BENGAL CAT VS SAVANNAH CAT (Breed Comparison) Which one should you choose?

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 89

  • @animaldigest
    @animaldigest  Před 2 lety +6

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  • @scottyb4606
    @scottyb4606 Před 2 lety +30

    This is a very good comparison which will educate cat lovers. Potential owners should not ignore the many references to high energy pushy behavior in these cats. Well done

  • @charliegirl0626
    @charliegirl0626 Před rokem +22

    I have a 3 Yr old bengal girl and a 2 Yr old savannah girl. They have so many similarities in personality. The bengal is more territorial about her mum than the savannah and the savannah loves dad more but they are both very affectionate. Both are wary of strangers and dependant on our interaction with visitors, depends on their personality towards those visitors. They greet us at the door no matter how many times we are in and out the house in a day, if they see us walking from down the road, you'll see them sprint outta the window and you'll know they'll be at the door waiting. They are so intelligent, if they hear a car pull up outside, they'll pause and listen thinking it's their dad. They go out on walks on leashes and they love nature. They are really active and need active humans to live their best lives. If they don't get the exercise they crave, they can become quite destructive without it being intentional, they'll run riot through the house chasing each other, you'll find them on cupboard tops and door frames 😂 I'd say the savannah eats slightly more than the bengal but its likely becausethe savannah is a bit bigger, they eat regular store bought cat food but also raw food. They are both short haired and easy to groom, and very little hair sheds and they both use a litter tray. If you're an active person and have enough space at home for these lovely cats then don't hesitate to become their human 🤍
    I love them both and if I had a bigger house, I'd have a other or 2 more

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem +3

      Thanks for sharing. Other viewers will find the information helpful!

    • @jennyanydots2389
      @jennyanydots2389 Před rokem +1

      @@animaldigest I don't find the information helpful! You're a gosh dang liar!! If you had any integrity at all you would apologize to me right now dang it!!

    • @GucciTheSavannahKing
      @GucciTheSavannahKing Před 7 měsíci

      I know you don’t play favorites but which breed is your favorite l?

  • @haslettworm1644
    @haslettworm1644 Před 7 měsíci +3

    There is another option for a spotted cat with a striking appearance. The ocicat! A cross between a Siamese and an Abissinian, these cats have no wild genes and, therefore, none if the associated behavioral problems. Our cat. Ali, has a beautiful spotted coat and a long, slender body and a great disposition.

  • @cdc3
    @cdc3 Před 2 lety +10

    Our last cat was a wonderful Bengal named Cato. He in many ways was dog like in his devotion to me, calling to me and loving to play on the tall cat tree with all sorts of games we'd make up on the spot. He was very able to ask for attention and when outside, wouldn't stray very far away from me. He was a dear friend. One of the incredible things he could do with those powerful rear legs was to jump from the floor to the top of an open door almost 7 feet up and stick the landing every time. Our only problem was spraying, even after being neutered. He was a male, and that's what they do.
    The cat in my icon is Juni, an f5 enhanced Savannah. Enhanced means 5th generation, but her progenitors were bred with other Savannahs, not domestics. She is by far the most expensive animal I have ever bought, but worth every single penny. Bought after my wife of 45 years died to be my companion, she's kept me alive.
    She's intelligent (sometimes you can actually see the wheels turning in her head) and VERY demanding. When it's "get up time", at first she's polite and asks you to attend her. If you don't. after a few inquiring meows, you feel strangely drawn to obey her. Something about needles which are inserted into your arm. Then it's "chicken time" before work. After chowing down on her piece of lightly cooked chicken breast, she want's out onto her catio on the porch in front to see what's happened to the neighborhood overnight. She stays out there until it's time to go to work at which point I scoop her up and deposit her Majesty into her car (I get the driver's seat, she gets the rest). She stays in the car in the morning while I drive a school bus and then we return home.
    Savannahs are VERY opinionated, much more so than domestics and you'd better be aware of it before you get one to share life with. Juni LIKES her car. It can get bloody (literally) if I try to force her out against her will. This is the nature of Savannahs. I've never had a cat which was so able to become angry with you like a human out of sorts. You DON'T force a Savannah without paying a price. But she's worth putting up with in her obstinance.
    Juni treats me like an equal. OK, maybe a subordinate equal, but we have a lot of time as true equals together, especially at night when it's bed time. She generally curls up in the bend at my knees and stays there all night long watching over me. A good bit of the time, she'll come and hook my arm to have me lift the covers so she can comfortably proceed down to my bare legs and curl up under the covers for the whole night, just as the video describes. I have no better comforter for grief than that. The feel of her very soft fur (unlike what the video describes) is a solace at times which is God given and I constantly thank Him for her. It's particularly sweet when she cuddles my hand, my fingertips in her paws, her head atop them and snores the most beautiful little wisp of a snore you've ever heard.
    Juni is also quite a traveler. We've put thousands of miles on together and I bought her a travel trailer so that we could stay with people and not force her on them in their homes. She loves that trailer and the long drives. Juni goes with me almost everywhere in her bubble sided back pack. We are particularly looked for in Trader Joe's where we shop, but restaurants, building supplies, the school bus kids I drive all know Juni at least as well as they know me. In fact, I can't go to Trader Joe's without her...
    In closing, both Savannahs and Bengals are incredible cats. My lifelong breed has been Siamese pure bloods which are equal but different in character and I love all three breeds. But none of them are for those who expect a "couch potato" cat, especially not the Savannah in my opinion.
    edit: Did I mention that with Juni, I have to keep a good supply of blood stain remover?

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety +3

      Ahh, this is so sweet. I can actually sense the overflow of love and companionship you have with Juni. She must look forward to her routine of travelling with you for work on the school bus and on vacations (great idea to get her a travel trailer). Thanks for sharing!

    • @turbochargefitness313
      @turbochargefitness313 Před rokem +3

      This made me so so happy to read ! Your love and dedication to your babies is evident and the energy speaks through the screen. I send my prayers and love to you and Juni, God Bless and Protect! Thank you for writing on your experiences ! ♥️

  • @user-sp6qx7gt2e
    @user-sp6qx7gt2e Před 7 měsíci +2

    I have one of each. My Bengal is a half breed, my daughter bought her Bengal and he mated with her other cat who she thought was a boy. He is a beautiful boy, he has his father's head and face. The Savannah we got from our local pet shop. He is black and grey, and has the typical Savannah stripes and square block on his side. He also has the typical chin strap and large head. My Bengal is going on 11 years old, and has lost some weight due to stress, he was up to 13lbs, but now he's about 10lbs. My Savannah is going on 6yrs old and he is the fatty of the two. Right now he weighs about 24lbs. He is also the alpha male. When we got him from the pet shop he was my son's cat. Due to our moving and me being home with him all day, and the pet shop employees being mostly women, he has dropped being my son's cat and has adopted himself as my cat. He is a lady's cat. My son still holds him and pets him, but he's moved in my room with me and my Bengal.

  • @savannah_claus_cats
    @savannah_claus_cats Před rokem +6

    I have two F3 Savannah's. They are very precious to me and are wonderful companions. There are a lot of positives and there are negatives too. They are prey driven. You cant have fish, rodents, or birds. They are very curious about everything. Whenever I do household chores and cooking they are always around either watching or trying to help. Rhaella likes to hold onto the broom and play with it while I sweep. She's a terrible sweeper. Archer likes to watch mostly. They like to go where ever I go whether its the bathroom, playing on the computer, taking naps in the bedroom, or showering. I highly recommend if you decide to get a Savannah that you research each generation and decide which one is best for your lifestyle. Bigger is not always better. You should also consider getting two of them. They do best in pairs. I got Archer a little over 2 years ago and just recently got her sister from another litter as a companion. My older cats wanted nothing to do with her so be prepared for that. Archer will lay in my lap for a little while and accept petting. She takes only a few pets before she's had enough. Rhaella does not lay in my lap but she head butts and loves getting petted for a few minutes and she's off to do something else. Having two helps with their energy and overall happiness. But they still need exercise and walks everyday to avoid destructive behavior. They make their own fun when bored so its really important you can commit the time and energy everyday to these cats. They are very rewarding and I have a lot of fun watching them run around and play. It's important to know that you will have to adjust and change things around for them. If you aren't willing to do that then DO NOT get one. If you are looking for a lap cat then you will be dissapointed. I am mainly talking about the F1-F3 generation Savannah's. The later generations are different but still a handful.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem

      Ahh, Thank you for sharing. Other viewers will definitely find the information helpful!

    • @savannah_claus_cats
      @savannah_claus_cats Před rokem +1

      @@animaldigest Thanks. I really love my cats. I'd just hate for someone to get one and get overwhelmed. You may have to give up spontanious travel when you have one. They tend to bond to one or two people but favor one. It would be hard to have someone babysit. I take Archer with me where ever I go and I have found that pet friendly hotels really mean dog friendly. Its a pain to deal with. Rhaella seems to get car sick so I don't know if I'd be able to take her on trips. I've had to find secure places for anything breakable. I can't have many things on counters. Each savannah is different though. Also their determination to get to what they want can be annoying sometimes. I haven't had any pee problems which is wonderful. Also the bond is special. It would be terrible for them to be re homed. I just hope people do their research and are willing to take the good along with the bad for the rest of their cats lives.

    • @cdc3
      @cdc3 Před rokem

      " If you are looking for a lap cat then you will be disappointed. "
      I wasn't looking for a lap cat in my f5 named Juni particularly and she hasn't been much inclined to be one until recently.
      A couple of months ago, I developed sepsis suddenly form several vectors including pneumonia and was in the hospital for almost a week. My son cared for Juni while I was gone. When I came home, I couldn't find her. Then I looked under my bed where she goes when she's badly stressed out and there she was. After she realized I was back, she came out and started holding me in place by lying on my lap so that I couldn't get away. Had to work an 18 hour day after that overnight and the same thing happened. Stressed cat under the bed. But this time after she realized I was back, she ripped through the house like a crazy cat for a bit, she was so happy. Now it's hard to get her off of my lap.
      It's taken 5 years for bonding to become this complete with her, but she's my best friend and goes everywhere with me. Sunday last we went to an expensive burger house and had lunch together. She's waiting now for me to come to bed so that she can climb under the covers and snuggle up against my legs for the entire night...

  • @mobilekillerass
    @mobilekillerass Před 2 lety +7

    My f4 savannah is so dog like its so funny, but she's still a cat most of the time. Like when we go outside for walkies, she decides the route. But when i dont want her to go in somewhere i can pull lightly and she comes to me. But then she also likes to run after big sticks i throw haha. The sticks are too big to bring back tho, but she loves running around when outside

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety

      Oh so sweet - thanks for telling us about your Savannah, and for leaving a comment.

  • @user-ho5vz5tg3r
    @user-ho5vz5tg3r Před rokem +1

    I have a Bengal female that was the runt and wasn't desirable for breeding. My friend gave her to me if I got her spayed, that was 16 years ago and Ms.Kitty has absolutely been the best kitty ever. The first 3 years were very high energy and I made her many shelves to climb and I made her a private jungle in the back yard. She really is Dog like and she is trained to use the toilet. She also makes a great blanket on cold nights. She eats Speckled Trout, Snapper and Tuna but, she won't eat Redfish. She is definitely on a fresh diet all of her life and she is very healthy.
    I would highly recommend a Bengal, but I would also choose a Savannah, beautiful animals and great companions.

  • @msgajhimelret9496
    @msgajhimelret9496 Před 2 měsíci

    We fond our TOYGER from a shelter 4mo ago. Many traces of the Bengal as his stripped Gray and Black strip coat, the small emblem between his ears, playful energy disposition. This one has a habit of biting but lightly and hasn't used his claws on us.

  • @redman0077
    @redman0077 Před rokem +2

    F2, F3, and F4 owner with the 4 great danes and everything is great !

  • @bastrixer
    @bastrixer Před 2 lety +5

    I have a F6 savannah male, castrated.
    He is a VERY loyal cat and he goes with me EVERYWHERE when I'm home.
    He is also a very vocal cat sometime.
    He also loves to play...alot...he even comes with the toys like a dog, wanting me to play fetch. So be prepared to give at least an hour of playtime a day.
    Difficult at time?
    The cat do what you teach it.
    I started straight away, only give attention to the behavior I want.
    Think the cat as a dog, teach it just like how you would teach a dog.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety

      Well said! Other viewers will appreciate the information as well. Thanks for watching!

    • @pododododoehoh3550
      @pododododoehoh3550 Před rokem

      Down voted for castratiny your male cat rather than getting a vasectomy.

  • @justbecause2914
    @justbecause2914 Před rokem +1

    I just got a cross bread kitten between the two. How interesting.

    • @JesusIsMySaviorCatsMyTherapy
      @JesusIsMySaviorCatsMyTherapy Před rokem

      The kind you have is called an Ashera. That's the most expensive cat breed. They sell for as much as $125,000.00! I have a Royal Ashera. That's the most expensive version, because it's the most rare. I think the combination of the two breeds gives them the best personality. 🙂

  • @silvercat7328
    @silvercat7328 Před rokem +3

    I’ve found Savannahs to be more laid back than Bengals, Bengals are very territorial & can be unpredictable with moments of split personality where they line you up for an attack which is over in a second (& quite funny). Bengals are more prone to spraying & that’s comparing an SBT to an F4 Sav. Both are wonderful companions, loyal & loving. Better for them if your life revolves around them. Bengal on the street will actively seek all other cats to fight, Savannahs will hunt, your neighbours chickens are not safe. Best to not let them freedom, a secure garden/enclosure & leash walks is best for a long happy life 😻😻

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for sharing!

    • @robbiek4400
      @robbiek4400 Před 9 měsíci

      Wait till you meet an F1 or F2 Savannah. Barely the same species as an F4 and Bengals are a joke in comparison.

    • @silvercat7328
      @silvercat7328 Před 9 měsíci

      @@robbiek4400 agree, no comparison between F4 Sav & F1. We have both. TBF to our SBT Bengal that’s no longer with us, he was more of a handful than our F4 Sav.

  • @Lori802
    @Lori802 Před 3 měsíci

    I have a yr old F1 Savannah. She is the best. Very affectionate with my other 3 cats and like having a dog. She hisses and gets herself into trouble almost daily but its the best money i spent. Next a serval!

  • @ralphcastillo9266
    @ralphcastillo9266 Před rokem +2

    I have Bengals and I will warn anyone that if you don’t have considerable time for these cats, please stay away from them. They require a lot and I mean a lot of time from you, I walk mine twice a day, regardless of weather they want to go out or they will get upset and let you know it.
    Mine are very possessive, they don’t like anything or anyone taking my attention from them.
    All that said I love my cats to death and would not trade them for anything.
    Almost forgot to mention that you should be prepared to dish out a couple grand for these beautiful cats from a reputable breeder.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem

      Thanks for sharing!

    • @pododododoehoh3550
      @pododododoehoh3550 Před rokem

      Not an issue if you have two outdoor cats. They keep themselves busy most of the time and like to snuggle up in the evenings.

  • @giorgiomagri1848
    @giorgiomagri1848 Před rokem +1

    You Bengala 😍🐯👍 fantastik

  • @dj90-d8q
    @dj90-d8q Před rokem +1

    They should make a cross between these two too

  • @iamtheghostwriter100
    @iamtheghostwriter100 Před rokem +1

    Wow, this is so difficult. I want a cat and I live on 20 acres and I run three times a day around different paths on my property but I’m tired of doing this alone and dogs seem to bark nonstop at my neighbors horses so I’m hoping a cat would be better but I can’t decide on which. Thank you for your info in your post.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem

      No problem and thank you for watching!

    • @savannah_claus_cats
      @savannah_claus_cats Před rokem +1

      My savannah's walk outside on a leash. However its not like walking a dog. You mostly follow them where ever they want to go. Also they eat every grass patch around so it can take awhile. 😂

  • @scamtrails
    @scamtrails Před rokem +6

    I never really understood how anyone would want a cat that behaves like a dog. Get a dog then. Cats are so special exactly how they are.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem +4

      Some people just do, and some have both. Let's just admire pet owners for providing forever homes. Thanks for leaving a comment.

    • @fredygump5578
      @fredygump5578 Před rokem

      Bengals have an uncanny resemblance to cats. If you didn't know better, you'd think they are actually a cat! The only thing about a bengal that is vaguely "dog-like" is that they will be interested in what you are doing and will follow you around. But a lot of cats are doing that already, so even that isn't very convincing. (BTW, I have a bengal.)

  • @BengalCatLola
    @BengalCatLola Před 3 měsíci

    The BEST DUO!!!!! 😻😻😻😻😻

  • @fredygump5578
    @fredygump5578 Před rokem

    The difference between my bengal and a "normal" domestic cat is: He does not lie down on humans, but he will lie down next to human. He won't be picked up by a human. He won't stand still or lie down for pets, instead he paces and walks in circles pettying you back as you pet him. He meows at you and looks at you expectantly, but for no apparent reason. And he knows just the right way to stand on your kidneys so that you wake up when he decides it is morning. (Actually he has a good sense of time. But this is a bit annoying on Saturdays when I want to sleep in even just a little bit.)

  • @mengaw-yong2490
    @mengaw-yong2490 Před 5 měsíci

    And also the Ocicat

  • @scuddrunner1
    @scuddrunner1 Před 2 lety

    Good video! Now I'm really confused about my cat.

  • @youssefm
    @youssefm Před rokem

    We'll have both in 1, my cat is half Bengal and half Savannah

  • @johndoew9829
    @johndoew9829 Před rokem

    nice video, thanks

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před rokem

      I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for watching!

  • @ValeriaMarcsek
    @ValeriaMarcsek Před 24 dny


  • @delilahroach2851
    @delilahroach2851 Před rokem +2

    why would you conpear them they are = and i heart savanas

  • @yamzz5092
    @yamzz5092 Před 2 lety +3

    My cat is a mix with savannah and bengal 😁

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety

      Thanks for leaving a comment!

    • @scottyb4606
      @scottyb4606 Před 2 lety +1

      My Kitten is also a Bengal / Savannah mix. She's a lovely little wild thing. Very high energy. Loves her water fountain and a high shelf hide away. If I can say one thing about the breed it is not a good 1st cat choice... think long and hard before taking on this loving little wildcat

    • @craiggallagher7292
      @craiggallagher7292 Před 2 lety

      @@scottyb4606 Is that common? I am looking at a litter of Savannahs, but a mix between those two would be awesome!

  • @leovolont
    @leovolont Před rokem +1

    Bengal Vs Savannah! Which One are You More Afraid of?

    • @julieseier4201
      @julieseier4201 Před rokem +1


    • @leovolont
      @leovolont Před rokem +1

      @@julieseier4201 Yeah, Julie, my thought exactly. Although Bengals can be scary as hell. I remember being at a Cat Fancy Show about 23 years ago when Bengals were relatively new, and they were a huge attraction. There was this beautiful male up on the judging table, and when the Judge brought out his Peacock Feather to direct the eyes of the Bengal, well, in the blink of an eye the Bengal pounced on the feather, a good 24 inch leap. Everybody surged backward at the same time, but in the the very next moment, everybody realized he was just being a Kitty. But what a powerful Kitty. The Breeder later insisted that I hold him, and he was so sweet and friendly. BUT I'm still scared shitless about Savannahs!

    • @fredygump5578
      @fredygump5578 Před rokem +3

      LOL! Saying a bengal is scary is like saying a snake is slimy. Both prove that people say ridiculous things!

    • @leovolont
      @leovolont Před rokem +1

      @@fredygump5578 Hi Fredy, remember, I was talking about a Cat Show in 1998 and this was the first time that even the Judges had seen a Bengal being entered and they had to literally consult the book. After what happened in the story I told, about how everybody JUMPED when the Bengal pounced quick as lightning on the Judge's Peacock Feather Wand, well, the Breeder insisted that everybody who gathered around hold and pet her Prize Winning Bengal, and then, yes, what a big Sweet Heart, BUT if LOOKS COULD KILL... that boy did look SCARY... but that is one of the attractions of having ANY Cat, that they are literally Tooth and Claw, but that they love us so much they inhibit, well, most of their violence... my Big Bear Roary the Red Tabby, sometimes he'll end a Quality Time by giving me a little Love Nip just so we can finish up by me chasing him around swearing to get my revenge.. if only cats could Laugh.

  • @TigerOscar78
    @TigerOscar78 Před 2 lety +1

    Fyi, Serval cats are originally from Africa.

    • @andrasmagassy3539
      @andrasmagassy3539 Před rokem

      whatever she say is completely wrong....
      cross b read between a wild Asian leaperd cat and a domestic one....
      the bengal has nothing to do with Asia....
      it comes from Africa from the Serval...

  • @cloroxbitch2491
    @cloroxbitch2491 Před rokem

    Yahhhh I’m getting a Bengal. I rather get scratched than wounded 💀

  • @pamelamays4186
    @pamelamays4186 Před rokem +1

    IMO, I think it's very irresponsible to purposely breed domestic/wild cat hybrids.

    • @gilldavidmour4199
      @gilldavidmour4199 Před rokem

      Tell that to the cat.

    • @lessismore8533
      @lessismore8533 Před rokem +1


    • @Angela-gd3cj
      @Angela-gd3cj Před 3 měsíci

      The average bengal hasn’t been bred to a leopard cat for like, decades. Unless you go out of your way and pay a huge price for a higher generation of cat. And there are so many savannah cats this is also now true of, most people aren’t getting high generation cats, but savannahs and bengals bred to other savannahs and bengals.

  • @julieseier4201
    @julieseier4201 Před rokem

    LlI have one here with me mindy

  • @BadBoyBreeze13
    @BadBoyBreeze13 Před rokem

    Has anyone tried to cross them yet?

  • @shannonalaminski2619
    @shannonalaminski2619 Před 8 dny

    Neither. Let a cat choose you.

  • @changbinhatesjaywhypeeeee4167

    I have Bengal cat tho she literally type of hunting and a total fearless one I swear she attacks my sister's cat cuz he always tryna get closer to her boiiii he's scared of my cat I swear man, i keep em apart I love her tho she's my only cat that has a strong instinct and feels comfortable with me

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety +1

      Ahh, your sister's cat fears your Bengal. Make them become playmates! Anyway, thanks for sharing!

    • @changbinhatesjaywhypeeeee4167
      @changbinhatesjaywhypeeeee4167 Před 2 lety

      @@animaldigest I'll try my best but for like abit of time like this afternoon they was making eye contact they was like 3 feets away from eachother and then they closed their eyes but soon after my another older sister called my 2nd sisters cat his name is cotton btw, Bengal immediately attacks him and i keep em apart tho my cat is also pregnant with random stray cat at outside cuz she ran away for like weeks then she cameback home Cotton looks sad becuz of the way she attacks him :(

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety

      Safety is number one!

  • @CarCraze7
    @CarCraze7 Před 2 lety +1

    I had a savannah cat now i have a bengal. But I still prefer a savannah over the bengal. I don’t see bengal as special cats.

    • @animaldigest
      @animaldigest  Před 2 lety +1

      Thanks for leaving a comment!

    • @cdc3
      @cdc3 Před 2 lety +2

      Having had both myself (Savannah in my icon), I have seen a marked difference in both from domestic cats. Much higher energy for one. I love Siamese, Bengals and Savannahs, but I do agree: I now prefer my Juni, the Savannah.

  • @garykooienga9990
    @garykooienga9990 Před 9 dny

    The shelters are overflowing with splendid cats in need of homes. Nobody should be buying these.

  • @daytonabeachUSA
    @daytonabeachUSA Před 9 měsíci

    There isn’t any difference between cat breeds

  • @gaylebaker8419
    @gaylebaker8419 Před rokem +1

    Which one should you choose? Neither. Both represent the engineering of animals that is abusive to the wild cats and domestic cats exploited to create them. They have both health and behaviour problems due to hybridisation.
    This video promotes abuse, and profits the channel creator in more ways than one.

  • @robbiek4400
    @robbiek4400 Před 9 měsíci

    No straight up cat person should ever own a Savannah. You can’t handle it. If you can and like to manage very large dogs, then you might have a chance. Anyone who actually owns one of these, F2 and above, knows that I’m right. The rest of you need to take this as a warning.
    This video was weak, surface level fluff and I hope no one got any ideas from this.

  • @maxineparker3372
    @maxineparker3372 Před rokem

    Thanks. Needed that info!😘 12:06