The King’s Birth Place - Micah 5:1-4

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2022
  • The King’s Birth Place
    (Micah 5:1-4)
    I. Warning about Judah’s Captivity (v.1)
    A. Micah warns that Judah will be taken captive. (cf., 4:9-10)
    a. Judah will be surrounded (v. 1a)
    b. Judah will be subjugated (v. 1b)
    1. The referent could have a near and far fulfillment but is most likely referring to King Zedekiah.
    II. Whereabouts of Jesus’ Coming (v.2)
    A. Israel’s Ruler will come forth from Bethlehem. (v. 2)
    a. The Place (v.2a)
    1. The shepherds knew where to find Jesus.
    2. There are parallels between David and Jesus:
    3. Migdal Eder is Significant for This Prophecy:
    b. The Pronouncement (v.2b)
    1. The area of Migdal Eder may have been the birthplace of Jesus the Messiah. [cf.,Matt. 2:1-6]
    2. The shepherds were told Jesus’ birth location and dress would be a sign.
    3. Why this is important:
    III. Word about Justice Commenced (v.3-4)
    A. Micah looks ahead to Christ’s Second Advent, when Israel will be regathering and Justice will reign over the world.
    IV. Principles for Christian Living in Light of Biblical Prophecy Regarding the Lord’s Return
    A. God has an end game for preparing this world for the reign of Christ. Some of it we know through prophecy but most of it we do not know.
    B. In unknown areas of God plan, live according to the precepts and commands revealed in the Biblical text and do not be presumptuous about what God may do. (examples: not praying for leaders, not evangelizing, worrying about human governments and problems)
    C. God expects us to be faithful in those matters and areas of life where we can and do have input. Moreover, we will be accountable for how we live in light of what we know and the opportunities God presents us, regardless of what God is doing in reference to local, national, and world events. [cf., Lk 19:12-27]
    Thomas McComiskey, “Micah 5 Commentary,” Online. Accessed 9/9/22
    Henry Morris, “Smite the Judge of Israel,” Online. Accessed 9/9/22.
    John A. Martin, “Micah,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton: Victor Books, 1985), 1486.
    Mark Bailey, “Signs of Significance,” Lecture, Pre-Trib Study Group, Dallas, TX, December, 2011.
    Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah: New Updated Edition (Peabody: Hendrickson Publishing, 1993), 131-32.
    Bailey, Signs of Significance.
    Jimmy DeYoung, “The Actual Location of the Birth of Christ Has Prophetic Significance ,” Online. Accessed December 21, 2018.
    Cooper P. Abrams III, “Where was the Birth Place of the Lord Jesus?” Online. Accessed December 21, 2018.
    Earl D. Radmacher, Ronald Barclay Allen, and H. Wayne House, Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary (Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1999), 1077-78.

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