Steve Baughman on Ravi Zacharias' Conversion Story | The Ex-Christian Show with Esther Dhanraj

  • čas přidán 16. 09. 2020
  • Some Christian believers argue that only the teachings must be taken seriously even if they come from a characterless teacher. How legitimate is that argument? Given the Christian argument that to be considered worthy of removing sins of man, one must be born without sin, hence the alleged virgin birth, as if conjugation were a sin. By that measure, shouldn't the person positioning himself as the teacher of biblical ethics and morality, be a practitioner first. Even by secular terms, we expect a person to practice first what he preaches. Unfortunately, Christians justify immorality in their religious leaders by arguing that it's only the message that should matter. Not the character. If that was the case, then Jesus' alleged sacrifice on the so-called cross should have sufficed. Why have him born through a virgin?
    The argument that the character of a preacher should have no bearing on the message he preaches is just another failed attempt of Christianity to justify the shortcomings of its claim that all morality flows out of the Christian god. And Ravi Zacharias, prominent Christian Apologist and so called 'upholder of the highest morality' is held in high esteem by Christians worldwide. In this series Steve Baughman, who stumbled upon Ravi Zacharias' personality quite by chance, does a reality check on the man and his claims. In this episode, he examines the extremely larger than life conversion story that Ravi has put out in the public domain and wonders whether it is true at all.
    • After being exposed fo...
    • Ravi Zacharias Caught ...
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Komentáře • 176

  • @estherdhanraj911
    @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +50

    Agreed there are fraudsters and immoral leaders, teachers and preachers in all religions. Unfortunately Christianity has to be dealt with separately when something like this comes to light. This is because of the morality claims it makes. By the claims it makes, all must be held accountable, for their immorality and unethical acts. More so, the preachers. For, "unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." ( Luke 12:48). In short, 'much is expected of whom much is given.'
    Christianity makes tall claims about its god is the author of the universal moral code. Without him the world would have been reeling in immorality. It claims of a so-called spirit that is allegedly holy, which purportedly "comes to reside" in a person when he/she becomes a Christian, putting an end to all temptations to sin, disallowing him/her to lie, commit immorality, etc. Christianity also claims that lies and immorality can only be from the evil spirit. This means, Satan's spirit (evil spirit) will have to be "indwelling" the believer's heart, for him/her to commit sin. (They have no way of explaining this phenomenon in tangible terms.) No other non-Abrahamic religion by contrast makes such claims. So, they must be exempted from the same level scrutiny that Christianity must be subjected to.
    If a preacher/evangelist/apologist has been lying consistently for decades, and has consistently committed one immoral act after another, without remorse or apology when caught, (which is evidently what happens in cases like this) it clearly means that the so-called Christian Holy Spirit does not reside in that person. On the contrary, the evil spirit (Satan) is residing in him/her. In that case, the preaching of that person must be considered fake, and hypocritical. And most importantly, it must be seen as coming from Satan who resides in the heart, home and life of the preacher. Shouldn't Christians condemn such a person and reject his/her message? Ethically and spiritually, they must. Sadly, in reality, they don't. Not only do they not reject it, but they also rush to justify it saying that such immoral people are in all religions. Such justification can mean only one thing - more hypocrisy to cover up hypocrisy.
    How is that hypocrisy?
    Christians want to set themselves apart from the rest of the religions, claiming uniqueness and exclusivity in all aspects. They walk around as if they are heaven-bound, waiting out their time on earth for their cab to heaven to arrive. They claim they are set apart from the rest and don't even consider other religions even worth studying and understanding, unless the Christian is a student of comparative religions or he is on a journey of pursuit of truth. More often than not, it is considered that to even engage in such activity is sinful and Satanic. Christian rub in your face the "Christianity is a WAY OF LIFE unlike other worldviews that are religions" argument, which reeks of ignorance as to the definition of the word, religion. But when their leaders are caught lying or committing immorality, they want to be evaluated in contrast with other religions that were previously not even worthy of basic comparison or were unworthy of being positioned on the same level as them. Suddenly, "Oh! That happens in all religions!" cry is heard everywhere. Suddenly they jump from being a WAY OF LIFE to being a mere RELIGION. That I call is unbeatable hypocrisy!

    • @mailasn22
      @mailasn22 Před 3 lety +4

      Ur efforts are appreciated.

    • @samdon3693
      @samdon3693 Před 3 lety +18

      To begin, Christ's holiness doesn't come from his virgin birth. Virgin birth is a sign to confirm Christ's divinity.
      I don't know about the sexual allegations completely but my response would be "HE IS A MAN". Man makes mistakes including zacharias, but according to biblical teachings the one who comes to faith exhibits the fruit of spirit. That is the proof confirming their salvation not their works. This is the place where Christianity is unique.
      In addition to that, there are many allegations regarding many Christian leaders who impacted the world. Many of those allegations are without proper evidence.
      Even though if the person is a worst sinner that doesn't make him incapable to know the truth or preach the truth. But an unrepenting sinner cannot live out the truth.
      I won't judge anyone not because I am a sinner but because if the holy God himself willing to forgive the worst sinner who am I to judge anybody. Instead of judging a person better repent and believe in the lamb who shed his blood for you to give you eternal life.

    • @austin426512
      @austin426512 Před 3 lety +2

      @@samdon3693 what a fraud comment

  • @KishorKumar-kb9xn
    @KishorKumar-kb9xn Před 3 lety +27

    Dramatic convertions are going on every village of INDIA

    • @avartan5843
      @avartan5843 Před 3 lety +2

      I totally agree with you Earlier I think it all hoax but now I see ground reality

    • @mailasn22
      @mailasn22 Před 3 lety +4

      Go To temple and eat prasadham, that as simple as To become Hindu again. Just 2minutes.

    • @yarmoth
      @yarmoth Před 3 lety

      And why do you think people are converting?

  • @Lambdamale.
    @Lambdamale. Před 3 lety +7

    He brings up a good and valid point about Ravis conversion story. He demonstrably lied about so many things, everything is in question now.

  • @KristiLEvans1
    @KristiLEvans1 Před 3 lety +9

    Everything Zacharias said must be taken with a grain of salt.

  • @AbdielSalas
    @AbdielSalas Před 3 lety +10

    Making business from the gospel is another sin of deception. I still have problems to understand this kind of people fooling themselves pretending they are teachers from God, He lost all authority and respect even when he is dead, He should accept and repent in front of people when people told him his failures. He would still be admired. Now his family is loaded with shame.

  • @fobycoconut98
    @fobycoconut98 Před 3 lety +18

    Hospitals seem to be one of the hotbeds of conversion just as colleges are. It happened to a friend that I had lost touch with for a long time, who could not afford the hospital bills when he broke his leg. He is now a pastor.

    • @surabhisagar2159
      @surabhisagar2159 Před 3 lety +3

      Exactly. Schools, colleges and hospitals r the main places for conversion. Small children are brainwashed.
      Christian teachers, get into doing this. As it is hindus, don’t teach their children about 🕉 hinduism so
      They quickly get hypnotized into this lies.

    • @pitamahbhism5766
      @pitamahbhism5766 Před 3 lety

      Would you care getting that unfaithful and ungrateful man to come and debate me here?
      I would love to show him his true worth as a piece of shit who left truth for blind beliefs.
      It would be a favor if I could get someonle like that to spank unless he has become a total liar, blinded by faith that just cant reason anymore.
      Let me know bro.

    • @madhumandavi2127
      @madhumandavi2127 Před 3 lety +4

      @@surabhisagar2159 they select only hindu children.. because they know very well that if they contact to muslims they will butcher them... In punjab they are very much active.. they have converted a huge numbers of sikhs who do not change their dress language and names to confuse the other people... and these converted sikhs are very much active against hinduism and they are active with khalistani separatists..

    • @kalab2557
      @kalab2557 Před 3 lety +3

      These people who go around converting Hindus to Christianity are nothing but commission agents.

  • @ericpillay96
    @ericpillay96 Před 3 lety +7

    Critical thinking n investigating is good, but truth must prevail

  • @mariasvasaba1261
    @mariasvasaba1261 Před 3 lety +55

    Try to interview Bart D. Ehrman, one of the most celebrated Ex Christian. Also make a video on Clergy project which consists of over 1000 pastors who are now ex Christians

  • @andrewtungsk
    @andrewtungsk Před 3 lety +4

    Good Question : " How did he get away with it ?" Steve Baughman

  • @benjeslin9331
    @benjeslin9331 Před 3 lety +16

    Attacking a person of Christianity doesn't mean Christianity is false just like attacking a person of Sanatan Dharma doesn't mean Sanatan Dharma is false. So if disproving a religion is the goal, then show that it's claims are false....

    • @estherdhanraj911
      @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +6

      That is exactly what I am trying to show - that the Christian claim that the Christian god is the author of morality, is false. That the claim that the so-called Holy Spirit "indwells" a Christian, disallowing him to act immorally and unethically, when he accepts Jesus, is false. I can go on. But I guess, you got the point.

    • @srinivasyalala1767
      @srinivasyalala1767 Před 3 lety +1

      Even Christianity is false as it says heaven is only through them. Not available for anyone who does not believe in Jesus (like Vivekananda, mahatma gandhi, bhagat singh, subash chandra bose, Ambedkar, etc..). Is this not true?

    • @estherdhanraj911
      @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +3

      @GM P Have you heard of pneumatology? It is called the doctrine of Holy Spirit. You might want to study it. But before I tell you what the doctrine entails let me ask you: where in the bible is the prohibition to wearing bindi? where is the word trinity? the phrase original sin? Or for that matter, the expression "possessed" (by evil spirit), the word pulpit or pews, the reference to "confirmation ceremony," the ritual of tying mangalsutra during wedding, applying haldi during pre-wedding ceremony, reference to prohibition of gambling, the list goes on.....
      The point is, there are hundreds of concepts that came to be preached in Christianity, that don't find a mention in the bible. This problem arises from the fact that every doctrine that is promoted in Christianity today has been developed way after the biblical books were written. Hence, in Christianity, it does not matter what is there or not there in the book. What matters is what is preached to convert masses. And it is preached that when the holy spirit comes to dwell in your heart you will become a better person than you were when you were in "sin." The reference to sin is unsaved, meaning not having the holy spirit. That is meaning of born again.
      According to pneumatology, the holy spirit applies salvation to the believer, ENABLING HIM TO LIVE VICTORIOUSLY OVER SIN. The Holy Spirit controls the believer who yields to God. The reference for the development of this doctrine is Romans 6:1-10 just to name one.

    • @bharathamatha9619
      @bharathamatha9619 Před 3 lety +3

      @@estherdhanraj911 Holy Spirit can only control as long as there is complete submission which is not the case many a times. One needs to surrender completely to walk in the spirit. But man always has a choice to walk away from the spirit as the Holy Spirit does not do anything by force. You can find answers to every question of your's from the Bible itself. But you need to read it with an open mind. Else God will not reveal anything to you. Saul, who was annointed by God with His Holyspirit can be taken as a best example. He could not walk along with God till the end. I am sure you know the story. Even better... what happened to The Esther Dhanraj who walked in complete surrender to God before. Are you not free to rebel and rebuke now???

    • @rajiphilips5937
      @rajiphilips5937 Před 3 lety +2

      @@estherdhanraj911 Let me ask you some questions to understand you more clearer.
      1. Where in the Hindu scriptures made it mandatory of wearing a bindi and what is the purpose? I would also like to remind you that many Christian women have the habit of wearing bindi as a fashion, but would like to see your scriptural reference if this is attached to attaining salvation/punya or not?
      2. The previous question is extended to all your listed traditions like, haldi ceremony, etc.?
      3. In regard to original sin, do you believe in 7 births and why a person has to go through 7 births, if you believe? Also please tell us the reason behind a person's birth as a scheduled caste or caste considered to be "untouchables"?
      4. It seems you would like to promote gambling? Is this coming from a Hindu religious requirement to remain a pure Hindu?

  • @phil-good
    @phil-good Před 3 lety +25

    Deat ones
    As a Christian, I would like to rebound on 2 major points.
    Firstly, like Ravi, you can formulate the best biblical answers and still live a double deceptive life and this seems to be the case with Ravi. THAT IS NOT TRUE CHRISTIANITY !!!
    Let me remind you Matthew Ch 7 when Jesus denounced all those who will say "Lord, Lord ..." Shall not all enter the kingdom of heaven ... But only those who do the will of my Father !!!
    Last point and that is for ones like you who have backed-off Christianity ..... You have just proven to have NEVER met God !!! You were drawn into Christianity for human values but have not encountered the living Christ as a person. That is the major problem of people like you.
    You are setting Christianity according to Ravi's standard and not on Christ standard.
    I would advise you to reconsider your position because sadly ..... You could end-up where Ravi could be if he didn't repent, in hell !
    Now, I do not presume Ravi would be in hell or anyone because on his death bed, he could have repented like one of the thieves on the cross beside Christ and to finally be in heaven. There is room for forgiveness through Christ and I would plead you seek God and wait apon Him till God comes down and touch your damable soul.
    As born sinners .... All of us are under the wrath of God, fit for hell.
    Please reason and consider this truth and face it before it's too late.

  • @indreshbahadurrajwade3225
    @indreshbahadurrajwade3225 Před 3 lety +14

    Where do you stand in your present faith?

  • @sagarbu9049
    @sagarbu9049 Před 3 lety +7


  • @jennywantenaar4816
    @jennywantenaar4816 Před 3 lety +4

    I sincerely hope that followers of Ravi can honestly and gracefully ask the personal question: why was I following a false teacher? It's a hard one, I know from experience, but it's necessary to grow and learn! It's not enough just to put it all on Ravi, and just say well all the wrong is down to him... if we follow a false teacher and fail to recognize the red flags some of that is down to us! Not to condemn ourselves but to truly mature from this experience. I myself got caught up in a pseudo Christian Cult, so learned that this application was crucial to my recovery and growth. God bless everyone. 🙂

  • @ivangodin1850
    @ivangodin1850 Před 3 lety +2

    For someone who was renowned for logical reasoning, hard to comprehend that he would value his genitals more than his soul

  • @jp00680
    @jp00680 Před 3 lety +10

    In schools chemistry lab poison is not available ... specially in schools in india. If it was poison it really didnt work anyway.

  • @mayaram2411
    @mayaram2411 Před 3 lety +80

    Ravi Zacharias may have died before his whole life got exposed, but he will have to reconcile with his lies in his next janma. No one escapes from their bad deeds, even if they accept this Jesus figure as their savior. Christians, do know that no one can make up for all the bad things you do. You still have to reckon with your acts and deeds. You and you alone have the power to decide your actions and your destiny.

    • @shravankumar2061
      @shravankumar2061 Před 3 lety +1

      Hello r u now ex Christian?

    • @viswanathswamy4637
      @viswanathswamy4637 Před 3 lety +3

      happy for u sister that finally u r speaking ur heart freely and many people are hearing u

    • @19683
      @19683 Před 3 lety +1

      IK is launching a countertack salute to them.

    • @mayaram2411
      @mayaram2411 Před 3 lety +2

      @@shravankumar2061 Ex-Christian.

    • @thrinethran2885
      @thrinethran2885 Před 3 lety

      All the faiths and philosophies that originated in India (other than the Charvaka) accept karma and punarjanma, to my mind because they are the most logical and emancipatory. It enables one to focus on goals, but work unattached to the results. It recognises that both good karma and bad are chains, the one made of gold and the other of iron. Both punya and Papa are burdens. To our horror, Christianity places the sinner on a pedestal.

  • @smiths3878
    @smiths3878 Před 3 lety +3

    Discovered this channel it...keep the good work....the world news honesty and not fake fairy tales ....

  • @PqV72MT4
    @PqV72MT4 Před 3 lety +6

    I had this kind of feeling like Ravi was making up his past. He seemed a little fake. I guess I was right.

  • @araghu2
    @araghu2 Před 3 lety +4


  • @raikuhamada2194
    @raikuhamada2194 Před 3 lety +5

    So convert all no matter the cost even telling lies.

  • @thrinethran2885
    @thrinethran2885 Před 3 lety +3

    Do share with us the reasons for these Christian denominations to go to such extraordinary lengths to convert both vulnerable innocents and hardened criminals. Why do they think, their God wants to swell the ranks like a devious politician? Evangelical groups allegedly even provide expensive legal aid for saving converts or prospective converts who have committed such serious crimes as rape - murder.

  • @verizoncrm
    @verizoncrm Před 3 lety +8

    Hi Esther, Its good that instead of bottom fishing you are exposing the top layers who are the primary influencers of this pious business of religious conversions.
    Keep it up, You are doing an amazing work.

  • @porchelviramr4404
    @porchelviramr4404 Před 3 lety +4

    Revelation of the truth is all about now. Unbelievable and disgusting.

  • @vikramaditya8126
    @vikramaditya8126 Před 3 lety +10

    improve the sound quality 👍

  • @cs-jd8rl
    @cs-jd8rl Před 3 lety +8

    He who is withOUT sin, let him/ her Cast the FIRST stone."

  • @fidelity8115
    @fidelity8115 Před 3 lety +3

    A basic question to my mind is this, you all guys now blame or accuse Ravi for so called report made by men. Do you have a photo of Ravi where he was misbehaving with women!!!
    If you all seen those, even though you have seen those through your naked eyes, Can you believe those pics in these modern world where anyone can concoct or morph any image to fit anyone in a discomfort position.
    You are all saying they found photos in his phone? Come on man you gotta to be kidding to believe such a foolish thing.
    What is the need for him to keep those photos in this digital age where, every kind of such pleasures with manyfold times of beauty is displayed with click of your finger tips on everyone's mobile. In this age of such accessibility to pleasure who in the world will hold on to photos on his cell phone? In my opinion not even a fool will save photos on his device let alone Ravi.
    The so called current members board of RZIM, WHAT are theirs credibility?
    Why do you think they hired a private investigator after his demise? What are their motives?
    Did anyone of the have seen Ravi misbehaving with women at anypoint of time when they were with him. If they didn't, how can they call or blame Ravi for he has not done? Or if they have seen Ravi with women in a compromised position, why they had not speak up then and there and leave RZIM and bring it to the light of what Ravi is?
    I clearly believe there is conspiracy is being cooked for or to own RZIM and it's funds!
    For argument sake, I give the benifit of doubt that Ravi made a mistake!, But who are we to Judge him?????? If you are judging anyone, as Christ follower you are breaking JESUS biggest commands, love your neighbour as your self and do not judge,
    Mathew 7:1-5
    "1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
    Anyone who is judging another is completely against this command.
    Who and what are you and your credentials to throw mud on others. Did your won a single heart for JESUS our lord. But look at how many souls he bringeth to our RISEN LORD!!!
    before anyone comment on anything on biblical grounds and if you are follower of Jesus Christ, first read the BIBLE and understand what it's trying to say to man kind.,

  • @jayram670
    @jayram670 Před 3 lety +5

    Hi Esther, You speak beautifully using just the right words and stringing together perfect logic. More power to you from the divine cosmos.

  • @mpkdh2
    @mpkdh2 Před 3 lety +8

    Great investigation and perspective!

  • @smiths3878
    @smiths3878 Před 3 lety +3

    Want to further add....."in my pursuit of truth, I found christianity to be a joke"

  • @remalim9471
    @remalim9471 Před 3 lety +4

    No business owning businesses like spas.

  • @abhishekdas5331
    @abhishekdas5331 Před 3 lety +12

    You always bring us new things. Pranam

  • @reddy2travel492
    @reddy2travel492 Před 3 lety +2

    No one can argue with Madam Estar, anyone who has a degree in Christian Apologetic's that's amazing and finally woke up to the truth. Namaste

  • @anantguru8244
    @anantguru8244 Před 3 lety +8

    Responding to a random alter call without knowing the real meaning salvation dosen't make anyone a born again christian.

  • @babyramses5066
    @babyramses5066 Před 3 lety +2

    Man this makes me sad on multiple levels. Ravi didn't even have to do any of this he was smart, talented and people still would've loved him if he was just himself. I know you guys don't believe in God anymore but thanks for doing "God's work" because the truth sets people free. I had no idea about the extent of the lying and the sex abuse because Ravi's organization ALLOWED him to cover it up (to the extent of what they knew) and it was actively downplayed so most people are only hearing of this now. It's not uncommon for people to protect a narcissist against their better instincts out of denial and fear but that DOES NOT make it right. Narcissistic abuse is a familiar dynamic for many raised in church, cults/fundamental religion because these environments literally feed megalomaniacs. So it can be assumed that some of these Ravi stans revert to shame/blame/avoid tactics learned in childhood as a form of self-preservation. There are people who figuratively stop their ears to block the truth not because they're gullible or morally bankrupt but because they're immature and Ravi was some kind of stand-in father figure. The bible teaches not to be immature or lack self-awareness for these reasons but deprogramming takes time.

  • @MJ-tn5qp
    @MJ-tn5qp Před 3 lety +8

    Esther ji please invest in a good microphone and speak in a room with less echo. What you do important and it should reach a wider audience. Please keep it up 👍

  • @kasinathan9489
    @kasinathan9489 Před 3 lety +4


  • @OperationalExcellence
    @OperationalExcellence Před 3 lety +7

    It may be true the modern evangelicals have corrupted the True Christianity of the first century, but the teachings of Christ are robust and beyond reproach as even many Hindu spiritual gurus have accepted. Read John’s gospel, meditate on its words and let the Creator Himself speak to your heart directly.

    • @prashanthmotadoo6084
      @prashanthmotadoo6084 Před 3 lety +2

      ha ha ha keep fooling yourself. The problem with Hindu gurus is they don't like to offend. Hence, they say nice things about Christ or even a Pedophile like Mohammed.

    • @vijnanabandhu2167
      @vijnanabandhu2167 Před 3 lety

      first century christianity was very fanatic. check out Catherine Nixey's _THE DARKENING AGE : CHRISTIAN DESTRUCTION OF THE CLASSICAL WORLD_

    • @juliehansda470
      @juliehansda470 Před 3 lety

      Its not easy to follow jesus. Uve t stop sinning or ull be in hell.OMG.

    • @swarnag6427
      @swarnag6427 Před 3 lety +1

      the truth shall set u free yes, the hell has a list of popes from dark age., priests who misbehaved with nuns and kids and the popes who enabled them by not taking action.. evangelist who used lies to convert and made money out of it. People who act everyday very humble before people who they did not like and will keep saying I pray for you, only because they believed that that will keep them away from hell and the list goes on so he’ll is pretty full.

  • @nakulgote
    @nakulgote Před 3 lety +15

    Also, could you improve acoustics in your room a bit? Some fabrics on walls will reduce echo greatly.

  • @kingsrt2009
    @kingsrt2009 Před 3 lety +15

    History reveals everything. Thank you for your valuable information. Keep posting such videos...Jai bharat

  • @maluravalo1029
    @maluravalo1029 Před 3 lety +1

    As far as am concerned everyone who has had a very life changing and personal encounter with Jesus then their life really changed, now Steve may have been right that even the conversion must have been a lie all along.

  • @maritstre9801
    @maritstre9801 Před 3 lety +1

    John Lennox wrote a book on the book of Daniel, and there are very good arguments for the book having been written prior to Alexander the Great, as Ravi claimed. I agree to some extent that Ravi should have informed that there is dispute on the matter, but that type of plattform often does not allow for in depth answers. Lennox used several pages on just this topic in his book. I hope you will read this and give Lennoxs book a chance. Also, I would have loved to see you interview him. Regardless of this matter though, it is very sad to find out all the stuff that has come up about Ravi. I would never have believed that about him. I am greatfull that he and others like him are exposed though. It is sad hos many people lose their faith because they where worshiping a Christian Leader rather than worship Jesus.

  • @Subvishy
    @Subvishy Před 3 lety +9

    Nice video Esther. But your pious fraud one was truly brilliant. You come across as a woman who is very passionate about exposing are also very beautiful and really intelligent...I'm a huge fan sister 🤗

  • @sajucdaniel8872
    @sajucdaniel8872 Před 3 lety +3

    Good work. Go ahead.
    I had the opportunity to watch some videos by Esther Dhanraj and her opponents. I am sure this will pave the way for more debates between Hinduism and Christianity. It's a long road and will make people aware of the good and bad of both religions. So expect it would bring more ex Christians and ex Hindus and could lead to further studies and conversions too.
    People will come to know what is deep inside both religions. They will also know that some claims are untrue ans some are false allegations. It's far better than continuing in the same religions for all generations.
    Indian Christians are much less than 5 percent even if all the crypto Christians are counted. This will give them an opportunity to explain their ideology to crores of people. And they are surely on a par with defense of their faith on the CZcams. Resources, research and skills do matter. Hinduism too will do well. It's a long race. Only time will tell who will gain and who will lose this war of words. Good beginning. Best wishes to Esther Dhanraj and her opponents too!

  • @protochris
    @protochris Před 3 lety +8

    What's this Baughman guy going to do with his life after spending so much time chasing Ravi's tail. Ravi is insignificant to the whole framework of Christianity. He was a great apologist, speaker etc, but nothing is accomplished for an atheist by bringing down Ravi; It's just personal time wasted in a short but passing world.

  • @lokkich487
    @lokkich487 Před 3 lety +6

    Steve says at 12:57 , : "Ravi was a very troubled man. He wanted to be loved and admired...." That, in short, can explain this megalomaniac's lies, deception and fraud. Ravi went at enormous lengths to fabricate lies and evidence so he can be looked up as someone highly educated, rich and respectable which he was not. People were either so stupid or innocent that they fell for such lies and gave up their culture and identity. Wonder how many realised the truth and came back to their original faith? Or were they deeply sunk in the quagmire of lies and deception that they cannot extricate themselves?

  • @bhaskaranand8285
    @bhaskaranand8285 Před 3 lety +7

    Good information through conversation on convertions.

  • @rajeevahuja
    @rajeevahuja Před 3 lety +4

    Esther thanks to you for all the efforts This should make easier for people to convince their near and dear ones. Your show along with Maya Ram from Mission Kali and Mary Iyer should open eyes of the people on the way this fraud is perpetrated on gullible people

  • @kmjkj2
    @kmjkj2 Před 3 lety +6

    Every religion has good people and bad people.
    Every religion has highly doubtful content in terms of literature, historicity, traditions and beliefs.
    I guess it’s okay to make people aware of this. But to use this as a basis for adamantly trying to prove that a religion is hollow - holds nothing - does not inspire people who choose to adopt it etc is laughable. Just because it didn’t impress you does not mean others should experience what doubters have experienced. To each his or her own. Religion is a very personal experience. Some may have misused religion. But that does not mean religion itself is not worth anything. Not supporting Ravi or asking why Esther and this guest are questioning - no doubt a healthy exercise but all said and done - very religion has value and should be respected - even if you disagree with it.

    • @IntellectualKshatriya
      @IntellectualKshatriya  Před 3 lety +5

      No one would have a problem if religions minded their own business. It is because they actively convert and do so with lies, deception, forgery and immorality that this critique becomes necessary. You simply missed the elephant in the room. The aggressive proselytization which is facilitated by fraud, deception and forgery is what bothers indigenous peoples. And they have had enough of it. Hence the blowback. See this UN declaration:

    • @kmjkj2
      @kmjkj2 Před 3 lety +5

      Intellectual Kshatriya :- You have to understand what drives this - the existence of a system that’s inherently unequal and full of corruption will inevitably attract people to what they think are greener pastures and better opportunities....much like the fact the many Indians are still hell bent on getting the out of India for lack of economic opportunity. Forget UN declarations - nobody honors them anyway - the fact is that Christians have done yoemen service to millions of downtrodden and even upper caste Indians - they established great schools - fantastic hospitals and a network of railways and roadways - it’s easy to say now that - oh all they did was plunder the country - there is truth in that too - but the idea is to focus on the positive - there will always be charlatans - why not speak about Mother Teresa and Saint Francis of Assisi - even to this day institutions like St Johns medical College have served generations of Indians at all levels - open your eyes and come out of your hate - otherwise the country will spiral nowhere but down - like the gentleman whose ranting on TV about UPSC becoming appeasing - the path you call to leads to death and destruction - religion calls for humility and service - bring people together - do t divide them

    • @levisatwik6184
      @levisatwik6184 Před 3 lety +9

      @@IntellectualKshatriya Truth by definition is exclusive. Truth cannot be plural. If you say that Hinduism is a true religion, then you will have the compassion to convert people into Hinduism. But, you people never claim that Hinduism is true religion. At max, you'll say that it is "great". "Great" is subjective. Simply calling something great does not make it better or true. It should be empirically verifiable. It should be coherent and consistent. So, take your business to some other country and stop tricking Indians. All conversion is not wrong. The word "conversion" is not negative. You people make it negative. People convert every day. We convert from a bad bike to a better bike, old phone to the latest phone, old mentality to a new mentality. In the same way, people can convert from wrong ideologies and world-views to the right and truthful one.

    • @estherdhanraj911
      @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +8

      "To each his or her own" and "religion is a very personal experience." Must say, pearls of wisdom. Only, they are being shared to the wrong group and at the wrong place. It is the proselytizers that are in need of this wisdom more than any other group. I wonder how many times you took the pains to impart this wisdom to proselytizers that demonize everything non-Christian, that try to lure the credulous with a financial or a health miracle, that go into neighborhoods in towns and villages across India, knocking on the doors and asking the residents to "come follow Jesus" because he is the "only way to heaven" and that their gods are worthless. If you have a number to that exercise, let me know. And then we shall talk.

    • @juliehansda470
      @juliehansda470 Před 3 lety +1

      Even though Christian s r in wrong path, Hindu God will not punish them,coz thrs no punishment in Hinduism.
      Bt wht if Christianity is true.its high time to worry more abt hindus than christians.

  • @CoffeeLover-mz7bk
    @CoffeeLover-mz7bk Před 3 lety +2

    I really appreciate this video.

  • @bellabelgrave5850
    @bellabelgrave5850 Před 3 lety +13

    Greatful for this dialogue on Ravi Zacharias. He always tries to present himself as squeeky clean as an Insurance salesman (sorry Insurance guys)

  • @sreekar6444
    @sreekar6444 Před 3 lety +14

    Keep On Exposing these Fraudsters, In Language Telugu, Tamil will be appreciated.
    Truth Always Prevails...

  • @beahumanbeingfirst
    @beahumanbeingfirst Před 3 lety +14

    Expose these hypocrites more brutally please...

    • @mailasn22
      @mailasn22 Před 3 lety +1

      In telugu states, so many are trying.

  • @skynet_cyberdyne_systems
    @skynet_cyberdyne_systems Před 3 lety +2

    Good work !

  • @sujatham7671
    @sujatham7671 Před 3 lety +1


  • @JimMaisonneuve-ri9vg
    @JimMaisonneuve-ri9vg Před 3 lety

    One interesting example of piety was, my friend had been to a Indian ashram community. And I asked her about the people there and the atmosphere. Her comment was that "Everybody was busy being pious". Meaning, piety has a false nature to it. It is obviously a lack of humility, and feeds the ego.

  • @kiranpatel3837
    @kiranpatel3837 Před 3 lety

    Dear Sister, I did study in Christian school before I learned H of the Hinduism. You are doing Nobel service to Indian culture. My whole hearted blessings are with you.

  • @baibhavanand528
    @baibhavanand528 Před 3 lety +4

    Keep it up.

  • @rohancrafford8050
    @rohancrafford8050 Před 3 lety +1

    The behaviour of him who says he is Christian, does not change the absolute rectitude of Christian teaching, but proves man's fallen state.

  • @rajiphilips5937
    @rajiphilips5937 Před 3 lety +9

    This is absolutely a ridiculous effort. Where was Steve when Ravi was alive? Did he have the wisdom to debate with Ravi when he was alive?

    • @friendlybanjoatheist5464
      @friendlybanjoatheist5464 Před 3 lety +6

      Hi. This is Steve. Ravi did NOT debate people. A couple years ago I tried to set up a debate between Ravi and a prominent atheist. His ministry told me he does not do debates. In fact, I already knew that. Ravi prefers to answer questions where he controls the microphone and the agenda. He was a coward at heart.

    • @estherdhanraj911
      @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +1

      You might want to check out this link:

    • @rajiphilips5937
      @rajiphilips5937 Před 3 lety +3

      @@friendlybanjoatheist5464 : Hi Steve, I have no plan to debate on the life of Ravi here. There is not much evidence against his morality, according to the information available to me.
      I believe that Ravi's credential is based on the manifestation of his intellectual ability which is visible in his speech through the reasoning and logical capacity.
      He is not God to be perfect. Overall, he had high integrity and impeccable moral standards, according to me.
      I have no access to study your authority on this and to know the reason behind your interest to collaborate with Ms. Esther,you being a an atheist and she being a believer in God and one who practice Hinduism?

    • @friendlybanjoatheist5464
      @friendlybanjoatheist5464 Před 3 lety +3

      @@rajiphilips5937 Well, Saji, you cannot show up and call this a "ridiculous effort" and then run away when challenged. (Sorry!) I have provided facts. I challenge you to show that ONE of them is false. Try this one: was Ravi "a professor at Oxford"? Yes, or no?

    • @mayaram2411
      @mayaram2411 Před 3 lety +1

      @@rajiphilips5937 "
      I believe that Ravi's credential is based on the manifestation of his intellectual ability which is visible in his speech through the reasoning and logical capacity. " Really? There are many smooth talking people in the world who do not have credentials from elite universities, but when they speak, they can pass off as an intelligent person. That's not proof of anything other than the fact that they are smooth talkers. Sorry to burst your bubble about the most prominent Indian Christian of the 20th and 21st century, but he was a very bad representative of his religion. And he did so much damage in helping to convert gullible people to this religion that is built on a house of sand. Ravi's life was a house of sand and so is this religion. He's the Christian equivalent of Zakir Naik.

  • @r.chandrasekaransrikkanth7254

    Thanks to Sister Shrimathi Dhanraj

  • @ivarhakuse8572
    @ivarhakuse8572 Před 3 lety +16

    Christianity requires a narrow-minded mindset, you are judgemental and describe the world in terms of what you think is correct, in this case the Bible. My question is, can a narrow-minded/bigoted mindset be considered congruent with the sense of being termed an intellectual? Is your mind truly open to considering all thoughts and ideas, and subjecting these to 'critical thinking?'
    Further, these examples of getting saved by a spiritual experience are not unique to christians. Such stories of being saved by mystic holy men, yogis, gurus, babas or visions of spiritual beings abound throughout the non-christian world and can not be considered a christian monopoly.
    For such references of sudden saviour visitations to work on an audience, we would have to assume their state of being unread and generally ignorant on such matters as the spiritual experiences of non-christians. Or, even if educated, they will respond with an oft heard retort of these as merely examples of some satan inspired vision. Satan, therefore, seems to paradoxically play quite an important and positive role for christians, their rhetoric and for the church. Satan seems to have acted in allowing christians exit from uncomfortable questions.
    Which returns us to the original question, can you be a christian and an intellectual at the same time? Anyone whose thinking is fettered and who uses ideas such as of satan to castigate and undermine another, uses set answers requiring no thinking and no further explanation can not really be classed as 'intellectual' in my understanding. This does not mean that intellectuals are not found amongst christians but that those who do 'think' soon find the door marked 'Exit.' It is not for no reason that the European intellectuals who escaped christian mind shackling termed themselves 'Free Thinkers.'
    The contribution of Free Thinkers to both european and american culture, education, civil rights, writing of the constitution has been immense. If you are unaware of them then please make it a priority to find out about them and start name dropping in conversations with Christians. Most of the Anti-christianity work was done by them and they are the reason for Empty or low turnouts for churches in europe and the states as well as other colonial countries. No one goes to church where I live, they only go if a TV crew appears for a broadcast on the BBC on Sunday. On those occasions they wear their best hats. As far as i'm concerned I wear my best hat everyday.

    • @kmjkj2
      @kmjkj2 Před 3 lety

      Ivar Hakuse My answer is that though the belief set may demand this practically Christians have been most open minded esp at this time in history - you can practice your religion freely in their countries and they couldn’t care less whether you worship or don’t !!!

  • @lancelotrozario5749
    @lancelotrozario5749 Před 3 lety +2

    Caution must be had to the fact that you ae relying on a mere report. The report is not evidence. It is the findings of a body hired to investigate. This has to go before a trier fact to verify the truth or the falsity of the statements before it can be admitted as evidence.. The accused is dead. The opportunity for him to know the charge against him and his right to defend himself were not overlooked. They were denied. I shall not go further than this. I have done so in the nature of comments in other videos. Please be cautious. You are dealing with one side of the story of a man who was never taken to ask while alive and hastily being damned after he has been buried. This is not only unethical. It is un Christian.

  • @bharathamatha9619
    @bharathamatha9619 Před 3 lety +16

    If I like to criticize any religion, I would go after the basic foundation of it.. The God it talks about. Why is that all those who like to blame Christianity always goes after Christians and not after Christ??? I am sure you know why. Also when you come up to say that something is Untrue, you should be in a position to talk about what is True as well. Else you will be leaving the innocent people in more confusion. You never seems to cover that in any of your videos. Are you still in search of truth? If so why do you keep backing up sanathana dharma while you can't come forward and say that is the True religion that the entire world should be following? If you put so much time and effort in knowing the true colors of your sanathana dharma that you do digging the graves of dead people and trying to defame them, you will be surprised to find all the heinous crimes that you are trying to look for in people are being committed by so called Gods that are being worshiped blindly for centuries in our country. All their crimes are well documented in your Hindu Scriptures. Your own people documented and saved it for many generations to know the truth. Don't you authenticate them???

    • @estherdhanraj911
      @estherdhanraj911 Před 3 lety +2

      Critiquing Christians IS indeed critiquing Christ and the very tenets he allegedly set forth. In other words, the 'basic foundation of it.' That is so because of Christianity's own claims. Christianity claims that Christ's spirit "indwells" them, when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There after, anything good or bad that the Christian does is either from the Holy Spirit or by the temptation of the evil spirit, respectively. By that definition, Christ cannot be separated from a Christian, and the teachings (basic foundation) cannot be separated from Christian life. Critiquing one automatically extends to the critique of the other two - Christ, the Christian and the teachings (of Christ that the Christian is expected to follow.)

    • @arrahatt
      @arrahatt Před 3 lety

      Bharatha Matha So you are saying that if the gods of other religions are false christian god is true! Preposterous!!

    • @gam3827
      @gam3827 Před 3 lety +1

      change your misleading cheating name . You are not Bharatha matha . You are paid to try and destroy Bharata mata. She will teach you a lesson. You go back to your christian name and be open, dont fool people calling yourself Bharatha matha , when you dont have any respect for the ancestors of Bharatha , whom she nurtured. You eat the food of Bharatha matha and connive against her, most ungrateful lot. You will have to pay your debt to Bharath, She will make you pay

  • @Astoma-st1ig
    @Astoma-st1ig Před 3 lety

    Esther, you are serving human kind with your excellent, deep research based work. Infinity foundation is a reliable and trustworthy platform to facilitate your voice to reach millions. Since, your valuable talks shall be circulated for years to come, please pay attention to the sound quality. Right now there’s echo which isn’t very palatable for viewers. Wishing you heath and success 🕉🌸

  • @user-hgfg65
    @user-hgfg65 Před 3 lety +5

    If people heard the Indian church music and sermons first no one will convert.

  • @kanielkaustubhh34
    @kanielkaustubhh34 Před 3 lety

    Well done....Jai Sri Krsna

  • @MrAsus3571
    @MrAsus3571 Před 3 lety +4

    Who is this man? And why so much interest in ravi?

    • @juliehansda470
      @juliehansda470 Před 3 lety +1

      So much intrest bcoz many Muslims n hindu became Christians bcoz of him.

  • @nileshsingh4206
    @nileshsingh4206 Před 3 lety +13

    Esther you are doing a great cause

  • @bansrajmattai4548
    @bansrajmattai4548 Před 3 lety +1

    Ravi's life of lies, deception, immoralities, and apologetics make one wonder how he has been able to attain the 'success' he did. This speaks reams of the thinking of his followers.

  • @juliehansda470
    @juliehansda470 Před 3 lety +2

    Even though Christian s r in wrong path, Hindu God will not punish them,coz thrs no punishment in Hinduism.
    Bt wht if Christianity is true.its high time to worry more abt hindus than christians.

  • @muralinarasimhan3863
    @muralinarasimhan3863 Před 3 lety +2

    The so-called mother baptized, I believe only people in death bed.

  • @rampant59
    @rampant59 Před 3 lety

    Yes there is no immorality in the Roman Catholic church. Can you say pedofiles scandal....same as twenty years ago

  • @naren2k6
    @naren2k6 Před 3 lety +2

    Amazing never realized Esther had her own show now, scary for Evangelists, not what they like to see or hear, especially from someone with a Masters in Divinity.
    These people will immediately say Esther has been possessed by the Devil, quick talk.

  • @SitaShank
    @SitaShank Před 3 lety

    The story of his so-called suicide has so many holes in it, even for a person who learns of him here first! Wouldn't his suicide by breaking into a his school Chem.Lab make to the the news papers those days when Newspapers reportage were relatively more truthful than today!

  • @knowledgeistree2350
    @knowledgeistree2350 Před 3 lety +7

    Dig in the scriptures and its meaning , not people .Hindu scriptures are not proven right according to history and those characters are nowhere seen in history other than their own scriptures .So, it's not an intellectual thing to go against the other religion. Of course every religion has faulty preachers ,being a follower of one religion which has many false sadhu's , you cannot point out to people in another religion . Of course , humans make mistakes ,it is God who doesn't. And this guy says that those are assumptions and they might not be true . It's not conclusive . It's people's choice to believe and choose their own religion and convert from one to another . And conversion is never a forceful deed and just because somebody gave money, the person might not truly convert and nobody guards outside his house if he is following the religion or not . I'm not a follower of any religion or any person . I believe there is one God .

    • @panduboyina9773
      @panduboyina9773 Před 3 lety +3

      Agree. Also the god characters created in Christianity also historically not existed they are only in books .

    • @rbhatnagar4477
      @rbhatnagar4477 Před 3 lety +1

      Dig into the scripture and its meaning, not people. Your statement is good. But later on you say Sanatana Dharma's saints gods etc can't be proven, but these are just characters, i.e., people, so according to your first sentence, they shouldn't matter. What matters is the scripture that they, ok, supposedly, gave and its meaning. Just look at the meaning of the several books etc describing the teachings/scripture of Sanatana Dharma. . Historicity etc doesn't matter. The teachings of Sanatana Dharma will survive because of their sensible meanings. Whereas man made Abrahamic religions depend on the very literal historicity etc of their prophets, saints, gods etc. If the life etc of these is proven to be false, even marginally, then the Abrahamic religions fall.

    • @swarnag6427
      @swarnag6427 Před 3 lety +2

      Here comes an expert on Hinduism and bible . Bible? Of course it’s all true because it says so in bible.. if you find i wrong, it’s not an intellectual thing. Hinduism is bad because it had some bad sadhus, but Christianity, ofcourse we can say every religion has some bad people does not mean Christianity is bad. Christianity, see the proof it’s true history because it says so in books. Hinduism- I have closed my eyes and ears, no I did not see that proof for Saraswathi river, Raman sethu or the city under water near Gujarat. Lol and you know the most funny thing these 2 people who are discussing are atheists.

    • @knowledgeistree2350
      @knowledgeistree2350 Před 3 lety

      Hey, there are few archeological evidences for Hinduism and Christianity ( old testament also included) about cultures and places that are mentioned in their books but not the content . Some like one religion and others like another . It's their own choice . Just like how there are many critics for Christianity because they don't like it ,there are many critics in Hinduism and Islam . They take critic articles from the internet .Some say that it is true and some say that it's not true .And she is not an atheist and she follows Hinduism . What I talked about was the perspective. Considering a person and claiming that his religion is false when there are people in other religions who are false . U either have to take the person or the scripture as perspective at once , as this is applicable to all religions ( then other religions with false gurus or preachers also should be considered false).This makes her religion false too .

    • @dissisme5311
      @dissisme5311 Před 3 lety

      @@swarnag6427 then why are so many Jewish athiests despite them being god's chosen people?? Don't be a sheep dude

  • @muralinarasimhan3863
    @muralinarasimhan3863 Před 3 lety

    Please bring about the truth about the original wolf in sheep's clothing. Mother Teresa and max Mueller!!

  • @lakshya9552
    @lakshya9552 Před 3 lety +4

    We have to end this conversion comedy

  • @zacharymetz7643
    @zacharymetz7643 Před 3 lety +11

    It is interesting that you would put out this video at a time Ravi Zacharias cannot defend it. You've put together strawman arguments. It would be wise to study the book you are criticizing and know its word prior to criticizing the man. This video also uses hasty generalizations with many logical fallacies. There is no actual or factual evidence provided.

    • @friendlybanjoatheist5464
      @friendlybanjoatheist5464 Před 3 lety +5

      Ravi would not have defended even if you were alive. Ravi was a coward. He had behind lawyers and public relations professionals.
      Do you know what Ravi Z when he filed his lawsuit to cover up his sexual grooming and Sexting scandal? he filed a lawsuit and immediately fled the United States. He went incommunicado for six weeks.
      And then when he came back he refused to discuss the allegations. To his dying day. He was a total coward.
      So please do not think if only Ravi were here he would set the record straight and enlighten us all.

  • @vanhannu
    @vanhannu Před 3 lety +1

    What an eye opening facts. Facts to all the scholars who have in-depth knowledge n facts to prove their point rather than fooling people by MAGIC

  • @VijayRana78
    @VijayRana78 Před 3 lety +1

    Ravi's channel keeps comments off.
    Seems Ravi is scared of people like Esther.

  • @sanghitalks8985
    @sanghitalks8985 Před 3 lety +9

    Ravi Jokerias

  • @19683
    @19683 Před 3 lety +3

    Rice bag Ravi is no more.