German bakeries be like 🇩🇪🍞

  • čas přidán 24. 11. 2022
  • Sport

Komentáře • 3,8K

  • @shitslayer8a
    @shitslayer8a Před rokem +33746

    When you finally master the German Instinct:

  • @felicious6384
    @felicious6384 Před rokem +22906

    The most commonly bought bread roll in Germany is "Das da" closely followed by "Ne, das daneben."

    • @Stray0
      @Stray0 Před rokem +605

      I just say Weiß/Schwarz/Vollkorn and then they suggest me a specific type.

    • @mandb8955
      @mandb8955 Před rokem +405

      Danke für den Lachkick!

    • @mauer1
      @mauer1 Před rokem +642

      ein mischbrot bitte.
      das hier?
      joa das past schon, geschnitten bitte

    • @apocalypsed
      @apocalypsed Před rokem +722

      Hab heute erst "Das Große da" bestellt. Hat nur 2,50 € gekostet.

    • @FlowMama4207
      @FlowMama4207 Před rokem +485

      Und "das mit den Körnern"😁

  • @fevkaladeninfevki
    @fevkaladeninfevki Před 7 měsíci +1248

    If you never made eye contact with a german baker at 8 am on a work day, you dont know what psychological pressure is.

    • @ahabduennschitz7670
      @ahabduennschitz7670 Před 5 měsíci +64

      If you never learned the difference between a Baker and a Bäckereifachverkäufer, you wasted your Life

    • @Jeeroy_Lenkins
      @Jeeroy_Lenkins Před 2 měsíci +7

      @@ahabduennschitz7670dein Name ist Legende dachte erst du wärst der integrierteste Ausländer aller Zeiten, bis ich gerafft hab, was da steht 😂😂 (außer du bist Ausländer, dann Respekt 🎉😂)

    • @fabianmaulick804
      @fabianmaulick804 Před měsícem

      ​@@ahabduennschitz7670 if you never heard about a Kleinstunternehmen, where the baker himself sells his baked goods, then that just makes me traurig

    • @frodobeutlin4203
      @frodobeutlin4203 Před měsícem +4

      Ich mach mir manchmal den Spaß und komm übelst gut gelaunt in die Bäckerei....😜🤯 Kann nach hinten losgehen....

    • @tf1687
      @tf1687 Před měsícem +9

      Also meine Frau ist Polin. Ich muss sagen, das die Deutschen nicht so unfreundlich sind wie dargestellt. Meine Frau sagt das auch. In Deutschland wird man in der Regel freundlich und gut behandelt. Wer was anderes sagt sollte mal über sich selbst nachdenken! Ich kenne momentan kein Volk was toleranter und großzügiger ist wie Deutschland.

  • @Gartenlust
    @Gartenlust Před 8 měsíci +182

    The only thing missing is "Das wär's/war's." = "That's it." at the end. 👌

  • @wallbreaker_9358
    @wallbreaker_9358 Před rokem +4996

    Wenn Sie 4 Quarkbällchen nehmen ist das Fünfte umsonst.

    • @sanipine
      @sanipine Před rokem +352

      Erinnert mich an die Bäcker-Anti-Witze...
      "Nehmen Sie doch 6, dann haben Sie eins mehr!"

    • @magicmaqwa
      @magicmaqwa Před rokem +28

      bei uns war immer das vierte gratis

    • @taxiuniversum
      @taxiuniversum Před rokem +1


    • @zeropointzer0
      @zeropointzer0 Před rokem +152

      @@sanipine Oder noch anti-witziger:
      Kunde: "99 Brötchen bitte!"
      Verkäuferin: "Warum nehmen Sie nicht gleich 100?"
      Kunde: "Wer soll die denn alle essen?!?"

    • @sanipine
      @sanipine Před rokem +9

      @@zeropointzer0 Ja, der auch 😁
      Obwohl es ja schon stimmt, 100 ist dann doch auch übertrieben 😏

  • @goodmusic4673
    @goodmusic4673 Před rokem +4972

    He is evolving

  • @Robert-qw9hp
    @Robert-qw9hp Před 6 měsíci +949

    The translation of "ein belegtes Brötchen" to "one occupied roll" 😂

    • @gehlesen559
      @gehlesen559 Před 5 měsíci +83

      One reserved Breadling, please.

    • @user-hd4ih1je2p
      @user-hd4ih1je2p Před měsícem +2

      not exactly. it means sandwich (trust me i was born in germany)

    • @frequencs8511
      @frequencs8511 Před měsícem

      Well Germans love Occupying

    • @cckiller4378
      @cckiller4378 Před měsícem

      Not really, a sandwich has bread on both sides​@@user-hd4ih1je2p

    • @TechnikJens
      @TechnikJens Před měsícem +1

      I was looking for this comment🤣🤣🤣

  • @FuryRap
    @FuryRap Před rokem +351

    I like how you made the "german three" with your hand in the end. Nice little detail.

    • @Mrshereforethemusic
      @Mrshereforethemusic Před 6 měsíci +24

      Nicely spotted. No Inglorious Basterds f… up. 😀

    • @Wink_Larson
      @Wink_Larson Před měsícem

      Most of Europe uses the same way of counting.. you even find this on Wikipedia.
      Don't get your education from Hollywood^^

    • @TomislavS
      @TomislavS Před měsícem +1

      how is it a german three? i only know it as serbian three finger salute

    • @Steppenkater
      @Steppenkater Před měsícem +6

      ​@@TomislavS That's how Germans show the number three with their fingers which is different from the way British do it.

  • @xnier02hdz44
    @xnier02hdz44 Před rokem +3454

    The boss transformation is complete.
    The drama. What an arc.
    Truly legendary.

    • @AllisterCaine
      @AllisterCaine Před rokem +6

      That was the basic exam. Now on to the advanced: dialect...
      Try order a laabla in Berlin. Or a schrippe in Munich.....

  • @BuiHieuDong
    @BuiHieuDong Před rokem +2216

    The long and awkward silence after he says "Hallo" is funnier than i thought it would be.

    • @ayanchs
      @ayanchs Před rokem +13

      What's wrong with Hallo?) i live in Austria and it's pretty common here, but it depends on to whom I am saying that

    • @moritzfinke4518
      @moritzfinke4518 Před rokem +39

      I don't think it is about the words that are being said but about the words that aren't being said there.

    • @yerielking9722
      @yerielking9722 Před rokem +71

      @@ayanchs yes the other person is right. To greet somehow is polite at most places but you have to add RIGHT AWAY what you want. He is waiting for them to say hello back.. I never heard them say hello back.. only to children maybe but not to me nor to ppl in my age or older. 😅

    • @annahyrtl8027
      @annahyrtl8027 Před rokem +4

      @@ayanchs it depends if the bakery is in a traditional/conservative/religious space hallo might be a little bit too informal

    • @dianaliliana
      @dianaliliana Před rokem +10

      I can totally relate to that 😅 The first time I went to a cafe in Germany I was with my german boyfriend, but because I wanted to practice the language I told him I was going to talk to the staff myself. The only thing I managed to do was say "Hallo" and get weird stares from them.

  • @dennissch.5014
    @dennissch.5014 Před rokem +63

    bei unsern bäckern sind die namensschildchen auch grundsätzlich verrutscht und nicht and dem gebäck wo sie hingehören. dann kriegt man noch ne genervte reaktion des Personals, weil man das "Bergsteiger-Dinkellinchen" fälschlicherweise bestellt hat, obwohl man nur das "super-sportler-brötchen" wollte...😅

  • @richardmanning8912
    @richardmanning8912 Před 11 měsíci +37

    As an Irish guy married to a German and living there, your videos crack me up no end, so true 😂

  • @Bnelen
    @Bnelen Před rokem +3617

    It's insane how he can build tension between the different characters even though it's just HIM doing all of them.

  • @thomasawdffaw123
    @thomasawdffaw123 Před rokem +1972

    My Ex GF was trying to learn german. I wrote her a list for the bakery so she could practice ordering. After the first sentence the lady at the bakery just took the list out of her hand and finished the order lmao

    • @Oliver-2103
      @Oliver-2103 Před rokem +451

      Effizienz wird nunmal groß geschrieben

    • @xman7695
      @xman7695 Před rokem +180

      Deutsche Effizienz xD

    • @deku6947
      @deku6947 Před rokem +2

      uffff 😂

    • @feridedogan7653
      @feridedogan7653 Před rokem +12

      Sie hatte wohl keine Geduld

    • @mats7492
      @mats7492 Před rokem +51

      Well, we don’t have all day, do we?

  • @simomelo7341
    @simomelo7341 Před 11 měsíci +304

    Dude is more German than Germany itself

  • @isozarr
    @isozarr Před rokem +51

    Best part: the German way to show the number 3 with the fingers. Integration successful

    • @AL-ss4vr
      @AL-ss4vr Před 6 měsíci +3

      I learnt it in Inglorious Bastards

    • @mcmerry2846
      @mcmerry2846 Před 4 měsíci

      We use the same in LATAM tho

    • @Wink_Larson
      @Wink_Larson Před měsícem

      And again.. most of Europe counts that way^^

  • @lukrezialaval2406
    @lukrezialaval2406 Před rokem +1054

    Sie werden so schnell erwachsen 😢
    Ich bin stolz auf dich 👍

  • @maxfullerton5228
    @maxfullerton5228 Před rokem +4278

    I have tears in my eyes. I am so proud !!! Kollege welcome to being 100% German.

    • @nilsgerber3191
      @nilsgerber3191 Před 9 měsíci +8

      Das denke ich nicht

    • @Acutelittlecat
      @Acutelittlecat Před 9 měsíci +25

      Wait, wait guy! *He wrote mötchen instead of möchten*

    • @Kanzler_Oleg
      @Kanzler_Oleg Před 8 měsíci +3

      ​@@Acutelittlecatyeah lol

    • @Acutelittlecat
      @Acutelittlecat Před 8 měsíci +2

      hOw DAre hE

    • @danialves9087
      @danialves9087 Před 7 měsíci +5

      @@Acutelittlecatdamit genau jemand wie du, der nicht ne Ecke weiterdenkt, kommentiert, um dadurch den Algorithmus zu pushen

  • @honigblumchen9848
    @honigblumchen9848 Před 11 měsíci +21

    Yaaa, he nailed it! Speaking as a Bäckereifachverkäuferin 😂😂 jk specialist seller at the bakery 😂😂

  • @yvonneh.9518
    @yvonneh.9518 Před 7 měsíci +20

    every german salesperson behind the counter would start sweating and make you repeat your order cause no one could remember all of what you ordered 😂

    • @skyz1318
      @skyz1318 Před měsícem +1

      nah they remember trust

  • @mladen5140
    @mladen5140 Před rokem +852

    The Linkin Park song always hits

  • @vanny_bonnie
    @vanny_bonnie Před rokem +814

    I waited so long for him to surprise the others and smile at the end my wish came true! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  • @racheljensen1823
    @racheljensen1823 Před 10 měsíci +6

    He has mastered the German smile ;)
    This is as we know, the most critical german word/phrase

  • @AdamTheDev_RBLX
    @AdamTheDev_RBLX Před 7 měsíci +3

    as a native german i can confirm that this is how we act at bakeries.

  • @YAH995
    @YAH995 Před rokem +301

    So stolz auf Dich Junge

  • @DavidfsnnMusic
    @DavidfsnnMusic Před rokem +450

    Even as a German, Ordering at a bakery is hard because of all the weird names

    • @djokerbrfan
      @djokerbrfan Před rokem +1


    • @CrniWuk
      @CrniWuk Před rokem +3

      Perfect test for gaining citizenship. If you can order in a bakery, you're fitt for being a German.

    • @ggbirdymill1618
      @ggbirdymill1618 Před rokem +95

      It's pretty easy: das da, diese da, das, das und dieses

    • @DavidfsnnMusic
      @DavidfsnnMusic Před rokem +5

      @@ggbirdymill1618 Usually my brother does it because I’m still asleep

    • @larsappel7813
      @larsappel7813 Před rokem +27

      ​@@ggbirdymill1618 You forgot the most important part...: Das da, diese da, das, ne ne ne das daneben, das und und dieses :D

  • @jaspert3167
    @jaspert3167 Před 9 dny +2

    the way the baker ist throwing the 'schnitzelbrötchen' on the plate is pure german style! love it!

  • @ichhassemeinleben3614
    @ichhassemeinleben3614 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Bro is the Ultra German Instinct 😂

  • @killerprincess1389
    @killerprincess1389 Před rokem +138

    Einbürgerungstest bestanden

  • @monal3544
    @monal3544 Před rokem +716

    Living in Germany for almost 25 years and I still just point at the things I want 😂

    • @angel_region1
      @angel_region1 Před rokem +53

      I‘m a native German and do the same 😅 Nur nicht bei den Quarkbällchen! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

    • @somespirit2511
      @somespirit2511 Před rokem +30

      It gets difficult when the thing you want doesn't have a name tag

    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse Před rokem +11

      As someone working at a bakery, that's very triggering 😭

    • @monal3544
      @monal3544 Před rokem +4

      @@xapokalypse Oh, why 👀

    • @hertronix6849
      @hertronix6849 Před rokem +16

      @@xapokalypse then set up the price tags better so you can actually tell what is what. not our fault...

  • @nicolamuenster3813
    @nicolamuenster3813 Před 9 měsíci +3

    I have just recently discovered your videos and they have made me laugh so much 😂 I moved to Germany from Scotland several years ago and I still find German behavior in shops hilarious…best and most frustrating moments for me, are when a new cash desk is opened at the supermarket … it always leads to a mass scramble. Usually the people at the back of the queue run to the front 😅 This would be unthinkable in Scotland 😊

  • @heyrandommm
    @heyrandommm Před 8 měsíci +4

    I'm laughing every time that woman is throwing the baby on the floor. Give the baby a piece of bread please.

  • @SouperWy
    @SouperWy Před rokem +459

    I’m an American who has lived in Germany basically my entire life. That feeling when you perfectly order something at a bakery for the first time is the best.

    • @CoNteMpTone
      @CoNteMpTone Před 10 měsíci +39

      Let me introduce you to a well kept german secret: that feeling is rare even among us germans.

    • @nobroo5264
      @nobroo5264 Před 7 měsíci +6

      His accent is still noticable but he's done a good job

    • @paulgutschmidt
      @paulgutschmidt Před 6 měsíci +1


    • @Buphido
      @Buphido Před 15 dny

      As a native german stutterer I'm still working on that particular achievement

  • @clarysstoryboard3317
    @clarysstoryboard3317 Před rokem +642

    This feels like the winning arc in an underdog story.

  • @CatHarington
    @CatHarington Před rokem +3

    The smirk always gets me😂

  • @petma656
    @petma656 Před 2 dny +1

    I love this guy, always on spot, and at the end the little smile

  • @wilhelmpfusch3699
    @wilhelmpfusch3699 Před rokem +180

    "Das Brot ungeschnitten" was missing ;)

    • @HISKILP
      @HISKILP Před rokem +9

      Ich hab noch nie geschnittenes Brot in einer Bäckerei bekommen

    • @boooster101
      @boooster101 Před rokem +8

      ​@@HISKILP meine Bäckerei bewirft mich mit Ausschuss von der Vorwoche, wenn ich sie dreist darum bitte.

    • @wilhelmpfusch3699
      @wilhelmpfusch3699 Před rokem +10

      @@HISKILP Bei uns freut sich die Verkäuferin immer, wenn man direkt geschnitten/ungeschnitten sagt. Muss sie die Frage nur 345 statt 346 mal am Tag stellen.

    • @janx4706
      @janx4706 Před rokem +7

      ​@@wilhelmpfusch3699 Son Schwachsinn hab ich ja noch nie gehört 😳Das Brot hat immer am Stück zu sein, wenn man es geschnitten will muss man das dazu sagen ist ja auch ein zusätzlicher Auftrag ⚠️

    • @wilhelmpfusch3699
      @wilhelmpfusch3699 Před rokem

      @@janx4706 Willkommen in Schleswig-Holstein sag ich da nur. Die machen hier einiges anders.

  • @bartonarchuleta204
    @bartonarchuleta204 Před rokem +1084

    I think it’s really cool how much pride he’s taking in being confident in German. Good on you bro

    • @gerharddeusser9103
      @gerharddeusser9103 Před rokem +46

      That's a lot more than proficiency in the language...Bakery knowlegde is a science in Germany.... Only professional masters of bakery know the rules...

    • @Scarlett.Granger
      @Scarlett.Granger Před rokem +12

      ​@@gerharddeusser9103well if you know about the wine mastery of sommeliers, Germany literally has bread sommeliers. Thats how important bread is

    • @not-even-german4892
      @not-even-german4892 Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@gerharddeusser9103 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

    • @not-even-german4892
      @not-even-german4892 Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@Scarlett.Granger 😅😅😅😅😅

    • @MaxStudy-qn4vk
      @MaxStudy-qn4vk Před 11 měsíci

      Yeah you dont see that often in germany since alot of germans are full of hate for their country

  • @asafjauch4265
    @asafjauch4265 Před 7 měsíci +2

    The german way of showing 3 with your hand😂😍

  • @user-cv2mo4ew3g
    @user-cv2mo4ew3g Před 6 měsíci +1

    These characters are HALARIOUS the mommy dropping the baby 😂😂😂 holy 🐄 cow everything about this viseo slays HALARIOUS ❤😂😂😂😂

  • @hypelloid1312
    @hypelloid1312 Před rokem +270

    We, the Germans, are intrigued. We will watch your career with great interest young man!

  • @candyqueen0064
    @candyqueen0064 Před rokem +194

    He finally FINALLY did it guys!! All German learners are so freaking proud of you 😭🥲

  • @Mr_Relax0815
    @Mr_Relax0815 Před 11 měsíci +4

    "Das Wärs" 😂

  • @mantikor8334
    @mantikor8334 Před 9 měsíci +1

    i have been going to the bakery all my life and i still have to look at everything, before i know that i want what i always want

  • @blunygeorge
    @blunygeorge Před rokem +114

    He has come so far. That's character development. I'm literally crying

    • @Oliver-2103
      @Oliver-2103 Před rokem

      His german sounds so good too, sparks a sense of proudness in me lol

  • @dungpie8687
    @dungpie8687 Před rokem +50

    He forgot "Das da" followed from "Nein, das daneben."

  • @nightfallnoir
    @nightfallnoir Před 6 měsíci +2

    Seit Liam‘s Zeit bin ich immer stolzer, Deutsche zu sein. Literal goosebumps all over at the end, What I‘ve Done ist eins meiner absoluten Lieblingslieder deshalb immer wieder wie absolute Magie~~~

  • @caquinterol
    @caquinterol Před 9 měsíci +2

    You’re really a German when you learn to count using the fingers in the correct way 😅

  • @aviation.001
    @aviation.001 Před rokem +129

    I love how he still got asked if he wanted to add something after ordering half of
    ✨️ze Bäkerei✨️

    • @clairechloe5294
      @clairechloe5294 Před rokem +1

      😀😀🤣🤣😀😀🤣🤣🤣 from Germany

    • @EliSeBird
      @EliSeBird Před rokem

      *DIE Bäckerei

    • @Ameathyst
      @Ameathyst Před rokem

      Ze bäkerei??? It’s called *die Bäckerei! 🎉

    • @chrise842
      @chrise842 Před 7 měsíci


  • @nokori5660
    @nokori5660 Před rokem +99

    Have a nervous breakdown, jedesmal wenn ich bei sub way gefragt werde wie viele 100 verschiedene Sachen ich auf mein Sandwich haben will

    • @vaxrvaxr
      @vaxrvaxr Před rokem +18

      Warte bis du rausfindest dass der Subway in jedem Land anders funktioniert 😭

    • @volpenvieh
      @volpenvieh Před rokem +14

      Ich war einmal in einem Subway und hab mich dort nie wieder reingetraut.

    • @MagicGirl279
      @MagicGirl279 Před rokem +3

      😂 Genau deswegen meide ich die auch oder ich nehm das selbe wie meine Freunde und wenn das schmeckt wird das bei jedem weiteren Besuch 1 zu 1 genauso belegt.

    • @sonjafranz2328
      @sonjafranz2328 Před rokem +3

      Definitiv.Mich überfordert das bei denen auch.

    • @VoodaGod
      @VoodaGod Před rokem +1

      dann sagt man einfach "scheibenkäse, getoasted, alles drauf & "

  • @Footgurki
    @Footgurki Před 5 měsíci +1

    I am a german and its so funny to watch your videos!

  • @timwalther5275
    @timwalther5275 Před 6 měsíci +1

    When you turn a normal scene into a blockbuster.

  • @poodlemoth5638
    @poodlemoth5638 Před rokem +136

    Why i got teary eyes for this... I guess our boy evolved

  • @MrLoLFaQ
    @MrLoLFaQ Před rokem +26

    It's also common for a bakery to ask you for more. If you have 30 Brötchen, 5 Crossaints, 4 Brezel, 4 Donuts they will still ask you if that's all.

    • @bronylowt
      @bronylowt Před rokem +2

      True. I once (pre)ordered 100 Brötchen for a big party. When I claimed them, she asked me if I want "anything else". I said: "Nah, I guess this will be enough" :)

    • @nickkohlmann
      @nickkohlmann Před rokem

      yeah, somehow it's a trained floskel in every shop there is

  • @hendrixxxm637
    @hendrixxxm637 Před 10 měsíci

    Ich habe schon lange nicht mehr so gelacht. Das ist der bissige Humor, den ich liebe❗ Danke‼️😅👍

  • @EwgenijBelzmann
    @EwgenijBelzmann Před rokem +92

    The occupied roll with egg killed me 🤣

    • @vargsmalnorway9246
      @vargsmalnorway9246 Před rokem

      Is that the legit name of it? 😅

    • @EwgenijBelzmann
      @EwgenijBelzmann Před rokem +13

      @@vargsmalnorway9246 No, of course not, that's just an overly literal and deliberately funny translation of the words. The name mentioned here is "belegtes Brötchen mit Ei". "Brötchen" means bread roll, "mit Ei" means with egg, so far so good. But the word "belegtes" has different meanings. It can mean occupied if we're taking about a bathroom for example, or a seat on the train. But if it's applied to a bread roll, it just means a bread roll with stuff on top or inside of it, essentially a bread roll sandwich.

    • @canchero724
      @canchero724 Před rokem +17

      ​@@EwgenijBelzmann so let's be clear here, you're saying that the egg is occupying the space inside the bread roll. So that makes it indeed an occupied bread roll and the Germans have named it correctly.

    • @vargsmalnorway9246
      @vargsmalnorway9246 Před rokem +2

      @@EwgenijBelzmann thanks for the reply 😁 it sounds delicious 😋

    • @AlexandraVioletta
      @AlexandraVioletta Před rokem +1

      It is. Egg, 3 slices of cucumber, a bit remoulade (do you know remoulade? I think it's a Belgian? Invention?).

  • @howtocookazombie
    @howtocookazombie Před rokem +288

    Everytime I go to a bakery in Germany, they *instantly* ask me what I want and I just think "give me at least some seconds to see what you have before asking me what I want and then waiting for me". 😅 I have now gotten into the habit of just standing further away and looking at what they have and only then coming closer.

    • @mats7492
      @mats7492 Před rokem +69

      That’s how the professionals do it..
      Good job

    • @franka9942
      @franka9942 Před rokem +94

      Everyone knows in germany it's illegal to walk up to the counter without knowing what you want haha

    • @legendomere4237
      @legendomere4237 Před rokem +55

      "ich Guck nur"

    • @howtocookazombie
      @howtocookazombie Před rokem +10

      @@legendomere4237 Immer! 😂

    • @lydiathealien
      @lydiathealien Před rokem +10

      In the bakery near my house there’s always so much going on, that I usually have like 5 min to look at what I should get. Another tip: already know what you will get before even entering

  • @thepassenger6499
    @thepassenger6499 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Mein Gott! Das war wunderschön! 🥰

  • @r..1240
    @r..1240 Před 12 dny +1

    Just always say "Mahlzeit" when entering a room. Everybody is going to think you're German

  • @geejiv5194
    @geejiv5194 Před rokem +75

    The German was immaculate 👌 but you had me rolling at the translation: one occupied roll with egg?! 😂

  • @chaosjack2385
    @chaosjack2385 Před rokem +3

    He has completed his Duolingo lesson

    • @killmine1235
      @killmine1235 Před rokem +1

      Will he finally get his family back?!

  • @Elias_seiler_011
    @Elias_seiler_011 Před 9 měsíci +1

    There's always an old man in any bakery. He always looks at your plate to see what you have ordered

  • @pefox2561
    @pefox2561 Před 17 dny +1

    "Eine Brezel bitte. .. Kann ich mit Karte zahlen?" "💀💀💀💀💀💀"

  • @hfreyse8931
    @hfreyse8931 Před rokem +1924

    Word of warning, though: Depending on where you currently are in Germany, any random piece of baked good may have an equally random regional name, and calling it by any other name WILL provoke a reaction ranging from mean-spirited ridicule to actual denial of your purchase.
    "Mia ham ka *spits* Brötchen, mia ham nur a Semmeln!"

    • @Justin-oq3ng
      @Justin-oq3ng Před 11 měsíci +48

      alter was is spits brötchen

    • @grrumakemeangry
      @grrumakemeangry Před 10 měsíci +54

      @@Justin-oq3ng kannste keen englisch oda wat?

    • @Justin-oq3ng
      @Justin-oq3ng Před 10 měsíci +15

      @@grrumakemeangry doch und spits brötchen ist kein englisch

    • @justinschneid8333
      @justinschneid8333 Před 10 měsíci +31

      ​Kann er keen deutsch oder wat?

    • @CoNteMpTone
      @CoNteMpTone Před 10 měsíci

      @@Justin-oq3ng für alle boomer und internetfremden Menschen unter euch: *spits* ist fett geschrieben. Das passiert, wenn man den Text in * fasst. Ursprünglich war das "in sternchen fassen" im chat die übliche Form, Handlungen zu kennzeichnen.
      In diesem Fall ist also gemeint, dass er vor der Aussprache des Wortes "Brötchen" ausspuckt. Wahrscheinlich abwertend gemeint.
      Willkommen im Internet, Freunde.

  • @MrPeperoni79
    @MrPeperoni79 Před rokem +140

    At a German bakery, you usually point at what you want and say "Das da".

    • @bastian6173
      @bastian6173 Před 7 měsíci +7


    • @nozee77
      @nozee77 Před 6 měsíci +3

      ​@@bastian6173Oder in Kurzform: "Noch?"

    • @bastian6173
      @bastian6173 Před 6 měsíci +6

      @@nozee77 Außerdem?

    • @nozee77
      @nozee77 Před 6 měsíci

      @@bastian6173 Oder so 😂

    • @HPMTube1991
      @HPMTube1991 Před 6 měsíci +3

      "Two from this please and one from this. Not this, but this one. No, not this, this over there. The one behind this one" and so on..
      (I personally don't buy anything from a bakery of its variants)

  • @janspan100
    @janspan100 Před měsícem

    Masterpieces ! Mimics, voice, ... genius ! Sooo much thruth ! XD

  • @Nav_HD
    @Nav_HD Před měsícem +1

    At the end, there should be: “Nein danke, das war’s”

  • @roastbrain
    @roastbrain Před rokem +357

    I found it beautiful that you translated "belegt"(es Brötchen) with occupied as in a toilet :D

    • @beatekreuzer5025
      @beatekreuzer5025 Před rokem +20

      That was probably google translator.

    • @frauleinbird
      @frauleinbird Před rokem +27

      I thought of occupied as in a war. Which is weirdly fitting 😂

    • @EleBuvy
      @EleBuvy Před rokem +10

      ​@@frauleinbird that would be "besetzt", oder?

    • @frauleinbird
      @frauleinbird Před rokem +3

      @@EleBuvy that's absolutely correct. I guess my brain stopped translating at "be-"

    • @EinFelsbrocken
      @EinFelsbrocken Před rokem +9

      occupied as in PARI- I mean; yeah, the toilet.. haha

  • @brendanmay9585
    @brendanmay9585 Před rokem +335

    I am so proud of you! Even the correct German way to show 3 with your fingers.
    I remember how good it felt the first time I was able to order in German at the bakery.

    • @blurrythief
      @blurrythief Před rokem +7

      Wait what, how do you show 3 fingers normally?

    • @brendanmay9585
      @brendanmay9585 Před rokem +2

      @@blurrythief 3 fingers (no thumb) is English, 2fingers 1 thumb is German.

    • @HelpToFindHappyness
      @HelpToFindHappyness Před rokem +2

      Lol 😂 If we find out the background of *this* specific difference 😅

    • @foxtrotsierraproductions8626
      @foxtrotsierraproductions8626 Před rokem

      ​@@blurrythief Every other way is jewish

    • @kitty_s23456
      @kitty_s23456 Před rokem +1

      ​@@brendanmay9585 reminds me of the scene - was it Inglorious Basterds (?) when the guy was outed as being not German. 😁

  • @user-hf5og1bt8j
    @user-hf5og1bt8j Před 5 měsíci +1

    You have to wait for 10 minutes in line, then when its your time to shine, you have to say "ah ich überlege noch". Also always pay with the largest and most random chunk of coins you can find in your wallet, but also wait before you pull out your wallet until the very last moment and act as if you were surprised that you actually have to pay stuff to get stuff

  • @wolfheard7790
    @wolfheard7790 Před měsícem +2

    Now here in Bavaria it would be a scandal not to say moing grias di or griasdi serwus
    Greetings from the Berchtesgadener Land 😜🙈

  • @Theonewhoaskedncares
    @Theonewhoaskedncares Před rokem +58

    As an german, i can confirm that pronouncing was very good 👍

  • @causasgwirionedd6271
    @causasgwirionedd6271 Před rokem +56

    He DID it!

  • @cathye9270
    @cathye9270 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I stopped questioning the logic behind the names of the different breads at the bakery when I first heard about "Dampfnudel", which is obviously not a "nudel":D

  • @isidors6180
    @isidors6180 Před 24 dny +1

    *"36 Stück wären im Angebot! !?" vergessen. 😂

  • @Badtzism
    @Badtzism Před rokem +47

    wow , i instantly felt proud for a random youtuber about a sketch of a bakery. Guess i'm more german than thought i'd be. 😂

  • @GossamerSoul
    @GossamerSoul Před rokem +156

    Omg the smile you do at the end of these is so cute 😭💖

  • @pKx96
    @pKx96 Před měsícem

    "Kommt noch etwas dazu?" killed me so hard fking legend

  • @mag79341
    @mag79341 Před 2 měsíci

    I am from Germany and you speak perfectly 😂❤

  • @caella.v4629
    @caella.v4629 Před rokem +7

    Ein belegtes Brot mit Schinken, ein belegtes Brot mit Ei, das sind zwei belegte Brote, eins mit Schinken eins mit Ei und dazu- 🎶

    • @elmako8422
      @elmako8422 Před rokem

      Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder, bommerlunder eisgekühlt

  • @lou.b_x
    @lou.b_x Před rokem +145

    Damn that’s what I call character development

  • @ReneH1979
    @ReneH1979 Před 6 měsíci

    absolutely nailed the order!

  • @Sotek_Will
    @Sotek_Will Před 6 měsíci

    As a french living near the German borderland, I really like your work. Thank you for the many smiles and laughs I had watching your work.

  • @ile_klikow
    @ile_klikow Před rokem +38

    It is so surprising to me to see these vids and see that we (Poles) and Germans are 100% the same. We even have the same sayings and idiomatic expressions sometimes.

    • @twitter.comelomhycy
      @twitter.comelomhycy Před rokem

      Yes I think poles even have many of the similar genes. It's hard for me to tell them apart from their behaviour compared to other countries

  • @AlexandraGoedeke
    @AlexandraGoedeke Před rokem +41

    The parody of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" in the style of the choices in a visual novel is exactly my thing. More of this!

  • @pusteblumesternchen
    @pusteblumesternchen Před 20 dny +1

    Ich dachte er sagt jetzt, ich wähle den Telefonjoker😅😅

  • @myotheraccountgotbannedlol8515


  • @bebbization
    @bebbization Před rokem +5

    He even pointed with three fingers correctly

  • @vokur
    @vokur Před rokem +50

    Once I was at a bakery,, and I didn't know what to get, apparently I looked so confused that the guy asked if I spoke English- like no I'm German, I just didnt know what type of bread I wanted 😭😭

    • @tsumugi9880
      @tsumugi9880 Před rokem +4

      oh wow- german people who didn't know their fellow german 😂 quite sad tho

    • @HelpToFindHappyness
      @HelpToFindHappyness Před rokem +1

      Lol that reference XD

  • @marley9306
    @marley9306 Před měsícem

    That bread with a bread topping at the beginning

  • @dragon-x-i6863
    @dragon-x-i6863 Před rokem

    Even The correct way to show three with your hand... Im so proud

  • @GAnimeRO
    @GAnimeRO Před rokem +14

    Beaten the final boss in Germany: ordering at a bakery.

    • @GermanTaffer
      @GermanTaffer Před 6 měsíci +2

      The final boss is the "Deutsche Behörde".

  • @chrisbeer5685
    @chrisbeer5685 Před rokem +54

    He has become more German than we could've ever imagined.
    Seriously though, your German is improving in the last few videos, good job.

  • @chucksterino3112
    @chucksterino3112 Před měsícem

    That was... perfect. The way he said Sauerteig made my German loins juicier than a Pilsner beer with a good foam head.

  • @christinabutefur4795
    @christinabutefur4795 Před 3 měsíci

    Ich liebe die Frau mit dem Baby und den Opa 😂 freu mich immer über diese Figuren 😊

  • @cirkmannzirkel8229
    @cirkmannzirkel8229 Před rokem +241

    TBH the bakery is the litmus test for your language skills in any European country I now. I remember my sweat in Italy and France, it's always in bakeries that locals are behind you in queue expecting you to finish your deal in no time, and you be like: "Err... what.... is... this....?" (sweat pouring down forehead)

    • @nickkohlmann
      @nickkohlmann Před rokem +4

      seriously tho I often ask what something specific is by just pointing at it at the place I've been to 20 times

    • @pitioti
      @pitioti Před 11 měsíci +2

      I'm french, and it's already really stressfull to order as a natives, so, really, each foreigner that successfully order in a bakerie should be given the French nationality XD

    • @Delibro
      @Delibro Před 8 měsíci +2

      Oh wow, I was really sad when after 13 years of studying French at school, in vacation I couldn't order at a bakery. Maybe I wasn't thaat bad ...

  • @timmezy
    @timmezy Před rokem +9

    That mother with the „ baby „ awww 😂😌🥺😩😂😂

  • @niko19z
    @niko19z Před 7 měsíci

    That smile at the end got me😂

  • @saren4572
    @saren4572 Před 8 měsíci

    The transformation is complete 🙌

  • @sancochita7392
    @sancochita7392 Před rokem +18

    I still cannot after living four years here . Everyone thinks I'm too slow when ordering bread 😥😥

    • @Bloomingtide
      @Bloomingtide Před rokem +9

      Hard to fault you for this tbh because the selection of bread and pastries in German bakeries is insane and needs time to master. Even I as native German feel lost what to pick at times hahaha.
      Protip: just point at the bread you want and say "Das da bitte" 😁

    • @Oliver-2103
      @Oliver-2103 Před rokem +7

      Always helpful is the sentence “ich gucke noch” (I’m still looking) or if u want to let the person behind u go first, so u have more time to look “Sie können vor”. Trust me the people are more concerned being judged than judging others, our little stare might confuse u but it’s not meant in a hostile way

    • @JTUnhold
      @JTUnhold Před rokem +1

      I feel you. Even as a person born in Germany I just hate it when they're judging you for looking at all the nice stuff they have, I mean what??

    • @Parvahti
      @Parvahti Před rokem +3

      I, as a German, always take my time and just say „Ich gucke noch“. Sometimes I crack a joke about how much time it takes me and that’s it. Never had the feeling of being judged. Although I can imagine there are differences in mentality across Germany.