r/Bestof HELP! My Roommate is Poisoning Me!


Komentáře • 466

  • @MisterNightfish
    @MisterNightfish Před 8 měsíci +1297

    I didn't think Story 1 would escalate after her psycho roommate tried to poison her, but then it did escalate ... a lot. Poor OP who did nothing wrong and then got hit with the double whammy. Oh yea, and let's be clear, what the roommate did is absolutely poisoning because there is no telling what exactly she put in and surely we are not kidding ourselves into believing she stuck to anything like a recommended dosage.

    • @9adam4
      @9adam4 Před 8 měsíci +69

      I can't believe the evil roommate put leukemia in those smoothies.

    • @JosieJOK
      @JosieJOK Před 8 měsíci +15

      This is why I lived in an apartment the size of a closet rather than live with someone else when I moved out on my own.

    • @sehvekah7368
      @sehvekah7368 Před 8 měsíci +26

      If one were to adulterate(ie, to deliberately alter, add/substitute ingredients) something that someone else consumes, and they have a bad reaction, that's poisoning. Yes, it *could* be accidental(eg, an alergy unknown to both parties), but that would only change the worst outcome from Murder to Manslaughter.
      And even if they don't have any measurable reaction, that doesn't necessarily leave one in the clear. "I wanted to make them fat so they couldn't seduce my SO" is *not* a phrase that will help you in a courtroom.

    • @BR.1991
      @BR.1991 Před 8 měsíci +2

      God I have got to stop reading comments when the videos start hahaha

    • @BelBelle468
      @BelBelle468 Před 8 měsíci +5

      Her roommate is a scary but I wouldn’t call her psycho cuz at least she wasn’t attempting to kill her. In her eyes it was probably a more “healthier” way of trying to get “rid” of the competition. Of course, this isn’t good, and she accidentally stumbled upon an allergy as well.
      In a way, it’s almost a good thing? Cuz OP caught the leukemia earlier than she would’ve otherwise. It’s like a blessing in disguise?? What a sad story, and I hope she gets better???
      I also hope the roommate gets better cuz she’s not mentally sound.

  • @danielbrant6740
    @danielbrant6740 Před 8 měsíci +308

    *3rd Story:* Preeeeetty sure that the ex-husband can charged with parental negligence since he admitted that he's fully aware that his monster of a stepson is bullying OP's daughter and is having _racial slurs_ hurled towards her.

    • @thunderflare59
      @thunderflare59 Před 7 měsíci +9

      Also pushing a child down a flight of stairs is totally attempted murder. That kid is a straight psycho. Not only does he need to be locked up, but his fellow inmates need to know he a racist that assaulted a child.

  • @herbalbeverage
    @herbalbeverage Před 8 měsíci +221

    Man, if I got a "You know I don't play favourites" after getting treated like that, "We both know you do" would be the first words out of my mouth without a single thought.

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci +32

      Or “Your actions don’t match your words”

    • @jelly_4_brainz
      @jelly_4_brainz Před 7 měsíci +4

      "yeah sure whatever mom, now go have grandma day with your *favorite* grandchildren while my family moves"

    • @DrTimeSCPPsych
      @DrTimeSCPPsych Před 4 měsíci +1

      See id be snarky af and go "do I? Im not sure I do..."

  • @annabelfazukimi7902
    @annabelfazukimi7902 Před 8 měsíci +1086

    Roomate: *accidentally poisons roommate to make them undesirable*
    OP: *finds out they have Leukemia* thanks?
    Roommate: you're....welcome?

    • @yamigoya8291
      @yamigoya8291 Před 8 měsíci +57


    • @realrealwarpet
      @realrealwarpet Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@yamigoya8291i mean. Technically, feeding someone protein isnt poisoning. Her allergy was the cause, and neither knew that.
      Still a bitch move

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci +59

      @@yamigoya8291I hope OP gave the bf a heads up about his old lady’s behavior because that’s a red flag he should be made aware of.

    • @lmaChroma
      @lmaChroma Před 8 měsíci +9

      Old? 26 is still fairly young?

    • @Synnystershy
      @Synnystershy Před 8 měsíci +4

      Roommates: Yes! That was my plan this whole time. 😅

  • @Dani.J.
    @Dani.J. Před 8 měsíci +520

    The last story is heart breaking. She is willing to put up with abuse to see her father because she loves him so much and he doesn't give a crap about her. I hope she never finds out what a piece of crap her father is, and I hope he and his crap son get everything they deserve

    • @dominiklis6261
      @dominiklis6261 Před 8 měsíci +59

      I hope that she will find out what a piece of crap her father is, so she wouldn't think that she did something bad in his eyes to excuse his behavier and she would understand that she couldn't do anything about it because her "father" is just an asshole.

    • @Dani.J.
      @Dani.J. Před 8 měsíci +33

      @dominiklis6261 true, but unfortunately, at least while she's still young, she'll blame herself, because that's what kids do. Hopefully she realizes it's 100% a him issue, and he doesn't deserve her love

    • @djkb125
      @djkb125 Před 8 měsíci +29

      That one really bothered me, too. The little girl didn’t even understand the racism being directed toward her because she’s so innocent in all this. The mom is doing the right thing by taking him to court. Protect that little girl and keep her away from that awful family. He can be with his “real children” while his wages are being garnished. What an absolute disgrace of a father

    • @survivedandthriving
      @survivedandthriving Před 8 měsíci +16

      @@dominiklis6261 I agree.
      As someone who has lived through something similar, finding out that my mother is a piece of crap helped me to understand that there is nothing wrong with ME. The problem was with HER. There was nothing big enough that I could achieve, no good-enough that I could be to ever earn her love/make her love me. My mother is a piece of crap who would never, and will never, love me not matter what happens on my part.
      Kids blame themselves when parents don't love them. Knowing that the parent is a piece of crap helps the kids to put that blame back where it belongs - on the piece of crap parent.

    • @dominiklis6261
      @dominiklis6261 Před 8 měsíci +10

      @@survivedandthriving Yeah, unfortunatlly I know the feeling of blaming myself for the sins of my mentally disabled and alcoholic father. Despite my mom telling me that it's not my fault, i still blamed myself, but thankfully because of my mom's assurance and the knowlage of my father, as I grew older, i realised that it's not my fault. I hope that you live a good life with the clouser that you couldn't do anything that could make your mother love you as she was a piece of crap.

  • @TheDarwinProject1
    @TheDarwinProject1 Před 8 měsíci +234

    Story 1: Protein powders in excess can ABSOLUTELY be a form of poison! As protein powders aren't regulated, many have been found to also contain heavy metals which can cause cancers like leukemia. Since the roommate didn't INTEND harm exactly, I'm not sure even if it was the cause that OP could take legal action against her, but I'm happy she's no longer living with that roommate! Hopefully it wasn't the smoothies & OP can feel like her bad roommate experience wasn't traumatic, but rather life saving. 😥

    • @ResidentMilf
      @ResidentMilf Před 8 měsíci

      Also, creatine doesn't just turn to muscle out of nowhere. You need to work out after consuming creatine to get the muscle; otherwise you just get fat. Because any time the body gets more than what it needs of something, it either flushes the out in your pee or it stores it in your fat cells.

    • @nohandlesplease
      @nohandlesplease Před 8 měsíci +13

      I'm pretty sure food tampering is still a viable charge.

    • @FairyLadyQuelaag
      @FairyLadyQuelaag Před 8 měsíci

      Hold up, my brother uses protein powders, you'd have to be taking that shit for an extremely long time before it would cause Leukemia. If OP goes through her family medical history Leukemia will most likely show up on one side or the other. Yes, the protein powder made her sick but it's not the cause of her Leukemia. The roommate just wanted to make OP fat. The crime is minor and it's unlikely she'd even do time or even be found guilty.

    • @wingracer1614
      @wingracer1614 Před 8 měsíci +11

      Protein powders maybe, not sure on that one but creatine is pretty much harmless. Also, even if there are some bad protein powders out there, they aren't going to cause cancer in a month unless they are seriously radioactive.

    • @N1ghtStalkerNL
      @N1ghtStalkerNL Před 8 měsíci +7

      Heavy metal poisoning would take significantly longer to develop and would have absolutely shown up in a tox screen. Same for radioactive substances but that's not a step but a full on floor higher than heavy metals from shoddy protein powder.

  • @TomDarkwulf87
    @TomDarkwulf87 Před 8 měsíci +539

    Story 3 I would not be surprised if the ex's new wife is racist herself as well. The ex either fell for her rhetoric or maybe he secretly harbored those feelings all along, who knows. But yeah RSlash is right, the ex and his wife are DEFINITELY condoning the stepson's behavior. Get your daughter out of their asap

    • @dominiklis6261
      @dominiklis6261 Před 8 měsíci +1

      I mean, he did say that his WHITE kids are his "real children" while he just let's his MIXED-RACE daughter get racially and physically abused by her step brother.

    • @kaylawoodbury2308
      @kaylawoodbury2308 Před 8 měsíci +1

      It is not uncommon for racist men to get "jungle fever" and want to "slum it" with a black girl, especially with the gross stereotype that they're wild in bed and will let you do anything.

    • @user-hleubfk20
      @user-hleubfk20 Před 8 měsíci +29

      I agree calling your step sibling the n word is horrible. And the fact that the parents are condoning it makes it even worse.

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci +22

      And they’ve likely pushed their racism on to their daughter as well. I hope OPs daughter got her belongings back from the brat. Doubtful and maybe it a loss worth taking if it means karma on her father and “his real family”

    • @ficialintelligence1869
      @ficialintelligence1869 Před 8 měsíci +10

      The durian doesn't fall far from the tree.

  • @yomitakano284
    @yomitakano284 Před 8 měsíci +35

    As a mandatory reporter (someone who works in an occupation where you are around kids. ie teachers) any kid 14 or older can be charged in a juvenile court for child abuse. A 14 to 17 year old who reasonably harms a child under 14 enough to be considered abuse can get in trouble with youth based authority.

  • @SD-xt9gu
    @SD-xt9gu Před 8 měsíci +61

    That last story infuriated me. I don't care what race or gender a child is.....they do not deserve to be abused.....period! That "father" should get jail time for child endangerment and neglect. 😡

  • @KarmaCifer
    @KarmaCifer Před 8 měsíci +91

    Omg the poison story. I just saw a story about a top performing student that got poisoned by a jealous student and she regressed into the IQ of a 6 yo with agonizing pain and some of the same early symptoms (big chunks of hair falling, stomach pain, fatigue and loss of vision) and I was so worried that she got poisoned with some real dangerous heavy metals.

    • @the_chicken_nugget8218
      @the_chicken_nugget8218 Před 8 měsíci +10

      The poison was called thallium. It's an odorless and tasteless substance.

    • @LilacMorelli
      @LilacMorelli Před 8 měsíci +9

      No even a lie but I was accidentally poisoned before, someone was making cherry pie for me and thought you were supposed to put all of the cherry pits in too 😂, it was not a fun couple of weeks.

    • @funnyteacherman
      @funnyteacherman Před 8 měsíci +9

      When OP mentioned her hair falling out, I immediately thought of Zhū Lìng. That poor woman didn't deserve the awful things that happened to her.

  • @Mekabear1991
    @Mekabear1991 Před 8 měsíci +254

    God, how heartbreaking it is that the daughter in the last stories entrance to racism was because of her dad being a terrible person and parent...

    • @twistysunshine
      @twistysunshine Před 8 měsíci +13

      Yeah how horrific... experiencing racism for the first time can be super traumatic as is but this? She's never gonna trust people again. This will permanently affect her relationships with others for the rest of her life bc her dad just didn't see her as a full person.
      Like maybe he wasn't saying the slurs, but he called the white kids his "real children" and let the 15 year old treat her like that... at best he just doesn't see his daughter as a real person and child and doesn't care what happens to her. At worst he thinks the racism is a good thing. I have no idea how the 10 yr old can ever recover from that

    • @Mekabear1991
      @Mekabear1991 Před 8 měsíci +5

      @twistysunshine exactly and the fact that it's a family member...like a step brother saying those things is bad but the dad...someone you're supposed to look up to, to protect you, keep you from harm. And he just said that so blatantly.
      He's a poor excuse of a man in my opinion

  • @minnarosenqvistmr
    @minnarosenqvistmr Před 8 měsíci +73

    The favoritism is absolutely appalling! I had gone through that, as a KID! Now, a decade later , I've never been happier going no contact! Never accept bs behavior from your "family"! If they treat you bad, you just need to go and live your best life! My life has never been better!! My husband has been my best supporter and rock!

    • @livindedlolly
      @livindedlolly Před 8 měsíci +4

      Same!! Crappy family growing up my half brother's were the golden children. I was the unwanted one . Butnow my hubby is the the best and ignore the rest of my family they only message when they want something.

  • @TheDarwinProject1
    @TheDarwinProject1 Před 8 měsíci +29

    Last story, there is absolutely juvenile court & the dad documented (through text confirmation) that hate charges could be added to the assault charges. OP's ex & the stepmother may also be charged for child endangerment & if hate charges can be added, they really should!

    • @asmith8692
      @asmith8692 Před 8 měsíci +4

      There's also the fact that in some states a minor can face adult charges and consequences for felonies.

    • @jasonwethy8360
      @jasonwethy8360 Před 8 měsíci

      ​@@asmith8692especially a 15 year old

  • @francescaperron2003
    @francescaperron2003 Před 8 měsíci +203

    Story 1: OP should call the police on the roommate. Even though no one knew OP was allergic, it's still put them in serious danger and should be reported. That girl is clearly unstable

    • @DianaWanMa
      @DianaWanMa Před 8 měsíci +6

      @@brandon737protein powder is a weird ingredient to give to someone who didn’t ask…

    • @sailorathena17
      @sailorathena17 Před 8 měsíci

      Yeah she’s obviously very psychotic and needs to be evaluated for it! Who puts creatine in a smoothie without someone’s knowledge?!

    • @jaywolf845
      @jaywolf845 Před 8 měsíci +4

      Protein powder is in smoothie king tbh though and extremely safe for majority of the population

    • @icecreamnoodles3742
      @icecreamnoodles3742 Před 8 měsíci +9

      ​​@@jaywolf845It's still food tampering, and the police should know in case the next roomate is also experiencing shit and this idiot of an unstable woman can be properly punished. Or at least the new girl can find out about this instead of believing she's going insane.
      If the jealous roomate was willing to do it once, she'd do it again. Unstable is unstable.
      Get that nutjob in the making written up asap to stop her before she thinks she can just do this sort of BS.

    • @jaywolf845
      @jaywolf845 Před 8 měsíci

      @icecreamnoodles3742 yeahh documentation definitely makes sense, I was just saying (the roommate is crazy for sure) what she added is in general extremely safe for most and used regularly by many gym goers. Not excusing the behavior though of course

  • @dragonriderabens9761
    @dragonriderabens9761 Před 8 měsíci +47

    Story 3, I want an update with the results of the court case
    I know that isn’t likely to happen for multiple reasons, but I still want to see how badly the ex gets his ass handed to him in court

    • @SonicPrimus
      @SonicPrimus Před 8 měsíci +16

      Agreed. I also want to see that racist skidmark of a stepson get his day in court too. That little punk ought to be ashamed of himself.

  • @dementedqueen4392
    @dementedqueen4392 Před 8 měsíci +274

    I live on the outskirts of Seattle. OP in story 1 SHOULD GO TO THE POLICE. I know the laws here and she most assuredly can get her arrested. Food tampering is against the law. It doesn't matter that because of all of this she found out she had leukemia. That's a great byproduct of all this and could potentially have save her life but it doesn't take away the fact that her roommate was poisoning her! If OP made a police report today, cops would be at her roommates door tonight. OP should not let this drop.

    • @awsomo53
      @awsomo53 Před 8 měsíci

      It doesn't sound like OP asked what was in the smoothie to begin with. You can poison someone if they don't ask (especially if it's normal to be in a smoothie). OPs symptoms are from cancer.

    • @darkmask5933
      @darkmask5933 Před 8 měsíci +6

      For what? Putting protein powder in a smoothie? Protein powder isn't dangerous under normal circumstances, and not even OP knew she was allergic.

    • @Bendylife
      @Bendylife Před 8 měsíci +6

      idk if that would really go anywhere for OP, though. There is a lot of plausible deniability. The roommate could just say that her intention was just to make a healthy smoothy to keep her roommate strong. If OP never asked about what was put into the smoothie and neither of them knew about the allergy, i think a case against the roommate would be an uphill battle and probably not worth OPs time or money, especially when dealing with having cancer and probably needing to worry about cost associated with that.

    • @succulentgarden2975
      @succulentgarden2975 Před 8 měsíci

      Fellow Seattleite!

    • @BelBelle468
      @BelBelle468 Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@darkmask5933 roommate had enough sense to not do something too bad, but it’s still a slippery slope. If they did what they did and OP had an allergic reaction, she would be guilty of feeding her stuff she didn’t know anything about. If OP knew about the allergy, and Roommate didn’t, it would still be poisoning since she wasn’t giving OP a proper chance to refuse.

  • @owl7072
    @owl7072 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Story 2: Even with the logic of "Oh, Op doesn't work, she's a sahm" _the MIL started inviting SIL over to take care of her the moment she had an entire day she wasn't working._
    So if one doesn't get help because she's already home, then why doesn't SIL get that same treatment? It's one thing the days she's working, but dedicating an _entire day_ to spending time with _just_ her and her kids while ignoring that _Op and her kids are always available to do the same_ and even acting _disgusted_ that Op even asked her to spend time with them????? Even if SIL is the golden child, _they are children who have done nothing to deserve such blatant favoritism being shown to their cousins while they get outright ignored and treated like second class citizens by their own grandmother._

  • @HackiePuffs
    @HackiePuffs Před 8 měsíci +68

    That poor daughter in the last story she deserves all the hugs and treats she wants ❤️‍🩹

  • @abbonlexaforge1774
    @abbonlexaforge1774 Před 8 měsíci +19

    There was another part to the 1st story. Op sat down with the roommate and split the smoothe with her and sat there with the roommate until the roommate broke down and started crying about how she was worried that op would steal her boyfriend so she was adding the powder to make op gain weight.

    • @squeaktheswan2007
      @squeaktheswan2007 Před 8 měsíci +6

      That's insane. Why would she want to keep a guy that she thinks is going to leave her for something like that?

    • @abbonlexaforge1774
      @abbonlexaforge1774 Před 8 měsíci

      I mean poisoning your roommate with fattening smoothes is not a typical thought that sane people have. XD@@squeaktheswan2007

    • @spydersoup8447
      @spydersoup8447 Před 8 měsíci +5

      @@squeaktheswan2007 You know the 'blame the paramour' trope where the woman blames the other woman for 'stealing' her man, even though really, he cheated on her? Yeah, I get the feeling the roommate had this same mindset where she fears that OP will steal her boyfriend from her, even though I'm sure that if that were to ever happen, it would be the boyfriend's fault, not OP. It's messed up, I know.

    • @squeaktheswan2007
      @squeaktheswan2007 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@spydersoup8447 Yeah.

  • @Hippiechick11
    @Hippiechick11 Před 8 měsíci +17

    The last story breaks my heart. That poor little girl! I'm so glad she has such a wonderful mother watching out for her. And I hope her step brother gets in big trouble for abusing her and gets counseling before it's too late.

  • @TomDarkwulf87
    @TomDarkwulf87 Před 8 měsíci +31

    Wow that Leukemia twist came out of left field. Between that and the smoothie thing, I don't know if I would be able to be as stoic about it as OP

  • @ismae-rienne4991
    @ismae-rienne4991 Před 8 měsíci +341

    "Racism isn't born. It's taught."

    • @danielbrant6740
      @danielbrant6740 Před 8 měsíci +44

      "My son is two, and do you know what he hates? Naps: end of list."
      -Denis Leary

    • @SoldierSpiderx
      @SoldierSpiderx Před 8 měsíci

      I bet the ex and the new wife it teach their kids to be racist toward his daughter and he just laugh and don't care

    • @DianaWanMa
      @DianaWanMa Před 8 měsíci +1

      Allow me to disagree. In some cultures is veeery rare to see different people, and they aren’t teaching its people to be racist towards others. But when someone different appears bad emotions show up (if it’s someone they physically don’t like), and most people don’t fight those thoughts, they don’t do the job as thinking them as equals and human beings too. This is where parenting should come if they are kids, but in this example it’s happening to adults.

    • @goldenphoenix727
      @goldenphoenix727 Před 8 měsíci +9

      That's an example of it being taught though

    • @ismae-rienne4991
      @ismae-rienne4991 Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@goldenphoenix727 that's my point

  • @beck-nightengale
    @beck-nightengale Před 8 měsíci +4

    Hoping for the best for OP in the first story. After RottenMango covered the Thallium poisoning case of Zhu Ling, I was assuming the worst from the roommate. Instead she was just pulling some Mean Girls stunt.

  • @TsukiKageTora
    @TsukiKageTora Před 8 měsíci +9

    Story 2: funny how grandma wants to spend time with grandchildren and then once her daughter had kids it’s all about her kids instead of her DIL’s kids. Then blamed OP for it and acting like it is an attack for OP to ask her to spend more time with her grandkids on OP’s side like she did before SIL had kids.

  • @joelrobinson5457
    @joelrobinson5457 Před 8 měsíci +37

    First story nearly broke my neck with that twist, holy crap rslash

  • @bubbleshock14
    @bubbleshock14 Před 8 měsíci +9

    The worst part about the poison story is that she is a teacher. Someone like her shouldnt be allowed anywhere near kids

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Před 8 měsíci +25

    Story 2: Yep, classic golden child. The SIL only saw OP as free babysitting and the MIL is playing favorites. Considering the SIL's behavior, she'll never accept the true reality that it's her and her mom's fault.

    • @MrDoverfield
      @MrDoverfield Před 8 měsíci +2

      At first I thought “wow the OP is incredibly selfish for demanding attention while they were helping family in need of help”

  • @SkumleBones
    @SkumleBones Před 8 měsíci +60

    The second story I can completely understand, I seriously hate when people do that. They take general statements on social media as an attack and or think its about them. But I learned the people who do that, usually know they're garbage human beings by the amount of people that either ratio them about how crappy of a person they are in the past or recent. Or they just generally know they're shitty people and will call out any negativity that they think is aimed towards them to have a chance to defend themselves to make it seem like they're good people. Its essentially paranoia and narcissism. Guilty consciousness will do that, so ya I mean, it's easy. Just don't be a horrible human.

    • @Black-pq2iw
      @Black-pq2iw Před 8 měsíci +4

      What baffles me is that the SIL would just live off of his brother's pain, like she would need to cause drama every time she sees he's thriving. I just can't wrap my mind around that behaviour, i'ts so weird and doesn't make sense at all.

  • @nationalinstituteofcheese3012
    @nationalinstituteofcheese3012 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Story 1: The roommate did poison OP
    Story 2: Abusers know they’re abusive. It’s not ignorance, it’s malice.

  • @TheTuta69
    @TheTuta69 Před 8 měsíci +35

    "my roomate wasnt poisoning me she was giving me protein"
    so like you got healthy?
    "i have leukemia"

  • @purefox652
    @purefox652 Před 8 měsíci +4

    Story 1 I hope the poisoning roommate got arrested or in trouble for those smoothies. Yes because of her OP found out she has leukaemia, hopefully early case, but roommate can't get off because she might do it again.

    • @threecards333
      @threecards333 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Im not sure if it is legally poisoning. Adding protein powder to smoothies is not "poisoning" it. (Adding protein powder to smoothies is common). If the rm knew about the allegry then maybe, but OP did not even know.

    • @purefox652
      @purefox652 Před 8 měsíci +2

      @@brandon737 Yeah that's true. Roommate still deserves a slap though

  • @nicholassanabria6493
    @nicholassanabria6493 Před 8 měsíci +47

    Story 2 it’s clear the grandmother is choosing favorites and its painfully obvious that the grandmother loves the SIL over the op and her family

  • @Aarbitraary
    @Aarbitraary Před 8 měsíci +6

    That last story is horrifying. I hope that kid gets tried as an adult for his actions. That isn't okay. And remember everyone, nobody is born racist, they learned it somewhere.

  • @finnaaalllyyygoddamnn
    @finnaaalllyyygoddamnn Před 8 měsíci +5

    "Just so he could plough his mom (unnecessary pause) and sister's driveway" was not a clever choice. I almost had a heart attack lmao 😭

  • @pretzelicious4200
    @pretzelicious4200 Před 8 měsíci +8

    That poor 10yr old Q.Q she doesn't deserve any of this. If this was AITA that guy would get 6/5 BH score. Neglect is abuse, and not doing anything with his son being a piece of shit (probably encourages it) is no different than doing it himself. OP please take your daughter away, press charges and put her in therapy :( sweet angel

  • @supervegito2277
    @supervegito2277 Před 8 měsíci +38

    Its not every day, i hear a story that makes me want to call me parents and tell them how good they are (i dont need to do it, but i still feel a small urge), but... its certainly a lot more common than it should be
    This one is a bit of a cake taker, what the fuck?

    • @DarkbutNotsinister
      @DarkbutNotsinister Před 8 měsíci +5

      Whenever I see kids behaving really well in a restaurant or on a plane, I always mention something to the parents. It takes 3 seconds & you can see their hearts beaming with happiness.
      Last month I was on a first class flight & an 8-10 year old kid sits behind me. Great. He’s going to kick my first class seat for hours.
      Forgot there was a child behind me, he was so good! The parents had 2 other kids in first class. I never saw them or heard them.
      When we were lined up to get off the plane, I told the dad how great his kid was sitting behind me. Of course dad was frazzled & exhausted. He had the best tired smile.

  • @saaral.6326
    @saaral.6326 Před 8 měsíci +30

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RSLASH! Hope it was a good one.
    (Hopefully I'm not too late...It was just last week, right?) Cheers for another trip around the sun on this floating rock we live in and all the best for the next one!

  • @SkyEcho751
    @SkyEcho751 Před 8 měsíci +13

    Story 1: It went from "My roommate might be trying to kill me" to "My roommate inadvertently saved my life" in 3 seconds.
    Story 2: Ah yes, the 'punishment' of being a stay at home mother... Because she doesn't have a live in babysitter. I know this logic, and I hate my maternal grand-parents for using said 'logic', and at this point, I just don't care about having a relationship with them. OP did good in leaving and shielding her kids in the process, hopefully she doesn't tell her address to any of the In-laws.
    Story 3: I was thinking the same thing, "My real kids are with me" makes it seem like the father himself is racist when combined with the stepson's behavior.

  • @LadyZubat
    @LadyZubat Před 8 měsíci +1

    Roommate: gives op protein powder not knowing they where allergic to it.
    Op: doesn't no they are allergic to protein powder
    Also op: My roommate wasn't trying to intentionally poison me.

  • @davidweaver4436
    @davidweaver4436 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I hope OP in story 1 gets past their leukemia, because if so, this would become a hilarious story. Roommate tries to sabotage them, but ends up giving them what is, hopefully, a head-start on treating their illness. I mean, realistically, if OP hadn't been allergic, they would have just been benefitting from some extra protein in their diet which a lot of people probably need anyway. A little extra muscle is rarely a bad thing.

  • @revracentertainment3004
    @revracentertainment3004 Před 8 měsíci +68

    Alright technicality time, if your a mom who runs a small business you're not a stay at home mom, your a mom who works from home.

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci +16

      I’m glad someone commented on this. OP works from home running her business, taking care of the place, and homeschooling and yet SIL had the audacity to expect OP to look after her kids for free!

    • @neverdateagamer1498
      @neverdateagamer1498 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@lorilancaster5917 the exact thing she expected from her MIL.

    • @elizabethcox5911
      @elizabethcox5911 Před 8 měsíci +2

      ​@@neverdateagamer1498No, what she expected was for her kids to stop being ignored in favor of the other grandkids.

    • @neverdateagamer1498
      @neverdateagamer1498 Před 8 měsíci

      @@elizabethcox5911 well OP did something to cause it. Her reason is dumb believing MIL is judging her for being a SAHM when she’s always been that. Something else happened for the whole to switch on her. The math is not mathing.

    • @elizabethcox5911
      @elizabethcox5911 Před 8 měsíci +3

      @@neverdateagamer1498 Still has nothing to do with how MIL is ignoring children, even if that's the case.

  • @makihana8860
    @makihana8860 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Holy shit, my mom did the thing that was suggested in the last story. My mom was sick of getting cps called on her so she'd just encourage my younger brother to hit me and do whatever he wanted since cps wouldn't punish a child that was younger than the kid getting hit...

    • @sunettas9738
      @sunettas9738 Před 8 měsíci

      My goodness, I'm sorry that happened, I hope you're safe now

  • @ElecticalCheetah
    @ElecticalCheetah Před 8 měsíci +34

    Story 2: that mil and 2 sils are absolute hags , and you can bet the Sils will abandon their mother because she served her purpose

    • @neverdateagamer1498
      @neverdateagamer1498 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Yet they kicked out the leach of the family which was OP. What kind of story are y’all reading. OP did nothing for them and gave no real reason why MIL stopped coming over. OP did something to that family and she’s lying.

    • @ElecticalCheetah
      @ElecticalCheetah Před 8 měsíci +1

      Hi karen

  • @iloveplasticbottles
    @iloveplasticbottles Před 3 měsíci +1

    Her roommate stuffing creatine in her drink probably saved her life

  • @Reuraku
    @Reuraku Před 8 měsíci +1

    Story 1: That was a roller coaster, technically the poisoning was an accident since it wasn't a normally harmful substance and was an allergy that even OP didn't know about, still shouldn't be slipping things into people's drinks even if it's something 'healthy'. The fact that the accidental poisoning may have saved OP's life is the biggest shocker of all.

  • @sentinel7672
    @sentinel7672 Před 8 měsíci +1

    "You know I don't play favorites" after playing favorites for years to the point it causes a loving brother and son to isolate from the family is the *wildest* bit of gaslighting I've ever heard...

  • @smorphous8928
    @smorphous8928 Před 8 měsíci +8

    Story 2: It’s funny how the MIL says she doesn’t play favourites but is showing favouritism in all the story. 😂

  • @rossjohnstone4689
    @rossjohnstone4689 Před 8 měsíci +7

    Its hard to say what my favorate r/slash is, but best of is certainly top 3 at least

    • @Justice237
      @Justice237 Před 8 měsíci +2

      My tope three are
      3) AITA
      2) TrueOffMyChest
      1) BestOfRedditorUpdates
      These always have the juciest stories

  • @rhondah.1478
    @rhondah.1478 Před 8 měsíci

    In the Equal Treatment story, I don't know why OP didn't just block her inlaws on social media. I think it would have saved her some stress and possibly that mini stroke if none of them could see her posts and then harass them about it.

  • @asuing15
    @asuing15 Před 8 měsíci

    I have a similar story to the first one. So my friend in highschool (we'll call him ethen) was meeting with us at a local McDonald's because we were all planning going to a convention together. He was taking a little longer than we thought. So we went outside and here he is stumbling to us.
    "Hey guys sorry im late I'm actually gunna go home." He was covered in bruises and he was holding his side. Turns out he was part of a hit and run. He stumbled all the way to us (1/2 mile) just to tell us because his phone broke in the hit. We called his parents and they took him straight to the hospital. He broke 3 ribs and had a bruised stomach. They ran some blood tests to make sure they was no internal bleeding. The doctors came out and rushed him to the main hospital. Turns out he had a rapid form of leukemia. The doctors say if they hadn't caught it, he would have been dead in a week.
    Me and my friends still ended up going to the convention (we were minors and room had already been paid for by ethen's mom) we all took 3 poster boards each and had everybody sign them like you would a cast. We gave them to him when we got back. The look on his face was priceless. To this day 12 years later, he is still cancer free.

  • @coramcdonald509
    @coramcdonald509 Před 8 měsíci

    That last story is so sad. My heart breaks for that little girl. Being rejected by your own father has to be the worst thing that can happen. I hope the mother gives her so much extra love because I'm sure her little heart is broken. He is the worst kind of human. No contact for him.

  • @iank472
    @iank472 Před 6 měsíci

    The problem with the first story is that by dosing the roommate with something she was allergic to and OP delaying due to her uncertainty the roommate may have delayed OP noticing symptoms and getting treatment promptly. With any kind of cancer the quicker the diagnosis the better.

  • @amazinglynn
    @amazinglynn Před 8 měsíci

    Story 1: what sends me is the roommate didn’t even do anything bad 😂 putting protein powder in smoothies is very common. I do it, so does Smoothie King and a lot of other people. Plus if OP was skipping breakfast she probably actually needed the extra protein. She did something legitimately nice for OP hoping something bad would happen…she tried to kill her with kindness and ended up possibly saving her life 😂 this has the potential to be the start of a beautiful friendship

  • @TheDarkLink7
    @TheDarkLink7 Před 8 měsíci

    That last story. Yeah get that child out of that situation. When OP had full custody. She seriously needs to have no contact with them.

  • @darko-man8549
    @darko-man8549 Před 8 měsíci +1

    The last story, that father is truly a terrible human.

  • @Roc_Rocker
    @Roc_Rocker Před 8 měsíci

    First story I would like to note that the placebo effect is really powerful. If you think youre being poisoned and have plausible reason to suspect it, even if you arent your body will react accordingly to your beliefs. Thank god it was just protein powder and not something worst like addictive drugs or Antifreeze. I wish OP nothing but the best in her time of healing from her Cancer

  • @henriflego9574
    @henriflego9574 Před 7 měsíci

    When I post anything personal, my family always thinks it’s a coded dig at them.

  • @lekiscool
    @lekiscool Před 8 měsíci

    Roommate: I was just giving you protein powder. 😮
    To be fair I was using a bovine based protein powder, after regular use I started having a rash and I have no idea what about the power I was allergic to but it was the same reaction I have to cold medications which I know I’m allergic to.

  • @kennycai8695
    @kennycai8695 Před 8 měsíci

    Story 1: The ironic thing is that it was a douchebag move that actually helped saved OP's life, cause leukemia can be fatal if left untreated. What the roommate did was still inexcusable, not to mention petty (trying to make OP bulk up to appear unattractive), and yet, it was cause of her that discovered OP had leukemia and OP went home. Life really does work in mysterious ways, it seems.
    Story 2: Aha! As soon as the word "controlling" came out, I knew the core of the problem is the SIL, the one who benefitted from OP's free babysitting. That SIL is a narcissist and a manipulator, plain and simple, and I hate to say it, but I think the SIL had poisoned MIL's mind, simply over a petty grudge. My guess: MIL gets no access to her kids unless she does exactly what SIL wants. OP's husband is a keeper, but also a pushover, which I guess is why that SIL got so upset about him moving (again, due to SIL's control freak nature, a common trait of a narcissist). Yeah, moving a few states away is the first step to going NC, cause there is no way OP's family will ever be happy with that narcissist dictating everything.
    Story 3: If what Dabney implied is true, then OP should go nuclear and throw the freaking book at the ex. This kind of behavior is inexcusable, not to mention illogical, cause if the ex is indeed a bigot, why would he even get in bed and produce a child with OP in the first place? Even worse, the ex is outright mistreating his child by proxy, which I dare say is cowardly, but also inhuman, to twist a young mind against another like that. I hope we get an update to this story soon, cause I want to see that bigoted ex get his comeuppance.

  • @user-zp1zc4br4w
    @user-zp1zc4br4w Před 8 měsíci +1

    For a moment the first story sounded like her roommate was poisoning with thallium, the symptoms sounded exactly like thallium poisoning but omg good thing it wasn’t

  • @SaiyanSweetheart45
    @SaiyanSweetheart45 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Story 3: that's a Hate crime in the making. OP needs to add that to the charges

  • @Samantha.K.S.Simpson
    @Samantha.K.S.Simpson Před 8 měsíci

    Story 2 going over to Story 3: Did anyone else notice that rSlash forgot to say who the poster is like he's _known_ to do for just about _4 years_ because a _commenter_ said it'd split the video up more and not like he was reading several stories from the same person, with the exception of when he did so when doing an r/StoriesAboutKevin video, where all the stories where from the same Reddit user, or that one time he read a single, incredibly long, story, that Redditor found too long for one episode and split in two? With the main story as part one, including backstory stuff rSlash didn't include, and the updates being part 2.
    In all honesty, where rSlash overlooks important background information written by a Reddit User, Redditor adresses that very same information. If I've heard Redditor (Jack) read a story, I skip it when rSlash (Dabney) covers it and vice versa, but I also like to hear their different opinions about the same story. And the story that they both covered and I mentioned in my previous paragraph, rSlash covered it like 3 years ago, and Redditor covered it this year. The two could learn something from each other, and with one being American (rSlash/Dabney) and the other British (Redditor/Jack), if the two ever met and collabed, posting the video on both channels and it _skyrocketed_ both their channels with not just views, but pushed Dabney's subscriber count to over 2 mill, and Jack would _finally_ reach 1 mill.
    I just want Dabney to start doing face cam videos for some of the subreddits like Jack do, but maybe different subs to avoid being accused of copying, but crediting Jack for the inspiration of doing face cam vids from time to time on some subs (mainly because seeing their reaction to r/AskReddit questions being answered is a _hilarious_ thought!

  • @juanhaines7295
    @juanhaines7295 Před 8 měsíci +21

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve to everyone.

    • @L33TRedNinja
      @L33TRedNinja Před 8 měsíci

      I’ll be making cookies for thanksgiving! 😊

  • @CyberJamJon
    @CyberJamJon Před 8 měsíci

    With the last story, I was thinking that maybe it was also the Stepmum that's getting her son to bully OPs daughter and he's learned his racism from her. Or worse, it's both.

  • @j-zk6tf
    @j-zk6tf Před 8 měsíci +3

    Waiting for the best of the last story. Like yeah, press charges and all but i want to hear the outcome. I want to hear about the hate crime assault and battery of a small child. It's one of those stories you want to take old west justice into your own hands type thing

  • @mr.scarlo2234
    @mr.scarlo2234 Před 8 měsíci +32

    I hope that everyone is having a good Wednesday!

  • @hectorillusiii2795
    @hectorillusiii2795 Před 8 měsíci

    3:33 Bold of her roommate to assume that a buff chick would make some men run away

  • @HoodieHorizon
    @HoodieHorizon Před 8 měsíci

    On one hand, holy shit she should NEVER have done that. You never add stuff to people's food/drinks without their knowledge. But like, on the other hand... OP was able to find out they got cancer a lot earlier than they would have without that incident
    So like, does an illegal action cancel out if it leads to it saving their life?

  • @ghoullovinbutch
    @ghoullovinbutch Před 8 měsíci

    Story 1: Legally, the roommate WAS still poisoning her. Putting anything into something someone is ingesting without their knowledge is considered poisoning.
    Story 2: I’m glad they ditched. That family is awful.
    Story 3: Racism is 110% learned behavior. They’re definitely also abusing the kid.

    • @wingracer1614
      @wingracer1614 Před 8 měsíci

      So you have to divulge every single ingredient of a food dish to everyone that eats it? Thanksgiving is going to be boring tomorrow. Creatine is not poisonous even in grossly high doses and is a very common supplement to add to a smoothy. There is no way she would get convicted of poisoning

    • @rebeccahicks2392
      @rebeccahicks2392 Před 7 měsíci

      @@wingracer1614 The story said creatine OR protein powder. According to Harvard's medical school, there are possible risks with protein powders. When it comes to ingredients of food dishes that you serve people, there's a difference between dishes that have the ingredients that your guests can reasonably expect and you sneaking in something they couldn't expect.

  • @GlitchyOnAChair
    @GlitchyOnAChair Před 8 měsíci +16

    ok I'm like very paranoid about getting roommates

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci

      Well we know OP definitely is

    • @akl2k7
      @akl2k7 Před 8 měsíci +1

      That story makes me glad I live alone

    • @GlitchyOnAChair
      @GlitchyOnAChair Před 8 měsíci

      @@akl2k7 i don't want to live alone im too scared to

  • @kharissims9054
    @kharissims9054 Před 8 měsíci

    That first post took an even less desirable turn than it started out. I can't imagine what having leukemia must be like but I sincerely hope OP is able to pull through and bounce back. Good luck to the OP and I wish her well through all her treatments

  • @shauxuhrwilsongrim
    @shauxuhrwilsongrim Před 8 měsíci +2

    In the last story, ex called his kids (with his white wife) his "real children" and lets his son physically abuse OP's daughter and call her racist slurs. Son isn't the only racist in the family for sure.

  • @conexant51
    @conexant51 Před 8 měsíci

    2nd and 3rd stories are insane AF! I cannot believe people like that exist.

  • @DrunkSamurai
    @DrunkSamurai Před 8 měsíci

    That must not be in America since that lawsuit wouldn't go anywhere if it was.

  • @ginabell694
    @ginabell694 Před 8 měsíci +5

    The grandma day story sounds very much like my family's story.

  • @suhas_rulzz_5320
    @suhas_rulzz_5320 Před 8 měsíci

    Story 3 : if someone did that to my child ,the whole family will mysteriously go missing

  • @equalfire
    @equalfire Před 8 měsíci +1

    Is there an update for the last story? I really want to hear that the "father" and the son got chewed out in court and both get punished very very harsh!

    • @lorilancaster5917
      @lorilancaster5917 Před 8 měsíci

      Hopefully we will in the future. Maybe we haven’t gotten one because the case is in court and OP can’t discuss it?

  • @frizran
    @frizran Před 6 měsíci +1

    Story #1, actually fellow Redditors (who told her to do health check) are her heroes! Not that manipulative roommate 🙄

  • @Wolfie713
    @Wolfie713 Před 8 měsíci

    Despite what the OP of the first story says, her room was indeed poisoning her. The act of poisoning doesn't require actual poison, just the addition of something with the intent of affecting the target in ways they didn't consent to or know about. That roommate belongs in jail.

  • @austinchild5170
    @austinchild5170 Před 7 měsíci

    Dark Humor that i gotta get out:
    Roomate: I gotta bulk her up so my BF isn't attracted to her
    OP: *finds out she has cancer and has to move home*
    Roomate: *task failed successfully*

  • @skyfrazier7792
    @skyfrazier7792 Před 8 měsíci

    That first story sounds like karma in a way to that roommate. She tried to do something bad but it ultimately helped op. Very twisted for sure

  • @wigglychapsp8973
    @wigglychapsp8973 Před 8 měsíci

    I feel like OP in the last story should flag this domestic abuse from the ex's stepson to whichever child protection body is in their area - the ex and his wife knows that his daughter is being abused physically, emotionally and psychologically, and have chosen to allow the behaviour, which in turn is its own abuse and neglect.

  • @sarmajere2866
    @sarmajere2866 Před 8 měsíci

    My ex-father was not as bad as the dad in 3, but he definitely had the “my real kids”sentiment going on. I was excluded from almost everything and mocked for being a girl and not a boy. My half siblings are younger but I’m also disabled and he made it clear he didn’t want to deal with it. I still don’t regret skipping that man’s funeral.

  • @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy
    @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy Před 8 měsíci +9

    Let me find out my kid is being bullied and my wife isn't doing anything about it.. I'll be smiling huge in my mugshot

    • @squeaktheswan2007
      @squeaktheswan2007 Před 8 měsíci

      You're a good person, thank you.

    • @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy
      @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy Před 8 měsíci +1

      I realize how this sounds after rereading it.. No I would never put my hand on my wife 😂😂 but a kid that's been hurting my child, fair game. I'll go to prison with a smile on my face

    • @squeaktheswan2007
      @squeaktheswan2007 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy Don't worry, we know, lol.

    • @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy
      @stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@squeaktheswan2007 😂😂 I just wanted to clarify I'm not an abuser lol

    • @squeaktheswan2007
      @squeaktheswan2007 Před 8 měsíci

      @@stevenjackson_theblueeyegunguy Ok.

  • @emeraldnickel
    @emeraldnickel Před 8 měsíci

    Story 2: OP’s husband is an absolute legend.

    • @spydersoup8447
      @spydersoup8447 Před 8 měsíci

      Yeah, I feel bad that he was basically his mother and sister's unpaid butler this whole time because noticed how despite the obvious favouritism and the fact that they were treating OP as this trashy woman, they were trying to keep her husband and make him turn on her and they were making half-assed attempts to save face not because they want to fix things and bond with OP's kids, but only to get her husband to stay. All he ever was to his mother and sister was their butler, he's the scapegoat of the family.

  • @kerribottriell-baxter7345
    @kerribottriell-baxter7345 Před 7 měsíci

    Story 3: Isn't what the stepson doing classed as similar to hate crime? Either way, I hope there is some sort of update later where every inch of karma swings around at OP's ex and his "real family".

  • @mrlugh
    @mrlugh Před 8 měsíci +1

    Last story: the bio-dad is definitely garbage for his inaction and being content with his "real children", but it IS possible for a child (i.e. the half-brother) to acquire habits or beliefs from sources other than one's parents.

  • @valengreymoon5623
    @valengreymoon5623 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Story number 1 reminds me of that movie "Single White Female".

  • @jasonwethy8360
    @jasonwethy8360 Před 8 měsíci +1

    The last story infuriates me but so did R/slash's take. Which do you think is more likely, the son of this white lady for 15 years being taught to be racist by her or him learning that from a step father, who it takes time for kids to like, within 5 years? I sure as hell know which one I think since the step father loved OP at one point.

    • @elizabethcox5911
      @elizabethcox5911 Před 8 měsíci

      He's still allowing his child to be bullied and actually said she wasn't 'real family'. He may not be responsible for the boy's racism but he sure isn't being responsible in allowing it to happen

  • @deballen7031
    @deballen7031 Před 8 měsíci

    That last story, that poor little girl, it's terrible what she's been going through. I'd love bto know what happens to that little shit of a step brother. Now I need to find something heartwarming and wholesome so that I can calm down and get some sleep.

  • @manhathaway
    @manhathaway Před 8 měsíci +6

    Accept the next smoothie or two and bring it somewhere for analysis. Get photos/video/records somehow that she did give you/has been giving you smoothies.

    • @monarch68
      @monarch68 Před 8 měsíci

      You should say this in the reddit post

    • @danielbrant6740
      @danielbrant6740 Před 8 měsíci +2

      OP said she _tried_ to have the smoothie's contents analyzed but had to settle for the blood test when told that it wasn't possible.

    • @manhathaway
      @manhathaway Před 8 měsíci

      @@danielbrant6740 yeah I typed this before that part

  • @whytho2841
    @whytho2841 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Story 2: it's not about u working, sometimes grandparents just do this, like they will spend a lot of time with a certain grand kid but suddenly when the second one is here they r gonna shift the attention to the other one and keep it like that for the entire time, like even if the 2 grand kids came there at the same time- 2 nd one would get more priority. It's just plain old favouritism and it does suck (speaking from experience, I'm the grandkid)

  • @KCHIJuarez
    @KCHIJuarez Před 8 měsíci

    I relate to the mother in law story.
    Mine picks other birthday parties instead of going to our sons. (They've missed 3 years in a row) My sister in law had a baby a now my son doesnt exist. None of my kids exist to them. In laws suck.

  • @jaysanchez5804
    @jaysanchez5804 Před 8 měsíci +1

    We need more updates about the last story

  • @AtomBacon
    @AtomBacon Před 8 měsíci

    I remember having grandma days as a kid.

  • @SweetLala25
    @SweetLala25 Před 8 měsíci +1

    OMG that last story. please please please keep us informed if OP posts more updates. I need to know what happens and that step son needs to go to juvie, the sperm donor needs to have his rights stripped away and OP please be careful moving forward with who you date and lay with.

  • @minnarosenqvistmr
    @minnarosenqvistmr Před 8 měsíci +7

    I'm sorry, but WHY didn't op sue her?? She sure does belong in jail!!! I'd go scorch earth with this!!! I wouldn't let this go.. she was poisoning her!!!

  • @DoritoBot9000
    @DoritoBot9000 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Honestly, everyone in story 2 sounds exhausting….

  • @Swnsasy
    @Swnsasy Před 8 měsíci

    Heeey, I've never heard this sub reddit before.. This is good!! 😊

  • @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072
    @mattybrunolucaszeneresalas9072 Před 8 měsíci +1

    15:30 dafuq made her think of that?
    15:38 if she didn’t understand then how did she know to answer that