NATION 3 Norway - The Twin Nation

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 21

  • @johnnicolson467
    @johnnicolson467 Před 3 lety +4

    This is the best video I have seen for Scottish Independence.

  • @PKImagePhotography
    @PKImagePhotography Před 5 lety +2

    Great series Lesley Riddoch! It seems a big difference is that Norway was not doing so well a 100 years ago, when Norway voted for their independence they probably felt they had nothing to loose. The mainstream media UK has fooled many into thinking we are doing okay here, but are we? This full employment hides many real facts of extreme poverty and insecure low wage jobs. We must present the real facts asp! - that is that our resources are being totally squandered by a bunch of amateurs at Westminster. We should have instead world class infrastructure in Scotland and not decades old cast offs - with 'Thomas the tank engine' trains from Glasgow to Aberdeen, that takes over 3 hours, when a high speed train would take 1 hour and a highly dangerous dual carriageway ! My son works there as a chemical engineer but he'd love to go work in Norway in their healthy energy sector.

  • @marconatrix
    @marconatrix Před 5 lety +7

    Inspiring! Nothing else need be said ... apart from GO FOR IT!! DO IT NOW! :-)

  • @rodricselbie35
    @rodricselbie35 Před 5 lety +9

    I remember when Lesley Riddoch first declared she was voting YES on Question Time, what an asset she has become for our cause :)

  • @kassistwisted
    @kassistwisted Před 4 lety

    These three NATION episodes are so informative and interesting. Thank you for making them. As an American living in central Europe, I have a different perspective on Scottish independence but this has really given me hope for your nation's future.

  • @chris-terrell-liveactive

    this is exactly the sort of Vision that is needed right now in discussions over Scotland and independence from the decaying Union. We need Vision and Strategy and I'm not sure I see much of that at present in the Scottish Government. Sharing in the hope of sparks lighting in others. Thank you for an excellent video.

  • @juliacampbell1930
    @juliacampbell1930 Před 3 lety

    Well Done . Superb.

  • @nejuw
    @nejuw Před 3 lety +1

    I wish Ireland modelled itself on the Scandinavian countries instead of Britain.

    • @norwegianzound
      @norwegianzound Před 3 lety

      Too many money grabbing b@st@rds putting a stop on that.

  • @bxbank
    @bxbank Před 3 lety

    Countires like this makes government in Australia look so stupid.

  • @peterdow1541
    @peterdow1541 Před 5 lety

    My email that Lesley is "too busy" to answer.
    Hi Lesley, ... Can you please focus on the important but neglected political issues of general concern to all Scots by answering these questions.
    Should Scotland's universities be managed well or can they be mismanaged dreadfully because how universities are managed doesn't matter?
    Should Scotland's whistle-blowers be allowed to speak out to bring mismanagement issues to the public's attention or should be they be gagged by lawyers, threats of defamation action, thrown out of public meetings for daring to raise off topic matters because whistle-blowing doesn't matter and the management should be allowed to manage regardless of any whistle-blowing issues?
    If you can just turn your mind to the democratic principles of freedom of expression, of openness and disclosure which are being flouted in Scotland and the harm that does to the public interest.
    The public interest is at stake here.
    I am pointing to the example of the way I have been gagged and excluded to point out that Scotland is misgoverned and that effects all of us.
    I am pleased to see that you have your issues with BBC unfairness too - which effects not only you and I but the fate of the country because of the way the BBC rigged the independence campaign in 2 ways.
    (1) Would you agree with me that BBC unionist bias and censorship of most and the best pro-independence campaigners severely disadvantaged the YES campaign and handed victory to the NO campaign?
    (2) You know that I did not appear on the BBC during the indy-ref campaign but did you know that I was arrested and banned from using the internet for the final 7 weeks of the indy-ref campaign?
    Do you agree with me that considering the above 2 points that the independence referendum campaign was NOT "free and fair" - IT WAS RIGGED?
    Would you agree that the unfair rigging of the indy-ref would be of general interest to the YES movement, to the pro-independence movement?
    Would you agree that the rigging of the indy-ref has been covered up - that the BBC and Scottish media class are in denial about the rigging of the indy-ref?
    Is it not your duty to expose this cover-up, to hold to account those who are in denial about the indy-ref?
    If the indy-ref was indeed rigged as I say, is that not reason enough for the result of the indy-ref - a victory for NO - to be declared NULL and VOID and a RE-RUN of the indy-ref demanded, but this time only with home-rule of public service broadcasting - so that Holyrood can legislate to establish a SCOTTISH Broadcasting Corporation which would get the TV licence fee paid in Scotland and which therefore would have the resources to give the due care and attention, due diligence to the independence question?
    Do you have any idea how easy it would be for people like you, your media colleagues, the SNP, Greens and other pro-independence groups to call "foul" on the rigging of the indy-ref and how angry the YES campaign would be to know that we had been cheated out of our independence as a free country?
    Do you have any notion of how energising that would be for the independence movement?
    When people feel they have been cheated that is a motivating factor for political action, right?
    Would you agree that NOTHING is to be gained by continuing with the fiction - the LIE - that the 2014 indy-ref was "free and fair", "the great exercise of democracy" and all the other falsehoods put about by those who should know better?
    - Peter

  • @maurice
    @maurice Před 5 lety

    Contemplate what relations you want between these twins. You don't want the relationship soured and both nations tainted, by cruel cases of families split apart by a school bully bigotry, where Norway abandons the Norwegians born in Scotland to be stuck here in racist misery, and copes with the Scots born in Norway abandoned to there against their will by us. Instead you want a virtuous progressive friendship, and you will have that with: all the Norwegians born in Scotland totally free to live in Norway, and all the Scots born in Norway totally free to live in Scotland. With citizenship by parental descent unrefusable.
    This is not what the White Paper offered. A diaspora-born Scot yourself, you know that, and showed so by avoiding the question from me at the height of ref1, at your Edinburgh talk on your local community powers idea. In ref1: Angus Macneil mocked counting as Scottish anyone who has never lived here, Jim Sillars told George Galloway his son might not get citizenship, and told a big Yes audience at Liberton school 7-5-14 "We can't have an open door" and "and we must not be afraid of this" that he wanted the diaspora-born to be treated as immigrants and filtered for skills, Colin Fox sitting beside him made no dissociation + continued to tour with him, Alex Neil confirmed at Tynecastle school Yes meeting 12-3-14 that descent citizenship would be refusable and said it was because of "undesirables", which could easily mean the poor. Yet the hard left of indy supporters find this a fit with Marxist theory of nation and think of it as a rejection of genetic racism! But as well as simply being xenophobic and hateful, this line breaks apart families. Nationhood by parentage is the practicality of folks' ties to their families, to the places where their families' lives are rooted, and to family's mutual support and sharing of resources. To refuse citizenship of their own country, to a person born in diaspora to emigrant parents and not chancing to be resident here on independence day, stops families from living their family life together or in proximity, giving each other practical care and economic refuge, pooling resources, stops them sheltering each other from the Tory benefits regime which those now located in rUK would be abandoned to.
    The Europhile Yes campaign you dream of, full of talk of inclusion, make it jettison this evil in its predecessor: it will be well placed to. Credit to WGD's column 9-7-16 for including parental descent in his list of European citizenship standards.

    • @guyfromthe80s92
      @guyfromthe80s92 Před 4 lety

      lol what are you on drugs?

    • @maurice
      @maurice Před 4 lety

      @@guyfromthe80s92 The Yes movement has been shockingly racist against diasporas and family ties to country. I voted No because, with intensive effort + flyering the whole way from White Paper to poll, I couldn't make Yes say that citizenship by parental descent would be unrefusable, The White Paper policy made it refusable, against ECHR article 8 (family life) and there were always voices among the cybernats + Radical Indy opposed to having it at all! Who actually felt scientifically virtuous + progressive for being bigots.

  • @tadeuszjaworski7170
    @tadeuszjaworski7170 Před 3 lety

    No offence intended -just like other Scandinavian countries Norway is notorious for stealing children from their families (Barnevernet), taking them away for imaginary or absurd reasons. (In Sweden - the reason could also be just enriching social worker's family who -as 'foster families' would benefit financially from the state). Modernity does not always mean progress -just a modern form of barbarity. There are already Norwegian refugees who have fled with their kids from Norwegian 'paradise' to the countries where life does not resemble Orwell's dystopian novels . In this respect this country is one of the most notorious human rights abusers.

    • @TheDirle
      @TheDirle Před 3 lety +2

      We have standards for raising children and acknowledge that children are their own people and not the pets/slaves/property of their parents. If you raise a child in an environment that is hostile towards the child's welfare the state can take it away from you after you have ignored several warnings. There are standards here and you can follow them or remove yourself to whence you came so to speak.

    • @tadeuszjaworski7170
      @tadeuszjaworski7170 Před 3 lety

      ​@@TheDirle Standards of raising children? Is that why sometimes the whole schools get closed because of rowdy, unruly teenagers and whose foreign trips are hated elsewhere? (This at least apply to Sweden) What about unruly toddler shouting around in public place with parents afraid to react? This resembles rather a soviet kolkhoz where kids are the ownership of the state=some bureaucrats who know everything better. Nobody says that kids are slaves but they require both love and firmness. In the name of such standards 6 year old boy was removed with no warrant from the plane by armed police in front of his parents. The family was moving to India (Swedish wife and Indian father) Their only fault was that they were unwilling to send their kid to kindergarten for a couple of moths before departure to save his son stress resulting form sudden separation from other kids . What about a mother of 7 left by her husband who asked assistance from social care office? All her kids got separated one by one and placed in different families. You have no hearts.(and you seem to be proud of that -that's an absurd)

    • @TheDirle
      @TheDirle Před 3 lety +1

      @@tadeuszjaworski7170 none of what you describe there is true, so you are either comically misinformed, you are pulling lies out of your ass or suffering from a severe case of confirmation bias. If it is confirmation bias it is not uncommon to look for information in places you know you will get the answers you want instead of the answers you need.

    • @tadeuszjaworski7170
      @tadeuszjaworski7170 Před 3 lety

      @@TheDirle Before you say something -check the facts. I get mine from the courtroom records.