How Can a Loving God Send Good People to Hell?

  • čas přidán 11. 07. 2017
  • The Village Church exists to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community, gospel-centered service and gospel-centered multiplication.

Komentáře • 1K

  • @sokol9263
    @sokol9263 Před 5 lety +262

    Doesn't matter how you spin it, infinite punishment for a finite crime is immoral.

    • @madambutterfly7513
      @madambutterfly7513 Před 5 lety +19

      Sokol - and WHO are you to judge God??? Obviously, you didn’t understand one thing on this video

    • @sokol9263
      @sokol9263 Před 5 lety +70

      You Christians also judge god. You can't judge all of his good things and just leave out the bad things. Hypocrite.

    • @timmononen8492
      @timmononen8492 Před 5 lety +26

      Sokol, Hell is not a subject that can be explained away with a witty one liner. It's a difficult concept to understand, one which I try to discern and understand better as well. I will try to shed a bit of light on your original comment, not as an all encompassing answer by any means. Crimes have varying degrees of punishment based on who they are commited against. If someone for example, murders a police officer, it is regarded as worse than killing a civilian and therefore punishment is more severe. Let's say someone assasinates a president and is caught, it's safe to say that person will have the book thrown at them and no mercy will be shown. Now picture the Creator of the universe, the highest authority there is. Our sin against Him is equal to "cosmic treason" pardon the cheesy term. Therefore, the so called "finite" crime is not actually finite at all. Hope this thought sheds some light on the matter!

    • @sokol9263
      @sokol9263 Před 5 lety +32

      Well as far as I'm concerned, I'm more moral than your god, granted I think he is as real as the tooth fairy and the flying spaghetti monster.

    • @sokol9263
      @sokol9263 Před 5 lety +30

      Also, if god is so fucking powerful, than why did he make us flawed? And if your excuse is, "Satan makes us do evil shit" then why doesn't god destroy satan? Don't give me the "God works in mysterious ways," bullshit.

  • @sunnyl8276
    @sunnyl8276 Před 3 lety +75

    If God is all-knowing, to create a sentient being you know will be dammed to eternal fire , is the definition of evil.

    • @agentdickemdown
      @agentdickemdown Před 3 lety +7

      @Account One u have the free will to change and ask for forgiveness, if you choose to follow behind Satan's footsteps that's ur choice. Think positive

    • @agentdickemdown
      @agentdickemdown Před 3 lety +3

      @Account One never to late to change for the better, you could be the light ur family needs if you feel like they're going to hell. Hope you get out of those sinister thoughts 🙏 the devil wants you to turn ur back on god so he can have his way with you in hell

    • @schong999
      @schong999 Před 3 lety +3

      @@agentdickemdown will god forgive my ignorance if I end up in hell? Can I say sorry? I can beg him for a million year since it is still better than eternity. Or am I fked forever once im there.

    • @w4stedfi3nd74
      @w4stedfi3nd74 Před 3 lety +2

      @@schong999 pretty sure your completely fucked once your in hell

    • @agentdickemdown
      @agentdickemdown Před 3 lety +4

      @@paroxysm6437 have you actually read some of the bible? The way I see it is Jesus came down in flesh to teach us how to live righteous life's. the devil the fallen angel lucifer (gods greatest angel) Lost everything for thinking he was somehow greater than his creater becoming arrogant. Now he just tries to lead man kind to hell 🤣 cus that boi mad. The bible says most of us aren't making it 😭 god knows we are fuck ups that's why he sacrifice himself for us and gave us a fucking guide how to reach his kingdom and a lot of humans still manage to fuck up. At the end of the day the bible is about Love if you believe in a afterlife or not but people still hate on it... Wonder why(devil)

  • @daleval2182
    @daleval2182 Před 4 lety +17

    This made me feel better, I have always wanted God in my life, I have no hope of heaven without him, praise Yeshua

    • @truesoundboy1
      @truesoundboy1 Před 3 lety +1

      We inherited sin from Adam and God decides to flood the world because of said sin...Noah and his family were supposedly righteous....yet their descendants were still sinful( is biologically impossible to propagate an entire species with such a small population)

    • @daleval2182
      @daleval2182 Před 2 lety +1

      @Stare Kotlety no person in this thread said this, a good Christian does not judge or hope for others to burn, you should deal with youre own demons brother

    • @TruthSpeaker.
      @TruthSpeaker. Před rokem

      @@daleval2182 You think people CHOOSE to burn by not being convinced of the claims in the Bible?
      If God was really compassionate, he would let us have an opt out button.
      I don't want to burn & I cannot make myself believe the stuff in the bible, so he, being capable of all things, is fully capable of just turning me to dust.
      Yet he prefers the burning people punishment method over just turning us nonbelievers into dust.

    • @aerokasyeal4840
      @aerokasyeal4840 Před rokem

      O people do not associate anyone with the one true God, Even jesus peace be with him told you all to worship the one true God, and not to worship jesus nor his mother peace be with them!

    • @sneediusrexius
      @sneediusrexius Před 10 měsíci

      Christians who do the sins listed in Galatians 5:19-21 will not go to heaven. There is no faith alone.

  • @kecker4846
    @kecker4846 Před 4 lety +21

    If you want God in your life after you have hear his word and his grace he will let you in his kingdom.✝️

    • @houstonpromotion
      @houstonpromotion Před 4 lety +1

      Keck yes indeed shiva awaits for us all

    • @nisamae2
      @nisamae2 Před 2 lety

      It's weird how many atheist and non Christians clicked on this video just to troll in the comment section😂

    • @Demonoicgamer666
      @Demonoicgamer666 Před rokem

      And the alternative is eternal torment. Yeah good god. Let’s be really your salvation has absolutely nothing to do with being good cause if it was you wouldn’t need or even want him. He made the stander perfection so you have no other choice but to serve which is selfish at best and at worst it shows gods envy of our ability to take care of ourself’s. And stop using the argument “who are you to judge god” cause at this point it’s cringe or “by who’s standard are you judging god?” this to us cringe and they make talking to Christian’s very predictable. And in answer to the second quote I’m using his own standard and you don’t like that I am cause you know I’m right

  • @dankhelmet9973
    @dankhelmet9973 Před 2 lety +9

    A true believer believes most people are going to hell.
    Yet they still have kids…

    • @CandyOnAChopstick
      @CandyOnAChopstick Před 2 lety +1

      Having my first child was the catalyst for my deconversion.

    • @janetdavidson8798
      @janetdavidson8798 Před 2 lety

      Narrow is the gate to Heaven, wide is the road to Hell. God gives people free will to choose .

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      This is the dumbest thing i've ever read.

    • @user-fc2zb9po8t
      @user-fc2zb9po8t Před 4 měsíci

      @@janetdavidson8798That clearly misses the point lol. Think harder

  • @caesars.3261
    @caesars.3261 Před 4 lety +43

    The Bible doesn’t give a straightforward answer to this, therefore we will never know...

    • @chine62
      @chine62 Před 4 lety +8

      The Bible gives a very straightforward answer but people are blinded by doctrines created by man. Jesus spoke about the second death. Meaning there was a first death, which all men must face. The lake of fire will culminate in total destruction, which is the second death. Even a child knows that death means something has ceased to exist.

    • @bujaboy7665
      @bujaboy7665 Před 3 lety +3

      the Bible does Give you a Answer it says " No man is Good, But Only the father(God). Everybody sins.

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety +4

      @@chine62 Actually the Bible is Very unclear on the matter of Hell. The old testament NIV has no word Hell in it. And most scholars translate Hell in the New testiment to death or burial. And I've said many times if there was such a place of eternal torture God didn't do a very good job of giving undisputed truth to it.
      If it was such a big deal maybe a full book or at least a few chapters called the book of hell would be in order. God is love. And love doesn't judge.

    • @jurgenz720
      @jurgenz720 Před 3 lety

      @@Musicman-50 -- i think it is only fair to know that there is hell, it doesn't really matter where it is or how hot it is in there or how many souls were in there or are in there...Whats important is to know God's preaching and follow them by heart...God doesn't send people to hell, its our action that send us to hell..Jesus said " I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by me." But unfortunately they just don't want to believe that Christ exist and died on the cross...and they even have the tendency to ask * If God is a loving God why does God send people to hell!* which goes back to the same answer.... we are judged by our action ...peace and God bless

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety +1

      @@jurgenz720 I think it's also likewise only fair to consider your source of claiming to know this Hell to be a fact. Your only source would be if course the Bible, of which if it were an actual fact then God didn't do a very good job of documentation in this book. The word Hell is not even in the old testament (NIV). And in the new testiment only 12 times the word is even mentioned, and with various translations and debates by Bible theologians of that single word hell. it means death or to die in some references, and in others it means to bury. If this was such a critically important thing of which it should be according to you, then wouldn't it only be fair that the author (God) would have dedicated at least an entire book (multiple pages and chapters) to the subject matter.
      According to you this book (the Bible) by a supposed loving God would send his creation to a place he promotes and allows as a place of eternal torture to those that would be considered good loving humans that just didn't figure things out in their short lifetime.
      And This is the same God that allowed, multiple wives, concubines (young girls for sex), and human slaves. Also a mass murderer too say the least. And defined as a god with serious anger issues. So At the very least the Bible is not very well written or we would not still be having this discussion. And the fact that hundreds of different church denominations all have a different twist or interpretation of this book.
      In closing I do not believe the Bible supports or has evidence that a loving God would send his sons and daughters to be tortured for any reason. If this is in theory true than God is not Love.

  • @hugohepworth5633
    @hugohepworth5633 Před 4 lety +91

    Wouldn't unconditional love by definition mean hell wouldn't exist?

    • @sunnydaze1185
      @sunnydaze1185 Před 4 lety +5

      “ God’s love is a love that initiates; it is never a response. That is precisely what makes it unconditional. If God’s love were conditional, then we would have to do something to earn or merit it. We would have to somehow appease His wrath or cleanse ourselves of sin before God would be able to love us. But that is not the biblical message. The biblical message-the gospel-is that God, motivated by love, moved unconditionally to save His people from their sin(missing the mark, not being able to follow all His guidance perfectly). Just like I did when my parents gave me guidelines and their ways to follow(for my own good), and when I broke them by rebelling, there were consequences. I would get spankings, or “grounded”(which was like prison to, and if someone would have said, “I’ll take your place so you don’t have to receive what is due to me because of my choices, I would have said, “Great!”, Thank You , I am so grateful”....but us humans with OUR rebellious nature, instead of having this mindset toward Jesus Christ and WHAT HE DID FOR US, we spit on him and mock him instead. I now in later life know how much grief I caused my parents, and God is the same way with us. He gets upset too when we do not listen....
      God’s original plan from the very beginning was for everything and everyone to be “good and perfect.” This was interfered with by the enemy who is still working in this world today. God made a way (a divine RESCUE) for us for our eternal life. It is like we are in the middle of the movie right now while it is playing out, and his word lets us know how it will end. Either wonderful and exciting ,or misery. Like a criminal who ends up in solitary confinement for committing a horrific act. The “judge” did the RIGHT thing by not letting him go run the streets and keep doing wrong. He judged righteously, and hands down the prison sentence. Did the court judge SEND him there, or did the choices of the criminal? God loves all he created, just as our parents love us, and we love our beloved. We should love and respect back.
      Genesis 1:31
      And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    • @hugohepworth5633
      @hugohepworth5633 Před 4 lety +11

      sunnydaze11 So hell doesn't exist? Cool.

    • @AI-tc8fv
      @AI-tc8fv Před 4 lety +8

      It's conditional, as long as you believe in him and worship him, you're okay. If not then oof

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety

      Yes indeed it would. Amen.

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety +6

      @@sunnydaze1185 Simplistic way to make God out to be so human. Gets mad and kills people. Your analogy of your parents didn't fit well here. I seriously doubt they would kill you or torture you for eternity if you totally screwed up your life and didn't respect them.. Unconditional love has no judgement and it has no hidden agenda.
      If God is Love then it has to be unconditional.

  • @kingheredia6905
    @kingheredia6905 Před 4 lety +11

    If I murdered someone and the judge let's me free that would make him corrupt. God is NOT corrupt and every sin will be judged. He is merciful and forgiving while you live. When you die that mercy turns into justice. Repent today!! Reject sin. And follow him.

    • @DevilishChrist
      @DevilishChrist Před 4 lety

      And if a toddler disobeyed their parents and the parents decided that the proper punishment would be to throw that child into a hole, fill that hole with gasoline, and then light a match and burn the child alive, that would make them corrupt. You really need to think before you post stupid comments like that.

    • @holyinquisition8854
      @holyinquisition8854 Před 4 lety +3

      no sin deserves an eternal punishment, and the goal of punishment is to get you to the right way, how can you repent if you are suffering in unthinkable pain?

    • @dankhill_
      @dankhill_ Před 4 lety

      so basically, the only reason that god can do this is because he’s god? nah, that sounds like bullshit to me.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      @@DevilishChrist Lol. Exactly!

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

  • @shiloh33
    @shiloh33 Před 4 lety +3

    Good job with the facts, the Scripture and the logic. Wow! In less than 5 minutes. Thanks

    • @kareemdavis1500
      @kareemdavis1500 Před 4 lety +2

      Your reply is typical of a believer!

    • @truesoundboy1
      @truesoundboy1 Před 3 lety

      We inherited sin from Adam and God decides to flood the world because of said sin...Noah and his family were supposedly righteous....yet their descendants were still sinful( is biologically impossible to propagate an entire species with such a small population)

  • @rigouribe4242
    @rigouribe4242 Před 4 lety +12

    please pray a prayer for me to follow god every second

    • @krowmother6970
      @krowmother6970 Před 4 lety +2

      If God answered prayers why not ask people to pray away cancer, famine, genocide, to maybe stop sex slavery you know something that would help humanity.

  • @theone1535
    @theone1535 Před 4 lety +62

    I know for a fact without doubt that God exists because of a personal experience but
    This hell stuff is really bothersome. If hell really exist I wish I never existed but I guess that was not my choice
    But I'll trust God that he will save me and my family

    • @deejayturner3270
      @deejayturner3270 Před 4 lety +5

      Hell is the last chapter in the bible

    • @kareemdavis1500
      @kareemdavis1500 Před 3 lety +5

      Nawh, what you really mean is you believe God exist because of the way you interpret your personal experiences!

    • @Noname-uk9mu
      @Noname-uk9mu Před 3 lety +8

      Right I didn't ask to be created.

    • @jurgenz720
      @jurgenz720 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Noname-uk9mu--- i read in a book once where it said..before we were born we get to choose who our parents will be, and that God will explain to you what your life going to be and will ask you, are willing to accept can accept or decline. If you decline God will show you another parents , until you decided which parents you want, then same process , He will show you what your life will be about..He will ask you one question before you go...His question is...will you still love me and honor me even though you don't see me ? And ofcourse your answer will be "Yes" and before your guardian angel slipped you into this tunnel he will show you a silent motion ( point finger across your lips to symbolize silence) and once you are born you have no recollection of every conversation you had with God...So let me ask not just you but everyone who is reading this...are you up for that challenge?

    • @Noname-uk9mu
      @Noname-uk9mu Před 3 lety

      @@jurgenz720 I know about that stuff it sounds similar to Journy of Souls by Michael Newton it is interesting.

  • @lanag9318
    @lanag9318 Před 4 lety +1

    So so very beautiful .How right . And so true.As im in a real life living hell hole in my own private life right now with daily unbearable tribulation and non stop suffering as i love and believe in God with all my heart and soul and pray to Him and wish for Him right here and now as i know that wicked evil people get punished and go to hell because they belong there while the Lord saves those who are suffering because of satan. ,,the righteous and just because we believe in Him as God loves those who suffer the most and gives great suffering rewards in Heaven to us,His,children who suffer for Him this way as this is what i believe . Be blessed slways in Jesus Precious Name.🌹💖💖🎉

  • @barlyfunkenhuser3313
    @barlyfunkenhuser3313 Před 2 lety +8

    I can't wrap my head around the fact that all you need to do is want god in your life and believe in him and you'll be saved. There has got to be thousands of good people who have never heard of this god we all know. How can god judge them if they've never even been introduced to the bible or even the idea of god. So if it's not our actions that make us worthy of heaven and it's just the belief in god, say someone who has gone their whole life sinning not caring about god, can't they just repent last minute and be sent to heaven? I don't understand

    • @wp699
      @wp699 Před 2 lety +2

      That’s a modern Protestant interpretation of salvation, most Christian’s in history believed actions spoke louder than words and prayers. The idea of just needing to mentally or verbally accept Jesus for salvation is inaccurate in the way described, as repentance Needs to also be in place, and with repentance it means you must amend your actions

    • @barlyfunkenhuser3313
      @barlyfunkenhuser3313 Před 2 lety

      @@wp699 thanks for the explanation

    • @percivalrobles
      @percivalrobles Před rokem

      God has HIS own way to judge for those people who have "never heard" about God.. remember that God is all powerful, Eternal, Sovereign, He is Just.. so we could say that we can stop thinking about those people(never heard).. now the main concern here is you, since you heard the TRUTH about God , do you accept and believe in Him? John 3:16 i hope you could read those verse, it says there about the Love of God for you, and He don't want you to spend your eternity in Hell.. that is why He send Jesus to take away our sins...Hope this help..

  • @artifacthunter1472
    @artifacthunter1472 Před 2 lety +4

    NO MAN IS GOOD ONLY THE FATHER! Every man is a sinner and every man deserves hell but God will save a few through repentance and true belief!

  • @mashah1085
    @mashah1085 Před 2 lety +4

    This is what we're told to believe about God by Christians-
    Imagine a judge who gives out life sentences to a prison where torture is practiced...and because he's "so perfect and good"...unless you've said his son / himself is your best buddy?
    everybody goes there....doesn't matter if you have one parking violation....or are a mass murderer who's killed and raped 100s.
    And fans of the judge say "Oh, see he HAS to do that...due to the Rules." "And who set up the Rules?" "Well...uh...he did."

  • @blarfengar6357
    @blarfengar6357 Před 5 lety +35

    What about people who stopped believing out of a lack of evidence but who so desperately wanted to hold on to their faith. These are certainly not people who didn’t want to be in gods presence, as you put it. The big issue with your argument is there is no way to prove everything you have just said is an accurate assessment of reality. So how can one be expected to choose to follow Jesus if no one can know beyond a reasonable doubt that it is true.

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety +5

      That's what truth seeking is. And truth seeking in someone's relationship with God can only be accomplished through love. Loving God, loving Christ. As for true evidence, you need only search the truth with an open heart, and an open mind, and you will find Him.
      Jeremiah 29:13 says: " *You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart* "
      As for verses about truth in finding God: John 8:32 "And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free", meaning, if you are not set free in the truth you know then you do not know it.

    • @Ricoxemani
      @Ricoxemani Před 4 lety +9

      Claudia R-G faith just means gullibility. It means that you blindly believe a 2000 year old book

    • @bsba-guanzonjordanz.8212
      @bsba-guanzonjordanz.8212 Před 3 lety

      What do you mean by lack of evidence ?

    • @lacedsiryn
      @lacedsiryn Před 3 lety +1

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 3 lety

      @Blarfengar According to the new wave of "Christian" thinking, 'Once saved always saved.' According to early Christendom, "Salvation is a continual process" as St. Paul states. As far as a perceived lack of evidence is concerned, that is why it is called Faith.

  • @japhethgomez3437
    @japhethgomez3437 Před 3 lety +21

    Most Christians unawarely force theirselves to have a close relationship with God because of fear of fiery place of eternal torment and I depise this concept.

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 3 lety +2

      I think they are aware

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety +1

      @@georgejenkens2519 Show me 3 things George
      1.That God exists
      2. That Heaven exists
      3 That Hell exists

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 2 lety +5

      @@Bugsy0333 Can those things be shown to exist by me? Who am I that I would have that kind of power or ability?

    • @nisamae2
      @nisamae2 Před 2 lety

      It can be motivation but that's necessary the only motivation

    • @cameronclark447
      @cameronclark447 Před 2 lety

      @@Bugsy0333 Natural laws are descriptions of what normally
      happens when no one intervenes in the natural
      order. But if an outside agent intervenes, then
      natural laws can be overpowered. Gravity will
      keep a rock on the ground, unless an agent
      intervenes and picks it up.
      What's the greatest miracle in the Bible?
      The greatest miracle in the Bible has already
      occurred and we have scientific evidence for
      The greatest miracle in the Bible is the very
      first verse, "In the beginning God created the
      heavens and the earth." If that verse is true
      (and we have multiple lines of evidence to
      show that it is), then every other miracle in the
      Bible is certainly possible.
      If God exists, miracles are possible. This can certainly make it possible that Heaven and Hell can exist.

  • @kierstencreates958
    @kierstencreates958 Před 5 lety +31

    This made me cry for some reason

    • @melodypanek448
      @melodypanek448 Před 4 lety +4

      Me too.

    • @karleeknockle1325
      @karleeknockle1325 Před 4 lety +6

      Same here. If god is real then by these standards I am to burn in hell forever after just trying my best to be positive in a world with enough pain and suffering as it is. After already being plagued by past abuse, ongoing depression and anxiety, I will then get to spend the rest of eternity suffering a worse fate, even though most of the time the only person I ever hurt was myself. Even though I tried my hardest to believe, I will be punished for it because I failed to truly believe. That sucks. I really hope if god is real that he is an understanding god. Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to be forgiven and then go to heaven with god welcoming you with loving arms saying “I love you and I know it was rough and you must be tired, come on in and spend eternity in beauty and light and love.” Man its hard being human and none of us had the choice to exist in this world and it was basically set up for us to fail by god, yet hes supposed to be loving. Gotta say I’m not really feeling the love😔 Wow this makes me really sad, because the other alternative to god is eternal nothingness and just not existing (or the other large number of alternative religions haha who knows). Well um wow, this is depressing and Im am quite sad now 😞

    • @kareemdavis1500
      @kareemdavis1500 Před 4 lety +5

      @@karleeknockle1325 yeah what a bummer to have too live a miserable life on Earth and die and then be tortured by and all loving god for all eternity.

    • @karleeknockle1325
      @karleeknockle1325 Před 4 lety +2

      Jabbar Davis Haha yeah totally a huge bummer, quite the let down really.

    • @saskiawindsor2760
      @saskiawindsor2760 Před 4 lety +4

      @@karleeknockle1325 wow you just articulated my exact thoughts and feelings in this comment. Despite all of this afterlife talk, I wish you all the best in your life and hope you do great things!

  • @eternaltreasures5340
    @eternaltreasures5340 Před 5 lety +2

    None is good, no not one for all have fallen short of the glory of God.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      That's a lie from the pits of hell! Satan wants you to believe you are worthless! God created us in His image and likeness and that my friend says it all! Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

  • @melodypanek448
    @melodypanek448 Před 4 lety +1

    This is the most authentic and well thought out explanation I have heard. I have wondered and worried over this question for a very long time. I love God and want to be his child but I just couldn't reconcile this question for so long. I cried when I watched this because it is the truth. I think I understand a little better now. It's not about good people or bad people. It's about yearning for God, caring for God, wanting and acknowledging your need for God. Christianity says that going to heaven is not based on "works" and it's true. It's much more than that.

  • @jeffreywelbourne373
    @jeffreywelbourne373 Před 3 lety +5

    God doesn't send you, you send yourself! Freewill remember!!!

    • @mdfilmguy
      @mdfilmguy Před 3 lety +5

      Makes about as much sense as saying you choose to be shot if you don't give the robber your money.

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 3 lety

      I doubt anybody freely runs towards hell after they die.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem


  • @meow121.5
    @meow121.5 Před 4 lety +4

    Adam, if I were God I would make you watch this video over and over for 6 million times.

  • @tomm6167
    @tomm6167 Před 10 měsíci

    Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess that Jesus Christ is God Almighty Hallelujah God Bless ✌

  • @lanes58
    @lanes58 Před 2 lety +2

    God doesn’t “send” anyone to Hell. We send ourselves by our actions and our decisions.

    • @terrycrosslin7866
      @terrycrosslin7866 Před 2 lety

      Ianes58 How is that according to the bible God makes the rules of who does and who doesn't go to hell!

    • @mommaof6
      @mommaof6 Před 2 lety

      Yes because it easier to continue to live in sin then realizing the flith of our unrepentant hearts. Gods domain He can say who can enter! He determines what is good or evil

  • @thetoastedbean409
    @thetoastedbean409 Před 5 lety +2

    Every one needs god he is life

  • @Jordan-hz1wr
    @Jordan-hz1wr Před 2 lety +7

    Jesus: "Love your enemies, bless them. Overcome evil with good"
    Evangelical God: "Nah"

    • @KingJonathanThe1st
      @KingJonathanThe1st Před 2 lety +3

      Christian god Yahweh: nah, Ima burn these fools for not doing what I say. Gonna send bears after their kids too. Maybe I’ll even make them slaves. Yeah, that’s what happens when I don’t get my way. WORSHIP your LORD Yahweh or perish for eternity.
      I Love you. - Yahweh.

    • @brittneythompson2041
      @brittneythompson2041 Před rokem +1

      @@KingJonathanThe1st this is not the way God is. God is loving and he gave man free will. So many ppl get things wrong about “obedience.” Yes, obedience is extremely important but I think so many Christians forget that we were created to obey. And obey joyfully. God wants you to want to obey and enjoy doing so, love doing so, being glad about doing so bc his way is best for you and he loves you. God is not selfish. He’s not a angry tyrant that wants to just take away fun and send ppl to hell . God does not delight in cold hearted, fear of punishment based obedience. God is more glorified when you joyfully obey his word. He’s not delighted when you obey outwardly and not with your heart in it. If you choose to be like satan, living a sinful life, you are going to end up paying the consequences for your actions. If you choose to follow Jesus, you will be happy. For his way is good for you. Let’s be very careful when we speak on behalf of God. That is a very serious matter ❤️.

    • @KingJonathanThe1st
      @KingJonathanThe1st Před rokem

      @@brittneythompson2041 ever heard of the word “indoctrinated”? Look into that… that’s what the churches in every corner did to you along with the rest of the billions of people who follow Abrahamic faith. I really recommend you study that word and then go ahead and question everything you’ve been taught - of course, there’s a possibility you’re not because the Catholic Church has already “indoctrinated” as young child from your younger days of going to the corner churches and have “indoctrinated” you with their “ideologies” and you fear questioning your reality.
      May you climb out of the cult you’re in that you subconsciously don’t even realize you’re a part of.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      You're wrong my friend, God is Good❤💕💓

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      @@brittneythompson2041 Amen sister! God bless

  • @Anthony_Ashbaugh
    @Anthony_Ashbaugh Před 3 lety +2

    This was very calming

    • @truesoundboy1
      @truesoundboy1 Před 3 lety

      We inherited sin from Adam and God decides to flood the world because of said sin...Noah and his family were supposedly righteous....yet their descendants were still sinful( is biologically impossible to propagate an entire species with such a small population)

  • @johnmcdonald100
    @johnmcdonald100 Před 2 lety +4

    Well put across. I am a sinner saved by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ 🙏❤

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 2 lety +2

      Keeping religion out of the equation, What did you do in life that made you think you were a sinner?

  • @Darth_Vader258
    @Darth_Vader258 Před 2 lety +14

    Isaiah 45:7
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

    • @sato4462
      @sato4462 Před rokem +2

      so how can he condemn people for it if he creates it?

    • @storba3860
      @storba3860 Před rokem +1

      ​@@sato4462 That's about natural evil. Like tornadoes.

  • @bassboostey9424
    @bassboostey9424 Před 3 lety +6

    Imagine having a creator who brings you life only to send you to hell... Everytime you have cut babies they might sadly go to hell

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety +2

      Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 3 lety

      Don't fall for these scams.
      Read the bible with an open mind.
      God is love. He never wants to put even the wicked to death. Let alone torture them.
      Ezekiel 18:23  “‘Do I take any delight at all in the death of someone wicked,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘[and] not in that he should turn back from his ways and actually keep living?’

    • @onjet7460
      @onjet7460 Před 3 lety +1

      @@tongakhan230 dude i rather not exist then to heaven hell blah blah blah. And even after that wen i choose to believe he dont answer my prayers And why tf is there a 'chance' to go to heaven. If u creating us then you give us heaven or give us if you love us. And i dint ask to be here. I rather bot be born at all then to be born just to be forced to live him. I dint ask to be here

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 3 lety

      @@onjet7460 : I can understand one's concerns. Most of us feel that way. We never asked to be born into this crazy violent world. However, we are here. The question is: " What future is there for me? Will all this wickedness end?"
      Psalm 37:10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
      29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
      Very shortly, God's government will take over the rule of the earth. A few will survive the change. They will form the new earth's righteous society who will be there to welcome the resurrected dead and help them.
      What we must be doing now is trying to qualify to be among these survivors (Revelation 7:9,10,14).
      These potential survivors are being gathered by God and taught as promised at Micah 4:1-5.

    • @onjet7460
      @onjet7460 Před 3 lety

      @@tongakhan230 shortly🤣 2000 years??

  • @Irmis98
    @Irmis98 Před 13 dny

    "in Soviet union there are two types of comrades, those who want to be with with chief Stalin, and those who want to go in the siberian mines. No one else"

  • @Jsween876
    @Jsween876 Před 3 lety +1

    Everlasting punishment does not mean the punishment will go on for ever. It means the punishment will be finite. There will be no need to punish these people once more. Once punished (and this punishment is a removal of evil doers from the earth) there will be no evil doers ever again.

  • @quentashamihowe132
    @quentashamihowe132 Před 2 lety +3

    it just doesnt make sense to me..
    so your telling me murders , rapists all they have to do is give their life and they go to heaven?
    while some nobody who did abosulute good , and had good intentions goes to hell because he didn't give his life

  • @forhisglorychannel
    @forhisglorychannel Před 4 lety +5

    The universe is not just finite, Earth is just a physical part of the spiritual existence. And humans are not just finite, we are both spiritual and physical. As spiritual beings, we will live on forever, even after our bodies expire. So we shouldn't allow the deceptions and pleasures of this short-lived life to rob us from forever living with the Great God and Creator of the Universe. This God, historically verifiable sent His Son in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world, the perfect and sinless God-man who allowed Himself to take the punishment of sin on the cross, so that by we, just believing In HIM, we will resurrect from our dead lives, be released from the wages of sin, and be forever alive and connected to our Heavenly Father.
    God is love, He is Good, He is life, but He is also Just and Holy. These two attributes of God, He satisfied, when He died for our sin on the cross. By so doing His justice and love were both displayed. I wonder greatly, why people don't want anything to do with God now, but at the same time complain of the absence of love and life in hell, forgetting that every good and perfect gift comes from God.
    In this life, We have the freewill to choose between God's love displayed on the cross, and our own selfish deeds. Because God loves us, He's given us the freewill to choose. Freewill is a perfect gift, and it is the same freewill that makes us not as robots.
    People go to hell because they choose to live their lives without God, because they want to do things their own way. And God won't forcefully go against your will to make you love Him. He's showed His love even by going to the extent of dying for us. He still loves you, and really don't want you to spend eternity without Him. Please don't keep breaking His heart by rejecting this priceless offer. Believe in Jesus, Ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour, and you shall be saved!

    • @roziek6830
      @roziek6830 Před rokem

      Okay if that were supposedly true. That is not answering the core question. Let's just take this is the way the Bible protrays it. God is all-knowing, He can predict into the future before it even plays out. Firstly, we as humans did not ask to be here so it is evil for our Father to place us here with the knowledge that there is an extremely high possibility that we will be doomed to the worst punishment known to man-kind, eternity in Hell. I describe myself as agnostic. I'm 14 years old and my family is pridomenitely Christian, however my dad recently turned away from the church and now proclaims himself as an athiest. If God really loved him, then He would have killed my dad before he changed his mind. He 100% was a true Christian for 34+ years of his life. In that entire time frame, God knew my dad, Ronald, would not believe past that time period yet He did nothing. Now my dad is doomed for Hell. Is that not evil of God! to hide and not do anything!

  • @josephminder7366
    @josephminder7366 Před 3 lety +2

    I try to trust in the goodness of gods plan but my christian friends seem to want me give myself over to the corruption of the world more than the goodness of gods plan. Isn't the corruption of the world part of gods plan?
    Is hell supposed to make sense logically? Or emotionally? Or does it not make sense at all to us and we're just supposed to trust it because the bible said so.

  • @bengracey8542
    @bengracey8542 Před rokem +1

    1. Create humans that are hardwired to be unable to live up to your standards
    2. Threaten to torture all who do not live up to your moral standards
    3. Send your creation to hell because of how you designed them
    4. Claim the moral high ground because you're God and you define morality

    • @benwtf5539
      @benwtf5539 Před 6 měsíci

      yup, this video is bullshit. In my understanding hell exists but not because God sends anyone there

  • @truesoundboy1
    @truesoundboy1 Před 5 lety +29

    love god or burn in hell...that is not love

    • @davidhall3747
      @davidhall3747 Před 5 lety +4

      2nd John (1:6) And this is love that we walk after His commandments.
      Love is not an emotion. It is walking after the commandments of a King. The real Jesus is King of Kings- and Lord of Lords.

    • @glow2590
      @glow2590 Před 4 lety +2

      Yeah...kinda makes God sound like the Godfather.

    • @w4stedfi3nd74
      @w4stedfi3nd74 Před 4 lety +1

      Salnsd how can god create people and evil send people to hell just because they didn’t get the chance to believe in him

    • @manictiger
      @manictiger Před 4 lety +2

      Or even worse, what about people like me who are genuinely good, but couldn't prove the existence of god with empirical evidence, and so didn't assume ("believe") anything at all? HOW EVIL! Lock him away with Stalin and Hitler!

    • @truesoundboy1
      @truesoundboy1 Před 3 lety +1

      @Cristal Santiago adam's sin condemned all men (no choice existed then) christ died to save all men(all of a sudden a choice comes into play)

  • @militaryweaponsafrica3538

    I feel so depressed. Hopeless.

    • @arielllerena8355
      @arielllerena8355 Před 3 lety

      Hey man I’m here to talk if you need to talk to anyone

  • @RhythmEmotions
    @RhythmEmotions Před 3 lety +10

    god loves us but he created hell just in case we don't love him back lol

    • @saucywallnut723
      @saucywallnut723 Před 3 lety

      do people who dont believe in god go to hell

    • @RhythmEmotions
      @RhythmEmotions Před 3 lety +1

      @@saucywallnut723 how can I go to hell ? It doesn't exist. Jesus may have been a real person but there is no actual evidence for the Bible stories or the people in the Bible.

    • @RhythmEmotions
      @RhythmEmotions Před 3 lety +1

      @@CJfreshhhGod you mean people who can think for themselves not following something where there is zero evidence for except faith.

    • @saucywallnut723
      @saucywallnut723 Před 3 lety

      @@CJfreshhhGod shut up

    • @mrniceguy8298
      @mrniceguy8298 Před 2 lety

      No you choose to go to hell

  • @AbrilataDyes
    @AbrilataDyes Před rokem

    God will not force Himself to us. He respect our decision. So if we don't want Him. He will let you go to that place. Sadly the separation from God is Fire of Hell. Hell is the opposite of Heaven. He already gave us the Gift of Salvation. We just need to accept it. We didn't deserve it but God gave His only begotten Son to save us.

  • @healthypineriver9974
    @healthypineriver9974 Před 5 lety +34

    This is evil in the form of a gentle voice and a smiling face that confronts all those who, for a vast number of reasons - none of which have anything to do with choice, do not believe in Christian theology. Village Church members - none of you chose what you believe. You were born and raised within conditions and experiences that led to that belief. It happened to you. Does this not make the concept of eternal reward for that belief non-sensical? More importantly, does this not make eternal punishment for all those outside of that belief, the majority of people on earth, a moral perversity?

    • @jennyp.farias8442
      @jennyp.farias8442 Před 5 lety

      David Shepherd I have found answers to a lot of questions that you seem to raise here from Ravi Zacharias. He may not answer your questions but I just wanted to share bc I can see where you are coming from. Whatever you believe or don’t believe, peace and blessings to you as you search for truth!

    • @healthypineriver9974
      @healthypineriver9974 Před 5 lety +8

      Thank you Jenny for your response. Zacharias offers a standard apologetic response to this question that usually begins with, "This is a very difficult question...", and then never explains how anyone, who is not a psychopath, can find it acceptable to torture people forever for what they have come to believe. Some Christians fault non-believers for not having an objective moral standard to follow, but by what moral standard do they find the concept of Hell acceptable? I've struggled with this for my whole life and at times it makes me miserable. Try to see how this "Good News" message about a God of Love followed by, "and if you don't believe it, unspeakable things will happen to you when you die", puts a non-believer that you're trying to reach in an intractable position.

    • @adamknapp653
      @adamknapp653 Před 5 lety +4

      I think sometimes we loose track about this life we have, the world we live in and the universe around us. It is not about us. It's all about God and His glory. I know that is an open ended statement, but if we truly understand everything is about God and not about us that changes our perspective on a lot of things.

    • @healthypineriver9974
      @healthypineriver9974 Před 5 lety +3

      Adam, I don't think that your statement is open-ended at all. I think you're saying, "I know who the one true God is. He is glorious and perfect. If you don't specifically understand and believe what I do about Him He will send you and all the other non-believers in this God to eternal punishment - and this is ok because he is glorious and perfect."

    • @CultofIndecision8
      @CultofIndecision8 Před 5 lety +1

      “Gods gonna give them what they’ve always wanted” to burn for eternity??? Huh

  • @benjamin6946
    @benjamin6946 Před 3 lety +4

    If God, being an omniscient being, can see the future. Therefore, since the down of creation, he knows every action that every human will make. From the christian standpoint we would have no choice over what we do in our lives. The games been rigged since the beginning.

  • @jackswager3067
    @jackswager3067 Před 3 lety +1

    No one has to go to hell. Accept God's love and His Son Jesus. You choose to go to hell if you don't.

  • @vincentanoe
    @vincentanoe Před rokem

    Since we are spiritual beings, it only makes logical sense that the Creator would communicate with us in Spirit, rather than in a physical way, that would put a human before Him. The book is written by man, decided what should and not be in the book by man, and interpreted by man. I'll just look and listen within and at this point of my life, I am free from the bondage of religion and at total peace within my being.

  • @kimbanton4398
    @kimbanton4398 Před 2 lety +12

    4:20 No, the problem of hell has NOT been defeated at all! Why would an all-forgiving and all-just being punish his own creation that he "loveth so much that he gaveth his only son" infinitely for finite crimes? Would you throw your 16 year old son into a burning oven FOR ETERNITY, just because he showed you his middle finger? Or would you rather punch him ONCE very hard in his face so that he would remember and never do it again? Because infinitely torturing someone isn't just in any possible scenario.

  • @GGhostHits
    @GGhostHits Před 3 lety +5

    I had two dreams going to hell 🙁

  • @richardblazer8070
    @richardblazer8070 Před 3 lety +1

    Exodus 15:3 "The Lord is a man of war..."

  • @johnweichel4238
    @johnweichel4238 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I believe in God and jesus crist

  • @liamgannon5342
    @liamgannon5342 Před 2 lety +3

    how can i be punished infinitely for a finite amount of sins committed on earth?

    • @lukejohnson1541
      @lukejohnson1541 Před 2 lety +1

      exactly. Its a scam.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      It's because you commited the sin, as a human you're an eternal spirit, so because you're an eternal spirit, your sin is eternal with you, therefore, the correct punishment for your sin is eternal, because the crime is eternal in nature.

    • @nameespinoza6555
      @nameespinoza6555 Před rokem

      The wages of sin is DEATH, the gift from Jesus however is eternal life. If you are alive to be tortured for ever than you too have been given eternal life! Just a very sadistic life

    • @eugeneartyomenko8500
      @eugeneartyomenko8500 Před rokem

      imagine if a murderer said something akin to that. "why should I be sent to prison for the rest of my life for a crime that was committed in 5 minutes?" It is because the choices and actions we make determine our future. I love and worship God because his law is never arbitrary or tyrannical but is there for our benefit and health. I love him because despite the uncountable mistakes I've made in my life he is willing to forgive me, forget my mistakes, and take me in as his own child. I beg you to look at the teachings of Jesus for what they are and not what people have twisted them to be for their own gain.

    • @user-fc2zb9po8t
      @user-fc2zb9po8t Před 4 měsíci

      @@eugeneartyomenko8500Think deeper. You got this!

  • @zavierpara
    @zavierpara Před 4 lety +17

    ill listen to jesus ✝️😇👼😇

    • @Mathewmatics86
      @Mathewmatics86 Před 4 lety

      Really? He said all he requires is that you believe in him then he said, only those who do the will of the father will enter heaven, and I call you my friends but only if you obey me. Do you obey him? Of not, according to the bible, you're screwed - hell for eternal punishment. I've been a believer in God for 9 years and I'm really battling with this at the moment. The bible is full of contradictions, page after page,,,so hard to know the truth and interpret it accurately.

    • @lb7625
      @lb7625 Před 2 lety

      To Jesus*

    • @lb7625
      @lb7625 Před 2 lety

      @@Mathewmatics86 Both believing and obeying are a must, thing is that when we believe In Jesus we get Saved we get access To The Book Of Life, then we must turn away from sin and be obedient becasue that is turning away from evil and doing righteousness, if you have any other questions feel free to ask, also please change your profile picture, we should Not try to act Them, we are Not Them

  • @brianr924
    @brianr924 Před 3 lety +2

    Since God is loving there must be a hell and there is none good but God no human being is good every human being is a wicked sinner deserving of hell but Jesus Christ came to save sinners from hell and that is love

  • @IsaacNussbaum
    @IsaacNussbaum Před 7 měsíci +1

    *"How Can a Loving God Send Good People to Hell?"* The God of the Bible won't send anybody to "hell" (a place of eternal conscious torture) and the Bible nowhere says that He will.

  • @dylancoleman1921
    @dylancoleman1921 Před 3 lety +6

    Knock knock
    Who is it and what do you want?
    It’s God, I want to save you
    From what?
    From what I’ll do to you if you don’t let me in
    (The part of God could be played by a God or by a person who is a scam artist, the other part must be played by a person who believes anything they are told)

    • @nisamae2
      @nisamae2 Před 2 lety +1

      Why are you here? Because you know God exists 😂

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      @@nisamae2 Exactly, atheists know God is real and He's Jesus Christ! Muslims know that Jesus Christ is God!

  • @kissaverystulipsfloraldesign

    I dont feel love from someone who wants me to suffer because i couldnt live my life his way.

    • @jesusislove84
      @jesusislove84 Před 3 lety +3

      You my friend are forgetting what Jesus did for us on the cross so wr can turn to Him and be forgiven. Read John In bible.

    @STEAMBOLTANNIE Před 4 lety +2

    I think that those who lead a life of sin are in hell on earth..meaning eventually your past catches up with you and we become miserable and dead inside...If we lead a decent life and do good deeds and care about others and are faithful in our marriage etc etc we are at peace with ourselves and that is everything...I think that is what god wants from us opinion only!

  • @awoshi
    @awoshi Před 2 lety +1

    Hell isn’t what people think too it’s not fire it’s separation and loss of life nothing left u cannot leave there
    The real hell is much worse than the one people imagine

  • @sutomuarashi
    @sutomuarashi Před 4 lety +15

    in that case there's no point in me even living-

    • @imabanana8209
      @imabanana8209 Před 4 lety +2

      Clarice Lanuza Yes, he loves you, but he would send you to Hell.

    • @sutomuarashi
      @sutomuarashi Před 4 lety

      @@imabanana8209 sksksksk

    • @hugohepworth5633
      @hugohepworth5633 Před 4 lety

      IM A BANANA Hmmmmmm 🤔

    • @Ricoxemani
      @Ricoxemani Před 4 lety +1

      @Clarice Lanuza " If you have questions that are not yet answered, don’t conclude yet." You say this, even though you conclude that god exists without any evidence. If your god wants me to believe in him/her they will have to show themselves.

    • @flexingfletchyt4756
      @flexingfletchyt4756 Před 4 lety

      Exactly why would god make humans just throw them away in hell just to be forgotten

  • @Musicman-50
    @Musicman-50 Před 4 lety +8

    First of all thank for your attempt to make sense of a the Hell myth. But I respecfully disagree with you the Bible actually says very little about the subject of Hell. Jesus Himself said very little about it. In fact he never even said he was God, but was the son of God, and also that we are all Son's and Daughter's of the most high (Another Topic of discussion)..
    If the subject of Hell was so Critical and Important, don't you think it's an injustice that God didn't create an entire Book or at least multiple chapters about Hell to fully explain the obvious contradictions that ministers like you use to try to explain such nonsense. But I respect your kind well intended attempts to do so.
    The whole idea that God created his children imperfect and to be Judged is so "Human Like".. I mean It's Humans that Judge, they Punish, they Condemn one another. Actually sounds like most religions when I think about it. Our Religion is perfect yours is not . Our religion is of God and yours is of the Devil. LOL
    And the simplistic idea that God created Adam and Eve and expected them to be perfect seems so unrealistic and weird. But it came from a culture thousands of years ago when God said it's ok to have many multiple wives, and Concubines (Sex Slaves) of little girls, for the kings pleasure. God even approved of Slaves. And you have the nerve to say that this God expects humans to be perfect and to ask him for forgiveness for all our sins or he just loves us enough to Condemn us to be tortured for all eternity. Really !!! I mean Really !!!! Sounds like God needs some counseling on Love. The OT portrays God as a Killer, and with a very bad temper, not a very nice God if one wants to ask that question. But I suggest the OT was mostly a Metaphor of stories for ancient uneducated people trying to explain what they just didn't know. I mean Building Arks?,Floods, and being eaten by a whale ? Sacrificing your Son, Nice bedtime stories, but not very relevant in a complex modern society 6 thousand years later.
    I have children and if they cursed me, hated me or did me wrong, I might not be happy about it, in fact I would grieve deeply, but I would never stop loving them, nor would I even remotely consider killing them, and I'm just a simple human father a human being and quite imperfect.
    Hell is a myth created to control men, and Religion was created to control men.
    My God is Love, and Love doesn't kill. God doesn't Kill. Have I ever asked God to forgive me for my mistakes??, Yes Indeed I have, but not doing so in fear that God would kill me for my imperfections, but more for His guidance to be a better loving person. This is my belief. God is Good.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety +2

      And you my friend are spiritually awake! Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that IF Satan does exist, he has used religion to make people think our loving God will send us to hell for simply being the way we were created. Satan would love nothing more than for God's creation to be torched for eternity.
      Our God is a God of vast diversity and He created diversity in everything. Look at all the different animals, sea life, reptiles, birds, insects, trees, plants, solar systems, and yes - HUMANS! We are all created differently so why in the world would God expect us all to BELIEVE the same way and believe in ONE thing! Absolutely nonsense to say the least! I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters and he breaks it down that the HELL religions teach doesn't even exist. ALL A MYTH!

    • @OverdoseOfNostalgia
      @OverdoseOfNostalgia Před 3 lety +2

      @@Total_Body_Fitness_USA this is what confuses me, there are so many different groups of Christians like Catholics Methodist so on. And while they’re all about basically the same thing, they’re all different. Like Catholics worship marry, but at Baptist’s say to only worship god. With all these different separated groups of Christians, how do you know which one is actually the right one?

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety +1

      @@OverdoseOfNostalgia Where you have diversity, you will have a difference of opinions and this is why there are so many different religions. There are many cultures and while we are all humans, we are all different and NO GOD would expect us to ALL believe in ONE thing when it comes to Him. Religion however can be good in a sense because most people who are dedicated to their religion tend to be better people. They tend to work hard, help others, and in general just be peaceful people. Of course there are other religions that are the opposite and teach hate IF you don't believe the way they do. Extremists are just one example of this. Christians tend to bash and judge people for not believing the way they do. They will curse you to hell for failing to believe the way they do. Religion is like politics. It has caused SO MUCH division on this earth, but it's all MAN MADE! People have believed for thousands of years that God needs some kind of sacrificial offering in order for you to be pleasing or loved by Him. This is ridiculous! Even today you still have "human" sacrificial offerings that a lot of religions take part in. The Mexican Cartel is one example of carrying out these ceremonies!
      The key is to seek out GOD, our Creator with all your heart, mind, and soul and ASK Him for TRUTH! I did this 20 years ago when I was in bondage in the Christian church. WOW, God showed up and He showed me the REAL HIM, and His name is LOVE! Love is the key and it opens all doors here on earth and on the spiritual side as well. God is love, Jesus is love, and BOTH ARE ONE because of LOVE. If you want to be ONE with God and ALL of His creation, then LOVE is the key, BUT you cannot know TRUE love unless you KNOW GOD!
      Love covers a multitude of sin! Love holds NO fault! Love conquers everything that is negative, dark, evil, and it heals everything from A to Z! I encourage you to research universal laws. Here is a good start and this will open your eyes to how God created the universe to self regulate ALL MAN regardless of beliefs. - Universal laws
      Here is an awesome talk with Dolores Cannon who has studied this for decades through hypnosis.
      I also suggest reading some teachings from Edgar Cayce as well.
      Once you understand God's nature, you will understand that He is all about diversity and where you have diversity you will have disagreement. However, we should all be able to love one another despite our differences because we are ALL created by ONE GOD and a part of ONE GOD! We are TRULY ALL ONE, but it is our EGOS that separate us from one another!

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 3 lety

      @Music Man50 I heard it said more than once, Jesus talked about hell more than anything else.

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety +1

      @@georgejenkens2519 I would suggest instead of listening to what people have said, you could actually look it up yourself. You'll find an many others have that Jesus doesn't talk or even use the word Hell.

  • @Matt-qk8nc
    @Matt-qk8nc Před 4 lety +2

    Lets say someone who is morally a good person who obviously had lied before or might have taken a pencil from someone will burn in hell forever because that person doesn’t believe in god seems pretty bad for someone who loves us so much

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 3 lety +1

      Firstly we must escape from this brainwashing we got from the time we were born.
      There is no hell fire that tortures people. That concept only exists in the minds of sadists.
      God is love. Even the thought of killing someone wicked is repugnant to him.
      Ezekiel 18:23  “‘Do I take any delight at all in the death of someone wicked,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘[and] not in that he should turn back from his ways and actually keep living?’

  • @bryanalejandrohernandez9229

    Very well explained Amen😎

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 3 lety

      All these who come out with their own takes on what the bible teaches just confuses people.
      It is best to learn the truth from God. God has a people today whom he is using to teach people the truth.
      This was foretold at Micah 4:1-5.
      They can be recognised because they are actively being used by Jesus to fulfill his last days' prophecy:
      Matthew 24:14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

  • @liamgannon5342
    @liamgannon5342 Před 2 lety +6

    if god is all knowing, how could he create me just to send me to eternal suffering?

    • @KingJonathanThe1st
      @KingJonathanThe1st Před 2 lety +2

      Cause he Loves you.

    • @Andrew-ec4ev
      @Andrew-ec4ev Před 2 lety +1

      John 28:28
      And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”
      God loves us all so much! our father is a good parent who will always look after his children. He tells us there is a hell I believe to fill us up with so much fear we would have to acknowledge sin and to be aware we must run away from it and to rule over it to not only live a better more fulfilling life but to be more like Jesus and to accept that he died on the cross for us so we can have the chance of being forgiven of our sins and we are all sinners so we are all required to repent, to forgive and help your neighbors.

    • @justicebydeathnote
      @justicebydeathnote Před 2 lety +2

      @@Andrew-ec4ev so he is making us fearful only so that we worship him?
      That aint god

  • @johnnyblack4
    @johnnyblack4 Před 3 lety +12

    Literally none of what you said here makes any sense. To believe this is troubling to say the least. It's akin to polishing a turd.

  • @awoshi
    @awoshi Před 2 lety +1

    It’s not a eternal fire it’s metaphorical it’s torture beyond are minds and it’s all mental

  • @cnoel7017
    @cnoel7017 Před rokem

    God doesn’t send people to hell. You send yourself to hell based off of the decision you make that go against the Laws of God. Simple. Take accountability, ask for forgiveness keep striving ❤ easier said than done but this is the time we have to do this ❤

    • @terrycrosslin7866
      @terrycrosslin7866 Před rokem +1

      C Noel Really so I refuse to go! So how am I going to get there?

    • @mattr.1887
      @mattr.1887 Před rokem

      It sounds like you also save yourself by telling God what He wants to hear.

  • @oneplaneteer1708
    @oneplaneteer1708 Před 3 lety +3

    Punish the children for the sins of the father. Doesn't sound very just.

  • @phoebedemontefalcon1423
    @phoebedemontefalcon1423 Před 5 lety +4

    If God knows you'll end up in hell then why would He let someone exist in this world? Please enlighten me

    • @eternaltreasures5340
      @eternaltreasures5340 Před 5 lety +3

      phoebe De Monte Falcon Let me give my 2 pence....when the Lord created us he gave us the ability to procreate. We know that because of sin, evil and all the bad things in this world exist, the Lord created everything to be good our rebellion against him is what causes things to be bad. Now God can’t just take take away our ability to reproduce because evil people are going to be born. Imagine a couple wanting to have kids should God not allow them to reproduce because that child will be evil. No, he allows them to be born and he will use them ultimately to fulfil his will. God is infinite so it is hard for us with our finite selves to comprehend how God works.

    • @francisnanaquame7238
      @francisnanaquame7238 Před 5 lety

      All lies dear

    • @sutomuarashi
      @sutomuarashi Před 4 lety +1

      bc he likes looking at people suffer

    • @sutomuarashi
      @sutomuarashi Před 4 lety +1

      its actually that simple.
      1. god exists
      2. he sucks
      3. we are slaves

    • @sutomuarashi
      @sutomuarashi Před 4 lety

      @@MG-hg1sq LMAO SKSKSKSSK

  • @johnweichel4238
    @johnweichel4238 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I believe in jesus crist

    @TURTLEORIGINAL Před 3 lety +1

    Mark 10:18
    “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.”
    King James Version (KJV)

  • @dawnparks189
    @dawnparks189 Před 4 lety +5

    I don't believe he sends people to hell to be tortured :/

  • @brucewayne7875
    @brucewayne7875 Před 5 lety +3

    @3:47 So if I wanted nothing to do with the Christian God, God will give me what I've always wanted, and that's hell? Wow, such mercy.

    • @madambutterfly7513
      @madambutterfly7513 Před 5 lety +1

      Bruce Wayne - well, if you don’t believe or want God, why would you expect Him to show mercy to you & millions like you??? Hmmmm

    • @brucewayne7875
      @brucewayne7875 Před 5 lety +4

      ​@@madambutterfly7513 Maybe because it's unconscionable to burn someone eternally for simply choosing to not worship a God.

    • @brucewayne7875
      @brucewayne7875 Před 5 lety +3

      @@madambutterfly7513 Think of a scenario in which you had created some minions or other creatures and expected them to worship you and they refused. Would you then, out of your infinite love and wisdom, proceed to punish these creatures by sending them to burn eternally? If the answer is no, then why does God do that and how is it acceptable? If the answer is yes, then you are as immoral as the God in which you believe in.

    • @Android-ds9ie
      @Android-ds9ie Před 5 lety

      @@brucewayne7875 god is a Evil monster

    • @brucewayne7875
      @brucewayne7875 Před 5 lety

      @@Android-ds9ie basically.

  • @AI-tc8fv
    @AI-tc8fv Před 4 lety

    I was more thinking of people who aren't evil or criminal. Imagine a Buddhist man born in Mongolia, he is respectful all his life, charitable and lives and dies a wholly good man. Is he going to eternal punishment just because he wasn't born in a majority Christian land?

  • @mommaof6
    @mommaof6 Před 2 lety

    Ezekiel 33:11-20
    Luke 19:41-44
    When you start asking God why this why that. It will lead you down a dark hole which then will lead to a harden heart. Instead do what Hebrews 3:15 other words if you hear the gospel youve heard time n time again our state of sin realize we are sinners and NEED Jesus! Repent and surrender!
    If you are looking up these type of videos that means your heart is searching for answers and salvation is knocking at your door!
    Therefore surrender your understanding to God. For His ways & thoughts are above ours.
    Isaiah 55:1-9

  • @kareemdavis1500
    @kareemdavis1500 Před 4 lety +3

    So gift comes from me putting faith in something that I don't even no is true like it's a fact. But because I don't to put faith in it, that means I want to go to hell. Wow, Talk about logical fallacy!

    • @georgejenkens2519
      @georgejenkens2519 Před 3 lety

      The Bible this knucklehead is using to say "it is Faith alone that saves", is ignoring the verse in the same Bible that says "Faith without good works is dead."

  • @yahwehismyeverything1867
    @yahwehismyeverything1867 Před 4 lety +3

    Yahweh, did not create hell for human beings but for (Lucifer) and his (Fallen angels) you may ask yourself then why people go there because they reject Jesus Christ the son of Yahweh, he was the final sacrifice for sins.
    You have to understand, that he is Holy and he cannot be in the presence of sin, that's why he gave us his (Son Jesus) so we can have a way out and not go to hell, but people love their sin more. One Sin is enough to send you to hell.
    Peter 1:16
    for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 Před 4 lety

      @@MG-hg1sq yes

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety +1

      *If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell* - Mat 5:29 (repent for ALL your sins, rather than allow your one sin to pick you up and carry you all the way to Hell).

    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 Před 4 lety


    • @yahwehismyeverything1867
      @yahwehismyeverything1867 Před 4 lety


    • @doomsdayangel4647
      @doomsdayangel4647 Před 3 lety

      What if you give up all your sins but still choose to not be a Christian? It is possible to do that you know. If sin means stealing, doing drugs, sex addiction, abusing others, lying, cheating, etc., then you can still give up all your sins without being a Christian. The idea that simply not becoming a Christian is a sin is totally untrue. There is nothing sinful about choosing to not believe in a religion. It does no harm to you, the world, or anybody around you. Real sins cause harm to you, the world, and those around you. Anything that doesn't is not a sin.

  • @jacarola4
    @jacarola4 Před 3 lety

    Props for letting people comment on this video

  • @dezfyah
    @dezfyah Před 3 lety

    Thank you for speaking about the western view.

  • @izzynut
    @izzynut Před 4 lety +5

    Love me or I’ll torture you for eternity?
    Just like a mafia boss?

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety +2

      Return to the Creator who made you. He loves you and wants you in His life.
      In the beginning we rejected God. imagine if all your most prized, most loved, most beautiful artwork just got up and decided to walk away, throwing insults and hate and disgust back at you because they were made of your design and not their own? Or because they simply didn't like who you were as a person? When all you wanted to do was to be with them and glorify them forever?
      Rejection of the Creator is sin, because rejection of God is the rejection of love, and from true love sprouts the goodness of the heart. For God is love, and love is God.
      1 John 4:8 "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love".
      If you do not love God, you hate God, which means you hate love.
      Hell is simply the absence of God's grace.
      He loves you so much and desires for you to be with Him. Don't stray any longer from the love of God, repent, believe in Jesus and live with Him in His eternal kingdom. 😊 Amen

    • @Jcon4002
      @Jcon4002 Před 4 lety

      @@Claudia-qj4ur but at the same time why should all of humanity be punished due to adam and eve eating the apple?

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety

      @Rico When you come before a judge after committing a crime, and you have no witness to compensate for your charge, what do you perceive that the judge will do? The judge will charge you guilty, and sentence you to condemnation.
      You will not be let free, regardless of your crime. We are not counted as "innocent" in the court room just because our crime is less valid than the next person's is. All crime is valid. And in the court room, everything comes before the Judge. And if you are guilty, then you will receive the penalty for your sins.
      We are all sinners, and we all stand guilty before God. But for those who have repented in Christ and have turned from their sin, Jesus will stand as the ultimate Witness. He will throw His hand in the air while a man is on trial and protest: "Through My blood that was spilled and My body that was slain on the cross, this man's debt has been paid!" and a repented sinner will walk free of charge.
      All sin is equally punishable by Death. Jesus said, "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell." Matthew 5:29
      If an eye is a sin you have committed, whether you have lust after someone or uttered a curse, if you do not cut that sin out of your life then your sin carries you to death, whether you're reborn in Christ or not.
      A sinful person CANNOT stand before the presence of God and not be destroyed. He is too Holy. If our souls are eternal, and a sinner stands in the presence of Holy fire (which sin cannot withstand), then that destruction will only be eternal, therefore the soul will perish forever. The Father cannot stand before sin, lest He destroy it. In hell, you are in the presence of God, but a sinner therefore stands and perishes in the presence of His holy fire.
      So whether you deem yourself innocent or not, if you have not repented you are a sinner, and you are guilty of charge.
      But God became flesh and died for our sins, so that we might only reach out to Him with a repentant heart and be saved.
      "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life".
      John 3:16
      So we must repent of all our sin, so that we can kneel before God and not perish.

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety

      @@Jcon4002 First of all there was no apple, no apple was ever mentioned in the book of Genesis or ever had any relevance to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In fact, there wasnt a specified fruit, full stop. The eating of the fruit was a metaphor for "laying" with one another, or in other words, having sex (hence why Adam and Eve both became suddenly aware of their nakedness and felt a need to cover themselves.
      Genesis 3:7
      "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings."
      So the tree represented the knowledge of sin and the pleasures of the flesh (that was evil), and obviously, the alternative, goodness (decency, righteousness, holiness).
      Now, Adam and Eve were man and woman and they, in the beginning, did and to this day still do represent man in all his strengths and vulnerabilities.
      In those moments (upon the two of them taking from the tree), Adam and Eve represented the face of humanity, in that, were anyone there in that situation, you or I, we would have given ourselves over to temptation.
      So it's completely fair to say that it was not the fault of Adam and Eve, rather, it was the fault of humanity. Because God knew the depths of the soul and spirit of every man and woman, in His image, before He even created the flesh of Adam and Eve. We were in the beginning with God. We are not the result of Adam and Eve populating the earth. We were already designed with bountiful purpose and immeasurable value before the beginning of man's Reign on earth. God knew who we were before the foundation of the earth! (Ephesians 1:4, Revelation 13:8)
      And He knew that we would fall, but we were always destined to fall, and experience free will. Many suffer today as a result of humanities' weakness for free will; for temptation. But the wicked will not go unpunished, and the oppressors of the world will be harshly judged [Prov].
      Free will allows us to do whatever we want with our choices and our actions. To lead our own paths, and come back to God in our own time. But many do not, and many suffer because of it. However that does not mean that there is little hope for the lost, for there is much. For Christ serves out hope abundantly.
      "For blessed are those who are poor in spirit now, who are meek, who are but children, for theirs is the kingdom of God" [Matt, Mark]. (paraphrased).
      Free will allowed us to fall away from God. It was free will, that God must have so fearfully given to man, knowing that His children would reject Him.
      And although God is angry that we deliberately fell away from Him, still He gave it all up for us on the cross, and He did not forsake us.
      Because He loves us so very much, He sacrificed His life for us that we would have a way back to Him, amidst the free will that we chose over Him, our own Father.
      Remember that God loves you to die for you, and intended for you to experience life, and to have a purpose, you alone are significant to God.
      And even though you may not feel it, God's relentless, radiant love showers down on you all hours of the day.
      God bless

  • @kareemdavis1500
    @kareemdavis1500 Před 4 lety +10

    Good answer , only if your already a believer 😂

    • @bujaboy7665
      @bujaboy7665 Před 3 lety +2

      "Nobody is Good Everyone Sins."

    • @kareemdavis1500
      @kareemdavis1500 Před 3 lety +1

      @@bujaboy7665 some of these sins are because god can invade my personal thoughts such as lust for a woman which is only a nature thing!

    • @bujaboy7665
      @bujaboy7665 Před 3 lety +3

      God is never Sinful, He is Holy, Just, and Perfect, He didn't Create You sinful, He created you as A Beautiful Saint, But Society Change you. Look my friend, "Sins doesn't Control over you, You Allow Sins to control You". .. You need to learn To say 'No' to your Flesh.

    • @kareemdavis1500
      @kareemdavis1500 Před 3 lety

      @@bujaboy7665 what you mean god can do no wrong because he is the king. A pure righteous god without the burden of being held to a pure righteous standard.

    • @bujaboy7665
      @bujaboy7665 Před 3 lety +1

      He is called God for A Reason. he is Holy, Just, And Perfect. He makes No mistake. Because He is God.

  • @ettiennelane9173
    @ettiennelane9173 Před 2 lety +2

    There are 4 billion people in Africa and Asia alive today who never heard of Jesus. Through history this would amount to at least 65 billion people but the number is likely much higher. Are they all in (going to) hell?

    • @mommaof6
      @mommaof6 Před 2 lety +1

      No the gospel will be preached to entire world then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

    • @ettiennelane9173
      @ettiennelane9173 Před 2 lety +2

      @@mommaof6 I agree and the only way that is possible, is if the Gospel will be preached to those who have not heard it after they have died.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem +1

      It's up to God to decide, God knows everything, so He know what those people would do if they heard the gospel, God will do what is right.

  • @cfofra
    @cfofra Před 2 lety +2

    The idea that "good" people go to hell is in complete contradiction to the Bible and doesn't answer the problem of the accessibility of Christianity in of itself. The idea of "knowing God" from a Christian perspective is a criteria for not going to hell is full of logical fallacies. Christianity was only readily available to the world in the last 500 years. Meaning millions "went to hell" due to the availability and accessibility of "God" from a Christian perspective. Unfortunately, the last statement in this video is in fact false. The Christian message was not available to all people.

  • @Hannah11235
    @Hannah11235 Před 2 lety +4

    Well said. Sadly, unbelievers will get exactly what they want. Complete separation from God. I used to be an atheist for most of my life. Thankfully Jesus rescued me from that deception. To any unbeliever reading this, Jesus really does exist and life with Him is infinitely better than without Him. I loved my atheist life, but nothing begins to compare to knowing Jesus. If you seek Jesus with a truly genuine, humble, and repentant heart you will receive the evidence of His existence. He loves you.

    • @adrianmetzler2523
      @adrianmetzler2523 Před 2 lety +2

      Crazy how you’re down with the us dude sending people to hell. Have some goddamn courage to admit it’s a horrible idea an all powerful thing wouldn’t need to use.

    • @adrianmetzler2523
      @adrianmetzler2523 Před 2 lety +1

      I don’t want to be in a heaven let alone be with a hell maker. I also don’t want to be in it’s hell, so no, I don’t “get what I want” I get what god forces. So ridiculous, Alton were never an “atheist” for “most” of your life. You were agnostic at best. Doesn’t your god hate liars? Or not he act of lying? Belief isn’t a choice, go choose to believe fire isn’t hot, touch it for a long time and see if your choice actually works.

    • @kadinturner1816
      @kadinturner1816 Před 2 lety +1

      I stopped following God and I feel on top of the world, bettet than I ever have ever!

    • @adrianmetzler2523
      @adrianmetzler2523 Před 2 lety +1

      @@kadinturner1816 good for you. No point in wasting your time fearing what doesn’t exist, or at least isn’t proven.

  • @davidhall3747
    @davidhall3747 Před 5 lety +4

    No one knows why God ordained some to condemnation and others to be Predestinated to Heaven. Jude ( 1:4) Men of old ordained to this condemnation. Romans (8:29) For whom He did foreknow- them He also did Predestnate to be conformed to the image of His Son. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. According to the Doctrine of Election- God chose His family before the foundation of the world. Ephesians (1:4) According as He hath chosen us before the foundation of the World. God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation. ( 2) Thessalonians 2:13
    The doctrine of Election looks unfair to the Human mind- but God already wrote down the names of His chosen elect family in the Lambs Book of Life before the world was created. The scriptures above prove my statements. There's more proof- but need to save that for another time.

    • @Android-ds9ie
      @Android-ds9ie Před 5 lety

      Your god some m***********

    • @davidhall3747
      @davidhall3747 Před 4 lety +2

      @@holyinquisition8854 Isaiah 55:8
      For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
      Ephesians 1:11
      In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.
      Why God has prejudged everyone is a question only God can answer. Gods ways are much higher than our ways. Gods thoughts are much higher than our thoughts.

    • @holyinquisition8854
      @holyinquisition8854 Před 4 lety +1

      @@davidhall3747 yeah sure, let's just throw the argument: "God works in mysterious ways". If God was benevolent he would actually try to help the sinners instead of tormenting them uselessly, and the thoughts of God from the bible are similar to a warlord mentality.

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

    • @defcon1africa676
      @defcon1africa676 Před 3 lety +1

      SO we came to this planet to suffer. Is that why my life has been this way since childhood? I guess i was part of the rebel angels or did something terrible. Well...what can we do.

  • @steviet3995
    @steviet3995 Před 3 lety

    Jesus Christ is our only on the name of the Lord.

  • @makotoakiyama6765
    @makotoakiyama6765 Před 3 lety +2

    Our parents: I brought you into this world and I can take you out!
    Us: Scary, but I'm fine with that
    God: I bought you into this world and I can take you out!

    • @jobeeunicegaming1816
      @jobeeunicegaming1816 Před 3 lety

      thats just a saying, parents dont actually kill their children. even if they did kill their children which would be horrible, it would still not be as bad as eternal suffering moron

    • @markdaniels1730
      @markdaniels1730 Před rokem +2

      If your parents actually did that they would indeed be horrible people.

  • @bailujen8052
    @bailujen8052 Před 4 lety +1

    Maybe the reason why God sends people is that God doesn't want them in hell but he has no choice but to do the right decision

    • @wilshaundunn208
      @wilshaundunn208 Před 3 lety

      You right he probably didn’t want Jesus dying for us but he had to choice but too .

    • @Musicman-50
      @Musicman-50 Před 3 lety +1

      How could this make any sense? A God that created the universe and humans, but he or it or whatever God is that created everything has an obligation to torture people for eternity because they didn't figure something from a book that doesn't make any sense at all? Makes no sense at all really.

  • @jericho4281
    @jericho4281 Před 2 lety +1

    Just because Adam and Eve disobeyed God, why do we have to inherit their wrongdoing and become sinners too? Didn't God literally create us to be sinners, just because two people from the past did not obey? Its like saying a prisoner having a baby in prison, and the baby being guilty too. How could a loving God do that? God literally created all the sin in the world. And does punishment for sin really have to be eternal? God claims himself to be a loving God, but THAT does NOT describe love to me.

  • @gaelatriano5996
    @gaelatriano5996 Před 3 lety +1

    If you don't believe God, but respect others who believe in him and respect the idea of God himself, can you still go to heaven

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Před 3 lety

      Why do many have this fixation about going to heaven? Go there and do what?
      The earth is and will be humans home.
      Psalm 37:29 The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
      We have been brainwashed to believe that we can live outside our bodies and travel here and there. See and speak without the organs to do so which are rotting in the grave. Why don't people just reason.
      Just a thought.

    • @gaelatriano5996
      @gaelatriano5996 Před 3 lety

      @@TomeRodrigo okay then let's all be ghost ls instead

  • @hollowkiller1011
    @hollowkiller1011 Před rokem

    I dont glorify myself nor do I glorify a being I've never meet but been told by other humans to believe in I was born in another man's dream I have to have hobbies that were never created by me I'm a copy of thousands of other copies

  • @glow2590
    @glow2590 Před 4 lety +2

    If you only love God to avoid going to'll hate going to heaven too.

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety +1

      If the love is true then it doesn't matter. Love is love. You are right to love God because you fear Hell. It's part of the reason Hell exists. To steer us toward the light.

    • @dankhill_
      @dankhill_ Před 4 lety

      yeah, eternal worshipping seems pretty boring. 😕

    • @glow2590
      @glow2590 Před 4 lety

      @@Claudia-qj4ur Yeah though I couldn't love or want to be with a God that would damn people to burn for eternity under his biggest traitor of all...late response I know.

    • @Claudia-qj4ur
      @Claudia-qj4ur Před 4 lety

      @@glow2590 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentence"
      God, who created all things, who knows the hairs on your head, who formed you and all creation through love (John 1:1-3 "All things were made through Him." 1 John 4:8 "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."). God made all things through love. But God does not, cannot, love sin. God hates sin, and he who is not of God is of the devil, because he is a sinner. But once you become reborn, your sinful self passes away (2 Corinthians 5:17) "whoever is in Christ; he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new." God no longer looks at you as a sinner, and you are eternally clean and right standing before the sight of Him, living hence forth by the grace of God. A reborn Christian cannot sin, because they are saved from sin (1 John 3:9). Likewise, a sinner cannot enter the Kingdom of God, because he is not saved from his sin. God loves you, He, Jesus, suffered and died for you, nailed to the cross, to take the blame for your sins and bear the punishment that we all deserve, so that you might turn from living for the god of this world the Devil, be saved from the wages of sin, entering into eternal salvation to become children of the Most High God.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      If you only love God to avoid hell, then you don't actually love Him.......

  • @adrianmetzler2523
    @adrianmetzler2523 Před 2 lety

    So does god want to or need to use a hell?. Which is it.

  • @hugoramirez1252
    @hugoramirez1252 Před 2 lety

    this is the messed up part i dont get and i know you got to talk to the man itself if its true that he actually listens to you, but one meaning us didnt ask to be born but we still did, and me having gone through alot of things i mean alot not having food electricity water, walking miles in the sun rain under 0 deegres, being hit on, threaten by murder by a organize crime and still things happen, i just dont get how after all that god still does a threat to you that he will send you to hell because you might slack on something you might do 9 things correct but 1 thing is sending you there, i just think its messed up i feel like im being bullied by god and theres no response from him.

  • @yhwhisgod7773
    @yhwhisgod7773 Před 3 lety +1

    4:09 this is a mark of a Man of God

  • @evilemu2599
    @evilemu2599 Před 10 měsíci +1

    but how can you be ok believing in an idea that sends undeniably good people like Ghandi to a place of eternal suffering? That if this is the case he is experiencing as I type this… Or that sends people who just never really any choice in what faith they would follow in life? Please understand i’m not trying to anger anyone or troll, I’m just genuinely curious as the idea of eternal suffering for people who are genuinely good at heart confuses me.

    • @evilemu2599
      @evilemu2599 Před 11 měsíci

      And yes I know he addressed this point in the video itself but I feel as though he never fully answered the question :/

  • @barrycross8108
    @barrycross8108 Před 2 lety +1

    I will go where I go

  • @tonythegreat4275
    @tonythegreat4275 Před rokem

    Most of us going to h311 not because of sinful desires but because ignorance and lack of knowledge hence the confusion

  • @GB-vs3uw
    @GB-vs3uw Před 5 lety +2

    I wouldn't want to join a club that turns away Ghandi, but has Fred Phelps Sr as a member.

  • @stickymonkey1
    @stickymonkey1 Před 4 lety

    I have been looking for answers for many years. Correct me, if I am wrong, but what you said is, it doesn't matter what our works are. It doesn't matter how we live. It doesn't matter our knowledge. If we don't know God, we burn in hell. Those how do not know God, burn in hell. A giving man who has never learned Gods way, burns in hell. Correct?

    • @Total_Body_Fitness_USA
      @Total_Body_Fitness_USA Před 3 lety

      Total nonsense as I was stuck in the Christian bondage for years before I finally woke up over 20 years ago. Most Christians have no clue and are taught by pastors that have no clue as well. It's a vicious cycle that Satan has used to make people think our loving God will send us to hell. Satan would love nothing more than God's creation to be torched for eternity. Absolutely nonsense. I suggest watching some of Aaron Abke's videos. He is a pastor that explains the bible the way it supposed to be taught without all the nonsense! Here is a video for starters.

    • @giuseppecatone7360
      @giuseppecatone7360 Před rokem

      No one is good, we all deserve to go to hell, but God saved us by dying on the cross and then rising from the dead on the third day, all we have to do is accept Him.

  • @JSK95
    @JSK95 Před 4 lety +1

    People often ask how God, who loves us unconditionally, can send people (or allow them to go) to hell. It makes no sense to them and claim that God would be hypocritical. What people don't realize is that sin cannot dwell in the place of God for He is holy. It's not that God chooses to send people to hell, or allows people to go to hell when He can just save them all if He can choose to do so. It is all because of sin.
    It is sin that separates us from God. We've been separated from God ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command to never eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil. Mankind was doomed for destruction ever since. But because God loves us unconditionally, He sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to die for the sins of mankind as a sin offering, and whoever believes in Jesus as their Savior shall be saved.
    What is darkness? It is the absence of light. Light is symbolic for the glory of God; His divine presence. Jesus described hell as "outer darkness" (Matt. 8:12). So hell is a place where the glory of God is absent, and thus heaven is a place where the glory of God is present. God gave humans free will. We can choose to follow Him or not to follow Him. If you choose to accept Jesus as your Savior and repent of your sins, you will be forgiven of your sins. If you choose not to accept Jesus as your Savior, then you are not forgiven of your sins and will die with your sins.
    Again, sin cannot dwell in the place of God. And because some people die with their sins and never asked for forgiveness, their sins prevent them from being allowed in the presence of God because He is holy. So it's not that God condemns people to hell, but that people in their sins are not allowed in the presence of God and is therefore left to exist in hell which was originally the place destined for Satan and his demons who also went against God.
    People may try to reason that God then ultimately created humans to suffer because not all of them will know God and Jesus. And the main reason that the world doesn't know God is BECAUSE of Satan and his demons. They are still at work to this day to separate as many humans as possible from God by hiding the truth in God's existence while also hiding their existence from this world. It is ultimately Jesus who will judge the world by the testimony of their faith. So if you are questioning about those who have died never knowing God and Jesus, their fate is up to God and is something we'll never know.

    • @rachael2803
      @rachael2803 Před 4 lety +3

      God created satan tho, i cant wrap my head around it. hes all knowing he knew satan would cause this destruction but created him anyway. logically, god is the the ultimate source of evil

    • @JSK95
      @JSK95 Před 4 lety +1

      @@rachael2803 Satan was also once an angel created by God. Angels also were also given free will, just like how we humans have free will. Satan, or known as Lucifer before his downfall, was one the highest and mightiest angels. Lucifer became proud and arrogant in his beauty, elegance, and wisdom, and thought that he himself should be higher than God. God creates out of love and provides free will. Otherwise, if he forces all of his creation to love him back, then we're mere robots. God wants us to love Him in our own free will.
      Like you said, God is omniscient (all-knowing) and his reasoning transcends above all human reasoning and comprehension. Therefore, we as human beings with limited understanding, can never fathom how God thinks; human logic cannot be equaled to God's logic. So there is already the notion of fallacy trying to reason that God is "all knowing he knew satan would cause destruction but created him anyway." God has an ultimate purpose that we may never fully understand. All He asks is that we trust Him and believe in the Son, Jesus, that He had sent.

    • @rachael2803
      @rachael2803 Před 4 lety +2

      JSK90589 It still doesnt take away the fact that he knew it would happen, that makes God immoral. If i created a robot knowing its main purpose was to destory and inflict pain and suffering to the world yet i unleash it anyway, who is ultimately responsible for the pain and suffering? me. A loving God is not logical

    • @JSK95
      @JSK95 Před 4 lety

      @@rachael2803 God is more than just. Our reasoning of what is moral and immoral comes partly from God, yet we still can't grasp with our finite understanding. You don't know what God's ultimate purpose is for all of His creation, so how can you justify in saying that God is immoral? His thoughts are not our thoughts, and neither are our ways His ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
      Our limited understanding of time will never give us the ability of knowing what it is like to be onmiscent. Our reasoning limits us to question as to why God created Lucifier and angels in the first place, when He knew Lucifer would go against him with his free will. Then why did God even create humans in the first place, knowing that they would also disobey under Satan's temptation and deception? We don't have an answer for that because God's thoughts and ways are higher than we'll ever be. It takes a bumpy road to become successful. Perhaps all these "bad things" are needed to take place for the greater good. Who knows, but God?

    • @rachael2803
      @rachael2803 Před 4 lety

      JSK90589 I dont think we get our morals from the christian god, his acts in the old testament are not moral by today’s standards or any rational person (it would take too long to go into but if you haven’t researched it i suggest you do). A more logical explanation is that the christian God is not real. I’m not being hostile this is just my opinion. Although i disagree, thank you for replying and trying to shed some light on the question. You are right, questions like these cannot be answered, but when we apply logic to them we get a better understanding.

  • @indielove
    @indielove Před 2 lety +1

    I love Jesus but I still struggle to believe and understand this. How can God teach us to do charity and do God's work by loving and helping others but you're saying we go to heaven based on our faith alone and not on our own good doings? So if someone live to help people with their good hearted intentions just to help people with any motives to gain heaven or anything but doesn't accept Jesus, but if one kills, murder, does ALL THE WRONG DOING, repents and seeks Jesus, he gets a pass to heaven but the one that does goodness his entire life gets sent to hell??? Yes Jesus is our salvation, but your'e saying good deeds and kindness will not even be considered? So in that case why would people help and do all kind acts for, if one can just keep committing crime and does no kind acts but ask for forgiveness from Jesus again and again and gets to go to heaven?

  • @nori_tutor
    @nori_tutor Před 10 měsíci +1

    Christians: seek truth and you shall find it.
    Me: *Studies and seeks truth with an open mind, and then finds enough evidence not to believe*