On Jesus Being a Jew, The Holy Spirit, and Esau

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • This is an "off the cuff" audio that I recorded in the car where I was just sharing some thoughts on my recent videos, clarifying some things I've said in the past, and whatever other random thoughts came to mind.
    The presentation was not planned and I had no notes. There was some paraphrasing/misquoting in the audio, so I added slides to the video with the text to cure the misquotes I made.
    Follow me on Gab TV and Odysee also:

Komentáře • 111

  • @marcbiz11
    @marcbiz11 Před rokem +2

    You spoke a real truth I am a seer and every word ever shown to me and every event has been in parable form. I believe that’s why Mashiach spoke in parables. That’s how he received the word of Yah

  • @BGr8ful4all
    @BGr8ful4all Před rokem

    You are so right. The ultimate sacrifice was the life of Yeshua. Because he overcame sin every step of the way because of his love for his Father. And his perfect, sinless life is what took away the sin of the world & made a way for us to reconcile with our Father. 🙏🏼❤️

  • @youssssef
    @youssssef Před rokem

    Peace be upon prophet Iessa.

  • @simplysavvylife
    @simplysavvylife Před rokem +3

    Appreciate your work and a lot of it goes hand in hand with the Jesus Words Only Channel which has been pumping out content & considerations..I am not suggesting anyone to buy into a person or channel and everything it says but for those questioning narratives, seeking answers for discrepancies they see, you will find answers and friends there or at least a place to speak and ask.. Not trying to argue for competition, I just want people who appreciate this content to find more content like it, and other people, soas to validate and explore the kinds of questions they have.

    • @brenosantana1458
      @brenosantana1458 Před rokem

      Hi. Do you understand that Jesus is not God?

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před rokem

      @@brenosantana1458 yes I do.

    • @brenosantana1458
      @brenosantana1458 Před rokem

      @@simplysavvylife Without preexistence factually and son of Joseph, seed of David?

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před rokem

      @@brenosantana1458 well since I wasn't there to verify pre-existence and haven't studied that debate in depth I refrain from taking an absolute stance on it . But yes assuming "Jesus" was an actual historical person, yes a human born the normal way humans are.

    • @simplysavvylife
      @simplysavvylife Před rokem


  • @你是有缘人
    @你是有缘人 Před rokem

    Amen bro. All glory to Eloah YAHuah.
    I had experienced Holy Spirit as you did trough out my life as a believer. From self healing, tiny miracles to learning His Truth. Yes, the reasoning within oneself the sound of reasoning that always towards good cause, the reasoning toward questions about people and affairs and the reasoning from His view which is not based on human point of view. It make sense but sometimes saddening due to facts pointing out the errors or ignorance of the inhabitants of this world.
    For He will gather His flock and His flock hear His voice. Amen

  • @whitestone4068
    @whitestone4068 Před rokem

    Great job and thank you ... your appreciated !

  • @Joeybeezz
    @Joeybeezz Před rokem +1

    Over the past five years, i have been praying and wanting to understand if Paul is a fake apostle, are his books not to be referenced when it comes to holy scriptures? If yes, then do we need to disregard much of the new testament? But, on the other hand, God can and has used many things, donkeys, harlots, to name a few, to bring about His way and will. It’s something i stumble upon when quoting scripture. As it is, i tend to avoid and not coin Paul when witnessing to others by sticking to the words of Christ using the gospels, James, Peter, Jude. What is your lead on this? thank you.

    • @SoferiaNebruin
      @SoferiaNebruin Před rokem

      Can't you FEEL the LOVE Paul had for Jesus? Can you not feel he sincerely repented? His writings are amazing, the deepest of all of the Apostles. Contrary to the lies put forth, his writings in no way contradict anything Jesus taught. It's a matter of interpretation and so many people get it wrong.

    • @SoferiaNebruin
      @SoferiaNebruin Před rokem

      Oh, I just remembered. Several of us had a debate with this guy a few months ago. He's way off in his interpretations about Paul. It was proven to him by a number of people, but as Jesus said in Revelation 22: 11 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." In other words, people are totally stuck in their mindsets right now, under an unchangeable delusion.
      Paul provides a wonderful role model (IF you actually understand what he teaches, and most people don't).

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +7

      @Soferia Nebruim: Uhm, had a debate with which guy? Not me. Anyone who says Paul's writings don't contradict anything Jesus taught is a liar. Of course, Paul was a liar, so it would make sense that his followers would be so too.
      @joeybeezz, it sounds like the Holy Spirit is prompting you to question Paul, keep studying that out.

    • @Joeybeezz
      @Joeybeezz Před rokem +3

      @@SoferiaNebruin i get what you are trying to say, but personally, i don’t see how Paul teaches what Jesus instructed. Paul’s visitation according to Acts is very flawed as he contradicts who saw the light, who heard voices etc. as he tells his “testimony”. at several places in that book. However, i will
      continue to pray as The Lord leads. Thank you for your reply.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +4

      @JoeyBeezz I discuss the Question of Paul in this video: czcams.com/video/LgGo4saDjGI/video.html
      I've also got a playlist that has several videos on Paul's illegitimacy: czcams.com/play/PLchYqUCw6trOk6UVYHSlzqWz8gYQBdMPy.html
      Also, the channel "Jesus' Words Only" has dozens of great videos about Paul.

  • @arcticraven2462
    @arcticraven2462 Před 2 měsíci

    Do you have an email address.

  • @travischilders1
    @travischilders1 Před rokem +1

    Except Mark and Luke were not disciples of Messiah. They got their information second hand.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem +1

      What do you think of his statement at (8:16) which he states the sacrificial system was not from God ?

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem

      Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

    • @travischilders1
      @travischilders1 Před rokem

      @@KeepingWatch95 I don't think it's done away with overall because we see that in the Temple Yah builds (Ezekiel) there is still sacfrices that take place into eternity.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +1

      It doesn't matter what anyone "thinks about" what I said about the sacrificial system not being from God, all that matters is if it is true or not. If you want more information on why I said that you can watch the following videos where I discuss the evidence that God never asked for sacrifices.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem

      @@travischilders1 His comment at 8:16 is not that it was done away with... his comment is the sacrifical system is not of God.
      I believe he means it never was of God. Listen again. Is that what you get from what you hear also?

  • @KeepingWatch95
    @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem +1

    Jews are Judeans.
    From the *Haaretz* site... _The word “Jew” ultimately comes from Judah, an ancient kingdom centered in Jerusalem, in the 2nd century BCE. But how did the kingdom's Hebrew name, Yehudah (Judah in English), pronounced ye-hu-DAH, beget “Jew”?_
    From the *Chabad* site... _The term "Jew" is derived from the name of Jacob's fourth son, Judah--Yehudah, in the Hebrew-and may have originally applied only to Judah's descendents, who comprised one of the twelve tribes of Israel. On his deathbed, Jacob assigned Judah the role of leader and king-a prophesy that was fulfilled in 869 BCE when all twelve tribes submitted to the reign of King David of the tribe of Judah._
    From the *Hartman* site... _The first appearance of the word “Jew” in the Bible is in Kings II 16:6. Its connotation there is identical to that of “men of Yehuda”: “and drove the Jews from Eilat.” Over time, this name replaced the earlier ones, though the meaning remained unchanged. In other words, the term Jew in this period was a person who originated from the Kingdom of Yehuda._
    Also by Marc Lipshitz (an Orthodox Jew and who studied in Kollel and Yeshivah) answers the question of:
    *Why are the Jewish people and Judaism only named after the Tribe of Judah, what happened to the other tribes of Israel?*
    _It's all comes down the the time when the Jews were exiled by the Assyrians. While in popular culture people like to talk about the lost tribes- Jewish sources record what happened to them many weeks exiled and lost, a few made their way to join with the other Jews in the Kingdom of Yehudah (see Talmud masechta Sanhedrin Chapter 11). As such, all the Jews that resided in the Kingdom of Yehudah, regardless of their tribal affiliation, became known as Yehudim and were referred to as Yehudi. We see this explicitly in the Tanakh in Megillah Esther (The book of Esther) where it refers to Mordechai, her uncle, as Ish Yehudi, a Jewish man even though it states he was from the tribe of Benyamin. Since Yehudah merely means “One who praises G-d”, it came to be associated with all the Jews and a generic name for all the Jews regardless of their tribal affiliation._
    _The claims that Jesus was not Jewish (or never called Jewish) is merely a play on words._
    _It is also antisematic._

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +3

      So, you're actually making my point in several ways with your comment.
      First, like I've said in several videos, only an intellectual weakling uses terms like "antisemitic" to argue against the validity of information. Information isn't "racist" or "antisemitic" or "intolerant" etc. Information is either true or false, and you should be able to prove it as such.
      Second, "jew" does not mean the same thing as "Judean", in the same way that "Christian" doesn't mean the same thing as "American". The overwhelming majority of "jews" in the world since the first century did not reside in Judea, neither did they refer to their religion as "judaism" until recently. Saying a term is "derived" from another term does not mean the terms are equal. The first question to ask when dealing with an ancient document, or any document for that matter, is to determine what the word would have meant to the person who wrote the document. There was no religion in the first century that had a name similar to jew or judaism. Josephus coined the term "judaism" at the end of the first century as a name for the culture of Judea, in opposition to Hellenism. The term was about culture, not religion.
      Third, jewish sources are notorious for changing the meaning of the word "jew" to whatever definition will benefit them at the moment, and they frequently contradict themselves. Any group who takes an oath yearly that they are not bound by any oath or promise they make is not fit to use as a reliable source for anything. We need to stop using the words of the enemies of Christ to define who Christ is, but rather we need to use the words of Christ to define who and what His enemies are.

    • @brenosantana1458
      @brenosantana1458 Před rokem

      ​@@DavidHNotsari Could you elaborate on the oath to not be bound by oaths? Never heard that.

  • @KeepingWatch95
    @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem +2

    Saying Jesus wasn't a Jew is akin to saying Jesus wasn't Jesus (because the word Jesus wasn't used back then... the name Jesus is an English name that came about many, many years later. And propbably not even translated correctly from his true name)
    Saying Jesus wasn't Jesus is far more closer to the truth than to say Jesus wasn't Jewish. Which is totally not true.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +2

      Well, His real name is Yeshua, so you're right Jesus is not Jesus. So?
      Saying He was "jewish" is not correct because people understand that to be a religious term, which is not what the gospel writers intended when they wrote the gospels.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Před rokem

      @@DavidHNotsari If you are correct and Jesus was not Jewish,; What religion was he born into?

    • @marcbiz11
      @marcbiz11 Před rokem

      Jesus wasn’t Jewish.

    • @marcbiz11
      @marcbiz11 Před rokem +1

      He was a Yahudean and was anti religion. That’s the whole ministry in a nutshell.

    • @DavidHNotsari
      @DavidHNotsari  Před rokem +2

      He was a Nasaraean.