8. Schindler's List (1993)


Komentáře • 64

  • @FakeAnarchist
    @FakeAnarchist Před 16 lety

    This is truly Spielberg's masterpiece, i don't think there's any other film he's made that makes a powerful and emotional impact on our lives other than this remarkable film.

  • @osvie01
    @osvie01 Před 13 lety

    This film should be viewed by every person at least once in their lifetime, because the moment we deny and forget that this ever happened; it's the moment we run the risk of allowing such a thing to happen again.

  • @lostlakpaul
    @lostlakpaul Před 16 lety

    The first time I saw this movie I did'nt like it. Then I saw it again and I was in awe espically at the end, I cried my eyes out. This is a brilliant film and we as human beings need to work together and stop hatred towards each other.

  • @shayshalom
    @shayshalom Před 15 lety

    In my opinion, Scindler's list is the best movie of all time - any other film in film making history moves u, touch u, twist u, gets u so emotional involved in the scenes n leaves u so shocked so breathless with impression that doesn't leave u in ur cold dreams like that one. any other movie can influence u in that way that u realize how shocking n vicious hate can b - that's the most important lesson nowadays

  • @user-ch1er8hp6b
    @user-ch1er8hp6b Před 16 dny

    This was a great movie well done.

  • @cycimian
    @cycimian Před 13 lety

    Angels Anyone? Based on real human compassion in a time of horror. Oscars earned his wings. Brilliant movie.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 15 lety

    Great movie!!!!

  • @KellyGreen5555
    @KellyGreen5555 Před 13 lety

    Genius film.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 15 lety

    This movie touched me personally. This is the only movie on the list to do that. The Godfather I &2 are both very entertaining but they don't really make you feel anything much. Not saying that this is better it's just that this should be much higher in the list.

  • @Ixtzalit
    @Ixtzalit Před 14 lety

    of course

  • @danielday-lewis7477
    @danielday-lewis7477 Před 7 lety

    I agree with Amon giving hope is the cruelest thing you can do to people

  • @linegenrou
    @linegenrou Před 15 lety

    One of the things that bother me about this movei is the fact that in reality,Oskar didn't make the list,most of the people in it paid to be there.Schindler just put in the list some people he knew.That scene in the movie of him making the list didn't happen.Plus the ending where he cries saying he could have saved more didn't happen either.He just left with his wife,his lover and a few prisoners.

  • @DNY21
    @DNY21 Před 15 lety

    This should be higher. The list should be like this:
    1. The Godfather 1 & 2
    2. 2001
    3. Gone with the Wind
    4. Psycho
    5. Schindler's List

  • @joaocorrea7342
    @joaocorrea7342 Před 11 lety +1

    I put it in the top 10 filmes ever made..

  • @utubecomandante
    @utubecomandante Před 15 lety

    What do you consider a good movie? Who do you consider a good director?

  • @larma7
    @larma7 Před 16 lety

    Tremendous filmaking. Spielberg really over-achieved with this film. Great score and extraordinary acting! Schindler and Goeth's characters were some of the most complex characters in film history.

  • @hayesy316
    @hayesy316 Před 16 lety

    So make an Oscar-winning movie about it and change everyone's minds.

  • @ANOMALY1ate
    @ANOMALY1ate Před 13 lety +1

    @09tranm It didn't suck; you just can't appreciate great filmmaking.

  • @lostlakpaul
    @lostlakpaul Před 16 lety

    It's already been done.

  • @EnterTheWuTang1
    @EnterTheWuTang1 Před 13 lety

    @09tranm I see what you mean about the cussing, I usually find it funny alot of the time to be honest. Ive still gotta see Internal Affairs

  • @Fishercherrlynn
    @Fishercherrlynn Před 16 lety

    I think The Color Purple came pretty close though.

  • @grievous1
    @grievous1 Před 15 lety

    If they ever bring back a new list The Dark Knight will be on it.

  • @TolekBonanno
    @TolekBonanno Před 14 lety

    "i forgot the rest." Then you missed the whole point.

  • @supermario0527
    @supermario0527 Před 13 lety

    Anyone else hear the Lawrence of Arabia theme at the end?

  • @Fredwilson45
    @Fredwilson45 Před 13 lety

    This is like Steven Spielberg's Raging Bull

  • @Ixtzalit
    @Ixtzalit Před 14 lety

    Some ppl were jealous, yes, but thats not the main reason.

  • @goodtaxidriver
    @goodtaxidriver Před 15 lety

    You are probably right. this movie makes you doubt a lot about this film, besides its pretty story.

  • @NeroBlack2200
    @NeroBlack2200 Před 15 lety

    Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite film of all time, but Schindler's List does NOT belong under it.

  • @gauravzerogravity
    @gauravzerogravity Před 15 lety

    in 1993 is that movie really made in black and white

  • @EnterTheWuTang1
    @EnterTheWuTang1 Před 13 lety

    @09tranm Well yea ive seen my fair share of "masterpiece's" which I didn't think were masterpieces but Raging Bull was just so powerful and SHutter Island is his worst film imo lol i'm glad you liked those other two though. Have you seen The King Of Comedy,Mean streets,Alice Doesn't Live here Anymore,The LAst Temptation Of Christ,Casino or The Departed? hopefuly you would like those. I think he's easily one of the top 3 best directors

  • @EnterTheWuTang1
    @EnterTheWuTang1 Před 13 lety

    @09tranm Schindler's List is a greater film that's defiinitely true but saying Raging Bull sucked is just stupid. Have you seen it more then once?, because maybe a re-watch could let it sink in it would be brilliant if Raging Bull swaped places with this though but it didn't suck in anyway, i'm suprised your comment actually got some thumb up's....1.The Godfather.2.2001: A Space Odyssey.3.Schindler's List.4.12 Angry Men.5.Citizen Kane imo... Raging Bull is top atleast top 10

  • @027220
    @027220 Před 13 lety

    :14 - :31 Goeth was as dry as a desert.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 12 lety

    @spxeli Don't start a debate with me on which movie is better because it's all a matter of opinion. I was merely expressing my opinions out loud. So, I'll just say this again. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I really don't want to get into this. If you really like Raging Bull that much go on the Raging Bull page and say how it's a lot better than Schindler's List. I don't care. Just don't try to troll me. Peace out.

  • @donkeykong3037
    @donkeykong3037 Před 7 lety

    Your giving them hope!Thats cruel

  • @generalares
    @generalares Před 13 lety

    @supermario0527 Lawrence of Arabia was the next film discussed so it was just about to carry over.

  • @HarpoTheVillain
    @HarpoTheVillain Před 15 lety

    It's funny how you speak of them as ONE MAN. What kind of justice is that?

  • @praisetruthplz
    @praisetruthplz Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision (cont.) ging their story each time.

  • @beauanddustinunleash
    @beauanddustinunleash Před 16 lety

    this is the only movie in the top ten that i agreed with
    i love the godfather, don't get me wrong, but not in my top ten, sorry

  • @praisetruthplz
    @praisetruthplz Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision (cont.) shown me that what your saying is true. I'm going to ask again where are your sources! Show me!

  • @027220
    @027220 Před 13 lety

    @Fredwilson45 But this is more serious.

  • @MrDurcon
    @MrDurcon Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision Why do you have to say this? What is your goal? What is wrong with you?

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 13 lety

    @EnterTheWuTang1 Well I thought Shutter Island was just pretty good. Anyways, I've never seen any of those. I've seen the Departed though and I'm sorry to say I didn't like it.I mean Martin Scorses has a slight problem of making his characters cuss wayyyy too much. I mean I don't mind if a character cusses alot it makes them bad ass but every 5 seconds makes it annoying. I mean I just didn't get into the departed. I later saw Infernal Affairs(the original) which was much better.

  • @grievous1
    @grievous1 Před 15 lety

    No But Watchmen was still good though.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 13 lety

    @ANOMALY1ate Well that's my opinion. If you want to watch a movie that's seriously is about 1 douchebag who's not even cool like Hannibal, Darth Vader, or even the Zodiac Killer(another true story "Zodiac" was actually quite good) then go ahead. I won't stop you enjoy whatever film you want. However(mild spoiler), I found raging bull to be boring, slow, and it seemed to go nowhere except from a guy beating his wife, accusing his brother, and getting fat & ugly.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 12 lety

    @spxeli I was merely pissed off. For me watching Raging Bull was a chor. A movie should be enjoyable and entertaining. It should touch a person. That's what a great film does. Raging Bull literally pissed me off. I don't care how original or how good the acting is in Raging Bull it was still a bullsh*t movie in my book. Again, sorry for pounding on your movie. If you love it then go ahead and enjoy it. Now, I know Martin Scorseses is a great director I really enjoyed Goodfellas.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 13 lety

    @EnterTheWuTang1 Sorry but I honestly don't care. If you liked that movie I'm cool with it, but for me it sucked. I hated that movie and found it very overrated. I'm not saying Martin Scorseses is a bad director I really liked Goodfellas,Taxi Driver, and Shutter Island was great too. However, Raging Bull come on a douchebag boxer who gets fat at the end. I paid close attention to that movie & really tried to like it, but if a movies really that good you shouldn't try to like it.

  • @cycimian
    @cycimian Před 15 lety

    Im just wondering how creatures like you can exist. You walk upright. Have hands to grab and a eyes to see. Your head making lies to a much older world whos familys lived in those times. I feel sorry for you to have such hate to write such things.

  • @praisetruthplz
    @praisetruthplz Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision (cont.) holocaust happen. People who refuse this events are making fun of because of their ignorance. Again you have to show your position is valid first. Where is the document or transcript that supports your claim like the hill between veranda or the false eye witness account. Where is it? Is clearly self-evident that you read haven't read a book about the holocaust or even WWII.

  • @praisetruthplz
    @praisetruthplz Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision Now please where are this stone cold facts? You shouting saying is true doesn't it make it true. If you don't provide me with facts with sources then I see nothing in the world would make you change your mind.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 12 lety

    @spxeli I disagree. It's all a matter of opinion, but I think that Raging Bull SUCKS!! and it's overrated. There, I said it. I'm sorry if I offended you. If you liked Raging Bull that's totally cool with me. I don't care. All I know is that, I hated it, and I don't give a FUCK about Jake because he's a douche, but I care more about Oskar. Schindler saved people, but Jake beat his wife. I didn't find Raging Bull entertaining in any sense. I just found it dull.

  • @09tranm
    @09tranm Před 13 lety

    @Fredwilson45 Um no. Martin Scorsese's did Raging bull and that movie sucked. It's wayy overrated. Yes, I am the minority. However, Raging Bull was as boring as hell & it's just about some douche bag boxer.The movie keeps dragging on and never really goes anywhere. I think that most people like it because it's vastly different from anything else. That's true. However it's vastly different in a very BAD way. Schindler's List was WAYYYYY better and not boring even though it was longer.

  • @praisetruthplz
    @praisetruthplz Před 14 lety

    @stalkervision Do you know the definition of facts and reasearch? I don't think you do. Please provide sources! Where can I find these information where its been proven right? Your spouting exxagerated claims with no evidence and yet you want to be taken serious? No way pal. Look up the defintion research, then you actually do it okay? If you keep doing rants instead of facts then im wasting my time.

  • @Carlos6194
    @Carlos6194 Před 15 lety

    The Dark Knight sucked. More like Watchmen on the list.

  • @grievous1
    @grievous1 Před 15 lety

    Titanic is overrated

  • @kimaste
    @kimaste Před 15 lety

    What a mediocre film directed by a mediocre director. How did this make it on the list?

  • @TheNonConformative
    @TheNonConformative Před 14 lety

    Ladies and Gentlemen, it breaks my heart to tell you: But this entire movie is a fucking fraud.
    The film DOES NOT resemble the concentration camps, and the entire movie is based on a book, which is correctly classified as a "novell".
    Somehow those jewish hoolywood dudes missed that, and printed "everything u see is the truth" on the movie hardcover.
    Swindlers List is so easy to debunk for a revisionist, that its actually boring.
    Kind regards