Most brilliant moves of all time - Averbakh vs Kotov - Old Indian Defense (A55) (

  • čas přidán 16. 02. 2011
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    ►Play FREE online chess at presents: Most brilliant moves of all time series - Averbakh vs Kotov
    Kotov candidate move system series
    [Event "Zurich"]
    [Site "Zurich"]
    [Date "1953.??.??"]
    [Round "?"]
    [White "Yuri Averbakh"]
    [Black "Alexander Kotov"]
    [Result "0-1"]
    [ECO "A55"]
    [PlyCount "98"]
    [EventDate "1953.??.??"]
    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 d6 3. Nf3 Nbd7 4. Nc3 e5 5. e4 Be7 6. Be2 O-O 7. O-O c6 8. Qc2
    Re8 9. Rd1 Bf8 10. Rb1 a5 11. d5 Nc5 12. Be3 Qc7 13. h3 Bd7 14. Rbc1 g6 15. Nd2
    Rab8 16. Nb3 Nxb3 17. Qxb3 c5 18. Kh2 Kh8 19. Qc2 Ng8 20. Bg4 Nh6 21. Bxd7 Qxd7
    22. Qd2 Ng8 23. g4 f5 24. f3 Be7 25. Rg1 Rf8 26. Rcf1 Rf7 27. gxf5 gxf5 28. Rg2
    f4 29. Bf2 Rf6 30. Ne2 Qxh3+ 31. Kxh3 Rh6+ 32. Kg4 Nf6+ 33. Kf5 Nd7 (33... Ng4
    34. Bh4 (34. Nxf4 Rg8 35. Nh5 Rhg6 36. Bh4 Bxh4 37. fxg4 Rf8+ 38. Nf6 Rfxf6#)
    34... Rf8+ 35. Kxg4 (35. Bf6+ Rfxf6+ 36. Kxg4 Rfg6+ 37. Kf5 Rh5+ 38. Rg5 Rhxg5#
    ) 35... Rxh4#) 34. Rg5 (34. Rfg1 Rf8+ 35. Kg4 Rg8+ 36. Kf5 Rf6#) 34... Rf8+ 35.
    Kg4 Nf6+ 36. Kf5 Ng8+ 37. Kg4 Nf6+ 38. Kf5 Nxd5+ (38... Ng8+ 39. Kg4 Bxg5 40.
    Kxg5 Rf7) 39. Kg4 Nf6+ 40. Kf5 Ng8+ 41. Kg4 Bxg5 42. Kxg5 Rf7 43. Bh4 (43. Rg1
    Rg7+ 44. Kf5 Rf6#) 43... Rg6+ 44. Kh5 Rfg7 45. Bg5 Rxg5+ 46. Kh4 Nf6 47. Ng3
    Rxg3 48. Qxd6 R3g6 49. Qb8+ Rg8 0-1 ►Subscribe for my regular chess videos: ►Support the channel by donating via PayPal:
    By Nijs, Jac. de / Anefo [CC BY-SA 3.0 nl (], via Wikimedia Commons
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Komentáře • 43

  • @HighlyCruciferous
    @HighlyCruciferous Před 7 lety +14

    Bronstein writes that Kotov wanted to reach the 40th move in order to adjourn. So he repeats moves but to avoid a threefold, he must slightly change the position, hence the capture on -d5.

  • @kingscrusher
    @kingscrusher  Před 13 lety +1

    @MrLightAngelus Yes - to do with move 40 - makes sense. So the adjournment happened at move 40.

  • @MNH73
    @MNH73 Před 13 lety +1

    Thanks, one of the prettiest games ever - the slow manoeuvring beforehand is really what makes the move special though, as Bronstein said in his tournament book (Zurich, 1953), "all his previous play went to prepare" the sacrifice. I think the analysis by massed ranks of Russian players didn't happen until later. Here are two Soviet players anyway, so I doubt either would have had a team helping them - I expect all Kotov might have done is chatted his ideas through with a fellow competitor.

  • @davidblack2970
    @davidblack2970 Před 4 lety +1

    Avoiding the draw by repetition to adjourn the game is certainly the best explanation. Especially if he also had clock issues. But even if he saw the checkmate it would be much safer to simply adjourn the game so that he could double-check it. But why not snatch as many pawns as you can without letting the king out of the mating net? That way if you were mistaken about the checkmate or blunder those extra pawn(s) may come in handy. All good reasons.

  • @paulusmaulus
    @paulusmaulus Před 13 lety

    These are great, thank you so much KingsCrusher

  • @mikeb5969
    @mikeb5969 Před 10 lety +1

    The answer to your question is Black had to scramble to time control at move 40, repetition is often the means. Kotov had consumed almost all the playing time whilst conceiving the positional exchange sac

  • @kingscrusher
    @kingscrusher  Před 10 lety +1

    📚 My chess courses:

  • @kookoon
    @kookoon Před 13 lety

    thanks for this
    ...and the other thousands videos you made.
    I think everyone saw the queen sacrifice possibility, some 2-3 possible moves that made him walk but myself wasn't sure was really worth it.
    that was real deep thinking

  • @tuoljg
    @tuoljg Před 13 lety

    love these

  • @MNH73
    @MNH73 Před 13 lety

    Bronstein also says: "there has to be mate in this position; most probably Kotov saw its basic outlines as far back as his 30th move. 33...Nd7 Here's the proof: had the q sac been "accurately calculated", Kotov would instead have chosen Stahlberg`s postmortem suggestion, 33...Ng4, depriving White of the reply 34.Rg4."
    He also suggests that Nxd5 was just a way to prevent risking a repetition in the position.

  • @iPLAYgb
    @iPLAYgb Před 13 lety

    i actually saw it and how it worked almost as soon as i looked at it. that really suprised me lol

  • @ImposingSumo
    @ImposingSumo Před 13 lety

    This is a fantastic series.

  • @Nola213
    @Nola213 Před 13 lety

    Wow amazing Queen sac. Thanks for sharing this match, and this amazing mating sequence.

  • @whoisbhauji
    @whoisbhauji Před 9 lety +1

    Nxe5 was just to prevent draw and get to adjournment - he then *got* Bxg5 when he analyzed with his team apparently...

  • @GlobalAgenda
    @GlobalAgenda Před 13 lety

    Hello Kc, with regards to the Knight taking the D5 Pawn, maybe he just was trying to buy some time to try to work out what to do. Then he finally found the plan that he needed to force the win through.

  • @HopyHop1
    @HopyHop1 Před 12 lety

    I guess whatever color is on the bottom moves first.

  • @gologram
    @gologram Před 12 lety

    I also have kotov's book "think like a grandmaster" but I ve never read anything like that there. Contrary, Kotov proposes to intuitively sort out the most relevant candidate moves and not sift everything you see over the board like computer program does.

  • @JoeTheXC
    @JoeTheXC Před 11 lety

    I believe there was some website (I can't remember) that said that Kotov and his analysts worked together to find the combo after the sac...
    By the way, nice analysis kingscrusher.

  • @aaa70142
    @aaa70142 Před 11 lety

    maybe Nxd5 is simply to avoid draw by 3 position repeats; to ensure this would not happen

  • @gorryman
    @gorryman Před 10 lety

    night takes to free that square for the rook if needed the night could always piot back to the square just keeping control of the netting area

  • @MoonBurn13
    @MoonBurn13 Před 5 lety

    Wait wait wait...Why does the King HAVE to take after 1...QxPch? Why not 2. KN1 ? After that the White King can just start throwing pieces out (eg after 2...RR3; 3. BR4) along the KR and KN files to make space for the King + delay the attackers? (...tho I suppose in the final analysis, White’s chances of surviving may have looked - and objectively been - better after 2. KxQ.

  • @gologram
    @gologram Před 13 lety

    kingcrusher, you seem to be interested in Kotov and curiously I noticed you compared his behaviour with "cat playing mouse" in this game. The laughy thing is that "Kotov" is indeed translated as " cat's " from Russian.
    As to the game, I surely guessed the first move, queen sacrifice, but only saw a draw after that. The quess itself is courtesy to your hint that " there is a sacrifice here."

  • @TheOneBlackSheep1973
    @TheOneBlackSheep1973 Před 13 lety

    @kingscrusher i think Kotov let hiself down by missing ng4 i thought his whole raisin d'etre was to calculate , calculate and then calculate some more after initiating the queen sac you would have thought he could see this simple enough continuation. It kind of fits in with your earlier disdane of his book in previous videos because missing just one easy enough line could cost you dearly when just pressing your advantages risk free in simpler positions will always guarantee a result .

  • @Deus_Auto
    @Deus_Auto Před 11 lety

    White had a queen, that could have xA5ed, that was not even most likely thought of during the D5 of the "Cat-and-Mouse" game. It could have saved him from having to witness the "brilliant moves" later on, via two to three probable variants.

  • @hvitekristesdod
    @hvitekristesdod Před 13 lety

    maybe he was thinking he could get his knight to e6 at some point to threaten the rook on g5

  • @-7-man
    @-7-man Před 7 lety

    Kg1 after Q takes pawn??

  • @tehkaewt
    @tehkaewt Před 13 lety

    Beautiful queen sac, but can someone explain why Rh6 isn't winning for black as well?

  • @JalebJay
    @JalebJay Před 13 lety

    Nxd5 might have just been a blunder since he let the white queen into the position for a longer mate threat.

  • @KillianDefaoite
    @KillianDefaoite Před 7 lety

    I found the move!

  • @The34gl3
    @The34gl3 Před 13 lety

    HI Kings!
    I'd love to hear your views on using A.I. for society management purposes. Have you ever heard of the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement?

  • @pfalcon7777
    @pfalcon7777 Před 13 lety

    "checking paradise". hehe..

  • @Graytest_
    @Graytest_ Před 6 lety

    i think he still thinking if bishop takes rook is correct.

  • @ThomasBye
    @ThomasBye Před 8 lety

    Kingscrusher: What would happen if he had played R h6 as his first move?

  • @HopyHop1
    @HopyHop1 Před 12 lety

    You should say if it is white or black to move before you ask the audience to guess the move.

  • @kingscrusher
    @kingscrusher  Před 13 lety

    @gologram I didn't know that - that's quite funny and coincidental! Thanks for the info :)

  • @honoriuc
    @honoriuc Před 3 lety

    33.Kg5 wasn't analized.

  • @HT-rq5pi
    @HT-rq5pi Před 9 lety

    wheatley is that you?

  • @billielentz6901
    @billielentz6901 Před 4 lety

    G2 to G4

  • @kriss456
    @kriss456 Před 13 lety

    Boohoo I won 1million billion bonus points!!!!! Anyone knows were can I trade them for crusher dollars?

  • @derelch5902
    @derelch5902 Před 8 lety

    not brilliant