Why is TOOTHLESS bad with girls

  • čas přidán 15. 07. 2018
  • From what we can see in the How to Train Your Dragon 3 trailer, toothless is having an issue with impressing the light Fury.
    Here are some possibilities as to why this is.
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Komentáře • 762

  • @aidanbarnes4290
    @aidanbarnes4290 Před 6 lety +928

    Toothless killed his own queen, he saved Hiccup from burning in flames, he over came mind control, and he defeated Drago and the bewilderbeast. Now he faces his scariest adventure yet...dating

    • @robertthomoson217
      @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety +25


    • @umbreonajandmore4319
      @umbreonajandmore4319 Před 6 lety +13

      Aidan Barnes lol

    • @kristenskase8951
      @kristenskase8951 Před 5 lety +20

      Ahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhhahahjajajajjaahahhahahjajahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahhahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahjahhahhhahahahhahahahhahahahhqhqhhahahhahahhqhqhqhhqhqhqhqhhqhqhhqhahaghqhqhqhhqhahahahqhhqhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahhahhahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahjahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhaha8ahhahahahjahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahajjajjajhahjajahahahahjajajajajajjajajajjajajajjahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahahjahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahjahahahjahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahjajajajajajahjjahahahahhahahahahjahahahhahahahahjajahahahjajajajjajahahjahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahahjajahajhahahhhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahhahhahahjahahjahahhahhhahahahahhahahahahahjahahahjajahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahah OMG I CRACK LIKE TOOTHLESS'S BAD MATEING SEASONS OR LIKE UM XD LIKE AHAHA LIKE HIS GOOD MATEING INFO XD ahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahHHhaHhahahhahaqhhahhahahahhahahahahgagagaggagagagagaggagahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahhaha

    • @no-go2vs
      @no-go2vs Před 5 lety +15

      XD true

    • @ojie285
      @ojie285 Před 5 lety +21

      Lololololololololololololololololol HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA OMG
      I am still to young to date,but I understand that dating is hard,from movies

  • @acewhitlacker2552
    @acewhitlacker2552 Před 6 lety +251

    My younger brother is super creative and right after he saw HTTYD2 he wanted to create his own dragon, so he made a white nightfury
    And called it a whitefury, he drew his own design for it and said it lived in the colder areas around where hiccups mom lived, so when the trailer dropped for HTTYD3 he was SUPER happy to see it and was like: Wow they copied my design!!

  • @Hardcore_Remixer
    @Hardcore_Remixer Před 6 lety +349

    It is because Toothless isn't wild anymore as that light fury is . He has emotes so he pretends to be something else than himself ...

    • @alexander-bh1ug
      @alexander-bh1ug Před 6 lety +4

      Drawkill. exe u have a gooooooooood point

    • @captainoftherossgnostic208
      @captainoftherossgnostic208 Před 6 lety +2

      Drawkill. exe, I don't know, domestic animals tend to mate with wild animals, so it seems unlikely.

    • @Hardcore_Remixer
      @Hardcore_Remixer Před 6 lety +8

      Domestic animals may sometimes tend to mate with wild animals , but wild animals usually not . Because the wild animals do not/hardly trust the owner of the domestic animals especially in the case we talk about animals that are hunted (the case of the light fury that is hunted by Grimmel , the villain from Httyd 3)) because the wild animals may think that the domestic once are used as a trap .
      I do not have much experience . I just typed what I logically thought so I may be wrong .

  • @lethallizard_4493
    @lethallizard_4493 Před 6 lety +447

    Me sees video title
    My name isn’t toothless

    • @wonton_7708
      @wonton_7708 Před 6 lety +14

      10-1-3-11 1-19-19 neither is mine

    • @zrad09
      @zrad09 Před 6 lety +8


    • @chicori-tootsgacha120
      @chicori-tootsgacha120 Před 6 lety +13

      I am neither. Nor am I toothless or a male. I’m just bad with guys.

    • @jeowasnthere7774
      @jeowasnthere7774 Před 6 lety +10

      Don’t worry man women speak a difficult language to understand

    • @chicori-tootsgacha120
      @chicori-tootsgacha120 Před 6 lety +5

      But I’m a woman. That is kind of offensive , but understandable. My mom makes no sense. She will see like 2 pieces of trash in my room and be like “clean this mess up!”

  • @Redhood69420
    @Redhood69420 Před 6 lety +161

    He's still better than me

  • @seabass9753
    @seabass9753 Před 6 lety +274

    Although it was funny to see toothless dancing around and trying took get the light fury to like him, I can’t wait for this movie to come out😁

    • @avachapman4168
      @avachapman4168 Před 6 lety +2

      Seabass same here it looks funny

    • @fotzegamingandmedia1840
      @fotzegamingandmedia1840 Před 6 lety +1

      I immediately thought of birds of paradise

    • @sketchysim5351
      @sketchysim5351 Před 5 lety +1

      İt will come in 2019's first 25th day

    • @Matagu1
      @Matagu1 Před 5 lety +1

      We dont need another movie, where the man is stupid and dosent know how to court.

    • @pain002
      @pain002 Před 5 lety

      I watched way too many trailers and ruined the movie for me :(

  • @aaronallen8594
    @aaronallen8594 Před 6 lety +656

    Hiccup doesn't know how to flirt so he tries to teach toothless but he's bad at it. Remember all the times hiccup tried to flirt with Astrid. In the end, they got together cuz he's stupid, and she liked that.

  • @sloppymcsloppsloppysys1124
    @sloppymcsloppsloppysys1124 Před 6 lety +717

    It’s because Hiccup ain’t a “wing-man” ( get it? )

  • @frozeneevee
    @frozeneevee Před 3 lety +32

    Toothless trying to impress the female light Fury an being awkward and clumsy while doing so is one of the most relatable moments I've ever seen in a movie.

  • @jasperrose1930
    @jasperrose1930 Před 6 lety +54

    Honestly I love the point of Hiccup not knowing much about a nightfury, considering Toothless is in fact the only one he's met. As well, as when Val in the second movie reveals Toothless has extra spikes, and or fins along his back, both Toothless and Hiccup are surprised by it.
    Now, going along with the theory of Hiccups inexperience with other of Toothless'es kind, the idea of him coming to the realization that Toothless may be better off without him in a sense, is an interesting idea as well. Considering if it were to play out like that, that would set up the whole motion of the plot in a way. Hiccup figuring this out, debating with himself on what to do personally, and what he should do. The village threatened, and generally the existence of all the dragons in general- I think that idea would make an interesting route.

  • @ollieslovelyworld6330
    @ollieslovelyworld6330 Před 6 lety +364

    Because he's a goofy goober

  • @LordHayabusa85
    @LordHayabusa85 Před 2 lety +8

    There’s also the fact that Toothless grew up living amongst a very diverse group of dragons and may have picked up a few fragments of mating rituals from them and pieced together the ones he thought seemed impressive.

    • @am_Nein
      @am_Nein Před 11 měsíci +1

      Yes, in the movie you see one of his dances mimicks the deadly nadders.

  • @ryaquaza3offical
    @ryaquaza3offical Před 6 lety +99

    Toothless is my spirit animal

  • @testerwulf3357
    @testerwulf3357 Před 2 lety +9

    I think it’s a combination between inexperience/young(never seen a girl like her before), toothless may not know how nightfuries mate and act as it was alone and likely didn’t have parents really to learn this stuff from, and hiccups bad advice.

  • @troubledrainy978
    @troubledrainy978 Před 6 lety +159

    Toothless just needs to be himself

  • @Skipsjack
    @Skipsjack Před 5 lety +5

    Hiccup is that friend who gives horrible relationship advice but their the only ones who will give you advice so you listen to them anyways

  • @reneerasmussen5351
    @reneerasmussen5351 Před 6 lety +56

    I just think he's been around humans for so long he just became domesticated. ^^ Much less be around his own species or even try to court any other kind of dragon. I know for sure Toothless communicated with Stormfly and played with her in the second film. I am leaning towards because he's so young, usually animals don't entirely just think about courting and mating right then and there until they get more sexually mature. I'm also leaning on the fact that Hiccup could possibly be interfering with their courtship, probably distracting Toothless too much because Toothless always acknowledged him when he's around. If he were to be alone with her, the Lightfury could sniff or circle or whatever and teach him. To be honest, animals teach animals better than humans for natural behavior. It would be adorable seeing the Lightfury teach him the romantic ways ;3 :D

    • @eltonj888
      @eltonj888 Před 6 lety +4

      Toothless has been alone almost all his life. No other Night Furies or Light Furies to care for him. When he attacks Berk in the first movie, he should've helped the other dragons that were attacking, but he didn't. It's clear that he has been alone almost all of his life.

  • @captainoftherossgnostic208
    @captainoftherossgnostic208 Před 6 lety +84

    Because he's never seen another female dragon like him? Heck the only female dragon he ever had contact with, was Stormfly the Nadder, aka the dragon that looks like a parrot and a bat had a baby with a ceratopsian.

    • @box5336
      @box5336 Před 6 lety +6

      Joel Rossignol well there is more than that but yeah stormfly and meatlug are the dragons he’s with most, but the red death also qualifies.

    • @captainoftherossgnostic208
      @captainoftherossgnostic208 Před 6 lety

      Doggos Bakebread, oh right... I forgotten about those guys, thanks!

    • @box5336
      @box5336 Před 6 lety +5

      Joel Rossignol yeah but they also are very different species so your argument still stands I’m sure the dragons all have extremely different mating rituals.

    • @cherrytis8596
      @cherrytis8596 Před 6 lety

      Doggos Bakebread On the series... The Monstruos Nightmare has a crush on Stormfly and pft

    • @grekoy
      @grekoy Před 6 lety +1

      And Windshear, Heather's dragon.

  • @wolfiegirlxox
    @wolfiegirlxox Před 3 lety +7

    I'd say that you were right that it was Hiccup's guidance that messed toothless up. He only impressed the light fury when he stops following Hiccup's advice and draws her, this certainly isn't the traditional night fury thing but his instinct was what got him the girl.

  • @peachibread1983
    @peachibread1983 Před 6 lety +48

    The lightfury is actually a guy and he is saying "I ain't gay".

  • @robertthomoson217
    @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety +83

    will they have hybrid young?

  • @wonton_7708
    @wonton_7708 Před 6 lety +5

    Cause he is like me!
    *Cries in corner*

  • @larryreynolds3233
    @larryreynolds3233 Před 6 lety +26

    What if the light fury is a slightly younger than toothless and not yet ready to mate but at the same time is smart enough to know what toothless is trying to attempt and will guide him (in the art of mating god this is weird) and who would win Indy vs flightless light fury or flightless toothless vs ripper LOVE YA ALTEORI

    • @robertthomoson217
      @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety +1

      toothless would win he can shoot plasma blasts with amazing accurisy

    • @larryreynolds3233
      @larryreynolds3233 Před 6 lety

      But ripper is fast but if toothless can't see ripper in the dark or in a cave but yet as you say has plasma blast but if he uses all his shots by misfires in the dark thinking he hit ripper who would win then?

    • @robertthomoson217
      @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety

      he is the alpha

    • @larryreynolds3233
      @larryreynolds3233 Před 6 lety

      Pls no replys I literally just got 3 from Tomas here.....

    • @robertthomoson217
      @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety

      +Larry Reynolds toothless would win though

  • @rrustelle
    @rrustelle Před 6 lety +2

    0:03 me at dance parties

  • @andrijaerceg4600
    @andrijaerceg4600 Před 6 lety +6

    I gotta say that the thumbnail is really good

  • @Nothingness36
    @Nothingness36 Před 6 lety +37

    Lol dragons got to be better at this than a person

  • @robertthomoson217
    @robertthomoson217 Před 6 lety +10

    mabye he's nervous

  • @kirara2516
    @kirara2516 Před 6 lety +1

    Your voice is very pleasant to listen to, its very gentle and easy on the ears. :) Also I def agree with the possibilities and this only gets me even more hyped for the movie. :)

  • @dalmatianhorses3900
    @dalmatianhorses3900 Před 5 lety +2

    3:30 I love how the white cat just sits there 😂😂

  • @JediLadyMisty
    @JediLadyMisty Před 5 lety +2

    I had a cat who lost her mother when she was quite young, about two weeks old if not younger, because the family that had owned her mother was struggling to care for all the kittens I took her home at five weeks. At first she didn’t act like a cat but the three other cats in the house taught her how to be a cat and how to hunt.
    Someone said, in their opinion, Toothless is copying Humans when it comes to courting the Light Fury down to the dances he does and how one of them was very similar to the one Stoic did when he was reunited with his wife.

  • @kingsolomon673
    @kingsolomon673 Před 6 lety +13

    Don't blame him, every guy is bad at it

    • @AVGVST_1
      @AVGVST_1 Před 6 lety +1

      Robert the dude like you.

  • @19chucki74
    @19chucki74 Před 6 lety +3

    Add to it, that Toothless is now slightly domesticated, due to him being around humans so long, after losing half of his wing tail. In that world, Night Fury scales might be pretty valuable, reason why the new villain, Grimmel the Grizzly, has hunted them to near extinction. He's just as worse as Drogo Bludvist. Hiccup has his work cut out for him in this last film of the trilogy.

  • @thescruffysage1377
    @thescruffysage1377 Před 6 lety +6

    Come on toothless you got to set FIRE to your relationship 😈

  • @johndetheshape3095
    @johndetheshape3095 Před 6 lety +86

    He is A NOOB
    .New Beginner.

  • @JeffV
    @JeffV Před 4 lety +3

    (O O)Hi? My name is toothless I’m a night fury
    Light fury:
    (. .) ....*SMAck* S T O P impress me like you * MEAN* it...OOF

  • @galaxywolf5178
    @galaxywolf5178 Před 6 lety

    Hiccup just doesn’t know to deal with girls so he can’t teach toothless

  • @ChrisAndrew-su4up
    @ChrisAndrew-su4up Před 5 lety

    I think that since he was probably abandoned during the time of the red death, he doesn’t even know much about other night furies.

  • @MusicLoverMN
    @MusicLoverMN Před 3 lety +2

    Me watching this and having seen the third movie too, OMFG SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING*** 🤯👏🏻♥️

  • @kittycat5534
    @kittycat5534 Před 6 lety +7

    I'm confused.
    Everybody says Toothless is young, even tho that Hiccup's mother said in How To Train Your Dragon 2 that they were the same age....

    • @Lioness006
      @Lioness006 Před 5 lety

      Young for a dragon.

    • @Figsandtea
      @Figsandtea Před 4 lety +1

      In dragon years he is 3 years old, which is like hiccups age in human years

    • @craahwilliams570
      @craahwilliams570 Před 2 lety

      @@Figsandtea can u explain pls

    • @chaosqueen1703
      @chaosqueen1703 Před 2 lety

      @@craahwilliams570 like with dogs, 1 actual year is 7 years for them, so if a dog is actually 3 years old, in dog years he is 21

    • @craahwilliams570
      @craahwilliams570 Před 2 lety

      @@chaosqueen1703 oh I understand now

  • @xxhixxwolfy6424
    @xxhixxwolfy6424 Před 6 lety +3

    toothless; hi???? luna(they named the light fury luna); sup hiccup; FLY!! toothless;I CANT STUPID!!!! hiccup; oh right o_o

    • @noellekielstra8060
      @noellekielstra8060 Před 6 lety

      johan shim the Fandom called her Luna because of the books, the producers didn't want to name her because they wanted to keep her wild

  • @aleciacooke9236
    @aleciacooke9236 Před rokem +1

    4:49 ok but you were spot on about this bit

  • @getdatpeppah6083
    @getdatpeppah6083 Před 4 lety

    Toothless: does orange justice
    Lightfury: aight imma hed owt

  • @bio-weaponn5576
    @bio-weaponn5576 Před 6 lety +1

    The thing is that Toothless needs Hiccup for survival reasons. Hiccup built a synthetic tail fin for Toothless because his original got torn off in a fall. The synthetic tail fin was designed to work with a saddle where Hiccup would operate it. Now Hiccup can make a saddle that would allow Toothless to fly independently like he did in that holiday special but they could never be as durable as Toothless. Hiccup has had to make dozens of repairs to the tail fins throughout the television show if not fully replace them so there is really too much at stake here to for Hiccup and Toothless to split permanently.

  • @ladylegra9630
    @ladylegra9630 Před 4 lety

    Light fury looked weirded out when toothless was doing the mating dance😂😂😂😂😂

  • @KingSharkisaShark
    @KingSharkisaShark Před rokem

    “Why is Toothless bad with girls?”
    I’m glad that I’m not alone

  • @AKplayzHD
    @AKplayzHD Před 3 lety +1

    0:26 I think that is the most possible one since In httyd 2 hiccups mom says “and look! He’s your age! That must be why you get along so well!” Hiccup is at least 16-18 maybe even 19-20, so I think the first one is the most possible but all of the are possible.

  • @memerboi6724
    @memerboi6724 Před 5 lety +2

    0:01 me when I drop my friends phone

  • @lovelyrose7962
    @lovelyrose7962 Před 3 lety

    He has had very scary adventures...
    But dating is his scariest nightmare.

  • @pokefan213
    @pokefan213 Před 5 lety +1

    Remember in HTTYD2 when Hiccup and Toothless meet Hiccup's mom and she counts Toothless' nubs, mentioning "Oh, no wonder you two get along so well! He's YOUR age!"
    So the whole Toothless being young and awkward one is the strongest possibility here. As well as *heard in another video somewhere, don't remember where*
    Toothless has lived around humans/vikings for some time now. He's been domesticated. That's the other theory i heard but the Toothless is young one stands up given evidence.

  • @naynels3281
    @naynels3281 Před 5 lety +1

    I went to see the third How to Train Your Dragon Movie Hidden World. My 18 year old son Nathan loves Toothless the night fury more than anyone I know, and seeing them leave each other to start their own families made him literally sob.

  • @Jyharri
    @Jyharri Před 6 lety +1

    Everyone is loving that scene when the Light Fury batters Toothless on the head, me included! Seeing it in art form warms my heart so much... is plasma blasting!

  • @darwinfigueroa6702
    @darwinfigueroa6702 Před 5 lety +1

    What do you mean young toothless and hiccup are the same age when hiccup's mother said at httyd 2 "Oh he's your age, no wonder you get along so well"

    • @Lioness006
      @Lioness006 Před 5 lety +1

      Dragons generally have much longer lifespans than most other animals, and humans, in almost every mythology, some being over 100 years old, some being many hundreds of years old. When you think about it, many reptiles and some birds/parrots have really long lifespans too, closer to that of a human, so it makes sense that a dragon would have a longer life span, compared to most other animals. Whales & elephants also have long lifespans.

  • @gojira8199
    @gojira8199 Před 6 lety

    I love this channel!

  • @reactiongamerguy9537
    @reactiongamerguy9537 Před 6 lety

    I love it!!! good job!!!! *Thumbs up*

  • @internalscreaming1957
    @internalscreaming1957 Před 6 lety

    Acutully Toothless is preforming a bird mating dance

  • @andaioana9086
    @andaioana9086 Před 4 lety

    Can we just talk about how much i appreciate her crediting?

  • @Greg-bz9ng
    @Greg-bz9ng Před 6 lety

    I love the way the lightfury looks

  • @dapperboisnatcher8459
    @dapperboisnatcher8459 Před 5 lety

    I used the picture at 0:17 as a reference for a picture I drew my friend last night. It wasn't the whole thing, just the Furies, and she's my best friend and moving away, so I thought, "hell, why not, right?"

  • @CrypticCobra
    @CrypticCobra Před rokem

    That last attempt was funny as hell, IDK if it was "propper" I would be DTF after that one.

  • @iclynnx
    @iclynnx Před 6 lety +2

    Toothless has never tried to interact with a female he loves before, that's why. He's trying to impress her but of course, he doesn't know exactly what to do :)

  • @ifloridawarriorcatfan9918

    He could be nervous excited flirting or just a goofball

  • @bugsyb5054
    @bugsyb5054 Před 5 lety +2

    i got an add for how to train ur dragon 3 before the video started

  • @umuh5160
    @umuh5160 Před 5 lety

    Idk but hiccup's effort earns him the wingman of the year award.

  • @migueldiaz8559
    @migueldiaz8559 Před 5 lety

    well you gotta admit he has an unique style of dance

  • @mqe9060
    @mqe9060 Před 5 lety

    It's sad that your final theory proved correct, I didn't want the dragons to leave Berk.

  • @W4llt3r
    @W4llt3r Před 4 lety

    Bad Toothles , bad dog . I LAUGHT SO MUCH WITH U ON ALL TIMES 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ryangroves596
    @ryangroves596 Před 5 lety

    This is the sound Toothless makes BOAGH BOAGH BOAGH!

  • @javenvee
    @javenvee Před 6 lety

    Toothless is at least Hiccups age (around 20 in the second movie) so obviously more time has passed, meaning he's older.

  • @ryleeisnotonfire605
    @ryleeisnotonfire605 Před 6 lety

    I’m so excited for this movie. There is so much fan art and it hasn’t even come out yet. 😂

  • @shadownightyoutuber7437
    @shadownightyoutuber7437 Před 6 lety +1

    Is because Toothless is not wild anymore he was found from Hiccup so he pretends to be wild like the light fury

  • @toptiergaming6900
    @toptiergaming6900 Před rokem

    Absolutely love the thumbnail

  • @lunawolfyanimation2814

    In the 1st movie actually he did study about nightfuries he was reading a book and also drawing him so he kinda did study

  • @Cloofinder
    @Cloofinder Před 4 lety

    Toothless is pretty much as awkward as Hiccup when he was younger. Hiccups advice to toothless wasnt as great as he thought.

  • @valkahaddock8580
    @valkahaddock8580 Před 3 lety

    Hiccup's Dragon is so funny! He's beautiful too!

  • @gm-kasgaranadamas9018
    @gm-kasgaranadamas9018 Před 2 lety +1

    The funny part about your argument is how it also applies to humans (we are animals after all). When I first fell in love not to long ago, I was also clumsy and shy. A line in a song described that behaviour very well I think “I’ve never felt this way, I’m not quite sure what to do, with this love for you.”.

  • @FeatherineFeather
    @FeatherineFeather Před 6 lety

    Toothless can't fly without Hiccup and they have too strong of a relationship so they can't completely abandon eachoter.

    • @kaberfucl8322
      @kaberfucl8322 Před 6 lety

      Featherine Feather
      Yes toothless could and can

  • @blood._.pop1236
    @blood._.pop1236 Před 5 lety

    Maybe toothless knows how to mate But only knows how to listen to hiccup

  • @pamadams9725
    @pamadams9725 Před 5 lety

    Toothless can’t really flirt, when yet he’s never seen a light fury or night fury so..

  • @TheLostChildren
    @TheLostChildren Před 6 lety +2

    Umm this is actually a Croods question. What would've happened if Eep never found guy?

  • @libertyrose7739
    @libertyrose7739 Před 5 lety

    I honestly believe it's all for all mixed together if it's too well

  • @pauladimayuga1155
    @pauladimayuga1155 Před 5 lety

    Or maybe he forgot the mating dance since he has never done one

  • @thedragonhybrid4275
    @thedragonhybrid4275 Před 4 lety

    I believe it's a combination of all three

  • @reptile1677
    @reptile1677 Před 2 lety

    Because hes never had any experience flirting and was getting advice from someone who probably had no idea what they were doing or how it works between furys

  • @foxx.on.saturn5143
    @foxx.on.saturn5143 Před 6 lety

    There’s already so much fan art

  • @Marlin123
    @Marlin123 Před 3 lety

    After the light fury's design video i am afraid to guess which bear is which

  • @EmbodimentOfOz
    @EmbodimentOfOz Před 5 lety

    My theory his tail is gone sometimes when he meets her and she is scared of it

  • @rmct2000
    @rmct2000 Před 5 lety +2

    Night Fury + Light Fury =
    Yin Fu Yang Ry

  • @charcoaltone2891
    @charcoaltone2891 Před 6 lety

    Maybe toothless is learning from the other dragons?

  • @N_-bc9zk
    @N_-bc9zk Před 5 lety

    Please stop reminding me of the reasonings of the end of the series that well helps me look forward to something new and exciting and something I like

  • @llamasaurwithabiscuit5690

    While I also agree with the fact it is his first time mating I also think maybe he's anxious about having to get to get the lightfury to like him and save his species

  • @raxfax96
    @raxfax96 Před 6 lety

    im pretty sure the one that will sugest his dance is fishlegs

  • @ngljustwannavibe
    @ngljustwannavibe Před 6 lety

    Imagine if Night Furies had a mating ritual where they had to kill a Whispering Death and bring it to their mate. This is mainly a joke hope ya know

  • @kcd4527
    @kcd4527 Před 6 lety +1

    Did anyone else notice that the light fury is still very young. About 4 years Probably. This is because the light fury only has 4 years while toothless has about 8. And in the 2nd movie we notice that valka (hiccups mom) is counting how many ears toothless has to tell hiccup that toothless is 20 and is the same age as hiccup.

    • @Zack-eq3ou
      @Zack-eq3ou Před 5 lety +1

      I don't think she's particularly young,but maybe her species is more accustomed to colder climates,meaning that there 'ears ' would be a lot smaller to preserve body heat

  • @cinnakincat4260
    @cinnakincat4260 Před 6 lety

    0:46 The fifth, is that NO ONE in their right mind will be attracted to someone who hops around with their wings and tail all weird like that!

  • @Poetawesomendo
    @Poetawesomendo Před 6 lety

    The ritual then hiccups thumbs up makes me laugh every time

  • @aronwillems1843
    @aronwillems1843 Před 2 lety

    it is soooo sad that the last theory was actually right. i've watched all the movies like 5 times and still can't comprehend it. i'm just saying to myself they come back every christmas bc of the ''homecoming'' short movie.

  • @hipersonicrace
    @hipersonicrace Před 6 lety

    Toothless needs hiccup because he can't fly on his own

  • @blueleadvelociraptor6471

    maybe because of his tailfin or because they don’t see much in him BUT UR THE BEST CZcamsR EVER!!!!!

  • @cheespuf3819
    @cheespuf3819 Před 6 lety +1

    Actually the part where you said that toothless may no longer have to be with Humans makes complete sense, It got me thinking like right around the end of the movie toothless leaves Then around like 10 or 20 years later hiccup has been riding different dragons but doesn't prefer any of them, Then one day toothless returns :3
    (My theory don't judge i had it all thought through then i lost it :T )

  • @PavitrStan4Life
    @PavitrStan4Life Před 2 lety

    that moment when you realize what that drawing at 4:14 REALLY means...