Political Darkness - Ranting about the Supreme Court

  • čas přidán 10. 10. 2018
  • Who else is pissed off about Kavanaugh (only time I'm going to name this abuser) getting on the Supreme Court? I've been fighting some pretty intense rage lately. This video is just me trying to calmly rant about the Supreme Court and political darkness we seem to be traversing right now. DON'T FORGET TO GO AND VOTE THIS NOVEMBER, PLEASE!!!!!!!
    ******Want to be pen pals? Send me a letter at: Danni Lang, PO BOX 271, Argyle WI 53504 *****
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Komentáře • 61

  • @theeldritchlibrarian
    @theeldritchlibrarian Před 5 lety +3

    Wow, does this ever resonate with me. I've really had to resist the strong temptation to put some negative magickal energy out there towards Kavanaugh, Trump, Grassley, Collins..... I'm SO angry for Dr. Ford, Ms. Ramirez, and for all the assault survivors who feel like their traumatic experiences are absolutely meaningless when it comes to their assaulters' ascent to success in the world. Here's the thing I keep coming back to, though. I saw a thing on social media back in Nov '16 that said something like, "Things aren't getting worse. Hidden things are being brought out into the light." I don't know if I completely agree that things aren't getting worse, but I definitely think things are being brought into the light that have been too long hidden away. You say you miss the time when we pretended to demand a certain standard of behavior from the people in the halls of power, and I completely understand what you mean. But you're right that we were pretending to want that. Many people really just wanted power at any cost, just as they do now, and it was social pressure that made them carry their machinations towards that end into dark and hidden pathways -- backroom deals, unacknowledged good ol' boy networks. This confirmation process has resulted in real and very long-term damage on a lot of levels. Nothing positive can come of it that will make the terrible aspects somehow "worth it." But there's no denying that it's made people keenly aware of just how deeply corrupt the system is. I think a time will come again when people who are better than the ones in power now -- flawed, to be sure, but better than these -- will return to power (GO, MIDTERM ELECTIONS), and it's my hope that we'll all now have a clearer understanding of how systemic the changes must be that we undertake to become better. No more surface fixes, no more whitewashing. I hope this wicked administration reveals that the rot goes down to the base of the structure, and the whole thing needs renovation from the ground up. Don't lose hope. The work ahead is hard, but I think it's important that we now see what we're really working with.

  • @LivingTreeHouse
    @LivingTreeHouse Před 5 lety +3

    Sending you some balance and centering energy. You are right about what you say. I think we see that money is “buying” privilege. I believe Jane Austin once wrote, “The rich can afford to give offense”.

  • @kylenacross9337
    @kylenacross9337 Před 5 lety +1

    Right there with you, Danni. Almost turned to Voodoo this week. I am in the D.C. area, so will be taking my rage to the streets and to the voting booth. I have been meditating and putting some deep thought into the current state of affairs in this country. Went to the woods last weekend...spent time conversing with the trees. It helped, a lot. Much love and strength to us all...we need each other. Blessed Be.

  • @IntoTheMysticTarot
    @IntoTheMysticTarot Před 5 lety +1

    Yes! I know that whole situation and the state of this system is so disheartening and infuriating. All we can do is try to stay positive, persevere and make our voices heard! Thanks for sharing :) Blessings ♡

  • @jaderobbins123
    @jaderobbins123 Před 5 lety

    Thank you for this. On so many levels this effected me until I felt numb watching the nomination hearings... until I flipped over to CSpan who was airing a huge crowd at the capital sharing their stories; which was encouraging since I am a survivor of domestic abuse. I keep reading and hearing people say she had no case. AR!! The sad thing about cases like Mrs. Ford's is people want provable evidence, which there rarely ever is. So it's a double edge sword as to what to do and I assume one cause for many not to voice assault/abuse. So there is power in hearing the voices of others that in my case can heal a sense of isolation. This video was so well said. Fully agree with you in regards to whom/what decides for the decisions of other's bodies. I hope the many voices will shift the seats of lawmakers with new faces more in touch with our communities. I'll be voting for sure.

  • @claireneely9199
    @claireneely9199 Před 5 lety

    Oops... I've been binging and I support you Lady! Thanks for all you do and speaking up!!

  • @bookwight
    @bookwight Před 5 lety

    You're not alone. Feels like I haven't stopped feeling horrified and/or angry and/or depressed by events in the U.S. since Nov 2016. It's really hard to watch a neighbour (I'm in Canada) slide further and further into the mire.

  • @mikmymo
    @mikmymo Před 5 lety +1

    I’m with you lady... it’s SO FRUSTRATING. And there is ZERO accountability for actions, and the example we’re setting for future generations is crap. Honestly anymore with politics im just disappointed. It’s a lack of decency as a human being - and it totally boggles me how people can be so blind to the pain of others. Love and tolerance is my motto but applied to something like this it feels like climbing an uphill battle 😅🏔 Be well and take care of yourself!

  • @MikelHensley
    @MikelHensley Před 5 lety

    I'm only just now watching this, and yes, I am feeling you. I'm still feeling you. I can only hope that the larger trend is toward justice and equality, and that the current political crap is a horrible yet temporary backlash. I fear things will get worse before they get better though. And then I think it's always been this bad really for certain groups and people who do not have the privilege I was born with, and it's time to join the club and realize our society has never been just.

  • @drfrankmalone
    @drfrankmalone Před 5 lety

    Thank you!

  • @nathanrileyjones
    @nathanrileyjones Před 5 lety

    living. for. this.

  • @JoyfulMoriah
    @JoyfulMoriah Před 5 lety +3

    Danni, sharing your rage!

  • @claireneely9199
    @claireneely9199 Před 5 lety

    At least half my magick is for others, and most for myself includes others as well anyway... Actually, almost everything positive I do has a little "and them too!" mixed into it. I just have to help a little in some way.

  • @fishman421
    @fishman421 Před 3 lety +1

    Just curious to know your thoughts now since it was proven that the accuser made up the charges against the previously appointed judge. And are there any thoughts on the new candidate for the SCOTUS, I know it has been a couple years and if you decided to leave political stuff off this Vlog, I can respect that.

  • @Magius61
    @Magius61 Před 5 lety

    Curses don’t solve problems. I know the concept of hexing those who are a blight on the earth seems sound, but it simply isn’t sustainable. Love grows. Hate kills us from the inside out. We have to channel our anger into something positive. Let it motivate us to be better, be smarter, do more.

  • @Chrome166
    @Chrome166 Před 5 lety +1

    I miss those days when we could expect to look up to our elders for wisdom. Instead we have monsters like Mitch McConnell keeping a choke-hold on the power and trying to pull us back to his days in the 1950s by force. (Which were almost SEVENTY years ago, yeesh!) People like them need to realize how much they're ruining this world for the generations who will have to keep living in it when they're gone. I wish we had wise crones and sages leading the world and actually making a good future for the rest of us. At the very least I have a lot of hope for the youth of today to be even better than us, and that helps keep me calm.

  • @CraftingInSeason
    @CraftingInSeason Před 5 lety

    Stay strong and vote! I feel the same as you about the evil president and his unprincipled associates. It’s just a stupid phase in history and we’ll get beyond it somehow.

  • @andruid5054
    @andruid5054 Před 5 lety +3

    now i normally agree with most of your stuff,but i cant be completey behind this,as someone who works closely with the public i am open to any accusations that a member of the public throws at me.The fact is that we have innocent until proven guilty as you do in the USA and i dont believe this is being used against Kavanaugh,i have been on the receiving end of improper behavior with a female tenant just because i would not do what she wanted,i endured 4 weeks of worry whilst the investigation was carried out,it affected my life,the life of my wife and children.

  • @andrastetriformis6241
    @andrastetriformis6241 Před 5 lety

    Right there with you sister! The best we can do now is stay involved, encourage everyone to register if they're not, and then get out and vote Nov. 6. Our magick can be a great way to focus our energies for change and healing and calming to get us through this. Hang in there. ☆BB☆

  • @vanessahenderson9434
    @vanessahenderson9434 Před 5 lety

    I hope all their lies unwind and the truth falls out onto their feet. I've been in Dr. Ford's place. I was at a party where someone slipped me a drug, I think it was extasy. I called a friend who sent someone to pick me up. I don't think I was the intended target, but still some guy at that party wanted sex with a jacked up girl and didn't want to take anytime into making himself desirable when a chemical was so much easier. I wasn't raped, but I got a hard life lesson.