84 year old Thai Man Assaulted, Anti-Asian Sentiments, And The Reality of Mortality

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 335

  • @Daydreamroses
    @Daydreamroses Před 3 lety +255

    this shit makes me angry and sad. seeing that video really fucked with me. as a black person i am going to be honest there is a lot of ignorance towards asians in our community. i've had to many timescorrect my black friends and family when they say something ignorant about an asian person. But a lot of times they brush me off and say "asians are probably racist towards us too" in order to justify it. But It's not justifiable at all. I feel like both of our communities are told negative stereotypes about each other and instead of educating ourselves and listening to each other we just run with the stereotype. It also doesnt help that our communities are usually separate from each other. Aside from beauty supply stores and restaurants you dont really see asians in black communities and you dont really see black people in asian communities. So a lot of black people just assume that these asians that set up shop in these poorer neighborhoods are all making money off of us and leaving to go to their rich ass homes. Meanwhile like you said a lot of asians from the older generations grew up in war torn countries and literally had to work from the ground up to get these busineses. To be honest i feel like this was all designed to happen. Call me a conspiracy theorist but like almost every stereotype Asians have (smart, rich, quiet, model minority, small penis etc). Black people have the exact opposite stereotypes. (stupid, poor, loud, big dick, lazy minority that just wants handouts) and because of this there was always this unspoken friction between us two. I wish this country taught us more about asian history instead of making it an elective. I think because asian history is rarely if ever talked about in american curriculum people just assume that all asians were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and that they all just want to be closer to whiteness. ANd lets be honest nobody takes asians seriously every race is okay with making gross shit about asians and people just laugh it off as a joke not realizing that asian people are fucking people too and even if they may laugh along with you in the moment that shit probably still hurts.
    I am not sure what I can do to help but I will continue to correct the people in my life that say racist ass ignorant shit and make blanket statements towards asian people. I know that it isnt a lot but we all need each other. We all borrow from each other's cultures its time we start valuing each other as human beings just tryna make it in this shitty ass world. I pray this gets more attention and that this leads to conversations that we have swept under the rug and that talking about this will prevent this shit from ever happening again.

    • @fathersonfilm7421
      @fathersonfilm7421 Před 3 lety +10

      Well said. It’s going to take all of us correcting our own people when they shit talk other races just because

    • @DavidSoComedy
      @DavidSoComedy  Před 3 lety +32


    • @tonybaloni1000
      @tonybaloni1000 Před 3 lety +6

      Great insight. Thank you for holding your community accountable that’s the first step for sure.

    • @mysticstrikeforce5957
      @mysticstrikeforce5957 Před 3 lety +3

      I agree and i said the exact same thing in my comment i posted. As yes others are racist but don't forget we are racist in our own agenda to. That's why i always say 2 wrongs don't make a right. Trust me i'm at that stage of age where i know we can take things to far and not follow through the plans we want to change. So if your telling someone else to change how they are but they see how you act then nobody is going to give a damn what you say. As all of this is just respect.

    • @marksommers4179
      @marksommers4179 Před 3 lety +2

      Asians didn't always have those stereotypes. The fact that Asian cultures are very different than black culture is not a conspiracy either.

  • @es0516
    @es0516 Před 3 lety +266

    Pro Asian is not Anti Black, Pro Black is not Anti-White, Anti-Asian or anything else. Being proud of your cultural & racial identity and calling attention to issues harming your community is not anti-against anyone! Such a dumb mentality. I'm sick of the us vs. them with minority groups, we gotta stick together!

    • @joshbarrera6005
      @joshbarrera6005 Před 3 lety +1


    • @jan8919
      @jan8919 Před 3 lety +7

      We all have to do better and unite,Because blaming each other does nothing for humanity .

    • @Dtzeo503
      @Dtzeo503 Před 3 lety +3

      @@jan8919 right i see too many of that down in the comments

    • @SeptemberTwentyThird
      @SeptemberTwentyThird Před 3 lety +4

      What about pro white? dose that make you racist?

    • @tha1ne
      @tha1ne Před 3 lety +2

      What happens when pockets of a minority group is preying on the elderly of another minority group? Is it "blaming" or "not sticking together" to call that shit out?

  • @InfamousAustinT0
    @InfamousAustinT0 Před 3 lety +111

    Black America is hurting, but that doesn't mean we can't support our Asian brothers and sisters. They're hurting too and they matter. Stand together everyone and hope you all have a good day!

  • @LalosBoxing
    @LalosBoxing Před 3 lety +169

    🇲🇽’s Stand with our Asian Brothers & Sisters.

  • @PyongProductionsXXI
    @PyongProductionsXXI Před 3 lety +171

    Honestly, had I not seen your IG post, I don’t know if I would have heard about what happened! This is not getting enough media coverage. The trash that committed these crimes should be put UNDER the jail. This is infuriating!

    • @sallylee3136
      @sallylee3136 Před 3 lety +3

      Yeah, I didn't hear about this until I saw tim's, tway's, and david's IG

    • @forgotmypassword2804
      @forgotmypassword2804 Před 3 lety +2

      Simply put Media bias

    • @varmintgetter
      @varmintgetter Před 3 lety

      you should find it....because unlike other hollywood/actors that their manager/agent/pr tells them to do it, you don't see him looking at a teleprompter to convey a honest/authentic message. I found many hollywood people that voiced their teleprompter message out sleeps very well at night.

  • @PyongProductionsXXI
    @PyongProductionsXXI Před 3 lety +185

    I had to comment again for the algorithm and because you’re dropping gems! Many Black people don’t support the trash attacking these innocent people either! I just think people don’t know it’s happening, because sadly, it’s not being broadcasted on the news as much.

    • @ShelbieMua
      @ShelbieMua Před 3 lety +4

      Exactly! I follow NextShark on Instagram to keep up with what’s going on.

    • @PyongProductionsXXI
      @PyongProductionsXXI Před 3 lety +9

      @@ShelbieMua I’ll have to check that out. I’m annoyed at how the media is handling this.

    • @ShelbieMua
      @ShelbieMua Před 3 lety +3

      @@PyongProductionsXXI Yes NextShark has less racist followers too. The other ones kinda promoted it. So I definitely recommend them. Plus it’s funny seeing Joe there.

    • @GrandfatherGoose
      @GrandfatherGoose Před 3 lety


  • @martinrivera7999
    @martinrivera7999 Před 3 lety +80

    In the mexican community our street vendors were attacked, robbed, and killed. I know how this feels because these people are as old as my parents or older. There will be consequences to these actions

    • @jincardscollector7133
      @jincardscollector7133 Před 3 lety +2

      Yup and the only one that talk about it was big boy

    • @justjo510
      @justjo510 Před 3 lety +2

      Attacked by cowards dude paleta/elote men and elderly asian folks dont bother nobody wtf

    • @ashina5924
      @ashina5924 Před 3 lety +2

      Seeing all those corn man attacked and robbed put rage in all of us.

    • @tonybaloni1000
      @tonybaloni1000 Před 3 lety

      The surrounding gangs made sure to make an example out of them and then they thought twice the next time. The Asian community needs to get armed and defend their own because no one else will!

  • @lostweat
    @lostweat Před 3 lety +87

    You should get China Mac in for an interview David. He has been very proactive by starting the "Cant Burn us All" Movement. He recently rallied in San Francisco and is collaborating with the Rapper Fab to help break the divide between Black Americans and Asian Americans.

    • @sfqxn
      @sfqxn Před 3 lety +3

      I totally agree. That would be such a good podcast to listen to

  • @StormyRango
    @StormyRango Před 3 lety +91

    Perhaps people aren't speaking about this because they don't know. I keep hearing the BLM example, but it isn't as if people
    just woke up one day and started caring about Black people lol. BLM & similar orgs kept pushing the issue & it took like 6 or 7 years for the rest of the country to "care".
    What's worse is that, even when more people start addressing anti-Asian hate crimes, instead of having conversations about reducing racial tension or what can be done to reduce violent crime within certain areas,
    the issue gets met with more racism. Happens every time. A black/white/asian person does something horrible to another group, so the revelation is "fuck those people" or "that's why I don't care about them" ... nothing gets resolved & the tension rises even more. repeat.

    • @StormyRango
      @StormyRango Před 3 lety

      ​@KIRA L N My post wasn't meant to say that black Americans were the only people to protest or experience hardship in America. It was in response to people making direct comparisons between the BLM campaign and the stop Asian hate campaign. People were saying that Black issues get more attention, and I was saying that's because black activists have taken effective measures to make their voices heard (this does not mean that they were the only ppl to speak up in America).
      I'm just a bit tired of the oppression Olympics (people constantly saying "well aCtUally my people have it THE worst so where's my attention?". I want people to realize you don't have to "have it the worst '' in order to speak up about injustice; It's so sick to me when people try to compare histories of genocide, brutality, slavery, discrimination, etc...like seriously? it's all inexplicably horrible and it can all be spoken about if you continue to demand the attention. There's no need to compare totally different histories or diminish the plight of other minorities (especially when you don't have first-hand experience in their shoes). It ends up sounding like misplaced resentment to me.

    • @StormyRango
      @StormyRango Před 3 lety

      @KIRA L N I'm not saying that speaking about Asian American history is automatically a comparison (that wouldn't even make sense), what I'm saying is, I don't like when people go "my people had to go through X while black people ____" or "Asian people get ____ while black people get ____", that's a comparison. All I said is that history and social injustices should be spoken about without comparison because the reality is that it's incomparable and there's always more to the story than what you read (everyone has different struggles that should be spoken about as such). I never said that people shouldn't talk about Asian American history, that's the opposite of what I wrote. I just want people to shed light on racism and history without bringing Black people into it so often, as if they get some sort of special treatment versus other minorities (which was the point of my initial post). I'm not gonna argue anymore but I agree with your underlying point (that AAPI history should be spoken about more). Have a good one

  • @battyunicorn2594
    @battyunicorn2594 Před 3 lety +27

    I'm black and this has changed my mind for the better. It is not about who's month it is. It is about survival, and at the end of the day that's is what we are trying to do. They already had my attention but now they have even more of my respect.

  • @rl4652
    @rl4652 Před 3 lety +30

    As a black person im sorry that this happened, but I never knew Asian and black people had tension? Maybe it’s my State or my age? But I never knew til recently. I hope things get better.

  • @Anxietyfuelledprincess
    @Anxietyfuelledprincess Před 3 lety +25

    I remember one of my professors for human sexuality complimented me for being so outspoken in class and not being shy or submissive in class discussions like the stereotype that’s associated with Asian women...and that was the first time I ever heard of that stereotype associated with Asian women

  • @cl3680
    @cl3680 Před 3 lety +9

    Im so infuriated that not enough people or the media is talking about this huge PROBLEM that gets silenced. Its horrible that Chinese Lunar New Year is coming up and our elders are in threat of damaging attacks like this. FOR WHAT? WHAT IS THE MOTIVATION? Antoine Watson pleads not guilty is a huge fuck you to our faces and its aggravating. Targeting our elders is drawing the line. How can they be so heartless? Those types of people are no longer human. I will stand for the victims, for my family, and everyone because apparently the media cannot unless we demand it. Im so glad to hear you talk about it David, its a great relief.

  • @ShelbieMua
    @ShelbieMua Před 3 lety +18

    So happy you spoke on this. The amount of people that show their racism when these horrible acts happen is just disappointing.

  • @natyki
    @natyki Před 3 lety +19

    Was waiting for this specific podcast. Thank you again David. We as a community do need to speak up for those who cannot and show that we are more than what the media wants to portray us. To get the media to see us. Your IG post about this really resonated with me as well as this video with you and Ed. We're both an oppressed community and ideally, I would love for our communities to come together more to support one another than we already do. We shouldn't associate one's own cruel actions to the community as a whole.

  • @cristianhvo4882
    @cristianhvo4882 Před 3 lety +59

    The recent anti-Asian racism really isn't new. I was bullied in middle and I told the vp countless times about it. But she didn't do anything about it until we fought. Then she punished me too... 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @TheEckoEcho
      @TheEckoEcho Před 3 lety +6

      That why Asian Gang exist in school.

    • @xijinping9576
      @xijinping9576 Před 3 lety +11

      Administration won't do anything to help a bullied kid but will punish them if they decide to help themselves by self-defense

    • @thaojoseph69
      @thaojoseph69 Před 3 lety +4

      I remember when I was in middle school and was bullied by a black kid. I went to my counselor and asked to be switched to a different home room. The counselor whom was black as well asked me who bullied me and when I told him he just laughed/chuckled but still let me switch home rooms.

    • @ashina5924
      @ashina5924 Před 3 lety +4

      That was literally my 4 years of highschool. Asians getting bullied and called chink, short weak, etc. The black kids for 4 years attacked us and when we would retaliate then and only then would staff intervene. The staff place the blame on both sides equally when we never initiated anything ever. You really think a bunch of 110lbs 5'2 kids want to fight the 6'2-5 football and basketball team?? Shit didnt make sense nor did the staff care to do anything about it no matter how many times we told them. Notice: before calling me racist I am stating my experience lol now my opinion is that we should always judge on the individual. But due to these exp many of my fellow asians have resentment

    • @XanhDT89
      @XanhDT89 Před 3 lety +4

      Yep.. same experiences, but I never went to the teachers since I saw how they didn’t give a care when it was right in their faces. But once a white kid said the n word, the world split in half and everyone’s face is like 😱. I’m just glad my dad taught me to fight back cuz I did.

  • @MrMooPow
    @MrMooPow Před 3 lety +30

    I’m an Asian American is disappointed and disturbed by all of this.
    But I’ve felt guilty about the fact it takes me longer to process my thoughts about how to express myself in a positive way. Cause I say some stupid shit sometimes in a emotional state.
    Thank you guys for doing the way you do things and how you talk about sensitive subjects. Inspiring us to use our words the right way. 🙏

  • @neongreenstar101
    @neongreenstar101 Před 3 lety +15

    that whole part about our parents getting older kinda hits. I’m only 23 and my parents are in their mid 50’s but still, it’s a scary thing to think about

  • @OhGeeGanksta
    @OhGeeGanksta Před 3 lety +62

    As two minority groups we SHOULD stand united with our black fam. We shouldn’t, however, ignore the fact that there exists a deep seated schism between a sizable segment of both groups unfortunately. Sweeping the issue under the rug doesn’t fix it. You can only fix the problem if you identify it first.

    • @InfamousAustinT0
      @InfamousAustinT0 Před 3 lety +5

      100% As a Black-Whute guy whose closest friends growing were mostly Asian growing up I hope that in the future we can see some more Black-Asian unity. There definitely is a deep divide between some portions of both groups. We need to find some sort of common interest that can bring us together.

    • @redmangoose182
      @redmangoose182 Před 3 lety +4

      Agreed. You can point out anti-asian racism within black communities but still be in support of more unification/communication among the two groups. I think both are necessary.

    • @StormyRango
      @StormyRango Před 3 lety +12

      @Jay Aleem I disagree with this. Black people may not have the power to systemically oppress Asian people in the United States,
      but anyone can be prejudice or commit a hate crime. I understand that there are different definitions of racism, but let's focus on the issue (communities hurting from racial tension) rather than language semantics.

    • @fathersonfilm7421
      @fathersonfilm7421 Před 3 lety +1

      @Jay Aleem you can set up business anywhere you want. That sentiment has been expressed one too many times

    • @fathersonfilm7421
      @fathersonfilm7421 Před 3 lety

      @Jay Aleem you keep worrying about others that’s why. First of all I have no idea why you as a black would want to open a business in China town and I don’t know why Asians open up shop in black neighborhood either.

  • @bldomingo
    @bldomingo Před 3 lety +10

    Doing a double comment, because that's how I roll: Seeing your parents as humans is so, so important, and something I wish I had realised earlier. My mom passed away a few days before I turned 25, and it was only after her death that I was able to gain insight to her as someone beyond just 'my mom.' And it was so crazy to realise that our lives were actually so parallel and similar to one another, even though I was adamant that I wouldn't be like her.
    This episode hits home...dammit David! (In the best possible way, of course.)

  • @kyleenriquez969
    @kyleenriquez969 Před 3 lety +8

    Honestly, it’s been really difficult to process all of the things that have been happening. David and Ed dropped a ton of good points here. The one that resonated with me was the one about how people process things differently and what should we say/do on our part. I’m not a person who uses social media often. Instead, I choose to talk with my youth group and try to teach them how we are to respond to these injustices whether it’s the against the black community or Asian community. We need to stand with and support the communities who are suffering. We need to bear each other’s burdens. Thanks for the podcast David.

  • @SimonLi
    @SimonLi Před 3 lety +16

    I was waiting for this after seeing your recent ig post. Thank you for that David 🔥

  • @jonisrockin
    @jonisrockin Před 3 lety +8

    thanks david for not just addressing these racial attacks on our elderly but why we care so much for our elders, parents and grandparents. the most important part!

  • @pakouvang520
    @pakouvang520 Před 3 lety +7

    Loved this episode! Started it on spotify and then received the notification, midway through, that it was uploaded on youtube and finished the episode on here! You should bring your mom in on your podcast (virtually); would love to hear about your mom's upbringing and her experiences and see your interaction with her!!

  • @diamondw1858
    @diamondw1858 Před 3 lety +4

    12:45 Damn right! I am a black woman who sees the violence of SOME black Americans, attacking/assaulting Asian Americans as the gross behavior that it fucking is. The violence against all minorities deserves a spotlight. We stand with you and beside you, we are facing this huge war against racism, and we can only win if we win together. I’m so sorry this is happening, but we are with you ❤️

  • @sugarwaters
    @sugarwaters Před 3 lety +7

    Truthfully my best friend is Cambodian from the Bay Area and this is not surprising to me. She regularly tells me about the crime perpetrated on the Asian community. Most recently we were talking about the Chinese New Year 🧧 envelopes that are specifically targeted. Everyone wants to talk about BLM but no one wants to have serious conversations about culture, criminality, and even racism minorities perpetuate. Racism isn’t a white people thing.

    • @Dtzeo503
      @Dtzeo503 Před 3 lety +3

      And when people say they can't be racist because of their race is shocking to me.

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 3 lety +32

    I'm half black/asian but even I got the "ew what are you eating" comments in grade school when I brought Asian food. I did have some people defend me but still. I went through a phase of hating my name because it wasn't "white enough" and being embarrassed when my mom was speaking Korean because I'd get comments about it. Now I'm glad I don't have a boring-ass name and I want to learn Korean fluently.

    • @Hihey-hy9he
      @Hihey-hy9he Před 3 lety +2

      Wish you luck on your journey of learning a new language!

    • @Vincisomething
      @Vincisomething Před 3 lety

      @@Hihey-hy9he Thanks! The only issue is I also want to learn a bunch of other languages and I have trouble concentrating on anything, but it's still a goal lol

    • @Vincisomething
      @Vincisomething Před 3 lety

      @TatzRules Yay I was a very sensitive 9-year-old

  • @AsianRicePuddings
    @AsianRicePuddings Před 3 lety +2

    Hey man, this is honestly one of my favorite episodes. Thanks for always sharing your insights with us.

  • @MyNameAkhim
    @MyNameAkhim Před 3 lety +3

    I just turned 27 a few days ago and you guys talking about getting older and the accelerating passage of time REALLY resonated with me. That same anxiety of wasting the little time I have (both in regards to me and with my parents) and is something I have been thinking about a lot the last few years

  • @dezinator69
    @dezinator69 Před 3 lety +9

    I came to the video for solidarity and commentary...ended up buying a purple

  • @hoppylyss
    @hoppylyss Před 3 lety +2

    I was waiting for this. Legit have been taking about this since last year!! Hopefully the community will band together to help each other.

  • @maximuspitts6007
    @maximuspitts6007 Před 3 lety +12

    Bruh I swear this some shit, I'm black and have never thought of doing shit like that. This is sad, I'm an SGI USA member and most of the members are Asian. They have always treated me well and were respectful. Yes, some of them are at little judgemental based on the race, but never the less I respect the dignity for human life.

  • @justjo510
    @justjo510 Před 3 lety +9

    Thats infuriating and heart breaking, those who do sh!t like that are effin cowards man 😠

  • @eduardosalamanca3398
    @eduardosalamanca3398 Před 3 lety +6

    Shows that everyone can be racist regardless of skin color.

  • @youngcabbage5811
    @youngcabbage5811 Před 3 lety +1

    I'm currently listening to this and although I am late to the conversation here, I really enjoy the fact that we can understand each other's pain and unite together to fight against this problem.

  • @itzbernski2278
    @itzbernski2278 Před 3 lety +23

    indigenous people are treated the worst out of any race in this country. when people are protesting MMIW I don't see any other race besides native Americans and native Hawaiians but when BLM steps on the stage everyone flocks to the streets to protest. indigenous people are 2% of U.S population we get the least recognition because we have the least amount of people.

    • @whitr2367
      @whitr2367 Před 3 lety

      Chill on that shit..stop

    • @itzbernski2278
      @itzbernski2278 Před 3 lety +1

      @TatzRules Yay africans complied to white mans laws while indigenous tribes fought back and still fight back till this day, you didnt earn shit your ancestors were given their freedom back while my people have fought for their freedom. No one goes into maya territory and comes back alive, a large percentage of Mexico's cartels are indigenous people who have fought for their freedom for 500+ years.

    • @StormyRango
      @StormyRango Před 3 lety +6

      @@itzbernski2278 I think the person meant that Black people worked to spread the word about police brutality and systemic oppression (which they clearly did because you know about BLM). Really wish you could've gotten your point across without comparing histories & discrediting Black Americans who died fighting for their rights (and were successful in doing so). You're saying that they didn't earn it because they protested to be "given" rights, but in the same breath, you are complaining that no one protests for you.
      The fight should be about ending needless violence and promoting equality. This "who has it worse" debate benefits no one. Suffering is suffering. Racism is racism.

    • @itzbernski2278
      @itzbernski2278 Před 3 lety

      @@StormyRango not comparing, I'm telling the truth. Open up a history book sometime.

    • @StormyRango
      @StormyRango Před 3 lety +3

      ​@@itzbernski2278 "your ancestors were given their freedom back while my people ____" is a direct comparison. I'll stop responding to this now though. Doesn't seem like you're willing to listen to other perspectives w/o being antagonistic.

  • @mrfish49el
    @mrfish49el Před 3 lety +7

    My dad hasn't carried a gun since the LA Riots, that changed last year because of the targeting of Asian business owners.

    • @Xcxc13
      @Xcxc13 Před 3 lety +1

      That was because Soon Ja Du got away with murdering a 15 year old black girl & only got community service because she didn’t “look dangerous”

  • @cl3680
    @cl3680 Před 3 lety +2

    Not even my own friends know about this and its so sad. This is why our voices need to be heard. Just spreading the word about it is enough for awareness, I want nothing more but a discussion to be brought in light of this issue.

  • @tankzar
    @tankzar Před 3 lety +1

    Man this pod really hit me. I’m 34 this year and just like David said.. time is absolutely flying. The part about seeing your parents age is the worst reminder of that. Can’t do nothing but spend more time with them, pick up the phone more often, and make new memories that will last a lifetime.
    Also fuck racism.

  • @bldomingo
    @bldomingo Před 3 lety +7

    To speak about the reverence Asians have for their elders, my Lola suffered a major stroke when I was young, and when we were able to have her at home, she stayed with us. But when it got to the point where we couldn't take care of her properly without help, that was the only time we put her in a home. I used to go to the nursing home after school until my mom picked me up, and my mom went there every single fucken day, *including* spending entire weekends there. And there were some people who never, ever had even one person visit them.

  • @EndeGO.P
    @EndeGO.P Před 3 lety +6

    Where do I go?
    What can I do?
    I want to show my support and give back

  • @Dtzeo503
    @Dtzeo503 Před 3 lety +3

    I'm glad to see David talking about this because people need to be more educated about the struggles of the Asian American community. Not many Asian youtubers that i follow talk about Asian issues. And Ed-Two is the perfect guest for this conversation since he's pretty educated about this.

  • @hmong_keeb_kwm
    @hmong_keeb_kwm Před 3 lety +31

    Racist comes in all shape, size, race, and color...

    • @JimmyKantstandyabitz
      @JimmyKantstandyabitz Před 3 lety +1


    • @TheLukieBoi1
      @TheLukieBoi1 Před 3 lety

      Yes, it does. But when things like this happen, for the most part, the media will not mention the race of the attacker if they're black. If a white person does something like this it's front page news 'the rise of white supremacy'.

    • @eduardosalamanca3398
      @eduardosalamanca3398 Před 3 lety +1

      @@TheLukieBoi1 the media is indeed the problem.

    • @JGMorris
      @JGMorris Před 3 lety +1

      @@TheLukieBoi1 lies

  • @michaelchantonese
    @michaelchantonese Před 3 lety +1

    Why the heck cant all ppl think the same as you guys? So on point, positive and real. Exactly my thoughts. I wish we were friends in real life LOL.

  • @DuckGoneQuackers
    @DuckGoneQuackers Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you for talking about this David, much love!

  • @heyitsjoeyyyyyyy
    @heyitsjoeyyyyyyy Před 3 lety +1

    David uploads again🔥🔥🔥 Thank you For sharing Guys🔋

  • @stig_jpg3276
    @stig_jpg3276 Před 3 lety +2

    I'm from Mexico and your IG video helped me to better understand what's currently happening in America

  • @lone1wolf
    @lone1wolf Před 3 lety +2

    Podcast like these always touch 💝

  • @thaoyeechue
    @thaoyeechue Před 3 lety +9

    Ee lee. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    • @crystalcheng7259
      @crystalcheng7259 Před 3 lety +1

      i can't believe I didn't know about her until this week

  • @GrandfatherGoose
    @GrandfatherGoose Před 3 lety +3

    I’m so sad and angry that these attacks on Asian people and their elderly‘s is happening. I’m black and believe me when I tell you I’m doing all I can to raise awareness On my social media within my circles. If I ever come across anyone in my social circles, or out that harbor anti-Asian rhetoric or an assault. Please believe that I will shut that shit down to the 10th degree.

  • @justfloatingthrough2457
    @justfloatingthrough2457 Před 3 lety +3

    “Omma!” *splash*
    Haha so wholesome. Loved the discussion.

  • @Ladybug0363
    @Ladybug0363 Před 3 lety +2

    Thanks for bringing it up, I’m in the Chicago area and had no idea this was all going on. I’m sorry it’s happening at that scale but one is still too much and hope it stops. It’s not right, there is no excuse for that behavior.

  • @Alex.Pletea
    @Alex.Pletea Před 3 lety +3

    I have only one thing to say, hope The Triads will sort this out soon.

  • @Prymary2
    @Prymary2 Před 3 lety +3

    I think David was talking about Eileen Huang in the beginning

  • @jasonlee0290
    @jasonlee0290 Před 3 lety +4

    Time to watch Rush Hour 1 and 2 again just so that I can stay hopeful about the positive side of the Black and Asian American social relationship. Despite recent incidents and shortcomings..

  • @ZZ-qy5mv
    @ZZ-qy5mv Před 3 lety +2

    A lot of good things said in this. I'm glad you talked about the strength in passivity. We're not being weak. It's strategy. "Is an aggressive reaction going to lead to an outcome that benefits me?" Sometimes it could, but most often you reach the outcome you want quicker by letting it go and ignoring the person who's not worth your time.
    PS. I know you're just probably joking, but don't beat your kids. Not once was I ever beaten because I actually did anything wrong. Every time it was a misunderstanding. It only made me less of a person. The science shows that there are better ways. Our generation has all these resources on child psychology we might as well take advantage of them.

  • @ethansou
    @ethansou Před 3 lety

    I love listening to genius brain hearing David and edtwo talk is mind refreshing.

  • @bl00d5h0ck
    @bl00d5h0ck Před 3 lety +1

    As a POC myself, I'm deeply saddened and enraged by all of these incidents. My best friend is Asian, and him and I did a podcast episode about this VERY same topic. His points were IDENTICAL to yours as well. So yes, as a POC, I stand WITH the Asian community and stand AGAINST the violence and hate towards it.✊🏾✊🏾

  • @bellaxm0ua
    @bellaxm0ua Před 3 lety +2

    That family that moved into the Asian neighborhood happened in Garden Grove...which is next to Westminster lol

  • @thedevilsfavoriteangel
    @thedevilsfavoriteangel Před 3 lety +2

    From the moment 2021 hit, I started having those thoughts of dying later on because it's something that's not talked about enough when you're young. It's only when your older, you start to realize that time is short as fuck and now I am at the point where I just want to do great things later on for my own happiness but also leave a mark on this world too and I honestly hope other people out are do same and achieve what they want in life.

  • @edtwo8412
    @edtwo8412 Před 3 lety +1

    Great conversation! Love this podcast! Just a small teensy thing, 1) spelling: "Ani-Asian ---> Anti-Asian, and the chapter labeled "progress trough discomfort" ----> missed a "h" in the word through. Sorry, I have a thing with wrong spelling. Also I do realize that there isn't really a need to reupload a video due to spelling mistakes, but just ought to let you know. Again, this podcast is great! Keep it going!!!!! Let's get it!!!!

  • @iolandabastos5396
    @iolandabastos5396 Před 3 lety +2

    This whole podcast made me go through a rollercoaster of emotions! The current situation of the Asian American community, the deep dive into culture, relationships with our parents/elders, mortality... this podcast was beautiful David! I love all of your work but I especially love this part of your legacy 👏🏾🥺

  • @ViviVaaj
    @ViviVaaj Před 3 lety +1

    It's ironic that any person of any race with a history of oppression would want to cause harm to another.

  • @cooglamooskies2091
    @cooglamooskies2091 Před 3 lety

    Don’t feel obligated to speak out on this but your input i think is still valued.This was a good response👌🏾

  • @kritixtheking1902
    @kritixtheking1902 Před 3 lety

    Listening to you guys talk about parents not just being parents and rather humans too, hits me hard I’m only 20 and learning new things about my parents everyday, my dumb younger self didn’t know.

  • @kristinechao12
    @kristinechao12 Před 3 lety

    Hi Asian American heree~ thank you for using your platform to talk about this!!

  • @joshuang677
    @joshuang677 Před 3 lety +3

    David with the off white drip yooo

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 3 lety +1

    My mom's mom (Korean) died earlier this month. She was 102.

  • @Mr-ri3ig
    @Mr-ri3ig Před 3 lety +2

    fucking A, I got anxiety listening to the last part of this podcast, but you're right. I need to open up my eyes and leave nothing behind.

  • @Wheelsandjourneys
    @Wheelsandjourneys Před 3 lety +1

    😂I love the Genius Brain Podcast
    Much love from South Africa ❤️✌️

  • @DragonWHW
    @DragonWHW Před 3 lety

    Listening to this podcast, you manage to make me cry twice. Life is too short and I realised it when my dad got sick. Now I recently become a fathet myself. Thank you!

  • @celestetran
    @celestetran Před 3 lety

    I saw your post on ig as well and can i say that your words have affected me more than i’ve ever felt before? I heard about anti asian sentiment at the beginning of the pandemic and I wasn’t as affected as I was listening to you talk about the hate crimes in a short clip. It made me so angry when normally I am pretty passive to racism. It irks me that I had no idea until you spoke of it and I’m an asian american. In my anger, it inspired me to create something beautiful that I never would have been able to. Thank you for spreading awareness.

  • @TiffanyYang0809
    @TiffanyYang0809 Před 3 lety

    thank you for speaking about this; loooove all your podcast episodes..also your igtv vid was great

  • @marionjulia5349
    @marionjulia5349 Před 3 lety +2

    I feel awful that this is happening to older Asian Americans and that the police aren’t protecting right away. There should be a system where we educate society to be more welcoming. These have been unprovoked attacks and it has definitely been fueled by hate. It’s horrible.

  • @ifeelikerain
    @ifeelikerain Před 2 lety

    Right there are different words, in my language, for aunt's and uncles older or younger than my parents

  • @nukesakuji
    @nukesakuji Před 3 lety

    Literally coming back to this cuz I just had a semi-stupid but also important fight with my dad. Our beliefs are different, his vision of success is different--all of that stuff has been clashing recently. I don't not want to talk to him but it's so hard when he doesn't want to even just hear me finish my sentence or even just listen in general. Honestly, the experiences you guys mentioned are almost like answers to me. The application is the only thing I'm struggling with.

  • @echooh2576
    @echooh2576 Před 3 lety +1

    Damn this video made me cry a lot thinking about my parents lol THANKS DAVID ^^ it was a great video

  • @galaxyking94
    @galaxyking94 Před 3 lety +1

    THE FACT that a man was attacked because of his race pisses me off. I as a black man will say this to my Asian American brothers and sisters I got your fucking backs

    @KRAZ13CHINO Před 3 lety +1

    The funniest story my mom told me about her childhood was when she was in middle school and high school she would break into the locker rooms and break into the lockers of girls she didn’t like and take their birth control and throw them in the toilet. My mom was a homegirl in San Bernardino.

  • @meanjune
    @meanjune Před 3 lety +2

    Okayyy David, I see you. Don't act like we don't see the Off-White Nikes! HAHA

  • @thebigoilkanlarry
    @thebigoilkanlarry Před 3 lety +1

    thank you for this David. I know as a black dude when I see what's going down in the west I get mad for my Asian brethren, but it does kill me that a bunch of suckers are making this into a black vs asian thing on both sides.this is a situational think and asian pride is not hurting us and vice versa. I just wish we could sit and chop it up together. thank you.

  • @lucyhorikawa7003
    @lucyhorikawa7003 Před 3 lety +1

    My dad has such a negative view of black people after his 30 years of experience in the Bay Area. It’s disheartening because no matter what I tell him, I can’t invalidate his experiences which he has held to so strongly. Being yelled at, pushed by, gotten into fights with black people. I try to tell him otherwise almost everyday but nothing gets through. These attacks have strengthened his view and honestly its so disheartening.

  • @aznmochibunny
    @aznmochibunny Před 3 lety +1

    This podcast is great! However, just a correction on the OC story - the white family didn't move in, they had been living there for years (house was previously owned by the father's grandparents and the house's title is in his parents' name). They were attacking the Vietnamese family for months and were warned about it from the neighbors on the other side of that guy who moved in years prior who were also Vietnamese and harassed for years as well. There is one British man living on that street and he expressed he didn't like this racist neighbor either. The daughter has also been racist to her mom's new husband (he's Asian American) and is now no longer in contact with her daughter. She said her daughter is out of control.
    Thankfully because the story went viral, things have been peaceful. I live in this area so I kept up with this story. It's absolutely heartbreaking people could do something like that to other people who are of another ethnic group simply because you don't like them.

  • @sephron17
    @sephron17 Před 3 lety

    I remember having a conversation with a friend and we were talking about our relationships with our parents. And I remember he would complain about the arguments he'd have with them and I tried explaining to him that at the end of the day they just want you to be happy (I've met them and they're super sweet). And I'll never forget what he said, verbatim he said: I didn't ask to be born and I didn't ask them to take care of me, I don't owe them nothing. It was at this moment I knew this guy doesn't understand what it means to be grateful

  • @Pizzabacon123
    @Pizzabacon123 Před 3 lety +2

    Aaaaand another one 🔥🔥🔥

  • @karip72
    @karip72 Před 3 lety

    I had to say goodbye to my Hawaiian dad in my twenties, then to my mom in my forties. Crazy memories are coming back to me. If I could go back in time I wish I could!

  • @howtodoit3074
    @howtodoit3074 Před 3 lety

    It's sad that the media isn't talking about this

    • @gneminerift7485
      @gneminerift7485 Před 3 lety

      If it ain't popular with the mass it ain't important. That's what the media has been for the last 20 some odd years.

  • @simoneatalay9781
    @simoneatalay9781 Před 3 lety

    I'm so shocked. I now hear about this for the first time, unbelievable 😔 btw nice pics on the walls👍

  • @henrikmygren
    @henrikmygren Před 3 lety +2

    If east asians is minority group that are rarely seen. South asian does not even exist in some eyes. People from say India,Sri Lankans etc is not even considered asians by some groups. And while alot of racism comes from other etnicities. Majority actually comes from other asians mostly from east asians that consider themself "better". Asian people cannot even keep our "cousins" united how will whites and blacks etc even begin to understand then how our culture and history is all about.We must get better in all areas of respect towards each other.

  • @larrey2869
    @larrey2869 Před 3 lety +2

    Ppl wont take you seriously if you dont tale your self serious. Black ppl have done a hole lot to even get basic rights our history is long and terrifying in this counrty. If we didnt fight how we fight if we didn’t make all these movements on our own we wouldnt be notice. The asian community has not done enough throught the american history to show there struggle important. To me and the ppl around me the asian community is important and so are many others. But we cant be, make, or start your movement. We can only help. Thousands of black ppl died lost there jobs lost there fredom and lost their minds. To show the world and this country we matter. You have to do the same. Dont piggy back our movement. Make your own and we will help you. Also lets not act like all of the asian community was united with us. And it is no suprise that the older generation of black ppl and asian ppl wont support each other. We need to focus on the younger generation.

  • @diana5537
    @diana5537 Před 3 lety +1

    Best part of my Thursday's

  • @katherinemai9941
    @katherinemai9941 Před 3 lety +1

    David! Can you talk about Christian Hall, please?

  • @_Wai_Wai_
    @_Wai_Wai_ Před 3 lety +3

    my 72 year old mother, had her bag ransacked, ID and money stolen. By a Black dude, in New York City a while back. they know it was a black man, because someone snapped a picture of him.

    • @LTLy87
      @LTLy87 Před 3 lety

      Aww :( how is she doing since the attack? I hope she isn't too scared to go out....

    • @_Wai_Wai_
      @_Wai_Wai_ Před 3 lety

      @@LTLy87 may i know what race or ethnicity are you?

    • @LTLy87
      @LTLy87 Před 3 lety

      @@_Wai_Wai_ I'm vietnamese

  • @bmanisap1
    @bmanisap1 Před 3 lety

    Break my HEART seeing elderly got push and dies next day. What a coward that he is !!

  • @ArminciaEdwards
    @ArminciaEdwards Před 3 lety +1

    Being a mixed minority myself, this is immensely frustrating. Even looking past my racial background, just being a decent human being...it pisses me off to no end. I feel so sorry & angry for these people.

  • @lnewton2377
    @lnewton2377 Před 3 lety

    Speaking of this language barrier issue w/my generation and my parents generation hits hard. I also have parents who speak hardly any English despite living in the US for 40 years. I had to speak to our parents and that gen family members in Chinese, but otherwise spoke English to everyone else. So yes, the language/vocabulary got stunted and became limited to the basic day-to-day conversations. But I think some of reasons for not having long, deep conversations with them is really due to the traditional family structures we still followed. We did not/do not regard our parents as friends. We're not invited to those conversations and we're not at the same level to be included in those conversations.

  • @homeromunoz3855
    @homeromunoz3855 Před 3 lety +3

    Just by the picture and title made me so mad . Even though I'm mexican I guess we love are grandparents to an extent of harming someone to protect an elderly person that's not even ur own blood.

  • @rachel.doremi6974
    @rachel.doremi6974 Před 3 lety

    I been trying to get my parents to buy a purple mattress for the past week bc I just learned they have had their current mattress for like 30 some years

  • @jvh22a
    @jvh22a Před 3 lety +2

    Same thing with the knock out game. It's just a game to them. If they go to jail they act they didn't mean for them to get hurt like that

  • @retroboomin386
    @retroboomin386 Před 3 lety +1

    I have no peace of mind, my grandparents could potentially get targeted at any moment because society is all fucked up these days. The Asian community is being suppressed, my Father and Grandfather served in the military. I'm not saying they are entitled to anything, they just deserve to be able to live in peace. What bothers me most, is how unpredictable people are.