A Look Back: David Berkowitz and the "Son of Sam" killings

  • čas přidán 23. 08. 2022
  • It was the 1970s and a serial killer walked the streets of New York City for more than a year, terrorizing everyone, especially women. That is, until David Berkowitz was captured, putting an end to it all and leaving many asking why he did it.

Komentáře • 315

  • @raginggamer7207
    @raginggamer7207 Před 4 měsíci +37

    He can change himself for the better, but that doesn't mean he ever needs to be free. You don't get to just say "oopsie" and go on with your life after taking the lives of so many others.

    • @YehNahYehAyy
      @YehNahYehAyy Před 4 měsíci +1

      That is the whole point of "criminal reform" though, prison (apparently) isn't supposed to be a form of punishment.

    • @Phaserdeath
      @Phaserdeath Před 3 měsíci

      He didn’t act alone

    • @raginggamer7207
      @raginggamer7207 Před 3 měsíci

      @@Phaserdeath Even if that nutjob theory were true, HE killed people.

    • @TobeyToby2.0
      @TobeyToby2.0 Před měsícem

      @@Phaserdeathyeah it was the dog /j

  • @Animalfarm6cats
    @Animalfarm6cats Před rokem +23

    I was 7, I remember the panic at that time. We are in 2023, I refuse to sit in a parked car.

  • @killtachi7400
    @killtachi7400 Před rokem +23

    Can’t believe this guy used to live close to me. Small world

  • @TheDancingRomeo
    @TheDancingRomeo Před rokem +45

    The funniest part is that Berkowitz thinks journalists are coming to see him to talk about him turning over a new leaf lol

  • @Matty19715
    @Matty19715 Před 7 měsíci +8

    He killed 6 kids 20 years and under . Animal

  • @kathyhall1904
    @kathyhall1904 Před 7 měsíci +23

    Our God can find and save anyone..amen

    • @YehNahYehAyy
      @YehNahYehAyy Před 4 měsíci +6

      Except his victims apparently.

    • @svetlanachiriac8095
      @svetlanachiriac8095 Před 3 měsíci

      Eu cred ca omul când se întoarce la Dumnezeu, și este conștient de răul făcut cu multa și sincera căință Domnul îl poate ierta ,Domnul sa dea putere ca și familiile victimelor sa poată ierta ,ca și iei sa poată primi ieratea lor de la Dumnezeu deasemenia!
      Rugăciunea Tatal nostru spune sa iertăm, ca să putem fi și noi iertați. Și sa ne rugam pentru mântuirea lor în Isus Hristos deasemenia!Tata Ceresc, ai mila de noi ,sa stam lângă Tine mereu, ca să nu putem fi furați ,sa nu dam prilej demonilor.In Numele Lui Isus Hristos!Amin!

  • @Marc816
    @Marc816 Před 7 měsíci +12

    Sam has been locked up since 1977. I have read that he has changed for the better as a result of that. BTW, When he was caught, the killings stopped. He was by himself.

    • @ickdon7999
      @ickdon7999 Před 5 měsíci +6

      He hasn’t changed a bit. When the interviewer brought up his killings and victims, you can see how weird he got, and he actually did want to go back to that place. Berkowicz is a narcissistic psychopath

    • @janadrianbettard8822
      @janadrianbettard8822 Před 4 měsíci +2

      ​@@ickdon7999anybody can change. U just still filled with hatred and don't wanna accept that he turned his life around.

  • @cvzxxzcv
    @cvzxxzcv Před rokem +56

    That sketch is John Carr. The real son of Sam Carr. There were multiple shooters. Berkowitz didn’t do it all.

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci +7

      U escaped from psychatric ward? Berkowitz acted alone

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci +3

      that's crazy talk. What does John Carr have to do with SOS?

    • @PanzyKenzy
      @PanzyKenzy Před 6 měsíci +6

      ​@@mannygrossmanLOL, this troll called Manny is so determined.

    • @PanzyKenzy
      @PanzyKenzy Před 6 měsíci +9

      ​@@IcantremelmebrmIs that you Manny? You created two accounts to troll people with your hogwash notion that Berkowitz acted alone?

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@PanzyKenzy u need to take ur pills

  • @adrenochrome_slurper
    @adrenochrome_slurper Před rokem +14

    "That wasn't me!"
    "I take full responsibility!"

  • @Debs629
    @Debs629 Před 8 měsíci +10

    He didn't do all these killings. Too much evidence later was revealed. Also Stacey's mom and David became very good friends since she knew he did not kill her daughter.

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci +4

      He acted alone. And ufortunatley Neysa Moskowitz was manipulated by Berkowitz.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci +1

      He did all the killings.

    • @PanzyKenzy
      @PanzyKenzy Před 5 měsíci +4

      ​@@mannygrossmanOnly a troll would believe David Berkowitz acted alone.

    • @AKELfortyseven
      @AKELfortyseven Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@Icantremelmebrmyeah u know because u was there for all the murders lmao

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@AKELfortyseven No i wasn't there, but its obvious.

  • @jonp4826
    @jonp4826 Před rokem +6

    What is the date of this interview? What year?

  • @beesea105
    @beesea105 Před rokem +13

    IDC what anyone else believes I KNOW FOR FACT HE DID NOT KILL ALL THEM PEOPLE HIMSELF. There are many many more. He is just took fall for a powerful group of people

    • @Blondie19870
      @Blondie19870 Před rokem +3

      If you know this for a fact then why not come forward with what you know ?? And don’t say because it is out of fear. Because if you were truly frightened, you would never make mention of this.

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci

      He was the only shooter. Stop believing in bs

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci +1

      What facts do you have?

    • @chrise-ih4ix
      @chrise-ih4ix Před 11 dny +2

      The Process Church spin off

    • @fransesco9703
      @fransesco9703 Před 7 dny

      You don't know anything

  • @luxor-uc2xs
    @luxor-uc2xs Před 5 měsíci +5

    Doesn't matter if he found jesus. He is one of the most evil killers.

  • @aaronwilson5219
    @aaronwilson5219 Před 8 měsíci +8

    This reporter is terrible

  • @F0X4L1V3
    @F0X4L1V3 Před 7 měsíci +8

    Wheatie Carr is one of my suspects......now way in hell Berkowitz did alone, not without help from the Carr Family, especially if one them was a Police Dispatcher and or someone else the police department was also in on it too.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      False. Wheat was a hero of the SOS story and her brothers were completely innocent. Maury's book has been so debunked by now it's not really even funny anymore.

    • @PanzyKenzy
      @PanzyKenzy Před 6 měsíci +1

      ​@@mannygrossmanDebunked by a gardener named you? Who has a personal grudge against Maury Terry. There may not be sufficient evidence to prove that Wheat Carr was involved but the same cannot be said about her brothers that you have been defending fervently like Wheat Carr promised to marry you if you took such a stance. Go tell your two followers from your lousy CZcams channel who only agree with your mumbo jumbo merely to stroke your bloated ego. Chances of Wheat Carr's involvement are there.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 5 měsíci

      That was a funny comment. Thanks for providing me some entertainment this morning. Can't wait to see your "evidence" that John and Mike were involved. LOL!!!!!@@PanzyKenzy

    • @ddawg6482
      @ddawg6482 Před 2 dny

      ​@@mannygrossmanWho debunked it? Little Manischewitz Manny? Lol. There are living witnesses and actual investigators who worked on the case who all agree that Berkowitz likely did not act alone. There are actually good reasons to think this. Do you honestly believe that Berkowitz pulled the names John "Wheaties" Carr and Michael Carr out a hat? Both were involved. Tht Demasi-Lomino police composite alone proves that John Carr was involved.

    • @ddawg6482
      @ddawg6482 Před 2 dny +2

      ​What a remarkable coincidence that, of all people in Yonkers, that Wheat Carr, sister of John Wheaties of SOS letters fame, ends up being the hero of the story who drops the dime on Berkowitz. How convenient for the Carrs.

  • @dre5318
    @dre5318 Před rokem +10

    Miss information he said he wasn't the only one killing the people

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před rokem +2

      And you believe him?

    • @MrsK976
      @MrsK976 Před rokem +8

      Exactly right. Two of the victims have said it wasn’t him, and the composite they had drawn looks nothing like him. He was one of many.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      LOL! @@MrsK976

    • @ddawg6482
      @ddawg6482 Před 2 dny

      ​@@mannygrossmanlol yourself, short stuff

  • @torgrim123
    @torgrim123 Před měsícem +3

    He didnt do this alone

    • @WesleyGravolet
      @WesleyGravolet Před 20 dny +3

      Its a really complicated issue..im really intrigued by the alternate stories.grom other subjects who have confirmed other shooters..

  • @firestorm7104
    @firestorm7104 Před rokem +19

    i do not believe he acted alone...and there is a witness, a woman, who even said he couldnt be in 2 places at one time.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před rokem +5

      He acted alone. Press my name to take you to a whole archive of videos proving it.

    • @MaryMDoyle
      @MaryMDoyle Před rokem +5

      He acted alone and as for that "witness" the one with the dog, her story is rubbish and imo Maury Terry the fiction writer paid her so her story fitted his deception.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před rokem

      @@MaryMDoyle Precisely. The Cecilia Davis story was a hoax. Maury had her make it up.

    • @taye9180
      @taye9180 Před rokem

      @Son of Sam Truth With Manny Grossman Your analysis are hogwash and lack depth, dude. There is no way Berkowitz acted alone.

    • @MrsK976
      @MrsK976 Před rokem +6

      Yes! czcams.com/video/AvYFyQJncWk/video.html
      Exactly right. Two of the victims have said it wasn’t him, and the composite they had drawn looks nothing like him. He was one of many.

  • @kevinmccarthy4806
    @kevinmccarthy4806 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Why does the guy take the invite? He knows what the reporter wants to talk about

  • @minenotyours212
    @minenotyours212 Před rokem +15

    Uhm he didn’t do it by himself

    • @SergyMilitaryRankings
      @SergyMilitaryRankings Před rokem +6

      He did

    • @minenotyours212
      @minenotyours212 Před rokem +9

      @@SergyMilitaryRankings no he didn’t. Watch the Netflix documentary series.

    • @minenotyours212
      @minenotyours212 Před rokem +6

      @Maria L. yes there are random acts of violence all the time in NYC. But the MO for the Son of Sam is a .45 and killing young women out with their boyfriends. He has admitted to not being the only person shooting the gun and he also admitted that there was a person recording the killings on film!

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před rokem +1

      He totally did. There was no cult. Maury Terry was a lying hack.

    • @SergyMilitaryRankings
      @SergyMilitaryRankings Před rokem +2

      @@minenotyours212 rubbish, he was mentally disturbed when he was first arrested, he has never said anything since he became of sound mind

  • @ericizaguirre8263
    @ericizaguirre8263 Před rokem +17

    Definitely has some secrets with him he wants to let out someday.

    • @MrsK976
      @MrsK976 Před rokem +4

      He told others involved and 2 of the victims composite looks nothing like him and they said it isn’t him. He was one of many.

    • @johngarcia8827
      @johngarcia8827 Před rokem +4

      @@MrsK976 I can't believe people just accept the story of the lone gunman

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci +1

      Berkowitz acted alone. Stop believing in bs

    • @ddawg6482
      @ddawg6482 Před 2 dny +2

      ​@@Icantremelmebrmno he didn't. Check out the police composite out of the Demasi-Lomino shooting and them compare it to the photos of John Carr published online. It looks exactly like Carr, not Berkowitz.

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 2 dny

      @@ddawg6482 Buahaha police sketches are not evidence

  • @nickthelick
    @nickthelick Před 8 měsíci +3

    What a fine chap...
    Hell, he can babysit my kid sister anytime!
    When's he getting out? Y'know, if he needs a job or anything...?! 🤔😄 🤘🏼😉👌🏼
    Seriously though, I would sincerely hope that he HAS changed for the better... I wonder who 'worked' with him back then, who were the 'Demons'? 🤔
    I mean, if there were accomplices (and some people DO think that there *_were),_* why hasn't he turned them in? 🤔
    Y'know, for nothing if perhaps for a sense of justice. Should he truly be remorseful/rehabilitated...? (As rehabilitated as it is possible to be inside prison!?)

  • @sheemstar
    @sheemstar Před rokem +15

    One of the many horror stories of the what I still consider, the greatest city in the world.

    • @sheemstar
      @sheemstar Před rokem +1

      @Xeirux and yet, people spend their life savings from all over the world to visit in my backyard. 😊

    • @sheemstar
      @sheemstar Před rokem +2

      @Xeirux Exactly. That’s how much people want to be a part of it “New York, New Yorkkkk” -Sinatra Voice

    • @sheemstar
      @sheemstar Před rokem +4

      @Xeirux well. Enjoy Indiana or wherever you call home lol. I wouldn’t trade mine for anyone else’s. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @sheemstar
      @sheemstar Před rokem +1

      @@LIFEAFTEREVERYTHING enjoy the woods

    • @alanahart59
      @alanahart59 Před 9 měsíci

      @@sheemstarI would love to visit NY but not stay. My daughter described it as capitalist hell. We were born and raised in rural WV though. We visit the city but do not stay. Just like you guys visit the country but at the end of the week you’ve had enough of it 😂

  • @user-kg4mt6mg1e
    @user-kg4mt6mg1e Před 12 dny +1

    My great uncle was in his group (Jerry Berg)

  • @jennyatherton5922
    @jennyatherton5922 Před rokem +2

    I'd still sleep with one eye open 🧐

  • @alessioaznavour5275
    @alessioaznavour5275 Před 8 dny

    I've seen many interviews of ppl who killed. Serial killers. And they all say "well I am sorry about what I did" but go on to tell the stories detailed alomost basking in the notoriety of their crimes. This is the only person who says and shows otherwise. He hates what he did. He shows remorse. He doesn't endlessly yaps about his victims. He doesn't give worthless details about the deaths.

  • @CrimeAllTheTime
    @CrimeAllTheTime Před rokem +11

    He seems so different now I hope he really has changed but he didn't seem remorseful still....

  • @beesea105
    @beesea105 Před rokem +30

    U can tell he is scared. It's crazy, there are so many people out there still today and it so big he don't know if even the guy interviewing him is in it or not. The cult he was involved in is so big, they walk among us and are so powerful. Can kill with snap of finger. It's really scary to think about

    • @DemeterPictures
      @DemeterPictures Před 11 měsíci +2

      Epstein was connected to them…

    • @chaytonhurlow840
      @chaytonhurlow840 Před 10 měsíci +2

      More people need to realize this. 90% of the extremely rich and famous are in on it.

    • @jamie7622
      @jamie7622 Před 10 měsíci +8

      ⁠​⁠@@chaytonhurlow840 can you name 5 rich and/or famous people that were in on this?

    • @Lessgo00
      @Lessgo00 Před 9 měsíci +2

      ​@@jamie7622😂 Ikr

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci

      There was no cult stop believing in bs. Berkowitz fooled u

  • @paulhart3812
    @paulhart3812 Před 20 dny

    “I did all the shootings. I lied to Maury Terry in the 1990s.”
    - David Berkowitz (2023)
    Seems as he gets closer to meeting his maker, Berkowitz no longer wants to bear false witness… a deadly sin.
    Lord have mercy on his soul.

  • @paceyourself5652
    @paceyourself5652 Před rokem +11

    Needs that book deal. But I do feel like he wants to let it out before he croaks. Surprised this exists. Very captivating. Personality wise Berkowitz seems kind of like able now. Crazy how you can be someone unrecognizable in the same life time. Also cool about him never using internet or smart phones haha 😂

    • @Leash23
      @Leash23 Před rokem +3

      He has his Son of Hope page he can explain anytime he wants. He chooses not to.

    • @paceyourself5652
      @paceyourself5652 Před rokem

      @@Leash23 what’s that?

    • @NikkiNoo86
      @NikkiNoo86 Před rokem +5

      @@paceyourself5652 I believe it’s his testimony how he found forgiveness & peace by accepting Jebus as his saviour & salvation or some bullshit like that! I guess it’s how he lives with himself?

    • @ronniewylie5115
      @ronniewylie5115 Před rokem +3

      @@NikkiNoo86I hope you accept Jesus before it is too late for you.

    • @NikkiNoo86
      @NikkiNoo86 Před rokem

      he don’t want me I am afraid 😟

  • @Schnol
    @Schnol Před 7 měsíci +1

    his voice and mannerisms are still the same

  • @jocelynastheart2732
    @jocelynastheart2732 Před rokem +6

    All these serial killers find god, only because, that is all they really have to do in jail! i don't find forgiveness on these monsters! but I am not the one to judge them at their death

  • @Swat-ed5bt
    @Swat-ed5bt Před 7 měsíci +2

    He's EVIL

  • @michaelmcclary8054
    @michaelmcclary8054 Před 5 měsíci +1

    I was a High school student during the "Son-of-Sam' & Charles Manson ("Helter-Skelter") Charles Manson!- Michael McClary, Professor of Trumpet 🎺 (ret.) Georgia Perimeter College & G SU

  • @Old_Mrs__Rader
    @Old_Mrs__Rader Před 4 měsíci +6

    Moscowitz mother did not believe Berkowitz was a lone gunman. The Ultimate Evil was the closest to the truth I've seen or read.

    • @NearGuttersPath
      @NearGuttersPath Před měsícem +1

      Maury Terry was a fraud and a grifter. The Ultimate Evil is poorly written fan fiction.

  • @frankburton670
    @frankburton670 Před 6 měsíci +2

    I am not saying what he did was or is right in his actions, and he surely doesn't need to be reminded of what he did, because he knows already it was wrong. But I will say, I know for a fact David Berkowitz is a saved man! I can clearly tell from the newer interviews of him and his personality is totally different from when he was caught. We are all sinners! It doesn't matter if you steal a piece of gum to being a murderer. Sin is sin! But Jesus died for sinners. In the Bible God used people who did very horrible things in those times, and He still used them. You can tell David has peace now. Being in prison for life, is not what gives you that kind of peace! Jesus does! God bless everyone!

    • @ickdon7999
      @ickdon7999 Před 5 měsíci

      What the hell ever. I can’t believe people today are still infected with this religion nonsense

  • @variousJnames
    @variousJnames Před rokem +4

    He killed more than 2 people 🤥Why did the reporter say only 2?

    • @poeticfrost619
      @poeticfrost619 Před 9 měsíci +5

      Probably because he wasn't the only killer. He was the only one that got caught

    • @chuckwood8452
      @chuckwood8452 Před 8 měsíci +5

      He was the shooter of 4 of the victims. He was a lookout or backup in others. He is guilty of murder in all of the cases even though he did not shoot all of them

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@poeticfrost619He was the only killer

    • @Icantremelmebrm
      @Icantremelmebrm Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@chuckwood8452He was the only shooter

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      OMFG. People still bandy this myth around in 2023? @@chuckwood8452

  • @LarryFleetwood8675
    @LarryFleetwood8675 Před 2 měsíci

    Maybe the cop that Weiss is talking about who wanted to kill Berkowitz, could be big Joe Coffey (blue jacket) at 2:19.

  • @MrCherokeewolf
    @MrCherokeewolf Před 9 měsíci +4

    John carr

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      Yep, a decent guy who was framed and slandered by Maury Terry.

  • @Animalfarm6cats
    @Animalfarm6cats Před 5 měsíci +3

    I wonder what happened to the friend (in Texas) that gave that 44 bulldog 9¥n? Look at the sketches. Then look at photos of sam Carr's sons John and Michael Carr. Those sketches are of them. Their sister is Wheat Carr, the one who picked up the phone when NYC, Detective call the police up Yonkers. Her two brothers died mysteriously.

  • @liltommygun6663
    @liltommygun6663 Před rokem +17

    There’s way more to the story than this there was 100% other ppl in the shootings

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před rokem +5

      No there weren't. Disco Dave did it all by his lonesome.

    • @MaryMDoyle
      @MaryMDoyle Před rokem +3

      Can you prove that? Just asking because nobody can, he acted alone because his ego demanded it. David wasn't mad or possessed either , David was and still is bad.

    • @taye9180
      @taye9180 Před rokem +5

      @Son of Sam Truth With Manny Grossman You are obsessed with telling people lies that your channel pushed huh?

    • @liltommygun6663
      @liltommygun6663 Před rokem

      @@MaryMDoyle there’s a whole documentary on Netflix

    • @MaryMDoyle
      @MaryMDoyle Před rokem +4

      ​@@liltommygun6663 There's a whole lot of documentary's on David Berkowitz going back to the late '70's, funny how the story changed in the late '80's after a certain book was written and suddenly it was a cult thing and duplicitous Dave became a fall guy, he'd say anything at that point because it got got him the notice he wanted and now everyone could call him son of hope, amazing how prison rehabilitation works isn't it?. Up to that point survivors and families of victims had always believed the original story that Berkowitz was the lone gunman who feigned madness to get a lesser charge. Berkowitz wrote in graphic detail about each shooting in late '70's and early 80's, why is it so hard to believe he worked alone? He's a sociopathic narcissist who thinks he's God, killers with that personality work alone because each kill belongs to them the hunt belongs to them, they do not share their victory's because it's all about them and the emotion overdrive they get from the kill.Ted Bundy who actually owned a VW Bug worked alone the cops allowed him escape twice, he was such a pleasant guy after all. Gary Ridgway worked alone and the cops failed big time on him because he passed a polygraph three times during his decades of killing, so naturally it couldn't have been him. Dahmer worked alone and the cops failed on him too heck they even brought back one victim to him while not noticing the stench coming from his apartment that the other residents had been complaining about for months. John Gacy worked alone a friend of Chicago PD who's home reeked of death while dozens of boys and young men were missing over a six year period, who had last been seen with him or working for him. Denis Rader worked alone and he went completely unnoticed because the fbi profile of btk was wrong - nothing surprising there. It was only through Rader's own narcissistic superiority that actually got him caught. Then there are the sociopathic narcissists who work in pairs, they work together because they trust each other because they have a murderous bond and usually a sexual bond, that is until they are caught, some examples would be, Fred and Rose West, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, Leopold and Loeb and Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono. If Maury Terry had decided to write a book about any of the above killers I've mentioned to you I bet they all would have been part of a satanic cult, because the 1980's was the era of satanic panic and if Terry wanted a best seller it's the only story that would make it one. Here-say and nonsense is not the truth.

  • @musclemark2710
    @musclemark2710 Před rokem +2

    David Berkowitz book 📕 will bring light 💡 to the world 🌍. Peace ✌️ people.

  • @user-zn4gs9ss4m
    @user-zn4gs9ss4m Před 3 měsíci

    77 was a Bad year for New Yorkers

  • @njdrummer7120
    @njdrummer7120 Před 9 dny

    Come on David ! We don’t care about you turning a leaf we want to hear about what you were doing in 1977.

  • @chrisyonts9652
    @chrisyonts9652 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Berkowitz didn't act alone - NYPD covered it up.

    • @LarryFleetwood8675
      @LarryFleetwood8675 Před 2 měsíci +1

      He alludes to it in his interview too, like he's holding back something.

  • @punkyspray
    @punkyspray Před rokem +15

    I wouldn’t feel a bit sorry for him, everyone becomes a Christian in prison, if he were really sorry, he would know he deserves more than what he got, criminals are smooth operators.

    • @debrachittwood7696
      @debrachittwood7696 Před rokem +13

      No everyone doesnt. Are you God? Can you see into EVERYONS heart? No...
      But God can. Jesus said Himself He came to save the sinners.
      Me and you and ALL thats EVER been born are sinners.
      Sorry but its true.
      God days the last will be first and the first, last.
      Read what God says. Dont run or live life by emotion...trust God...put your trust in Jesus because He came to save you too.

    • @punkyspray
      @punkyspray Před rokem +1

      @@debrachittwood7696 Amen he came to save us all, but being a true Christian means you know what you did wrong and realize faith has nothing to do with release from your penalties.. “Where such laws or regulations do not contradict God's higher laws, we are to obey the laws of the land (Acts 5:29; Romans 13).”

    • @Qotsarena
      @Qotsarena Před rokem +7

      He’s very very knowledgeable about Christ and the Bible. This wasn’t a few week stint. He’s been consistent since he let Christ into his life 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @punkyspray
      @punkyspray Před rokem +1

      @@Qotsarena I’m pretty knowledgeable too, if I had done the things he did I would be Christian enough to pay the imposed sentence and know I deserved it. To quote a great lady, “Faith has nothing to do with release”

    • @Qotsarena
      @Qotsarena Před rokem +1

      @@punkyspray he is isn’t he ?

    @NEOYESTHEONE Před rokem +3

    A book and a movie of the truth is on it's way...in the meantime, thank Wheat Carr if you can, not a parking ticket.

    • @paulhart3812
      @paulhart3812 Před rokem +2

      Neo knows his stuff. An excellent researcher. We both know Wheat, and we thank her for helping to catch Berkowitz. Actually, she and her family suspected Berkowitz well before he got that parking ticket.

      @NEOYESTHEONE Před rokem +2

      @@paulhart3812 have to make it right Paul...Wheat and Carl deserve it and I keep my word...I'm nothing compared to those two.

    • @CrimeAllTheTime
      @CrimeAllTheTime Před rokem

      ​@@NEOYESTHEONEwho is wheat and Carl? How did they solve this instead of a parking ticket?

    • @sky.the.infinite
      @sky.the.infinite Před rokem +2

      @@CrimeAllTheTime they were the other members of the Carr family, which were Berkowitz’ neighbors (with the infamous dog) but it’s deeper than all that. They were all (plus others) actually legitimately a part of a demonic-satanic cult back in the day called “The Process” sometimes written with the word ‘church’ following that. They (plus others) were actually the ones who did (most of) the other murders. Even the most basic evidence shows that, like the descriptions. You can go back and even watch some the original news broadcasts giving the conflicting descriptions. That’s only the tip o’ the iceberg, as they say… Anyway, there’s a ton of evidence out there for some really dark deeper truths about all that happened. There’s a really good documentary on here about it and a really good book too. Be careful tho, spiritually. Even if you “don’t believe in anything.” Just sayin.

    • @sky.the.infinite
      @sky.the.infinite Před rokem

      @@CrimeAllTheTime czcams.com/video/4JepFcuZVuo/video.html
      Maury Terry’s “The Ultimate Evil”

  • @vanessamartinez9110
    @vanessamartinez9110 Před rokem +2

    Our pinions do not matter God is our only judge

  • @user-zy2pj2xg8n
    @user-zy2pj2xg8n Před 4 měsíci

    I believe he can be saved 4 sure

  • @debrachittwood7696
    @debrachittwood7696 Před rokem +8

    Just remember this folks...not one of is is sinless...not one person thats EVER been born.
    Jesus died for just such a man.
    Jesus makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR that we BEST forgive because we have also been forgiven.
    Thats the Sermon on the Mount, by the way.
    Sorry folks but God can and will forgive ANYONE who truly repents.
    Read that bible for yourself.
    Sorry but Praise God this man came to Christ.

  • @feyhanemli1507
    @feyhanemli1507 Před rokem +3

    And you believe him do you ridiculous tell that to the victims families

    • @SergyMilitaryRankings
      @SergyMilitaryRankings Před rokem

      Screw the families

    • @MrsK976
      @MrsK976 Před rokem +1

      Exactly right. Two of the victims have said it wasn’t him, and the composite they had drawn looks nothing like him. He was one of many.

  • @svetlanachiriac8095
    @svetlanachiriac8095 Před 3 měsíci

    Domnul Isus a iertat pe cei care l-au ucis pe El.
    Domnul sa dea putere familiilor in durere sa poata ierta si sa il poata binecuvântata pe acest barbat in Numele lui Hristos!Pentru astfel de persoane sa ne rugam Domnului pentru ei ,ca sa fie eliberati de demoni.
    Doar in Numele lui Hristos poate fi eliberarea, ura fata de ucigasi nu rezolva problema!

  • @chrissybove7747
    @chrissybove7747 Před 21 dnem

    This one's rob Jon cryer

  • @smashedlittlek
    @smashedlittlek Před 5 měsíci +1

    Unfortunately evil uses the weakest and and the kindest most of the time

  • @njdrummer7120
    @njdrummer7120 Před 9 dny

    I thought Reggie Jackson did it. Number 44

  • @chrissybove7747
    @chrissybove7747 Před 21 dnem

    Decades I work as slave

  • @MaryMDoyle
    @MaryMDoyle Před rokem +18

    Typical David Berkowitz, "that wasn't me!" yes it was you David, you don't want to talk about it because you never showed any remorse for your victims and you never will, hiding under the guise of christian to get more notice, even as a child it was always about you.

    • @taye9180
      @taye9180 Před rokem +1

      Keep quiet. Deep down you know he didn't act alone. You just wanna peddle lies in support of Manny's channel who is a mere gardener so that I racks up more followers.

    • @christinac6675
      @christinac6675 Před rokem +1

      Seriously? He means it doesn't define him as a person. He isn't that person anymore. Why does everyone think literally like an autistic 3 year old these days? Sheesh.

    • @10.11.9
      @10.11.9 Před 8 měsíci

      Do you believe that you are saved by being baptized into Roman Catholicism?

  • @smashedlittlek
    @smashedlittlek Před 5 měsíci

    Basically a man that goes around shooting people in a almost ‘empty’ city like New York, does not get caught in a whole year….how is this possible? I believe there is a lot more to this story

    • @NearGuttersPath
      @NearGuttersPath Před měsícem +2

      get a load of soft brain over here. empty city lol 7 million plus lived in NYC in the 70s

  • @chrissybove7747
    @chrissybove7747 Před 21 dnem

    Nope this incident gerow

  • @jamieholmes5443
    @jamieholmes5443 Před 10 měsíci +2

    God this and god that

  • @jeffgates1906
    @jeffgates1906 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Used to work with Newman

  • @YehNahYehAyy
    @YehNahYehAyy Před 4 měsíci +5

    Why do Americans say "He's christian" or "He's found god" as a baseline for a good person? It's idiotic.

  • @pinaopina
    @pinaopina Před 8 měsíci +3

    I don’t believe him

  • @Kevin-po2dl
    @Kevin-po2dl Před rokem +33

    He has repent for what he did and has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior. ✝️❤️✝️

    • @ronniewylie5115
      @ronniewylie5115 Před rokem +7

      It truly makes God's Grace truly Amazing. I have written him. A very nice man.

    • @Kevin-po2dl
      @Kevin-po2dl Před rokem +2

      @@ronniewylie5115 praise the and savior Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ✝️❤️✝️

    • @Kevin-po2dl
      @Kevin-po2dl Před rokem +2

      @@ronniewylie5115 praise the lord and savior Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ✝️❤️✝️

    • @MaryMDoyle
      @MaryMDoyle Před rokem +8

      No he didn't, he became a born again in 1974 that was before the shootings, he has never shown remorse for any of his victims.

    • @Kevin-po2dl
      @Kevin-po2dl Před rokem

      @@MaryMDoyle ✝️❤️✝️🇮🇪✝️🇮🇪

  • @jocelynastheart2732
    @jocelynastheart2732 Před rokem

    If th son of same would buy a dog today he would probably call it cujo

  • @paulsypersma7165
    @paulsypersma7165 Před 10 měsíci

    you could be sued for saying berkowitz or falco.true?

  • @stevewindbigler3513
    @stevewindbigler3513 Před 2 měsíci

    He came to Jesus in prison!

  • @andrisimusmaximus5803
    @andrisimusmaximus5803 Před 10 měsíci +6

    He didn't commit all of these murders.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      yes he did

    • @andrisimusmaximus5803
      @andrisimusmaximus5803 Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@mannygrossman nope.

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 7 měsíci

      Please tell me your proof of this claim. I've studied SOS for 30 years now and am the person who debunked Maury Terry. But if you're sitting on some evidence no one has seen please let the world know! @@andrisimusmaximus5803

    • @PanzyKenzy
      @PanzyKenzy Před 6 měsíci +4

      ​@@andrisimusmaximus5803 The Manny guy is a notorious troll when it comes to the son of Sam case. Don't take him seriously

    • @mannygrossman
      @mannygrossman Před 5 měsíci
