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  • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
    @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem +2

    Children, lend me your bones...I mean money (I promise the next vid will be about other things I wanted to make).

  • @iknorn9494
    @iknorn9494 Před měsícem +1

    God i got sooooo many flashbacks from that intro

  • @JustTom339
    @JustTom339 Před měsícem +6

    I know your a liberal grifter who just read the wiki page for double zeta cause there is no way you could have seen it or zeta and come to the conclusion it is not heteronormative.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem +3

      I didn't say ZZ wasn't heteronormative, I said it had a main female pilot cast member (since Roux wad oart of the main squad and got to pilot the Zeta not too far into the show), alongside SEED Destiny, and most Build entries. Part of why Witch got culture war outrage was because on tip of being black and slated for a lesbian pairing, Suletta was also a female MC pilot. Hell, people who (understandably) never heard of Twilight Axis considered Suletta the first female pilot MC, when in reality, she's the second.
      Plus, even discounting the sexual tension Tomino admitted putting into Char snd Amuro's relationship in CCA, the point was that UC as a whole has some of these "woke political" elements, not every single entry in the timeline individually.

    • @JustTom339
      @JustTom339 Před měsícem +1

      ​@@SerialNavelgazerCBF If you want to like a mediocre show to own the chuds that's fine but saying just blatantly wrong statements does not help your case and have you even watched CCA the major conflict is because Char is angry at Amuro for killing Lalah, Tomino has an entire interview with Anno about how important Chars sexual relations with women are critical for the movies story .

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem +4

      So it's blatantly wrong to say that ZZ has a female pilot as part of the core cast? Are you high, or are you just being purposefully obtuse and ignoring what I've refured on account of you not paying attention? Also, assuming you mean ZZ is mediocre, you're wrong. ZZ is fucking dogshit and I hate it more than SEED Destiny and Twilight Axis. Plus, if you think I'd seriously be so vapid as to like a ahow specifically to "own the chuds" or whatever, I encourage you to check out my video shitting on the obviously white liberal Carole & Tuesday, and the vid where I shit on C&T alongside some other anime...because that show fucking sucks.
      Yeah, and he's ALSO gone on record elsewhere about the fact that he intended for there to be a lot of homoerotic tension between him and Amuro. Tomino is a lot of things, including someone who thinks about Nanai's pussy when scriptwriting CCA.

    • @JustTom339
      @JustTom339 Před měsícem +1

      @@SerialNavelgazerCBF witch from mercury is mediocre given the statemnts in the video the reasons to like it are vapid. ZZ main character is Judau who is a boy who had actual romantic tension with Haman Karn who stated just before her death that she loved him. In CCA Char yells at Amuro how Lalah could have been a mother to him. The relations between man and woman , procreation of children is major theme of not only Gundam but almost all of Tominos works.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem +3

      Ngl I haven't seen Witch, heard mixed thoughts, AUs have rarely been good. That doesn't really matter tho, the main idea was the idiotic outrage that quickly became fringe. Notice how I never gave an opinion on Witch itself. It's cuz I don't have one other than it has some great High Grade kits.
      Judau is the MC but Roux is literally part of his group of friends who get involved alongside him. It’s an ensemble cast, with Roux being part of said main ensemble and piloting the Zeta.
      The themes and Lalah yearning on display here don't suddenly mean Tomino never said what he said. In that same interview, he said he wanted to give the conflict between Amuro and Char a "raw, carnal feeling, to the degree that you might wonder if they're homosexual". That homoerotic tension, right there. Char gets Nanai pussy (or at least she'd totally be a match for him according to Tomino), misses mommy Lalah, and has homoerotic tension with Amuro.

  • @Issyboyy
    @Issyboyy Před měsícem +2

    Nah not really lol

  • @yass0420
    @yass0420 Před měsícem

    what the hell did i just watch

  • @boardroom3394
    @boardroom3394 Před měsícem +1

    I think there are different levels of interference as you agreed that every example of changes were at the very least unnecessary even if u don't think they are political in nature. however i would argue terns like mansplaining, chud and incel are all inherently political or at the very least tend to be used be those on the left (you'll probably not find some average joe on the street or in the classroom use the term mansplain unironically).
    I also don't think demitri monroe is bad faith/a grifter, in not saying he couldn't have made errors in his content or doesn't have a bias but i believe he believes in what he says.
    its a different perspective like you have yours, i think it devalues your thesis claiming people who are anti-localisers are bad faith when it appears you are going at them in bad faith plus i watched both canipa and cipher's videos and i would argue that they are equally as biased as dimitri only in the other direction as their various videos come across as it it what is is and not really an issue or that in fact its a good thing whereas you respect that it does happen and people who have an issue should't be dismissed offhand.
    also comparing translation/localising issues to other controversies comes off as whataboutism rather than contending with the point (rev's opinions on other events shouldn't be used against augments on another matter especially using those opinions to brush off some else because they shared 1 thought)
    I personally don't like changes in anime evens when it comes to slang, i dont know about you but i dont wanna be watching a show in couple years and see stuff like skibidi & rizz in the subtitles just takes me out of it. especially since if the sub it changed then you cant watch the original without learning japanese.
    this might ruin my credibility but i actually like translators notes from back in the day, kinda feels like learning something about the language when it comes to stuff like wordplay.
    I hope i came across in good faith, i think its fine to criticize overblown drama but still be able to acknowledge there are valid points that are made.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem

      All of the lines I dissected are politically charged lines for sure, I just find that some are handled more acceptably than others. It's also true that these terms are mainly for those who are at least a little internet heavy.
      Oh, yea, don't get me wrong, I don't think he's a grifter per se. I do believe that he believes what he says, and if he was only here to capitalize on shit, I don't think it would take a month or few for him to release videos. He's absolutely a sensationalist fearmongerer though, attributing everything to the most wicked kinds of malice and conspiracy. He hates localizers on the level that a lot of people hate politicians and "big government". I do mention that whether you'd call him and others who fearmonger this shit grifters depends on who you ask and that it will potentially vary depending on if you're asking about Dimitri or Rev and whatnot. In either case, unlike Canipa who tends to have some level of industry insight and more thorough research, Dimitri doesn't approach these things with good faith or for the sake of productive conversation. He does it to fearmonger and smugly gesture about how right he and others like him are about the so-called evils of localization and the people who defend that. Even when I agree with a general idea like "the Lovely Complex dub script was an obvious display of bad ethos that Jello smugly confirmed cuz he's a douchebag who shouldn't be allowed to localize ever again", I am very much opposed to the destructive main ideas and conclusions Dimitri puts forth, and I feel there are others better worth listening to that raise similar kinds of criticisms.
      I mainly do so to show the kinds of political baggage they bring forth towards their arguments, as what they believe about trans people and whatnot has actively shown to be of at least some influence on their beliefs on localization and anything "corrupted by woke" and how they express that. Scratch Point and some others approach these kinds of controversies the same way because of their beliefs and desire to fearmonger. They have a history of this kind of attitude and behavior, which at least sometimes manifests in other tactics or displays that should damage their credibility. I at least make allowances, acknowledge parts where I agree on some level, and even admit when I fuck up sometimes or risk sounding potentially hypocritical when covering Dimitri and the like.
      It depends for me, but yea, generally I'd rather internet lingo be kept out unless it's substituting for Japanese slang and internet lingo, and even then, case by case basis on that one.
      Nah, I getcha, in fact I kind of agree that translator's notes were at least sometimes beneficial in terms of providing cultural context and context behind certain words that don't have clean equivalents in other language. It's somewhat related to why I really wish more English releases would include liner notes going over translations and localizations of specific lines and titles, as well as pointing out some cultural aspects presented in a work that one might not pick up on. Nozomi Entertainment's DVD release of Musekinin Kanchou Tylor does exactly that, but I haven't come across another DVD/BD that does. Maybe other Nozomi Entertainment releases do, but I can't rightly say.
      I appreciate the good faith disagreements and comments you've provided here. Productive conversation is what I'm here for, both in general and especially when it comes to issues such as this.

    • @boardroom3394
      @boardroom3394 Před měsícem +1

      @@SerialNavelgazerCBF np, i left a comment because i thought your video had merit my concern is that the people who cry woke and the people who cry about people who cry woke are effectively kinda the same (kinda like horseshoe theory) where it becomes a game of who can grandstand who.
      I think your above that and have the ability to preform proper critique without insulting the opposing side (which the opening to your video did) i think antagonizing people who think it is an issue at the start conditions them to not change their minds.
      back to dimitri i can concede the castigation of localisers is hyperbolic but can understand it because i understand his position and i think steal manning your opposition in good faith is the best why to understand them and convince others, as if someone has an opinion you will never convince them unless you can explain it back to them.
      Dimitri's thesis is simple and compelling and that is what you have to go against to prove your point.
      "There is nothing to be gained by conceding to changes no matter how small"...
      it might not be an exact quote but that is what i believe his core augment is ideologically and one that i cant help but agree. there are counter augments that can and have been made however i have yet to be convinced that the benefit would outweigh the loss.
      I appreciate the sharp and detailed response and if you want a more in depth discussion I'm down to i guess debate the topic, this back and forth seems more fit for a video/stream than a comment section, seems like wasted potential since we're basically sending essays to each other.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem

      That's ultimately true, yeah, and it makes the conversation especially annoying. Most of the people involved in it on YT and Twitter I believe purely make the discourse worse as people like Dimitri operate in bad faith, and their opposition argues on their level and their terms without ever actually trying to advance the conversation in any meaningful or productive way. Ideally you'd only do the latter or maybe even both, but the fact that so few do is why I'm so exhausted by this discourse.
      That's fair. I just really wanted to do the Filthy Frank parody and let some of the music choices and soundbites from there thematically take the piss, even if you're right, it is ultimately bad decorum.
      Yeah, such an idea is difficult to combat, no matter how accurate you are and how much good information you present to counter it or take his approach in a more productive direction as opposed to the more destructive one he aims for. It's kind of like Brandolini's Law: the amlunt energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than that needed to produce it. No amount of pointing out the person's dodgy credibility will be enough for most people, unfortunately, though it can help a few.
      Ultimately, I do believe localization has its place and the wholesale removal of it isn't of a worthwhile enough benefit, even today when it's less of a necessary evil than it was in the 80s/90s when exteme localization was so prevalent. Some works can and should have more leeway than others in this respect, and that's excluding works that are a more intrinsic multi-national collaboration like some popular or mainstream game franchises.
      Perhaps DMs elsewhere could suffice, as I'm really tired ot making localization videos, and like Dimitri, my stuff takes a while to make for a variety of reasons. I've got plenty of other stuff on the backburner, so I'd rather not spend more time making loc vids or responses regarding loc talking points.

    • @boardroom3394
      @boardroom3394 Před měsícem +1

      @@SerialNavelgazerCBF fair enough i can imagine the topic getting dull after a few videos so ill leave it at that. its been a nice conversation even tho I'm sure we would disagree on the finer points.
      If you ever change your mind on a discussion, perhaps for a stream as it would only take as long as the conversation. drop a reply (i don't comment much so ill definitely see it)
      This is only an alt account so as a fellow small channel i wish you luck to monetisation.

  • @mrmeteor64
    @mrmeteor64 Před měsícem +2

    It gets better with Black sage if you watch Yu-gi-oh! You are not a real anime fan. Also Black sage sorry to hear that kazuki takahashi passed away. Honestly black sage isn’t a real anime fan.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem +3

      Remember when someone asked him to identify the Astray and he called it the Hi-Nu? I wouldn't be surlrised if the only Gundam he watched was G and if he only had cursory knowledge of the franchise as a whole by proxy, and yet he wanted to go on about "Gundam fans, beware of the wole corrupting and ruining your franchise". Give me a break lul

  • @dangerousdays2052
    @dangerousdays2052 Před měsícem +3

    Crying about "woke" localization is like getting mad at your proctologist when he asks if you can help him get his car keys out of his butt after he removes the barbie doll head from yours.

    • @SerialNavelgazerCBF
      @SerialNavelgazerCBF  Před měsícem

      Not quite sure the analogy holds up, but the spirit is there and while a lot of "woke" localizations are fuckin shit, more people should focus on them being fuckin shit and indicative of poor ethos rather than "woke libtard political ruining and infecting our anime".

    • @jaideepshekhar4621
      @jaideepshekhar4621 Před měsícem

      How tf does it relate at all?

    • @goukeban6197
      @goukeban6197 Před 28 dny

      That made no fucking sense.