"I Feel Discouraged By My Messy House."

  • čas přidán 26. 12. 2011
  • www.happiness-project.com It's a Secret of Adulthood: for most people, outer order contributes to inner calm. I agree, in the context of a happy life, a crowded coat closet or a messy desk shouldn't much matter. Nevertheless, I've found that getting control of clutter gives me a disproportionate boost in happiness, and other people seem to feel the same way.
    Having a clutter-filled home makes me feel overwhelmed. Everywhere I look, I see little chores that should be done. No one task is particularly difficult, but together, they add up to a big headache and a big jumble. Pretty soon, it's easier just to add to the piles than to try to attack the problem. That's another Secret of Adulthood: tidy areas tend to stay tidy, and messy areas tend to get messier.
    Here are ten easy, quick tips that, if followed regularly, will help keep your clutter under control. And none of them takes more than five minutes -- if that. I mostly follow these, and I'm a lot happier when I do.
    1. Make your bed.
    2. Get rid of the newspaper each night, even if you haven't read it yet. Or am I the only one still reading a paper newspaper?
    3. Follow the "one-minute rule" -- push yourself to do any chore that takes less than one minute. Throw away the junk mail, put the peanut-butter jar back in the cabinet, close the cabinet door, put your dirty socks in the hamper, hang up your wet towel.
    4. Identify a place or person to whom you can give things you no longer need -- it's much easier to get rid of unneeded stuff if you can envision someone else getting good use from them. Also, figure out a place to store those things until you hand them over. We have a special shelf for books that we're taking to the Housing Works thrift store.
    5. Be very cautious about letting yourself "store" something. Storing something means you don't intend to use it much. Other than holiday decorations and seasonal clothes, you should strive to "store" as little as possible.
    6. Beware of freebies. Never accept anything free, unless you're thrilled with it. A mug, a tote bag, a hand-me-down toy, the lamp from your mother-in-law -- if you don't need it, don't take it.
    7. Get rid of things if they break. When I went through our apartment, I was astonished by how many things I'd kept even though they didn't work.
    8. Don't keep any piece of paper unless you know that you actually need it. I have a friend who, for years, carefully filed away the stubs when she paid her gas bill. "Why?" I asked, mystified. "I have no idea," she said. Along the same lines, don't keep anything that would quickly become dated -- like travel information. Remember the internet! If you can easily find information online, you don't need to keep a hard copy.
    9. Hang up your coat. I have a lot of trouble with this one, so now I use a hook instead of a hanger.
    10. Before you go to bed, take five minutes to do an "evening tidy-up." Don't tackle anything ambitious, but just stack up the magazines, put your shoes away, shove the chairs into place, etc. Just a few minutes of tidying can make your house look a lot better, and it's a calming thing to do before going to sleep. Plus it makes the morning nicer.
    What are some other quick, easy tricks you've found to make your life more clutter-free? Again, I realize that this issue seems fairly trivial, but it does seem to be a source of low-grade irritation for a lot of people.

Komentáře • 6

  • @williamparkes3256
    @williamparkes3256 Před 8 lety +3

    This is all great advice as long as your are talking about your mess, and not your spouse's or your children's. A male friend of mine in similar circumstances to mine has started referring to these messes as "permacrap". It doesn't help getting it cleaned up but it does help you vent.

  • @aubreegotkinks9570
    @aubreegotkinks9570 Před 4 lety +1

    . I can't keep up with this house in my own strength anymore. Between my grandmother bringing food from the food pantry and her clothes being scattered in EVERY SINGLE ROOM in the house I am terribly overwhelmed! it's getting (and has been) out of hand. I don't even wash the dishes anymore that's how over it I am. I've stopped caring like my grandma has.

  • @auntpurl5325
    @auntpurl5325 Před 6 lety +3

    "For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace..." 1 Corinthians 14:33a. I think decluttering and the urge to put things in order satisfies because it reflects our Creator, in whose image we are made. It's why creativity is also so fulfilling. Thankfully, we get the joys of both.

    • @stacyk8449
      @stacyk8449 Před 5 lety +1

      Wow. Thanks for sharing. I've been wanting some scriptures regarding keeping my home clutter free. Getting started is overwhelming. 😔

  • @rebeccajones8628
    @rebeccajones8628 Před 4 lety +1

    I cleaned my apartment top to bottom to welcome 2020. I felt very good whem I woke up. I was very proud of my work. However, I am sitting on my couch now feeling really anxious, almost like the clutter was keeping me sane?¿?¿ Am I weird for missing it?

    • @lotzamra7872
      @lotzamra7872 Před 3 lety

      It happens. When I Declutter a space, I feel that, too. Then, after a while I get used to it and I appreciate it