My Dad Took Me to Court for the Child Support He Was Paying After Cheating on My Mom and Abandoni...

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 74

  • @DaisyAnimeluvr
    @DaisyAnimeluvr Před měsícem +59

    Boyfriend thinks it’s okay to put his hands on me and psychologically torture me, stalk me online and knows how to avoid the police, but he didn’t leave any marks so… 🤷‍♀️ I don’t want to “ruin his life.”
    Girl. Are you serious??? He is a danger to anyone he gets into a relationship with. The abuse will escalate. There will be a day where he’ll use just a little too much force, attack someone at the wrong moment while driving, or get just a bit too angry to hold himself back, and you’ll have done nothing to prevent that.
    He is ruining his own life. The people he financially supports are not yours to worry about.

    • @n00bitaww
      @n00bitaww Před 7 dny +1

      Exactly. Her life is in danger, and it's insane, I genuinely think someone who is online enough to be on reddit doesn't recognize the signs!

  • @here4funyadig
    @here4funyadig Před měsícem +162

    If the prosecutor is charging him, there isn't much the victim can do about it, if this is in the US, the state is now charging him. The victim did not ruin the guys life, he ruined his own life by putting his hands on her etc. From her story you can clearly see she's still affected ( panick at a random knock at the door ) and is blaming herself, again not her fault she was with an abusive jerk.

    • @vanzy01
      @vanzy01 Před měsícem +2


    • @Arkryal
      @Arkryal Před měsícem +8

      You are absolutely correct, but that is not what TV fiction says, so some people might need clarification, lol.
      In a criminal case, it is NOT "Victim vs Accused", it's "The State vs Accused". He broke the laws of the state, the state is the victim, and OP is just a subordinate part of the state, a witness to the acute incident which led to the charges. OP is not a party to the criminal trial in any capacity.
      Sometimes victims can drop charges. That is because their testimony is essential to the case. Without it, there is no case. If they withdraw their testimony (which is their right, and testimony is very strong evidence in court), the prosecutor may have nothing to go on. And because a prosecutor cannot bring a charges absent evidence, they have to drop it.
      So in a hypothetical DV case, some guy beats his wife at home. There are no other witnesses. The neighbors hear shouting and call the cops. The wife is beat pretty badly but claims "I fell". If she won't provide testimony, there is no other evidence, the case is dropped. Everyone knows what happened, but there isn't evidence to get a conviction.
      But that is not true here. They already have text messages in evidence where he essentially admits to hurting her. Everything she stated in pursuit of the RO is also "fact" in the eyes of the courts now, as he did not contest any of it. The prosecutor doesn't need her testimony. It would help, but it's not essential. The state still needs to uphold the law and already has all the evidence needed to secure a conviction. What OP wants right now doesn't mean jack shit. Dropping out will piss off the DA, but beyond that, it has no bearing on the case aside from creating more work for everyone.
      Paradoxically, if she wants him to get off easy on this, she should actually stay the course. Her testimony, while not essential to the prosecution is still a major asset to them. That may encourage him to take a deal that avoids court and prison entirely. If he's emboldened by her dropping out as a witness, he may go to court, still lose, and end up with a much harsher punishment. It happens all the time.
      What she's feeling is actually "Normal" in these cases. Justice takes it's sweet time, and most people just want to put it all behind them. The anticipation of what will come next is scarier to them than anything else and the courts will keep them waiting.
      Realistically, if this happened in my state (and it probably didn't, just using a familiar benchmark for what is likely)... He would be facing 1-3 years in prison if convicted (tending toward the former for a first offense).
      If he takes a deal, they'd likely offer him supervised probation. He'd get an ankle monitor for a year, be allowed to move around town, to and from work, the grocery store, gas station, etc between specific hours, so there is minimal impact on his daily life. However, he has a curfew to be home by, and they will know if he goes near OP's home or Office. If he violates those boundaries, they'll take him in and deal with the circumstances as they present themselves. He will be subjected to periodic drug screenings, even for a non-drug offense. And he will have to attend a couple hours of Domestic Violence Diversion classes every week, likely online via Zoom (they have really cut back on in-person meetings recently since it's easier to do remotely). The Penalty in that scenario is basically like being a kid who got grounded, it's much better than prison.
      Now their jurisdiction likely does things a little different, that's to be expected, but it would be something close to the above.
      OP will NOT likely testify in court. She would sit for a deposition, again, likely over zoom, and be questioned by both attorneys. No defense attorney anywhere wants a victim on the stand at a jury trial, lol. They won't call her. The D.A. might for sympathy points, but they also know that a witness is a volatile thing and with one word, they can fuck up the whole case, so it's usually not worth it to call a witness in such a case. They'll go by the deposition transcript, pre-trial and figure it all out from there, before it even gets to court. Odds are less than 1% that OP will see a court room at all if she testifies. It could still happen, but for a case like this, don't bet on it.
      Her resistance at the end, while regrettable, is actually pretty much the norm in these cases. Remember, if she was an assertive, uncompromising woman at her core, he probably never would have been interested in dating her to begin with. Abusers like more passive partners. It's almost instinctual for them, assertive women they write off as a "bitch" and ignore (not saying they are bitches of course, but that's how abusive people usually characterize them). Wolves hunt bunnies, not crocodiles, she's a bunny. I think his attraction to her reveals a lot about her personality, and that tracks with her decision-making. She's just very empathetic and passive. That is usually the dynamic in domestic violence cases. Victims always second-guess themselves. But that is not an indictment of her character, plenty of equally passive people just white-knuckle it through the whole process and I think she should too.
      The other potential issue that is more common these days; She could be tough as nails, but is being actively or passively coerced. I doubt there's any active coercion in this case, but "passive coercion" is probably likely. She knows he's spiteful, irrational, and compulsive. What if he has nude photos or videos of her from her relationship? Maybe a secret she confided in him that he might re-tell? He seems like the sort of guy to send a mass email to her whole company or her social media friends, etc. It doesn't need to be those things specifically (one passively accrues leverage in any relationship), and he doesn't even need to make such a threat for her to feel threatened. Though if he could or would do something like that, I would expect it regardless of the outcome. A-holes are still a-holes, even when they get what they want. That reasoning should never deter anyone from taking legal action, but it very often does.

    • @here4funyadig
      @here4funyadig Před měsícem +7

      @@Arkryal thank you for your wisdom and valuable input, as I am not educated formally with the legal system, I've just heard this specific info from others.

    • @rStoryDash
      @rStoryDash Před měsícem +1

      You're absolutely right. Once the prosecutor takes over, it's out of the victim's hands. The guy ruined his own life with his actions, not her. It's clear from her story that she's still dealing with the trauma, and it's important to remind her that none of this is her fault. What do you think would be the best way for her to find support and healing moving forward?

    • @here4funyadig
      @here4funyadig Před měsícem +2

      @@rStoryDash some counseling/therapy to talk to someone about it and realize it wasn't her fault any of this happened. And some good friends to give her support. I also think reading about abnormal psychology and learning " red flag " behaviors would be a good start !

  • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
    @develyntwocentshenderson5739 Před měsícem +46

    "I just wannaaa taawwwwk. I just waannnaaa taaaawwkkk.". do not EVER EVER EVER fall for this ploy, no matter what sex it comes from. all they want to do is escalate and work themselves into a rage

  • @mimiwhite1963
    @mimiwhite1963 Před měsícem +52

    Last story this is child abuse flat out. It is not her responsibility to take care of her siblings like that. She nedds to get asap it will never end.

  • @lozzipop4025
    @lozzipop4025 Před měsícem +19

    OP is story 2 is so incredibly infuriating. It just reminds me of my mum and sisters. My mum stayed with a guy who was clearly escalating towards domestic assault for years and only finally cuts ties with him and got a restraining order AFTER he broke her jaw and several of her ribs, and ge never faced jail time and still had access to his daughter because she didn't want to denie my sister her father; granted my mum suffers from depression and spend weeks in the hospital, also my neighbour purposely chose not to contact the police and file a report because she didn't want to deal with the police, but it still pisses me off that he basically got off scott free.
    My older sister stuck with a guy who would scream at her and her daughter constantly and was clearly a drug addict but stuck witgb him because he was quote unquote "the best she could do" thankfully she left him after I said that if that was the best she could do then she should just stay single; she's now with someone who treats her and her kids well, and takes the relationship seriously.
    My other sister kept telling lies to cover for her abusive ex, lied to everyone that he served five years in prison for domestic assault and r*pe before she got with him, got pregnant by him, kept insisting that he was the love of her life, he proceeeded to beat the s*ht out of her because he didn't believe the baby was his, she kept swinging between "I love him" and being terrified of him, kept being cooperative with police with regards to getting him arrested and cursing the police out for bothering him, kept presssing charges and then dropping them against before the police decided to just press charges anyway, and now he's serving time in prison for 17 or so years and she's thankful and I think dating his former bestfriend? I don't know I stoppped paying attention to her drama at this point.

  • @raghavpurushotham4649
    @raghavpurushotham4649 Před měsícem +22

    3rd story
    She had to cook breakfast, lunch AND dinner?? What the hell were the parents even contributing then??

    • @hojish
      @hojish Před měsícem

      Truly messed up that they work 12 hour days at 2 good paying jobs and they can’t afford childcare. They should not have had so many kids if they won’t care for them.

    • @taminostam9912
      @taminostam9912 Před měsícem

      we can all agree those parents in particular were terrible. OP was right to say that and the parents are just guilt tripping every time to save money

  • @the83rdtrombonist60
    @the83rdtrombonist60 Před měsícem +14

    Family always comes first when family wants you to do stuff, buy you're selfish when you want to help yourself. Where's family, then??

  • @momoangel9243
    @momoangel9243 Před měsícem +28

    Story 2, he ruined his own damn life and yes it is dv after what he did,
    he shouldn't be cheating and sure as heII shouldn't be putting his hands on any innocent person after he was in the wrong, and harassing anyone afterwards either and then try to lie about it too,
    he made these decisions all on his own, don't feel bad about making him take accountability for said actions he,
    This is all his own fault nobody else's.

    • @vanzy01
      @vanzy01 Před měsícem +2


  • @ElfabatheWitch
    @ElfabatheWitch Před měsícem +23

    OP in the last story may not have been physically abused, but she was definitely mentally abused. Her comments of not wanting to move forward, the conversation with her mom, and her responses to it show she is still experiencing trauma. Even though she believed that therapy was of no help, she desperately needs therapy.

    • @jdavis7613
      @jdavis7613 Před měsícem +5

      Story 2: why go thru with even calling the police in the first place, if you' were going to try to back off from him having to deal with the consequences of choking you out and more? Getting a RO is fine and good for you, but apparently the next female is on her own. OP mom mentioned " what if it was your little sister "? OP sidestepped saying it wasn't the same, she was 13. How about if the sister was 16 or 18 ? What does age matter in abuse? OP needs to stop looking out for the ex and start looking out for the NEXT victim.

    • @ButchPleaseImFabulous
      @ButchPleaseImFabulous Před měsícem

      Also, he was physically abusing her. It doesnt need to leave marks to be abuse

  • @jestersreign7530
    @jestersreign7530 Před měsícem +16

    For the second story she needs to go talk to a dedicated therapist. I've seen another story with someone has that mentality of wanting to take the blame irrationally. Even though they know it's the right thing to do, they still feel like it's going too far or this will ruin other things in that person's life.
    I believe someone commented in that last story that you are overly empathetic as a reasoning to why they need to go seek therapy. I believe a little bit of that applies here

  • @skeetskeet7041
    @skeetskeet7041 Před měsícem +7

    Yeah, op in the second story is pulling up the ladder. I understand wanting to be uninvolved but she’s still trying to rationalize and defend him

  • @JaboovoDNermel
    @JaboovoDNermel Před měsícem +10

    Third story is no excuse to not hire a babysitter as they make more than enough to do so.

  • @augustrnning7823
    @augustrnning7823 Před měsícem +2

    A yes, «I threatened to sue my child over child support… WhY wOnT tHeY tAlK tO mE???»

  • @stirrednotshaken4823
    @stirrednotshaken4823 Před měsícem +6

    S3: So, essentially the parents only spend an hour a day with their children while their oldest daughter is the mother of their parents’ children. She is doing all the grunt work of their household without actually getting a teenager’s life…hanging out with friends, going to parties, shopping with friends or going to the movies with them. Parents are stealing their daughter life!

    • @ButchPleaseImFabulous
      @ButchPleaseImFabulous Před měsícem

      The amount the numbers dont add up. Like that person calculated specifically for spain and she responded "maybe things are more expensive in spain" either the parents are pay3off insane debt, or they are lying about struggling. They can for sure afford childcare and parentification is abuse no matter where you are.

  • @rocmsocem
    @rocmsocem Před měsícem +7

    Story 3: The parents have parentified their child, which is messed up

  • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
    @develyntwocentshenderson5739 Před měsícem +4

    I'm beginning to think there is no point in trying to explain oneself to a toxic jerk, even if it wears the label of 'gonad donor(s)'. Just gives them more material to gaslight

  • @everymoviehero9248
    @everymoviehero9248 Před měsícem

    If you're forced to share the ice cream... It wasn't bought for you

  • @ButchPleaseImFabulous
    @ButchPleaseImFabulous Před měsícem +1

    2nd story i constantly considered my abuse as a kid "not bad/not abuse" because they didn't leave marks. Hes an abuser. He is incredibly likely to abuse the next girl if hes not in jail.
    Also you need real therapy. Not a terrible service like better help

  • @emperorwai
    @emperorwai Před měsícem +1

    Jesus, the op in the second story needs alot of therapy. This 'I'm selfish and possibly endangering other women' is fucked. I get she's tired and traumatized but noone should be allowed to walk free if they willingly put their hands on you for....being upset they found out you cheated. Like, wtf.

  • @amandagoldsbury8122
    @amandagoldsbury8122 Před měsícem +1

    Getting over it sometimes means no contact. So, no contact is the appropriate response to "Get over it".

  • @oonachestnut509
    @oonachestnut509 Před měsícem

    If they can afford summer programs then they should be able to afford a nanny.

  • @jasonscales2522
    @jasonscales2522 Před měsícem

    It's exactly op's parents faults why op doesn't want kids because she would've raised 3 before she's 20

  • @hhMexicanJoker
    @hhMexicanJoker Před měsícem +17

    Person in story 2 is absolutely pathetic

    • @jestersreign7530
      @jestersreign7530 Před měsícem

      And why is that person pathetic

    • @diivaiinthehouse1
      @diivaiinthehouse1 Před měsícem

      Lol. People like you tickle me. She pathetic because.....

    • @stirrednotshaken4823
      @stirrednotshaken4823 Před měsícem +6

      @@jestersreign7530because she doesn’t understand that if she doesn’t hold him accountable, then the next woman is going to pay! He is escalating and will actually hurt the next woman.

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 Před měsícem +7

      She is pathetic because she is going to let this man walk free because she doesn't feel like pursuing a case against him while having a high likely chance of him doing it to another woman after the fact she claims she pretty much got PTSD for him attacking her

  • @Echo_9
    @Echo_9 Před měsícem +18

    op in the last story should of also said to his mom "maybe you shouldn't open your legs"

  • @tipr.999
    @tipr.999 Před měsícem +3

    3rd story: the parents won't change.

  • @ExonionX
    @ExonionX Před měsícem


  • @oneuup2490
    @oneuup2490 Před měsícem

    2nd story: so a few points Opie had an idea of the boyfriend was cheating that's one.
    Secondly she said he had a history of threatening to kick her out the car when they were together, another issue being that she decided to go on a road trip with this dude.
    Thirdly if the iPad was the only thing that's getting this man to get away from you all you had to do is run in there lock your door like you did wipe the iPad clean and then throw it out the window for him to get there will be no connections to him anymore.
    But throughout this whole time this girl was making horrible and bad decisions because of her stupidity.

  • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
    @develyntwocentshenderson5739 Před měsícem +2

    and I do blame the gonad donors (#4)

  • @cesd3023
    @cesd3023 Před 13 dny

    3rd story.
    Your parents are lying to you. Both of those jobs make a LOT of money, and they are definitely able to pay for a babysitter. They just don't want to because your cheap labor means they have more money to play with.
    This is straight up child abuse and you should not be forced to be a parent at your age - especially if you didn't even make them.

  • @kittyparker4076
    @kittyparker4076 Před měsícem

    It starts with intimidation

  • @VioletWolf22
    @VioletWolf22 Před měsícem

    The second story she need go to therapy again and even if he didn't leave marks on her but still put his hands on her its still domestic violence just mentally

  • @east-endjustice7883
    @east-endjustice7883 Před 27 dny

    If you could relive or see a video and really reflect on the whole experience you wouldn't feel conflicted that the STATE (not you) is prosecuting it, and it doesn't care one bit about you, wants ill will towards you and sees you as something wrong against it, wring out the rag on it! Any repercussions are all its fault.

  • @cameron765
    @cameron765 Před měsícem +24

    You know guys my boyfriend put his hands on me stalk me a little I don't really think he should go to jail I think the course doing too much😂 see when I hear "victims" like her I just can't feel bad for them and I'll start to really doubt their story because her whole thinking process just don't make sense

    • @vanzy01
      @vanzy01 Před měsícem +9

      This girl is gonna be in for a rude awakening when he inevitably goes after her

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 Před měsícem +8

      In the fact she's willing to let this dude potentially beat on other women because she doesn't feel like pursuing a case after the fact she said she pretty much got PTSD because of him is wild

    • @ButchPleaseImFabulous
      @ButchPleaseImFabulous Před měsícem +1

      ​wild yes, but also exactly how many people escaping abusive relationships react. One ex stole my dogs but i couldn't bring myself to take them to court. I defended my abuse from my mom because i couldn't see past my trauma responses. Nobody is the perfect victim, this story is far more realistic than stories where they go all in and fight. But i would nsver suggest anyones story of their abuse might be fake. Thats a disgusting thing to do.

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 Před měsícem

      First off I never claim that anybody is perfect or going to make the best optimal I expect for people to make the most logical decision when they have more time to think But she didn't because she didn't feel like doing even though she claims she had PTSD from his abuse so she going to let him go out and do it tomorrow woman because she don't feel like Tell him to court
      Secondly I'm not going to believe someone abuse story just because, If someone start to have a lot of inconsistencies or very bad decision making on every front I'm going to question their whole abuse story just like any normal person would do and this hole Believe all victim things is the reason why so many people get falsely accuse of things in their reputation getting destroyed beyond repair

  • @krazykrazy8513
    @krazykrazy8513 Před měsícem +2

    Day 2.66 of helping secret voices waiting for the 3rd vid lol

  • @Emil_LLscpfan
    @Emil_LLscpfan Před měsícem +3

    Day 228 of commenting to help secretvoices

    • @SecretVoices25
      @SecretVoices25  Před měsícem +1

      Day 228 of commenting thankyou for your support ❤️❤️❤️

    • @jestersreign7530
      @jestersreign7530 Před měsícem +1

      you have to be the most devoted commenter on CZcams