"Why am I Always Late?"

  • čas přidán 16. 02. 2012
  • www.happiness-project.com Feeling as though you're always running twenty minutes behind schedule is an unhappy feeling. Having to rush, forgetting things in your haste, dealing with annoyed people when you arrive...it's no fun.
    If you find yourself chronically late, what steps can you take to be more prompt? That depends on why you're late. As my Eighth Commandment holds, the first step is to Identify the problem -- then you can see more easily what you need to change.
    There are many reasons you might be late, but some are particularly common. Are you late because...
    1.You sleep too late? If you're so exhausted in the morning that you sleep until the last possible moment, it's time to think about going to sleep earlier. Many people don't get enough sleep, and sleep deprivation is a real drag on your happiness and health. Try to turn off the light sooner each night.
    2.You try to get one last thing done? Apparently, this is a common cause of tardiness. If you always try to answer one more email or put away one more load of laundry before you leave, here's a way to outwit yourself: take a task that you can do when you reach your destination, and leave early. Tell yourself that you need that ten minutes on the other end to read those brochures or check those figures.
    3. You undestimate the commute time? You may tell yourself it takes twenty minutes to get to work, but if it actually takes forty minutes, you're going to be chronically late. Have you exactly identified the time by which you need to leave? That's what worked for me for getting my kids to school on time. We have a precise time that we're supposed to leave, so I know if we're running late, and by how much. Before I identified that exact time, I had only a vague sense of how the morning was running, and I usually thought we had more time than we actually did. My daughter goes into near-hysterics if we're late, so that motivated me to get very clear on this issue.
    4. You can't find your keys/wallet/phone/sunglasses? Nothing is more annoying than searching for lost objects when you're running late. Designate a place in your house for your key items, and put those things in that spot, every time. I keep everything important in my (extremely unfashionable) backpack, and fortunately a backpack is big enough that it's always easy to find. My husband keeps his key items in the chest of drawers opposite our front door.
    5. Other people in your house are disorganized? Your wife can't find her phone, your son can't find his Spanish book, so you're late. As hard as it is to get yourself organized, it's even harder to help other people get organized. Try setting up the "key things" place in your house. Prod your children to get their school stuff organized the night before-and coax the outfit-changing types to pick their outfits the night before, too. Get lunches ready. Etc.
    6.You hate your destination so much you want to postpone showing up for as long as possible? If you dread going to work that much, or you hate school so deeply, or wherever your destination might be, you're giving yourself a clear signal that you need think about making a change in your life.
    7. Your co-workers won't end meetings on time? This is an exasperating problem. You're supposed to be someplace else, but you're trapped in a meeting that's going long. Sometimes, this is inevitable, but if you find it happening over and over, identify the problem. Is too little time allotted to meetings that deserve more time? Is the weekly staff meeting twenty minutes of work crammed into sixty minutes? Does one person hold things up? If you face this issue repeatedly, there's probably an identifiable problem -- and once you identify it, you can develop strategies to solve it -- e.g., sticking to an agenda; circulating information by email; not permitting discussions about contentious philosophical questions not relevant to the tasks at hand, etc. (This last problem is surprisingly widespread, in my experience.)
    Late or not, if you find yourself rushing around every morning, consider waking up earlier (see #1 above). Yes, it's tough to give up those last precious moments of sleep, and it's even tougher to go to bed earlier and cut into what, for many people, is their leisure time. But it helps.
    I've started getting up at 6:00 a.m. so I have an hour to myself before I have to rassle everyone out of bed. This has made a huge improvement in our mornings. Because I'm organized and ready by 7:00 a.m., I can be focused on getting all of us out the door.

Komentáře • 10

  • @bloominglily
    @bloominglily Před 2 lety

    This is me thank you so much

  • @djc6nk
    @djc6nk Před 11 lety

    Thank you for your video.

  • @brineely27
    @brineely27 Před 11 lety

    You have helped me

  • @Turtletoots3
    @Turtletoots3 Před 10 lety

    I wake up at 4 am and have school at 8:30. It takes me 25 minutes to get to school, an hour to wash my hair, nearly an hour to shower, brush teeth and put my makeup on, I SHOULD be able to give my dog a 30 minute walk, I always fail and am late for school. I'm wiling to give up breakfast and I have.

  • @zymolusts.ravenson3433
    @zymolusts.ravenson3433 Před 10 lety

    NO! i am just late.. always late.. and i don't answer mails.. and i wake up early..
    explain that!

  • @lee48lee68
    @lee48lee68 Před 2 lety +1

    No excuses for the chronically late. They have no respect for you, themselves or the the task about to be performed. It’s not our job to help them; life will leave them behind.

  • @brineely27
    @brineely27 Před 11 lety +1

    Or we just always waking up late

  • @listomoto
    @listomoto Před 8 lety +2

    why they are late? because they dont have enough interest to that next thing.

  • @ReubenMoore67
    @ReubenMoore67 Před 2 lety

    Oh for Christ's sake, people are late for one reason: Deep down, they believe that their time is more valuable than your time. Period. This is why your doctor is always late. But it is also why your friend is always late.