Callie & Arizona 9x23: Part 2


Komentáře • 398

  • @rotemish1
    @rotemish1 Před 11 lety +19

    When callie says "where the hell is Arizona".... Just broke my heart

  • @lamayera04
    @lamayera04 Před 11 lety +11

    I started to watch Grey's Anatomy because of Callie and Arizona. I'm so mad right now that if it comes to it this would be the last season for me. Right now what is keeping me here watching is Callie who is my favorite character on this show.

  • @angelaescott4989
    @angelaescott4989 Před 11 lety +6

    Oh wow. I loved this!! Arizona & Lauren bloody hot..

  • @bubbabri1
    @bubbabri1 Před 11 lety +10

    Ok..Whew..Um. I finally watched this scene because honestly last night I turned away from the tv. I couldn't bear to look. Knew it was coming..hoped it wouldn't.As soon as the words "on call room" were mentioned, I started screaming at the tv "Arizona, noooooo".

  • @saffronfarmer
    @saffronfarmer Před 11 lety +5

    This is about Arizona feeling that she is still physically attractive to another woman , she doubted that after she lost her leg and that's why she was so reserved with Callie , she cant be sure that Callie finds her as sexy as she did before the accident because Callie is her wife and would never want to hurt her
    But with Lauren she knows she really physically wants her without question

  • @zebra400z
    @zebra400z Před 11 lety +3

    that's why it's important to feed the relationship. Don't allow the fire to become extinguished. When you recognize that the fire is burning low or dimming, don't ignore it! Take action immediately to get the flame burning brightly again. As with most things, if you don't feed and nurture it, it will die...Feed the love, desire, passion, etc etc..

  • @samg535
    @samg535 Před 11 lety +3

    I LOVE Callie and Arizona but DAMN is that last scene in the on call room HOT HOT HOT!!! Omg wishing Greys was on Showtime right now so we could see some real x rated shiz woooo!

  • @thatgaycousin6649
    @thatgaycousin6649 Před 11 lety +3

    Arizona like Lauren coz she reminded her the good times, that on the other side, Calloe did EVERYTHING and the best she could just to make Az happy. Callie supported her

  • @michlmarie
    @michlmarie Před 11 lety +3

    You have to remember though, Shonda Rhimes also created all the good times you loved. But yeah, sucks. Next week will be interesting.

  • @RosehipWine
    @RosehipWine Před 11 lety +3

    Its a fire safety door, they have them in hospitals and hotels etc, they are held back with strong magnets and close automatically when the fire alarm is activated, but they also shut if the power cuts out, in reality they dont normally slam shut like that though x

  • @ishy236
    @ishy236 Před 9 lety +13

    Arizona and Callie are my 'it' couple on GA, but I've got to admit Lauren it really hot and she and Arizona look cute together... As a Calzona (btw, really hate their ship name, it sounds like a type of food) shipper I'm supposed to hate Lauren but for some reason I don't hate her. I think if they had gotten another actress to play Lauren i would have been a lot more furious and devastated by this situation, but thank god she was played by Hilarie Burton (i'm a one tree hill fan).

  • @Kakarota14790
    @Kakarota14790 Před 10 lety +9


  • @kchuhua
    @kchuhua Před 11 lety +6

    Callie has done EVERYTHING for Arizona like what the hell? When does Arizona return the favor?!

  • @Uganda1996
    @Uganda1996 Před 11 lety +2

    They are definitely still married through this entire season.

  • @bluvel27
    @bluvel27 Před 11 lety +1

    ..we are human after all and we aren't perfect.. the important thing is will we admit our mistake, forgive and move on.. Lauren and Tamsin have the same smile and so hot.. love them both..

  • @webbcassidy93
    @webbcassidy93 Před 11 lety +2

    I am really upset this happened. I have little hope that I will regain my respect for Arizona next week.

  • @Candican2
    @Candican2 Před 11 lety +1

    My heart just broke! Poor Callie! She has really had the worst luck with cheating spouses. Ayayay!!

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +1

    AZ se ha dado cuenta que lo que la unía a Callie esta en picada, que la ilusión
    ya no existe en la misma intensidad, que la chispa que mantiene al amor en lucha
    diaria se esta perdiendo, LA AMPUTACIÓN YA NO SOLO ESTA EN LA PIERNA HA LLEGADO A SU ALMA, A SU CORAZÓN, cosa que debío hablar con Callie,sin
    dudas.Se deja arrasar por la otra,que no tiene duda en conquistarla,porque
    encontró el punto débil de AZ: reconocimiento como cirujana,profesional
    de primera,admiración como mujer hermosa

  • @embrya26
    @embrya26 Před 11 lety +1

    I'm still waiting for most people to realize that this isn't about Lauren or Callie or sex or how sexy Lauren is or how much chemistry she and Lauren have. It's about Arizona and her issues with who she is now vs. who she used to be.

  • @arianalynndances
    @arianalynndances Před 11 lety +1

    Am I the only one who thinks they are absolutely cute together? Don't get me wrong I love Calzona, but this. It feels so natural and so right!

  • @LiRoseify
    @LiRoseify Před 11 lety +1

    You're so right! What I hate even more of this scene is that the kiss was in the heat of the moment, but after, she actually made the choice of being unfaithful. She actually stopped, and decided to go with it... Plus Arizona has no real excuse, Callie's been so damn understanding so that cheap excuse of "she felt alone" or something is just BS. And yes, nothing justifies unfaithfulness.

  • @radiohead0777
    @radiohead0777 Před 11 lety +1

    As Shonda said, with the whole PTSD etc. I kind of get it even if I dislike it. However I am so mad that this happened so quickly!! Callie deserved that Arizona at least tried for a bit to remain faithful and fight those feelings!!!!

  • @LilSmoores
    @LilSmoores Před 11 lety +1

    Arizona what the hell was you thinking... Callie is finna go ham

  • @Lore3440
    @Lore3440 Před 11 lety +2

    I think Lauren pushed the door shut, she obviously didn't plan the blackout but i think she plan that kiss.The lights going out was an added bonus.IMO

  • @ohdartay
    @ohdartay Před 10 lety +2

    My thing is Callie might have struggled with Arizona not giving her attention but she stuck by her side. Arizona was so wrong for this vulnerable or not.

  • @aliceplynch
    @aliceplynch Před 11 lety +2

    Lost me! I loved Arizona and callie, now I'm totally heartbroken! Stupid Arizona!

  • @mauriciobonilla6958
    @mauriciobonilla6958 Před 11 lety +1

    Mother Of God! My spanish it not as good as yours, but that phrase that you said: AMPUTATION NOT IN THE LEG HAS COME TO HER SOUL, HER HEART...OMG! That phrase kill me! I hope Callie finds a supportive friend, as Bailey. This makes me miss Mark! ='(

  • @TheConvictionSC
    @TheConvictionSC Před 11 lety +1

    As a student currently working for a diploma in writing for Television and an avid fan of Shonda Rhimes, here's my 2 cents worth:
    From a writer's point of view, I think AZ cheat was an opportunity too good to miss, especially for a writer such as Shonda who isn't afraid of making fans angry. It feels 'ALMOST' natural for her to do that. First, AZ lost her leg, she feels inadequate. As much as Callie is loving and assures her she's till the same AZ as before, she can't help but feel that Callie

    @JACKIESMITH812 Před 11 lety +2

    I don't know why but I have a really bad feeling about all of this. I really hope nobody tries to kill themselves. I can just picture Arizona being so distraught about what she has done. #badgirlarizona

  • @fansdeerreway4532
    @fansdeerreway4532 Před 11 lety +1

    I can't believe that Arizona did this to Callie when she was there to support her with the leg thing all the time she needed!!
    But it's also exciting to see how they pass all the obstacles together and their love gets stronger -3 :D

  • @sockelf
    @sockelf Před 11 lety +2

    I wonder how is possible that took 5 effing months to do this to Callie, and just 2 days. I'm so disapointed on Arizona.

  • @LiRoseify
    @LiRoseify Před 11 lety +2

    Si y lo peor es que ahora va enfrentar un dolor aun peor que la perdida de su pierna y es la perdida de su familia por un desliz sin sentido y que esta vez no podra culpar a nadie mas que a ella misma...

  • @mauriciobonilla6958
    @mauriciobonilla6958 Před 11 lety +1

    My ex-girlfriend used to tell me:
    "how difficult it is for someone to stay with somebody when you're not in a good mood, when you take the worst of you.
    This is the fire test for Calzona!

  • @kene301187
    @kene301187 Před 11 lety +1

    I mean it sucks, yeah. But damn, was that beautifully done. The minute it goes dark they are all over each other. That was beautiful shot, seriously.

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +1

    I also hope they realize that it 's only an obstacle, but let's face infidelity is hard to forgive

  • @khunniesoshi
    @khunniesoshi Před 11 lety +2

    laurzona is amazing chemical. I'm so excited

  • @JeN-tc6zj
    @JeN-tc6zj Před 11 lety +1

    Le dieron un giro a la historia que difícilmente se pueda superar. Se acabo la mejor historia de la serie. El corazón de Callie esta roto así como el mío! Estoy destruida!

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +2

    En definitiva, lastimosamente AZ penso con los pantalones, no con el corazon...

  • @XULTED1
    @XULTED1 Před 11 lety +1

    Though cheating is never the answer, I have to say I enjoy the twist and look forward to see what the writers do with this.
    Az is finally alive again (even if her actions are morally questionable)...

  • @bosovka
    @bosovka Před 11 lety +1

    Arizona will be so sorry for this! I get she just wanted things to ease up a bit but the consequeces will be unberable.

  • @tahimarrolon6525
    @tahimarrolon6525 Před 11 lety +1

    Callie will kick her ass!

  • @LiRoseify
    @LiRoseify Před 11 lety +1

    Of all the things you could say! Obviously! That's exactly why everyone cheats, because there's some new person in their lives that treat them well and reminds them of some really good times. The point is to realize, Do I really want to lose everything I have right now? Is it worth it? And overcome any temptation, Callie has been nothing but supportive and loving, it pisses me off that people are actually justifying Arizona just because Lauren is "SO HOT OMG!" or because She's so cute and funny.

  • @Ambrizzle33
    @Ambrizzle33 Před 11 lety

    Thank You!!!

  • @genesisvergara1252
    @genesisvergara1252 Před 11 lety +2

    noooooo, que pena que una historia tan linda tenga un engaño, simplemente estoy indignada!!!!! que paso con Arizona despues que le pidio a Callie tan veces que no la dejara

  • @SHINeeKeyTaeyang9925
    @SHINeeKeyTaeyang9925 Před 10 lety +1

    The chemistry!!!

  • @MlleSandrii
    @MlleSandrii Před 11 lety +1

    I 'm torn:
    1) I'm heartbroken because of the storyline, with Arizona cheating on Callie and all.
    2) but at the same time I'm excited because of the storyline and quality's acting, with Hilarie burton who play so well like sara and jessica !

  • @DonnaBrooks
    @DonnaBrooks Před 11 lety +1

    Wow, this is def the most thoughtful post in this thread! Great insight! I'm actually not too worried. I feel bad for Callie - after sticking w/ Arizona all these months after the amputation this is what she gets? I HOPE this is not going to go any farther than what we've seen & that Callie doesn't even find out, since AZ HAS put on the brakes several times w/ the new doctor. She's very attractive physically & in personality, but she's shit in my book for hitting on a married woman.

  • @neverlovedaboy1
    @neverlovedaboy1 Před 11 lety +1

    Dude, Callie was obvious in the beginning she wanted to go do 'something' with Arizona. It is Arizona that isn't trying...she is the one running.

  • @pepemanshon
    @pepemanshon Před 11 lety +1

    why's everybody freaking out?
    I totally love this turn out.
    She feels wanted and desired and flirtatious... given her trauma period maybe that's what she needed all along. So it's a cheat, big deal.

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +2

    Como dijo Callie en el capitulo 7x12 : "No se puede confiar en ti, así que no quiero verte. Eres egoista, así que no quiero verte. Estoy 100% segura de que si te dejo entrar en mi vida de nuevo volveras a herirme."....fue profetica,no crees? ...

  • @jules19080
    @jules19080 Před 11 lety +1

    it's 'i'm gonna be' by 'sleeping at last'. beautiful song

  • @mayaraalencar3306
    @mayaraalencar3306 Před 9 lety +1

    Nunca pensei que ficaria decepcionada com Arizona mas ela conguiu!

  • @embrya26
    @embrya26 Před 11 lety +1

    Lauren is perky, eager, confident, a little arrogant, and everyone is drawn to her; everything AZ used to be. AZ has been detached, timid and broken and no matter what face she’s tried to put on it, she’s remained in that state. Watching AZ & Lauren interact is like watching AZ connect to herself all over again in a tangible way. What we can’t find w/in we often seek from outside ourselves. It’s how many people deal with loss & being lost. It doesn’t make it hurt any less but it does make sense

  • @rambowchickX
    @rambowchickX Před 10 lety +9

    Ahhh mixed emotions, it's half, I hate u and half awww they would be great together

  • @khalessidella1884
    @khalessidella1884 Před 11 lety +1

    NOOO que DECEPCIÓN!!! estaba tan bien todo entre ellas y ahora?? WTF?? era mi pareja preferida y espero que lo sigan siendo pero JUNTAS PLIS!!

  • @Lydde
    @Lydde Před 11 lety +1

    I totally agree with Tiana Mack: As a hardcore Calzona fan I am really disappointed with this storyline. After everything they have been through this season and with them finally getting physical and back together again, where's the logic in this happening?! :( I hate cheating, I hate Lauren!!!!!! :(

  • @demy31
    @demy31 Před 11 lety +1

    ohh poor hearts breaks as your will pissed at arizona....

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +1

    Addison se fue, Mark está muerto y su mejor amiga es la persona que le va a romper el corazón...

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +1

    Cada decisión que ha tomado AZ desde Africa la ha tomado porque amaba a Callie pero no porque quisiera hacerlo y a lo mejor esto no es sino la cúlmine de todo eso. Por eso creo que cuando Lauren le dice: “también tienes derecho a perder el control” le cala tan hondo. Es como un “puedes hacer esto por tí, porque está bien para ti y no porque es lo que tienes que hacer”. Y es una putada pura y dura, y es tremendamente egoísta, pero también supongo que es lo que la rubia necesitaba en ese momento.

  • @thatgaycousin6649
    @thatgaycousin6649 Před 11 lety +1

    I didn't see anything for Arizona to do that... As I remember, Callie didn't kissed any other girls after they got together. Poor Callie. Why did the producers even allowed this to happen. I'm pretty sure there are other options, other than this HEART BREAKING scene.

  • @ajdomingo06
    @ajdomingo06 Před 11 lety

    This is when the "WTF" word is very appropriate

  • @MsRonnie85
    @MsRonnie85 Před 11 lety

    Damn Arizona!!! How can u betray Callie's trust!!! I'm fucking flabbergasted!!!!!

  • @Graham18A
    @Graham18A Před 11 lety

    I don't even know what to do with myself after this!

  • @tricet1000
    @tricet1000 Před 11 lety +1

    Wow people get "passionate" about this story and by passionate I mean crazy. Relax and enjoy this fictional show!

  • @shakinat
    @shakinat Před 11 lety

    A storm is here indeed, Callie.

  • @vickyrowe76
    @vickyrowe76 Před 11 lety +1

    To be fair that is the only thing that could break them up after all they have been through !

  • @livelifegood0618
    @livelifegood0618 Před 11 lety +1

    Noooooooooooooo!!!!!! Why would Arizona cheat!!!!!! Why she was so perfect!!!! Poor Callie, they were so perfect together mad now what??? Agggg I need to find out what's next

  • @zebra400z
    @zebra400z Před 11 lety +1

    I have an opposing view. It is my opinion that most of the blame/responsibility lies with Arizona. Arizona is the one that is betraying her commitment to Callie. Sometimes one can have a momentary lapse in judgment as Arizona did initially when she stated 'I can't do this" but after that she made a conscious decision to cheat when she locked the door and surrender to acting on the desires with another who wasn't her wife

  • @Tippap
    @Tippap Před 11 lety +1

    Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Boo Hoo!! Arizona what have you done?????

  • @jackelineaguilar4630
    @jackelineaguilar4630 Před 11 lety +1

    Ojala Callie se encuentre otra para que le duela :D

  • @SomeoneDD
    @SomeoneDD Před 11 lety +1

    I think if Callie will be in another relationship, it will be with a man. Remember, she is bisexual.

  • @zebra400z
    @zebra400z Před 11 lety +1

    while i would agree with that premise...all relationships needs to be fed and nurtured...

  • @carosaying3724
    @carosaying3724 Před 11 lety +1

    I .... I.... I dont know what to say. Did some else read the Interview Jessica Capshow gave about Calzonas future? She sais "it is so heartbreaking!". It really really is.

  • @emma2208h
    @emma2208h Před 11 lety +1

    Poor Callie :'(

  • @laurismgr94
    @laurismgr94 Před 11 lety

    HAHAHAHA okey! i'm joining you with that! XD

  • @PaulinaCastillo97
    @PaulinaCastillo97 Před 11 lety +1

    You have to admit that it was hot. BUT I feel so bad and I'm hurt. It felt like she was cheating on me lol I wish Arizona kissed Callie like that :( but I'm loyal to Greys, I'll keep watching. We are used to this and we saw this coming so we just have to see what happens.

  • @dauillyd
    @dauillyd Před 11 lety

    It's life, "dude". Doesn't matter if you give all of you to the other one, it happens! Is terrifying.

  • @Cutedevil0234
    @Cutedevil0234 Před 11 lety

    Gr8 and shonda takes down another gr8 couple...all i am hoping to c is the time when evrything will be fine and CALZONA will be fine again...

  • @hmakay13
    @hmakay13 Před 11 lety

    Srry if u saw wat i posted it was totally rong bt i hope they hav an episode 24

  • @TheConvictionSC
    @TheConvictionSC Před 11 lety +1

    only said that because she was her spouse. To have this hot chick doctor flirting with her is a way different experience than simply being told that she's 'sexy as before'.
    However, from a personal point of view, it doesn't justify cheating, to me at least. She has a wife and a kid. Saying that she 'wasn't thinking' when she made out with Boswell is BS. She made the decision to do so with a clear mind.
    I've been a hardcore Arizona (note: not Calzona) fan since S5, and I've to say, I was very

  • @TheWebToni
    @TheWebToni Před 11 lety +1

    i could never do something like this, because, god damnit what was she thinking, callie did EVERYTHING for her, damnit she was there for her, when arizona was down and she helped her, and she waited for the real arizina to come back, and just when shes back, arizona cheats, how could she do that?

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety

    Now it's : "Callie run, please run"....

  • @McGizzygirl
    @McGizzygirl Před 11 lety +1

    I'm angry. After all the shit Callie put up with and everything she stood by her through, this is inexcusable. I don't even know what I want to happen now. Shonda should have known better than this. They were the real, stable lesbian couple on T.V. They were the ones who were going to stick together. AZ was supposed to be different and not treat Callie like George and Erica did. I thought better of Arizona than this.

    @JACKIESMITH812 Před 11 lety +1

    They hug, lights out, Lauren slams door shut with her arm because she knows what is about to happen. I think Lauren and Arizona went for the kiss at the exact same time. That is my theory. Any other ideas?

  • @kittymeow43
    @kittymeow43 Před 11 lety +1

    obviously, AZ was being tempted and she let herself into temptation! and imsooo freakin' disappointed with her and with this episode! i knew it was coming but didnt expect that AZ gave-in! so easy to be tempted and even "locked that f***ing door! this ruined my day!! im sure yours too =(

  • @WinterRose19
    @WinterRose19 Před 11 lety +1

    Shonda enjoys destroying perfect couples doesn't she?
    Lexie and Mark, now Calzona.

  • @stephpaul638
    @stephpaul638 Před 11 lety +1

    The song in the background is by sleeping at last, titled I'm gonna be. Love this song but it now reminds me of this scene! Boohoo! However still love JCap!

  • @LiRoseify
    @LiRoseify Před 11 lety +1

    Callie never had feelings for Erica, it was sexual tension at best. And it's kind of insulting Shonda must make everyone being unfaithful at least once, it's like Shonda there's actually more problems that an adult has to deal with in their life than just being cheated on, like really, think a little more for your soap. Besides after the leg, I don't get why people say it was getting boring. We were finally getting some happiness at last, but apparently it's never too much..

  • @ursexypilot787
    @ursexypilot787 Před 11 lety +1

    I've watched the last scene with Arizona and Lauren in the on call room at least a dozen times today and I still don't know who closes the fucking door!

  • @Seelensammlerin
    @Seelensammlerin Před 11 lety +1

    What the hell you doing arizona?! *scream*

  • @Corbi1728
    @Corbi1728 Před 11 lety

    I cannot believe it!!! :O

  • @jureina
    @jureina Před 11 lety

    I love Callie and Arizona but I liked this storyline of Arizona having a thing w/ Lauren. I know this won't last long and it's more real this way..They both felt attracted to each other.

  • @moordt
    @moordt Před 11 lety

    Nooooooooooooo! Thank you for posting though.

  • @1814natali
    @1814natali Před 11 lety +1

    lo veia venir, si bien es cierto q la nueva doc le subio el ego por fijarse en ella apesar de su discapacidad, eso no es excusa para tirarsele encima....ella eligio ser infiel, desde el momento que cerro lapuerta y esos segundos q "penso",ahi eligio lo peor para su familia,demostro su peor lado y escogio un mal momento...

    @JACKIESMITH812 Před 11 lety

    more Calzona drama, more screen time! bittersweet!

  • @julliadesiderata6241
    @julliadesiderata6241 Před 11 lety

    yeah i read that too under ken dao's channel. Lauren IS Arizona way back season 5. Az was a player and the whole plane crash thing changed her life completely

  • @DonnaBrooks
    @DonnaBrooks Před 11 lety

    I know! I could see it if it happened earlier, while Arizona was still feeling undesirable, but that seemed to be behind her now. But, it's almost the season finale, and there has to be some big drama to keep people watching next season to see what happens. I mean, don't we ALL want to know what happens next? I know I do. And this could go in a dozen different directions!!

  • @spashley4lyf
    @spashley4lyf Před 11 lety


  • @aurismedina74
    @aurismedina74 Před 11 lety +1

    Por favor traduccirlo morire si tengo que espera hasta final del julio que lo pasen subtitulado aqui en venezuela :-(

  • @DonnaBrooks
    @DonnaBrooks Před 11 lety

    That's the second post you've made with which I've agreed. I don't think it's over for Calzona. We don't even know if she and Lauren go through with it this time. So much is up in the air. I don't get the impression that Arizona's fandom has given up on her. In fact, I've seen comments saying that Arizona deserves better than Callie. Well, Callie had her faults early on, but she has been stellar in her commitment to Arizona since they've gotten married. She has matured a LOT as a character!