August-"ZERI is my 200 Years Champ"/ ZERI'S Identity couldn't be SUSTAINED/ Are ABILITY RESETS Fair?

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 75

  • @DuhPastry
    @DuhPastry Před 2 měsíci +70

    Drut really out here catching strays

  • @joaobrito2653
    @joaobrito2653 Před 2 měsíci +17

    Ghost was what was making zeri really fast in recent times. She doesn’t really run around like Lewis Hamilton anymore. The other big reason she is a lot more balanced now is because she is hard coded to not being able to build triforce, which means she can’t go bruiser builds anymore

  • @michasobczak7910
    @michasobczak7910 Před 2 měsíci +11

    Yeah I always thought Zeri being able to jump over walls was an overkill and the biggest reason she was problematic. Adc with prefire for better kiting and biggest movement speed among adcs is already almost uncatchable for most champions in the game, add leave from jail card to her and she can kite every champion in the game now, add enchanter to that and she can live through any burst from the only characters that can catch up to her for 1s. Obviously her movement speed had to be gutted a lot for her to be again a champion with normal weaknesses
    Basically ksante of adc where she had everything she possibly needed where riot failed to notice that maybe giving a champion counter play to everything makes a champion kinda not balancable
    I personally dont know why these champions were shipped, or akali tower invis etc. because these champs lack common sense of thinking ahead: "if I were the enemy, what could I do against them?" League has to feel good not only to play as a champion, but feel good to play against a champion, and Im at loss why these got a greenlight, Im glad that after months/years these champs are slowly getting fixes to leave a margin of counterplay to them

    • @brocolive1950
      @brocolive1950 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Exactly this. 10/10. I hate it so much that riot seems to outright ignore how it feels to play *against* a champ, only considering how it feels to play it.
      However, I wouldn't say they've stopped doing it. Just look at asol rework, old asol was hard to play, super weak, got nerfed even then, and consequently had a very niche playerbase. He felt kinda shit to play, due to bad balance and some design flaws, but he was also super fine to play against, and had its niche playerbase of mains who really enjoyed the champ. He had clear counterplay and outplay conditions, with appropriate risk & rewards. What did the rework achieve ? They turned him into an eye candy skillproof OP champ, associated with the publicity of rework, to forcefully rise his play rate for simple minds, but at the same time, made him infinitely more annoying to play against. His Q ? Can't be dodged, he's just gonna hold his mouse over your face, 0 skill involved. His W ? Just annoying as fuck, getting stuck and sucked in feels like being crippled for an eternity. His E ? Annoying too, he just gets the most free escape, not once, but twice ! Never punishable, free to scale. His R ? Undodgeable, it hits the whole fucking map, what do you even do against that if you don't have a zonya or alpha strike ? His passive ? The most retarded scaling, facilitated by his super safe kit. Coupled with rylai's for perma crippling slows to further add to the pain. And overall, 0 skill involved, I seriously don't even see the fun in playing it. It's mostly just eye candy. They could've easely fixed the old asol by fixing his E, that was kinda useless in lane and skirmishes, and his balance, because he was just unnecessarily weak. The reason he wasn't played wasn't just cause he was hard, but also because he was weak and unrewarding to play, but at no point had he been an issue for the game, as it's always been completely fine to play with or against him. Same with ryze, he went from having a huge variation of combos that required proper set up and were each prevalent in certain situations, to just EQEQEQEQEQEQ... There's plenty of changes like that

  • @liamedwards7656
    @liamedwards7656 Před 2 měsíci +1

    "Mosquito was too op!" *Makes Aurora*

  • @beastlyboy12309
    @beastlyboy12309 Před 2 měsíci +25

    lillia consistently does the "you can not catch me and you can not escape me" thing

    • @evansgarlata709
      @evansgarlata709 Před 2 měsíci +21

      The difference is Lillia has to get close to you to deal damage.

    • @user-pr1dh2bw6k
      @user-pr1dh2bw6k Před 2 měsíci +13

      Lillia is very short-ranged, making her easy to catch with point-and-click CC. It's not the feature that makes the champion broken, it's also on which type of champion. Lillia, an AP bruiser-like character needs to get in the heat of battle. Zeri is a hypercarry, she can stay at a safe range and chip you down without you having any available counterplay.

    • @Wildcat12
      @Wildcat12 Před 2 měsíci +10

      The difference is that Lillia is a MAGE. She has COOLDOWNS. Mages do all their damage on intervals, ADCs continuously attack until you're dead. Lillia might be uncatchable, but you can at least avoid most of her damage then fight while her CDs aren't available. Zeri had 0 downtime.

    • @jameshuang2677
      @jameshuang2677 Před 2 měsíci

      Shes heavily nerfed, it's so much healthier now.

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@user-pr1dh2bw6k adcs are also short range. there are 93 melee champions in this game and 83 of them have tools to outrange a caitlyn. This "safe from range" argument you all spew out hasnt been true in 6 years.

  • @vroomzoom4206
    @vroomzoom4206 Před 2 měsíci +35

    I can hear Druttut screaming "RIOT" rn.

  • @michealman264
    @michealman264 Před 2 měsíci +6

    Zeri buffs pls 😭🙏

  • @Andre-od5hf
    @Andre-od5hf Před 2 měsíci +7

    Zeri rn is basically like a Lucian, she's been completely ruined as her original identity is completely gone with MS nerfs, q range nerfs and passive removal

  • @kevingriffith6011
    @kevingriffith6011 Před 2 měsíci

    The problem with reset on kill is ultimately that they make your teammates a liability... well, more of a liability than the average league player thinks they are. They are very good at singling out the one weak player on your team and using them as a springboard to kill the entire rest of your team... and the counterplay is entirely out of your hands: If you've got a yuumi one-trick who is autofilled jungle and is first timing Briar no amount of personal skill is going to stop that reset champion from springboarding an even bigger advantage off of them.
    You should never feel like there's a situation where you win the 1v1 easily, but because one of your teammates showed up to give you a numbers advantage now it's unwinnable for you.

  • @gkarak1996
    @gkarak1996 Před měsícem

    Zeri gaining infinite MS from her ult was and will always be the reason she will never be truly balanced. If they removed that and replaced with something else, or a sec timer on her ult MS, I am afraid Zeri will simply suffer

  • @cokecan6169
    @cokecan6169 Před měsícem

    zeri's design is only good for PVE power fantasy

  • @soraventus1051
    @soraventus1051 Před 2 měsíci

    Mosquito Zeri is building old bruiser

  • @matthewscott3708
    @matthewscott3708 Před 2 měsíci

    As much as i love august, every single one of bros recent champs has been GIGA broken Senna,Zeri,Viego,Bel'veth,Briar??? bro has made many a 200 years champ since zeri LOL

  • @NoFatVampires
    @NoFatVampires Před 2 měsíci +2

    Now zeri is just lame assassin that 1 shots you with her ult

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Před 2 měsíci +6

      yup. just like every other champion in this game. because riot can only ever do damage.
      always damage, only damage, forever damage. amen our lord and savior CT.

  • @tomwanders6022
    @tomwanders6022 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Why does he hate on druttut? The guy is one of the few people I would actually trust in terms of characters, because he plays a lot of different champs at a high lvl.
    Also, yes reset require you to meet conditions, but the problem is, that they also basically make it, so that the champ has to get one and make the fight a blow out to win.
    Unless your name is jinx, then you have an amazing neutral game and a reset mechanic.
    Jinx is honestly pretty insane.

    • @notEAdemize99
      @notEAdemize99 Před měsícem

      He always does this to streamers in chat when he notices them. Its just a joke.

  • @einjharrelraca
    @einjharrelraca Před 2 měsíci +10

    If you are going to say movement speed is broken on adcs then you need to give them actual defensive options that function. You CANT have a class who's ONLY defensive play is kiting, then complain movement speed is strong on them.
    No shit. You made movement speed the ONLY THING that helps them survive. The class already has the second lowest average base ms in the game and it's not even close between them and third.
    The class has been hit by mobility creep harder than any other, because everything 0.3 hits them, and then you crept the range in the game so damn high that they arent even the long range champions anymore.
    Skarner is the best example of this. His w, the circle aoe around him, that slows, deals damage and shields him has a longer range THAN CAITLYN????????? Like excuse me?
    At this point the game is too far gone, marksman the class as an entirety need a rework. What you have created as a class no longer functions in modern league of legends, and putting it off is killing an entire role.

    • @Richard-gq3pm
      @Richard-gq3pm Před 2 měsíci +2

      I do very much agree, Its crazy that some ppl are always complaining that adcs are the most op role. It could be true, but only because they also oneshot, cause otherwise they would be unplayable. Adc has been miserable to play for the past few years and they for sure need a whole rework, but riot is too lazy or scared to do actually big changes and will probably do durability patch 2.0, what a joke…

    • @zat1245
      @zat1245 Před 2 měsíci +5

      People are supposed to be able to get to you and kill you. You are the strongest damage role. A good ADC player who plays around vision and their team, is really hard to snag for everyone except assassins who are meant to grey screen you on cooldown.

    • @Richard-gq3pm
      @Richard-gq3pm Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@zat1245 oh what a great design, if i play one of the five available roles and enemy locks in an assassin I can watch netflix om the second monitor, what a good design huh.

    • @niconicowryyy9679
      @niconicowryyy9679 Před 2 měsíci +2

      ​@@zat1245 don't need to snag them if you can just zone them off a fight until your team just wins the 4v5, then either get the adc or an objective. And ADC is the strongest *DPS role *late-game, not the "strongest damage role". Most other damage classes will outperform them until like 2-3 items, and even after that most mages and all assassins will have higher burst than ADCs have DPS, making them still better for getting squishes, especially since most mages also have higher ranges.

    • @einjharrelraca
      @einjharrelraca Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@zat1245 tell the whole story. Not just half of it. Adcs are the strongest damage role AFTER 26 minutes in a game with an average game length of 24 minutes.
      Also I love how assassins are just allowed to have a zero counterplay counter matchup. Imagine telling a bruiser that shit.
      "Hey Mr big brain bruiser main, I know that no matter how well you play, or how bad the enemy is at ashe you just can never touch her because we gave her a micro stun on auto now, but that's just part of the gameplay, you just have to wait for your teammates to kill her for you." I can already hear the fucking hashinshins all reeeeeing at 294 decibels each at the mear mention of this kind of gameplay being considered acceptable for ANY OTHER CLASS to deal with.

  • @seanboglio3605
    @seanboglio3605 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Most champs that aren't akali, riven, jax, yasuo/yone and a few others just don't have their identity supported by their gameplay

    • @animeanime7849
      @animeanime7849 Před 2 měsíci +1

      That’s depends how you define as identity. I would say Yi, Asol, Aatrox, Renekton, Nasus, Azir, Lillia, Jinx, Fiora, Camille, Irelia, Nidalee, Sett, Draven, Brair, Ekko, and some others have their identity supported pretty well

    • @Weiinerman
      @Weiinerman Před 2 měsíci +1

      Half my noxus champs getting kicked around because of constant mosquito movesets

  • @biglittleboy9827
    @biglittleboy9827 Před 2 měsíci +1

    What he mean is : nowadays everything is as 200 years as zeri so she don't need nerf anymore, and it's a win ( apparently ).

    • @beyheter
      @beyheter Před 2 měsíci

      That isnt what he said at all, tard😊