Sharing our authentic lives. We are Ex Mormons.

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • www.iamanexmorm...

Komentáře • 215

  • @ruindolel1990
    @ruindolel1990 Před 11 lety +8

    For all the Mormons who have been commenting about how this video is bashing their church... when does it ever say that? This video is an uplifting and positive message to create a community for those of us who have been shunned or distanced from the Mormon community they were once apart of. I respect your beliefs, now respect mine. We don't have to agree but we can live peacefully. I, personally, feel very blessed to have this online community that knows and understands what I am going through.

  • @akg771959
    @akg771959 Před 13 lety +1

    When I was first exposed to the fact that the lds church was a cult, it consumed me. I nearly suffered a nervous breakdown. I begged God to show me what truth was. Scriptures from the "Romans Road" kept surfacing, which eventually led me to the true Gospel of Christ! Praise the Lord for opening my eyes! The weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders and I was freed from spiritual bondage.

  • @gaozhi2007
    @gaozhi2007 Před 13 lety +1

    @utahdane Fighting with the church? Why what happened? Sounds crappy. I am amazed you went on a second mission. My mission was a horrible but also wonderful experience. I felt racked with guilt the whole time and it pretty much blew. But I still have many fond memories.

  • @themaninthebox1470
    @themaninthebox1470 Před 11 lety

    thank you!!!!

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    @utahdane Good point

  • @craignorton7070
    @craignorton7070 Před 11 lety

    Thank you.

  • @TheLessMon
    @TheLessMon Před 13 lety +1

    From my experience and many who've left the church that I've talked to, I'd say increased happiness is the _long term_ effect. However, it's also common to go through a number of months at first that are hard. It's hard leaving behind a culture, world-view, friends perhaps, and things you thought were true for the majority of your life.
    It's not easy.
    But it's worth it. A truly authentic life is worth the sacrifice.

  • @KameronFader
    @KameronFader Před 7 lety +4

    This is beautiful and so inspiring. I'm an ex Jehovah's Witness and I run a channel to help people cope and grow after leaving. I love what you guys are doing, keep it up.

  • @pauljritter67
    @pauljritter67 Před 11 lety +1

    You will never be alone when you leave, there are many non-believers in the world, seek us out. ☮ ♥ ♋ ツ ♫ ☯

  • @NavajoJoe66
    @NavajoJoe66 Před 13 lety +1

    Questioning my religion (and religion in general) was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. It might take a little effort to do the research, but it's interesting and extremely rewarding to do so. Life has never been better.

  • @blabbyblah1
    @blabbyblah1 Před 12 lety +1

    There is nothing better than seeing people who realize the bullshit for what it is. Good on ya.

  • @audratyler8750
    @audratyler8750 Před 5 lety +3

    Thank you for making this video. It was an encouragement and inspiration for me leaving Jehovah's Witnesses.

    • @petrusliekas
      @petrusliekas Před 4 lety +1

      Why everyone is leaving from their roots? Ofc if you find new and better place but otherwise don't

  • @writerteacher1
    @writerteacher1 Před 11 lety

    Be well. And be happy.

  • @celestialbound46
    @celestialbound46 Před 13 lety

    @Juengerchristi How much research into the problem of evil did you do? Into psychology and the possibility that the spirit/revelation is just in the mind, buttressed by effects, biases, and fallacies?

  • @ash12317
    @ash12317 Před 5 lety +2

    " All of a sudden the world became a friendlier, brighter place." Could not be any more true. It was so toxic to believe that the world was "WORLDLY." Now I can see that the world is SO good that it respects and loves everyone and wants them to have rights and a good life. No more fear of destruction and wickedness. Now I am excited for the future unlike before 🙌

  • @dkp121890
    @dkp121890 Před 13 lety

    If there are any members of the LDS Church that watch this video and have feelings of doubt please look up on youtube or google the talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland "Safety for the Soul"

  • @huffdawgs8
    @huffdawgs8 Před 13 lety

    ex-JW here... so proud to have such a lovely group of people on the same side with us... we will always be your brothers.

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 I identified two. The Text and the Subtext.

  • @jzarow99
    @jzarow99 Před 13 lety

    the line dividing good and evil runs through the heart of every human being, so my ex-morman friends, lighten up, we are all in this together

  • @kjjackson5608
    @kjjackson5608 Před 11 lety

    I'm an ex-mormon too! it's about helping others OUT of this destructive religion! Great work!

  • @dkp121890
    @dkp121890 Před 13 lety

    2 Nephi 2:11. "For it must needs be, that there is an aopposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility."

  • @writerteacher1
    @writerteacher1 Před 11 lety +2

    For me, I came to realize that (a) it is simply dishonest for me to remain in a church without accepting certain core doctrine; (b) a sense of moral outrage about certain things (racial issues, service to the poor and needy, Joseph Smith's conduct, other stuff), (c) my approaches to religious belief and service to the community fit better in another church (Methodist, particularly AME); (d) I can do more good with my life in a church that values a social gospel approach to serving communities.

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Yes, the text and subtext. Thanks for asking.

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 12 lety +1

    "if you are happy why make videos"
    Because happiness is contagious, and leaving the church can often be lonely and confusing.

  • @dkp121890
    @dkp121890 Před 13 lety +1

    haha this works both ways. I used to be and ex-Mormon. After being in the church my whole life i left the church at the age 14. I ended up getting into drugs, alcohol and all kinds of mischief. living a very wayward life i became more unhappy than i have ever been i my life. i ended up coming back to church after suffering a lot and because i came back it literally saved my life and i am more happy than i have ever been.

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Its the text in the video and the subtext in the video. I didn't pay any attention to the audio track.

  • @nerdnul
    @nerdnul Před 10 lety +1

    Like a breath of fresh air, and the shedding of the double-mindedness.

  • @debbiehoad1850
    @debbiehoad1850 Před 13 lety

    I am happier since I left the Mormon church two years ago. But I just want to say that even if I wasn't, I could never go back. I need the truth more than I need to have a structured community and a set of (flawed) values handed to me. I feel like I escaped from the Matrix, where things seemed real, but were actually created on a foundation of lies. Life is more uncertain now, more challenging, but also more open and loving. Reality is wonderful. Better a sad Socrates than a happy pig.

  • @therealhuggybear
    @therealhuggybear Před 11 lety +1

    My name is Matt Harrison, and I am a happy, fulfilled, worthwhile exmormon.

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Just a simple question . Were you living the Standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the time of your departure ?

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety

    @utahdane I believe that most Mormons are wonderful people.

  • @Beegeezy144
    @Beegeezy144 Před rokem

    I feel compelled to say that it has taken me years from leaving the Church to leave behind the extremist mentality that I adopted while I was in the Church. After leaving the Church, I embraced atheism and started reading literature as if it were doctrine and even proselytizing to save people! Everybody's journey is different, but for me at least, I'm realizing now that to be casual is okay too.

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    @woodcchuck2020 Just a simple question . Were you living the Standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the time of your departure ?

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety

    @utahdane I have honestly looked at FAIR. I honestly believe I felt the Holy Ghost. If you do not believe I have felt the Holy Ghost, then it might be helpful for you to look up the "No True Scotsman" fallacy on wikipedia.
    A Jehovah's Witness constantly reinforces their belief in their one true religion. This will provide powerful feelings that surround this belief with a high statistical probability. Question for you: What alternative explanations are there for your miraculous experience?

  • @NavajoJoe66
    @NavajoJoe66 Před 13 lety +2

    @IamExExmormon Well I know plenty of Mormons who feel otherwise. I also know plenty of people of different faiths who are happy. And I know of many ex-Mormons who are happier now than they ever were in the church. So, Mormonism does not necessarily equal happiness. But if you are happy, good for you. Ignorance is often bliss.

  • @DannyHydeTV
    @DannyHydeTV Před 6 lety

    Nicely done!!!

  • @janeisthe1
    @janeisthe1 Před 11 lety

    ❤ I love everyone! I try not to judge because, who am I to judge if I too, walk imperfectly? I respect anybody's decision, it's your life, but I'd hate my life without the gospel. ❤

    • @maryjanexo
      @maryjanexo Před 4 lety +1

      I wrote this comment on an older account and I just saw this. I love how I said "I'd hate my life without the gospel" because, in reality, I hated my life WITH the gospel and I'm much happier after leaving that cult. I am exmormon and thank god for that.

  • @Robyshileileh
    @Robyshileileh Před 12 lety

    I began investigating the LDS Church (Mormons) about 3 months ago, I simply walked into the chapel closes to where I live and attended the next church service. My life has changed so much since then, so many of my vices and sinful ways of living have simply dropped off, the spirit of the church has changed the way I think resulting in different decisions in my life, I now have a great job and new friends and my addictions are gone. I'm 39, male and looking forward to a better life now.

  • @FlackerMan
    @FlackerMan Před 13 lety

    Very nice. Leaving Mormonism,vhile difficult, can be a very liberating experience.

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 13 lety +1

    @havioc69 If a covenant was made with the understanding that you are doing your best to follow truth, why would it be a negative thing to overturn your previous decision like a judge would do in a court of law when new evidence is presented? To ignore this possibility is intellectually dishonest in my opinion.

  • @marvinthemaniac7698
    @marvinthemaniac7698 Před 5 lety

    As an ex-Evangelical Christian, these videos are profoundly inspirational to me!

  • @celestialbound46
    @celestialbound46 Před 13 lety

    @havioc69 If the covenant you made was with an entity that cannot be demonstrated to exist, do you have, or did you ever have a contract?

  • @danieljohnseppings9044
    @danieljohnseppings9044 Před 11 lety

    Daniel Seppings says “ a true testimony of Christ comes through revelation only direct from God”

  • @SammyLevisosa
    @SammyLevisosa Před 13 lety +1

    What if some people really do just want to live a good life for that reason alone? Not because they are afraid of hell or damnation, but just because they want to be good people? I've never really been afraid of hell. I do what I do, but I try to be the best person I can for that reason alone, just to be good and nice, and follow as close to Jesus's footsteps as I can. Not necessarily because I'm afraid of hell. And I am in NO way perfect. Just so you know I don't think I am. I make mistakes.

  • @KMartin730
    @KMartin730 Před 13 lety

    I have most of the answers I NEED

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    And even unto the great and last day ,when all people ,and all kindreds,and all nations and tongues shall stand before God ,to be judged of their works ,whether they be good or whether they be evil
    If they be good , to the resurrection of everlasting life ,& if they be evil ,to the resurrection of damnation ;being on a parallel , the one on the one hand &the other on the other hand according to the mercy and the justice &the holiness which is in Christ ,who was before the world began.

  • @wesbecky1
    @wesbecky1 Před 12 lety

    @iamanexmormon, thanks for honest response. I respect that. Good luck. It is just the comments are over the top. Anyway. Take care.

  • @KMartin730
    @KMartin730 Před 13 lety

    "Hee"? what are you, TWELVE?

  • @tomh4841
    @tomh4841 Před 7 lety +2

    I am an ex Mormon and I am glad that I am out of this cult

  • @awatson945
    @awatson945 Před 13 lety

    @IamExExmormon Hi. And best of luck. Love the videos. Very professional quality.

  • @cashmerebeanie
    @cashmerebeanie Před 13 lety

    Mormonism is dying. The internet has made that a sure thing. More sure than the sure sign of the nail. It's great to see so many people so happy. That's what out here beyond the cult of mormonism: happiness and the exhilirating feeling of being yourself finally. Thanks for this project - uplifting and beautiful.

  • @DillysADV
    @DillysADV Před 13 lety

    I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter days saints for most my life. I cannot say I always done the things I was taught to do. I can say that my faith has been tried and tried over and over and to this day I have do doubts that the church is the only true and living church on the face of the earth. It is impossible to portray the feelings that I have about the church in 500 characters. I know it is. I know that we as people are weak and really do need GOD in our lives !

  • @JaradCarter
    @JaradCarter Před 4 lety

    I appreciate the videos. Why are all the links dead? Whoever runs this should direct traffic to helpful sites that still work. Maybe Mormon Stories, Understanding Mormonism.

  • @NavajoJoe66
    @NavajoJoe66 Před 13 lety

    @ImLDSRU2 Great! Go ahead and identify one please. Thanks.

  • @mollymu1
    @mollymu1 Před 13 lety

    Just a simple question . Were you living the Standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the time of your departure ?

  • @KMartin730
    @KMartin730 Před 13 lety

    I think there is a difference between one with the Lord and one with a court judge

  • @NavajoJoe66
    @NavajoJoe66 Před 13 lety

    @ImLDSRU2 I didn't see anyone in these videos talking about a "text" or a "subtext." Can you identify any statements from any of these people that are lies, in your opinion? Thanks.

  • @iglesiavidaencristo-funzas8445

    I am Ex mormón, thanks for this video

  • @SammyLevisosa
    @SammyLevisosa Před 13 lety

    @ulisscarple Threat? And abusive? How is being a mormon abusive? Elaborate on that.

  • @slotsluts
    @slotsluts Před 3 lety +1

    What happened to this channel??? Why did they stop uploading videos? :-(

  • @thermionic1234567
    @thermionic1234567 Před 13 lety

    @utahdane Breivik is not a Christian. He is a secular Eurocentrist.

  • @jesushatesyoutoo
    @jesushatesyoutoo Před 12 lety

    @utahdane The true sign that a religion is false is for the leaders of that religion to say they are the only "true Church". If God is in your heart and you know that you are apart of God and God is apart of you, you need NO church leader to tell you God's will. God will reveal himself to you. Neither should you declare yourself a profit nor tell anyone else how God wants them to live.

  • @Slimane649
    @Slimane649 Před 13 lety +1

    Can I say I'm an Ex investigator? I no longer go to the church because of non sense and also because of the Church authority who annonys members with guilt.

  • @cooper79jeffr
    @cooper79jeffr Před 13 lety +1

    The ex-Mormon website and videos get a big "THUMBS UP" from this ex-Jehovah's WItness!
    Now that people are using the Internet to spread empowering information and hope, controlling religious organizations no longer have the upper hand over those who want to be free. It's about time!

  • @onemoreturn
    @onemoreturn Před 13 lety

    kudos to them for leaving one of the most bizzare cults out there.

  • @SammyLevisosa
    @SammyLevisosa Před 13 lety

    @ndrthrdr1 And what's so bad about trying to lead a good, honest life? What's so bad about not doing drugs, or not stealing? Huh?.

  • @zashin62
    @zashin62 Před 11 lety

    Spoken by someone who has not been there. Mormons are by and large kind people but you would be amazed at how families can and do turn on their own when one leaves the church. So until you have been there, you cannot speak truthfully.

  • @sylvesterbirchem181
    @sylvesterbirchem181 Před 5 lety

    How can I tape myself and share my story on this ex mormon site?

  • @bossendenwoodconvict
    @bossendenwoodconvict Před 10 lety +13

    I like the way at the start of the video the ex-mormons are just killing themselves with laughter. I am sure they are looking back and laughing at their former selves, and also wondering why they ever took mormonism seriously in the first place.
    It must be such a wonderful release.

  • @3DEditor
    @3DEditor Před 13 lety

    I laid into my last two bishops, stake president. Told them how wrong they were for things they say, being insensitive, arrogant and prideful! It felt pretty damn good to tell these Idiots right in front of their face what I thought of the church and their idiotic beliefs and how they treat people. It felt really good and very liberating to finally speak up and stand up for myself, my wife and our humanity after dealing with Mormon B.S. for 20+ years! Research paper on Mormonism coming soon.

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Not exactly. I resorted to clarifying your true nature. That's not the same thing as name calling -- something you have already engaged in -- because name calling is essentially labeling someone falsely, and have labeled you accurately.

  • @tomh4841
    @tomh4841 Před 7 lety +6

    I am an ex Mormon I am glad that I got hell out of this cult

  • @janeisthe1
    @janeisthe1 Před 12 lety

    I love being full of the spirit and feeling happy because i am close to my saviour and my father. Mormonism people don't like because they have to stay pure to be in the temple.

  • @craignorton7070
    @craignorton7070 Před 11 lety +1

    You know, it dawned on me last night, after I had posted a comment that those who leave the LDS church must be leaving because they've found a religion or belief that is so much better than what they found when they were LDS. Will some of you please take some time and tell me what your new belief system is and why it is better? Don't just say someone offended me, or I chose to be offended, or it was too restrictive. Let me know what your new beliefs are and how they're better than what you left.

    • @amethystfairy16
      @amethystfairy16 Před 2 lety +1

      I found no other belief system. There is no religion I follow, I'm not an atheist, or a Christian. I just wanted to fully and truly love myself

  • @Smithpolly
    @Smithpolly Před 11 lety

    Maybe they just find the whole "Joseph Smith was given golden tablets but no, you can't see them" story difficult to swallow.

  • @Juengerchristi
    @Juengerchristi Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Questioning my atheist religion was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. It might take a little effort to do the research, but it's interesting and extremely rewarding to do so. Life has never been better Now I am a mormon and I love it!

  • @puper15
    @puper15 Před 11 lety

    I left the church and became an atheist because of some events that happened to me, I left the church because i lost all faith that there was a god. i would pray to god every night, but i never got an answer.the other reason i left the church was because the joseph smith story just seemed fake to me and i just could never accept it as real.
    this is just some of the reasons i left. it wasn't because i found another faith. it was because i didn't believe in god.

  • @KMartin730
    @KMartin730 Před 13 lety

    You’ve got to be a Baptist asking about the “relationship with Jesus”. Don’t you realize there are OTHER religions that have a relationship with Jesus besides you. Just because someone doesn’t answer your question on you tube doesn’t mean they don’t have one.

  • @crackthecorn
    @crackthecorn Před 13 lety

    am glad i prioritize logic and truth but this video was almost like a church(any church) promotional video

  • @xerox1959
    @xerox1959 Před 10 lety +3

    Isn’t it a remarkable coincidence almost everyone has the same religion as their parents? And it always just happens to be the right religion. Religions run in families. If we’d been brought up in ancient Greece we would all be worshiping Zeus and Apollo. If we had been born Vikings we would be worshiping Wotan and Thor. How does this come about? Through childhood indoctrination.
    - Richard Dawkins
    (Your) faith is not inspired by some divine, constant truth, it's simple geography and the family you were born into.
    Everybody who leaves religion behind understands this...
    well done ex-mormon's. :-)

    • @pk26pk26
      @pk26pk26 Před 9 lety +1

      That's right.
      All the more reason why we must reach out to those born into the covenant. Next time you meet LDS missionaries in person, be warm and open with them. Show them there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that anyone, including their own parents, can be misled.

  • @Goneformilesnow
    @Goneformilesnow Před 12 lety

    Leaving a cult mentality is not an easy thing to do. Those who are brave enough to leave their friends and family in the church and follow their OWN truth deserve the respect. Never let anyone else tell you your soul is in jeopardy. Never let anyone else tell you how to live your life. Never stop questioning and searching for the truth.

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 I did identify the lies. I identified the text and the subtext.
    Since you are being unkind, I will not be cooperative with you in explaining what that means or how I determined that they are lies.

  • @jam792
    @jam792 Před 11 lety

    Apostasy is always a choice. His choice does not invalidate your Baptismal ordinance. There will always be opposition. When people sin they make the leaders and the church seem evil when it is them who chose to do evil and it hurts when you aren't right with God and Jesus Christ....It won't get better till there is repentance and until then they spew out all kinds of nonsense to make themselves feel good. Many people left the church when ALL eligible men received the priesthood...

  • @ImLDSRU2
    @ImLDSRU2 Před 13 lety

    @NavajoJoe66 Yes. I've determined that as far as I can tell, this video is pretty much full of lies. No, I did identify the items when asked. Look above. I identified them twice. I did not claim any lies in the audio. I did not pay attention. The lies are in the text and subtext.
    Thanks for asking.

  • @EatTinker
    @EatTinker Před 12 lety

    @7496876 Your book of mormon teaches kids things like this: “God cursed the Lamanites (the ancestors of the Native Americans) causing their skin to turn dark and making them "loathsome" to His people.” 2 Nephi: 5:21-22.

  • @akg771959
    @akg771959 Před 13 lety

    @zango010 Once again, I say no thank you. What part of that do you not understand?

  • @ndrthrdr1
    @ndrthrdr1 Před 13 lety

    @7496876 That's what you call praying. Sounds pretty bizarre when actually spelled out, doesn't it?

  • @craignorton7070
    @craignorton7070 Před 11 lety

    Yes, you can be happy in the LDS church and you can be happy and not be LDS. Thank you for the video. Now, will you tell us more about your new beliefs?

  • @SammyLevisosa
    @SammyLevisosa Před 13 lety

    Am I the only one that notices that while most other churches are preaching about how the mormon church is so terrible and such, and they focus on preaching that instead of gods word, and then the mormon church ONLY preaches gods word? Am i really the only one noticing that the mormon church is actually focusing on the word of god, and not bashing other churches? just a thought.

  • @SammyLevisosa
    @SammyLevisosa Před 13 lety

    @ulisscarple "MORmONS". Very clever. You get a cookie. But, we'll see what's right when we get to the other side, brother.

  • @love1another777
    @love1another777 Před 13 lety

    I love being a mormon it has blessed my life in so many ways it has brought me joy, hope, growth, healing, truth, love, compassion and so much more.
    I just have to say that the people in these videos look more like actors then ex-mormons. That's just what struck me as I watched it.

  • @EatTinker
    @EatTinker Před 10 lety +3

    Ahem...Some beautiful scripture: "And the SKINS of the Lamanites were DARK...which was a CURSE upon them because of their transgression against their brethren...therefore they were cursed; and the Lord God set a mark upon them. And this was done that their seed might be distinguished from the seed of their brethren, that thereby the Lord God might preserve his people..." (Alma 3:6,8) Good stuff, eh?

    • @yelloeroseyyellorosey7018
      @yelloeroseyyellorosey7018 Před 10 lety +3

      Good stuff is Right LOL. I put this to a Mormon. And he said it was NOT a CURSE but a "Mark" ? I told him if that true? Never mind it says "Curse" in the Book of Mormon. How is that any less racist or offensive to Native Americans and other minorities ?

    • @sxhmeatyclaws
      @sxhmeatyclaws Před 9 lety

      Yelloerosey Yellorosey Very good scripture actually. It goes to show that in THAT SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD the consequences for transgressions against god and his gospel were severe and noticeable.
      Like this channel for example.
      You, like the lamanites, are willfully and loudly posting your hate and many biased opinions on the church for no good reason other than to make yourselfs feel good, while simultaneously driving away curious minds about the church and also making some young mormons second guess their faith :) Many blame mormons for being "hateful and judgemental", and you are here doing the same thing. Good day.

    • @EatTinker
      @EatTinker Před 9 lety

      huh? anyway, gotta love that book o' mormon.

    • @okaminess
      @okaminess Před 6 lety

      EatTinker Me and my Native American people were labeled as Lamanites. Ugh. No.

  • @jam792
    @jam792 Před 11 lety

    many people leave the church to defend abortion or homosexuality simply because they have a son or daughter not living right.....they should be able to marry whoever they love..........WE become villianised because we speak out against wrong and evil . We have integrity and chose to live after the manner of happinsess of the gospel....being some point they may repent and come back....we need to be ready, willing and with charity and open arms, take them back

  • @sparky7718
    @sparky7718 Před 13 lety +1

    My God is a woman, her name is Mother Nature. Heaven is on Earth. Enjoy every day.

    • @maryjanexo
      @maryjanexo Před 4 lety

      omg sue ariana grande and get your coin

  • @KenM66
    @KenM66 Před 13 lety

    @blackblade789 Prove it.

  • @ndrthrdr1
    @ndrthrdr1 Před 13 lety

    @7496876 That implies the classic straw man argument for religion, namely that religious faith may be delusional, but at least it produces morally sound behavior and values. The problem with that argument is it assumes that people are bad, but will be good if living in fear of damnation.
    However, those of us who feel empathy for our fellows are already motivated to be kind and considerate of others. We do teach those values to our children.
    Be good for goodness' sake, not out of fear of Hell.

  • @orderofmelchizedek1
    @orderofmelchizedek1 Před 12 lety

    { con't ] You don't have to "shape up " first or try to be good enough, you can't on your own. You need the Savior. Why? Because as it states in Romans 3:10" There is none righteous, no not one" and Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God".Trying to keep the 10 commandments, while certainly a good idea, will never save you, Why? because that is works based theology, we are under grace, not works. Praise God that is true, otherwise we would all perish!!! God Bless!

  • @KMartin730
    @KMartin730 Před 13 lety

    I also believe that 99.9% of these "why im no longer Mormon" are some kind of louzy actors..or kids picked up on the street to make a dollar or two

  • @mrAZcardinal
    @mrAZcardinal Před 10 lety

    Love the song! :D What is it, any lovely people here know? :)

  • @awatson945
    @awatson945 Před 13 lety

    I am an ex Mormon. Thank you.