Road to the Champions Tournament Week 14

  • čas přidán 30. 08. 2023
  • I don't know how I was so mellow in this tournament considering it is my worst performance yet...
    Anyhow, old fashioned, no specific rules tournament. Nothing really needs to be explained here.
  • Hry

Komentáře • 22

  • @NEON89_
    @NEON89_ Před 10 měsíci +1

    It really hurt missing this week. Really need a good performance next event.

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      I need a good performance too. Good luck to both of us.

  • @realJacobMK
    @realJacobMK Před 10 měsíci +2

    This was close to being the best tourney of my life; I won my last race and had enough points for first, but the timer went off like 30 seconds before the race ended. Still, I'll take 5th.
    Ggs to everyone.

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      That was two great performances from you, IN A ROW. Maybe it's possible you can make something out of this?

  • @RemyWillard
    @RemyWillard Před 10 měsíci +2

    Lengthy commentary (as per usual) incoming. With how long it took to get proper commentary completed on Alex's tournament, I didn't even have time to do a quick scan on the 12 races here before starting the video, but at least I know the first 5 races and the final 2 races are safe for rodent viewing because I was in 6 of those 7 and Nintendo decided to give me a communication error on what would have been Kefka's fifth race without the error (fortunately, the error came before the lobby loaded, so I didn't actually lose a race as far as actually playing is concerned, but unfortunately, I couldn't get back into a lobby before falling 2 races behind Alex, and that ended up leaving me with only 10 of the 12 races completed in time for tournament results... but with the performance I had tonight, I wasn't getting top 20 this week anyway).
    There's the full Dancing Mad combo in an Alex tournament. I wonder what he'll think when he pays closer attention to the timestamps I left for Daisy Cruiser and Yoshi Valley. 🤡😆
    I'll have to check the replay on my Switch to find out who threw that. It could have been Kefka, Christian, Mumu, or the Yoshi player whose name didn't pop up.
    The 💣 on the minimap allows Kefka to temporarily move into second place. Since Kefka ended up with 15 points through *FOUR* races, he clearly didn't win this one, so failing to finish second was definitely not a good thing.
    I recognize 9 of these 12 players. I wouldn't be surprised if at least 2 of the other 3 (if not all 3 of them) turned out to be tonight's griefers.
    I'm also in the back, but I picked Mute City because I found it to be more fun than the other courses that were available to select. If Nintendo had picked my selection, it would have been my bad for not helping you out, since both of us needed all the help we could get tonight.
    What hit you there? 😕
    Whatever it was, it led to your triple greens hitting Kefka, which just shows how luck worked against us tonight.
    Quinnocide and stella are both in front of you. I didn't even see the red sent backward, but stella is one of the 9 I recognized 3 timestamps ago while Quinnocide is one of the 3 I didn't.
    At first, I thought that was Kefka's lightning, but the lightning clearly hit him, as his face spun on the minimap right as it struck. I was about to explain my thought process on that one, but it turned out to not even be mine. 😆
    The Pity Bill salvages a 7th for Kefka. Big oofs in regard to the red shell that hit you a second later, but Kefka couldn't have thrown it because he was too many positions behind when activating the Pity Bill. I wouldn't be at all surprised if greg (who, like Quinnocide, is one of the names I didn't recognize when this tournament started) threw that shell.
    I had a bad feeling about Shroom Ridge, so I picked a course I knew I would like better. Sadly, I don't remember what that course is, since Shroom Ridge is where we ended up going.
    As for calling out stella, I think stella was just using the items the way they were designed. Nobody likes getting hit by items, and stella has done that to me on more than a few occasions during Alex's tournaments, but I never felt anything malicious during those tournaments, and yet tonight felt different, so I'm leaning more toward the 3 names I didn't recognize in the first race (2 of whom I already name-dropped in this commentary).
    Of course our drifts collide, since we were both going for the same items. I wouldn't be surprised if Dancing Mad's superior Weight stat (3.5 vs. 2.5) came into play there, but at least you were able to get items by changing your drift line on the S-turn. Maybe Kefka could have done the same if you took the items from him on the first turn, or maybe not.
    I did not hit that car, but I think taking that cut was ill-advised, considering I wasn't in line with the glider ramp.
    That's the line I should have taken in the previous timestamp. I don't know why I thought the glider ramp was further to the right.
    This one seems like circumstantial evidence as far as targeting goes, as there are a few good reasons for backing a green there, but that backed green was definitely thrown by stella.
    How is it that a race with a COM Wario has me finishing worse (10th) than I did in either of the races that came before it (8th at Cheep Cheep Beach, 7th at Mute City)? Especially when one of the suspected griefers (greg) was replaced by said Wario? Is Shroom Ridge really that tough for Dancing Mad? I mean, we *KNOW* Shy Guy Falls is (commentary has not yet been provided, but Kefka took a last place finish there, and with 14 points here and 15 points after 4 races, a last place finish comes in the next race).
    Speak of the devil. The Shy Guy Falls race where Kefka had a bad start and never recovered from getting bumped off his line on the opening straightaway. Oh, and Kefka failing the shortcut seen at 8:33 *TWICE* in a 3-lap race didn't help, either, with each fail coming in an odd-numbered lap.
    I can't tell if it was stella (the only Birdo in the room) or Stickman (the only Inkling Boy in the room) who gave Kefka the bump mentioned in the previous timestamp.
    That red shell was definitely an attempt at targeting, and stella appears to be directly behind you, so maybe stella is guilty of targeting after all. At least in this case, Kefka delivers a bad lightning 3 seconds later to give you the I-frame dodge and someone in the Pity Bill a Bullet dodge while stella gets no dodge, and I call that lightning "bad" because it would have been put to better use before wind or jeffmkking (the Yoshi in first at the time) took the glider. So from a general item management perspective, Kefka's lightning was bad, but because of stella's red shell targeting, the lightning ended up being karma balancing things out. But why did I have to be doing so bad to pull the lightning in the first place?
    We dodged a 7-out-of-12 minefield, and Nintendo decides to punish me with a D/C before the race. I wouldn't be surprised if we would have finished first and second if the game kept me in the room for the race, but at least the D/C was just a me issue and not an entire room issue. Definitely gotta return to Bowser's Castle in a friend room so that we can race here together.
    Awww... I missed a chance to race with CPE tonight. I also missed out on racing with zelda at Bowser's Castle, but zelda was in my 11th race.
    Sometime in between the end of the previous race and the start of this one, you certainly became aware of my D/C, but any viewers who stumble across this video might not have known that without my commentary. I think we reunite for your final 2 races, which are my 9th and 10th races because of said D/C.
    Kinda funny that a Wiggler is the COM replacing me in the room, as that's the one character that still has the "new" icon on my Switch. Because of the dumpster [which we avoided by my pick of Bowser's Castle (that I didn't get to race tonight ☹)] being part of Wave 5, I'm waiting until Wave 6 to treat Wiggler like a new driver. I can only maintain the purity of the Wiggler by considering Wiggler a Wave 6 character, which I can only do by keeping that "new" icon on Wiggler until that time comes.
    Commentary got pretty long, and there's still 6 more races to go, so I'm breaking it up into 2 separate comments. 😄

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      No "Dumpster Laps" in this one. Same can't be said about the 3v3 one (and I did say "Sorry Remy" despite none of my team picking the track). I'm surprised I was so mellow in this tournament, since it is my worst scoring one to date.
      0:26 ITS KEFKA!
      1:45 Suspect #1 from watching this time stamp is that Orange Yoshi, whoever that was.
      1:54 That had to of been Stickman with the bomb lol
      2:28 I only recognized Stella, who I call out later. If players wrong me, I do not forget their names.
      2:33 Since getting into Competitive, my track selection has been based on current position. If I was in the top half, like 1st to 4th, then yeah, Mute City would've been great. But not when you're starting in the back. The only upside is my kart is really strong here because of the anti-gravity.
      3:04 It may have been an altercation with wind. Whatever the case it shows that Green Shells suck.
      3:38 Considering where that Red came from Quinnocide was not responsible as it came from in front of him. Stella obviously didn't throw it either.
      4:08 Don't you love it when you're about to use a shock and someone else just happens to be quicker on the trigger?
      4:52 And it was at this point I begin to notice the griefers.
      5:14 Oh no. Stella and I have clashed before and has targeted me before. She may have gone after Adam too. Call me superstitious but if that's the case then we have a known Daisy hater on our hands. People will target over petty things like character selection.
      5:28 That bump didn't bother me too much
      5:42 I'm assuming you only had one shroom here. If you had more you could've just cut more of the grass off.
      6:24 And a little bit of a tip with this one: Did you notice the hop before I shroomed? Do that to make sure you have enough boost to reach the ramp without slowing yourself down.
      6:29 People really should keep their protection items here. Its really easy to become a victim of item spam, but griefers don't care.
      7:35 Maybe its just a bad race?
      7:42 Shy Guy Falls was such an awful race. And how did you get into so much trouble at 8:33?
      7:56 I can't tell from this stamp.
      9:55 Adam also had a red, but he is a smart player and would have made sure I fell off the edge. Stella, at the time, had triple reds and is suspected to be the one trying to size me up here as the timing was off. Then the karma shock happens. Nice one, Remy.
      10:38 Unfortunate. I guess Nintendo punished you for the Dumpster Laps hate lol
      13:27 I noticed how far back Kefka was. Only a bot would race that badly.
      15:49 Wiggler will avenge you!!!
      Splitting this up myself.

    • @RemyWillard
      @RemyWillard Před 10 měsíci +1

      I bet the "sorry, Remy" was spoken at some point after I skipped ahead in the 3v3v3v3 video, since I didn't even wait for Lakitu to signal "go" with that video this time. That was probably because I had already seen more than enough of that part of the event from Alex's perspective when it was live, since I normally wait for Lakitu to signal "go", then pause the video, then skip to the next race when watching a video or VOD from you or Alex. Of course, during a livestream, I get up, stretch my legs, and spend the next 2 or 3 minutes checking on my dad's dog.
      There's SAND... on my Koopa Clown!
      If my Switch was at a higher battery, and if it wasn't 1 in the morning (as of the time I typed out this part of the reply, as the reply as a whole will likely not be submitted until closer to 2 or 3) on a day after I've been operating on close to zero sleep, I'd be able to check the Cheep Cheep Beach race on my Switch before submitting this reply.
      Stickman taking lessons from Mad Bomber Justin. 💣😆
      The 3 I didn't recognize were greg, Mumu (who I forgot I had mentioned in an earlier timestamp so I said I only namedropped 2 of the 3 at a later timestamp 😆), and Quinnocide. greg had a D/C sometime after the start of the Mute City and sometime before the start of Shroom Ridge (or just left in between the 2 races), as COM Wario took his spot at Shroom Ridge. Quinnocide wasn't guilty of any item-spamming as far as I could tell when we were in Alex's lobby for Daisy Cruiser and Yoshi Valley. I still know nothing about Mumu. The other 9, which of course includes you and me, I know all too well from these tournaments since long before the Hydreix raids.
      I'm still not a Competitive player, and probably never will be because of how important "meta" builds are, and you know I love my combo creativity. Even Dancing Mad is a creative build, and that one only came to exist after Wave 5 brought the 🗑 that is Los Angeles Laps, so you may end up loving the creative combos I have waiting for Wave 6. My lack of being Competitive means I still pick the courses on which I have the most fun regardless of placement, even if there are some courses that are less fun that offer better results.
      If it was neither Quinnocide nor stella, maybe it was a player in front of both of them. Whatever happened, I couldn't get to the bottom of it when I tried watching the replay on my Switch sometime in between the end of this tournament and yesterday's sunrise. The angles provided weren't showing me the shell at all.
      I was merely having trouble remembering on which races Kefka pulled the lightning. I don't know if he even had it on Mute City. I only thought that he might have because of how far back he was, but when I saw him get hit by it on this video, I knew it wasn't his lightning. Maybe somebody beat Kefka to the punch, or maybe Kefka never had it at this timestamp. Either way, the result is the same.
      If Adam (a.k.a. rocky) has also been having issues with stella, then it's almost a certainty that stella has issues with Daisy. If she does, then I can sort of understand where she's coming from... but it's Toad, not Daisy, on the receiving end in my case... and I tend to go after COMs if none of the other players have started anything with me, so player Toads are rarely seen and even more rarely give me a reason to get combative.
      I dare say that you have more of a reason to hate player Toads than I do. **cough** Trashy Toad at Super Bell Subway. **cough** 😆
      Yep. Only the one 🍄 from a triple remained when I took that cut.
      Hopping is becoming even more important with every lesson I learn in this game.
      With the sudden uptick in griefers joining these tournaments, protection certainly takes on added importance.
      I had several bad races in this tournament, and I pin the blame on how I had been feeling all week heading into the tournament. I even said in the livestream chat how I thought I was getting better on Sunday before, on Monday, reverting back to how I was feeling on Saturday. If there's a silver lining to that, I think I'm just about recovered. I just need to be able to actually fall asleep after replying to your replies. 😆
      As for why I did worse on Shroom Ridge with a COM Wario than I did on either of the first 2 races with a full 12-player lobby, my best guess is the traffic on Shroom Ridge, as there's never traffic on Cheep Cheep Beach or Mute City.
      If you're not seeing the bump, you're not watching long enough. If there's confusion as to whether Birdo or Inkling Boy is the one who bumped Kefka off the line, I have no answer for that.
      Karma Shock Kefka kinda has a nice ring to it. I just hope I don't have to make good on that nickname very often, as pulling the lightning only happens when falling *FAR* behind in a race. 🤡😆
      As if Nintendo didn't punish me enough by adding the 🗑 course to the game in the first place. 😠
      As I keep saying, the one positive is that Kefka is now one of my Miis.
      In Wave 6, maybe. When I can actually use Wigglerception. 😉
      Looks like I have 2 more replies to get to before actually sleeping. 😄

  • @RemyWillard
    @RemyWillard Před 10 měsíci +2

    Here comes Part 2 of commentary. Even though Part 1 said "lengthy commentary incoming", it got even longer than expected 😆
    Back to Shroom Ridge. At least Kefka doesn't have to worry about bad lines and bad auto collisions this time, as he's either searching for his fifth race or on board Daisy Cruiser with Alex and wind.
    As bad as Kefka's was at Shy Guy Falls, at least he only gave 2 shock dodges, and one of those was your I-frames. I didn't expect Rafer (a.k.a. Crazy Reactions) to give 3 ⭐ dodges while hitting the COM Wiggler in 12th. His plays are usually smarter than that. Maybe he was having a bad night like Kefka. 🤔
    Wendy on the Master Cycle with Sponge tires. You don't see that every day. Remind me to give Rafer props the next time he and I are in a stream's chat together. Clearly Lakitu wasn't working, so he switched to Wendy. Not sure if any other parts were swapped in between the previous race and this one.
    That 🍌 literally appeared out of nowhere. Nintendo lag at its "finest".
    19:51 and 20:33
    #MechaKoopaLivesMatter 🤣
    This one was definitely COM Wiggler, so that explains the "brainless" shock. I never know what to expect when a COM uses it.
    Maybe my previous commentary was wrong. Maybe we're both in the 9th race together somehow, since I remember Squeaky Clean Sprint being one of the courses on which we ended up racing together. As for why I was one of the players who chose it, I don't remember what the other options were, but I do know there was no way I was going to pick either of them over a "new" course that hasn't been on the receiving end of my contempt while Random is never an option for me because there's a 1-in-88 chance of it choosing the dumpster we avoided by you getting to race on Bowser's Castle by way of my selection and subsequent D/C when even a 1-in-96 chance is too much for me to risk when there's even one passable course available... and unless my memory is playing tricks on me (which could be the case, as I don't remember either of the alternatives), all 3 available courses here were passable.
    I will need to make some tough calls in the future if I'm in the same room with you, Alex, and wind when the course selection is Squeaky Clean Sprint, Toad's Turnpike, Yoshi Valley, and Random. In all likelihood, I'll probably end up retracting my statement of never again picking Yoshi Valley with wind in the room (after my history of finding seemingly-innocent ways to mess up the final part of the race for him, first with Bugenhagen and now with Kefka) if this precise scenario were to show up, but continuing to choose Squeaky Clean Sprint after knowing you aren't particularly fond of it might be the way I go if I end up getting another race with wind on Yoshi Valley through somebody else's selection and I end up messing up his finish there. Of course, if Alex and I ever get our 1v1 at Toad's Turnpike, I'll definitely be picking that in this precise scenario in the foreseeable future after that happens, but until then, preserving what remains of the historical aspect of that 1v1 means I have to go with Squeaky Clean Sprint or Yoshi Valley for this (currently hypothetical) tough call.
    I'm going for items, but since I was having glider issues all tournament (maybe it was the way I was holding my joycons, in which case the way I've been feeling since this past weekend's rain had me under the weather and missing your Minecraft stream on Saturday is to blame, since I was mostly slumped over for the tournament races tonight), I end up not getting enough air and falling into the sink.
    *THAT* red was definitely Kefka's. Thrown forward with a double item waiting to be collected, that seemed like the right play for me, and since you were able to get your protection out in time, no harm was done to you. However, Kefka ended up losing a few positions for reasons I can't recall without watching the replay on my Switch, so I can't say if it would have been better to hold onto it as protection or not.
    Tour Guide is still on hiatus until Wave 6, but I'll never stop appreciating the giant Wigglers at Maple Treeway. Oh, and you mixed up your Wiggler courses. The "happy Wiggler", singular, is found on Mario Circuit DS. Maple Treeway has 2 Wigglers and neither of them is asleep, so I don't get to say "good morning, happy Wiggler" to either of them.
    That 🔥 made you trail Kefka. If not for a hilarious frame-perfect pause, I'd be a little upset at the fire-thrower. -Now that I've said that, watch Kefka himself be the culprit.-
    I also had trouble staying on the tree path with the left item box at this part of the course (though not seen at this timestamp because you're ahead of Kefka). Lots of "user error" issues for me tonight.
    I think MKSG is one of Hydreix's viewers, since Hydreix raided Alex before this tournament started, just like he did for the past couple weeks.
    Oh wow. We got more races together than I thought we did. We got this London race too, and we already had 6 races together before this one. Either the weekend rain, my Bowser's Castle D/C, or a combination of both messed with my head and made me think we only had 6 races together.
    There's Kefka in the rearview mirror. 🤡😆
    I think the Blooper showed up *FAR* too often in London. It gave you trouble here, and it gave Kefka trouble after the final item set of the final lap (couldn't see the Boomerang until after it hit me, so I finished 9th when 5th was in my grasp).
    Tanguy hit the COM Toadette with that Bob-Omb. That's why it blew up right away.
    Imagine how Kefka must've felt, being in such close proximity to *BOTH* Bob-Ombs in this sequence. As for the shortcut that follows, that's another "user error" issue tonight, as I normally manage my 🍄 use better to be able to make that cut on the rare chance I have to even take it.
    A Random Dolphin Shoals to close out your tournament. This is the other race that has Kefka using lightning, and considering the tournament I've been having, I wouldn't be surprised if Kefka's use is even worse this time around.
    To top off all the "user error" moments, Kefka even has trouble bagging on the first set of the final lap. I even have trouble keeping up with the competition of these tournaments when I'm feeling good about my individual performances, so it comes as no surprise that I'm struggling so mightily with all the external factors tonight.
    That's the lightning mentioned 2 timestamps ago. I misread the minimap, as I was trying to get first place to fall into the water at the glider ramp. If there's a positive, it's that I didn't gift anyone a dodge unless I-frames were involved.
    If you watch the minimap, you can see Kefka bouncing off the walls from a Gold 🍄. If I didn't know better, I'd think Kefka thought this was Waluigi *PINBALL* for some strange reason.
    45 points here, finishing with the funny number. Kefka's final 2 races (one with Jacob and one with 10 COMs) went surprisingly well (including a win at Excitebike with the 10 COMs when the other player chose the dumpster course). If I had a full tournament run like those 2 races (24 points in those 2), I'd have somewhere in the neighborhood of 144 points (24 x 6 = 144), which would certainly be a PB and would have been surprisingly close to Ren's 142. Problem is, I'm not getting a run like that during a time when the tournament is taking place, as that run was the result of most players having already finished (as evidenced by neither race counting, as my race with Jacob was his final race and if his points there had counted, he'd have been the tournament winner this week).

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      Ready for Round 2?
      15:57 And this was another trash race lol
      17:15 I understand you can't hold a shock for like forever, but you have to be smarter than that when you use them. Giving three players a free dodge only helps them win and makes your life harder. Good luck catching them.
      18:38 Who really uses Lakitu and Wendy in an environment like this? lol
      19:09 I literally hit nothing. RIGGED.
      19:51 & 20:33 OUTTA THE WAY!
      20:16 Bots being dumb as usual.
      21:18 I haven't put any real time into the track and have little motivation to do so. I really should because it comes up often in wars too. Don't let this influence what you pick though. Just go with your gut.
      23:18 Wow, how did that happen? Getting the air required isn't hard. Probably was just a bad day.
      23:56 You don't recall getting hit right? People may have shroomed by you
      24:18 WELL... Pardon me for having a fried brain lol, these tournaments have been soul crushing
      25:06 This is when MKSG drew my ire
      25:35 I tend to have issues too with either path. Don't know why.
      25:12 Well, I will confirm that he is one of those "griefer" players. And just as my ill luck would have it, HE'S CANADIAN. FIGURES.
      27:36 Its been a while since we've been involved in this many races together huh?
      28:51 Who I'm not particularly worried about because I know Dancing Mad is not out for my head lol
      29:10 Bloopers tend to cause more problems than people tend to think. It can cause backspam to hit when you'd be able to dodge it if you could see it clearly not to mention messing your lines up.
      29:58 I see you clearly hit the wall all the while FATHER BOO tries to screw me over while taking the cut shortly after
      30:42 I was not looking forward to this race. At all.
      32:38 I wouldn't advise bagging this late in the race on this track
      32:47 It probably just slowed everyone down more than anything else.
      33:19 Common with those Golden Mushrooms. You want that star lol
      33:28 A lot of us struggled tonight. I've come out of this knowing who the griefers are so I'm going to try to avoid them in the future. We can play fine in other environments, but as soon as these tournaments start...
      I think the 3v3 before this left me in a rather mellow state. I do have a different temperament when I play team games like that. If that tournament didn't happen this may have been more along the lines of a RAGE video and I don't think I would hold back if I decided to curse. Well, we've got next week off so there's time to settle down, or so I thought. More Mario Kart Central shenanigans are happening Sunday, with their MKU season kicking off, containing two wars. So I think you know what will be coming Sunday. More competitive Mario Kart.

    • @RemyWillard
      @RemyWillard Před 10 měsíci +1

      The minimap is there for a reason, but it gets turned off sometimes, and regardless of if it's the player's choice or if it's Nintendo arbitrarily fiddling with the settings, I'll never understand the reasoning. I feel kinda silly not thinking of this possibility in the original commentary, but that could have happened to Rafer here.
      The same could be said for "who uses Kefka Palazzo in an environment like this?". 😆
      Oh it was definitely a 🍌. The problem is how it just happened to appear in your path at the last possible instant before you make contact with it.
      Okay, so I have your blessing to go with Squeaky Clean Sprint if I was going to do so under normal circumstances. I bet we'll do great there later this month or sometime next month. Especially if both of us take the time to do some time trialing and some friend room races there.
      Apparently motion controls were at play because of how I was holding the joycons. That was definitely a bad day.
      Oh I got hit after completing the toilet glider section. I just can't recall the specific details of who and how.
      It happens. Your "lol" suggests this timestamp served its purpose with the crash course on Wiggler courses. 😆
      Ah, so it was MKSG's 🔥 there. I'm just glad for that frame-perfect pause where you get a surprised and upside-down Kefka up close on the screen. 🤡😆 Without that, I'd be upset with MKSG myself.
      I think I normally do better on the right side, but for some reason Kefka went to the left side on pretty much every lap. Definitely an external issue on my end creating an in-game skill issue that ended up hurting my race, and that was par for the course for much of my night, as I only started to turn things around on my final 2 races, neither of which counted for the tournament anyway.
      This looks like a misplaced timestamp or a typo. It either belonged in front of the previous timestamp or the 5 was supposed to be a 6. I don't recall which is the case anymore. 😕
      I think the last time was in one of your friend rooms during Wave 4. If we're talking specifically about Alex tournaments, then maybe it was Kamek Tears (also during Wave 4, as Kamek wasn't available as a driver then) where you used Great Sage George before he became a Great Sage.
      Just because Kefka isn't out for your head doesn't mean you don't need to worry about him. Kefka first and foremost looks out for himself, as every player should in a free-for-all environment, but beyond that he looks out for the people I influence him to look out for, which is usually you, Alex, and Jacob. I would include wind, but Yoshi Valley proved otherwise. Looking back on things, I could have been one of "those" players and backed the red instead of throwing it forward where it would lock on to wind, but reds have been incredibly wonky since Wave 5, so there's no telling what would have happened if I had backed it. On a positive note, wind said "all good" when I dropped a reply to his comment on Alex's stream, but if Kefka can cause that kind of collapse to wind, the same could happen to you, and it might not even be intentional on Kefka's/my end.
      The Blooper is definitely an annoyance item. If there's an upside, it's that, if a griefer pulls the Blooper, that's one less attack item at a griefer's disposal.
      #ToadetteDidNothingWrong 🤣
      Father Boo just doing Father Boo things, I guess.
      Definitely gotta try bagging this set on the second lap if at all. First lap, gotta run if I can. Final lap, bagging is a case of too little too late.
      Slowing everybody down is the second-best thing with a lightning, second only to creating the chaos I was aiming for when giving my explanation in the original Part 2 comment, which means Kefka was surprisingly effective with his 2 bolts on a night where I was clearly well off my game.
      That 3v3v3v3 was fun to watch as well, albeit for only 11 of the 12 races (for one very obvious reason).
      Definitely glad that this wasn't a rage video, but it would fall into the category of "necessary evil" if it had turned into one of those.
      So we've got a 2-week wait until Alex pranks himself. He told me he's going to showcase my Toad's Turnpike time trial at the end of his next stream before adding that he hopes Father Boo isn't involved in the time trial. 👻😆
      Competitive Mario Kart coming tomorrow or on the 10th? Or maybe both? Whatever the schedule, I'm definitely going to be watching if I don't sleep through the stream, which shouldn't happen in the next week or 2 as I should be able to drift off to sleep shortly after submitting this comment. If there's a friend room after the wars, we need to get the Bowser's Castle that was robbed from me, and if you're up for it after that, some Squeaky Clean Sprint practice. 👍

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@RemyWillard MKU begins tomorrow which is going to lead to a long stream of Sunday streams from the looks of things. The stream will start at 1:55 PM EST like I did for Boshi's. We know who our opponents are already, and there will be two matches.
      Very likely I'll play with viewers after the 2nd war is over.

  • @Quick2402
    @Quick2402 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Pretty fun week (MKSG was FOUL all game)

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      He got on your nerves too, huh?
      ... Damn Canadians. (Sorry, had to 😆)
      That aside great job on your placement. You are on FIRE right now.

  • @WindMK8DX
    @WindMK8DX Před 10 měsíci +3

    My worst tournament by far.

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      Ditto. This one was really bad. I didn't even place.

    • @adamalam1670
      @adamalam1670 Před 10 měsíci +1

      I’m convinced these Alex tourneys are luck based. If you have Huey complaining for the past three tourneys now, something must be done.

    • @justinnewman4207
      @justinnewman4207  Před 10 měsíci +1

      Whatever it is, these tournaments have been ridiculous especially in recent weeks.

    • @ASCENSiON_
      @ASCENSiON_ Před 10 měsíci +1

      I also did a bit worse this time. I've been aiming to reach top 10 again, but I've been missing the mark every time.

    • @redkirby6038
      @redkirby6038 Před 10 měsíci

      I've just been struggling the whole tornament, especially on London loop.