Are miracles still here today? Part 1: church of Christ sermon

  • čas přidán 10. 02. 2017
  • This sermon series Are miracles still here today? Part 1will discuss if miracles are still happening today.

Komentáře • 81

  • @dorcasmcleod6583
    @dorcasmcleod6583 Před 2 lety +1

    I especially like the plan of salvation scrolling across the screen at the end. Good job brother!

  • @centralcocicsop2335
    @centralcocicsop2335 Před 5 lety +3

    Very good explanation ....
    Greetings from central church of christ Hyderabad india

  • @richwithgodslove8156
    @richwithgodslove8156 Před 4 lety +1

    Thank you brother im a member of Greenville Avenue church of Christ 🙏🙏

    • @maxwellmncanca6773
      @maxwellmncanca6773 Před 4 lety +1

      Hello brother Collins and it is my plaesure to great you by the grace of God. I am longing to meet you face to face and get a chance to assembly with you all there and kindly arrange a chance in your schedule to visit Idutywa Church of Christ in the Eastern Cape where i am assembling.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 4 lety +1

      That would be awesome, but I doubt I will be traveling outside our country. It won't be long until we are going to need missionaries coming to America because more and more people are moving away from God.

  • @emmettmitcham1958
    @emmettmitcham1958 Před 5 lety +1

    Great lesson

    • @lupeguadalupe9311
      @lupeguadalupe9311 Před rokem

      Just in a couple minutes and can tell you already deny all the SUPERNATURAL miracles of Jesus Christ in my life.... What a put off! You deny the current power and work of the Holy Spirit to continue to work in the supernatural. No I am not talking about carnal earthly fleshly false miracles

  • @user-dg2xe9vl7r
    @user-dg2xe9vl7r Před 3 měsíci

    I preach the same Sir.

  • @JeremyMcGuire-mq3ye
    @JeremyMcGuire-mq3ye Před 5 měsíci +1

    Sons and daughters of Jehovah

  • @Kim-wd1vs
    @Kim-wd1vs Před 7 lety +3

    At 19:40 you asked is Holy Spirit available today? You answered NO. Acts 2:38 says yes.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 7 lety +3

      What I am saying is the HS is not inspiring people to speak in tongues, prophecy, or anything miraculous.

    • @realtruthseeker521
      @realtruthseeker521 Před 7 lety +3

      he is talking about he mirculous measure of the HS that was promised to the apostles. THis is not availible today.

    • @centralcocicsop2335
      @centralcocicsop2335 Před 5 lety

      That is we will recieve the gift of the holy spirit

  • @Postulatedstate
    @Postulatedstate Před 2 lety


  • @adewolemajaro8954
    @adewolemajaro8954 Před 6 lety +1

    When you say there is only one baptism, what of Hebrews 6:2 that says the " doctrine of baptisms"? What is your comment on this.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +3

      There are multiple baptisms talked about. John's baptism, baptism of fire, HS baptism, water baptism, etc, but when Paul wrote Ephesians there was only one baptism that saves Eph. 4:4-5. That baptism is water baptism. HS baptism was a promise and was never commanded. In fact man can't even do that because it was done by God. We only have two recorded instances of it in Acts 2 and 10. It was done for salvation, but as a sign to show that Jesus was raised from the dead and that God accepted the Gentiles as part of His plan.

  • @oshosanyaiyinola8334
    @oshosanyaiyinola8334 Před 2 lety

    Greetings. 1Cor 12:10 shows the working of miracles is a spiritual gift. Acts 2 teaches that when we are baptized we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirits. Is this promise an instant happening for anyone who is baptized today? Did the apostles lay their hands on the 3,000 converts?

  • @maxwellmncanca6773
    @maxwellmncanca6773 Před 4 lety

    Please let me know how to reach you in person brother Collons. Where are you and how to meet you?

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 4 lety

      You can email me at

  • @SamanNaotunna
    @SamanNaotunna Před 7 lety +2

    Very good sermon thank you for share

  • @adewolemajaro8954
    @adewolemajaro8954 Před 6 lety

    Did Paul lay hands on everyone in the Church Corinth? Because it was obvious the gift of the Spirit manifested in abundance upon that Church. How did they receive it, when Paul confess to only baptise a few of them?

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +1

      Acts 8 is the proof text to show that only apostles had the ability to pass on miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit because we read:
      Acts 8:14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, 15 who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16 For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
      If they required the Holy Spirit to be saved, then Philp only baptized them with water and left them in a lost condition. Had Holy Spirit baptism been necessary and could be done by anyone, then Philip would have done it, but he did not. So, either he did what he supposed to do and these people were saved or they were lost until the apostles came and laid hands on them.
      I have no doubt they were saved and our passage shows that one is saved when they are water baptized, but having miraculous abilities could only be passed on by the laying on hands by the apostles. If it didn't require and apostle then when didn't Philip do it? Why was Paul wanting to go to Rome so he could impart some spiritual gifts to them?
      Romans 1:11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established--
      The fact stands that other Christians had to have an apostle lay hands on them to get the gifts. Whether it was Paul or another apostle, those in Corinth could only have the gifts through their hands.

  • @timlambert9934
    @timlambert9934 Před 2 lety

    Jesus Christ the same today, yesterday and forever. I understand we should not listen to faith healers but God still produces miracles what about that person that should have died but didn't? What about when you simply have a need it some how is met even though you don't have the means to get it yourself, you didn't tell anyone but some way some how someone decided to bless you. Idk, I wouldn't wanna sell God short, he has the same power he's always had, he loves the human race as much and he did in the bible times.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 2 lety +1

      God has the same power. He hasn't lost the ability to do miracles, it just that the miracles had a purpose, which was to confirm the Word and that Jesus was the Son of God. There is no more purpose for miracles so God doesn't do them. We have His Word and His providential care. I am in no way selling God short. I am just teaching what His Word says.

  • @horseman528
    @horseman528 Před 5 lety

    How do you explain James 5:14-15? I believe it is God that does the healing and not man.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety

      Consider the following from William S. Cline on these verses.
      James 5:14
      "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord." The sickness James mentioned is not physical. He wrote of sin-sickness. The oil James mentioned is not medicinal oil, but is the anointing of the word of truth. James did not limit his instructions to elders possessing the spiritual gift of healing mentioned in 1 Cor. 12:9. Those in the first century who possessed this power did not need anointing oil to bring immediate and perfect physical health. The Holy Spirit worked through them, and by His power healed and made whole.
      In this verse James contemplated a rebellious and reprobate child of God who had alienated himself from his Redeemer. Paul spoke of the number in Corinth who were "weak and sickly," and many slept. The apostle was rebuking the Corinthian Christians for their reckless folly and corrupt worship. He said that eating the Lord's Supper without discerning the body of Christ causes weakness, sickness, and spiritual death (1 Cor. 11:29-30),
      A child of God who has turned back from the holy commandment delivered to him and becomes again entangled in the pollutions of the world suffers spiritual death. Should he die in this lamentable condition, he forfeits his reward. Such a one, recognizing his sad state, should call for the elders of the church, profess his repentance, make his confession, and ask for prayers.
      James 5:15
      "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." The promise is without equivocation. The sin-sick saint, who repents and confesses, will be forgiven by the power of prayer. The anointing oil of God's holy Word produces in him a new mind, and the ascending prayer of sinner and elders will raise him up. Notice, especially, "if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." The topic is prayer and its power. The promise is forgiveness of sins, not physical health. The expression "if he have committed sins" carries the idea of "since he has committed sins." The promised forgiveness, and our inability to live without sin, forces the conclusion that James is not saying sin is only probable. (Denton Lectureship on James)

    • @horseman528
      @horseman528 Před 5 lety +2

      @@LGministry Good explanation. Thanks.

    • @centralcocicsop2335
      @centralcocicsop2335 Před 5 lety +1

      The word of god confirmed by working miracles sings wonders
      Mark 16:20 and Hebrew 2:2-6

  • @ecpindarok
    @ecpindarok Před 5 lety

    Me and my friend had a demonic attack when we were 12 no I was not on drugs and it started because I played with a ouija board how is this explained if demonic attacks don’t happen today?

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety +3

      The mind is a powerful thing. I don't doubt that you think you experienced a demonic attack, but it possible that you just felt that way. It doesn't require drugs to have strange experiences. If you have some kind of empirical evidence to support your claim then present. If not, all we have is your word, which can't be used to prove demonic possession.

    • @ecpindarok
      @ecpindarok Před 5 lety

      Ty for your reply this is why I am going to continue to be a southern Baptist who loves all Gods Children who are baptized by the word of Christ through the hearing of The Gospel through the blood of Jesus Christ.

    • @ecpindarok
      @ecpindarok Před 5 lety

      Also me and a friend experienced this demonic attack together. It is scientifically proven two people can not hallucinate the same thing. If I were alone I would not have presented this case May Our God Bless you and your family in Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety +2

      The problem with this is that there is no way to verify your story. There is no way for me to know if you friend actually experienced the same thing as you or was just caught up in the moment. It is possible for a whole group of people to have similar experiences if they are in the same place, have similar beliefs, and are being led down the same path. It is certainly plausible that you and friend truly believed that you were contacting something from the other side. Thinking that it was true can make both of build off one another and really think that you were experiencing was real. As, I said, I don't doubt that you think you experienced it, but biblical speaking, I know you didn't have a demon attack you. I am glad you have experienced that feeling again.
      Regarding Southern Baptist. Have you considered that they are not found anywhere is Scripture? It makes me sad that there are some 39,000 denominations in this world, but the Bible teaches that there is just one church (Eph. 4:4-5). Jesus is the head of that church. Jesus prayed that we would be one just as He and the Father are one (Jn.17), yet man had divided the church up based on their own preferences and calling themselves after other men or practices, which Paul condemned 1 Cor. 1:10ff.
      You can correct me if I am wrong, but I pretty sure the Southern Baptist teach that water baptism is not necessary for salvation, but the Peter clearly stated that baptism is FOR the FORGIVENESS of sins in Acts 2:38. Jesus Himself said that we must BELIEVE AND BE BAPTIZED TO BE SAVED (Mk. 16:16). I would hope you would agree that we cannot be saved if we are still in our sins. If you do agree, please tell me how one can be saved before water baptism, when it is the point our sins are washed way by the power Jesus' blood? Most denominations deny the necessity of baptism, but at the same time will say you should get baptized to show that you are already saved. Does that makes sense? Again, I ask. How can one be saved before his are removed? Baptism is what puts us into the body/church of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13; Jn. 3:5; Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27). When we are baptized we are to the one church by God (Acts 2:47). You don't have be voted on by the men of the church, that man's doctrine. I could say so much more on this topic, but I will let you think about these few things I have mentioned.

    • @ecpindarok
      @ecpindarok Před 5 lety

      All I’m trying to tell you is demonic attacks happen today. If it is true then it seems to me that it will crush your whole beliefs system. Yes the Bible says we should get baptized but it is the blood of Christ that gives us forgiveness of sin. Being Baptized is an act of obedience. To say water forgives are sin is saying Jesus died on the cross only was a partial work for salvation.

  • @Kim-wd1vs
    @Kim-wd1vs Před 7 lety

    I haven't got far yet...but right off my first question is can't the devil perform miracles even today?

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 7 lety +1

      The devil cannot perform real miracles only fake ones.

    • @junesalyer547
      @junesalyer547 Před 6 lety

      Yes Satan does do supernatural acts today...this is like voodoo and many other occult or new age things or anything not of God. This is why one of the gifts of the spirit is to discern spirits. Test the spirit against the word of God.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +2

      There is no proof of such things, but the Scripture do teach that demon possession and miracles would cease. They served their purpose. Neither exist today. 1 Cor. 13, Zech. 13

    • @junesalyer547
      @junesalyer547 Před 6 lety

      Cougan Collins God has given us sufficient reason to believe in him. But he doesn't force us to know him. Instead, he asks if we will allow him to enter our lives. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one opens the door, I will come into him" (Revelation 3:20). He enters our lives and does miracles when we believe and at our permission. I know God and I see his miracles. I pray you know him also and will see his miracles. He's a good good God alive and working today just as he has done forever. Do not limit God's power. All things are possible through Jesus Christ, it says so in Scripture.

    • @junesalyer547
      @junesalyer547 Před 6 lety

      Cougan Collins where is the proof in anything? Eyewitness accounts? A priest's word? A doctor's before and after X-ray? Seeing with your own eyes? Jesus says he wants us to believe without seeing. It's sad you say no miracles today when clearly miracles have been authenticated thousands of times. You are stuck in your small beliefs and cannot venture out into the spirit-filled world of the Holy Spirit. He's always been around, let him in. He's glorious.

  • @JacobGlover2023
    @JacobGlover2023 Před 5 lety

    Do you have any hard evidence that God is real? Gotta have faith

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety +2

      God cannot be put under a microscope but the evidence that He exist is abundant. The cosmological argument is a great one to show that we were created and designed by intelligent being. When we look at the external and internal evidence of the Bible, it clearly shows that God is that intelligent being. Faith comes from hearing the Word of God.

    • @centralcocicsop2335
      @centralcocicsop2335 Před 5 lety +1

      Romans 10:17

  • @Kim-wd1vs
    @Kim-wd1vs Před 7 lety

    Question 2...isn't God able to perform a miracle today?

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 7 lety +1

      God has never lost His ability to do miracles, but their purpose has ended, so God doesn't do them any more.

    • @junesalyer547
      @junesalyer547 Před 6 lety

      Yes, God does miracles today.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +3

      Prove it.

    • @willietodd3864
      @willietodd3864 Před 2 lety

      @@junesalyer547 yes, show us a miracle of the same nature that were done in the scripture.... raise the dead, restore sight to the blind,walk on water, lame GIVEN ability to Walk,heal the sick, speaking in a language never studied but is understood by someone (good example of This is in ACTS 2.Yes ,GOD can do miracles today if he opts to do so.We have the inspired writings that We can READ and understand And know what GOD wants us to do,how to live,how to treat others and how to receive forgiveness of our sins.2 Timothy 3:16-17, Ephesians 3:3-4.

  • @adewolemajaro8954
    @adewolemajaro8954 Před 6 lety +1

    I am a good listener of your sermons but I need to let you know how I fully disagree with you on this. Can you please clarify this; if truly your Church is the continuation of the original Church why does it lack the power and the authority the original Church has? The scripture says "God confirm His word with signs and wonder".
    And according to your sermon you did not include how the apostle Paul received the baptism of the Holy Ghost since he was not present on the day of Pentecost.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +2

      We follow the pattern found in the N.T. It was never God's plan for miracles to continue on. The primary function of miracles was to prove that the word the apostles and other taught was from God Mk. 16:20. Once God's Word was fully confirmed, then the miracles would end 1 Cor. 13. So, it easy to be part of the same church you read about in the Bible because the miracles were temporary and we have God's completed word. If miracles were still here today that would mean that we would still be having more revelations from God, which we do not.
      As I said in one of the other post, there are only two recorded instances of the Holy Spirit being poured directly by God in Acts 2 and 10. However, it is implied that Paul would have received the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the other apostles did in Acts 2 though it not specifically stated, but he was apostle born out of due season, and he would be the only logical exception based on he chosen by Jesus to be the last and final apostle chosen. Once all the all apostles died, with John being the last one, no one could receive the miraculous gifts from an apostle. There is no continuation of the apostles. So, no one today can work miracles. Some claim to do them, but you will never see a lame hand become whole or any miracle that is visible to the eye. You will only see them doing things that are internal or allegedly making someone walk or see with no way to verify their claims.
      I believe in all the miracles that took place as recorded in the Bible, but miracles served their purpose and we have God's completed word which does not have to be verified again and again. There is no purpose for miracles today. We know what need to do to be saved and to accept God's Wonderful grace. We are all going to die at some point, but if we live for Him, then we know heaven will be our home. No miracles are required. Even if you could be healed from cancer or something else and you gain 25 more years, you are still going to die. I understand the appeal to be on the earth longer, but we should all have the attitude of Paul:
      Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For1 I am hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.

    • @adewolemajaro8954
      @adewolemajaro8954 Před 6 lety

      "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" Mark16:15. This was the mandate the Disciples received from Christ, to go into ALL the world and preach to every creatures. God intended that everyone including you and I to hear the gospel.
      Mark 16:17-18"And signs shall follow those WHO BELIEVE, in my name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents, and it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." From this passage we see God's plan for every believer. God say when the gospel is preached in all the worlds everyone who believe shall have signs following them, and He went ahead to describe the kind of signs that will follow. If we pray for the sick and they recover it is a supernatural work of God. So I disagree with on this one. James even encourage us to do the same for the sick in James 5:14-15.
      As for Paul I guess you missed something there Sir. Ananias was an ordinary disciple and not an Apostle and was the one who prayed for Paul and lay Hands on him to receive the Holy Spirit baptism. "And Ananias went his way and enter into the house and PUTTING HIS HAND on him said, Brother Saul the Lord, even Jesus that appeared unto you in the way has you come, have sent me, that you may receive THY SIGHT AND BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT". This is how apostle Paul was baptised in the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands of a DISCIPLE. I brought this up because you said Philip what was appointed as a deacon could not lay hands and only the Apostle can lay hands.
      I will also like you to do a little more to convince me about this, by giving me a scripture that says miracle will not go beyond the days of the Apostles. Scriptures that prove that miracles must seize after the word has been establish. Thanks and God bless you sir.

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 6 lety +2

      It's very important to keep things in context and consider the timeframe that statements like these include. As, I said, there was a limited time for the miraculous. I have an excellent article for you to read on this topic. I hope you will take the time to read it and study out the Scripture that are given. Thanks for your comments and your interest is all of this.

    • @debbieguinn9311
      @debbieguinn9311 Před 5 lety

      Miracles were done away with adewole

    • @azendaythemanoflove
      @azendaythemanoflove Před 5 lety +1

      @adewole - but when does he confirm it with signs and wonders? Isn't science enough? Truly, faith is believed to produce instant healings and miracles, however, to the child at St. Jude's that lacks faith is left wanting. Indeed, God through nature makes cures that can be received without faith. Isn't that better? To me, the church that focuses on miracles of the scripture is akin to the Amish riding buggies.

  • @shimikagarrett4917
    @shimikagarrett4917 Před 5 lety

    False teaching that brings many into bondage and ignorance.

    • @shimikagarrett4917
      @shimikagarrett4917 Před 5 lety


    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety +2

      How does preaching the truth about miracles bring you into bondage and ignorance? Don't you find it interesting that we live at a time where just about everyone has the ability to record videos, yet not one undeniable miracle has been recorded such as a withered hand becoming whole?

  • @ecpindarok
    @ecpindarok Před 5 lety

    Also why does Paul tell us to put on all the armor of God to withstand the attacks of the devil? The fact that us don’t believe in demonic attacks shows that your not reading your bible and u have no faith. Faith is believing in things u can’t see. 500 say Jesus alive again but that was written down and u believe that smh

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 5 lety +1

      I have never once taught that the devil has no influence today, but that's different that demonic possession, which ended in the first century. The devil is limited in what he can do and he cannot tempt up beyond what is common to man. The main tools he uses are listed in 1 John 2:16.

  • @randalwdeese
    @randalwdeese Před 7 lety +5

    This video contains many half truths and some very blatant exegetical fallacies

    • @LGministry
      @LGministry  Před 7 lety +8

      The moon is made of cheese. That statement has as much evidence behind it as your claim. It's so easy to state your opinion, but another level to back it up with Scripture or with solid proof.

    • @randalwdeese
      @randalwdeese Před 7 lety

      Yes, it is easy to state my opinion. I was actually warning others to think deeper about your video subtlely. However, I would love to respond, but I will only respond if I have a written transcript. Going back and forth over a video is very laborious. I have read every article and book I could get my hands on concerning the topic of cessationism in all its various forms for over 40 years. In my opinion, 95% of it is more about individual personal prejudice and theological presuppositions than sound balanced exegetical theology. Send me a transcript, and I will respond in detail. Blessings!

    • @emmettmitcham1958
      @emmettmitcham1958 Před 5 lety

      Randal Deese you are lost repent and be baptized that your eyes and ears may be opened

    • @willietodd3864
      @willietodd3864 Před 3 lety

      @@randalwdeese read the scriptures and study the scriptures & rightly divide the word of God.... Paul says we can understand and once we understand believe it and obey what it teaches.2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 3:4, Study to acquire faith, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 11:6, Study to know God and his son,John 17:1-3,1 John 2:2-4, Know obedience to the scriptures Will save, James 1:21, Romans,1:16, know that the scriptures are truth, John 17:17, Know the scriptures will set one free, John 8:32, Be a doer of the word: James 1:22,