  • čas přidán 23. 03. 2024
  • In this video, we'll explore the 12 utmost mistakes that cat owners often make when it comes to their feline friend's litter box. From improper placement to infrequent cleaning, we'll cover everything you need to know to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for your beloved pet. Don't miss out on these essential tips for maintaining a happy and healthy relationship with your cat! Watch now and make sure you're providing the best care for your furry friend.
    I hope you enjoy the video! 💜

Komentáře • 401

  • @TheCuriousCatt

    Enjoyed the video and don't want to miss the next one? 😻

  • @frontier9142

    I found a cat in my yard about 6 years ago. She was so weak she could barely walk a couple steps before sitting down or falling over. I went over and pick her up and she was skin and bones. She was starving to death, she might have lasted one more day. I started feeding her everyday even though she was a little skittish. Within a week she was running around full of energy and was putting on weight. Within a couple months she felt more comfortable with me and actually came in the house. I named her Kiwi, because she was so sweet. I set her up a litter box and she has never used it. When she has to go to the bathroom she will come up to me and meow and go towards the door, I let her out she goes to the bathroom and then comes right back. She's never used a litter box in her whole life and never had an potty accident in the house. Now we are best friends and she sleeps with me every night.

  • @tsunamis82

    My beloved black cat is 16.5 years old and has little time left. He has advanced liver cancer. He recently started pooping in the house. I purchased a litter tray which broke as soon as I picked it up after putting sand like litter in it. So I resorted to one of those plastic drawers. Much larger, low sides he can easily get into. He happily pees in the box but no to pooping in it. I did put one of his turds in, but nope. Today he went outside to poop but still pees in the litter box. It’s a difficult chore for me to clean up after him as I have had surgery on my arm and are effectively one handed. However, he is sick and after 16.5 years of loves and purrs it’s not going to be for much longer. I do not growl at him as he doesn’t deserve that and if he has the energy to go outside he will. If not, well! Price of having a beautiful cat that I love dearly.

  • @pirateheart100

    My cat loves her covered litter box. She doesn't like anyone seeing her do her business. She would actually quit going and leave, then come back later. Each cat is different.

  • @DAgayton9558

    Enjoyed the video. There are several instances in which these don’t apply to every cat; one example is having a cat that urinates straight out behind versus down like most. Having a low wall litter box is a sure way to end up with urine on your walls or anything else that may be near her litter box. This is of no fault of the cat, or course, it’s simply something that some are born with. This applies to both males and females. I have a sweet cat that urinates straight behind herself so having a HIGH wall box is a must. If fact her box is a top entry with no holes on the sides! Just wanted to share. 😊🐾💗

  • @kimkimba1131

    Problem about the litter box with the low side for them to walk in. We adopted a 5 year old and got a litter box like that. Always found pee on the floor by the low side. Finally saw her go into the box. She did not squat to pee…just stood peeing over the edge onto the floor. Got a tall box and haven’t had a problem since.

  • @Two4Brew
    @Two4Brew  +15

    There is something we did when our Miss Teia of fond memory (06/1997 - 11/2018) was about 16 and it was difficult for her to get in a litter box. I made up a tray of heavy duty PVC sheeting and placed extra large dog pee pads in it. I put a bit of soiled litter in the middle to catch her nose. She took to using those almost right away, used them until her kidneys failed and we had to take her for the last vet visit.

  • @johnvalencia7488

    I use 2 large plastic storage bins from Wal-Mart. I have cut an opening on one end for Kitty access. They work out great for my 2 monster cats.

  • @gwenstevens7884
    @gwenstevens7884 Před 28 dny +5

    My son in law got lavender scented liter because that was all they had that day. I used it in two of the seven boxes. Use of these two boxes increased! Yeah. I was surprised, too.

  • @idealysss

    My sister has 2 cats and she brought a huge litter box that can fit around 5 cats at once and they go poop in it together like a ritual 😂

  • @makeminefreedom

    My wife and I rescued a six week old kitten a year and eight months ago. Initially we purchased a scented litter with crystals in it but noticed our kitten was scratching herself. We did some research and found out the crystals were irritating her skin so we switched to a natural litter. We now use an unscented litter called World's Best cat litter. It is corn based and naturally absorbs odors. It costs a little more but it lasts longer and has no odor. If you cat is scratching itself please give it a try it works.

  • @roklickr
    @roklickr  +26

    Being a cat owner for 20yrs I do all 12 suggested

  • @21Noreen
    @21Noreen  +18

    My cat has a 90 litre container and he jumps in and out of it with ease. He loves it as he is a long big cat. He has never had any problems jumping in or out of it. I clean his litter every time he goes and he will go tap tap to tell me as well even early hours of the morning I go clean it. He is an indoor cat. His litter is 5 inches high he loves that.

  • @sipos0
    @sipos0  +27

    Particularly avoid citrus scented litter. Most cats hate citrus scents. Citrus is mildly toxic to cats, so they tend to hate it.

  • @craigs7181

    The best litter box I've found is a black cement mixing tray. They can be found at any home center store. They cost far less than an actual litter box, are large enough for almost all domestic cats. It has gently curved ends so cleaning is a breeze and the top edges are rounded making it more comfortable for the cat to enter and exit. If you have the space, get one. You'll never use a regular litter box again!

  • @sylvie38344

    And don't use Arm and Hammer litter...either Glide OR clump and Seal. We bought some for our cat, and everytime he used it, he ran around the corner and got sick. We switched back to his old litter, and it stopped.I don't know what was in the litter that made him sick, but something was.

  • @sharonromero128

    Wow! Finally someone who knows what they are talking about. We would have much healthier & happy cats if cat owners would follow these simple guidelines. Thank you so much

  • @Dhalin
    @Dhalin  +16

    Speaking from personal experience, if you have a male cat, PAY ATTENTION to how often he pees. Male cats are susceptible to a condition called FLUTD. If untreated, this is 100% fatal to the poor cat. It is caused by stress and dietary issues, which will cause blockages in the urethra making it very difficult, and eventually impossible for the cat to pee. At some point, his bladder will burst open and he will die. This almost happened to my cat last year, and I keep a close eye on the litter box. A small tip, that if your cat is shy or doesn't like people being around when he does his business, is get a camera and set it up, and have it set to only record when it detects movement. That way you can pull up your phone and easily keep track of when's the last time your cat did his business. I do this with mine, and ever since I made changes to the home and his life to improve his health, he's not had much of any problems. Scared me a couple times by waiting some 20 hours to pee, but that was more separation anxiety which I can't control as I live alone and work. But he normally does his 2 pees and 1 poop per day, at similar times every day, and I keep checking to make sure it stays like this.

  • @Judy-mn6ey

    My 14 year old cat had an injury to herr paw, try as i might i could not get it to heal even tho she was in all winter. I kept thinking why wont this thing heal up. One day it came to me, the litter, I was using a very rocky ionexpensive cat litter so naturallty every time she went in it reopened the wound. I bought some very fine, soft litter and guess what happened? Healing up very nicely now and no more bleeding.

  • @nikito21
    @nikito21  +22

    i have many cats and the rules are clear and simple: