Bricky's Warhammer 40k Every Faction Explained Part 1 Continued Reaction

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 521

  • @lercifer3594
    @lercifer3594 Před 2 lety +418

    "Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live." - Exterminatus Extremis

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +51


    • @MrSolus-ls6us
      @MrSolus-ls6us Před 2 lety +53

      Based and Holy Pilled

    • @Elysium346
      @Elysium346 Před 2 lety +56

      ​@@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Yea this is one of the ethical dilemmas inquisitors must contend with when contemplating whether a planet meets the criteria for "exterminatus". It is not an easy decision for most inquisitors as they are humans just like you and me, and can be troubled by the weight of such decisions.
      Below is an introspection of an inquisitor to give you a better understanding of the thought process of an inquisitor as they make such a decision. I personally wrote this based on my understanding of the expectations of inquisitors in the harsh world of 40k...
      "Not eradicating a "lost cause" planet (chaos/heretic infested to such a degree that redemption is pragmatically unfeasible) could lead to even more untold billions on other planets being swayed by the traitors, because they will surely move across the stars preaching of their newfound dark gods and sharing the methods of their dark rituals.
      The continued existence and -- Emperor-forbid -- prosperity of such a planet, would only serve to encourage any yet to be discovered, underground, heretical cults on other planets. Emboldened by such a victory they will be more zealous and active in their pursuits domestically. The immaterial forces of chaos as a whole will also be strengthened by their worship and heretical acts, thoughts and prayers. Chaos is ruthless, every inch given almost always ends with an excess being claimed. This hunger applies to the smallest patch of grass to a sprawling hive mega-city, to an evergreen paradise world: chaos does not concern itself with portions, it desires dominance over all.
      As a human, I wish these people did not turn their backs on the Emperor, I wish these people never encountered chaos, I wish that I could leave these families untouched, their homes in tact, and have their minds partially wiped to leave them in an unappreciated state of ignorance. Ignorance of the terrors of the warp and their machinations. But my hopes are futile, my idealistic thoughts are vapor in the face of this reality that presents itself to me in these reports. I have read the charts, I have analysed the numbers, I heard the crazed utterings of their 'saints' and 'champions' in the desecrated temples of our Emperor and from it all I have come to understand that these people are doomed to be enemies of the Imperium, enemies of my God-Emperor, enemies of what I hold dear and what I 'know' to be true. The benevolence of the imperial truth.
      And so, despite my apprehension, the question remains for me and it must be answered... would the indiscriminate planet wide killing of 10 billion people, composed of innocent and heretics alike, be justified to prevent the contamination of a number of other planets, each of them harbouring an equal number of people or even more?
      I must face the question, I must answer. There is no-one to pass the burden to. There is no expert in a better position to decide than me, that is why I was given this role. I was trained for this role, to make decisions such as this. I was given such authority from the imperium, from the Emperor and act in the light of his will. I cannot run from such an honour, from such important work. I. must. decide... and I must do so quickly, for the more I hesitate and delay, the further the cancer will spread.
      He lectures himself --
      In the end, to a 'good' inquisitor, the answer of whether to enact exterminatus in extreme cases is an unequivocal YES. Kill the (relative) 'few' to save the 'many'. It is an option, and it can be justified in the eyes of the Imperium.
      I don't have the right to let them live, I don't have the right to potentially expose an unpredictable number of people to chaos and thus indirectly condemning them all to death too, all because I wanted to be merciful.
      I don't have the right to undermine my duty as an inquisitor by tricking myself into thinking 10billion invaluable souls are equal to the 30, 40, 50, 60 billion invaluable souls at risk by their continued survival. Is there a better way? Perhaps... but unfortunately I do not have the leisure, privilege or time to even attempt to discover such a thing. History has already proven that letting them survive leads to far more pain, and terror and death across the Imperium... So who am I, as an inquisitor to deem otherwise. The uneducated masses have an excuse to judge rashly... I as an inquisitor do not.
      But a limited part of myself dares to protest -- alas -- what if I am wrong in condemning them to death? What if, despite how far gone they seem to be now, they can be convinced to open their eyes to the "truth". Maybe they can regain faith in the righteous power of the Emperor and re-join the imperium once again?
      Unyieldingly, my spirit retorts: Then their deaths are... wasteful, and that might weight on my conscience -- but that is not a smear on the method but on the decision maker and I must better myself to make sure such mistakes don't happen.
      On the other hand...
      If I am right in condemning them to death, by that act, I have just saved a never to be known number of people, who will have the privilege of living on without encountering chaos, and most importantly their number undoubtedly dwarfs the number of innocent lives lost on whatever Emperor-forsaken planet I order to be exterminated.
      That conclusion is how I sleep at night, with full understanding that I am completely submerged in the blood of the innocent and heretical alike, yes it is undeniably true that I am drenched, yet I still sleep, often soundly. Just like how the countless billions of people that my ruthlessness saved also sleep. Their waking moments, for most of them, are hard and brutal indeed, for the imperium is plagued with many troubles and injustices... yet they live, because of me, because of what I have had to become.
      Because I am an inquisitor, called by duty to act above the limited psyche which the uneducated have mislabelled as humanity."
      I hoped you liked it and it gives you a better understanding of why inquisitors can make such brutal decisions, yet still press on fervently. It is often joked about, but I like to take a more down to earth interpretation of how they can justify themselves and find ways to believe they are doing what is best for the Imperium at large.

    • @zacharyharwell351
      @zacharyharwell351 Před 2 lety +9

      @@Elysium346 Yo, that was fantastic! I wasn't sure if I was going to read it all but as soon as the actual writing started it flowed REALLY well. EXCELLENT job!

    • @Elysium346
      @Elysium346 Před 2 lety +8

      @@zacharyharwell351 Thank you! I tried to make it as compelling as I could, so I'm glad that you liked it, my efforts paid off. :D

  • @jackbooth1710
    @jackbooth1710 Před 2 lety +102

    The Adeptus Custodes once went 1000v100,000 against the orcs and lost 3 of their number.

  • @SamuraiHonor
    @SamuraiHonor Před 2 lety +113

    I love how for the echlesiarchy it was determined, they were not allowed to have a standing army of men.
    So they just dressed up women in powerarmor, indoctrination and heavy weaponry. Go go.

  • @legendofliamd
    @legendofliamd Před 2 lety +75

    I member in Adeptus Ridiculus, the story of the guardsmen who ran ahead, into a room where a Culuxes assassin had his power on at full blast, as soon as he entered the room, he immediately took his lasgun and shot himself

  • @lockretvids
    @lockretvids Před 2 lety +193

    Fun fact: the Sisters of Battle are merely a subsect of the Adepta Sororitas. The Sororitas is largely just a sect within the Ecclisiarchy, ther being nuns, providing spiritual guidance and healing to the worlds of the Imperium. It's only the Sisters of Battle who actually go to war and fight. Also, they mostly consider the Space Marines detestable mutants that aren't human anymore. The only reason that they don't conduct a purge is that Astartes are widely accepted as the Emperor's angels and thus holy.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +21

      😎🤟 love the fun facts 😀

    • @mrshadow4007
      @mrshadow4007 Před 2 lety +46

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Another fun fact: The reason the Sisters of Battle and Adepta Sororitas exist is because Imperial Law, under the Decree Passive, forbids the Ecclesiarchy from having an army of "men under arms" which was meant to prevent the Church from controlling the Imperium through military as well as religious might. The Ecclesiarchy said "okay" and started recruiting women for their troops and created all-female armies to get around the law as it says "*men* under arms".

    • @gaarathesandslayer
      @gaarathesandslayer Před 2 lety +18

      @@mrshadow4007 That's exactly the type of pure petty malicious compliance that I love about this universe rofl

    • @fernandozavaletabustos205
      @fernandozavaletabustos205 Před 2 lety +4

      I did not know that the Sisters of Battle hated Space Marines.

    • @CorvusCorone68
      @CorvusCorone68 Před 2 lety +4

      @@fernandozavaletabustos205 tbh some of the chapters no longer look all that human; Salamanders, with their pitch-black skin and red eyes, there's another chapter that has a tendency to have bone growths out of their body

  • @Mistowgan
    @Mistowgan Před 2 lety +17

    Idk if he is mentioned elsewhere in the comment's but Kaldor Draigo is basically the leader of the Grey Knights, he is lost in the warp itself and is fighting demons, he sometimes makes a return to reality only to be sucked back into the warp again.

  • @steelbear2063
    @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +271

    Bricky undersold Custodes. One Custodes will not "likely win" against 3 Space Marines. He will obliterate them before they even know it. 1 Custodes against 3 Space Marines is like a flamethrower against three bushes. Also Custodias are not Space Marines at all. They're created with a different method. But they're too big dudes in power armor, so you know, one could be forgiven for thinking they are Space Marines. Oh and Imperial Knights are just baby mechs. Titans is where it's at. Those are the big boys. It's like 10 military bases with legs. Inquisitors aren't the only ones who can call for Exterminatus. A Chapter Master of Space Marines can also do that.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +63

      Seems like a lot could be undersold in this world. People just being introduced like us just can’t comprehend the over the top power 🤩

    • @Hawk_of_Battle
      @Hawk_of_Battle Před 2 lety +24

      To expand on the Knights/Titans divide;
      Knights stand around 30-40 feet tall. They have some pretty hefty weaponry and are fitted with something called an ion shield, which can deflect, but generally not absorb attacks.
      Titans stand around 50 to 200 feet tall and are divided into multiple size categories, from the smallest Warhound scout titan (yes, something that large is considered a scout unit!) to the main battle titan such as the Warlord and long range Reaver classes, right up the insanely huge Imperator class, which have weapon arms as long as Knights are tall. They all come equipped with multiple, overlapping void shields which can negate attacks entirely and their weapons can devastate armies, cities, mountains, basically anything, with just a handful of shots.
      There's a reason they call them God Machines.

    • @johntaylor7029
      @johntaylor7029 Před 2 lety +9

      To add, some Titans have full blown churches on top.

    • @bladestormviking
      @bladestormviking Před 2 lety +17

      custodes are what you might call "artisan crafted" super soldiers where marines are simpler "mass produced" versions. the Custodes are as close to a primarch as you get in terms of strength, speed, reflexes, cognitive/tactical ability and so forth. there's an altercation in one of the novels where a space marine captain named Garro duels a Custodian in "friendly sparring". the instant the duel starts, all Garro can do is defend and pray. it's like fighting a threshing machine. MAYBE a veteran space wolf or night lord could duel one successfully, but only because neither would fight "clean".

    • @Kreschavier
      @Kreschavier Před 2 lety +6

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames if you want to know what a Titan is in the Warhammer universe, then imagine the Notre Dame cathedral having giant legs, a big scary face, and guns bigger then than the statue of liberty

  • @deathscar9910
    @deathscar9910 Před 2 lety +268

    I can't wait for you to see the other races, the Warhammer lore is incredibly massive and very entertaining. Not only the 40k lore but the Fantasy lore is excellent as well.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +32

      We will get to fantasy side eventually 😅

    • @cegesh1459
      @cegesh1459 Před 2 lety +3

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Fantasy will be great.
      Brickis videos are fu. Sadly he did not say much about the non Imperial factions.
      Watch more videos the about different factions and Fantasy.

    • @markcarpenter6020
      @markcarpenter6020 Před 2 lety +3

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames if you like the "lady assassins" keep in mind they are also shapeshifters. That's actually why they are almost all female. The tech that lets them shapeshift dosent work very well with males. But basically they are kinda like female t-1000s from terminator. They can look like and become anyone (male or female) to carry out their mission. Which honesty has always seemed like the coolest power ever to me(you have no clue how much trouble I could get into if I could mimic anybody)

    • @CarstinTwitch
      @CarstinTwitch Před 2 lety

      Hey Deathscar, do you have any videos on fantasy lore that you would recommend?

  • @lordmortarius538
    @lordmortarius538 Před 2 lety +173

    Bricky did miss 3 other Temples of the Officio Assassinorum, but that's likely because they're not really used on the tabletop, but they are very much in the lore:
    The Venenum Temple: specialists in all kinds of different poisons, both the mixing of and delivery of in ingenious ways
    The Vanus Temple: intelligence-gatherers, who use the knowledge and information they acquire to kill their targets indirectly (such as instigating a hit from one group on another based on a 'leak')
    The Maerorus Temple (extinct): This one attempted to create an assassin using highly illegal and heretical human/mutant/xenos hybrids that were capable of absorbing the biomass of their victims to evolve an assortment of bio-weapons according to the situation. They only made one, Legienstrasse, who quickly went rogue and decided that she could topple the Imperium if she wanted, and fully had the power to do. The Assassinorum essentially instigated a Chaos corruption on the planet Opis to draw the Imperial Fists Astartes into reclaiming the planet and flushing her out into the open. Legienstrasse was finally killed by the Fists after HEAVY losses, and Captain Lysander warned the Assassinorum that they'd made a bad enemy by drawing his men into their war just to fix their mistake.
    If you want more of the Imperium besides Space Marines, I highly recommend reading the Eisenhorn Omnibus, focusing on the Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn and his retinue as they root out heresy and xenos plots across the Scarus sector. You even get to see Cadia before it... well...... you know.... *sobs*

    • @Fuzz32
      @Fuzz32 Před 2 lety +3

      He also forgot the twelve Ordos Minoris of the Inquisition. But as you said with the Temples it’s likely because they’re not used very often in game.

    • @nagashtheundyingking4404
      @nagashtheundyingking4404 Před 2 lety +8

      he did say he wanted to stream line it a lot cuz the lore is really bloated so ofc he is gonna skip the very small stuff

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +11

      Makes sense there would be an assassin guild that specializes in poisons 😁

    • @PPWRUP
      @PPWRUP Před 2 lety

      Speaking of Assassinorum, there is also another temple which I don't remember the name of, but they specialize in an "unfortunate accident" type of killing. And as for the Maerorus temple - if I'm not mistaken, their assassin wasn't really killed by the Fists, but by an Eversor assassin sent with them who was the only one capable of fighting Legienstrasse on somewhat equal terms, and even then it took him pinning her to a wall and blowing himself up.

    • @steelbear2063
      @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +1

      Это не другой храм, это и есть Ванус, о котором уже сказали
      It's not "another temple". That *is* the aforementioned Vanus temple

  • @punkjay4681
    @punkjay4681 Před 2 lety +156

    I can't resist dropping my favourite inquisitior quote:
    "My patience is limited. Unlike my authority."
    - Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn
    From the Eisenhorn books, the awesomest Inquisition novels ever, by the absolutely best 40K author Dan Abnett. If you want to read any books on anything 40K, make sure it's an Abnett one :) Just my opinion. If you disagree, I declare you Excommunicate Traitoris and your life is forfeit, as is your soul, as you are cast from the light of the Emperor.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +36

      That’s a badass quote. If we ever have kids, gonna bust out that line all the time 😂

    • @punkjay4681
      @punkjay4681 Před 2 lety +6

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Oh, I forgot to mention: There are plans of making an Eisenhorn TV-series!

    • @Hagmaru
      @Hagmaru Před 2 lety +4

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames What makes that quote even better is that, if I remember correctly, he said that to the governing leader of a planet.

    • @shdwfxgamerz7667
      @shdwfxgamerz7667 Před 2 měsíci

      Titan chapters : you were saying something about your authority?

  • @ArtyFire118
    @ArtyFire118 Před 2 lety +161

    _YES INQUISITOR! THESE TWO HERE!_ On a serious note.Another awesome reaction as always. The Sisters of Battle, Silence and the Callidus Assassins, are some of the most powerful female factions in any kind of universe. The one thing I do like about the Sisters of Battle, even though they're holier than thou. Their presence alone on the battlefield have encouraged regular Guardsmen to fight harder than before. Going from a hopeless situation to a total victory. And then there's Saint Celestine, but that's for another day. Again, enjoyed the video. I look forward to Part 2.....Heretics! Hope you have a good one.

    • @inquisitordalius3388
      @inquisitordalius3388 Před 2 lety +5

      Ill have the Sisters of Battle deal with them.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +13

      😈😇 we gained so much respect for sisters of battle from bricks vid 😎🤟

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 Před 2 lety

      Just don't let the sisters so battle anywhere near the guardsmen they sometimes have a tendency to react violently to any guardsman who's planet has a more... unusual? Way of venerating the glorious emperor of mankind.

    • @falah6398
      @falah6398 Před 2 lety

      Myes? You called me?

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 Před 2 lety

      @@falah6398 I can't see myes without hearing the fabstodes...

  • @imaran1303
    @imaran1303 Před 2 lety +15

    Another story if I remember it correctly, there was a contest between the different temples of Assassins to kill a high ranking T'au officer...
    It was the Culexus that won. His presence was so terrifying that the T'au soldiers refused to accept and acknowledge his existence, which allowed him to just walk up and shoot him.

  • @mistabrrrly
    @mistabrrrly Před 2 lety +48

    Ah yes Krpyman. The guy that destroyed worlds to prevent a Tyranid invasion and started the Octarius war between Orks and Tyranids.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +3


    • @mistabrrrly
      @mistabrrrly Před 2 lety +7

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames yeah imagine a war between a species that gets strong the longer it lives and the more WAAGHH energy is released and a species that requires Biomass to get stronger. It’s a stalemate and when one wins I’m pretty sure everyone else is screwed

    • @steelbear2063
      @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +2

      Which I find weird, because Tyranids don't like long wars, since they need to consume more than they spend.

    • @zinoneus3733
      @zinoneus3733 Před 2 lety

      @@steelbear2063 Its a risk they are willing to take it seems. Because if they do win. Well it wont look good for others as the other posted above

    • @jamie_d0g978
      @jamie_d0g978 Před 2 lety

      Tbh the leviathan was unstoppable. The plan actually worked, buy time to reinforce the sector.

  • @davidhernando353
    @davidhernando353 Před 2 lety +33

    It should be noted that the technopriest do worship the Emperor as a god. Most of them consider that the Emperor was / is an avatar / aspect / incarnation of the Omnisiah in the aspect of human biological perfection of him.
    So technically they also worship the Emperor in his own way.
    The reason why the Adeptus Soroitas is the only army in the church is for political reasons. At a certain point in imperial history a decree was issued prohibiting the ecclesiarchy from having men-at-arms (with the obvious intention that they would not have a permanent army).
    The ecclesiarchy then made the sisters in battle its main army because they were all women and therefore were not affected by said decree.
    A surprising amount of the empire works in legal holes.
    The faith of the sisters of battle is so powerful that they can perform literal miracles, in fact they have rules of miracles in the board game.
    Finally the cherubs, it is less horrible than how it is said in the video, they are actually produced as clones without a rational mind from the beginning not lobotomized children. They are also widely used by the empire not only by the ecclesiarchy.
    Their use, by the way, is relatively modern and not the sort of thing the Emperor don't wanted to see in his empire. During or immediately after the Horus Heresy they did not exist. The appearance and acceptance of the cherubs in the empire is another way of showing their decadence and fall from grace to their current situation.
    The policy of killing people who see demons is mostly over in the present setting, because now there are demons appearing everywhere and there is a giant gap in reality splitting the galaxy in two through which the warp can be seen with the naked eye from the surface. of the planets. So there is no point trying to contain the demonic stain by eliminating the people who have seen it, that ship left a long time ago, now there to accept it and live with it (Warhammer 40,000 is the only place where a gigantic breach to hell splitting a galaxy in half it has positive effects).
    The assassins have more than four temples, but the four mentioned are the largest and most important. The minor temples however are very funny in their portrayal of him as a murderer. Assassin poisoners (there is a story of an assassin from this temple who poisoned 200 chairs during two years of night work to kill an entire council), murderous hackers (specialized in gathering information and using it to carry out their murders) and even stranger things.

  • @UnknownSquid
    @UnknownSquid Před 2 lety +51

    It was discovering the Sisters of Battle that finally got me to change my opinion of 40k (and to a degree, sci-fi/space fiction as a whole). I've generally always been the kind of person who like my sci-fi/fiction relatively grounded and sensible. I'd prefer sleek and more minimalistic designs, plausible technology and tactics, as well as a generally futuristic focus/asthetic rather than things that more resembled general fantasy. Naturally, 40k kinda bounced off of me for those reasons. All the skulls, candles and silly medieval stylings, just didn't appeal. I was someone who really liked the Tau when they were introduced, but found the galaxy they existed in too strange.
    The Sisters/Adeptas Soritas though... they made me realise that I shouldn't be trying to take sci-fi so seriously. They're just such a ridiculous yet fun concept provided you can embrace the absurdity. A faction that's as dramatic as can be, and also totally unapologetic about taking a theme "Battle Nuns in Space", and running with it. Made me look at the rest of 40k in a new light.

  • @steelbear2063
    @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +71

    People laugh at dropping churches from orbit and I'm just sitting here, crying in Russian. Because we have inflatable little churches we drop from the sky.

    • @qualitigma7440
      @qualitigma7440 Před 2 lety +21

      Russia is the prequel to the Imperium of Man? Epic.

    • @steelbear2063
      @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +17

      Yeah it's basically 40k for dummies.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +7

      Really? 😯 how come? What does it signify? 🤔 very curious about the inflatable churches now

    • @steelbear2063
      @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety +11

      Eh you know, so that some people could pray on the field. And maybe to allocate the tax payers money into someone's pockets. We here always joke about some menial projects having 6 zeroes in their budgets. Because most of it doesn't go into said projects.

    • @NefariousKoel
      @NefariousKoel Před 2 lety +2

      @@steelbear2063 - So.. gov't projects are the same there, too.

  • @synthetic240
    @synthetic240 Před 2 lety +10

    One thing that might not have been very clear that is that the Grey Knights are part of the Inquisition, mainly associated with the Ordo Malleus as demon hunters. The assassin temples are also closely tied with the Inquisition, given that the amount of authority needed to deploy one is very high.
    The Sisters of Silence have strong connections with the Inquisition and Adepta Sororitas and together they operate a fleet of ships called the League of Blackships whose existence is something of an "open secret" in the Imperium. That is, they don't officially exist on any records most people with authority (like planetary governors) would have access to, but if they ever saw one they'd know what it was and be afraid. Like, they're common enough that the average Guardsman has heard that a friend of a friend of a friend saw one once but no one else will confirm or deny it (and you might be vanished if you ask too many questions about it).
    Black Ships are, well, entirely black, operate above the law, and their entire job is to collect psykers. Some of these people are intended to be recruits for the various psyker orders via the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. Some are inquisitorial prisoners on their way for additional interrogation. Some are intended to be brought back to Terra to be sacrificed to the Golden Throne and the Emperor to maintain the Astronomicon. Some of these Black Ships travel for decades on long courses through the galaxy, stopping at inhabited worlds and demanding the cooperation of the local government to turn over or help them hunt down any unsanctioned psykers as part of their Imperial Tithe. And when their prison decks are full of their human cargo, their unnatural abilities suppressed by the Sisters of the Silence, they return to Holy Terra. Black Ships arrive at Holy Terra *daily*, so that should tell you that they're the second largest fleet next to the Imperial Navy. Yet it's not their job to fight in wars; they only hunt and collect psykers.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +2

      That could be the name of a Warhammer 40k show and the premise as well…”Black Ships” 😈😀🤩

  • @akiva2112
    @akiva2112 Před 2 lety +16

    The Grey Knights get new names that are hand crafted and researched to cause Demons pain and agony.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
    • @Hawk_of_Battle
      @Hawk_of_Battle Před 2 lety +2

      I believe as part of their 666 Rites they undergo a temporary deamonic possession and are excised immediately after. This is to ensure a sort of resistance, like getting a vaccination to prevent a disease. The name they get is based on the "True Name" of the deamon that possessed them, to further reinforce the idea that said deamon can never re-posses them, since true names have power and the Knight now "owns" that name.

  • @nikypercea
    @nikypercea Před 2 lety +42

    also a small fact... bricky forgot a faction... Colegia Tianica of Mars, aka the titan legion (i know, they are under the control of the mechanicus, but they are a faction of their own)... the imperial knight guys, most of them fight for the legio (and yes, they may look big, but lore wise they are not considered titans).
    about the legio, imagine gigantic walkers about the size of the latest godzilla movie, with giant building size cannons and a cathedral on top, just because they can :D.... and now imagine that thing (and the smaller versions of them), being loaded into giant coffin size ships and then dropped from orbit unto battle.
    there are people on youtube who made those things in real life, and oh boy... you can't fit them on the table... you can check them out if you like (not as a reaction, just for curiosity :D), you will not be spoiled to much... looking forth the next reaction.

    • @lordmortarius538
      @lordmortarius538 Před 2 lety +3

      Armed with volcano cannons, quake guns, heavy multi-bolters and starship grade lascannons... an Imperator class Titan armed with all of these and being 130 ft tall... Yeah I'm out lol

    • @thomasthetankengine4834
      @thomasthetankengine4834 Před 2 lety +3

      There is also rumors that sometimes you can see those Titans poping out of pools or small shallow rivers to completely outflank the enemies. Which is impossible unless they are controlled by some tactical genius or something...

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +5

      Thanks for giving us some info on the forgotten faction Titan Legion 😀😎🤟

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 Před 2 lety +3

      @@lordmortarius538 as I recall, isnt the ammunition for quake cannons made partly using the remains of planets that undergo exterminatus? Specifically when they literally destroy the entire planet?

    • @punkjay4681
      @punkjay4681 Před 2 lety +2

      Considering the hype about the Imperial Knights, I'm a bit amazed titans were left out. I do remember he mentioned the videos include the factions that are available in the tabletop game, and titans are of a different magnitude in scale. I know there are models for them and games that include them, but for the "regular" 40K they are too big.
      PS. Imperial Knights have their noble houses, and (mostly?) don't serve the mechanicus, although they are often seen supporting the Titan Legios.

  • @terlondre
    @terlondre Před 2 lety +35

    On the subject of the exterminatus:
    "It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb. Inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which felled Typhon (exterminated planet), the Ordo Malleus. But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant; to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hand of the Inquisition"

    • @TheHandofDestiny
      @TheHandofDestiny Před 2 lety +2

      Yup, look at others for your problems instead of just seeing what you have become

    • @imperiumoccidentis7351
      @imperiumoccidentis7351 Před 2 lety +3

      @@TheHandofDestiny Yeah, that might be true in personal relationships but in a galaxy that is populated by kratocratic killer fungus, hyper-advanced terminators, actual fucking demons, 20 foot tall murderbugs and their parasitic jim-jones infiltrators, sadistic rapists and worst of all the blue weebs...the imperium really isn't at fault here.

    • @TheHandofDestiny
      @TheHandofDestiny Před 2 lety +1

      @@imperiumoccidentis7351 Well it is to some extent, you don't fight fire with fire, and 2 wrongs don't make a right, yet that's what the imperium does

    • @imperiumoccidentis7351
      @imperiumoccidentis7351 Před 2 lety +2

      @@TheHandofDestiny Except you literally do fight fire with fire, and there's no "wrong" committed here. Exterminatus is coup-de-gracing an already doomed planet. The people on there are either going to get fucked in the ass by demons, genocided by orks, genocided and/or flayed alive by necrons or liquified and turned into hideous monstrocities by tyranid hive. You have to be supremely idiotic if you don't think exterminatus is an obvious and reasonable solution. They're already dead men.
      Of all the things the imperium does, exterminatus is ironically the most sensible. Pre-emptive genocides, servitors and corpse starch, on the other hand, you won't hear me defend.

    • @TheHandofDestiny
      @TheHandofDestiny Před 2 lety +1

      @@imperiumoccidentis7351 Just look at what you are saying

  • @92chrissim
    @92chrissim Před 2 lety +22

    Funny that you mention it. There is actually an animated series from Richard Boylan called Helsreach its like 2 and a half hours but cut in 13 parts

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +7

      We plan to check it out eventually 😀

    • @92chrissim
      @92chrissim Před 2 lety +3

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Oh thats good to hear. Helsreach is an awesome series

    • @Hylebos75
      @Hylebos75 Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Helsreach is pretty amazing. The art style seems kind of odd at first but really fits.

  • @Ancient_Hoplite
    @Ancient_Hoplite Před 2 lety +17

    It must be kind of baffling learning about this franchise and how much lore/world building there is but remember it's been around for over 30 years. Once a fan, always a fan.
    Venerate the immortal Emperor. Praise the Omnissiah. The Emperor protects. Have a nice day

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +1

      It’s a little overwhelming but we are taking it one step at a time and not trying to learn it all in a week or month or even year 🙂

  • @glennbob5093
    @glennbob5093 Před 2 lety +7

    Hey, the Sisters of Battle are awesome. Their faith is so strong it warps reality (but they are definitely not psykers, at all) and sometimes it makes them immortal (like Celestine).

  • @KingKaiju58
    @KingKaiju58 Před 2 lety +38

    My favorite factions in 40K:
    Space Wolves: Basically Vikings who suffer from a Werewolf Curse. They go there entire lives controlling it only to eventually succumb to the beast inside & be turned into vicious Shock troops locked in their home base until they're needed.
    The Space Sharks: Like Sharks they seemingly wonder aimlessly through the universe, showing up during bloody battles when they're needed. Just to disappear bakc into the void till the next battle.
    The Salamanders: Wholesome Fire Bois.
    The Repentus: Remember the all female Zealous faction? Yeah these are women who F'd up. Basically they made a mistake & to repent for that mistake they must be stripped of all armor & weapons till they are just wearing heavy metal bikinis then are armed with just a chainsaw sword. Then told to wade into the frontlines were they either die or after hundreds of bloody battles are redeemed.
    Then the Assassins

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +5

      Heavy metal bikinis and a chainsaw sword 😂 only in 40k 😁

    • @marcog.verbruggen674
      @marcog.verbruggen674 Před 2 lety +9

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames so, they actually changed that quite recently. back in the day the sisters tended to be a little sexualized (wearing heels to battle, armour over-emphasizing their boobs, etc) because.. well, it was a different time and a *very* niche hobby.. and the repentus specifically were basically naked, wrapped in parchments of scripture and/or strips of cloth. when they gave the sisters a much overdue makeover recently, along with the new models came a redesign of the repentus - that badass looking sister with the barbed wire shoved in her mouth and wrapped around her skin that you saw near the start of the sororitas section of the video? new sister repentia.
      The giant chainsword stays tho - the Eviscerator chainsword is absurdly huge, and badass in equal measure.

    • @KingKaiju58
      @KingKaiju58 Před 2 lety +6

      @@marcog.verbruggen674 Still awesome and while I appreciate the female form, I understand the need for some reforms. Lol

  • @Tyberos253
    @Tyberos253 Před 2 lety +17

    If I remember correctly melta guns are basically just pimped microwaves that easily melt everything in short range

    • @SquatchViking
      @SquatchViking Před 2 lety

      basically, yeah; like if a flamethrower had a baby with a shotgun lol

    • @bogdangabrielonete3467
      @bogdangabrielonete3467 Před 2 lety +1

      I like to think of them as superheated shotguns

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +5

      “Pimped microwaves” 😂🤣

    • @steelbear2063
      @steelbear2063 Před 2 lety

      They're not shotguns, this isn't a Space Marine game

    • @bogdangabrielonete3467
      @bogdangabrielonete3467 Před 2 lety +2

      @@steelbear2063 I was referring in the sense of short range, cone-like damage pattern devastation. It's not a shotgun per se

  • @Tazkar
    @Tazkar Před 2 lety +8

    The WH40k universe can be rather solemn at times despite its over the top craziness. Here's a quote from Gabriel Angelos of the Space Marines Blood Ravens talking while the Ordos ships are preparing to fire a Cyclonic Torpedo at a planet for Exterminatus.(In fact the video in Bricky's of that planet being incinerated is the one)
    "It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate rather than to bow ones head and succumb.
    Inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which felled Typhon, the Ordo Malleus. But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office, to further fear them is redundant, to hate them, Heretical.
    Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hands of the Inquisition. With some fortune they may foster this hatred into purpose and further rule their fate by coming to the service of the emperor.
    Yet ultimately, it was I that set these events into motion with a single blow from my hammer, God Splitter." - Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens
    Exterminatus is treated almost like mourning or a funeral procession the few times its been depicted in the video games, as while it does happen it is literally the last resort when all other options have been exhausted and you can't afford to waste more lives taking back the planet.

  • @jezmerritt
    @jezmerritt Před 2 lety +6

    I have to say, I've loved your reactions to 40k; unlike some I've seen, you go in with an open mind, which is a great start when diving into a setting this dark.
    Some fun bits that Bricky didn't cover, that might explain a little more: The Sisters of Battle were formed around 5'000 years before the current setting of the game. Before then, the Imperial Church was allowed to have its own standing army. A guy named Goge Vandire changed all that.
    Vandire worked his way up the ranks to the very top of the Ecclesiarchy, and was always a bit power-hungry. Everything went to his head, and he went mad, starting a schism in the church that has gone down in history with the name The Age of Apostasy. Bad time for all concerned.
    One of Vandire's primary weapons was a small group of highly trained, extremely zealous warrior nuns. He convinced them he spoke for the Emperor, and joined his side in the conflict. During the last battle of the civil war, those Sisters were acting as Vandire's personal guard on Terra itself.
    Nobody knows quite what happened next. It is known that, appearing with no warning from secret passages beneath Vandire's palace, a member of the Custodes approached the Sisters with a message. The Sisters followed him, and disappeared; it is believed that they were taken to the Golden Throne, and were granted visions by the Emperor. Whatever happened, they came back changed... and royally ticked off at Vandire, who they promptly cut down for treason.
    Since then the Ecclesiarchy has been banned from having any "force or standing army of men-at-arms". Using the letter of the law to defeat its spirit, the Church maintains an army of women instead!
    The Inquisition: Just an aside to add to Bricky's description: while the Inquisition's various agents can command almost any force in the Imperium to do their bidding (the Adeptus Custodes are the major exception, as they answer to the Emperor alone), they do police themselves pretty well. If Exterminatus is called, it generally has to be signed off by a body of three or more senior Inquisitors; if a lone Inquisitor calls for it and cannot prove later before a trial of his peers that he had no other choice and that the world was truly lost, well... let's just say that the Inquisition takes a very dim view of their own going rogue, and the punishment is the worst they can inflict (which is saying a lot!).
    I'm looking forward to your take on part 2; I'm an old-school tau and eldar player, so the xenos factions are always some of my favourite lore videos.
    Great vid as always, guys 😁

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 Před 2 lety +1

      Goge vandire: "I DONT HAVE TIME TO DIE, IM TOO BUSY"-Actual quote

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      Thanks for giving us some more info on Vandire and the inquisition as well 😀

  • @berbeker531
    @berbeker531 Před 2 lety +7

    "We are couple of heretics in love"
    Meanwhile space marine watching this: For The Emperor, what kind of heresy is this"

  • @ijnyuudachi4917
    @ijnyuudachi4917 Před 2 lety +7

    Imagine just getting up one morning, pouring yourself some coffee, looking out the window, just to see a sister of battle knock on your door and when you check it she just says simply
    "do you have a moment for our lord and savior the Emperor?"
    And before you even reply a full fledged church just drops down behind her.
    it's gonna be a long day.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +1


    • @Dreznin
      @Dreznin Před 2 lety +2

      At that point the only way to survive is to praise His name and invite the Sister to take as much time as she wishes to discuss our holy emperor and his great work of uniting and elevating humanity against the foul heretics and unworthy, filthy xenos .

  • @arnepietruszewski9255
    @arnepietruszewski9255 Před 2 lety +2

    The Melter is called that way cause it melts anything. It is basically a ranged plasma cutter, close to medium range but it will cut a hole in any armor.

  • @TheObsidianMage
    @TheObsidianMage Před 2 lety +7

    I play both Sisters of Battle and Grey Knights! They are both so much fun and their lore is amazing to get into to! I love y’all’s reaction to this! 🖤

  • @lingbomanbo
    @lingbomanbo Před 2 lety +2

    This was already mentioned by some others but the Eisenhorn trilogy by Dan Abnett is that great story about the inquisitor and the shades of grey they have to live in. Its a very interesting detective style book that get deeper and really does live up to the quote "the road to hell is paved with good intention." Its such a great start for newer people to the lore as it ease the really big stuff to you slowly.

  • @BlindandMad
    @BlindandMad Před 2 lety +3

    So some clarification.
    Melta guns are handheld/vehicle mounted anti tank weapons that shoot a beam of heat that melt armor.
    The cherubs are servitors, human clones or criminals turned into lobotomized robots.
    Servitors fulfill a variety of roles, mostly manual labor but depending on the model can do anything from opening a door to serving as mobile weapon platforms.
    That’s right, in the wh40k universe, the automatic door opener is a crime against humanity in any other universe.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      They even made cherubs grimdark 😨

    • @jacthing1
      @jacthing1 Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames I feel it should also be mentioned that when your a criminal turned into a servitor. They lobotomize the person and use their brain as a computer. However it is to my knowledge, hinted in the lore that sometimes the process...didn't quite work, as in the criminal isn't actually in a coma. He's just rendered mute and unable to control his own body. Forced to live out the rest of his existence as a prisoner in his own body and feeling every second, oh and did I forget to mention that they don't use painkillers for the conversion process? And they definitely don't give the servitors any

  • @nolanncerdan7039
    @nolanncerdan7039 Před 2 lety +19

    the custodes are stonger than grey Knight : a little quote from the book " constantin valdor birth of the imperium" : " the golden demon kick a old rusty tank , KICK a tank and will the tank fly in the air he kill 50 mens and none of those 50 mens were able to touch the golden warrior" custodes are VERY strong, the most powerfull infanterie of all the imperium

    • @mignonthon
      @mignonthon Před 2 lety

      yeah but they arent psykers

    • @shadow8928
      @shadow8928 Před 2 lety +4

      @@mignonthon sure but in the tabletop they have an ability you can use to make them more resistant to psykers. in the lore it's either the emperor directly helping them or their alchemic enhancements helping with some resistance.

    • @tyrusdalet
      @tyrusdalet Před 2 lety +3

      @@shadow8928 In The Regent’s Shadow and The Emperor’s Legion - Valerian notes that when able to use their psychic powers, Grey Knights can keep up with Custodes as a team. However, in the presence of the Sisters of Silence - Custodes fight far better

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +1


    • @mignonthon
      @mignonthon Před 2 lety

      @@shadow8928 Oh yeah physically they are more powerfull, and their lifespan is enormous so they are experienced Af, in the tabletop grey knights are ravaged by Custodes.
      But custodes losse many of them

  • @nagashtheundyingking4404
    @nagashtheundyingking4404 Před 2 lety +2

    bricky has such a good way to explain stuff and make it easy to digest

  • @Animo2006
    @Animo2006 Před rokem +1

    A few important things he didn't mention about the Eversor assassins: They cryo freeze the assassin when he's not actively killing targets because he's a threat to *everyone around him* . They will kill anything breathing in their vicinity, friend or foe. So they cryo freeze them to keep them from killing everyone.
    Secondly: All the crazy drugs they pump into the Eversor assassins is to enhance all of their abilities many fold. They have two hearts. If they die while they're active the constant flow of drugs into their brains can't be regulated anymore and mix uncontrollably until they literally explode like a bomb, killing everyone around them.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před rokem +1

      Thanks for giving us more info on the Eversor Assassins 😯 that’s crazy that they are such killers that they will just kill anything in sight 😨

  • @warptenzone123
    @warptenzone123 Před 2 lety +1

    Next Stop Part 2 you're gonna love it those factions are Interesting

  • @johnekare8376
    @johnekare8376 Před 2 lety +2

    Fun fact about the Sisters of Battle: they are a result of a loophole in a decree that states that the ecclesiarch shall have no men at arms under their control, or something to that effect, aimed to deny the church military power (keyword being 'men'). Someone figured out that women are not men and hence they could circumvent the decree. Personally I find that story hilarious because it illustrates the dogmatic, unreasoning way the Imperium of Man is run, and the schemes and machinations that each faction within the Imperium employ to gain more power.

  • @calvinheslop2585
    @calvinheslop2585 Před 2 lety +2

    Never get tired of seeing people react to Bricky's warhammer vids can't wait for part 2 your gonna fall in love with the orks they honestly one of the best races just because of how bonkers they are.

  • @leadpaintchips9461
    @leadpaintchips9461 Před 2 lety +1

    I have to say, as a Sisters of Battle fan, that he doesn't do enough to show just how much zealotry is in the SoB. There is an Order that degloves their right hand so that the raw nerves and pain that comes from stripping the skin away reminds them of what a Saint went through.
    They are a group that, in a universe where zealotry is the baseline, others point to and call zealots. They are absolutely batsh*t nuts, but because of how 40k works it's what protects them.
    Edit: The Inquisiton is actually my favorite faction in the lore (because of the dilemmas that Bricky mentioned), and one thing that he didn't mention that is pretty key is that each major Ordos (group within the Inquisition) works closely with another Imperial faction for their major combat engagements when they can. So they're technically well represented on the tabletop in a lore friendly way. Ordo Hereticus works with the Sisters of Battle, Ordo Malleus works with the Grey Knights, and the Ordo Xenos works with the Deathwatch. If they can't grab them, then they grab whomever is available to deal with the problem.
    Also the whole Inquisition and Space Marine thing, they technically have absolute authority over their respective domains. They clash a lot because when you have two groups that are supposed to have absolute authority wanting different things, one has to give. In the lore, most of the time the Inquisition gives way (either willingly or not) because the Space Marines have more practical authority through force of arms.

  • @Lunaraia
    @Lunaraia Před 2 lety +1

    A melta gun is essentially a plasma shotgun. It shoots an intense, energetic beam of heat in the tens of thousands of degrees Centigrade, capable of vaporizing flesh and melt metal in a split second.

  • @Goblinhandler
    @Goblinhandler Před 2 lety +1

    Everybody gangsta till the nun drops from orbit in a church and starts playing the pipe organ to launch missiles at you

  • @RichardX1
    @RichardX1 Před 2 lety +1

    Adeptus Custodes are also the favorite tabletop faction of Henry Cavill, from "The Witcher" and "Man of Steel".

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      Henry Cavill plays all the best stuff 🙂 Not sure how he has time with all his work and then having to stay in shape 🤔

  • @Blutwind
    @Blutwind Před 2 lety +2

    For that"Melta?"
    A Melta is basicaly a supercharged super angry Plasma cutter that is useable as a weapon.
    In lore strength sugests that if you would fire one at a small car today the only thing left would be a puddle of molten slag

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      Haha, love the addition of “super angry” to the description of the melta 😁

    • @thyrussendria8198
      @thyrussendria8198 Před 2 lety

      The melta is what you get when you cross a flamethrower with an Anti-Tank rifle and plasma

  • @guvnahgaming6534
    @guvnahgaming6534 Před 2 lety +2

    I'm sure someone has most likely already brought this up somewhere in the comments, but Bricky has his own 40K show available on CZcams, called Adeptus Ridiculous and its fantastic! Highly recommend it! It's a podcast with his co host DK Diamantes and all they do is discuss Lore and the craziest parts of the 40K universe! DK is new to 40K at the beginning of the show, so its very friendly to peeps with not a lot of 40K experience. Plus, it's just as funny as Bricky's 40K Explained series, which is a huge bonus! 😁
    Hope you guys are well, keep up the great content! 👍

  • @James-bw4np
    @James-bw4np Před 2 lety +3

    Sisters of Battle go to war in High Heeled boots... definitely do not mess with the sisters! Although they have some other groups/orders internally that do other things beside warfare. Still an amazingly (and you are right- terrifying) effective group.

  • @shieldwallofdragons
    @shieldwallofdragons Před 2 lety +4

    Great Video and reaction...It does not take a life time to get up to speed in Warhammer 40k...only a decade or so.

  • @loganflint2558
    @loganflint2558 Před 2 lety +3

    Glad you guys seem to like 40k, the lore is so good.

  • @talosvalcoran7001
    @talosvalcoran7001 Před 2 lety +6

    Oh and if Eversor were not dangerous enough if you manage to kill them (it’s pretty much impossible) it can activate a bomb inside of their body that will destroy everything

  • @UnRu1eD
    @UnRu1eD Před 2 lety +3

    Custodes are the most badass and strongest of the Imperium and i’m a Space Wolves player.

  • @lemanruss2491
    @lemanruss2491 Před 2 lety +1

    So I don’t know if you’ll read this, but Bricky downplayed the context on Exterminatus a bit. About Exterminatus, it is heavily memed on because of Kryptman and the Octavius war. Which is a thing that is way too long to explain. You would have to look it up yourself. I do recommend it because it’s a very interesting event that took place. In a way it changed a good portion of how the Imperium and by extension the Inquisition does things. Also Kryptman was exiled and stripped of his power from the Inquisition because they deemed him to cruel after said war. Yes the same Inquisition, that innocence proves nothing, found something too cruel. The thing about exterminatus, is it’s not as common as people make it out to be. It’s actually extremely rare in comparison to other things in the setting. For an Exterminatus to happen besides Kryptman, per lore the mere mention of Exterminatus can end an entire Inquisitor’s career, and put those same Inquisitors into questions of heresy. Like after each individual Exterminatus a full blown investigation is put forth to absolutely make sure that the Exterminatus was justified. That it was an absolute last resort and that all other options were either used or cannot be used. If anything the Imperium as a whole dislikes, it is the unnecessary loss of entire planets. Not even the inquisition is free from the scrutiny of losing a planet. That’s why the loss of Cadia was a cataclysmic blow to the Imperium cause of it’s importance to the Imperium. If any other reason was found that could of been used instead of that Exterminatus that the investigative party agreed on that Inquisitor would be fucked. Here is a good tidbit of lore that perfectly exemplifies the seriousness of Exterminatus. This one was by lore justified.

  • @Potato96780
    @Potato96780 Před 2 lety +2

    Love learning about this stuff along with you guys😁

  • @TheRadude
    @TheRadude Před 2 lety +1

    Glad to see you guys continue on the Warhammer lore path.
    Part 2 is exciting!

  • @CorvusCorone68
    @CorvusCorone68 Před 2 lety

    in case nobody else mentioned it, melta weapons are microwave beam weapons, afaik; somewhat short range and intended for anti-vehicle purposes

  • @nicholaswilkerson4394

    Man he also undersold the Eversor assassins. If someone manages to stop an eversor and bring it down, a special cocktail of chemicals in their bodies mix and become volatile, they then explode with enough force to kill everything around them. And more than torture, every time they get a kill, the pleasure sensors in their brains are stimulated, so it's also hard-core conditioning.

  • @ayylmao9907
    @ayylmao9907 Před 2 lety +1

    There is supposed to be an Inquisitor tv series being made about inquisitor Eisenhower, not sure when its going to release but hopefully that will be cool, Leutin09 did a video about him. Looking forward to your other parts of this!

  • @ritterdesimperiums7655
    @ritterdesimperiums7655 Před 2 lety +2

    Since no one has written it yet,11:55 LITTLE KITTEN!!!

  • @alphabetadotaalphabetadota5671

    Il really excited yo see your réaction both of you on the dark eldars... Haha thats promicing 😁

  • @anden21swe
    @anden21swe Před 2 lety +1

    cant wait for you guys to react to part 2!!!

  • @darkinquisitor6587
    @darkinquisitor6587 Před 2 lety +1

    As usual ... "No one expects the Imperium Inquisition", so here I am (Warp Travel took longer this time). Nice video about many good things coming to video games next year. First... a new Battle Sister class I can't wait to discover, for the game Inquisitor Martyr we saw at 23'. What is interesting with Inquisitor Martyr, is that the Assassin class is a bit different from the Officio Assassinorum ones, mixing their temples into a special (woman) Assassin Inquisitor. Then we have a new tactical game, Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters where we will play Grey Knights, and it looks promising. Until then, keep up the good work and just remember it's been a while since my last Exterminatus ... kind of miss this. 11 billions souls lost last time? Nope, 11 billions souls saved, obviously.

  • @wanderingursa8184
    @wanderingursa8184 Před 2 lety +1

    "Any man who is innocent, is guilty of wasting my time."

  • @Zeke2552
    @Zeke2552 Před 2 lety +1

    Grey Knights, White Scars, and Assassins are my favorite Imperium factions. If you want to know more about the Assassin temples and their ways and like to read i suggest Nemesis. It's book 13 in the Horus Heresy series but works fine as a stand alone read. The head Custodes recruits a team of Assassins to take out a high priority target. Normally they work alone but they get 1 from each temple including the 2 not mentioned in the video. Very good read

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +1

      Thanks for rec! We’ve been told about Horus heresy but it feels so overwhelming with how long it is. But maybe some standalone books here and there could help 🙂

    • @Zeke2552
      @Zeke2552 Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames yeah its a long run. I'm on book 21 myself but where I work i am able to listen to audiobooks all day so I have a pretty quick pace going lol. Most of them have been stories unto themselves only referencing the Heresy to give an idea of when the story takes place in the overall scheme so you could bounce around without too much confusion

  • @yurichristensen5122
    @yurichristensen5122 Před 2 lety +1

    Looking forward to the rest! Hope you smash these out in short order! 😊

  • @alphabetadotaalphabetadota5671

    Also, the sisters of battle are so badass ... They are my top favorite among the races . Just love them 😁

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      They definitely went up a notch after learning about them dropping churches on people and have tank organs 😎🤟

  • @-Devy-
    @-Devy- Před 2 lety +2

    "I still think they're self righteous jerks." As opposed to practically everyone else in this world?

  • @tailssonicteam1604
    @tailssonicteam1604 Před 2 lety +2

    God I love this series. Can't wait for you guys to watch the xenos + chaos video!

  • @Ryan--G
    @Ryan--G Před 2 lety +1

    Dunno if you've seen it, but one of the better 40k games lets you play as an Assassin: Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Martyr. Just a heads-up that it's a bit diablo-like, so you'll be methodically clearing maps, getting weapons/gear, assigning points into skill trees, etc.
    There are four classes you can pick from:
    Crusader - Space Marine, big melee weapons, tanky
    Psyker - Various offensive/defensive/status-based spells, interestingly (as per the lore) has a chance of causing negative things to happen if you use too many powers too quickly.
    Assassin - Can use sniper rifles, speedy melee, has some tricky skills.
    Tech-Adept - Mechanicus, can summon a bunch of robotic minions to fight, turrets, robotic spiders with laser cannons, big hulking punch-bots.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety +1

      Did not realize that 😀 was that in one of the trailers of 40k games we watched 🤔

    • @Ryan--G
      @Ryan--G Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Yeah, I think it was one of those cinematic ones (no gameplay shown). Specifically the one with the Space Marine with tattoos on his forehead, going to town with a Thunder Hammer :D

  • @sovietpowersupereme6231
    @sovietpowersupereme6231 Před 2 lety +1

    Cant wait for him to talk about necrons!

  • @d.t.m8393
    @d.t.m8393 Před 2 lety +2

    Wonderful setting, so much cool lore!

  • @DumbassJudgeman
    @DumbassJudgeman Před 2 lety +1

    Definitely do part 2! Well, his part 2!

  • @thomasalegredelasoujeole9998

    Sisters of battles have simps. They’re called the Imperial guard 😬

  • @ElProllo-86
    @ElProllo-86 Před 2 lety +1

    Melta: A shortranged anti-armor heatray. Imagine a flammer, but instead of spraying its fuel in a wide arc over time it focuses his fuel and its energy in a consentrated, narrow beam of heat for just a millisecond on a very small point so it "melts" (thats why it called "Melta") through EVERYTHING making it a very good weapon for "hard" targets. A bit like a chaped charge in real life. On soft targets it is discribed as "vaporizing to atoms". Somehow in most media its pictured wrong. In DoW its like a flammer, in Fireworrior its like flammer, in Space Marine its like a shotgun. But all it is is a shortimed ray of heat piercing everything in a short, strait line in a single shot (as discribed in EVERY book), needing a amount of time to build up the preasure for the next shot.

  • @Aaron-io8vw
    @Aaron-io8vw Před 2 lety +1

    The femalen inquistor with the pilgrim hat is Katarinya Greyfax. In audio books she is voiced by english actress Catherine Tate(Donna Noble in doctor who). Greyfax and Celestine forced to work together during the 13th Black crusade and portions of the fandom meme them as a lesbian couple with Greyfax filling a japanese manga(comic book) archetype called a Tsundare, a person who uses what appears to appears to have a negative opinion of anothet but they eventuslly fall in love.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      ☺️ We want more on Katarinya 😀

    • @Aaron-io8vw
      @Aaron-io8vw Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames check out the audiodrama Our Martyred Lady, which Features them and the Black Templars space Marine Chapter, its on audible and is only like 4 hours long as its a short story not a novel.

  • @mickmack1409
    @mickmack1409 Před 2 lety +1

    Nice, keep them coming. [thought for the day, Kill Kill Kill, Dakka, Dakka, Dakka! ]

    @CALLOFROCK14 Před 2 lety +1

    If I remember correctly a melta gun is basically a radiation shotgun

  • @_lime.
    @_lime. Před rokem

    Eversor assassins are truly something else. There name is literally Latin for "Destroyer".
    There is one story in the lore where an attendant is working in the Eversor temple and looking at all the assassins frozen in cryo sleep. He walks up to one of them and reads it's file. The list of injuries horrified him:
    "L2-L5 lumbar vertebrae shattered from a Tyranid hive tyrant. Detached median nerve in right arm by Dark Eldar haemonculus. Severed mandible below ramus in close combat with a Khornate Champion. Electrical burns 42.4 % of upper torso by Black Legion Chaos sorcerer. Left arm crushed below elbow by an Ork warboss. Two-hundred forty-three separate stubber and lasgun wounds. Eighteen cardiac arrests and automated restarts. And the list went on."
    They literally have defibrillators implanted into them so that when they die from cardiac arrest they can automatically revive themselves.

  • @Arael621
    @Arael621 Před 2 lety +1

    Fantastic stuff! I'm looking forward to the next one!

  • @patrickfeeney96
    @patrickfeeney96 Před 2 lety +1

    I know I'm a few days late, but if you like Warhammer 40k, there are other videos that I've been recommended, and it is called helsreach parts 1 to XIII by Richard Boylan.

  • @stratigangames508
    @stratigangames508 Před rokem

    I like the reaction of "Oh I dont like them, they're self righteous assholes." Thats the beauty of 40k. Everyone is a self righteous asshole. Every faction is "my way or the highway" and thats the charm of it.

  • @26snoopy82
    @26snoopy82 Před 2 lety +1

    The sister of battle are really good in the ninth edition which is the edition out.

  • @alphabetadotaalphabetadota5671

    Yay was waiting for it 😁 gotta love it

  • @synergy8879
    @synergy8879 Před rokem

    it’s canon to me that castellan the grey knight dips his blade in sulfuric acid or burning phosphex whenever it gets a little too noisy.

  • @pumpkinknight9450
    @pumpkinknight9450 Před 2 lety +4

    I have waited for this.... :)

  • @OCGreenDevil
    @OCGreenDevil Před 2 lety +1

    These are so great. Hope to see you guys react to the rest of his videos.

  • @nawnomadnan9874
    @nawnomadnan9874 Před 2 lety +1

    Here's a fun fact: Adeptus Mechanicus that turned into Chaos are called Heretek.

  • @cellectra3342
    @cellectra3342 Před rokem

    Funny with the gray Knights, the space wolves know they exist as they went to war against them one time and won, also titans are the big boy machines, the warlord being the biggest if big boys

  • @omabrax0555
    @omabrax0555 Před 2 lety +1

    Brecky's leg 🦵 game is on point

  • @Comissar_Carolus
    @Comissar_Carolus Před 2 lety +1

    Will you react to part 2 ? You reaction to this first part was very entertaining.

  • @oxide9679
    @oxide9679 Před rokem +2

    Excitement for the Chaos gods and Xenos? I smell heresy........

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před rokem +1

      Um, nope Mr. Inquisitor. No heresy here 😇 for the emperor and all that

    • @oxide9679
      @oxide9679 Před rokem +1

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames I will be watching from the shadows to ensure that remains the case.
      Long may the Golden Throne of Holy Terra last!

  • @raideurng2508
    @raideurng2508 Před rokem +1

    Professor of WH40k is Luetin's title.

  • @PoisonSapphire
    @PoisonSapphire Před 2 lety +1

    More 40k. As a huge 40k fan i love seeing peoples reactions to it who have no clue about the 40k universe

  • @AnimeIsArt21
    @AnimeIsArt21 Před 2 lety +1

    Hey you probably remember me your Raven Guard brother from part 1, well just like Brickey I collected 3 armies and another was present in this video and was my first army, The Grey Knights. Simply put due to minimal figures needed, but all being psyker and absolute beasts on the battlefield plus its a easy to learn paint job. U can start with a silver spray can for most your model. But the grey Knights actually lead to me picking Raven Guard as I loved deep striking or teleporting around the battlefield into heavy melee combat. Grey Knights have powerful swords, lancers and hammers and Raven Guard use giant lightning claws with jump packs. I have a festering hatred for the Tau and how Games workshop always buffed their guns(long range) again and again so everyone complained, everyone but me, their saviour cause my Grey Knights and Raven Guard deep strike in stab those Xeno muthas and have hidden assassin snipers take out their leaders.
    Victory or Death

  • @holsson85
    @holsson85 Před 2 lety +1

    Sisters of battle are great! Loved playing them in Dawn of War: Soulstorm. On a side note, McFarlane Toys recently made action figures of them ;)

  • @carljohan9265
    @carljohan9265 Před 2 lety +1

    Oh you have no idea how scary the sisters of battle can be.
    Their faith is literally so strong that they can manifest actual miracles on the battle field (like the one you saw in the trailer who heals a lethal injury from a necron de-atomizer weapon). And this is a game mechanic on the table top. It's known as "miracle dice".
    What's more, their faith makes them almost impossible for chaos to corrupt. It is possible for it to happen, but it literally requires years of torture to break them.
    And the most devout sisters (like Celestine) become living saints. Some people like to call them "greater demons of the emperor", because that's basically what they are like. They have the strength of a greater demon and they come back even if you kill them.
    The sisters are hardcore nuns indeed.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Před 2 lety

      Miracle dice? Loving the sisters more and more 😁🥳😇

    • @carljohan9265
      @carljohan9265 Před 2 lety

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames Basically, you have a pool of dice with pre-rolled numbers on them.
      Then when you make a roll, you can swap the dice you just rolled for a dice in your miracle pool.
      This is usually done to secure clutch successes on rolls that you really badly want to pass.
      In terms of the lore it basically means they can evade attacks that should have hit (or even heal lethal injuries), and land critical hits on enemies that should have evaded/defended against the attack (even if it wasn't possible for their attack to kill the target).
      Puts a new spin on the phrase "faith is it's own reward".

  • @hunter5822
    @hunter5822 Před 2 lety +1

    28:33 RIGHT?!?!?! No body touches this stuff, you could easily pull of live action or animated!!!

  • @ayami123
    @ayami123 Před 2 lety +1

    ah Part 2 the Xenos part The best part of warhammer 40k by bricky

  • @FloeticsPH
    @FloeticsPH Před 2 lety +1

    Can't wait for your reaction to Part 2!

  • @hollow8136
    @hollow8136 Před 2 lety +1

    It's very different, but you two might enjoy the trailers for the Total War Warhammer games! It is fantasy rather than Sci-Fi, but they have a nice mix of cinematic and in-engine trailers that are fun to watch. They are all only about a minute or two long each, so you could probably watch a ton of them in one go.
    Would love to see y'all react to them, but it's also just a fun watch on your own time off-camera of you're too busy with other stuff.

  • @nicolasivanesquivel4900
    @nicolasivanesquivel4900 Před 2 lety +1

    I recommend the hammer and bolter series of warhammer 40k

  • @loganlautenschlager6885
    @loganlautenschlager6885 Před 2 lety +1

    This is so fun to watch you guys react just wait until you learn about Chaos and the Chaos gods all I can say is. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD SKULL FOR THE SKULL THROWN