AY73OYT Range Rover driver close pass of cyclist, Essex Police result; Course or Conditional Offer


Komentáře • 69

  • @Julian-pp4ho
    @Julian-pp4ho Před 4 měsíci +6

    Wow - all that only to turn & save a few seconds. Every second saved represents an hour of his time on a course!

  • @noreasonwhynot4548
    @noreasonwhynot4548 Před 4 měsíci +9

    Looked to me like all the preceding vehicles close passed. The Range Rover was the most egregious.

  • @daifromwales9543
    @daifromwales9543 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Why is the bike so far out in the road?

    • @markhowlett9951
      @markhowlett9951 Před 4 měsíci +2

      man hole cover

    • @robertday8619
      @robertday8619 Před 4 měsíci

      RUBBISH!! Just another ignorant cyclist.​@@markhowlett9951

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +2

      Are you unobservant? That was probably less than a metre away from the kerb. Actually not far out enough considering the driver overtook unsafely!

  • @CarologyDrivingSchool
    @CarologyDrivingSchool Před 4 měsíci +1

    Hello there, Nice clip!
    Is it okay to feature it in one of our videos?
    You'll be credited with a link in the video's description and a watermark on the screen
    Thank you in advance :)

  • @schwantz037
    @schwantz037 Před 3 měsíci +1

    You know what happens to Range Rover drivers in Essex!

  • @denw709
    @denw709 Před 4 měsíci +6

    Noticed you were further into road when range rover passed. Didnt look any different from the others but lets call that one out.

    • @Tailspin80
      @Tailspin80 Před 3 měsíci

      Pause at 0:34 and spot the manhole cover.

  • @Coolcol44
    @Coolcol44 Před 4 měsíci +1

    No issues with any of those cars and I've been cycling for the last 25 years

    • @makecyclingsafeagain6575
      @makecyclingsafeagain6575  Před 4 měsíci +2

      Essex Police disagree, I'm sorry.

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +2

      Fortunately your opinion (along with mine and anyone else's) has no effect on reality

    • @Tailspin80
      @Tailspin80 Před 3 měsíci +1

      0:34 Try and work out how close it was. About 40 to 50 cm I would say, or about the width of the handle bars. That’s dangerous. It’s also a lot less than the 150 cm specified in the Highway Code.

    • @barrypickles6546
      @barrypickles6546 Před 3 měsíci

      Withba 3.65m carriageway, the new regs of 2 m from the kerb, it doesnt look that bad, 2m leaves about a small cars width the centre white line

    • @Tailspin80
      @Tailspin80 Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@barrypickles6546 Don’t understand what you are saying. All that matters is whether the Range Rover passed the bike too close, which it definitely did. Distances to the kerb or centre line of either not relevant.

  • @bikerlad3138
    @bikerlad3138 Před 4 měsíci +3

    This videos make me laugh people are such snowflakes in uk try cycle in rural 2nd 3rd world country’s and try this no one will care

  • @noelbell6475
    @noelbell6475 Před 4 měsíci

    What is a Ranger Rover?

  • @berlum1
    @berlum1 Před 4 měsíci +8

    Am I seeing this incorrectly? The cyclist looks like he/she is in middle of lane and could be further to left? Forcing vehicles to close pass? Also. When I’m driving (and I’m a cyclist too) bikes close pass me. Witching inches. Both sides. They don’t seem bothered then?

    • @pauleff3312
      @pauleff3312 Před 4 měsíci +8

      The reason why we (cyclists) ride about an extended arm's length from the curb at the edge of the pavement is to give ourselves somewhere to go to avoid potholes. If we were were basically always say 6" off the curb and there be a pot hole then we would HAVE TO go out further into the road, perhaps unexpectedly to the bloke trundling up from the rear @ 60mph. If there is a pothole that 3' out into the roadway then moving to the left "unexpectedly" to avoid said hole is safer for us!! If we have to ride though pot holes, we will fall off and you might run us over! You cannot see the extent of the pot holes and other road defects as we can because of 2 or 3 reasons. Speed (perfectly understandable and no complaints), the angles above the road of the driver's / rider's eyes (again - no complaints - just that we will see more) and the ability to ride out the bad holes. Cars have 4 wheels and suspension. Bikes only 2 and a much less stable damping ability to said pot holes!
      I drive cars and ride bikes. Just a little thinking about the needs of other road users. There is no need to close pass cyclists if you're paying attention, is there? THINK! That is why we ride there in that place. It really isn't to aggravate or annoy you in your cars - quite the opposite!

    • @berlum1
      @berlum1 Před 4 měsíci +1

      I cycle, ride a motorbike and drive a car. I guess we all do. Well at least 1 of these. I’m aware of the pothole issue. And the need to create an escape route. It’s very hard to know which cyclists (like you probably) are genuinely doing this and which are just being a bit annoying. Ready for a shouting match. Making a CZcams video? Guess that’s the minority but I regularly get grief from very aggressive cyclists for absolutely no reason. They seem to be just looking for a fight. I guess car drivers don’t know who’s who? I always use the cycle lane if it’s there. We fought a long time for this. And despite feeling a bit annoyed at cyclists who seem to take pleasure in holding me back I always wait patiently. Would be good if all road users (including cyclists) do the same. A bit of give and take required I think. If cyclists are that worried about being too close to cars why do they overtake/undertake inches from cars? I guess good and bad on both sides.

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +4

      What a completely daft comment! That's like saying 'why do pedestrians hate it when I drive my lorry closely past them at speed if they walk next to my parked lorry?'

    • @berlum1
      @berlum1 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Yeah fair enough. I was referring to the sudden waiving of the need to have an escape route from potholes etc. However, there are an awful lot of cyclists out there who take pleasure in holding up the traffic. Almost a revenge thing. A control thing. I cycle a lot. I’ve met them and know this for a fact. I guess I’ve done it myself. There’s a real hatred between some car drivers and some cyclists. I would say 50:50 fault ratio. A core group of haters on both sides make a point of pissing the other side off. And we all end up getting dragged in. It’s like a game. I’m with the cyclists for environmental/health reasons etc but playing dangerous games with vehicles does not end up with a car driver lying in the road bleeding. Unless he has exited his car. Most cyclists are good. Most drivers are good. It’s the few tossers who are turning our morning and evening commutes into a stress we don’t need. It’s totally unnecessary. Give and take on both sides. Something has to be done. There are far too many “pumped up” aggressive cyclists. They may be in “mid exercise” mode but car drivers aren’t.

    • @berlum1
      @berlum1 Před 4 měsíci

      Sorry but I must continue! It is a car drivers responsibility to drive within their limits given the circumstances. Must be able to STOP if a hazard appears. Not swerve into the path of a cyclist or other road user. A pothole is not really a major “hazard” for a car. But it is for a cyclist. Ok. The pothole issue is a disgrace. Blame Tory voters. It is arrogant for a cyclist to expect all other road users to accommodate their choice of hazard avoidance. They could just slow down instead. Ensure that they can STOP or not need to make sudden swerves when they encounter a hazard. Or concentrate more. If I drive too fast I won’t be able to safely avoid my hazards. “The reason I drive straddling the dual carriageway midline is in case a child steps into the road from either side. I then have room to swerve to avoid. I wont be able to stop because I’m driving too fast to be able to avoid this hazard. Sorry. But you can all just queue up behind me. I could slow down and drive in the left lane. But I don’t want to slow down”Arrogant. Country lanes. 2 cyclist or more at speed side by side talking. See it all the time. (I do know why). However, there is no pothole/hazard escape route required today? Prefer to chat with mates. Cars piled up behind. One pothole clash and crushed. I suggest that the “escape route” argument is mainly bollocks. Applies only when convenient. But why? Control and revenge? Pumped up? Adrenalin flowing? Veins bursting? Pent up anger at all of yesterday’s near misses? Enjoying the “game”? Yes, don’t cycle in the gutter but equally don’t cycle in the middle of the lane. There’s a big space in between. And slow down if can’t not swerve violently. Like I do in my car. And pull over more often to let folk pass. On a country road all pull over into lay-by/driveway to let the 20 cars behind pass. We don’t want to drive at 20mph because you refuse to let us pass. Like you might not want to cycle at 4mph if you encounter a group of walkers taking up the whole road. Would you really wait patiently behind? Really? Not a chance.

  • @IThinkItsMe
    @IThinkItsMe Před 4 měsíci +3

    Do they only get courses? Thats terrible these should be points and fines.

    • @makecyclingsafeagain6575
      @makecyclingsafeagain6575  Před 4 měsíci +3

      As far as I know they get offered a choice of a course or points/fine. I'm thankful for any action being taken.

  • @k-rj740
    @k-rj740 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Wow, close pass a cyclist right in front of a junction just to turn a few seconds after. That is some terrible driving on display here.

    • @makecyclingsafeagain6575
      @makecyclingsafeagain6575  Před 4 měsíci +2

      It was so pointless.

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@makecyclingsafeagain6575 Unfortunately it was literally point-less (they should've got penalty points for that)

  • @darylmorris5980
    @darylmorris5980 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Cyclists cost the average motorist 1000's of hours a year waiting behind them because they might report you for passing too close. I stopped playing on my bike when I was 9 years old. Cyclists think that it's fine to ride in the middle of the road or two a breast so they can go out with their buddies and talk about Shimano gears and sprocket ratios while we have to be late for work. If they use the road they should pay road tax just like the rest of us. I know they don't do much wear and tear so see it as an idiot tax for making the rest of the road users have to wait while they work out which gear they should be in!! Cyclists that use our roads know that they make people late.

    • @nickp1548
      @nickp1548 Před 4 měsíci +1

      I assume you're just trolling. Surely you can't be that unintelligent?

    • @tnimbus
      @tnimbus Před 4 měsíci +3

      I've lost count of the amount of riders I know that have been killed or hospitalised by people that drive the way you talk M8

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +4

      You have some big big problems! 1000s of hours a year? That's at least 2 hours and 45 minutes a day! Do you really think cyclists delay you that much...

    • @darylmorris5980
      @darylmorris5980 Před 4 měsíci

      Hello, I remarked "cost the average motorist 1000's of hours a year" I meant collectively, not individually, I should have put "average motorists" and I am sorry for any confusion.

    • @tnimbus
      @tnimbus Před 4 měsíci +4

      ​@@darylmorris5980 There are estimated to be approximately 40 million full licence holders in the UK. If you took the midway point there that there are 20 million that would be considered 'average'. By your figures that would amount to a minimum of 20,000,000,000 wasted hours a year is caused to them by cyclists - or close to 55,000,000 hours a day - or 2.3 million wasted hours an hour - however you choose your metric. In 2022 it was estimated that there were approximately 7.61 million recreational cyclists in the UK. Divide that by (365*24) would make around 865 recreational cyclists on the road in any one hour of a 24 hour period. So by your figures each of those cyclists would be accountable for around 2,640 hours of delay every hour.
      Two points spring to mind:
      1. You are talking utter rubbish and in over 40 years of riding and racing at a reasonably high level from encounters I have had I can imagine what you are like behind the wheel of a car. If your driving is anything like your arguments I have to ask - where did you get your licence? In a cracker?
      2. I am sure the humility of your apology for your obvious confusion is appreciated but stupid people need to understand - if you are in a hole STOP DIGGING.

  • @matthewhester5891
    @matthewhester5891 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Get a life

  • @robertday8619
    @robertday8619 Před 4 měsíci +2

    When they start paying ROAD TAX and obeying the laws of the road, then I'll listen!

    • @nickp1548
      @nickp1548 Před 4 měsíci +6

      Until then, you're going to carry on deliberately putting their lives at risk then?

    • @robertday8619
      @robertday8619 Před 4 měsíci

      Nice try at twisting my statement 😂😅 It's very simple Obey the laws of the road!!!! Just like the vast majority of drivers do!!! ​now on your bike nicky boy!😂😅@nickp1548

    • @nickp1548
      @nickp1548 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@robertday8619 at what point did I state I am a cyclist?

    • @robertday8619
      @robertday8619 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@nickp1548Jog on.

    • @QiuEnnan
      @QiuEnnan Před 4 měsíci +5

      Why should cyclists pay the tax for *motor* vehicles?