Tom Hopkins, Musician, Composer, Ex Mormon

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • www.i-am-an-exm...
    My name is Tom Hopkins. I'm a father, humanitarian, composer, music producer, and guitarist. This is the story of my own journey growing up as a Mormon and finally breaking free.
    I was a sincere, knowledgeable, believing, and faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for most of my life. I grew up in a loving, active Mormon family environment. My parents were strict, but good people. I don't remember seeing my parents fight, or raise their voices at each other in my presence. My father and brothers were scholars in the church. Our home was a well-stocked library of Church books, and my father's goal was to read every book ever published by the Church and its leaders. I love that he tried to answer our questions and concerns about our Mormon faith, and could show us the source material for the information. He was a long time Gospel Doctrine teacher, Choir Director, and a counselor in the bishopric. He was also one of my best friends.
    Even as a teenager I read the scriptures constantly. Before going on my mission, I studied the Book of Mormon from cover to cover at least 6 times. I also studied it throughout my life after that. As a sixteen-year-old priest, I was the assistant to the Bishop, and I proselytized, influenced, and baptized several people. I was a hard working full time missionary in Thailand and I meticulously obeyed all the mission rules. I loved my mission. Before I arrived in Thailand, I was told that the average baptism rate was one convert baptism per missionary, per mission. My average was at least one convert baptism per month. My missionary friends told me that the mission president never missed an opportunity to 'motivate' the other missionaries, by telling them stories about me. You can imagine how that affected my social life with some of the other missionaries. :)
    After my mission, I proselytized and baptized the girl I married in the temple in 1985, and we have 4 children. I was a Gospel Doctrine Teacher, a Scout Master, a High Priest and 2nd counselor in the Bishopric, a counselor in the Sunday School Presidency, and Stake Mission Presidency, and many other callings... and of coarse, I was a faithful home teacher and tithe and offering payer.
    Despite all this, certain doctrines or aspects of my Mormon faith never felt right to me. But just like every other faithful member of the Church that I knew, I accepted some things on faith, expecting that some day, perhaps after I die, it would all make sense. Though I studied literature that answered many 'anti Mormon' arguments, particularly those from other Christian faiths, I didn't give my own concerns, questions, or negative feelings much energy or credibility. Why?
    Throughout my life, I was taught, and I taught others how to 'gain a testimony'. According to the Book of Mormon, gaining a testimony requires a "desire to believe", and letting that desire grow in you like a seed. Skepticism and a thoroughly open and honest investigation into the extraordinary claims of the Church are not part of the process.
    "When considering the truth of a proposition, one is either engaged in an honest appraisal of the evidence and logical arguments, or one isn't. Religion is one area of our lives where people imagine that some other standard of intellectual integrity applies." (Sam Harris)
    I was taught and indoctrinated to believe that the Mormon Church represented everything in life that was good and true, and the only way to eternal happiness, and anything that was contrary to the teachings of the Church was false, evil, 'of the devil', and leads to unhappiness. So, this means in effect, if I want to be a good person, and live a happy life, and I do, then according to what I was taught, I have to believe in the Mormon Church, and bring myself in alignment with it. And if I don't, then I am either evil, or ignorant.
    To read the rest of Tom's story, please visit the following link:

Komentáře • 220

  • @marenrjensen
    @marenrjensen Před 10 lety +37

    I loved this! My favorite exmormon video by far. He perfectly articulated how I feel and my experience. And he does it so rationally, lovingly, and gently. Thank you.

  • @donbagley2322
    @donbagley2322 Před 10 lety +23

    Thank you, Tom Hopkins, for using your talents and voice to bring these issues to light. I am an exMormon myself. I too lost family for speaking the truth about false history and obfuscation.

  • @mdgolobic
    @mdgolobic Před 11 lety +2

    Sweet and sincere, devoid of anger or animosity, Tom is a pillar for anyone who has been betrayed by anyone or anything.

  • @Soloist1983
    @Soloist1983 Před 3 lety +4

    This is the guy that got me into music and guitar, and there is like no info on him on CZcams, no interviews, not a thing...other than this. Man, I want to ask this guy a million questions about his sound, approach to guitar, and how those video game projects happened; best part of my childhood, and probably life listening to the Twisted Metal/Jet Moto soundtracks

  • @exjwconfessions
    @exjwconfessions Před 10 lety +7

    I can't stop watching this without crying

  • @BarefootMeRJ
    @BarefootMeRJ Před 10 lety +13

    Thank you for this, Tom. It took me until my 50s to have the courage to open my eyes with regard to the church. It is a beautiful life. The words you used: greater freedom, peace, zest for life... they're right on.

  • @noonsterdad
    @noonsterdad Před 10 lety +15

    I'm blown away by the comments. This clip was made expressly to share thoughts about leaving the LDS church. Why would anyone trip on it's content. Anyway, I grew up with Tom. Played music with him. Hope to see you again soon my friend. LAN

  • @dreamynight3
    @dreamynight3 Před 9 lety +15

    "that information would've been really nice to know, before I dedicated my life to this church" - that's my thoughts exuctly!

    • @SteveSmith-os5bs
      @SteveSmith-os5bs Před 3 lety +1

      Exactly, took me till age 50 to figure it out and age 59 to leave.

  • @andrewsullivan6757
    @andrewsullivan6757 Před 7 lety +6

    I'm going through a terrible time right now. I'm in my twenties, and when I came across those controversial subjects and learned more about them, the only logical conclusion was that the church was false. I studied for days, feeling like I was a terrible person for not "having faith"....but I couldn't deny that it just wasn't plausible. So I'm leaving, and it's so hard. My longtime girlfriend broke up with my last night, I have Mormon roommates who will probably judge me and my friends will be cold. My only lifeline will be my family and these wonderful videos showing I'm not alone! Thank you so much. Lots of love from Arizona

    • @Smithpolly
      @Smithpolly Před 7 lety

      On the plus side, you're not a Muslim in Saudi Arabia who is questioning his or her religious beliefs. I realise it's difficult for you but Swings and Roundabouts, Swings and Roundabouts. Good luck.

  • @jordanwademeier
    @jordanwademeier Před 10 lety +15

    I am so glad I found this video! It is so hard to convey your feelings to your beloved active Mormon friends and family. Mormonism is something that is near and dear to my loved ones and it is difficult to discuss my dissent with them without emotions running high. I think next time they ask I will refer them to this video and say "this is almost exactly how I feel". Thanks for being an example Tom Hopkins! PS, I played twisted metal for hours when I was younger! Thanks for that too!

    • @tomhopkins4896
      @tomhopkins4896 Před 10 lety +5

      HAHA! That is so cool. Thank You! Twisted Metal was one of my favorite projects I have ever done. People in your situation are exactly the reason I decided to step forward and do this. :-)

    • @jordanwademeier
      @jordanwademeier Před 10 lety +6

      Tom Hopkins I especially enjoyed "You often hear the church is perfect, but it's members are flawed. I think it's the other way around". That really rang true for me.

    • @stephaniesunderland1974
      @stephaniesunderland1974 Před 10 lety

      Iwould bekeen I agree!

  • @garycanady9779
    @garycanady9779 Před 3 lety

    Tom I was raised a methodist and a convert to the Church! You evidently were raised from the inside out, while I was raised from the outside in. We are all on the path back to our Father in Heaven. I did not base my conversion on people but one the things given me through prayer. In any case God loves us all unconditionally, and the church is but a vehicle to get us home safety! I totally love and admire your music and gift of music! I am 73 but I still recognize and love beautiful music and talent. I am sure glad I listen to and old Osmond tour in Scotland. You and the whole band were and are phenomenal talents! No matter where you are in life your music especially “ “Stairway to Heaven” is one of the best I have ever lessoned to. God bless your journey!
    Guitar music

  • @stephaniesunderland1974
    @stephaniesunderland1974 Před 10 lety +9

    I agree :) I have a zest for life I never had before. I feel being a EXmormon has made me a better person.

  • @MrTacolover2
    @MrTacolover2 Před 9 lety +3

    Wow Tom, love your story, your composing talent and your droptop Anderson just screams beautifully in your hands!

  • @dufreyne1
    @dufreyne1 Před 11 lety +1

    This is a wonderful account of one man's journey through a spiritual, emotional and social minefield--only to land on his feet. He brings an authentic feel that allows the viewer to empathize and project. Thank you to both Tom Hopkins and the producer of this high quality video for making this effort--it will undoubtedly have a lasting and positive effect for those who find themselves in a similar conundrum...

  • @RedDelPaPa
    @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +18

    I've noticed a commonality in life amongst devout Mormons, and other religions. Most devout religious people seem to be the kind of personality that needs or at least prefers to have someone else to tell them what to do and how to live. People who prefer to make their own decisions in life tend to not fit in very well within religious circles. As we all know, within the Mormon church, and other church's, you can think whatever you want, you just can't do or say whatever you want. Religions in general, teach obedience. They like to call it obedience to God. When in reality, it's really obedience to other humans.

    • @Banyo__
      @Banyo__ Před 10 lety

      I agree with much of what you've said. I have a vary well rounded group of friends from a lot of different cultures and religious backgrounds, but in our entire history of friendship, they've been open to discussing religion in a way that isn't saying who you are and what you believe in is wrong b/c you don't believe the way they do which I appreciate, but I know a lot of people outside the circle, those seriously devout that refuse to answer or even ponder the tough questions or the ambiguous areas of their religion, usually hastily brushing you off, or hiding behind the blanket statement, that that's just the way it is. If you truly believe in something and you say you live your life by it, why would 'little old me' asking a few questions be so incredibly difficult to discuss or be viewed as some kind of threat to them personally? These people have spent their entire lives going to a church, a temple, a synagogue, learning about what's what, but I think that there is such fear that the eggshell will crack, that they'll have to question themselves or their religious beliefs or leaders, that they'd rather not even contemplate going there. The old saying, ignorance is bliss...

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety

      I actually like a good challenge to my own personal beliefs about things. It helps me to understand better why I believe the way I do, and how I came to those conclusions. I never write off or avoid a challenge. I ask for my oppositions best shots, then ask that they sit back and allow my turn to destroy them.

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +1

      The way they act, it's almost as if deep down inside, they know their beliefs are a lie. And they just don't want to go there because it causes them pain.

    • @Banyo__
      @Banyo__ Před 10 lety +3

      I liken it to those devoted to their favorite sports team. These people know stats, what these players eat for breakfast, their kids names, and can and will argue with you for 6 hours if given a challenge to their team, but why is this same fervor not present with ones religion? If you or anyone else truly believes in what they claim to, then me asking a few questions isn't going to change that unless you're open or want it to, and thus, as you've said, you like a good challenge and welcome the chance. I've always stood by the statement that I don't believe in anyone or anything 100%. When you do that, when you completely give yourself to something, that leaves no room to question it or what you or others are doing. You get cults like this, sexual abuse scandals, church leaders stealing, and on down the list. I think you have to be able to look at religion and say, I believe in the words, in the ideas, but as these people breaking away from the church are explaining...if something you feel in your gut is saying this isn't right, you can and do have the right to walk away, change your mind, find another religion. There are many many paths to God.

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety

      Great reply! Well said!

  • @sarak6860
    @sarak6860 Před 7 lety +3

    I remember when I had to muster courage in order to research the church. I was terrified to find out if it wasn't true. Today, I am incredibly happy to be out of Mormonism, and I still have the sense that God is with me. They lied when they said the Spirit would withdraw and God would be out of your life. It isn't that way at all.

  • @yarntwisted
    @yarntwisted Před 9 lety +6

    Thank you for sharing your experience with leaving the church, Tom. Your thoughts echo mine as I have left. The people are good. The church is flawed. Well put! :) I will always love my Mormon friends - but I agree - life is so much richer, we can more fully embrace our power to choose to be good, ethical, decent people, and we can truly embrace and appreciate all the WONDER in the world, now that we are no longer under the constraints of imposed ideology. I honor your integrity for sharing your experience.

  • @kentthalman4459
    @kentthalman4459 Před 8 lety +3

    Yes, it is all about intellectual integrity.
    Great observation about comparing the members to the Church.

  • @MrMotownLover
    @MrMotownLover Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks for sharing from your heart my friend and giving the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from your perspective! It hits home, big time!

  • @breezyvibe
    @breezyvibe Před 9 lety +2

    That white-tailed deer really enjoyed the concert!!

  • @Cuinn837
    @Cuinn837 Před 8 lety +12

    How different my life would have been if I had known years earlier! The LDS church is paying a huge price now for having hid that information. They harmed the very families that Jesus wanted to protect--the struggling poor families who couldn't afford to pay that tithe. The children who went without some of the best things in life because the parents gave the money for that to an unworthy church. I was one of those parents. I am so grateful that my grown kids are all inactive. I am working on my name removal.

  • @martinmoondog2585
    @martinmoondog2585 Před 8 lety +5

    I really appreciate Tom's way of explaining how he came to find out that he had been deceived into joining the LDS church with incomplete information. While I was an LDS missionary, I started to have problems of conscience because I knew that what I was teaching was leaving out key Mormon doctrines and concepts. I began to feel like a liar. It was a devastating discovery.
    When a Mormon discovers the truth about Mormonism and either goes inactive, silently leaves, asks to be excommunicated, or writes a letter asking that his name be removed, the members have a variety of reactions. The most common reaction is to believe that either the member had his feelings hurt or preferred sin over LDS membership. There is a frequent tendency to blame the person for "not praying for answers correctly", for personal character flaws, or for being possessed by Satan. Through indoctrination LDS members become incapable of understanding that the person left because he found out that the LDS church misrepresents many things in its recounting of its history and in the doctrinal changes. The Mormons try to convince the members that the church is perfect, but the members aren't. Therefore, the members justify that those who leave do so because they did something wrong. It's just not that way. The former members reach the conclusion that the LDS church isn't true. Depending on how long they were LDS, it can be a difficult transition away from the LDS church, but there is peace and understanding that follows.

    • @guitarwhelp
      @guitarwhelp Před 7 lety

      Hi Martin, can you please disclose what you mean by "the truth about Mormonism?" As a non-member considering conversion, I am genuinely interested. If you'd rather not publicly discuss it, please message me!

  • @iceman0276
    @iceman0276 Před 10 lety +1

    Thank you for this video... Really. This has such a great spirit about it. Its so nice to see someone with an honest heart, who has come to the same place I have.

  • @thormysteryschool
    @thormysteryschool Před 11 lety +1

    Tom is very sincere about his search for truth.

  • @RedDelPaPa
    @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +11

    I miss my ex girlfriend soo much. :( I loved her, and I think she loved me too. But she felt she had to move on from me because I couldn't bring myself to join this church. I knew too much. She wouldn't hear of it. Part of me wanted to violate my own integrity just to keep her. But what kind of a man would I be for doing so?
    This religion is not about love and family. :(

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +6

      It's funny that you're on here commenting about how wonderful your "one true church" is, when Tom explains very clearly how the church is NOT what it claims itself to be. I've heard it all, Naomi. And It's very likely I know more about the history of your church and Joe Smith than you do. The man was a complete fraud. In the case of my ex, she chose religion over me because the church has quietly inserted itself first in her life. Before family, before friends, and before me. That's the tragedy of religions like yours. If everyone isn't on board, it ruins friendships/families.
      It's also comical that you say you have to be humble and teachable in order for God to communicate with you. Which is exactly what you true believers are not. You are NOT humble, teachable, open minded, or intelectually honest enough with yourselves to admit that you could be wrong, there are BILLIONS of other people who believe very different that you, and that you may not have all the answers and may not ever.

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +4

      What you have is a feeling. An emotion. We all have them. And very often, they are wrong. Especially when we purposely ignore any real evidence that threatens a belief. What you're practicing is intellectual dishonesty at its finest. You cling to any and everything faith promoting, and willfully ignore and dismiss any and everything non faith promoting. Joe Smith did a LOT of bad deeds, and there are a lot of things about your church that contradict and make no sense whatsoever, and the back of your mind knows it. But you won't let your mind go there. I'm sorry but I'm not wired that way. I'm not capable of that kind of forceful bias.

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +2

      Good comment, Naomi. If I may add something. You see all the good in this world and say to yourself, how can this not be of God? Ok fair enough. Now I ask, when I see immeasurable and needless pain and suffering, if you believe in God, how can this not be of God as well? If God created all things, then everything bad and evil is a creation of God as well. What "good" purpose is being served by a child in Africa being born into hopeless conditions, barely clinging to life for a couple years, and then finally dying a slow and painful death from starvation or disease? Do you now see my beef with this whole loving God thing?
      So this is where I stand. IF there is a God. And that's a big if to me, He/She/it, simply doesn't give a damn. I don't have all the answers, nor claim to. That said, my personal opinion is the only one that makes any sense to me.

    • @exjwconfessions
      @exjwconfessions Před 10 lety +2

      ***** Sure you're not a JW? Same stuff, few different terminology. Good to go.

    • @RedDelPaPa
      @RedDelPaPa Před 10 lety +1

      I'm sorry, but allowing little children to suffer and starve doesn't teach them anything. And there you go again with your "I know this and that", and "God does exist." Sorry, but you DON'T KNOW any of those things. It's your opinion and nothing more. Besides, it's more than a tad arrogant and narcissistic to think that "God" listens to you and gives you what you want while billions of other people go without. Maybe instead of praying for things that you want, pray for the less fortunate to be helped. Pray for every child in the world to have a meal tonight.
      I can pray to an inanimate object, and a certain percent of the time, my prayer will come true. It's simply the law of averages. It doesn't prove that some God exists. The bible proves that God exists about as much as a comic book proves that Spider man exists.
      Frankly, I kinda feel sorry for you. It's a sketchy situation when you have to be uber careful with what you allow yourself to read, ponder and what questions you might ask. You can't allow yourself to think outside the box because it's dangerous to your faith.
      What if, a person doesn't have to be Mormon, or of any faith, in order to reach the highest level of heaven? If there is a heaven?

  • @BAwesomeDesign
    @BAwesomeDesign Před 10 lety +1

    Excellent video, Tom. Your thoughts echo mine quite a bit.

  • @Jeanikins
    @Jeanikins Před 11 lety

    So happy you are back in business, I am an Ex Mormon. This is wonderful. Agree with New Britannia, Keep 'em coming.

  • @Rooie1961
    @Rooie1961 Před 9 lety +2

    I loved listening to Tom Share his story ~ thank you for posting this

  • @dabbegood7237
    @dabbegood7237 Před 2 lety

    Hey Tom. You may, or may not remember me. My name is Mike Moorman, I (along with my sister's Christine and Michele and our mother Evelyn) attended the La Cienega Ward with you and your family. Your Dad was the Music Director at the ward. Congrats on being an Ex-Mormon. After I became a "priest" in the church I left as well. Let me know if you remember me. We also went to Palms JHS, and Hami together.

  • @GenIsysGames
    @GenIsysGames Před 5 lety

    Hey Tom, This is Scott from the old Justus Brothers. Great Video, boy we are getting old.

  • @nickborrrego
    @nickborrrego Před 10 lety

    Hey Tom, I loved Driver's music. I couldn't agree with you more about the mormon church as well. Never felt more at peace than by facing it and leaving it.

  • @nosharks1
    @nosharks1 Před 11 lety

    Hi Thomas. Can't wait to show Danny this video!! So glad to see you have publicly left!

  • @1stshelly
    @1stshelly Před 11 lety +1

    Welcome to freedom Tom. A departure from mormonism is an honest admittance, and a real commitment to the ideal that; we are all a part of the human race and that no man is better than another because of creed.

  • @emperorwang0861
    @emperorwang0861 Před 8 lety +2

    my favorite one in this series!

  • @MrBlizzake
    @MrBlizzake Před 3 lety

    I just saw Tommy perform in Evans, GA. You rock!

  • @eddiehearns2591
    @eddiehearns2591 Před 11 lety

    Great to see a new upload! Great story, Tom!

  • @Soren_Holmboe
    @Soren_Holmboe Před rokem

    This video is so important. Thank you. ❤️

  • @TopTierTealTippedSpears
    @TopTierTealTippedSpears Před 11 lety

    glad to see this channel posting again

  • @LovelynBettison
    @LovelynBettison Před 10 lety +1

    Does mean the video series is back? I love these videos.

  • @funkyfreshtx
    @funkyfreshtx Před 2 lety

    Thanks Tom for sharing this story many years ago. Since leaving in 2020 after 40 years in the church I can honestly say that I feel more Christlike and more empathetic and more understanding and tolerant than I ever did as a Mormon. Mormonism can be toxic for many and is built on lies and deception.

  • @robertallison107
    @robertallison107 Před 7 lety +5

    As Mormon is now, ex-Mormon once was. As ex-Mormon now is, Mormon may become....

  • @TheCurmudgen
    @TheCurmudgen Před 11 lety

    Glad to see more videos coming from this channel.

  • @macedo5
    @macedo5 Před 7 lety

    Thank you Tom!

  • @saxyricks4731
    @saxyricks4731 Před 7 lety

    Thanks, Tom. Musicians are my tribe. I like your presentation. The WHOLE truth is important. It's more important to be honest than to be liked.

  • @tacojohn9
    @tacojohn9 Před 11 lety

    Nice to see you're back!

  • @ClayleMr
    @ClayleMr Před 11 lety

    Fantastic video!! Well done. Keep em coming

  • @JeanClaudeWelche
    @JeanClaudeWelche Před 4 lety

    Thank's a lot !!!

  • @RVFreeDa
    @RVFreeDa Před 10 lety

    You are a good soulful person and thanks for being honest!

  • @iamanexmormon
    @iamanexmormon  Před 11 lety

    He did - we ended up cutting it out because it isn't any one thing - it is a multitude of reasons all combined together. It's rather humorous (and sad) to see the comments roll in from Mormons who like to pick on each individual detail as if that ONE thing is no reason to leave. I can see where they are coming from, but really, did they expect every detail leading to deconversion to be included in a short video?
    Also, you can read more of his story in the description if you like.

  • @MorrisonEnterprise
    @MorrisonEnterprise Před 11 lety

    Fantastic! Really great work, Dan.

  • @tracygittins6343
    @tracygittins6343 Před 10 lety +3

    Wow! Best yet! Amen to the "yummy" feelings. The only "spirit" I need to feel is singing close harmony or playing jazz with my friends.

    • @exjwconfessions
      @exjwconfessions Před 10 lety

      Ya, I guess in your case you don't need the truth then either. Praises unto you!!

  • @SaMoaSix8Five
    @SaMoaSix8Five Před 11 lety

    My mother has stopped going to church lately and is now questioning the teachings herself. I think its hard for her to turn her back on the church she grew up in, but I've told her.. she can still pray to her God and have faith that God/Jesus lives.. she just doesn't have to attend a Mormon church to do all of that. So, that's what she has done, but who knows what she will do. It doesn't bother me if she goes back to church, but at least she is not blind to everything taught to her anymore!

  • @SpiritualAtheist
    @SpiritualAtheist Před 11 lety +1

    I never get tired of these. Maybe we should call them "exemonies".

  • @BlueSageDave
    @BlueSageDave Před 11 lety

    Spot on!

  • @kerstinklenovsky239
    @kerstinklenovsky239 Před 3 lety

    To think that people have to weigh up keeping their integrity against losing their families and community - truly diabolical. 😱

  • @walkonking
    @walkonking Před 11 lety

    Great Video! So glad you figured it out

  • @valdezapg
    @valdezapg Před 3 lety

    The guitar music Tom made for Twisted Metal and Jet Moto is fantastic. Sorry for being offtopic.

  • @briankohrman4604
    @briankohrman4604 Před 10 lety

    Can you tell us what video it was that you are referring to? Also, I dig your guitar playing, man!

  • @brianmorrow9213
    @brianmorrow9213 Před 7 lety

    Wait a minute, which Driver songs did you compose??
    I thought Allister Brimble did both of the first two games soundtracks!
    (I'm only here to question statements, something I can't do on Sundays.)

  • @thecatman4ever
    @thecatman4ever Před 11 lety

    Tom I'm very proud of u. Thank u for sharing your story : )

  • @MendedVeracity
    @MendedVeracity Před 10 lety

    For those that understand,no explanation is needed. For those with scales over their eyes, no explanation will do.

  • @maryfrankralls9985
    @maryfrankralls9985 Před 6 lety

    I had a very different experience than you. My wonderful grandmother pointed out to me how God places men and women of integrity, faith goodness and leadership qualities to lead people to Christ. She mentioned the Pope, Billy Graham and many others. She made it very clear the Lord places us where we are able to do the most good. Christ favors no one. Every person who lives is of great value to him and he will go to extremes to love and comfort each of his children. I was taught to love all and allow everyone to make their own decision as to what they chose to believe. And more importantly they are not going to live with the devil if they are not members of the LDS Church. You stand corrected.

    • @moronibaloney2063
      @moronibaloney2063 Před 6 lety

      But the LDS people aren't going to be in the invented Celestial Kingdom, living in a state of eternal progression towards godhood. I agree with Tom. I wouldn't have become LDS if they had been honest with me from the start. Mormons quietly believe in a "first vision" of Joseph Smith where he declared:
      "My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)-and which I should join.
      I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were ALL WRONG; and the Personage who addressed me said that all THEIR CREEDS WERE AN ABOMINATION in his sight; that THOSE PROFESSORS WERE ALL CORRUPT; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”
      I like Mary Frank Rall's sentiments, especially because she is LDS, but what she says is not what the LDS church teaches.

  • @danielfinlay3378
    @danielfinlay3378 Před 11 lety +2

    And they know the truth .. yet they deceive all those missionaries in the MTC and train them to use a more perfectly acceptable package that can sell rather then the real truth!

  • @antoniokofoed7139
    @antoniokofoed7139 Před rokem

    It's sad if you leave a church you lose your family life etc that's just not right.
    I lived in Salt Lake till I was 15 my extended family was mormon but me and my mom weren't. I really look back at it and we were treated very different. Like black sheep. I got the same treatment at school as well. Very sad .

  • @SaMoaSix8Five
    @SaMoaSix8Five Před 11 lety

    Thanks for sharing your story, Tom. My mother came from family of Mormons, and her Father before her etc. I was baptised into the church when I was 8, and so has my son. I left the church almost 12yrs ago, and I have been much better for it! I still have extended family members who attend church, and some don't like to socialise with me outside of Facebook (lol), where catching up online is better for them, than to hang out with someone who is now Atheist haha

  • @silverwasp
    @silverwasp Před 10 lety

    I want to know what issues he's referring to. I left, but I want to know what others issues with it were.

  • @danielfinlay3378
    @danielfinlay3378 Před 11 lety

    I have had the same exact expressions in the last 8 months! I have complained and said the exact same thing!

  • @nickborrrego
    @nickborrrego Před 10 lety

    4:10. YES! YES!!!

  • @nosharks1
    @nosharks1 Před 11 lety

    Thomas... Danny Taddei. Didn't realize that the post didn't show our last name.

  • @davidharris4064
    @davidharris4064 Před 7 lety

    Good job, and me too. An ex-mormon.

  • @LS-vp3du
    @LS-vp3du Před rokem

    Where is the integrity of the writers and producers of that film you watched?

  • @beloog
    @beloog Před 10 lety

    I get it. Living a lie is uncomfortable and it's best to be liberated from it and let the consequences follow. God doesn't want us to suffer one second longer than we should. And there are active Mormons who don't believe they're living a lie, I for one. We experience the Church, its people and Christ differently. I am concerned that some ex-Mormons don't address cheating on their spouses prior to leaving the Church. Integrity also means full disclosure. Not to shame, but to enlighten.

  • @Butterball3588
    @Butterball3588 Před 2 lety

    So what is Tom now?

  • @NoidCast
    @NoidCast Před 9 lety +2

    Twisted metal ftw, \m/

  • @bonzaiii7
    @bonzaiii7 Před 9 lety +1

    Being Mormon is a pretty simple life that's brought me a lot of happiness. What did they "leave out" that you're referring to Tom? I'm curious, thanks.

    • @brian8213
      @brian8213 Před 9 lety +3

      A lot. Having your own planet and populating it with the children you have in celestial heaven. On that planet you and your wife are the gods equivalent to earth's god. All these are facts of LDS and on the LDS website. I have never heard a missionary proactively share this.

    • @bonzaiii7
      @bonzaiii7 Před 9 lety +1

      Thanks brilly bob.
      Please post a link when able I'd love to read it. This is the only article I could find on the LDS site about it:
      The conclusion I gathered, was that we all have the potential to become like God as one of his children (similar to becoming like our earthly parents). By becoming as He is, you become a co-creator with potential to organize worlds like God has done in the cosmos.
      So it sounds like far more than one planet if anything...
      Is that a bad thing though? Or maybe it just sounds too outlandish?

    • @brian8213
      @brian8213 Před 9 lety

      Nick Green most of it is on the second to last link. It is a book that a member of the quorum of the twelve apostles wrote.
      exaltation Mormon
      definition (different than actual definition)
      They will become gods
      verse 20-23
      for exaltation: We must be married for eternity, either in this life or in the
      requirement for highest level of heaven
      increase definition (end of page 10 to page 12) this is one of the blessings of
      exaltation in the original link at the top
      Author of
      the article supporting this (member of the quorum of the twelve apostles)

    • @bonzaiii7
      @bonzaiii7 Před 9 lety +1

      brilly bob I read them all (Only read half of the 43 pager not going to lie :) typos in that one I'm thinking were because it was recorded on a typewriter back in the day?) Anyways thanks for the links that was great!
      So I gather the requirements of marriage to achieve the fullness of opportunities provided within the celestial realm, and how that links to the future spiritual generations/families that will be provided earths to populate synonymous to ours.
      Now I'm trying to understand the underlying issue...the part that people feel is wrong in this, is the fact that not all of these concepts are covered before baptism right? and that if there was more discussion before on these things, you would have been able to make a better assessment of investing time in membership toward the organization? Or maybe the ideas just seem to extreme? Or perhaps more of a conflict of scriptural interpretation? Or... all of those things? :)
      I apologize for my ignorance, just staying open minded and grateful that you and anyone else are willing to discuss.

    • @brian8213
      @brian8213 Před 9 lety +1

      Nick Green for me it's mainly the perception of power and not what God would want. Too much of the scripture in the bible seems accurate making god wanting other gods of equivalent power an inacurrate assumption to me. (god is a jealous god etc.). If there are other people or whatever on other planets a jealous god would not allow other gods to be in charge.
      How I think of it is; why would I want to become a god when worshiping the only all knowing god alone far surpasses any other desires. Is worshiping him not enough. Was there originally (when the books were made) a desire for power.
      That's one of my biggest problems of deep scripture and some temple stuff, is there seems to be a base desire for power. I could be a poor powerless bum in heaven and I would be plenty satisfied with that and God/Jesus.
      As a guy when I go to church and when we sing you can actually feel the power of god/Jesus also making you tear up and in that moment you know you need nothing else.

  • @kirkhammotorsports
    @kirkhammotorsports Před 10 lety +1

    well then don't click on and watch the damn movie Maxim.

  • @HerkRants
    @HerkRants Před 11 lety

    Love it. When I was a young Catholic boy, I was told there are sins of omission and sins of commission. You're lying if you purposely leave out stuff. I've made a couple of (poor) bids about Mormonism, though I'm a nevermo.

  • @ezekiellister5307
    @ezekiellister5307 Před 5 lety

    What was it that he knew he didn't say anything about anything

  • @daleghim3234
    @daleghim3234 Před 4 lety

    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter
    if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own
    common sense. A quote by Buddha.

  • @freeurmind5790
    @freeurmind5790 Před 10 lety

    An upbeat as well as thoughtful presentation! Well done! Thank you. And to those who "wonder" what those issue are, start digging into for some gems on your church's history. Here's one:

  • @TisMeDA
    @TisMeDA Před 11 lety

    Wow, hope to see more like this. Wish he said specifically what bothered him though :P

  • @MegaPaul1973
    @MegaPaul1973 Před 6 lety +1

    Why don't you tell what information was left out so other Mormons can come to the same conclusions about the Church as you did.

    • @ponykazy3725
      @ponykazy3725 Před 6 lety

      mega paul Yes, I wish he did too. I'm just glad he explained that he found information the church is hiding/calling it anti-mormon when it's fact. These videos are a hit/miss for me. Some people leave bc they didn't have a testimony (which don't get me wrong is a valid reason to leave the church) but they don't really back up their statement and allows members to think "Oh, you didn't try hard enough/you left for a petty reason." We need more people saying the church is a scam.

    • @kennethd.9436
      @kennethd.9436 Před 5 lety

      He seems to have researched doubts instead of ignoring evidence labeled “Anti-Mormon”. If deception and whitewashed history is favored over the evidence, investigation of all the evidence is needed. Everyone has the right to question. See

  • @Rexpiper
    @Rexpiper Před 6 lety

    It’s good to know that you’ve left the Mormonism but I didn’t hear you state that you’re now a Christ follower. I hope you’ve come to the truth that can only be found in Christ and that you’ve discovered the true gospel as revealed in Scripture. Obviously not the BOM.

  • @Greenkumquat13
    @Greenkumquat13 Před 10 lety

    He is being pretty vague talking about the issues in the church.

  • @oldcars3774
    @oldcars3774 Před 8 lety +2

    But Tom, you left out a very important, vital part of all this. Did you pray about the truthfulness of the church, and if so, what was the answer? I prayed about it over 40 years ago and received a very strong witness from the Holy Ghost that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored church of Jesus Christ and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. There are so many things in the gospel that none of us understands, and it is not difficult to find imperfections in others. Like you, there are things in church history that I don't understand, but also like you, I wasn't there when these events happened, so I don't know all of the circumstances. It is so easy to misinterpret events and people's words and intents. But I do know that the church is true. It bothers me somewhat that you don't even mention one specific thing that troubles you about the church, but if you did mention any of these things, it probably is just one of the many things we've been hearing about. Again, it gets down to two basic questions - Was Joseph Smith the prophet of the restoration and is the church true? God will bless you with answers in the affirmative if you truly want to know.

    • @lazarus69
      @lazarus69 Před 8 lety +1

      There is a 1:30 h long video on youtube that brings out flaws in the LDS,it would be too long for him to list everything.The thing with religion is that we just can not simply argument about it because we are argumenting about something that we don't know exist or not, we have neither seen the object nor the LDS history and yet we are blindly choosing to follow it even if there are so many flaws in the books about what really happened ,not only that the LDS church is very strict and in my opinion corrupted,they are telling us what they want us to know and leaving out everything they don't want to,people are willingly forgetting all the flaws and just continuing believing without asking any questions,we are brainwashed of what we need to think,it might be from our parents or someone else.the reason why no grown up person would join LDS is because they hear how ridiculous it sounds,we as kids did not hear the other side of the coin,about big band etc etc

    • @matthewguttormson9424
      @matthewguttormson9424 Před 8 lety +1

      nowhere in a heavenly fathers own words is that good at all to do sadly. it sounds like great infromation but in reality its wrong to ask god about the B.O.M if its correct or not because god wouldnt give that answer. even if you really did feel an answer from inside you you would need to question the feelings you had i always choose god family and friends over earthly things and pretty much so does alot of the old world too 😎😊

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 8 lety +5

      +Old Cars The problem isn't with what "none of us understands"; it's with those things that are entirely understandable and irreconcilable with the truth claims made by the Mormon Church.
      Those of us who have left the LDS Church aren't frustrated by matters of church history that are inexplicable; those questions are easily understood, and explainable, once people stop resisting the obvious and are honest enough to admit it.
      I should point out as well that many of us are weary beyond expression of dealing with presumption and passive-aggression displayed in the familiar exhortation that we simply haven't prayed long enough, or earnestly enough, to receive the supposedly "affirmative" response that would overcome our fact-based and rational conclusions about Joseph Smith and his institutional handiwork.

    • @shouldnotbeafraidoftruth5727
      @shouldnotbeafraidoftruth5727 Před 8 lety +2

      +Old Cars Please LDS members, we love you because you are victims. Just be honest, use only LDS sources and you will see that it's one of the biggest fraud ever made. If God tells you not to join any church cause they are all in error and are an abomination in the sight of God,....and what Joseph Smith did 2 weeks latter.... He joined the Methodists church and in 1842 gets in few days the highest degrees in Free masonry ???? You can't ignore The polygamy and polyandry, the false prophecies made by J Smith in the name of God, the cheating on the word of wisdom, the illegal bank he started, stealing money from poor faithful people around him. Paul said ''But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse'' First thought when I read this is MORONI. Please think about your position in defending a false prophet, it's your salvation... why would you be affraid in digging in the past history of the chuch if it's true ??? We love you and keep praying for you, we know that you have been making a lot of sacrifices in you daily life. Like most of ex members of the LDS chruch, we are not anti-mormon.

    • @sarak6860
      @sarak6860 Před 5 lety

      Elevated feelings do not mean you have the truth.

  • @seemlyme
    @seemlyme Před 9 lety +1

    Wonderful true facts of LDS Church
    Amazing... Read this
    1. God is an all-knowing, unchangeable being FOREVER (Mormon 9:9-11, 19). And son is same FOREVER (Hebrews13:8) . God is perfect. So, we don't need progression. (John 5:19) God doesn't have the need to rely on imperfect beings (us) for happiness and work. If God created everything perfect in the beginning then there is nothing imperfect things to erode or wear away the perfect things.
    2. The love is the solution for hatred and we can not end hate with hate but with love. But
    LDS (Son of perdition)
    "The followers of satan who will suffer with him in eternity."
    This is demonstrate God is ending hate with hate. Why? Because, Hate causes pain and suffering here without ending. (D&C 19:10-12)
    3. God created everything including good and evil. (Isaiah 45:7) Does it make god evil? No. Everything for good and evil. We can not separate everything. If everything is real then real things can not be threatened.
    4. God created everything and (John 19:11) So, whatever we receive always from God. So God is responsible for everything. Are we puppet?
    What is the source of our consciousness, thinking and imaginations? If everything from God then they are too. Then why plan of salvation?
    5. If everything is limited then perfection is possible. But God is creating everything without limits then perfection is impossible. Perfection is the complete stage and the real stage of things as they are. So the perfect things can not be threatened.
    6. When Adam and Eve innocent in the garden of eden; the God created the tree of good and evil even though God knows what is going to happen to them in the future. It's is like opening the fence gates and exposing the venerable animals to danger by giving opportunities.This scenario indicates the guilty of the god.
    7. Humans are on earth for 6000 years according to bible. Ridiculous! There are overwhelming evidences for more than that years.
    8. Whatever we do; we have to please God LDS leaders said
    What is this demonstrate? total control. Emotional blackmail. For kids like to do as they wish fairly but Adults can not blackmail them for their wishes for eating, drinking, walking as total control freak.
    9. LDS a God commanded Adam & Eve and us to take care the world and animals (living creatures) in it. But killing certain animals for food is acceptable? This is contradict the commandment and true God is not cruel being. No matter what; every living creatures has the right to live and What makes their life cheap? Everything depends on everything. Nothing too big or too small in value. We can not love and hate at the same time;
    Be a vegetarian means love without cruelty happily.
    10. He suffered the pain of every souls of the universe in the garden and the cross according to the scriptures. (2 Nephi 9:21) But The followers of satan whoever born on earth will suffer for all eternity. (As Sons of perdition) The pain of him in the atonement and eternal suffering of the earthly followers of satan does not match. If he is not capable of doing wrong thing then why God needs to test him with satan. Because; already, God knew the future and him, Right? God doesn't need to impress anyone with performing unimaginable cruelty to him. God is unchangeable with full of mercy all the time.
    11. People who don't have things are slaves to people who have things. If anyone don't know this, they are really unaware of their foolishness.
    Why there are so many LDS slaves and inequality in the LDS church? There are a lot of rich people in the LDS church; unwilling to help the poor and the needy. High rates of economic inequality is there.
    12. LDS believe God knows everything, he is the omnipotent and satan (The devil) is the root of all evil. In other words; the evil comes from the devil. If God knows everything; the future then why? knowingly, God created the devil for all the evil to be exist. If evil exists for all eternity then perfection of everything impossible.
    13. The Bible is written by murderers mostly. So murderers are not reliable for guidance. Our Life is precious. We can not justify fully for defensive killing because we don't know all the consequences of our actions. No one has the rights to kill people. Paid or unpaid killings all are wrong in the sense of merciless and inhuman. True God is purely merciful and kind otherwise we won't exist here.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    Only thing will give us our real want is; when we make brave decision for truth
    We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.
    Revive Survive Thrive
    Sincerely, The Real Peacemaker against religious oppression.

    • @SydneySings137
      @SydneySings137 Před 8 lety +3

      Saying God is real because scripture says so is like claiming Spider-Man is real because comic books say so. You must verify that the scriptures are not mad made by testing them in multiple ways.

  • @traveler5973
    @traveler5973 Před 2 lety

    life is way better outside huh?

  • @SpiritualAtheist
    @SpiritualAtheist Před 10 lety

    Actually, "eximonies".

  • @ultrawideheadgaming7978
    @ultrawideheadgaming7978 Před 10 lety

    What information are you talking about? It seems like you keep beating around the bush about what information was held from you, and is also being held from all Mormons.

    • @joneewoodard4287
      @joneewoodard4287 Před 10 lety +5

      Hey Casey; I think I can help with your question.
      The LDS church has regularly taught that those parts of its history that are not "faith promoting" should be excised from the Church's curriculum.
      See Apostle Packer's talk in 1981 at a CES conference at BYU:
      Some of the historically factual issues include Joseph Smith's multiple and changing versions of the "first vision", mistranslations of the "Book of Abraham", the Kinderhook plates, polyandry in the early church, Adam God doctrine, racist views/teachings of Brigham Young, real reasons why early church leaders apostatized, the Kirkland Banking scandal etc.
      If you want a better understanding of the many, historically factual and varied reasons I'd recommend the site
      If you want to see how Mormon Apologists "spin" these issues (essentially admitting they are historically accurate but why Mormons shouldn't be concerned) you can go to the faithful but still pretty shocking website,
      Be warned, FAIR are faithful mormons who know their history; however, what they will admit to as actual truth and not "anti-mormon" lies can be pretty alarming to regular members that are not well versed in their religion's origins and history.

    • @freeurmind5790
      @freeurmind5790 Před 10 lety +1

      Hello Casey: crack open any church manual, be it for p'hood or Sunday School and inevitably you will read that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are presented as monogamous, when in fact they had not jut multiple wives but also tons of children (in Young's case). You will find the information at Then go look any church produced photo of how the BOM was translated and compare that with a 1992 talk given by Russell Nelson, as well as a book by LDS site FAIR, on how it really went down (hint: rock in hat). Finally, crack open the Book of Abraham, go to the 3 Facsimile drawings, read JS's translation of the drawings: real Egyptian scholars have said Joseph's work was an "impudent fraud". That's just for starters. The LDS church has just recently come out with half a dozen "essays" about troubling church history which, until now, has been hidden from members. But you will have to dig through, though. The essays are buried somewhere in the site that only a skilled site map reader knows how to navigate. I guess the church is still hiding things from its members. But I'm nice so, here's a link:

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 10 lety +1

      Here are a few very important topics about which the LDS leadership is consistently dishonest:
      1) Joseph Smith's "First Vision," a supposedly world-changing theophany, underwent several revisions before the official "Wentworth Letter" version was committed to print.
      2) The mode of "translating" the Book of Mormon didn't involve physical golden plates, but rather a seerstone inserted into a hat.
      3) Joseph Smith's "plural marriage" dalliances began in about 1831 -- five years before the "sealing power" was "restored" -- and involved many instances of polyandry ("marriage" to already-married women).
      4) The "Book of Abraham" is a demonstrable fraud.
      5) The Doctrine and Covenants was consistently "rectified" -- in an Orwellian sense -- to accommodate post-facto changes in doctrine, and Joseph Smith's changing priorities (such as the insertion of supposed angelic ministrations to confer priesthood authority, something omitted in the earliest version of the revelations).
      6) It is incontestable that the "Lamanites"-- Hebrew-descended Indian tribes -- didn't exist.
      7) For a quarter-century, Brigham Young taught the Adam-God doctrine and punished those who dissented from that view, which is now treated as a heresy by the LDS Leadership.

    • @exjwconfessions
      @exjwconfessions Před 10 lety +3

      Just like the JWs, this video would be 10,000 hours long if he started to get into the problems with it. Start looking yourself. There's lots of information easily available out there now in this internet age.

  • @tonytaormina4759
    @tonytaormina4759 Před 4 lety

    I’d be lying if I said your guitar tone sounded good.

  • @amado1506kk
    @amado1506kk Před 10 lety

    Hi Tom,
    You do have energy. You may like my Indie film Trailer on CZcams; Sisters Go Ye.

  • @valuecalc
    @valuecalc Před 9 lety

    Wow. It seems "trendy" to declare how one is an ex-member...

    • @Smithpolly
      @Smithpolly Před 9 lety +3

      ***** Is anybody forcing you to watch the video? Is anybody forcing you to come to this channel?

    • @valuecalc
      @valuecalc Před 9 lety

      Smithpolly, are the "Nazi officers" out in full force today?

    • @Smithpolly
      @Smithpolly Před 9 lety +3

      ***** I don't what that means.Are Nazi officers forcing you to watch the videos on this channel?

    • @valuecalc
      @valuecalc Před 9 lety

      Smithpolly, I wouldn't take youtube too seriously... My guess is that people come here for fun. They do as they like...

    • @Smithpolly
      @Smithpolly Před 9 lety

      ***** I still don't understand what the Nazi comment was about.

  • @lancetalks
    @lancetalks Před 10 lety

    It sad you won't say what the issues are with this church. Alcohol and smoking he mentions is this it?

  • @cierahanson5210
    @cierahanson5210 Před 9 lety

    People have no reason to dislike Mormons they are the nicest people and all of this crap that this guy is saying is totally untrue and I know.

    • @SydneySings137
      @SydneySings137 Před 8 lety +3

      HOW do you know?

    • @bunnymad5049
      @bunnymad5049 Před 8 lety +2

      +Ciera Mann Some might be. I've been bumping into some absolutely abusive and revolting LDS church goers lately. Shocking is putting it mildly.

  • @johnlee1352
    @johnlee1352 Před 9 lety +1

    Only Tom has the insight to recognize the fraud that is Mormonism. No one in the church has ever had the deep feelings and analytical skills of this man. If everyone was as smart and incisive as Tom, there would be no Mormons. He is indeed a unique blessing to all who need to escape the evil clutches of the Mormons. We need to listen to this guy because, as everybody knows, musicians have a pipeline to truth! His shameless self-promotion coupled with good old fashioned Mormon-bashing is irresistible. How can we not leave the church and live free, unaccountable lives? I ask you.

    • @balto5080
      @balto5080 Před 9 lety

      ***** you first

    • @balto5080
      @balto5080 Před 9 lety

      ***** you obviously are a Scientologist

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 8 lety +3

      +John Lee Shouldn't you be somewhere celebrating your namesake grandfather's slaughter of innocent women and children at Mountain Meadows?
      Those of us who reside in the reality-based community see what you have described as a "military triumph" as an object lesson in what happens when people are *truly* unaccountable: After all, the central tenet of Mormonism is that obedience to "priesthood leaders" offers absolution for all sins, including mass murder. Witness the fact that your terrorist ancestor, whose name is properly coupled with that of Osama bin Laden, was posthumously reinstated to the LDS Church and had his "priesthood blessings" vicariously restored, correct? *That* is the essential definition of an "unaccountable" life, Johnny.

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 Před 8 lety

      +FreedomZealot I guess we'll have to cancel Hitler's sealings then...idiot.

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 8 lety +1

      Although this scenario is purely fictitious (being derived from Mormonism, it would have to be), I'm imagining Adolf Hitler and your ancestor John D. Lee in the same post-mortal High Priests Group.
      I would expect that Hitler would be impressed with Lee's accomplishments as a mass murderer, and he would certainly recognize in Lee's Mormon comrades at Mountain Meadows the same murderous zeal displayed by his *Einsatzgruppen* at Babi Yar.

  • @cierahanson5210
    @cierahanson5210 Před 9 lety

    This guy is trying to make people leave the church because why else would he put this on youtube, leaving the church didn't help him. And all of the people that left the church weren't very active in the church so they don't know that much about the church.

    • @Thebaron666
      @Thebaron666 Před 9 lety +4

      Ciera Mann They know enough to know it's all man-made bullshit.

    • @SydneySings137
      @SydneySings137 Před 8 lety +3

      The most well educated about the LDS church are not members. Your claim is absolutely false.

    • @lazarus69
      @lazarus69 Před 8 lety +2

      He put this on CZcams so he could share his story just like many others on this channel,he isn't trying to convert people, he is telling his story and trying to help others who have doubts about LDS and trying to find the truth,they realise that maybe LDS isn't the true religion and trying to find what really happened,you guys are so brainwashed and dumb it Is sad

  • @jennyandrus6621
    @jennyandrus6621 Před 9 lety +2

    You are full of yourself Tom. Good luck.

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 8 lety +7

      +Jenny Andrus So he *wouldn't* be considered "full of himself" if he still believed that Joseph Smith's church had a monopoly on truth, that as a Melchizedek priesthood holder he possessed the only legitimate authority on earth. and that as an endowed member of the church he was pursuing an apprenticeship in godhood, correct?

  • @johnlee1352
    @johnlee1352 Před 9 lety

    Whaddaya wanna bet he's into something kinky? So much rancor and bitterness toward an organization that provided him with a solid foundation for life. An unaccountable lifestyle is attractive to many people. The siren sound of "freedom" appeals to everyone but it's an illusion. Go your way and live it up. Just leave the Church alone, will ya? Tom seems like a nice fellow but to bash the faith of his youth in this way is just mean.

    • @TheSleepingLionRoars
      @TheSleepingLionRoars Před 9 lety +4

      It seems you can't leave the members who leave, alone....

    • @jchristo4180
      @jchristo4180 Před 9 lety +2

      +John Lee Mormon definition of "something kinky": anything other than the missionary position.
      And why do you leave the same couple of comments on all of these videos?

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 Před 9 lety

      +J Christo Same idiots...same posts. simple.

    • @FreedomZealot
      @FreedomZealot Před 8 lety +1

      +John Lee "So much rancor and bitterness ... [he's] just mean," whines John Lee (who sees nothing "mean" in the actions of faithful Mormons who beat out the brains of small children or shot them in the head at point-blank range at Mountain Meadows).
      Tom Hopkins: "I think the members are beautiful, amazing people striving their best to do what they believe is right" (@4:05).
      The only rancor and bitterness in this is what you bring to the discussion, Mr. Lee.

    • @johnlee1352
      @johnlee1352 Před 8 lety

      +FreedomZealot Who the hell is Tom Hopkins?