After that, they spent a few months rebuilding Jason’s character so they could reunite the couple that actually work & don’t need to be “propped,” which is JaSam, the one and only!

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +4

      I completely agree that’s just Liz’s character NOT SAM’S. She’s never had a problem owning what she’s done. I’m still waiting on Jason’s apology for his reaction to said events though.

  • @mansourtabrizi7267
    @mansourtabrizi7267 Před 9 lety +93

    What Carly is saying is true.

    • @Darline4006
      @Darline4006 Před 8 lety +8


    • @barbarasteuterman2496
      @barbarasteuterman2496 Před 6 lety +10

      LIz did something to those tests

    • @amygeegan8620
      @amygeegan8620 Před 5 lety +7

      Jason will always love Elizabeth they've always had a special connection even before Jake but especially after Jake no matter who either one of them have loved weather it be lucky or Sam Courtney robin Nicolas whoever and no one can tell me different

    • @Darline4006
      @Darline4006 Před 5 lety +9

      Amy Geegan You’re sick ! Jason will always loves Sam

    • @rosadinkins1953
      @rosadinkins1953 Před 5 lety +7

      Amy Geegan 3/19/19 Jason found true love with Sam. He cared for Elizabeth but was willing to love her for Jakes sake and to be a family. So that wasn’t possible. So there is and has been only one true love for Jason and it is Sam or no one.

  • @rmellrobinson821
    @rmellrobinson821 Před 4 lety +7

    This S**T is Crazy; Why do All these Jasam Fans, come on Here in complain SMH

    • @rhi7136
      @rhi7136 Před 3 lety +1

      Right lol they took the time to find these scenes to hate

  • @natalieps2387
    @natalieps2387 Před 5 lety +15

    Preach carly

  • @robertbrown1826
    @robertbrown1826 Před 5 lety +12

    The GH writers have really ruined the character of Liz Webber by giving her bad storylines and turning her into this obssevive ,manipulative,desperate woman who is chasing a man she cannot have.

    • @justlina2769
      @justlina2769 Před 2 lety +1

      This was nothing short of despicable. And even so, Carly did SO much worse back in the day.

    • @beckyburton9749
      @beckyburton9749 Před rokem

      @@justlina2769 don't forget Sam did for worst than what Liz did.
      Sam crimes that I know of.
      1. Sam lives mob lifestyle and help Jason Morgan kill people.
      2. Sam a con-artist/ homewrecker
      3. Sam watch Jake get kidnapped and did or say anything to stop Jake from being kidnapped or being brought back home and in fact she told Liz in Liz home that their now even that her child is dead so now Jake is dead too knowing that Jake is alive.
      4. Sam hired thugs to threaten Liz and her kids in the park to Liz and Jason wouldn't be together romantically anymore and so Sam could play the hero so Jason could go back to her romantically but that failed at that time.
      5. Sam chose to stick her nose in the Russian mob business so Jason could save her and get back with her but at that moment so she chooses to bring the danger to Liz and her boys home which would force Jason Morgan hand to help save Sam and also Sam knew Jason was at Liz home so she knowing brought Russian mob to Liz home .

    • @deannharris2424
      @deannharris2424 Před 9 měsíci

      It shows her true character.

  • @ElvisRose_
    @ElvisRose_ Před 4 lety +15

    Carly was being very kind by giving her that warning which was basically to say that although Jason kissed you and tells you things doesn't mean he's in love with your or falling in love with you or wants any kind of real relationship with you. Also, Elizabeth's speech about how she believes she has a chance with Jason came after he'd already told her that no matter what happens with his divorce that he wasn't going to be with her. So the reason she switched the tests wasn't so she could have Jason, it was to stop Sam from having Jason because she knew that they both wanted to get back together.

  • @chinaduhon6192
    @chinaduhon6192 Před 8 lety +24

    Elizabeth has been pulling these same shenanigans since she lost Jason to Courtney. If any woman has to use these kinds of tactics to hold on to a man, know that they want last forever. The truth always comes out and afterwards, there is always a blowout. Persons that usually feel the most affects from this kind of tragedy are the children. If you have to start scheming, you will never be at peace.

    • @beckyburton9749
      @beckyburton9749 Před rokem +2

      Sam did the same thing when pregnant with sonny kid and she is the reason why the Russian mob kidnapped Jake and that's because Sam stick her nose into the Russian mob business and when it was too much for her to handle she chase Jason at Liz house knowing that she is being followed by the Russian mob and also because she wanted Jason attention and she didn't care if Liz and her kids get hurt or killed as long as she get Jason Morgan back romantically.
      Sad part of all of this is Sam fanbases and entire writers and others white wash the whole thing so they could justify Jason getting back with sam.

  • @sylenabeccles4924
    @sylenabeccles4924 Před 8 lety +15

    Look at how life works out Jason and Sam are happy having another baby and even getting married man karma is a bitch

    • @Ruth-21-hey
      @Ruth-21-hey Před 7 lety +4

      I know right. I Iove it.

    • @Rainbowsmom1
      @Rainbowsmom1 Před 6 lety +3

      Not karma- but Propping --especially since sam CAN NOT have kids- her eggs are NOT viable. They have to FORCE propping with a child to TRY to make Jasam work- it never did - it never will. LOL.

  • @lauriebarshay4541
    @lauriebarshay4541 Před 2 lety +1

    Thanks so much for this labor of love. I have loved watching all the years that you've posted. It's been awesome. Really the best seasons on date time ever.

  • @xXSKyDragonXx
    @xXSKyDragonXx Před 11 lety +15

    what pisses me off the most is that i hear RH got fired from GH to which is why Liz might be thrown under a bus with this sorry excuse of a script, but what bothers me the most is that, if that is even the case, what would tarnishing her character contribute to the effect of a reunion of Jasam, altogether this is one big huge shit, when SB leaves, John is still here, so Sam will have mcbam, if LIz doesn't go, who will she have, NO ONE once again, so why not JASON, HUH?!?!! O_O!!!! SO CONFUSED!!

  • @MakotoKinoSailorJupiter2020

    I’m not denying Jason and Elizabeth had great chemistry and I do enjoy her, but the problem with her is that when she’s in a relationship with a guy, she becomes emotionally codependent and I don’t think she could handle Jason’s lifestyle.

    • @amygeegan8620
      @amygeegan8620 Před 2 lety +1

      I think you got that backwards all the men she been with with the exception of Jason and now fin have emotionally manipulated her lucky cheated on her 3 times and was addicted to drugs ric kidnapped Carly and he unborn child which turned out to be rich nephew Morgan Franco was had a brain tumor and killed people all to get Jason's attention brain tumor or not that's no excuse he also had Michael rapped in prison and raped Sam on her honeymoon in Hawaii why she was with jason

  • @sa5772
    @sa5772 Před 5 měsíci

    I had to bit back my scoff at Elizabeth, one of the nosiest and most judgmental people on the show, saying to Carly: insert yourself in a situation that is none of your business. How quickly she forgets that she does the same thing.

  • @panayiotabutterfly3
    @panayiotabutterfly3 Před 11 lety +3

    Prt 2: Therefore if Sam used her eggs, it wouldn't be a match to the Dna to the baby. You ask yourself, well how did the first one come out as hers, or how could she have used her eggs without Liz knowing...well Jerry and Dr. Lee. It all goes way back to when Jason and Sam were in Mexico. ;) Again all boils down to history, and that's what the writers are workin with. They know that if they 'throw' Liz under the bus, they will lose alot of viewers. Think Postive!

  • @j_u_n_e_bug8746
    @j_u_n_e_bug8746 Před 7 měsíci

    I love Carly - She speaks the truth! Elizabeth was so stupid - But then again, that’s what happens when one is so sure they’re in the right.

  • @natalieps2387
    @natalieps2387 Před 5 lety +31

    Love carly here. Not being mean to liz but just laying out facts like talking or a kiss here and there is not a real relationship

  • @lyssasaunders4913
    @lyssasaunders4913 Před 6 lety +44

    Carly spoke nothing but facts sorry liason fans

  • @andreabrown3007
    @andreabrown3007 Před 4 lety +18

    I still love the way Jason looks at Liz. Liason forever

    • @deannharris2424
      @deannharris2424 Před 9 měsíci +1

      That wasn’t affection.

    • @j_u_n_e_bug8746
      @j_u_n_e_bug8746 Před 7 měsíci +1

      He was never in love with Elizabeth - You can see all the pain in his face. That’s not for Elizabeth - it’s for Sam, and he is devastated it’s all over his face.

  • @xXSKyDragonXx
    @xXSKyDragonXx Před 11 lety +11

    i'm a SAM fan but i like LIason better than Jasam, and i support Sam on everything, but even i know this beating LIZ is taking is FUCKED up, her character already lost a son, she has been raped, and crazy men have tried to hurt LIZ time and time after again, if not for jason she would have died ages ago!! If Liz is responsible for the switch when i kind of think it's TODD!!! Then i am also done with GH!

    • @kevinpham_
      @kevinpham_ Před 4 lety +4

      honestly you did the right thing to walk away in the year of 2019 they have LIZ with FRANCO just to appease JASAM FANS. LIZ is the walking punching bag running joke for every JASAM platform.

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +1

      Kevin Pham no these are all stand-alones & JaSam was fine on their own just as Liz & Lucky. They should’ve left well enough alone coz Jiz was dead in water years ago before Sam was even a thought.

  • @JasonLizFF
    @JasonLizFF Před 11 lety +3

    Is it possible that someone else switched the DNA results? Elizabeth did look upset and guilty but that could be because she was happy about the baby not being Sam's?

  • @Chrissykins120
    @Chrissykins120 Před 11 lety +3

    Me too! I really don't think I'll be watching as much as I have it's getting ridiculous.

  • @Chrissykins120
    @Chrissykins120 Před 11 lety

    I was thinking that they would have tested the DNA to Francos DNA thinking that he was the father because how would they get Sams without her knowing! & that's why it would say not a match but then they said they tested it with Sams So there goes that thought. (Which honestly I thought my idea was better!)

  • @PaceyAndPumpkin
    @PaceyAndPumpkin Před 9 lety +33

    How could Liz hurt Jason this way..and she says she loves him?! She only loves herself and to hell with everyone else!

    • @glendasmith9032
      @glendasmith9032 Před 8 lety +10

      So true and she suppose to love Jason and her kids that she never have

    • @Rainbowsmom1
      @Rainbowsmom1 Před 6 lety +7

      Just like sam watched Jake be kidnapped and refused to tell where he was. Why do Jasam keep forgetting that part. IF Jason didn't accidentally hear Jake cry on the phone- he NEVER would of found sam was going to keep his son from him --PERMANENTLY! Just like she was going to abort - then give up for adoption Sonny's child and he NEVER would of had his child. So sam can jump in the lake- look what she did NO room to talk.

    • @Rainbowsmom1
      @Rainbowsmom1 Před 6 lety +5

      Let's get the facts straight here. sam did NOT just watch him get kidnapped. She also helped the kidnapper hide the baby. She LIED to everyone who asked her if she knew anything about it. She lied to "her soulmate" Jason when he asked her for help to find HIS SON. She went to Liz and told her in so many words to forget about Jake and have another kid. They never would of found Jake if Jason didn't accidentally hear him on the phone , knowing the woman wasn't supposed to have a child. When that didn't keep Jason from his son - she hired gunmen to terrorize Liz, Cam and a tiny infant- Jake. Then she went and had an affair with her victim's stepfather just to break up the marriage. Now when did Liz ever do anything near that bad. Yes. it is a shame how Jasam fans cover all the wrong doing their fav does- yet love to call out others on lesser offenses. I doidn't see Liz terrorize a child so bad that he ran into the street to get away from her and was almost killed. I didn't see Liz break into a person's house after she was just told to stay away and burn it down to the ground. when has Liz ever done that? After she burnt the place down- did she try to help find a place for them to live in because it was HER fault - NO she left 3 kids homeless, yet she sure made sure she ran to the penthouse for herself when Patrick kicked her out. And as you can see Liz never lied - because he is NOT Jason ( so far) NO lie existed...yet all of sam's sins still exist. The liars turn out to be Nik, Carly and sam...not Liz.

    • @Rainbowsmom1
      @Rainbowsmom1 Před 6 lety +6

      what child did Liz hurt? What child did Liz kidnap? What child did Liz send gunmen after? What child was in danger from Liz not telling who Jake doe was? How many times did Jake Doe tell Liz that he didn't want to know if his past was bad like JAson Morgan. How many times did he say he didn't like this person Jason Morgan? Liz did what he asked her to do....and as you see , she didn't lie to him--unlike Carly and sam who told him he was JAson. Don;t you think letting a child be kidnapped and not telling where he was is keeping a child from it's parent's?If Jason didn't accidentally hear the baby cry Liz NEVER would of found JAke - and that would of been permanent. Don;t you think sam running off when she was pregnant with Sonny's child to have an abortion, then planning to give it up for adoption is not keeping child from it's parent?..And not just for a few months but again a permanent length of time?

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 6 lety +7

      Rainbowsmom1 Elizabeth is not an innocent wilting flower. And right now she is putting her children in danger by being with a serial killer and rapist who also kidnapped her child. Now, what Sam did was wrong. I am not going to defend it. However, you know what would have been permanent? Jake dying in the explosion the Russians set but Sam saved his life. Sam knows what she did was wrong and has done all she can to atone but when has Elizabeth ever taken responsibility for her actions, apologized, and or faced real consequences for the things she’s done and I’m not talking about Sam here. I mean Lucky. Yes, Lucky cheated first but that means her sleeping with Jason was okay? She was still a married woman that lied to Lucky about Jake’s paternity and she had kept sleeping with Jason, Yet, they agreed to forgive and forget about all that and be a family but she had to have Nicholas so badly that she had no self control and those two unlike she and Jason were not discreet. They kissed and had sex in the hospital (where Jason did see them) and on her couch actually it’s incredible that they didn’t get caught sooner. However, what does Elizabeth do to make things right? She faked a mental breakdown. Now, Sam and Elizabeth’s actions are basically just trading jabs back and forth because they were both wrong and they were both reckless. However, those two don’t owe each other loyalty but Lucky had definitely earned it.

  • @Starresky
    @Starresky Před 11 lety +5

    They better not throw Liz under the bus for this terrible storyline.

  • @edwarda.7761
    @edwarda.7761 Před 7 lety +4

    Why did she have to pull it out of his hands.

  • @PureLightHealer
    @PureLightHealer Před 10 lety +24

    Go Carly!

  • @PaceyAndPumpkin
    @PaceyAndPumpkin Před 9 lety +49

    Go Carly! Liz needs to know Jason will never touch her again...unless she manipulates him like she is doing now.

    • @TeamForwood
      @TeamForwood Před 8 lety +5

      +Jen Miele Liz is gonna wish the next time she sees Carly is gonna be like this.this is nothing compared to what's gonna happen later this week or next week

  • @yaniramartinez3857
    @yaniramartinez3857 Před 5 lety +8

    For the Liason fans with all due respect you are missing the mark with Elizabeth by a long shot. Elizabeth is an extremely flaw character. If you decide to look at the character objectively all of you will be able to realize this fact. Not because anybody indicates that but because the evidence through out the years show us that. For example, the first instinct of Elizabeth is to lie. She did it while married to Lucky and later on while she was engaged to him. She was the one that manipulated Jason into giving up Jake allegedly because his life style is not safe and is too dangerous and then when Carly confronted her in 2008 she lied and said that it was Jason's idea.
    Since, she is being interested in Jason she has gone back and forth in regards to his life style but the truth of the matter is that she wants him to change for her and he is never going to do that and she knows it. Back in 2004, Elizabeth told Sam when they were both at Kelly's and Sam was pregnant that she couldn't stand the violent world in which Jason lives in. As we were told that is the reason for making everyone believe that Lucky was Jake father, right. But because she is such an inconsistent mother, that can't make her mind, she constinuesly puts her needs before her children's. Because of those actions, Jake has been kidnapped twice (2007 & 2008) and hit by a car twice (2011 & 2015). She is more focused in pursuing a relationship that will never work than making sure that her children are safe and sound. The sad thing about this character is the thought process she goes through to justify her own actions. For instance, in 2008, Elizabeth said to Patrick, after Jake's kidnapping by the Russians, she said that she tried to create the perfect picture of the happy family sitting on the couch or eating dinner and putting the kids to bed. Furthermore, she went on and said that she was trying to change Jason to such statement Patrick responded that is women worse mistake and men worse nightmare. On that day, she called herself dillusional.
    Here is another fact, Elizabeth and Jason dated around the 2000's but they were not intimate until 2006 when she found out about Lucky's infidelity. So, let me get this straight Lucky was unfaithful and her answer was to be unfaithful herself. In my book two wrongs don't make it right. This goes straight to the moral-ethical code of the character which make her more questionable. But yet she doesn't see her actions as wrong and more to it she doesn't take responsibility for it and keep on lying. Once again, we all know that is not until Jason's murder trial in 2007 that she is forced to tell the truth about they sleeping together. However, she chose to lied under oath in regards to Jake's paternity. Again, this is her first instinct when she feels cornered or trapped. The problem with this behavior is that for this character is a pattern.
    Another, problem that Elizabeth has is that she loves to play the victim. This is something Lucky very well expressed, in 2009, after he found out her affair with Nicholas. He told her in front of Kelly's when Jason was consoling her and Lucky saw them. This fact alone says a lot because she cheated on Lucky with his brother and another paternity was in question. We know people are going to bring Sam's one night stand with Ric but there is huge difference.
    A one night stand doesn't involve feelings. An affair involves feelings and is a constant lie that the people involved agree to keep on living. Also, immediately after Sam slept with Ric she owned her mistake a told Jason the truth. She didn't have to because Jason had broken up with her but she thought it was the right thing to do. If you were to think about it objectively, there is honor in Sam's decision to tell the truth after the fact while at the same time Elizabeth was asking Jason to keep quiet. Also, Sam had the intention to tell her mother but due to Alexis' illness she decided to wait and help her mother even if it meant things were going to be difficult for her. There is also honor in such decision. After her mother treatment, she always said she was willing to suffer the consequences of her actions. While in the other hand, as was previously indicated, Elizabeth only told the truth about sleeping with Jason when she was under oath during Jason's trial for Alcázar's murder. Some may argue that she was thinking about Lucky's well being during rehab but the truth is that she is a surgical nurse. She supposed to know that she could have gone and talk to the Counselor in the Rehab Center to work out a plan on how and when to tell Lucky the whole truth but she chose the path of least resistance which is to lie. But this is consistence with who she is. Let's remember that when Jason helped her with her financial situation she asked him what am I supposed to tell Lucky and Jason told her tell him the truth then Elizabeth said: "I can't". Like indicated before her first instinct is to lie. She was always hiding something during her marriage to Lucky. Therefore, it can safely be concluded that there is no evidence or indication that Elizabeth has ever wanted to assume the consequences or responsibilities of her own actions. The best example it can be given is when the truth about Jake's paternity came out she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. The same thing happened in 2015 when she was with Drew when everybody thought he was Jason and she lied about who he was. She knew all along the truth about his identify but once again she lied and off course when the truth came to light, once again, she shifted the blame of the aftermath to Sam. This is a pattern with Elizabeth.

  • @adamhuntniles1987
    @adamhuntniles1987 Před 8 lety +5

    you know what the worst storyline is for Elizabeth to stay with Jason that is a worst story line I ever seen to see Jason and Elizabeth that has no chemistry whatsoever Jason and Sam have chemistry yes I know Jason has a kid with Elizabeth and a kid with Sam so I know he has to go back and forth a lot

  • @tiffanymonique515
    @tiffanymonique515 Před 9 lety +17

    Liz knew it was gonna say that it's not a match bc she switched the results to say that. She's pitiful & desperate

    • @Rainbowsmom1
      @Rainbowsmom1 Před 6 lety

      What show are you watching????

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +6

      Rainbowsmom1, that's what happened! What show are YOU watching? I could provide a link to the clip of Elizabeth confessing to Jason that she altered baby Dannys DNA test if you truly think Liz didn't do that! So, don't challenge me. I have the proof, and, I'm not afraid to use it! Lol! 😉

    • @emilyaddison-ni8qi
      @emilyaddison-ni8qi Před 6 lety +1

      General hospital

    • @stompbaddess1772
      @stompbaddess1772 Před 5 lety +1

      Tiffany Monique Exactly that's the hole point to it.

  • @mayzo51184
    @mayzo51184 Před 7 lety +16

    I had forgotten about the scene! Not Carly's warning, but just how cruel Elizabeth was here. How could she do this to Jason? I meant that she claims to have loved? Fast forward a couple years later, and she keeps his identity from him? You could see how upset Jason was in the scenes when he found out that the test was not a match for Sam's baby. Yet, she calls her self forget the romantic relationship, but a friend to Jason? Elizabeth ought to be ashamed of herself, but she has no shame, and she proves it over and over again. Carly was right, and you know what? Fast-forward years later, and guess who is again back together? Not Elizabeth and Jason… Sam and Jason. Guess who was with Sam when he died? Yup… Jason was reunited with her. Not Elizabeth. Every time Elizabeth is with Jason, it's either in a secret relationship, or it's based on a lie. Even the first time they made love, it was out of hurt. Harley the basis for a good relationship.

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +11

      mayzo51184, Liz was always more into Jason than he was into her. That's why she kept scheming!

    • @mayzo51184
      @mayzo51184 Před 3 lety +2

      @@reneenayfabnaynay5679 I think you're right. I remember back in I believe it was 2008 and Elizabeth telling Jason that she thinks that sometimes, she loved him more than he loved her and I think for her, that love has turned into an obsession and that's why she did what she had done and is always talking her it will never be their time and acting the way she does back here and then back in 2015.

  • @leydenpennycook
    @leydenpennycook Před 8 lety +15

    U would think Liz had learned her lesson about deception from the whole Jake fiasco, but here we go again. One of the rules of Soap Operas is that no one ever learns from their mistakes they just keep repeating them over and over again. Makes for more drama. Honestly!

    • @shelliyoacham1942
      @shelliyoacham1942 Před 6 lety +1

      ShaGirl Penny + yeah, and I'm so sick of these writer's bashing Elizabeth's character that this throwing Jasam in our faces Constantly is Fucked up! SO I QUIT watching the show. Now I hear Steve Burton is back and they have Liz Engaged to phychopath! What a fucked Joke! No wonder I quit watching these fucked up writer's storyline's! LIASON WAS A TRUE LOVE BUT THEY SCREWED US FANS OVER GOOD! MY OPINION IS KELLY MONACO AND STEVE BURTON HAVE NO AND I MEAN NO CHEMISTRY! SO WHATEVER JASAM FANS! AT LEAST I NEVER HAVE SLEPT WITH TWO BROTHERS! INCEST ANYONE?

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +7

      SHELLI YOACHAM, Elizabeth has slept with two sets of brothers. Jason & AJ, and Nik & Lucky. LMBO! And, Liz was always way more into Jason than Jason was into her!

    • @rachel-vw3zq
      @rachel-vw3zq Před 5 lety +4

      Three brothers Jason ,AJ and Drew. Nic and lucky

    • @amygeegan8620
      @amygeegan8620 Před 2 lety +3

      Liz didn't mess with Jake's or aidens paternity test that's why they were taken in the first place Jake was always Jason's son and Helena messed with aidens and made is father Nikolas when it was really lucky all along

    • @amygeegan8620
      @amygeegan8620 Před 2 lety +3

      @@reneenayfabnaynay5679 you forgot drew when he thought he was Jason turned out he wasnt

  • @nancyblosser7340
    @nancyblosser7340 Před 5 lety +10

    why would JASON trust Liz zit the DNA tests

  • @CloudStrife8894
    @CloudStrife8894 Před 7 lety +2

    And here comes an Omnislash...

  • @mayzo51184
    @mayzo51184 Před 3 lety +3

    I just stumbled across this scene in my recommended and wow did Carly show growth here with Elizabeth. She could have ripped her to shreds with how she was acting over Jason trying to be with him but she didn't. I was proud of her for admitting that she always felt threatened by her. I don't always agree or even like Carly but she was awesome here.

  • @zarinah12
    @zarinah12 Před 11 lety +10

    LOL. If Liz did it she is wrong. I'm a Liz/Liason fan but let this be known. The writers better fix Liz and Jason before Steve Burton leaves or a lot of Liason fans, who came back because of the Liason interaction, and ratings will fall.

  • @skillful98
    @skillful98 Před 11 lety +2

    ok, I see your point and I am trying to think positive, but I just got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that they made Liz a bad person.

  • @GiovannaHI
    @GiovannaHI Před 2 lety +1

    Damn, how I wish the writers would give Elizabeth a decent guy, and Jason isn’t it, and neither is Franco.

  • @zarinah12
    @zarinah12 Před 11 lety +3

    Will leave and ratings will fall.

  • @skillful98
    @skillful98 Před 11 lety +2

    Do you really think that's what happened? Because I really hope that they didn't make Liz to be the bad person here.

  • @yaniramartinez3857
    @yaniramartinez3857 Před 5 lety +9

    Notwithstanding, the aforementioned, the are two facts that really should make anyone think about the lack of moral- ethics of this character and how deeply flaw the character is. First, in 2012 she switched the DNA test of Sam's baby just to make sure that Sam and Jason will get a divorce. That not only violates Federal Law, but it showed that she is a lier and a manipulator. This is a very interesting and important fact because she was very judgemental towards Sam during the whole 2007 Jake's kidnapping incident without taking into consideration the extenuating circumstances that lead Sam to a state of inaction. It is a fact that Sam was suffering a heartbreak, betrayal and a break down which lead to not being in the right set of mind to act or to speak after the events. It exactly what happens in cases of " batter women". This doesn't mean that there are no legal consequences because there for what Sam didn't do. All we are arguing is that non of that happened in a vacuum. Let us explain. At the time, Sam was submerged in the web of lies that both Elizabeth and Jason had fed her. For anyone would have been very hard to get through such a situation with their sanity intact. That is exactly what happened to Sam. She snapped. Some may argue that Sam deserved what Elizabeth did with the DNA precisely because of the 2007 events regarding Jake and the incident in the Park. However, we can't forget that Sam redeem herself by risking her own life when she protected Elizabeth and her children from the Russians and she saved Jake. It was after that incident that Jason let her know that they were ok in regards to the 2007 incidents concerning Jake. Also, Elizabeth told her that she was indebted to her. But because part of Elizabeth personality is her inconsistency, during the 2012 Sam and Jason marital hardship, she forgot what she had told Sam back in 2008. Also, again since when two wrongs make a right.
    Finally, Elizabeth is now engaged to Franco, the man who kidnapped Aiden. That man once identify as a serial killer. It really doesn't matter the reason why he was exonerated the point is no body can be sure that the problem has been totally resolved. The truth of the matter is that no good mother with a sound judgement will have a relationship with a person like Franco. How will she ever explain to Aiden, who, by the way, is having problems in school, what Franco did.
    Everything that has been mentioned and exposed here are pure facts. Just go back and watch clips and episodes and you will realized that out all the relationships that Jason has had, besides Carly, Sam is the only person that has always been there for him and that has always accepted and loved him unconditionally. Jason is unable to be in love with Carly because of her ways. But in Sam, Jason has always found common ground, an equal partner and somebody that he could be himself with without any judgements. Jason feels at home with Sam. He never had that with anyone else because all the others tried to change him. Sam never has and she never will. By any means we are not arguing that Jason doesn't care or even love Elizabeth what we are presenting is the fact that even though he loves her there are no facts that proof that he has ever been in love with her. An example of this is the time when he fell for Courtney and decided to marry her. He was in love with Courtney but not with Elizabeth. But once again, it didn't work out with Courtney because she couldn't handle his life style and this is before Sam was even in the picture. Some may argue what about their 2007-2008 on and off so called relationship. Well, that is the thing, for a relationship to exit it has to be acknowledged by others otherwise is a secret affair. Once again, they couldn't be in the open because Elizabeth couldn't handle his life. In 2007, when Jason and Sam broke up he was in jail he told Spenilli that Sam was right that she needed someone that could put her first even though he was mad at her he understood all she said. At that time he said to Spinelli, that once he became a father he can't put anybody else first. So, during the time he was with Elizabeth he projected his overwhelming love as a new father for his child into Elizabeth, after all she is Jake the mother. That happens a lot. In 2008, after Michael got shot even Elizabeth knew this fact so much so that she asked Jason if he love her for her or because she was the mother of his child. His responded: "it is not fair for you to ask me that". Through out the years we have seen that Jason and Elizabeth do share a connection. However, the problem has always been that she wants him to feel more for her than he does. He has tried but it has not worked because at the end of the day she doesn't get him and he knows that. The fact that she needs to try so hard with him is another flaw of the character. It makes the character look pathetic and weak.
    To finalize our main argument, as stated at the beginning Elizabeth is an extremely flaw character on her on right and is being that way for many years before the whole JaSam phenomenon. We truly believe that her deep psychological issues and the reasons behind all of her actions is because she never overcame her rape. That is why she has an insatiable need to play the victim. She always has the need to relay on a man whether is Lucky or Jason to make her feel safe. Hence, the back and forth between them.
    Also, by being a victim gives her character a perfect excuse for not taking responsibility for her own actions and for always finding a way to shift the blame onto someone else. It is also a reason why her first instinct is to lie. We truly believe the writers have intended for Elizabeth's character to be this flaw. For any writer, this type of character is very flexible and that is very important for a writer during the creative process. Unfortunately, she is not the heroin of the story. But her flaws and inconsistency are fun to watch.
    Blessed be!

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 5 lety

      As much

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 5 lety +1

      I love you logical, fact based, broken down to precise moments and quotes essay you’ve written here but you must realize sometimes people will ignore whatever they must in order to believe what they do... and that can be the case with a number of Elizabeth & Jason fans. One who once told me that Sam deserved far worse than just thinking she’d been raped by Franco as did Jason which makes even less sense because it’s one thing to hate the competition but hate the guy you want your favorite girl to be with is next level.

  • @Chrissykins120
    @Chrissykins120 Před 11 lety +1

    How would he know? I hope you're right though!

  • @steckylover1999
    @steckylover1999 Před 11 lety +1

    same here :(

  • @1999Liason1978GTS
    @1999Liason1978GTS Před 11 lety +1

    Todd or Heather might have changed the results! I have a feeling its Elizabeth who switch the results coz isn't this when Sam overhears a confession from Elizabeth? It could be this 1 that she changed it in order 2 have Jason bck in her life. RC better fix this!

  • @optimisticrainyday
    @optimisticrainyday Před 11 lety +8

    I really hope the writers don't screw up Liz's character more than has been done in the past. I'm sorry, but she just would never do something like what it seems. In fact, it just really, really ticks me off. She's better than this and I certainly don't think she should sink to Sam's level.I hope there is a lot more to this than we've seen so far. If not, I have no words but those of disbelief and disappointment. Writers, please don't ruin Elizabeth or the bond that Liason have this way.

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +6

      optimisticrainyday, too late. They still care about each other, but Jason doesn't have that blind faith and trust in Liz like he used to. She killed that.

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 5 lety +4

      It seems like the Liason fans got a taste of what it’s like to have your favorite characters written completely out of character... that level you say Sam sunk to in 2007 was not consistent with the way she was written before and after that time when the only agenda was making Liason look good by making everyone else do bad things. However, manipulation is not THAT out of character for Elizabeth. Neither is lying or cheating or scheming to trick others. Sam did sink pretty low but she also pulled herself out of that depth while Liz can’t seem to stop lying to get guys who’ve told her that they don’t want to be with her.

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +1

      optimisticrainyday that makes no sense. Liz wasn’t ruined for JaSam. When Jason & Sam got together Liz & him had been done 4 quite a bit. He was still married to Courtney at the time they met. I don’t see where you’re going with this line of thinking. JaSam has higher rating than Liarson. That’s most likely why & Liz has always been manipulative. I remember her scheming to get Lucky. She also tried to fight Courtney for Jason & Sam wasn’t even around then. So yeah she’s just showing her true colors imo. Also I don’t like how Liz fans say that the writers are ruining her for Sam & Jason. They had their own standalone story with great chemistry long b4 she came back into the picture. If anything Liz was the plot device & still is not the other way around.

  • @kevinpham_
    @kevinpham_ Před 5 lety +6

    liz allegedly gave up her sons organs to save JOSSLYN under this impression and CARLY has the audacity to just get in LIZ's face! yes we know the whole story changed NELLE is the organ donor! but imagine if we went back to 2006 and CARLY knew that LIZ was having JASON's baby along! there's no doubt around that time CARLY and SAM would have united to cause LIZ to have a miscarriage the hatred upon liz by this much is outrageous! And now liz has to be paired with Franco in the year of 2019 the monster who destroyed MICHAEL QUATERMAINE's childhood! And they want us to keep watching this show despite all this hell that has been forced upon and used to throw LIZ under a bus just to support other characters and promote other characters! While the role of LIZ is basically road kill just to now sell sam or franco or whoever else.... and they want us to keep watching GH, GET OUT OF HERE!

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +2

      What are you talking about??? Sam doesn’t need anyone to sell her. She’s a great & interesting character all on her own. The JaSam story doesn’t need Liz to make them look good either (remember 04-05???) but they did need her for the drama. Liz is boring always has been. She’s always been needy & chasing Jason especially when he’s with someone else. The fact that her character development is going the way it is is pretty realistic considering the poor choices she’s made. The only thing missing are the consequences.

  • @FutureSoapStar09
    @FutureSoapStar09 Před 11 lety +5

    I can't believe RC is throwing Liz under the bus for Jasam AND making a case on Twitter that she's nuts. Goodbye GH. I can't wait for SBu to be off screen so I can finally move on from this show!

  • @Kadasberry11
    @Kadasberry11 Před 5 lety +9

    Jason was so hurt by those results, he loved Danny too despite “being Franco’s son.” And making it about herself and pushing him to “let it go”??

    • @mayzo51184
      @mayzo51184 Před 3 lety +2

      I think that's the thing that made me the most angry in this scene was her pushing him to let it go. She's the queen of not being able to let it go especially when it comes to Jason. If she had, she would have let him be happy with Sam and not have done what she had done. She would have let the chips fall where they may no matter what happened.

    • @amygeegan8620
      @amygeegan8620 Před 2 lety +3

      Danny was never Franco Heather Webber changed the paternity test results he was always Jason's

  • @ElvisRose_
    @ElvisRose_ Před 6 lety +10

    Elizabeth has been chasing Jason for over a decade. She acts like Jason owes her something. Jason tells her that he can't be with her because of how dangerous his work is but that's his way of letting Elizabeth down easy. If Jason really loved her and wanted to marry her then he would do it. He married Courtney. He also married Sam. So it's not his work. It's his feelings for Elizabeth and Carly, who knows Jason very well, is spot on about how Jason may confide in and kiss Elizabeth but Jason's never going to choose a life with her over a life with Sam. And Elizabeth knows that unless she fixes the game, that she'll lose Jason.

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +1

      The sad thing is the Liarson fans can only bring up the Sam & Jake s/l because they have nothing else to say. What’s wrong is wrong. Sam was wrong in doing what she did but this was mostly due to a mental break down (which Liz fakes one later btw) but she more than made up for it & grew from it Liz HASN’T ie she’s still in the wrong trying to break up yet ANOTHER marriage. I’m still upset about the 07-08 s/l to prop up Liz/Jiz because it was bad writing & poor character development all around. (Save for Liz coz they were spot on with her) I look back at the old JaSam clips & even Jason back in the day would’ve abhorred his behavior. Let’s just chalk it up to the horrible hairdo growing into his brain lol. Also Jiz has never worked then or now they just need to stop trying to force chemistry that just isn’t there. You can do so much with JaSam because they’re two sides of the same coin & have fun adventures together which makes soaps way more interesting than the typical boring drama which is why I started tuning in to gh again around that time.

  • @amyholley4331
    @amyholley4331 Před 4 lety

    This soap opera will eventually come to an end like they all do!

    • @murdahmammiez
      @murdahmammiez Před 4 lety +2

      After 60 yrs...i dont think so

    • @gentile1239
      @gentile1239 Před 3 lety +1

      It ain’t over til it’s over, this the best one around currently

  • @courtneysheffield2950
    @courtneysheffield2950 Před 7 lety +12

    Carly mind your own business focus on your life and happiness not Jason's.

    • @Darline4006
      @Darline4006 Před 7 lety +10

      Courtney Sheffield she'd is telling the truth, Jason loves his wife always

    • @reneenayfabnaynay5679
      @reneenayfabnaynay5679 Před 6 lety +9

      javon lambert, I agree. It always seemed like Liz was way more into Jason, than he was into her! Don't get me wrong, Jason did, and still does care about Liz. But, not the way Liz wanted him to care. If he'd have cared even half as much as Liz would've wanted him to, she'd wouldn't have felt the need to scheme for him. Plain and simple.

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 5 lety +8

      You mean the way that Elizabeth focusing on her life and happiness that she can only achieve by giving the wrong test results to Jason so he'd go through with the divorce he didn't want because she can't accept the fact that Jason loves Sam instead of her... is Elizabeth that minding her own business instead of trying to screw up Jason's marriage?

  • @panayiotabutterfly3
    @panayiotabutterfly3 Před 11 lety +4

    I believe that they were going a different direction, but now that Jason/Steve is leaving they are going with plan B. They have done alot of stuipd. crazy storylines for Jason and Sam...which is painful to watch at times.

  • @optimisticrainyday
    @optimisticrainyday Před 11 lety +1

    Thank you for saying that. I'm with you. :)

  • @natalieps2387
    @natalieps2387 Před 3 lety

    Carly vs liz are the best fights . No matter which carly played her. Sarah browns carly went junk yard dog style on liz & what was great was the old liz would give it right back to her. I hated what they did to liz. Becoming this brood mare with a new baby attached to her hip while she tried to be a saint the poor single mom & full time nurse. Also is Becky's hair naturally curly ? In old scenes from 99 she had shoulder length curly hair. Pretty much since it's always straight. Laura wright is naturally curly bc she will have curls every so often & when her hair was wet it naturally curled. I just wonder if Becky had a perm or body wave bc her hair is always straight. I guess if it was naturally curly you would figure once in awhile she would have curls. She was in her early 20s when she had the curly hair so maybe after having her kids the texture changed ? A relative of mine had pin straight hair & after a few kids it got very wavy & thicker.
    Anyway carly is technically wrong. Even if jason doesnt sign the divorce papers it will go through eventually. Otherwise you know how many spouses that still love the person or cant let go would never divorce? U can't hold a person hostage in a marriage forever. Sam signing is basically a formality . A judge will grant it it just takes longer if the other party does not sign. Anyway carly is right jason always seemed to be trying to connect with liz after a certain point . Maybe after they broke it off to keep jake safe. Even in liz's own fantasy of jason it turns into a nightmare. Jason tells her " I'm not the one u need " & liz says " I never really knew you did I?" If that's not finality. Then again different writers have their own agendas. I just think liz & jason have gone to that well too many times & they never were an official couple. The closest they got was only bc of Jake. They had booty calls for a little while but that ended when michael was shot. I always thought lucky was the love of her life. Jj Left & it never was the same. Even when he came back 10 years later too much time & too many things happened when other actors played lucky it was not the same. They really were just a first love that was not meant to last. Even if jj stayed on the writers would have broken them up. They were supposed to be 16. Then they aged Liz to college aged I think so jason & her could connect. People would have been creeped out by a late 20s guy with a high schooler. They did not have jason sleeping with robin til she graduated from college & kimberly turned 18 in real life. I always thought jason looked to old for Robin even though he was only 26. Kimberly was very young & looked even younger than 18. When Robin & jason made out one time she had on a little polka dotted bra on like a 13 year old. U saw the stark contrast when jason was sleeping with carly & she was in grown up black lace underwear & matching bra. Sarah was only 3 years older than KM but when u have two young actresses 3 years looks a lot different. Plus sarah just never had that baby face . She was 22 but could pass easily for 25

  • @tarastawasz
    @tarastawasz Před 11 lety +5

    I really hope they do not make Liz the bad one because she is really good person

  • @Chrissykins120
    @Chrissykins120 Před 11 lety +3

    I was really mad that they had Liz do that but you make a lot of good points. I just wish they didn't make Liz sink so low.
    Notices how all the crazy stuff they did was because of Jason!!!

  • @optimisticrainyday
    @optimisticrainyday Před 11 lety +2

    I hope that it is, that she felt bad that she was relieved it wasn't Sam's, that she might still have a chance and that Sam won't have what she wishes she still had. I really, really hope they are just making Liz LOOK guilty of something, not that she actually did it.

  • @freakyafg
    @freakyafg Před 11 lety +4

    i have a bad feeling about this. my heart is breaking for liz.

  • @manwadoleh4968
    @manwadoleh4968 Před 4 lety


  • @panayiotabutterfly3
    @panayiotabutterfly3 Před 11 lety +3

    I have read everyone's comments on here...ladies and gent. you have to do your research before you get ahead of yourselves. The key word is what Jason says 'Sam's' Dna is not a match. You guys know the history of Liz, so you know that Liz had frozen some of her eggs back in the day. So how is it that Sam got pergant when all chances where a mircale..hmmm..maybe because she used Liz's eggs!! PCI your reading. ;)

    • @ElvisRose_
      @ElvisRose_ Před 5 lety +7

      That is the dumbest theory I've ever heard. Why on Earth would Sam use Elizabeth's eggs?

    • @kevinpham_
      @kevinpham_ Před 4 lety

      Panyiotabutterfly3 ya know years ago when i read this comment i laughed my ass off... but now a days when i choose to rewatch how LIASON went from this to THISSSSSSSSSSSSSS......... i start to wonder
      With the way this show has been and as of now it's not too much of a stretch and besides there always a lot fans out there ready to say and claim that Jake is not Jason's son
      When we have solid evidence of the hospital when SPINELLIE CRACKED the data information and Helena's confirmation proving time and time again that Jake is Jason's son.
      But from your elaborated response it's funny but creative and if i ever continued my fan fiction novel of this show I wish i took the chance to incorporate this idea into it. Best Regard and thanks for the laughs.

    • @Nanubaby3385
      @Nanubaby3385 Před 4 lety +1

      Kevin Pham yeah well ppl also obviously die only to be cryogenically frozen & brainwashed by Helena so anything is possible & honestly this isn’t the craziest theory or s/l if they were to do it.