ISOM Issue 2 - Third-Grader Level Of Writing

  • čas přidán 26. 07. 2024
  • #ISOM #rippaverse #ironage
  • Zábava

Komentáře • 174

  • @mrguardwill45
    @mrguardwill45 Před 7 měsíci +85

    I can’t stand people that say “at least it’s not as bad as Marvel and DC”. Shit is still shit, no matter who writes it. People have lost any sense of standards in entertainment. No wonder they rejoice when they see AI Art slop. If you want to do better than mainstream, you have to be willing to do what mainstream doesn’t: learn from harsh criticism, putting quality over quantity, without retreating into an echo chamber of prejudiced , like-minded people.
    That’s why we need critics like EL. Because there are no excuses. Eric had all the time in the world to work on his writing, hiring editors to put together a complete story and establish foundations to build upon. No rush, no nothing - quality over quantity. Instead we got 90+ pages of diluted mediocrity. People have rightfully criticized them, but Eric and his fans can’t accept it. You’re a “respected customer” until you say anything that does not endorse his product. But instead of being a nazi, you’re now a hater, a jealous leech, a detractor that wants him to fail, so your criticism is invalid.
    Good comics exists, even in the American comic book market. People are just too fucking lazy to expand their horizons. They would rather cling to their precious anti-whatever shit, instead of buying good books and seeking out better authors.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +10

      Exactly, my friend. I will review every book with equal honesty.

    • @lucymiau5700
      @lucymiau5700 Před 7 měsíci +1

      The problem is that there are a lot of real detractors and drama farmer among the valid criticizing people. Eric created a lot of those enemies himself when he tried to monetarize them and now it has become difficult to differenciate the valid criticism from drama farming and detracting.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +18

      @@lucymiau5700 Easy to distinguish. Criticism is what I have done. Providing specific examples of what doesn’t work and suggesting alternatives. Being just mean and nasty with no essence is the other thing.

  • @lollmemmSm0keweed
    @lollmemmSm0keweed Před 5 měsíci +9

    The biggest problem with Isom is the main character is visually dull. In art you have iconic characters like spiderman, wolverine, Ninja turtles, anime waifus and samurais and jedis etc. They are visually striking characters and very fun to draw.
    Drawing Isom guy is so difficult because he is so bland and every other problem just spills from there.

  • @BalrogUdun
    @BalrogUdun Před 7 měsíci +32

    The problem from the beginning was that the main inspiration to build a world not tell a story or flesh out a character. The world building in most comics came years after the characters were well established. He wants to build a castle without making a road or door into it.

    • @AnonAdderlan
      @AnonAdderlan Před 6 měsíci +6

      Greats like J.R.R Tolkien started with world building too. So that’s no excuse either.

    • @yellowfellow7246
      @yellowfellow7246 Před 6 měsíci +4

      This seems to be a recurrent issue with a lot of current writing. People think they can be Tolkien, but only Tolkien can be Tolkien, and he had a very, very particular skill set and academic background that gave him the tools to do what he did the way he did it.
      The fact of the matter is, most writers don't have the linguistic and historical background to make the world their main character, and have it work. The result is a bunch of mediocre world building wrapped in a story that was clearly not given any thought.

    • @largefactory
      @largefactory Před 6 měsíci +4

      The problem is he just wants to sell a product and has put no real thought or work into it. He doesn’t want to even build a world. He just wants to set up a bunch of different IP’s for him to shill.

    • @humbleopulence
      @humbleopulence Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@AnonAdderlanyes, but Tolkien never published his world building exercise. It was for his reference only. Eric seems to like the idea of having a universe to his name, but doesn't want to put the work in.

    • @BalrogUdun
      @BalrogUdun Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@AnonAdderlan I’m not sure of the exact timeline but he only started sharing his work when he had a story worked out. And it was mostly for his kids. The silmarilion was never published while Tolkien was alive and never intended to. You can’t sell a world without having an inspired story to introduce you to that world.

  • @fifthlevelbard9541
    @fifthlevelbard9541 Před 7 měsíci +31

    This is what happens when someone who doesn't know how to write self publishes. I like Eric a lot, but he's got the same problem "the other side" has, just in a different direction. If I were writing Isom, especially in his first issues, it would be _soley_ about him, almost by default. No teasing of the bigger world, no sub plots of other characters no one knows about, *just* Isom. We have to establish the character first before we go into world building. The character has to _be_ in order for the character to step out into the world and explore it _with_ him.
    If you look at very old first introductions of characters, it's always about that character. Let's take one I know about intimately, Spider-Man. In Amazing Fantasy 15, we walk through who Peter Parker is, his motivations and how he got his powers. The last bit isn't necessary, but it sets up for that "world building." (What _was_ the company that made the spider that bit Peter Parker radioactive? Are they the reason Doc Ock has those arms?) It's finding out the mystery. This just seems like a bored super hero goes and does super hero stuff because he wants something to do. I mean you can write the character in any way you want, and you want this giant world for him to explore, but he gets around in a Dually? It just sounds like work for the character. It sounds like an excerpt from Eric's life, like _"Sigh...._ Now I have to get in the truck and go handle my arch nemesis....." Isom declared in exasperation as he snatched the keys from his every day carry dump bowl by the door. Keys jingling he continued, "I'm gonna go to the store while I'm out, does anybody want anything?" Where is the excitement? Where is the tension? For example, Batman typically gets around in a car, but it's not a Honda Civic. It's _The Batmobile._ And when you see it on panel or see it's name, you can almost hear the turbine spooling up. Driving the Batmobile is *dangerous* and the job can only be left to one man- Bruce Wayne, _The Batman._ Isom just sounds like an insurance claim waiting to happen. Just kind of boring, really.
    I think Eric just wanted something that wasn't marred in politics of any kind and didn't know what to write exactly and is honestly just doing his best. You can tell by the writing and the pacing he's, on the one hand, impatient and on the other hand _kind of_ apathetic about the story. He's in the writer's trap. Previously, he was super excited about his project, but as it drug on the story became somewhat aimless and now he's bored with the idea. Unfortunately he's committed to it, so he has no choice but to write it. Kind of hard to write a character you're not excited for anymore- especially when that character does mundane stuff that's integral to his existence that you yourself do as a chore. He hired talent like Chuck Dixon and the Soska Sisters, so I think he's aware of his own problem. Isom 3 may be better.

  • @tooth.harvester
    @tooth.harvester Před 7 měsíci +24

    We're at the point now where amateurs and children could write a better story than many "professionals."

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +16

      Well, professional used to mean something positive… a long time ago.

  • @Finn_MacCool
    @Finn_MacCool Před 7 měsíci +7

    There's a part of me that wants to support independents that want to produce alternatives to the wokeness that has saturated our culture. Even if their work is a little on the amateurish and mediocre side. At least they are trying. At least they are being pro-active in fighting the good fight.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +7

      I think we will agree that supporting quality first is the way to go.

    • @jonchowe
      @jonchowe Před 7 měsíci +2

      Try Star Trek Continues

  • @simondancaster8334
    @simondancaster8334 Před 7 měsíci +7

    Interesting critique. As an avid graphic novel consumer I discovered many excellent artistic visionaries from the pages of Heavy Metal magazine. There is for example one particular Slaine 3-album story about the Fomorian sea-invasion that’s mind blowing but many others that are practically dna-altering in their world-building mastery. For me, I must say, French and Belgian graphic novels on the whole are above and beyond. Not all have been translated to English, unfortunately, and my stunted skills at that language of subtle sublimity affords merely superficial comprehension. I’m thinking particularly of the wealth of Celtic/Bretagne pre-Roman historical masterpieces but also the albums incorporating cryptid monstrosities and Cthulhu elements. There are also a number of great works combining myth and occultism within a World War Two context. I do also enjoy a good superhuman tale 😊 My point is that there is a veritable legacy of quality that goes some way to mitigate my incensed fury at the loathsome laziness of utter sludge desecrating art forms as well as making a mockery of the very progressive values so many have fought and suffered for to be able to access an abundance of cultural wonders without having to sell a kidney in order to obtain. Robespierre would have been woke had he lived today! Cheers and keep up the good work, Sir.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +5

      Heavy Metal, Sláine etc. = perfection 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @BalrogUdun
    @BalrogUdun Před 7 měsíci +4

    I wish more people would give impartial reviews of these indie books. It’s fine if it sucks starting off but you don’t improve if you don’t see the criticism. A lot of people just want to cheerlead because it’s a momentary win.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Agreed. As a matter of fact, the ratio of good vs bad books is pretty much the same in the mainstream and indie scene.

    • @BalrogUdun
      @BalrogUdun Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@europeanlorewill you be doing a review of Ghost of the Badlands? I’m genuinely really excited about it and seems a lot more inspired from a story perspective than most indie comics.

  • @georgehouliaras7239
    @georgehouliaras7239 Před 7 měsíci +16

    Honestly is more important than respect. I appreciate you giving us your honest thoughts, as always. I disagree because i think ISOM 1 was fun. I have yet to read 2 so no judgement there. Again, i appreciate you for being truthful rather than supporting a comic book simple because it's made by our side.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +5

      I wish I could provide a positive review. Maybe some other time.

    • @georgehouliaras7239
      @georgehouliaras7239 Před 7 měsíci +4

      @@europeanlore Truth is more important. But I do hope that you will like future issues. If not, it's ok. If we all liked the same things, we would be no different than the woke drones we always mock.

  • @UncensoredScion
    @UncensoredScion Před 6 měsíci +5

    I've stayed away from the Rippaverse mostly because I didn't trust the process and the idea of it felt tacked on, "fixing" comic books requires you to show a level of skill in it and I just didn't trust that a CZcamsr could pull that off. I'm certain there are CZcamsrs who CAN pull off things (there's several amazing film makers on CZcams that I could mention who do Horror) but the vast majority can't.
    And from the first video you did on this and now this one, if I were to put this into a context for a novel writer, this story feels like it's in its earliest Alpha levels, where you've got the bare bones of the idea and you then begin refining it over and over, very very VERY few people can sit down and bang out an amazing story in one go and this feels like what July did was to rush to the finish quickly, not re-read the story and just go into production, which is a disservice as it's basically just stealing money from people for a poor quality product that literally goes nowhere.

  • @mala6238
    @mala6238 Před 7 měsíci +16

    Thanks for your recommendations. Never interested in ISOM in the first place, even though I follow many channels that promote this universe heavily - but it didn't draw me in. It might be good or bad, but my feeling is that many people promote it, because some "we against them" mentality and not because it is some ground breaking creation.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Thanks, friend! Honesty goes first 👍🏻

    • @mala6238
      @mala6238 Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@europeanlore absolutely.

  • @yallneedjesus5465
    @yallneedjesus5465 Před 7 měsíci +9

    While i can appreciate why they created the comic company they did, creating a product out of spite will never be the answer to other companies doing the same. You have to create from a sense of passion or don't create at all

  • @aMarginalMiracle
    @aMarginalMiracle Před 7 měsíci +12

    Great review! I totally agree and i am glad to see someone tell it like it is. Unfortunately in todays world if you agree with someone's politics you will just go along with whatever ever they do and praise them no matter what crap they write, if something is bad its bad no matter how much you like the writer as a person or whether you agree politically or not.

  • @TheRaider186
    @TheRaider186 Před 7 měsíci +10

    I do not read comics. I prefer novels such as lord if the rings and elric. Though I watched the berzerk golden age arc movies which led me to the manga. I would highly recommend those to people who are looking for a good story and awesome artwork.

  • @year111
    @year111 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Never been this early of an upload from European Lore as this.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +1

      You know what they say. Seize the day!

    • @MattG_OfficialTV
      @MattG_OfficialTV Před 7 měsíci +1


    • @RoyCyberPunk
      @RoyCyberPunk Před 7 měsíci +1

      I was about to post about how they are advertising through animation which is in par with the 90s Xmen and later Justice League animated shows the Rippaverse. There's no question that Eric July is a great entrepreneur and businessman but he needs better writers for sure given what I've learned through reviews like this one.
      Some people are so fed up of Globalist Left Woketard propaganda in entertainment that they cling on to anything that doesn't have it no matter how mediocre it may be Rebel Moon is the latest example.
      On another note here is the intro of the miniseries based on the book I recommend you earlier E.L have a great new year
      I do hope you read the book which I got immediately after watching the miniseries and I'm on the process of reading it.

  • @drdeesnutts48
    @drdeesnutts48 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Even the front page is poorly written "Find out! why did ISOM quit?"
    That sounds like someone having a stroke and the names of these characters are no better Goodying (also spelled as Goodying later in that book), Chadran and Sydnee Bloodruth.
    Why even leave the "why he quit" to the second issue, it should be in the introduction, set up who he is, how he got to where he is and where he is going in the first issue not afterwards.
    Then there's Isom's costume design, black and orange.
    What does that actually tell you about the character?
    Colours in comics are very important they tell you so much about the character from the first glance.
    Classic good guy characters use Primary colours because they are bright and seen as clean Red Blue and Yellow (mostly red and blue).
    Captain America, Superman, Spider-man use this and for the same reason most western countries use these same colours.
    Black and grey tones imply a darker character someone who is more likely to bend the rules and often seen either as villains or anti-heroes think Batman, Venom and Spider-man in his darker times.
    Villains would use secondary colours Green, Purple and Orange think Joker, Green Goblin these colours invoke poison and danger.
    Hulk also uses these colours because to the regular person he's seen as a danger.
    Isom uses Black and Orange so what does that tell you about him as a character?
    Is he a supposed to be a villain?
    Not to mention how poorly those colours work together and how they don't really pop in scenes in combination with Isom's skin tones it give his design a kind of bland muddy sort of palette.
    None of this character seems particularly well thought through.

  • @woanjinnchong273
    @woanjinnchong273 Před 7 měsíci +14

    I've bought all three books from the Rippaverse so far.
    First 2 ISOM books have an issue where he's trying to too much and introduce and build out the world yet have his main character sometimes sidelined by other plots. ISOM 3 might tie it all up but it just feels like there is too much going on at times.
    Quality of the book is great no complaints and he delivers to my country which is actually does reject some deliveries from indiegogo.
    Alphacore is the better book from my view but that is also a lot of world building in it which was done better than ISOM 1 and 2.
    Check out Jay's Achromatic Chronicles : Blue all ages book which I thought was great.

  • @oddglorfindel1106
    @oddglorfindel1106 Před 7 měsíci +7

    I would highly suggest reading Brian Bollands 'The Actress and the Bishop' collection published by SHIFT Comics

  • @SirDenzington89
    @SirDenzington89 Před 2 měsíci

    For someone who complained about Disney having no plan for Star Wars, it sure seems like Eric had no plan. Nothing was stopping him from outlining the whole story first, maybe you collaborate with a writer to realize your vision, since, you know, you’ve never written anything and then maybe little by little you start writing yourself after working with someone. I watched one of these and now I’ve had a couple in my feed cause of the algorithm and I’m interested in these reveiws. All I heard was how amazing Isom haha

  • @vanr3977
    @vanr3977 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Tell you what, our friend is, as often right so let's use this comment for comicbook suggestions, everybody drop your 3 suggestions in the responses and try to mention comics nobody else mentioned already. i'll start my favorite of all time gotta be hellblazer, expecially garth ennis's run. second one i don't know if it was ever translated from italian but it's dylan dog, very similar to hellblazer but less political and more philosophical and guys it's a treat, if you can find some translated issues please give it a read. third suggestion since our lore loving friend stole berserk gotta be chainsaw man, it's my favorite running comic. easy to read, fun and carefree but if you can read between the lines it offers wonderful insight about life

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Excellent idea. I’ll add three more:
      - 90s Lobo by Alan Grant and Keith Giffen
      - Hellboy by Mike Mignola
      - Sláine: The Horned God by Pat Mills and Simon Bisley

  • @RavensGazedwb
    @RavensGazedwb Před 6 měsíci +7

    I recommend Wraith of God by Aaron Lopresti. Good writing, great art, MUCH better introduction to the character and world.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 6 měsíci +6

      I missed out on that, unfortunately. Too expensive to ship here. I obviously Jack Sparrowed Isom. But now that you mention it, I think I should get Aaron’s book. That man is a legend. A talented legend.

  • @thesittingtraveller3467
    @thesittingtraveller3467 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Eric tried to make One Piece without making Romance Dawn.

  • @xeroforhire
    @xeroforhire Před 4 měsíci +1

    One thing I learned from the critical drinker is that it's a good idea to do some sort of synapses of the story before digging into criticisms and just tearing it apart because here we are, once again, like 8 minutes into the video and I don't even know what the story is because you just want to hear yourself talk.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 4 měsíci +1

      Because there is NO story, mate.

    • @xeroforhire
      @xeroforhire Před 4 měsíci

  • @largefactory
    @largefactory Před 6 měsíci +1

    Great graphic novels and manga off the top of my head:
    Batman: Black Mirror
    Batman: Strange Apparitions
    Immortal Hulk
    Spiderman: Kravens Last Hunt
    Old Man Logan
    I Pledge Allegiance To The Mask
    Anything by Junji Ito, especially Gyo and Shiver

  • @TheChadTI
    @TheChadTI Před 24 dny

    This channel description got me as a /sub without watching anything first 🙏 Also this comic is very child like.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 24 dny

      @@TheChadTI Welcome to the channel, friend! Thank you!

  • @jsam1997
    @jsam1997 Před 7 měsíci +7

    People keep saying "wait for the next issue" but I have a weird feeling its not going to get much better, if at all. You're supposed to be able to hook someone with the first or second issue and I've only been hearing negativity or that it's lackluster and unimaginative.

  • @g.r.o.g.u.1892
    @g.r.o.g.u.1892 Před 7 měsíci +6

    I love JJ Abrams mystery box writing but I never expected it to be a 3D asset box. Praise the warehouse gods, for it is laughter that is the greatest gift of all, and so it shall be.
    Me *personally*, I cant wait for ISOM 3, I mean, Isom 3. 😂 I was willing to give him a 2nd chance but wow. Just. wow. I think I have a potato for a brain and I could write a story thats 300 pages long.
    The art was unreal. Every background, is just photoshop filters..... Theres 3d assets and tracing everywhere. Its not just trucks and couches, Isom is traced from another comic which came from glass house....

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Perfect comment 😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @JCOwens-zq6fd
    @JCOwens-zq6fd Před 7 měsíci +6

    Got to love Hegelian Dialectics, the right vs left illusion & how it does this. The lefist mainsteam stuff pushes everyone to anyone/anything even slightly more conservative in which they will accept less in order to avoid the leftist bs but end up in the exact same situation none the less. Its a game.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Well, F politics. I care about good vs bad books and films on this channel.

  • @goodnaturedgamer8181
    @goodnaturedgamer8181 Před 7 měsíci +10

    Thank you for putting yourself though this mate ❤

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +4

      I wish to say “my pleasure”, but it really wasn’t 😂😂😂

  • @Darkwintre
    @Darkwintre Před 7 měsíci +3

    You reviewed issue 1?

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

  • @TheSpectacledOwl
    @TheSpectacledOwl Před 7 měsíci +3

    Any chance you’ll cover Alphacore?

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +6

      I think that if I want to read some Chuck Dixon, I will read some Batman.

    • @TheSpectacledOwl
      @TheSpectacledOwl Před 6 měsíci

      @@europeanlore Fair enough. Respect your honesty, sir.

  • @johns.1854
    @johns.1854 Před 7 měsíci +8

    I gave ISOM #1 a shot, but it didn’t draw me in. I mostly attributed this to my general lack of interest in the superhero genre…superhero stuff has to be pretty outstanding to interest me. More of a fantasy/scifi/horror fan, myself. But I have been a bit disappointed with all the shilling from the usual suspects.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      100% understood. However, a great writer can write a superhero comic for everybody to love. Such as The Watchmen or The Dark Knight Returns.

    • @johns.1854
      @johns.1854 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@europeanlore I agree completely. There are some truly outstanding stories from the superhero genre that even someone like me can appreciate. And of course I enjoy all the little nods to Lovecraft and his Mythos that you find in superhero comics. I am less fond of references to Greek and Norse mythology, because I think they tend to get butchered in comic book adaptations, mainly by injecting too many Christian values into stories and characters that are essentially non-Christian. For instance, the recent Patty Jenkins wonder woman adaptation.

  • @crustyMilk
    @crustyMilk Před 7 měsíci +6

    Eric should be willing to take a lot of criticism and improve from here. Sounds like its not playing out like that.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Alas, he really doesn’t accept any form of criticism. Very common these days. All critique is labeled as “hate”. But it is through errors and thanks to people’s advice that we learn.

    • @Syysilta
      @Syysilta Před 6 měsíci +3

      ⁠@@europeanloreI have seen him fight us little fish when legit criticism has been given. July’s responses: “I disagree” (my favorite), “what EXACTLY you didnt understand” and “It will make sense in the next isom, sorry that you don’t like slow comics”.
      He is not a creative person, he is a business man. What he sells is his ego, fans gladly rally behind him “to fight against marvel and the troll haters” not because he is creating something great.I started doubting this comic when issue 1 was out and literally NO ONE in the “review CZcams” talked about it. They just wore the merch.. Then I bought it, to support Eric and ..I didn’t like it. Art was the biggest issue I noticed ..and now I understand why it’s so stiff and lifeless.
      Nothing can justify the coloring job though. Horrid.
      I got the second issue to see “if it gets better” and it did not. Felt like he is just making up these new characters with no context just to sell t-shirts and make more spin off comics.. so he can keep the “rippaverse lore” behind more and more comics, and the fans have to buy every single one of them to understand the “lore”.
      Sounds like marvel / MCU bullshit. Have to watch multiple TV shows so I we can understand the movie.. No thanks. So dismayed by big CZcamsrs simping for him. Feels like we can’t be honest about a PRODUCT. Because that’s what comics are. We buy them and review them. Why is it so controversial not to like these ones? Eric’s own behavior is definitely not helping, quite the contrary. Absolutely didn’t get alphacore.

  • @gentlesavage2068
    @gentlesavage2068 Před 7 měsíci

    do you plan on reviewing alphacore as well?

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +5

      I know Chuck Dixon wrote it. But when the main series is so bad… I cannot force myself to read a spin-off.

  • @genius2005
    @genius2005 Před 6 měsíci +7

    Very Well Said! Just because you're a critic of the Woke Comic Book business doesn't mean you can write Comic Books better. Also, of these Book-Tubers you see giving advice, most of them have no idea what the hell they are doing and just rehash tips from what they'd learn from some other Book-Tuber, then sell their self-published book to an already built-in audience from their CZcams channel and is why it doesn't mean their books are any good just because they might have sold a lot of copies.

  • @jonchowe
    @jonchowe Před 7 měsíci +1

    Thought you were about to say you are "just some guy" at the end there 😅

  • @gentlesavage2068
    @gentlesavage2068 Před 7 měsíci

    would you consider reviewing a throne of bones by vox day?

  • @majorgrubert5887
    @majorgrubert5887 Před 7 měsíci

    Man, thank you for being honest in times of division where people are assumed to be for one or the other by agreeing or disagreeing with one topic… I’m guilty of this and I assume that for instance, someone doesn’t like gay woke comics, must be conservative… seems I’m not correct all the time! I know it’s unbelievable but it’s true I’m fallible 👀

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci

      I like good stories and well made art. No matter who does it. Thank you, friend!

  • @Melvin-Deeply
    @Melvin-Deeply Před 7 měsíci +4

    Haven't read any ISOM. That's mainly because people whose opinions I value told me basically what you just said here.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      It would be great if I could provide a positive review. Maybe one day…

  • @totomen666
    @totomen666 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Because his comics same woke shit like a Marvel, but replace gays and trans with BLM and anti-cop propaganda, with bad art and bad plot.

  • @kaioken654
    @kaioken654 Před 4 měsíci

    I seriously don't think there is any original art in that book, it's likely all 3d models

    @SUPERSCHMOO Před 20 dny

    "But guys, it's not woke! there's no gay characters, no forced strong women ... uh, nevermind, no..
    ethnic characters... uh... nevermind, no gay characters! it's not woke!"

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 20 dny

      @@SUPERSCHMOO Yeah, and the Soska sisters being basically in charge of the universe is “delicious” too 🤣

  • @nuke7138
    @nuke7138 Před 7 měsíci

    Did you back Alphacore?

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      I’m not paying for these comics 🤣

  • @lucymiau5700
    @lucymiau5700 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Eric has 2 main problems. He tries to create an own Comic Universe, a lot of heros and their characters and stories about them at the same time. And he is not really a good writer but a good editor. He needs at first good writers that create some interresting stories for him while he overlooks their work regarding characterization and worldbuilding. Hiring Chuck Dickson might be the right way to accomplish this goal.
    And then, he needs a better artist for penceling and inking. For my opinion, there is a lot of empty space on the paneels and the drawings also look static. And Isoms facial feature look partially different on each site I have seen so far. However, the coloring is fine. And the Covers I have seen are good, too.
    For me, all these problems are fixable. It just is a bumpy start and still can become very good.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +4

      Agreed. If only Eric accepted an insightful and wise criticism like you offered, my friend.

    • @lucymiau5700
      @lucymiau5700 Před 7 měsíci

      @@europeanlore It looks as he might have at least found a solution for his writing problem.

    • @drdeesnutts48
      @drdeesnutts48 Před 6 měsíci +1

      I really don't like the colouring either, every thing looks ugly and oddly coloured.
      Weird washed out colour palettes and no real thought to how to use colours.
      Like no one there has any real grounding on the art theory behind comics like how to do panels, how to use colour theory when designing, effective use of dialogue.
      All of these problems together point to no thought going into editing.
      No one to tell Eric to redraft his script, no one to tell Cliff to remove so much of the wasted page on empty space and stop using weird angles for every shot and all the redundant panels.
      There's so much that could have been trimmed out and made cleaner and easier to read.
      It's a long book that takes a lot of words and images to say nothing.

  • @PutItAway101
    @PutItAway101 Před 6 měsíci +1

    You sound like you learned English from Monty Python sketches about aristocrats.

  • @azimuthclark462
    @azimuthclark462 Před 7 měsíci +5

    I think Eric had a lot of help from other CZcamsrs giving him free advertising. He's making money, good for him. Not my cup of tea.
    I have diversity and Antiwhite fatigue. Almost every single popular super hero is non-white now. It's gotten so old. We can't even have Lord of the Rings ffs.
    I felt that there was an " if you dont support this project or you criticize it " , you are a bad person, evil "racist".
    There's so many excuses too. As if it will get better over time. It may, but you're judged on your work.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Agreed on all points.

    • @drdeesnutts48
      @drdeesnutts48 Před 6 měsíci

      Funnily enough there are almost no white people in ISOM almost everyone is black.
      Feels very ummm Diverse TM.

  • @WojtekDetko
    @WojtekDetko Před 7 měsíci

    While I can't say anything about story as superhero stuff is not my cup of tea (though I like the OG Superman which is hopeful and all that) I must say you are a little but harsh on the drawings aspect. IMO they are not too bad, though I might be biased after seeing 30 Days of Night comics, those drawings are atrocious and disgusting, I felt like the artist didn't give a damn about it. Though stories of those comics were also disapoiting so you can say that the drawings were perfect representation of the story heh.
    Btw. still waiting for that DC vs Vampires review :D

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Will do the Vampires soon 😂 And listen, when you know there’s Simon Bisley out there… and Brian Bolland and Olivier Ledroit… you can’t like what’s inside Isom.

    • @WojtekDetko
      @WojtekDetko Před 7 měsíci

      @@europeanlore Maybe as I said I'm kind of tainted by 30 Days of Night an those atrocious drawings. This is the same problem with League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Wanted to read it but couldn't get into because of the comic looked.

  • @dennyawright21
    @dennyawright21 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Dude should just hire a competent writer all the money he is making now. LOL

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +4

      Or at least an editor or two. And an assistant writer… or two. And a better artist… or two.

  • @AegisKHAOS
    @AegisKHAOS Před 6 měsíci +1

    I actually didn't think you would review the second comic, yet here we are. Got no comment. Haven't read either issue. The only thing I got was the hype and promise of being an alternative, so everyone has high expectations. Understandable if it disappoints.

  • @Kendro311
    @Kendro311 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I support what the guy is doing (not monetarily so far heh), starting his own thing instead of suffering what the big 2 have been shoveling and proving the industry wrong on a lot of things. But I haven't read read any of them. I also wasn't impressed with the artwork I'd seen. Which surprised me as the artist is a veteran from the big 2 and has lots of good stuff out there. I don't know anything about the story, hopefully it's just a slow start to grow into something epic. It's his first rodeo so who knows. I notice many of his peers who talk comics for a living haven't done reviews on it. I guess that might explain why. The industry needs someone on the outside to remind them how it's done, sad to hear it's not quite the case. Hopefully things improve. But if the writing is bad, it probably won't get better.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      I don’t think it will get better any time soon. He should have hired a couple of editors and assistant writers.

    • @Kendro311
      @Kendro311 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@europeanlore Right. Well he's apparently swimming in profits, and he seems like a smart guy even if his writing isn't very good. Perhaps he'll recognize the weakness and throw some of that cash into literary talent. But when modern writers are churning out garbage en masse, the casuals probably think it great compared. "The sea is always right!". Amirite? 😆. Oh standards, you are missed.

  • @countpicula
    @countpicula Před 7 měsíci +6

    One and done books suck man. The freak of the week model is trash. Theirs a reason one copy of manga outsells all American books combined in a year.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Well, if there is a good book like this published today in the USA, it isn’t Isom

  • @woodrowgodshyne1654
    @woodrowgodshyne1654 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I will always suggest Batman "Hush".
    Lee's art and Loeb's writing... Sublime.

  • @jonchowe
    @jonchowe Před 7 měsíci +2

    Im not a comic book fan, i know little about them, but I know that cover looks dull.

  • @bucklberryreturns
    @bucklberryreturns Před 7 měsíci +5

    A comicbook hero with no political message, written by someone only known for his beliefs… what could go wrong?
    Communism, Vietnam and Thatcherism, all the basis of legendary comicbook worlds, and written by people who only had to attend day 1 of literary school, with the opening lecture; write what you know.
    When you miss that opening class, don't be surprised that non sychophants have no idea who your character is.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +3

      Very insightful comment 👍🏻

    • @bucklberryreturns
      @bucklberryreturns Před 7 měsíci

      Thanks Seb@@europeanlore.
      The thing is too, you don't have to go hard even. A family oriented, leaning conservative character, doesn't need to be full on anti woke.
      There's a far left socialist authoratarian government, and he wants his community to enjoy freedoms curtailed…
      This writing lark is easy!

    • @laisphinto6372
      @laisphinto6372 Před 6 měsíci

      If politics would be in rippaverse No way in hell would Eric July allow Chuck Dixon to write about Superhero cops

  • @alexadame7389
    @alexadame7389 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Eric made himeself an echo chamber ,i watch "the biggest problem in the universe" youtube comedy show that made a review of isom and eric went balistic from the light jabs of one of the comedians he cant take critiscm

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Reminds me of a kid having a tantrum over a toy.

  • @alexadame7389
    @alexadame7389 Před 7 měsíci +3

    You pick the right topic to russle some feathers

  • @kara9543
    @kara9543 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Motivácia by mala bať skutočne jasná.
    ISOM nevyzerá ako niečo, čo by ma chytilo.
    Ale ALFA CORE vyzerá zaujímavo.
    Možno by stálo za to kuknúť na Yairu.
    Prišiel mi Shadov komix. ešte som to nečítala. Teda, došla mi e- verzia :D ešte čakám na tú papierovú.
    Shadow of the conqueror enemies of self
    Ja som si to rýchlo prelistovala... a vyzerá to skvelo vizuálne. :D ale ešte som nemala náladu na čítanie.. ale teším sa na to.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 6 měsíci +1

      To ten primát udělal přes AI, ne beztak 🤣

    • @kara9543
      @kara9543 Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@europeanlore Shad má síce rád AI, ale krelil to Mike Miller, a vyzerá to veľmi dobre . Keď pozrieš na ISOM - tak je to fajn, ale také bežné , keď pozrieš na Shadow ... to je niečo čo má nice line art a majú to aj pekne vykolorované.. ale priznámm, že neviem, či aj to robil Mike....
      z mikových vecí sa mi vybavuje teraz len Grafické novely s príbehmi čo bol Rytier 7 kráľovstiev.. a google povedal, že robil aj niečo z Wheel of time a DC superhrdinovky...

  • @blackmercury48
    @blackmercury48 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I don't think the artist is bad, I'm assuming that Eric or the scriptwriter doesn't give good notes. And due to this scenes look bland and uninspired. Despite the lack of technical skills people still loved something like onepunch man despite one's art. I think if eric storyboarded himself and gave the artist more feedback he could have a better product to sell his customers.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 6 měsíci +4

      It has been confirmed the artist used 3D models and swiping. Embarrassing, really. Writing is just downright sh*te.

  • @aaronnilestoussaint5672
    @aaronnilestoussaint5672 Před 4 měsíci

    He's a bad writer and has no talent in writing simple things makes this story awful. Why didnt he introduce the alpha force they literally make no sense and wasnt even remotely needed to be shown. How introduce Tyra when she literally had few panels and is never spoken about again and if Isom is your universe builder you might need a new one because his story boring. He should just do story designs and let actual writers take over instead. IK this was going to be bad when he said "keep politics out" that basically means youre writing a 3rd grader book.

  • @truefan4136
    @truefan4136 Před 5 měsíci

    The book wasn't great but it was entertaining enough to want you see what will happen next again not great but not bad for a guy who is just starting out and to counter your statement July has been said to paid his artist well, while Isom could have benefited from character building it was better than a lot of other more established writers.

  • @bIametheniIe
    @bIametheniIe Před 6 měsíci +1

    This guy gives off gatekeeper vibes. He seems to believe the UK is Europe since he keeps saying the norm for releasing comics in Europe in TBP or anthologies. He's incorrect. It's not the norm for European countries to print TBP instead of individual issues.

  • @recapnerd2657
    @recapnerd2657 Před 7 měsíci +11

    I think you’re being a little harsh, at the very least if you compare it to the absolute worst of big companies in Hollywood and comics, it at least looks like it was made by competent people

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +7

      Check out the books I recommended near the end of the video. These are books made by competent people.

    • @g.r.o.g.u.1892
      @g.r.o.g.u.1892 Před 7 měsíci +9

      "Harsh" I was a fan of eric. He has become hostile to all of indie comics by doing what he does. He made us pay a high price for books literally full of 3d assets dragged right out of Sketch Up and no plot.
      There are so many great creators in indie comics who had to actually work hard to make their names known enough for people to trust them. I was happy that someone in the anti woke crowd was taking a step towards making something instead of just saying be better senator to didney. lol.
      Hes making indie comics look not so good rn because he keeps shitting all over people who actually draw and write their own books which look amazing. Its not about fighting companies, its about making excellent stories and excellent art, "we" want stories that puts the industry to shame.
      Shout out to EVS-Cyberfrog
      Chainsawman and Jujutsu Kaisen are great current manga.

    • @vistuscaine
      @vistuscaine Před 7 měsíci +4

      Your statement is a phallacy. You can't take the worst comic from company A as evidence that a comic from company B is good because it is not as bad as company A's worst.

  • @geektopian
    @geektopian Před 7 měsíci +4

    Disagree. Devisive? Decisive, I’d say. If you’re going to open your video with a comparison with Marvel and DC, you’re going to have to do better than this. The woke rot in those comics is the problem. As far as I can see, July has avoided that. Kudos to him for offering an alternative to the dross you accept so readily.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +7

      Woke is an easy way out. You have to do better, not me. I have provided multiple examples of excellent mainstream books. Isom is worse than Marvel precisely because July boasts about being better than them but in fact the story is as bland and the art as well.

    • @jonchowe
      @jonchowe Před 7 měsíci +1

      Maybe he should write an essay, if this is just about politics and not entertainment.

  • @anon-yw4wd
    @anon-yw4wd Před 6 měsíci +4

    I like how his so-called supporters have suddenly gone totally silent on talking about his comics. The Drinker, Mr. H, etc. That have all gone silent and are not reviewing his comics. They know it is all shite so now they are quietly walking away.

  • @wa-bu3ke
    @wa-bu3ke Před 7 měsíci +1

    I'd say the art is bland. Art for me is the #1 reason I buy a comic. Everything else is second.

  • @glennross85
    @glennross85 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Eric Julys audience has always had diverse opinions on media, so when his entire fanbase was claiming Isom was so great I smelled a rat.

  • @BlackAngusReviews
    @BlackAngusReviews Před 6 měsíci

    Another detractor in the fold 🐮🖤

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 6 měsíci +6

      Cute how he calls people with valid criticism detractors. Like a little spoiled brat, right?

    • @BlackAngusReviews
      @BlackAngusReviews Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@europeanlore I love it 🥰

  • @currentofthesnake8486
    @currentofthesnake8486 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I have the impression that these comics are used more as a weapon in the culture war and that you have to think that they are the right way because they come from the Antiwokebubble and Eric is close friends with Nerdrotic and co. I'm so tired of this culture war nonsense.

  • @tahnadana5435
    @tahnadana5435 Před 7 měsíci +3

    july is like a flag made up by republicans, he never care about anything but to make his brand of being "smart" seem legit. i watched his video about making a video game, its all BS, not ever sounding as someone wanting to make a game with unique features or anything, is just empty, like a zack snydr movies

  • @Sutatu
    @Sutatu Před 7 měsíci +5

    You're being way too hard on Eric and his comics.
    This is his first project, of course it's not going to top grade comics.
    It's called development, learing, improving, and slowly getting better at writing, story telling, characcters, plot, etc.
    If you expected this to be the best comics you've read just because it's not woke - you're being too hard in your review.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +5

      I reviewed this as honestly as I would review any Marvel or DC book.

    • @Sutatu
      @Sutatu Před 7 měsíci +3

      And by that I assume you're talking about their first published material? You can't compare Marvel/DC at its prime or even compared to woke garbage and what Eric is doing.
      If you want a fair comparison, then you need to look at Marvel/DC (which up until this woke virus were giants) at their early days and then compared it to Isom and see how it holds up.
      I think you're trying to be "special" by not "siding" either with Eric's haters or fans.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +4

      @@Sutatu That would be unfair. I cannot compare 2023 book with 1980s X-Men, shall we say. I can honestly say that everything by Vita Ayala, Danny Lore or Maggs Visaagio I read was a complete and utter trash. Very similar circumstances too, since there seem to be no active editors over at Marvel or DC.

    • @amarikwa888
      @amarikwa888 Před 7 měsíci

      @@europeanlore Some great debut books you could review would be 'The Crow' or 'We Live', the latter being one of the best comicbooks of 2021. You should give both a read.

    • @laisphinto6372
      @laisphinto6372 Před 6 měsíci

      IT seems you didnt ready any modern ones

  • @darkjudge8786
    @darkjudge8786 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Haven't read a comic book since I was 8. I still struggle to understand why grown adults still obsess over these picture books with a few hundred words per story. Grow up lads.

    • @europeanlore
      @europeanlore  Před 7 měsíci +7

      That take is so wrong my dog shook her head a little bit.

    • @danielschiman767
      @danielschiman767 Před 7 měsíci +2

      It's a medium like any other. The mixture of pictures and texts is makes it something unique. And I'd say 'a few hundred words per story' can even be a plus.
      For example, like many of us, you may have seen/read Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson when you were 8. Probably because it looked like it was for kids, but it's not, far from it actually.
      I've re-read it as an adult, and it turned out to be much more mature and thought-provoking than I remembered. The same thing applies to many other graphic novels and comics. Okay, maybe not as much with the 'superhero' genre, but there are many other great ones out there.
      And since this is a 'european lore' chanel, I'd recomend exploring the european ones, like french or italian comics.

  • @yarc9
    @yarc9 Před 7 měsíci +2

    the recent marvel & dc books are in a much better state than this comic their art are good compare to this

  • @JuanPNavarrete
    @JuanPNavarrete Před 6 měsíci +1

    Wolverine volume 3 is pretty good from the first issue. Marvel is now worthless shit.