ሳልሳይ ክፈል ትግራይን ቴክኖሎጂን - ዘተ ምስ ጥላሁን ኪሮስ ሓድ ካብቶም መስራቲ ኢንሳ

  • čas přidán 8. 07. 2024
  • ቀዳማይ ክፈል ክልተ ግዜ ብሰሕተት ምቅራብና ይቅሪታ አቅሪብና ኢና
    እዚ ትክክለኛ ካልኣይ ክፈል ዩ።

Komentáře • 10

  • @Tigray_Hagerey
    @Tigray_Hagerey Před 15 dny

    ሳይበር ፓወር ትግራይ ብሓቂ ከም ስማ ትሰርሕ ሚድያ ኣባኹም ሪአ። ተሓጋጊዝና ቀዋሚት ናይ ቴክኖለጂን ሳይነስን ሚድያና ንግበራ ኣሕዋት🙏🙏

  • @janetjohannes3392
    @janetjohannes3392 Před 15 dny

    CPOTM- great job inviting Aite Tilahun Kiros to clarify most of the issues about INSA. We have lots of clarity now than before. Still some questions remain. Hopefully you will invite the other tegarus who were involved in INSA. Our people of Tigray deserves to know all, and everything that is affecting its existence.

  • @user-sw8mv6in1y
    @user-sw8mv6in1y Před 15 dny

    Tilhun words are very heavy and calculated

  • @janetjohannes3392
    @janetjohannes3392 Před 15 dny

    CPOTM- doing great job- being the voice of our people. Working tirelessly to make our people aware of lots of issues.

  • @user-sw8mv6in1y
    @user-sw8mv6in1y Před 15 dny


  • @millioncr7538
    @millioncr7538 Před 16 dny

    ጀግና ኢኻ። ጥላሁን ታሪኽካ ቀደም ክብል ሰሚኢናዮ ኢና።

  • @haileseged1124
    @haileseged1124 Před 15 dny

    ትግራይ ንትግራይ ሰባት አለውዋ ግና ውሕዳትይ ሐሳዳትይ ዓምሪሮም ሒዞም ክሐልፈላ አይከአለትን !!!

  • @wgtfelafl6367
    @wgtfelafl6367 Před 15 dny

    አነ ሓደ ዝገርመኒ እዚ ህወሓት ዝበሃል ውድብ ናይ ኩሉ ቅሬታ መራገፊ ንምንታይ? ንኣብነት እዚ ጥላሁን ዝበሃል ወዲ አባል ኢንሳ ዝነበረ ህወሓት መድሕን ክኾነና አይኸኣለን ኢሉ ቅሬታ እናቅረበ ሰሚዐዮ ጥላሁን ይኹን ካልኦት ኣብ 1987 ብግእዝ አቆፃፅራ ብዕሊ ካብ ውድብ ህወሓት ተሰናቢትና ናብ ሓይሊ ምክልኻል ናይዛ በላዒት ትግራዋይ ዝኾነት ተፈሊና ኢና ኢንሳ ድማ ደሓር እዩ ተመስሪቱ ብዝኾነ ምክንያት ምስ ህወሓት ዘተኣሳስር የብሉን ብኻሊእ ገጽ ግን ህወሓት ብዙሕ ጉድለት አለዋ ኣብ ዝምልከታ ክነቅፋ ይግባእ ካሊእ አብይ አሕመድ ዋና ናይ ሽርሒ ተንኮል ንምስራሕ ሙቹው ኹነታት ዝተፈጠረሉ ካብ ኢንሳ ወፂኡ ናብ ኦሮሚያ ምስ ከደን ብኣባዱላ ሙቹው ኹነታት እናተመቻቸወሉን እናተደገፈ እናሰፍሐ ኼዱ ክሳብ ኦሮ-ማራ መስሪቶም ፀረ-ትግራይ እናተኸደ ንዚ ኹነታት እናረኤ ዘብለዐና ጀነራል ሣሞራ ዮኑስ እዮ ንዚ ናይ ምቅልባስ ዓቅምን ኩነታትን ነይርዎ ግን ድማ ዘይገበሮ ንቲ ዝሓለፈ ፅንተት ድማ ግሁድ ኮይኑ።

  • @janetjohannes3392
    @janetjohannes3392 Před 15 dny

    Abiy brought the idea of INSA was purely for his own advantages, and a system to manipulate the whole system of EPRDF/TPLF. This opportunity has created for Abiy, to understand every tegarus in power, their behaviours and weaknesses and how to convert this into his own gains and agendas, one of the agendas how he can be a PM of Ethiopia at any cost. He was saying way before in 1990s he will be a PM. Because he knew how to manipulate the leadership of EPRDF/TPLF, understood their weaknesses, to use maximum of everything to become a PM. The complacency, ignorance, undermining, not listening to those concerned about Abiy's behaviour and manipulation, evil intentions, incompetent of EPRDF/TPLF leadership combined they were not doing their job properly, not prioritize Tigray interests and were in corruption is now costing our people of Tigray for its survival. So now same leadership who failed many times, with failed track records, failed diplomacy, handed in everything to Abiy, rushed to Mekelle to hide, they get power in Tigray is the biggest failure Tigray had ever had. How can a failed leadership in Ethiopia will do good in Mekelle/Tigray??? Same leadership still taking Tigray downhills with them. Same failed leadership cannot save Tigray. TPLF has to change its leadership. Tigray deserves a leadership, inclusive, determined, strategic, bold and combined with clear goals and vision, able to mobilize tegarus in Tigray and worldwide is the only way out of these mess.
    Tigray deserves a new leadership, an inclusive either technocratic non-partisan government to rehabilitate and rebuild Tigray. Party should be separated from government.
    An independent council to thoroughly assess and evaluate the whole leadership failures, and put recommendations is urgently needed to save our people. Then follow- up planning in place to continously assess and evaluate, review its recommendations. Above all transparency- regular communication with our people, updates on a regular basis. Our people of Tigray deserve to know what is being decided on its behalf, its future fate. That will impact its survival.
    Finally power with accountability, always. Any leadership who does not take accountability for their actions should not be in power.

  • @haileseged1124
    @haileseged1124 Před 16 dny

    ሳውዝ አፍሪካ ታይ አካይድኩም ? ፊት ንፊት አነ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስተርኩም ክኾን እየ ናበለ ናተዛረበ ዝነበረ ሰብ እዩ ትግራዋይ ከምኣ ተዝብል ወዲያውኑ ምተባረረ ። ተደልዮም ናይ ስልጣን ባህጊ አሎዎ ኢሎምኮ ብዙሐት አባሪሮም እዮም እዛ ሐሳድ ውድብ