Handling Emotional Flashbacks

  • čas přidán 28. 04. 2014
  • Sam Vaknin Richard Grannon Seminar Liverpool March 2019 "How to Manipulate the Narcissist or Psychopath"
    Watch our documentary on the hidden toxicity of social media now

Komentáře • 283

  • @tyreekhill1352
    @tyreekhill1352 Před 6 lety +5

    this left me sobbing... I know that my husband's childhood was horrible he suffered abuse from the hands of many ...it confused me how he could so easily cause pain to others because of the intense pain he felt as a child ...in my rational mind I couldn't understand why he would want to do that to someone knowing how it felt.. I have always felt a sense of sadness of the person that he could have been and that's what's kept me here searching for a way to help him you've actually put into words -I can understand something -that I feel I can actually do to help him to regulate him to let him know that I'm not leaving and I'm here for him ...I am your textbook codependent so my boundaries have been more or less non-existent but I'm learning to set them and I thank you for putting so plainly something that may help us thank you thank you much love

  • @zandrarose2258
    @zandrarose2258 Před 8 lety +68

    What helps me a lot is breathing. On the in breath I think "I am" on the out breath, "SAFE". I do this everyday, and anytime I feel afraid or at the beginning of a flash back.

    • @vonkunstler884
      @vonkunstler884 Před 5 lety +3

      I'm a huge believer in this as well. Another good on is 'I' on the way in, 'CAN' on the way out.

    • @willg4802
      @willg4802 Před 4 lety +1

      Zandra Rose try not breathing, for ten minutes. All your problems will be over!

    • @Tarasyoutube
      @Tarasyoutube Před 3 lety +1

      Breathing NEVER helped me. It was so aggravating when someone would suggest something so easy when it was much less conquerable

  • @user-bj6hz1nc3p
    @user-bj6hz1nc3p Před 7 lety +21

    3 years of my psychotherapy in 20 min. Thank you for your help

  • @brendaeileen
    @brendaeileen Před 10 lety +27

    I feel that if I let go of my horrible feelings my guards will drop and my enemies will get me. I am afraid to be calm.

    • @karenbarnett5593
      @karenbarnett5593 Před 6 lety +3

      brendaeileen I like the idea ( not my own) of making oneself stronger to overcome, rather than try to just obliterate the horrible feelings or negative thing. Always striving for balance!!( I see it every time as I swing past)

  • @gorgonnine988
    @gorgonnine988 Před 9 lety +2

    Holy shit I wish more therapists understood this. At some point in therapy I always become terrified and paranoid towards the therapist and start freaking out. Every time I secretly wanted to be reassured, or maybe just receive an email or something letting me know it was safe to come back. Once the episode would be over I was always humiliated, ashamed and even more terrified to go back. My mind is blown than no therapist I've ever had explained anything like this to me or gave me any advice on how to work through it. It would always just be awful, I would skip my next session out of fear and never hear from them, would never go back again.

  • @TheGriffstar
    @TheGriffstar Před 9 lety +83

    You have changed my life ........people pleasing ENDS 4 me today ....

    • @johno8562
      @johno8562 Před 4 lety +2

      He changed mine to. Made me a hard bastard to a narc legend 😎

    • @meljc2823
      @meljc2823 Před 4 lety +4

      Iv only just discovered this person and after an hour of listening to him, my hole brain and heart feels better, relaxed, every thing makes sence to me now. Things that have been tormenting me all my life, all of a sudden I can see why I'm a mess. 🤯This guy is amazing 😔🙏☮️💙

    • @johno8562
      @johno8562 Před 4 lety +1

      @@meljc2823 richard is a clever man fighting his own shit. Been through alot. Hes head will be fucked like me 🤣🤣 hes doin a good cause guys but internet can hypnotise you. Not r scouse dicked we love. Be careful guys

    • @Stella-cv4mc
      @Stella-cv4mc Před 3 lety


  • @moodycrab77
    @moodycrab77 Před 6 lety +10

    I find I am triggered if my house is messy. I didn't load the dish washer last night and when I saw the dishes in the sink this morning my heart started pounding and the room began to spin.

  • @kimbobrunel566
    @kimbobrunel566 Před 9 lety +17

    I hate and love you at the same time. The nausea in my gut is telling me you are spot on. I both cried and laughed while watching this. Great job Richard.

  • @tincey2001
    @tincey2001 Před 9 lety +29

    I just realised why I get so much from watching these videos - they are non-threatening. There is no relationship to lose so I don't get triggered. That, and your deep understanding of the issues and your compassion make a pretty powerful combination for a scaredy cat. A knock on effect is that it is making feel less anxious about talking things through with my GP, a process which has been nail-bitingly difficult until now as I have had to make myself sit there and introduce the whole mess. Nice re-programming. Thanks. :)

  • @Ritchina40
    @Ritchina40 Před 10 lety +2

    It is nice to hear your discussion about childhood traumas that still affect you as an adult. I am 45 & I can still remember like it was yesterday, the day my biological mother gave me up. It was 3 days before my 7th birthday. I remember her telling me on the couch, while the social worker was there, that they were finding me a new home to live in. For years I had so much hurt wondering why she gave me up but stayed with the man who was abusing me daily in every way possible. Like you said, I always wondered what I did wrong. To this day, I don't believe anyone when they say anything nice about me. I can't. I still have that man in my head telling me what a worthless piece of shit I was and that nobody would ever love me. I don't understand how people can ever overcome that. Then, from my teens and on, I just had hate for her. You were speaking about your military friend & I understand that fear mechanism he goes through before an attack comes on. Yes, I never served in a war & couldn't imagine how horrible it must have been for him, but I can relate. The whole childhood stuff, along with almost being raped at the age of 17 by a man in a ski mask, then having my first ever panic attack back in 1996, in a mall, of all places!! Then, for the first time, my first incident with death at all, my husband found our best friend on the floor of his room in the home we shared, after he had a fatal heart attack. My first experience of death was seeing my best friend dead, on the floor. That was back in 1999 and I still cry each time I think about it. I can never just think about it in a small scale sort of way. I have to relive each moment, from finding him, to calling the police, to the police asking me where our trash can was & my inability to remember where that damn trash can was & yelling at myself for being so stupid I couldn't help the police, to them telling me he was dead and wheeling him out of our home. It was shortly after that I became agoraphobic. What I am getting at is, if these things, that millions of others endure each day, could cripple me as it did, imagine, for one second, what your dear friend must have endured fighting in a war and killing others he never wanted to kill and seeing others die, possibly friends of his own. I couldn't begin to fathom his pain, but I can understand how he developed his PTSD and how it can be triggered. It breaks my heart when our military (yours, mine & others) have to fight and die or live with these crippling conditions, all because they were just trying to help others, but so often are not helped when they need it. I am glad he has you for a friend.

  • @gemsgonzales7282
    @gemsgonzales7282 Před 10 lety +10

    My ex husband was borderline. I got out of the marriage because I suffered through PTSD. I was raised by a NPD mom. So now I have learned DBT and SET skills to regulate my own PTSD. I just could not handle it when my BPD ex disregulate. He would be so idealizing (looked to me like unconditional love) and then when he would disregulate, he would go into rage and devalue me. It was too startling and my body would shake for weeks and months.

  • @elsaang9209
    @elsaang9209 Před 9 lety +11

    Everything you say is true. Pain is pain! I can't even stand thunder, screaming, not to mention movies with gun shots. Thank you for the videos, you are doing an awesome job.

  • @curtisyoungberg8938
    @curtisyoungberg8938 Před 10 lety +1

    This short video has given me more insight into myself than all the books I have ever read and all the studying I have ever done. I am eternally grateful for you putting this video on the internet for me to see.

  • @mishmila0167
    @mishmila0167 Před 9 lety +60

    Wouldn't it be nice if it was possible to wipe all this stuff from memory so the brain wouldn't react anymore.

    • @Tarasyoutube
      @Tarasyoutube Před 3 lety +1

      It's not nice... cortisol will destroy your memory but gives you memory loss in other ways. :(
      Ultimate coping mechanism. :(

    • @Tarasyoutube
      @Tarasyoutube Před 3 lety

      But I know you didn't really mean it that way.
      Cortisol like sulfuric acid giving you physical brain damage...

  • @gillymac9363
    @gillymac9363 Před 6 lety +8

    I caught myself in the middle of replaying a rather vicious assault in my mind last week & realised my eyes were closed. I immediately opened them& focused on the 1st object I could & the memories associated with said object flooded my memory, I looked at something else & did the same, before I knew it I was safely 'back in the room' 🙂
    I noticed not being able to achieve this while not at home, as there is not the same associations to be made with alien objects, but found writing where I was & what was actually happening helped instead. Hope it helps you too. Lots of love & best wishes on the road of recovery you lovely people ✌️😙

    • @willg4802
      @willg4802 Před 4 lety

      Gilly Mac see what smoking pot does to your mind? It permanently damages it so that you can’t handle life.

  • @sweetgirl715
    @sweetgirl715 Před 9 lety +4

    you are 100% valuable to me, you have no idea how good it was to listen to this video .... It's very hard to get someone to calm down when they are in that state of mind, but i have hope I can help

  • @wheeliekidbp
    @wheeliekidbp Před 9 lety +3

    I'm so thankful you made this video. I'm just now coming to understand the differences between emotional and visual/audio flash backs, as I suffer from from both. What led me here was a search of of how PTSD, Depression and being a recovering alcoholic (4 years, 2 months and 1 day since my.last drink but who's counting?). After watching and listening a to it a few times it finally clicked on why I act the way I do. It caused me reflect on why am I having these emotional flashbacks and can't figure out why, yet for the I know the triggers for all the traumatic type incidents I've been involved in as an adult, be it from the perspective as a former Police Officer, EMT, loss of friends in the line of duty (two of them murdered in cold blood by a soldier from my reserve unit, who we had just made plans to become work out buddies days before he did what he did). Yet now after hearing this and reflecting back....my whole life.....the pieces of the puzzle are.coming together! Now im.starting to understand the root of my behavior. Especially when my wife of 6 years wants a hug or some type.of physical intimacy and I suddenly stiffen up like a fainting goat. I have to tell her don't touch me and it was all so damn frustrating and infuriating as to why did I feel that way towards my wife? My soul mate and the only one that has stuck by my side when most others would have left me, I tried to make her leave me. She's purely magical in the fact she could always see past that side of me. So why was I like that with her? Now I know. Thankfully, she's naturally mindful and naturally practices SET. Now I know where the root lies and it goes oh so much further back than I originally thought. I never even considered, nor did I want too, go that far back as I didn't think it had any relevance. Out of all the therapists and other head docs, your the first that actually seems to truly understand it and why those afflicted act the way we do. Until this video, I had NO idea why. Now I do, and having unlocked that box gives me a whole new of understanding and ways to cope with them as they arise, naturally. I understood what I had, but the why was so bloody illusive to me! THANK YOU!

  • @lisamaddison9650
    @lisamaddison9650 Před 9 lety +2

    So sad because its so true. Absolutely spot on. Amazing insights. Thank you for seeing what most people can't and helping us all to try and be free of our pain as well as help our loved ones through theirs. Wonderful to watch and learn. You are a gift.

  • @lou-annbest1318
    @lou-annbest1318 Před 7 lety +2

    That was quite possibly a display of true genius in psychotherapy Richard. You clearly have a brilliant mind and rich education, including stunning recall; seamlessly using multiple psychology models and spiritual exercises all woven together in a tapestry of truth and light. Thank-you for being alive in my lifetime and in my time of need.... I experienced being raised by a violent borderline , raised in a cult, held against my will at one time and lived a life of self-isolation and loneliness . Narcissists have been my staple intimates along the way. I actually am finding my way to the light now thanks to you, Sam , Pia. Pete etc.. Thanks again so very much....

  • @lilyjacobs5911
    @lilyjacobs5911 Před 10 lety +13

    You did a fabulous job articulating how a person with
    complex pstd feels!! Its like you totally understand what I can go through sometimes on a daily basis. You actually described with words thoughts and feelings that I could not describe!
    Thank you so much..
    I can see that you are very passionate about this disorder

    • @lilyjacobs5911
      @lilyjacobs5911 Před 10 lety +8

      Complex PTSD has got to be one of the most painful physically and emotionally thing a person can experience.....

  • @katuk8173
    @katuk8173 Před 6 lety +1

    I read once that we cosmically CHOOSE our parents. Well Richard, I'm sorry you had an unhappy childhood, but so glad that you chose your parents, cuz we now have someone like you in the world x

  • @Tarasyoutube
    @Tarasyoutube Před 3 lety +1

    I really appreciate the insight that intimacy can cause them. It is so hard in a family. Heartbreaking and then you hate yourself.

  • @TonyM-bf9nf
    @TonyM-bf9nf Před 6 lety +3

    You rock. Thank you. I have CPTSD from my mother. I became engaged to a Borderline when I was 17. At 18, she left me for my "best friend". I can't get past her. I know I need to deal with my mother but I'm stuck. It was horrible. I kicked her(my fiancé) out and she married him. I lost my friend and my brother on my 18th birthday. This helps. Thank you, my friend.

  • @skippyjomo32
    @skippyjomo32 Před 8 lety +7

    Oh my GOD! I just now realized, based on a simple explanation you gave, that I suffered PTSD at the age of 15 in a situation involving a supposed boyfriend that related to severe childhood abuse when I was a child! I NEVER got any therapy EVER until now. I"m 43 and i'm going through all this based on having an addiction.

    • @stephjohnson6771
      @stephjohnson6771 Před 4 lety

      I too was emotionally abused by a "boyfriend" at an early age. I am 30 and still trying to figure things out

  • @hollyconn
    @hollyconn Před 7 lety +3

    Honestly I do not think anyone has helped me understand CPTSD as much as you have Richard. I truly cannot thank you enough. You are brilliant and so good at what you do. Overcoming CPTSD and fibromyalgia is very difficult. Especially when most people do not understand how it feels to transmute and transcend energy rooted in childhood trauma. Although the path is long and very dark at times, I have only grown stronger from the darkness. Your videos are always a huge light waiting for me at the end of the tunnel. Take care Richard :)

    • @eliniss596
      @eliniss596 Před 7 lety +1

      Hi. I also suffered/suffer from PTSD and for me it began like I had no control over it, I had it almost every day, I was told by pscyhiatrist "I'm sorry, you have the highest grade of PTSD and you will never recover, you will never be able to meet a man without having flashback attacks nightmares, you will never be able to study or work, you have been through to much to ever live as a normal being again"
      I refused to let someone else stample who I am and what I am capable of.
      Yes, I was afraid by men, I was terryfied , I got panic attacks all over in school, on busses, on airplanes,
      but I kept going, I kept facing the fear. I kept accepting my reactions my feelings and I saw my condition as a challenge, not a diagnose. And that's why I could learn from myself, I taped my attacks, I analyzed me almost as a project outside myself, I was afaird time to time and still am, I allow it, but I didn't choose fear. I choose curage by acting on the things that worked for me, I found solutions, I looked for solutions instead of just settle with "This is something above my control" because it's thoughts that control our feelings, KBT. (very good therapy btw)
      I guess I try to say, don't make it big, because then it will be. See it as a challenge for you to grow, and you will.

    @RICHARDGRANNON  Před 10 lety +21

    "David was so traumatized by the contempt with which his family had treated him that he was easily triggered by anything but the most benign expression on my face."

    • @janedoe978
      @janedoe978 Před 10 lety +8

      Wow! I have wondered why I can go sooo blank sometimes. Now I can't seem to stop crying. But this crying is not burdened by a depressive emotion. It's really very soothing (and a bit scarry I must say) and I've never experienced it before. Thank you for the link. I know you don't like oozing sentiment so I will just say "Yea to Me" for finding you. Haha.

      @RICHARDGRANNON  Před 10 lety +1

      Thankyou Jane Doe, glad it helped.

    • @TheNinnyfee
      @TheNinnyfee Před 9 lety

      This only happened to me once, I went very rigid. And I was so embarrassed because I did not know what was going on. Now I understand it, but it was very hard to get there.

    • @TheBeatIsYoursForever
      @TheBeatIsYoursForever Před 9 lety +6

      SPARTANLIFECOACH I read an article once a few years ago about how early exposure to abuse can sometimes paradoxically trigger an affinity towards that same type of abuse later. I realize there are hundreds of studies on the general cycle of abuse, but this isn't quite the same thing. This article was specifically discussing sexual abuse where the perpetrator was an adult and the victim was a young child. It purported that many of the victims would grow up to develop a fetish for pedophilia, and that the development of the fetish was linked to their previous abuse.
      And so it begs an interesting category of questions about how our formative experiences may or may not contribute to our current sexual identities and preferences. Obviously this is a huge range of things, just a few being communication styles, gender identification, dominance/submission preferences, and fetishes/fantasies (acted out with others and kept as a kind of private mental lust).
      One of your previous videos discusses how the "black sheep" tend to attract narcissists which ties in with this idea too. I am interested to hear your thoughts about it.

  • @YodanboogerLives
    @YodanboogerLives Před 8 lety +1

    All this time I've thought I had depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I can't begin to count the number of times I've said that the worst thing about GAD is that it just happens. There's no reason for it. Nothing causes it. There is no explanation. I truly believed that and it was the most nightmarish aspect of my pain and anxiety.
    It's the most liberating thing of all to realize these are emotional flashbacks. There is a reason. This was done to me. That means I can undo it. It's amazing. Gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh.

  • @motowngirl5891
    @motowngirl5891 Před 9 lety +3

    I had the sad thing, NOT being able to fall asleep, it went on for 2 months. I don't know how I didn't die. My medication n took a while to take effect. Thanks for this video it has help me

  • @butti5734
    @butti5734 Před 4 lety +4

    I think the TED talk is 'The voices in my head' Eleanor Longden

  • @PropertyAngel1
    @PropertyAngel1 Před 9 lety +1

    So incredible! First time I've heard someone verbalize what I'd seen myself.
    I've also been struggling with, no matter how perfect I am men run away, this really clarified that it's their issues, nothing wrong with me. Thank you, you are such a little genius!

  • @saranox7319
    @saranox7319 Před 6 lety +2

    I am rewatching this, quite a few month in my healing journey and am super excited realizing I've been setting boundaries with myself and am much more aware of my thoughts and flashbacks therefore can stop myself and be objective instead of reacting.

    • @saranox7319
      @saranox7319 Před 2 lety

      Back after 3 years, cptsd came crashing back worse than ever after I found out my brother has paranoid schizophrenia.
      Flashbacking regularly at work. Am severely depressed and my education at risk.

  • @Jennie-kx3et
    @Jennie-kx3et Před 10 lety +9

    It is so good to have access to all this information & have someone explain it in the way you do, Thank you!

  • @TheShadowpatterns
    @TheShadowpatterns Před 8 lety +3

    Thanks Richie. I'm converting this to MP3 so that I can listen thoroughly. Many thanks for the help you unknowingly have given me since I started watching/listening to you. Craig.

  • @LarryAuerbach
    @LarryAuerbach Před 8 lety +2

    Thanks for this video, Richard. I've been having a fresh flood of emotional flashbacks recently. This is one of the very rare videos I can find which has helped me understand and endure them. They really suck.

  • @kathrynhelms5399
    @kathrynhelms5399 Před 8 lety +2

    Pete Walker's book was such a high "aha" moment for me in understanding what I have been experiencing! Thank you for recommending the book and for your insights here!

  • @gailthomas7761
    @gailthomas7761 Před 8 lety +2

    Thank you. Tough work stopping panic attacks even if you stop and recognize the triggers. Thanks for sharing mindfulness it has helped me and hopefully some day I will be free and live a calmer life. By the way I had a great childhood it was being married to a narc that caused my ptsd, so it's not always from your parents. Please keep doing the work you are doing, you have touched so many souls and I for one am truly greatful.

  • @brittanystidham9071
    @brittanystidham9071 Před 8 lety +1

    Thank you for uploading this video and helping people understand what they themselves might be going through or how they might be treating others.
    My sister was just recently diagnosed with Borderline. She has opened up to me often but after each time would isolate herself and push me away.
    This video was very helpful in helping me understand her better. Thank you again very much for helping me be a better supporter!

  • @DaminalTheAminal
    @DaminalTheAminal Před 9 lety +5

    Another Amazing Video! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I want to sit and watch your videos all day... Helping my wife and I heal...

  • @Eclectifying
    @Eclectifying Před 8 lety

    You explained things SO WELL in this video! Thank you for the validation! I shared this video with some groups in social media.

  • @kleinhummeke5936
    @kleinhummeke5936 Před 9 lety +8

    Very good video. My therapist used the ideas and mental exercises of Roberto Assagioli. ( Psychosynthesis.) I have a body but I am not my body. I have emotions/feelings but I am not my emotions, I have thoughts, but I am not my thoughts. After a while this exercise created space between me and my thoughts/emotions and they became less overwhelming.

  • @michellediehl7862
    @michellediehl7862 Před 6 lety

    I'm late to the Spartan Life Coach game but your videos have helped me tremendously over the last few weeks since discovering you! I have battled with PTSD since 2007 after barring witness to a mass shooting. Your descriptions of emotional flashbacks have really helped me identify triggers much easier than the overwhelming amount of resources I have researched over the past years. They have also helped my husband better understand what's happening when I'm struggling with a "melt down". I just ordered the emotional flash backs book on amazon and can't wait to dive in. Thank you for you insights and wisdom!

  • @mustaphamond3729
    @mustaphamond3729 Před 9 lety +1

    Mate, thank you for posting this. I have been struggling with emotional flashbacks for 20 years now and come up with many conflicting theories about origin and how to handle them. This video helped me make an inventory of these and throw a lot of confusion and doubt through the window.
    Next time I will merely ask myself if what I am experiencing are my thought and feelings or internalized darkness from my narc mom and spare myself hours of crippling brooding.
    Seems I might be using too many tools, just breaking the trance and observing from a clean and calm state is enough. Thank you very very much for reminding this overachiever of that. And I must say watching your videos are giving me much needed hope and motivation.
    Love and Respect, Ivan.

  • @katuk8173
    @katuk8173 Před 6 lety +1

    After lots of failed relationships over the decades, including friends and family ....i met my current partner. He has never triggered me even though he's a sociopath and screams abuse in my face very frequently. I think it's because I see him shouting at his mum every Sunday. So that when he verbally abuses me....i automatically know it's HIM and HIS anger problems and not mine. It's the only relationship that's comfortable for me. As I get too hurt when I'm with others, even when they roll their eyes at me....cuz I've never witnessed them being horrible to anyone else

  • @PenelopeRyder
    @PenelopeRyder Před 6 lety +1

    Your videos are an amazing resource. I trained in tapping faster eft and NLP and your videos take my mind to another level of understanding how to help people and myself. Thank you

  • @Natatattatification
    @Natatattatification Před 5 lety

    I wish I'd known this even 6 years ago. I was in therapy and it was the best I'd had so far in my life, but it still missed the mark, and it never helped for more than a few days. Everything you describe here resonates to the core and I KNOW that this is what I've been missing. Now I know what the problem is, I can start working on healing it. I'm so grateful to you Richard, words can't really express it well enough, but thank you!

  • @eonpunk1668
    @eonpunk1668 Před 10 lety +9

    Your video's are always great! Would love to see you do a video on PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrom/Disorder). A few people I know claim the roots to their problems come from this. Thanx again for the videos!

  • @xxpaintedbirdxx
    @xxpaintedbirdxx Před 10 lety +4

    Thank you so very much for addressing this. I dont think a lot of people know about emotional flashbacks. This was helpful and validating. :)

  • @NettieKay
    @NettieKay Před 4 lety

    Thank you for doing this work, I really need this right now.

  • @phoenixd9679
    @phoenixd9679 Před 6 lety

    Thank you......!!!!!! Not only you are adorable but the knowledge you share with us makes me rally love you more, the love , about love , we missed growing up 💜🤗

  • @haulk2001
    @haulk2001 Před 8 lety

    you are amazing, Richard !! thank you so much for saving my life thru this channel. ur work and coaching is tremendously helping my growth emotionally and knowledge of NLP. i self checked myself that i have ptsd from my past r-ship with narcs. it is not gonna be 100 %cure but deep down i know thru this turbulances i have to re-awake my semangat back ! .thank you trully

  • @joncena168
    @joncena168 Před 4 lety

    Thank u so much Richard I wish u peace n love and same to all the listeners

  • @Westeross
    @Westeross Před 10 lety +1

    Wow...saw you on Jade's channel. I am so glad I found you, I love the insight you bring to my reactions. Thanks Richard :)

  • @boudoirmelbourne
    @boudoirmelbourne Před 4 lety

    Wow Richard the progress you have made personally over the years is amazing!

  • @annalieff-saxby568
    @annalieff-saxby568 Před 4 lety

    Wow! That talk really ticked a lot of boxes. I have BPD myself (mitigated by middle age, thank goodness) and this talk really resonated with my lived experience. And what a fabulous extempore speaker! Thank you. Subscribed.

  • @PrettyTony414
    @PrettyTony414 Před 9 lety +1

    WOW!! I thought my ex was gaslighting me and being a Narcissist... and it was a borderline I was dealing with!

  • @consciouscoffeeplussugar2658

    Whoa!!! Thank you SO much for this video!!! I was trying to find a meditation for emotional flashbacks when I found this. Now I know what kind of meditation to look for, and I know how to begin up reverse this stupid loop I'm stuck in. This is life changing. Thank you!!!

  • @heatherallingham7120
    @heatherallingham7120 Před 6 lety +5

    This explains a lifetime of questions...a light went off

  • @jakubkarmowski2416
    @jakubkarmowski2416 Před 4 lety

    Thank you, your work is really important and valuable.
    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

  • @NickyLindolls
    @NickyLindolls Před 7 lety +2

    This was phenomenal.

  • @remjen1734
    @remjen1734 Před 5 lety

    Wow. This helped tremendously. Thank you Richard!!!!

  • @keiths314
    @keiths314 Před 7 lety

    Amazing talk. Such a lot of good sense in this. Thanks.

  • @kyliewilson2911
    @kyliewilson2911 Před 4 lety

    Wow such a good description thank you x

  • @dbrowne9341
    @dbrowne9341 Před 6 lety +2

    absolutely on the mark!thanks!

  • @maximumweb5655
    @maximumweb5655 Před 9 lety +2

    This is a wonderful video. Thank you!!!!!

  • @daisykyriss940
    @daisykyriss940 Před 8 lety +1

    This was exactly what I needed to hear! 3

  • @alisonpalmer1671
    @alisonpalmer1671 Před 8 lety +1

    Excellent, thank you so much for this video.

  • @donaacrossland1692
    @donaacrossland1692 Před 10 lety +1

    Bloody BRILLIANT!, well explained....thank you.

  • @kennethsimpson8456
    @kennethsimpson8456 Před 4 lety

    All the voices in our head aren't our own.. I never looked at it like that... Thank you

  • @cathylyons9689
    @cathylyons9689 Před 10 lety

    I've been in therapy for childhood trauma and P.T.S.D. for 7 months. My therapist told me to see your videos and you have been SO HELPFUL and insightful to me. I've recently broke up with boyfriend, and everything you've explained sounds just like me. Now I am HUGE fan of Eckhart Tolle... thanks to you. You have been a tremendous help to shedding light on so many issues for me. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

    • @cathylyons9689
      @cathylyons9689 Před 9 lety

      ***** why?

    • @cathylyons9689
      @cathylyons9689 Před 9 lety

      She does plenty for me. She thinks this helps for in between sessions. And she's right! It does help. I'm sure glad she suggested this. :-)

  • @jcat7553
    @jcat7553 Před 7 lety +1

    I see I have this I experience a complete 180 in my belief at first it scared me. I can see how a narcissist which I have attracted two can mess you up. Thank you for reinforcing my solution I experienced this with a sponsor in a 12 step Alanon program. Thank you. Needed to hear it another way

  • @polnocna1455
    @polnocna1455 Před 6 lety

    So, I have this feeling that I'm well above your usual target age group, but I appreciate your down to earth direct approach and humour :) I've watched two of your podcasts and going over to your books now, thanks :)

  • @livingwithabuse652
    @livingwithabuse652 Před 10 lety +7

    I've tried using SET time and time again. When she is triggered, that's it.
    Screaming, yelling, throwing stuff. Then my ptsd kicks in, I have an emotional flashback and it's back to fight or flight. Over, and Over and Over again. I'm not equipped to handle this.

    • @livingwithabuse652
      @livingwithabuse652 Před 10 lety +3

      I'm out. I left two weeks ago. Still scared shitless of her. Waiting to see what her next move is gonna be.

    • @markholtmeulen1507
      @markholtmeulen1507 Před 7 lety

      You need to start by being kind too yourself. I joined a men's group (MKP). Realising you are not alone and surrounded by honest men is I feel a good place to ground yourself on a weekly basis. Stay strong and kind to yourself.

  • @parikaamma
    @parikaamma Před 2 lety

    🙏🏽 brilliant content!

  • @rubymilescleo
    @rubymilescleo Před 9 lety +6

    This is happening to me in my current relationship where I convince myself he is a sociopath. I got so emotional about something that hadn't even happened yet. I suffered from a lot of emotional rejection as a child.

    • @willg4802
      @willg4802 Před 4 lety

      Mary Teresa Mc Brearty he is not the sociopath...YOU are!!

    • @UltimatePiccolo
      @UltimatePiccolo Před 4 lety +1

      @@willg4802 She didn't say he was. She admitted it was just something she convinced herself of.

    • @annaporter3442
      @annaporter3442 Před 4 lety

      @@UltimatePiccolo Will G is a troll. They are posting abusive comments all over. Pretty low for a person to act this way on a self healing channel. Probably a Narc, lol.

  • @gamerchristina1079
    @gamerchristina1079 Před 7 lety


  • @Paseosinperro
    @Paseosinperro Před 10 lety +2

    I am reading the Pete Walker article you mention. Is very interesting; I think I have the necessity of validate and recognize my childhood difficult experiences as a explanation for what I am suffering now.

  • @bridgettejunesingleton3819

    What if you dont get violent? Or you dont think everyone hates you? What if you have been abused, by family and past partners,but you have held on to self love as a way of recharging or self soothing to carry on? How can you tell if your being abused again by a work place or person, or being triggered? And I have never wanted to not just be honest? Even if it screws me over? Ive been told i was empathic. And I do relate to emotional deregulation...but, ever since I was little, if I was belittle or emotionally abused i would refuse to believe it. It would hurt like hell, but i would run or bunch my bag until the pain subsided. Im learning but still confused. I have found that I feel like a dog that keeps getting smacked in the nose. I always go into something with a open mind and heart, not matter what, butin some cases get screwed by a nasty person or group of people.

  • @vicky3688
    @vicky3688 Před 3 lety

    Brilliant video, I love your content! What happens when your flashback is not so obvious, milder and longer, I have the full on obvious ones but I can also ruminate for days with thoughts that I sense ate untrue but in the end I convince myself they are true and act on them.
    Bought your discipline course, am looking forward to it. 😊

  • @adarsha197
    @adarsha197 Před 8 lety +1

    So amazing, thank you.

  • @EssieB-qw2gf
    @EssieB-qw2gf Před 9 lety +1

    you are invaluable! thank you!

  • @MsAmandaSeal
    @MsAmandaSeal Před 10 lety +18

    Just Me A 'DONM'
    By Amanda Seal.
    She's not in my life but still here in disguises,
    Dressed in her 'narc' black cloak,
    She creeps up behind me, when life tries to find me to tell me that I am a joke.
    All those years I believed her,
    Her cold words they cut deeper,
    She engraved a vast space in my heart,
    She lives there most days and slowly plays games till I shut myself off in the dark.
    I'm a daughter, A DAUGHTER, a narcissists daughter! "Its all my own fault don't you know?!
    I am crazy and angry and weird and I'm lazy,
    Im useless, not worthy of love"
    Thats called 'Gaslighting'
    So cruel when your fighting
    Just for your own mothers love.
    ..AND Her screaming silence,
    Was worse than pure violence,
    Which would happen most days, thats alot.
    And these emotions berate me,
    They come back just to break me,
    and tell me I'm something I'm not.
    So I MUST be stronger,
    Im a lady, a soldier,
    To be distant,
    use my gift and pray,
    .... Amanda I love you,
    There's no one above you,
    Behold this creation you've made.
    by Amanda Seal

    • @piper_sss
      @piper_sss Před 6 lety

      Amanda Seal love this. I'm a donm too.

    • @annalieff-saxby568
      @annalieff-saxby568 Před 4 lety

      That expressed a lot for me. Thank you, Amanda.

    • @meljc2823
      @meljc2823 Před 4 lety

      That's beutiful but so sad, I hope yr ok 😔🙏☮️💙

  • @charliechase7390
    @charliechase7390 Před 10 lety

    Brilliantly said. Thanks

  • @meagan3469
    @meagan3469 Před 4 lety

    Great clear video.its ringing bells in my blind search for what's going on in me.ptsd very divergent but mine is emotional flashes.thats what's going on.they are telling me things that help me see this is why I m me.great video and cool guy.

  • @Jana-ou5no
    @Jana-ou5no Před 6 lety +1

    HUGE help!

  • @sparklyAli
    @sparklyAli Před 8 lety +9

    I definitely think I have Borderline traits and I find dealing with emotional flashbacks really difficult.

  • @pickabo5144
    @pickabo5144 Před 4 lety

    You are brilliant!

  • @georgiasvocal6772
    @georgiasvocal6772 Před 5 lety +1

    you are amazing!!!! thank you

  • @Yosya8059
    @Yosya8059 Před 5 lety

    That was immensely helpful! 🙏

  • @jasonbrand6256
    @jasonbrand6256 Před 6 lety

    Very good,thanks for the info

  • @wadiquelt
    @wadiquelt Před 10 lety +8

    All my life, recognising I was damaged, I have sought healing and counselling and psychodrama and endless new-age avenues through which to learn to love myself (which all ended when I found Jesus) but I realise tonight that I have never confronted the internalised father figure part, whose job has been to psychotically annhilate every trace of my existence and stamp out every tiniest hint of vulnerability or need.
    I have an unacknowledged psychotic soul murderer loose on the inside of me, whose sole intent is to annihilate me.
    No wonder life has always ended up becoming so unbearably violatory, no matter how hard I've tried.
    But times they are a changing. I don't know how to get there yet, BUT I'M COMING. Lay on the hands and give the child a voice Jesus and your Strength to enable her to remain present.

    • @Nuverselive
      @Nuverselive Před 10 lety

      Amazing self analysis . Sounds like thru Jesus you've been searched within your deep inner self allowing this predator inside you to be exposed by the new light (faith) in which you surround yourself ! Kudos to you . I've tried it all and having my faith as a foundation has allowed the healing . Even if it's just reading comments of others suffering and watching vids from this "awesome guy".

    • @wadiquelt
      @wadiquelt Před 10 lety

      Khamsin thanks for the affirmation Khamsin. God bless.

  • @petramoreno-frasca9236
    @petramoreno-frasca9236 Před 8 lety +1

    This is some GREAT stuff you put out. I always learn so much from your videos, just want to Thank you on putting yourself out there and the information. The smell does get to me sometimes and I even had men say to me that they could have sworn that I was in a certain store because of the hint of my perfume, lol Hmmm... One of the smells that comes to my mind that makes me sick to my stomach isn't something I can really pin point of the origin. However, I do know where and it's in a school. Mostly elementary schools cause they have a stronger scent, I have no reason of understanding why the smell makes me so sick or what it could possibly be. But, yea... I dread walking into schools... and I love that you can laugh and make lil jokes, makes this journey and issues a little more light on the heart, soul and in the mind, no doubt.

  • @katrinaf8293
    @katrinaf8293 Před měsícem

    Thank you for this video, thanku thanku thanku

  • @ValErie-zj4br
    @ValErie-zj4br Před 10 lety

    wow...i am amazed...have been trying to put words to this...trying to help someone understand...this may help more than anything i have tried before...

  • @erockfreedom6399
    @erockfreedom6399 Před 6 lety +1

    Love this

  • @izawaniek2568
    @izawaniek2568 Před 3 lety

    Thank you.

  • @teebee5043
    @teebee5043 Před 10 lety +3

    Wow, this explains a lot. I'm not quite sure of the complex trauma that I might have endured, but for some reason, sunlight shining through windows in the late afternoon gives me massive emotional flashbacks.

    • @francinerobinson5528
      @francinerobinson5528 Před 10 lety +1

      I can relate. Sometimes I'll have a sudden wave of depression (like a "free-fall") in certain indoor settings, and it seems to be directly connected somehow to the outdoor light coming in.

    • @teebee5043
      @teebee5043 Před 10 lety +4

      It certainly is an uncanny feeling; almost like some long repressed memory from childhood is trying to reveal it's self to me, but it can't get through to me.

    • @Nuverselive
      @Nuverselive Před 10 lety +3

      Strange but Me too ... Also waking up as the sun is going down !

    • @teebee5043
      @teebee5043 Před 10 lety +2

      Oh, yeah, it's creepy and depressing.

  • @evangarvey2821
    @evangarvey2821 Před 5 lety +1

    Lol so true Richard. Had some borderlines running a narcissistic support group....which complicates things...won't be going back for now until I learn more about this. Or I just won't go back.

  • @nadiacalat
    @nadiacalat Před 10 lety

    I love what you say around 20:16, so true and funny- a perfect depiction of the rather intense countertransference issues many so called "therapists" refuse to deal with when confronted with borderline patients - and yes, they fear these patients and even refuse to take them as new clients sometimes lol.:)

  • @kstar6508
    @kstar6508 Před 3 lety

    You are precise.

  • @kimpossible6654
    @kimpossible6654 Před 4 lety

    My god. ... I was diagnosing this myself when I was very young 7 or so in the 70’s then heard the term ptsd - realized that’s what I have .. in the 80s but society was not talking about it yet.. just tuning back in to psych .. thanks