John Macarthur is wrong about Mary!

  • čas přidán 5. 01. 2023
  • this is a reaction video to a CZcams video title John MacArthur Mary Mother of god?? refuting the falsehoods that John MacArthur puts forward about the Catholic church and the Virgin Mary

Komentáře • 816

  • @bluebiegrace1828
    @bluebiegrace1828 Před rokem +91

    The problem with Protestantism is, even when you explain the doctrine of the Catholic Church regarding Mother Mary, their ears and mind are shut. They hear but never listen.
    I love the Blessed Mother because Jesus LOVES His mother. Thank you Jesus, for giving us your Mother to love us. She is the perfection of humility, motherhood and womanhood. I love you Jesus, my Lord.

    • @BrotherMaverick
      @BrotherMaverick Před 2 měsíci

      There is LITERALLY NOTHING in scripture that states that Mary is divine, sinless, or worth any prayer. Mark 1:43 states clearly when you add to scripture you nullify scripture. Thats what Catholic dogma does. Nullifies scripture with its nonsense.

    • @grantc9012
      @grantc9012 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@BrotherMaverickCatholicism does not consider Mary to be divine, and you seem to be woefully ignorant of the theology surrounding intercessory prayer and it’s long history. The earliest liturgical prayer we have is actually a prayer to Mary, called the Sub Tuum Praesidium. You on the other hand are presupposing sola scriptura, which was invented back in the 1500s.

    • @cdamauser1963
      @cdamauser1963 Před měsícem

      ​@@BrotherMaverick....and you just confirmed his statement that your ears and mind are shut..well done protester.

    • @NeonDemon88
      @NeonDemon88 Před 29 dny +1

      @@BrotherMaverickliterally proving the point of the post. Good job, Protty. Repent and rebuke your false Protestantism and accept the true and only Church, founded by Christ Himself.

    • @Shaara1
      @Shaara1 Před 14 dny

      Nor have Catholics ever said she is divine, or worth praying to. Being sinless is evident but that's the least of your problem. Your problem is that you ( anti catholics) keep claiming we claim things that we actually never done. You need to lie about Catholics otherwise your theory wouldn't hold. That's why you don't want to comprehend what we say, because then you couldn't ignore it anymore.
      Honestly where have you ever heard that we say Mary is divine?! Sources please!!!

  • @scottschultz2669
    @scottschultz2669 Před rokem +105

    John MacArthur is not alone for other Calvinists like James White think same way. I come a long way from Calvinist viewpoint of Mary to traditional Catholic viewpoint of Mary. I got the impression Calvinists hate Mary in their opposition to Catholicism. That is so sad and tragic.

    • @prayerpatroller
      @prayerpatroller Před rokem +23

      Calvinism is false. Rooted in human pride.

    • @scottschultz2669
      @scottschultz2669 Před rokem +11

      @@prayerpatroller I agree with you, pride bred arrogance. I ask my Calvinist friends what if they are wrong in interpreting/understanding Scriptures? My friends insist they are right and refuse to admit possibility of mistakes. I myself admit and humble enough to say I make mistakes and willing to learn.

    • @gerardo259
      @gerardo259 Před rokem +3

      No they simply believe the Word of God as opposed to Roman catholicism , birthed by Emperor Connsatine who grafted in Judaism , and pagen idolatry mixed in with Christianity . Roman's 3 : 23 -- For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God , that is all of humanity JESUS was the only one who never sinned .
      Luke 1 , 46:47 Mary says my soul magnifies the Lord , and my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior , why did Mary need a savior if she never sinned ?Of course Mary was blessed amongst all woman she bore the Son of God , but she knew she needed a savior . She was a virgin up until she gave birth to Jesus after which she had four sons , James , Joseph , Simon and Judus named in Mathew 13 , 55 : 56 also sisters not named . They are Mary's children not relatives .
      Deuteronomy ch 5-6 1st commandment
      You shall have no other God's before me . Deuteronomy ch 5-7 2nd commandent
      You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above , or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth , you shall not bow down to them or serve them .
      Your religion has removed the second commandment and split the 10th to make the total 10 .
      The man making this video clip needs to remember the 9th commandment , Deuteronomy ch 5-20 Neither shall thou bear false witness against thy neighbour
      He said John MacArthur and many others HATE Mary that is a lie from the father of lies . He would have been a good pharisee . Read the Bible for yourself , be like the Bereans examine the scriptures and the truth will set you free . NZ

    • @Spiritof76Catholic
      @Spiritof76Catholic Před rokem +21

      Jesus gave the authority to interpret Holy Scripture to Peter, the Apostles and their successors not to protestants 15 centuries later.

    • @gerardo259
      @gerardo259 Před rokem +2

      You are sadly so deluded , Jesus also said to Peter get behind me Satan . At Pentcost Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and preached the Gospel of God up until his death , when Jesus said upon this rock He is referring to Himslf He being the cornerstone .
      Throughout ALL scripture ROCK is allways indicative of our Lord . The church of Christ is built on Christ and Christ alone , no other name under heaven can we be saved . NZ

  • @Spiritof76Catholic
    @Spiritof76Catholic Před rokem +101

    Jesus saved me from the false “word” of men like this guy and led me home to all truth in his One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Catholic Church. Excellent podcast.

    • @lulabella9249
      @lulabella9249 Před rokem +6

      Praise be to God!

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Před rokem +10

      Amen!!! Jesus started Catholic church

    • @Dienekes678
      @Dienekes678 Před rokem +5

      Welcome home 😊

    • @eddyrobichaud5832
      @eddyrobichaud5832 Před 10 měsíci

      You are led by Satan

    • @martingajdusek8557
      @martingajdusek8557 Před 4 měsíci +2

      When I lived my life as a Protestant, I had to first humble myself and surrender my will completely to Jesus before I could see clearly. After making up my own religion and conforming God to my will and self interpretation, I became an anathema just like apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:8. Pride is the sin I had in great abundance and I also see it in every one of my Protestant brothers and sisters. I wish I had humbled myself and asked God to guide me long ago. I’m now Catholic about to receive the Eucharist again. I’m so grateful to Jesus for instituting the priesthood and the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I love you Jesus beyond words will all of my being! Jesus I love you, all that I have is yours, yours I am and yours I want to be; do with me whatever you will. Amen.

  • @thereaction18
    @thereaction18 Před rokem +28

    Jesus, on the Judgment Throne: So, John, what's this I hear you been saying about my mother?

    • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
      @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 5 měsíci

      The shogunate's probably in much better standing with jesus when compared to jmac😂😂😂😂😂

  • @michelleheltz6116
    @michelleheltz6116 Před rokem +26

    His tone of voice! Making fun of Mary. I wonder if John McArthur honored his mother? He acts like Jesus hates his mother! Sick!

    • @MB-zn9vg
      @MB-zn9vg Před rokem +7

      Offspring of the serpent, clearly

    • @laurensgama
      @laurensgama Před rokem +4

      I agree. He is no Christian in my eyes.

    • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
      @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@laurensgamaif demons hate her(i used too,thanks to my bastard of a high school teacher),and he hates her EVEN MORE,jmac's WORSE Than the FUCKING DEVIL

    • @ThePsychotron17
      @ThePsychotron17 Před 2 měsíci

      It does sound like a man who resents women.

    • @bernardauberson7218
      @bernardauberson7218 Před měsícem

      C’est ce que je me suis demandé! Mais ce faux pasteur doit avoir un big problem avec sa propre mère, ce n’est pas possible autrement ! Avoir un pareil discours sur Marie, la Vierge Très Pure , c’est pure muflerie ! Avec de tels propos, il va se retrouver portes closes quand il se présentera devant la salle des noces où Marie est à la droite de Son Fils ! Ha , à lui les pleures et les grincements de dents !

  • @skippy8696
    @skippy8696 Před rokem +10

    Implying that Jesus severed the relationship with his own mother is one of the most absurd things I've heard...i.e. "we no longer have the relationship that we had." And they have the nerve to accuse Catholics of reading things into scripture that aren't there 🙄
    Anyway, happy Easter 2023 everyone.

  • @jeffreysharp8526
    @jeffreysharp8526 Před rokem +27

    Thank you for the excellent video regarding the Catholic teaching on Mary. I was a Lutheran seminarian and once lived in Germany. It's undeniably evident that this guy Macarthur is selling something. It was the Lutherans that taught me that the Greek word translated as "woman" is used ONLY in reference to Eve; therefore, Jesus was directly calling her the new Eve. At Cana, he used a Semitic idiom; and such simply do not translate... Water like chocolate, go fly a kite, etc. A more correct understanding of the idiom is: what happens to me, happens to you. In other words, Jesus was warning her that she would have much to suffer. If Mr. Macarthur is an actual biblical scholar, he would understand all of this and misdirecting people by misquoting the bible is a very grave sin. Thank you again for your efforts. Pax

    • @Shaara1
      @Shaara1 Před 14 dny +1

      Whether he knows he is misleading people or just ignorant, I don't think he cares. He is a businessman. Runs a christian show and whatever is popular he will perform. Just like many of those new protestant celebrity christian-showmen.
      I think it's quite dangerous what they are doing.

  • @carissstewart3211
    @carissstewart3211 Před rokem +105

    Back when I was a protestant, I remember being told that the Bible called Mary a sinner. Imagine my horror when I realized that the anti-Marian interpretation of Scripture actually made Christ out to be a sinner.
    Thanks be to God, the Blessed Virgin led me from the darkness of heterodoxy into the light of the Catholic Church. She even made me a trad-Catholic.

    • @RJ2878
      @RJ2878 Před rokem +6

      Mary was a sinner, Mary had other children.
      Matthew 13:54-57 says, “Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. ‘Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?’ they asked. ‘Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?’ And they took offense at him.” Although we are not sure how many sisters Jesus had, the fact that He did indeed have at least six siblings is indisputable (Mark 6:3).

    • @carissstewart3211
      @carissstewart3211 Před rokem +35

      "All these were persevering with one mind in prayer with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. In those days Peter rising up in the midst of the brethren, said: (now the number of persons together was about an hundred and twenty:)..."
      Acts 1:15
      Unless you want to tell the Blessed Virgin had 120 children, it is indisputable that the word *adelphoi* has a broader meaning than our English 'brother.' In fact, it is an indisputable fact that in the Semitic language of the Bible, the term "brother" can and dies apply to a male relative or even a non-relative. For example, Abraham's 'brother' Lot was actually his nephew. They had neither the same father nor mother. Likewise the cousins of Moses and Aaron (Leviticus 10:4) are "brothers." Since St Matthew is reporting what Jews were saying about Jesus (and between in that same passage they call him the carpenter's son, so I assume you deny the virgin birth and divine filiation for the sake of consistency, right?) is probable that they are referring to Jesus's relatives.
      Now to the indisputable evidence that Mary had no other biological children: The Gospel of St John records that as Jesus hung on the Cross he said to his Mother and St John, "behold your mother... behold your son." And Mary went to live with St. John after that. It would have been scandalous for her to do so if she had other biological children.
      Luke 1 treats Mary as a new Ark of the Covenant. Just as the Ark was overlaid with pure gold, Mary "full of grace" was free from sin. And just as the Ark, after being used to contain the tablets of the law, the jar of manna, and the staff of Aaron could not be put to profane use, just so the womb that contained the Word made Flesh, the Bread of Life, and the Great High Priest could not have born other children.
      Protestants who deny Mary's perpetual virginity and freedom from sin are simply ignorant of Scripture.

    • @gerardo259
      @gerardo259 Před rokem +1

      Please , explain Luke , 1 - 46 : 47 . Why would Mary need a Savior ? and explain Roman's , 3 : 23 ,
      And please , please explain Deuteronomy , 5 : 7 ,
      You know , the 2nd commandment .
      " You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in water under the earth , you shall not bow down to them or serve them .
      One last thing , could you explain to me and this question is open to any catholic , what would you tell a dying person with only one or two minutes left to live as to how they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven . NZ

    • @carissstewart3211
      @carissstewart3211 Před rokem +19

      One of the problems with Protestantism is that you tend to think of salvation only in terms of forgiveness of sins. What you lack is the understanding that God also saves a person by giving him or her the grace not to fall into a particular sin (See Jude 24-25). St John the Baptist was freed from Original Sin at 6 months gestation (hence why he leapt for joy in his mother's womb). That was a work of God, not of St John. Thus when God showered graces upon the Blessed Virgin Mary, preserving her from both Original and Actual Sin from the moment of her Conception, He saved her "in a most perfect mode" [Pope Pius XII, Fulgens Corona]. Hence the Angelic Salutation "hail, Full of Grace."
      Now to the Biblical passages you cite: for starters, text without context is pretext. So for starters, in context, Romans 3 deals with actual, personal, sin, not Original Sin. (That's Romans 5.) The word pas, (all) can mean several things: it can mean "a great many" as in "[Herod] was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him" (Matthew 2:3). It can mean "of every kind" - St. Paul's entire argument in Romans is that Jews and Gentiles are both in need of a Savior. What it cannot mean in this context, however, is "every individual *without exception*." Babies, for example, and the some disabled adults are not capable committing actual sins. What's even worse an overtly literal interpretation of *all* would include Christ! If we can make an exception for Him, we can make an exception for His mother also, who certainly would have fallen into sin absent the Grace of God.
      Now to Dt 5:7-9.
      The prohibition is not against graven images per se (Exodus 25:10-22 goes into detail describing the Ark of the Covenant, topped with the image of two cherubim); nor is the Commandment against venerating sacred images (just look at how David behaved before the Ark.) The Commandments forbids the *worship* of false gods and their images, that is, we must not attribute divinity to them.
      Finally, what would I say to someone who is dying? I would urge an unbaptized person to be baptised; a sinner to make an act of contrition and I would place my rosary 📿 or my crucifix in their hands and tell them to rest in God's Divine Mercy.

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Před rokem

      @@carissstewart3211 God sat an the Ark. david wasnt dancing for a box. People couldnt go in and slobber on the cherubs like catholic file by and slobber on Jupiters statue in the Bascilica. You catholic idolaters have licked and slobbered on its foot so much it wore down the shoe laces.
      So point out where god says it OK to make graven images as long as we dont worship them as god.

  • @termite7790
    @termite7790 Před rokem +25

    I like you more and more. I am a convert too who loves the Catholic Church. I love Mary and I know she loves me. Thank you for this. I hope this at least helps one person that is confused about catholic teaching about our Holy Mother, keep up the good work,.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Před rokem

      she is dead and cannot love you.

    • @marshallcampbell125
      @marshallcampbell125 Před rokem +2

      She is alive just like Moses & Elijah whom Jesus spoke before his passion. The soul is eternal

  • @lulabella9249
    @lulabella9249 Před rokem +39

    Lord have mercy on his protest-ant soul. More reason to practice first Saturday devotions I reparations for these such blasphemies against the Blessed Mother 😢🙏

    • @goosemonroe2695
      @goosemonroe2695 Před rokem

      Mary can't listen now, she can't help anyone now, she Will be in heaven, but she is not a mediator, just Jesus.

    • @EliteObeid
      @EliteObeid Před rokem +14

      1. The angels in heaven can hear us and they rejoice every time they witness us repent.
      “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” - Luke 15:10
      How can the angels rejoice if they can’t hear us?
      2. We are also assigned angels to watch over us. Jesus Christ our God says:
      “See that you do not look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” - Mathew 18:10
      3. The angels in revelations pour out the prayers of the Saints.
      “And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand.” - Revelation 8:4
      4. The people in heaven are more alive over there, than they are here.
      “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” - Matthew 22:32
      6. Protestants love to read 1 Timothy 2:5
      “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”
      Without ever reading the verse before that 1 Timothy 2:1-4
      “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and pleasing to God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”
      Mary does not intercede to the father, only Christ does. However Mary can intercede to Jesus.

  • @kevinjanghj
    @kevinjanghj Před rokem +10

    The original Protestants like John Calvin, Martin Luther, etcetera had a really high regard for the Virgin Mary unlike the current-day Protestants. I suspect that this kind of view and evolution is still a result of the absence of awareness of church history pre-1500s in Protestant circles. Even as a non-Catholic, I am inclined to acknowledge the role of Mary as the Theotokos God-bearer instead of shying away from terms like that.

  • @charliego7375
    @charliego7375 Před rokem +11

    MacArthurs comments really put a new significance considering genesis 3:15. That he would put enmity between the devils seed and Mary’s seed. We can clearly see what team MacArthur is on.

    • @martingajdusek8557
      @martingajdusek8557 Před 4 měsíci +3

      I was thinking the same thing😂 They do say Pride is the hardest sin to overcome.

  • @athanasiusofalexandria4304
    @athanasiusofalexandria4304 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Man this was good! Especially the end that shows briefly and eloquently that Sola scriptura is indefensible.

  • @MZITinfo
    @MZITinfo Před rokem +22

    Wow, this interpretation of Luke 11 by St. Augustin is fascinating! I've never heard it before, thank you for sharing it.

    • @christopherfleming7505
      @christopherfleming7505 Před rokem +2

      Yes, more than once, after pondering a difficult theological problem, I've found a thoroughly convincing explanation in St. Augustine. Appart from a great saint, he was an amazingly learned and intelligent man.

  • @angelicguidance444
    @angelicguidance444 Před rokem +4

    Woe to John MacArthur for his false teaching and leading the sheep astray

  • @matthewbroderick6287
    @matthewbroderick6287 Před rokem +5

    The false teachings of John MacArthur, have made me a stronger Catholic Christian! He is in my prayers as he journeys toward Truth! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink

    • @laurensgama
      @laurensgama Před rokem +2

      We must pray that MacArthur finds the fullness of faith in the Catholic Church.

  • @Radtrad_strada
    @Radtrad_strada Před rokem +15

    Mama Mary actually followed the will of the Father by immaculately conceiving Jesus through the Holy Ghost. My 11 year old pointed that out without me prompting her whiles listening to this McArthur. Please observe the Five First Saturdays for the love of Jesus and for offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  • @normarosales1768
    @normarosales1768 Před rokem +8

    Jesus entrusted His mother to the disciple close to His heart. That is why you'll find Mary's icon in the homes of those Christian who treasure Mary like their own mother.
    These 'preachers' who popped up a few years ago, who got hold of a bible, read it and interpreted it according to his own understanding hate Mary like the devil does. Because with Mary Christians get closer to Her Son.

  • @johnflorio3576
    @johnflorio3576 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Let’s pray and fast for John MacArthur to convert.

  • @leeveronie7850
    @leeveronie7850 Před rokem +15

    John Mac, The Calvinist, Really hates Mother Mary so much ....
    --- Thank you for this Video !!!

  • @BasiliscBaz
    @BasiliscBaz Před 7 měsíci +4

    Well John isnt just wrong about Mary but about nearly anything

  • @user-hd8gp2wf1w
    @user-hd8gp2wf1w Před rokem +13

    Mary did not even ask. She made a statement. And Jesus knew what to do.

  • @TheJayJaydog
    @TheJayJaydog Před 2 měsíci +4

    God have mercy. Never insult His mother, never. The audacity of this man. Mary is so important she will crush the serpent. All graces come through her, why? Because Jesus said so and wills it. He gave us Mary , as He was dying on the cross.

  • @Prayers_and_Porsches
    @Prayers_and_Porsches Před rokem +3

    Wow @ 16:40 ...I just verified the passage in my RSV Catholic Edition (St Benedict Press) and sure enough the translation reads "O woman, what have you to do with me?"
    But I searched the same passage online from the Douay-Rheims translation and it reads "Woman, what is that to me and to thee?"
    Such a shame that a "catholic," bible would have such a blasphemous translation included!!

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Před rokem +13

    Thou Mother of Divine Grace
    Thou purist Mother
    Pray for us

  • @mattcaruso2520
    @mattcaruso2520 Před 3 měsíci +5

    Every King listens to one women….His mother. The queen is the single greatest influence of all Kings. The 1st century Jews would have seen this.

  • @rudya.hernandez7238
    @rudya.hernandez7238 Před rokem +21

    Wow John. I'll ask our Blessed Mother Mary to pray for you.

    • @goosemonroe2695
      @goosemonroe2695 Před rokem

      Mary can't listen, she is not a mediator between God and men. Bible is very clear.

    • @noahgaming8833
      @noahgaming8833 Před rokem

      @@goosemonroe2695 what does it say?

  • @modisaotsilemokomane2800
    @modisaotsilemokomane2800 Před rokem +11

    Does this Macarthur love his own mother? Most importantly, how many virgins or women are said to be highly favoured by GOD such that they are given the opportunity to conceive "GOD" the son? It is common sense and moreso, wise to read more about Mary and her life in the bible to understand her importance and why she said "henceforth all ages will call me blessed in her song of praise! Maecarthur and the lot should stop misleading souls and pray for their own salvation because Sola scriptura is leading them astray, big time!!

  • @mcnzefili
    @mcnzefili Před rokem +15

    There's only one thing that explains John MacArthur's preaching on Mary, it was inspired by the evil spirit. How does one slander Jesus, describing Him as hateful and disrespectful of His mother, just to discredit His mother. So according to him, the Lord disobeys His own commandment, He who is without sin, sinning? I cringed throughout the John McArthur clips.

  • @Pedro-rd7xm
    @Pedro-rd7xm Před rokem +3

    I can't believe John McArthur would resort to such blasphemy in order to deny the Catholic teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    May the Lord Jesus have mercy on him 🙏

  • @josolano8345
    @josolano8345 Před rokem +10

    I feel bad to those people who listened and followed this Protestant guy....he's leading their souls to distraction!

    • @alexchristopher221
      @alexchristopher221 Před rokem

      They certainly don't spend their church time worshipping Jesus, do they? Al they do is listen to the sermons (more like lectures) of an old windbag.

    • @thereaction18
      @thereaction18 Před rokem +3

      A fatal epidemic of itching ears.

  • @J-PLeigh8409
    @J-PLeigh8409 Před rokem +21

    Out of all the nonsensical misreping Macarthur imposes on the holy church, the idea of Jesus Christ the Son of God & His blessed Mothers relationship changing & for the worse, is abhorrent. He as others just build their house of cards over & over, & their heterodox doctrines are formed before exegetically evaluating texts. I will never understand the blatant disrespect for the blessed Virgin Mary..she is the mother of our Lord, is that not enough to honor her ? Grace & peace to like minded believers

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Před rokem

      Mary is blessed for sure. So am i. I want you idolatrous Mary worshipers to make a statue of me and bow down to it and carry it on your shoulders

    • @J-PLeigh8409
      @J-PLeigh8409 Před rokem

      @@peterzinya407 or you could actually not misrep & slander...idk maybe read the Catholic catechism you ding dong or you could read scripture w/out a heterodox bias lens if possible...Mary was full of grace even before overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, yet to be bearing the Son of God but full of grace, kept to bear the Son of God as the The Ark of the New Eternal Covenant...but don't honor her?? You all love your heretical Deformers, your pastors, your theologians & scholars so much maybe make your statues of them & bow down or you prob already do lol

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Před rokem

      @@J-PLeigh8409 You should read the book of Mormon, then you will know the truth.

    • @J-PLeigh8409
      @J-PLeigh8409 Před rokem +5

      @@peterzinya407 i hope your kidding, you should in all honesty read the Didache & learn the faith a bit more, it is from the 1st cent, by the holy apostles on how to live the faith

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Před rokem

      @@J-PLeigh8409 Did cardinal McCarrick read the Didache?

  • @setarita
    @setarita Před rokem +4

    I know many 30+ year old men who will do whatever their mother tells them… they’re mostly Jewish.
    Queen Mother, pray for us 😣

  • @itinerantpatriot1196
    @itinerantpatriot1196 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I've heard a bit about John Macarthur on other sites. He's kind of a hero to a lot of people on the right because he kept his church open during the COVID lockdown. Props to him for that I suppose. This is the first time I've heard him speak and if the rest of his sermons are along these I've had protestants, especially Baptists, accuse us of being idolaters because we have statues of Mary and Joseph in our churches. I've even been told I was going to hell because of it. Then there are the Jehovah Witnesses who told me it was really Satan who appeared at Lourdes and Fátima as a way to have people publicly kneel before him.
    But those comments came from members of the church. I've never heard a pastor hold our Blessed Mother in such contempt. I have heard he is one of the more outspoken anti-Catholic protestant preachers and maybe his disdain for Catholics is just being projected onto Our Blessed Mother. I never could wrap my head around the contempt protestants have for Mary. Another commenter pointed out that Satan also has a special hate for Mary. Maybe he's at work in them. Sort of turns that Jehovah Witness tale on it's head if that's the case. I don't hate them for it but I do feel sad for a guy like this. He's missing out a wonderful relationship. It was our Blessed Mother who helped lead me back home. Don't ask me how I know it, I just do. She loves us and wants us to be in union with her Son. Why that is a bad thing is beyond me. I'll be praying for ya Mr. Macarthur.

  • @rebeccaprewett5014
    @rebeccaprewett5014 Před rokem +4

    This idea of Jesus rebuking anyone who offers “suggestions” would make one quite hesitant to pray at all. It also makes no sense in the context of Scripture. What of all those who suggested/requested that Jesus heal them?

  • @nonfecittaliter4361
    @nonfecittaliter4361 Před rokem +4

    An excellent response to MacArthur's misleading and superficial attacks on Our Lady and her beloved Lord and Son.

  • @learnmasterit410
    @learnmasterit410 Před 9 měsíci +3

    The Greatest treasure in my life is The Blessed Mother, The Mother Of Christ. I love Her SO MUCH.

  • @danp.torreja2777
    @danp.torreja2777 Před rokem +13

    The rosary is contemplating the life of Jesus from Conception to Ressurection. The first miracle of Jesus even if it was not His time to do miracle was through intercession of Mary. She will draw us more closer to her Son.

  • @athanasiusofalexandria4304
    @athanasiusofalexandria4304 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Lord have mercy. I’ve had issues with him ever since he called the stole of the priest who Chrismated Hank H. a “rag”…a “rag!”

  • @missys7823
    @missys7823 Před 6 měsíci +2

    Hearing people talk about Mary as if she means nothing to God is so painful. I can understand feeling nervous about praying to Mary and the saints, but to degrade her in that manner is completely unnecessary. 😢

  • @jjunjuhudsonjob3692
    @jjunjuhudsonjob3692 Před rokem +3

    Continue this great work , this is an eye opener

  • @user-ji2on8eg3l
    @user-ji2on8eg3l Před 11 měsíci +3

    Revelation 12:1-6
    A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
    She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth.
    Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems.
    Its tail swept away a third of the stars in the sky and hurled them down to the earth. Then the dragon stood before the woman about to give birth, to devour her child when she gave birth.
    She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod. Her child was caught up to God and his throne.
    The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days.

  • @theresaboldt5797
    @theresaboldt5797 Před 7 měsíci +3

    This hatred of our Blessed Mother is heartbreaking and nauseating. Guess who else hates Mary? That's right, Satan and his demons. Who is acting like Satan now?

    • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
      @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 6 měsíci

      John macarthur is worse than satan,at least black metal is a thing,unlike sola pastorcuckae

  • @bingortiz6493
    @bingortiz6493 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Everytime I watch his video I feel the urge to comment I love this guy.

  • @wms72
    @wms72 Před 2 měsíci +2

    The devil hates Mary and so do his minions.

  • @marcusdenning1649
    @marcusdenning1649 Před 8 měsíci +3

    He’s wrong about so much. Although when I was in these churches, I didn’t really know . I was ignorant about so much

  • @momotau600-hr8ww
    @momotau600-hr8ww Před 11 měsíci +3

    Mother Mary is full of Love.❤

  • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
    @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 7 měsíci +4

    10:43 and mary DID His FATHER'S WILL MacArthur,wtfh do YOU even WANT?

  • @justthink8952
    @justthink8952 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Protestants teach, don't talk to your mother and siblings; You talk only talk to your dad.
    When Jesus called Mary as "woman" he identified her as the New Eve.

  • @imherwerdio6852
    @imherwerdio6852 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Great video; thank you. And I've never heard of someone saying that Jesus was trying to separate himself from Mary at the I cannot stand John MacArthur. Hes full of contradictions, mental gymnastics, misinterpretations, and is unbelievably arrogant and patronizing.

  • @rociocendejas5678
    @rociocendejas5678 Před rokem +1

    Thank you for being so clear on these important scriptures that have been obscured by McCarther!

  • @juanvalenzuela9931
    @juanvalenzuela9931 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Very good defense of our Holy Mother. Thank you ❤

  • @cantrait7311
    @cantrait7311 Před rokem +7

    Well researched thanks for the video

  • @jmj5388
    @jmj5388 Před 7 měsíci +3

    May God open the eyes of the misguided “evangelists”, who perpetrate such error. The Evil One smiles when men diminish and denigrate the Blessed Mother, because he well knows of Her God-given power to defeat him.
    “Woman” was a term of respect in context, but MacArthur applies a modern interpretation, and concludes that Our Lord was talking down to His Mother.

  • @livingpurgatory3
    @livingpurgatory3 Před rokem +7

    Thank you ❤️

  • @theresaboldt5797
    @theresaboldt5797 Před rokem +2

    Thank you for defending our Blessed Mother.

  • @marymargarette4289
    @marymargarette4289 Před rokem +2

    Even the almighty God need mother to bring Jesus in this world to save the world. God teach us to be humble and love each other not to judge. For with almighty God nothing is impossible. If we ignore mary we ignore Jesus.

  • @annec988
    @annec988 Před 11 měsíci +3

    John MacArthur statements are obnoxious in the way he is twisting scripture and suggesting that Jesus doesn't respect and love His mother as His mother and cared nothing about her. I don't know why John MacArthur is doing this. Perhaps John has mother issues and is taking them out on Mary and Jesus.

  • @hap1678
    @hap1678 Před rokem +1

    Hey what editing software do you use

    • @imisschristendom5293
      @imisschristendom5293  Před rokem +1

      Power director. The mobile app

    • @gerardo259
      @gerardo259 Před rokem

      How tragically sad , what are you so afraid of ? even dialouge , come on surely no one in today's climate is that fearful , it's obvious I am wrong .
      You have accused John MacArthur of hating Mary on this podcast that is a lie and you know it , how could he hate Mary the mother of Jesus when he loves the Son of God or anyone who is a believer in Christ , that is total bigotry , He speaks truth from the Bible and that is what you are afraid of , and you should be . NZ

    • @noahgaming8833
      @noahgaming8833 Před rokem +1

      @@gerardo259 because he imagines Jesus as being disrespectful to his mom.

    • @gerardo259
      @gerardo259 Před rokem

      We spell it mum ,

  • @praveenliverpool
    @praveenliverpool Před rokem +4

    Well explained brother🙏👍

  • @julielolos4552
    @julielolos4552 Před rokem +7

    Well done!

  • @danielpitti6030
    @danielpitti6030 Před 8 měsíci +2

    The way he talks about her It's pretty DEMONIC

  • @royfaulkner4326
    @royfaulkner4326 Před měsícem

    He's not hearing the Holy Spirit, but a different spirit is talking to him. He tries so hard to dismiss OUR BLESSED MOTHER, but it will never happen 🙏🌹🙏

  • @lestie1686
    @lestie1686 Před rokem +1

    Please check out message from heaven by Rachel Lubbe and a lamp in the dark by Chris pinto and before the wrath by ingenuity films.

  • @AngelGonzalez-ng9ve
    @AngelGonzalez-ng9ve Před rokem +2

    Nice.. Thats what im talking about. Good rebuttal my kind Sr.... Keep them coming. Poor john M. 🤦🏻 Haha. Pobre Hombre... Lol...🙌🏼🙏🏼👍🏼⛪⛪🥊🥊🥋🕊️🕊️

  • @billdavis5483
    @billdavis5483 Před rokem +1

    I miss it too.

  • @FranzBazar
    @FranzBazar Před rokem +7


  • @royfaulkner4326
    @royfaulkner4326 Před měsícem

    If she wasn't IMPORTANT, they wouldn't be trying to put her down so hard, BLASPHEMOUS AND UNHOLY to speak about OUR BLESSED MOTHER this way, I'm JESUS feels the same way 🙏🌹🙌📿

  • @pmull6784
    @pmull6784 Před rokem +4

    I think your vids on the monarchy are a bit wonky, but that's just my opinion. Apart from that, there are few who defend the faith better than you on CZcams. You should have ten times the subscribers. I wish you would put out vids twice as often. Thanks and keep it up!

  • @learnmasterit410
    @learnmasterit410 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Powerful Video God Bless

  • @HillSummitHomestead
    @HillSummitHomestead Před 3 měsíci +2

    God bless

  • @dylansaus
    @dylansaus Před rokem +1

    It's interesting that the greek word gyne(Strong's G1135) can mean both woman and wife

  • @mattcaruso2520
    @mattcaruso2520 Před 3 měsíci +1

    John is just pushing his followers into Her arms.

  • @josemariamwanzia926
    @josemariamwanzia926 Před rokem +1

    Good vid bro.I'd advice people to read the book poem of the man God by Maria Valtorta.

  • @RutilioNamaziano1
    @RutilioNamaziano1 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Mater mea, Fiducia mea.

  • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
    @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 7 měsíci

    Macarthur needs a therapist,somethings wrong with his childhood

  • @cherylschalk9106
    @cherylschalk9106 Před rokem


  • @gregoryt8792
    @gregoryt8792 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Why would a sinless person need to be saved?
    Luke 1:46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
    47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
    Matthew 4:10 “Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
    Revelation 22:8-9 “And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.” Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.”
    Romans 3:10 “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”

    • @peterhenryzepeda3484
      @peterhenryzepeda3484 Před 7 měsíci

      She was saved by being spared from sin

    • @wms72
      @wms72 Před 2 měsíci

      She was saved from the stain of Original sin from the first instant of her Conception. See Genesis 3:15

  • @oskarvalance3041
    @oskarvalance3041 Před rokem +1

    Some people have this hatred or jealousy about the Catholic church. The Blessed Mother is to be adored and admired for what She did while here on earth. Nowhere is it written about worshiping the Blessed Mother. Only asking for intersession. The Hail Mary prayer, pretty much says it all. Obviously, John Macarther is not familiar with Mathew 7:1, Stop judging, that you may not be judged.

    • @jmj5388
      @jmj5388 Před 7 měsíci

      Yes, except that She is venerated, not adored.

  • @jeromevillanueva2207
    @jeromevillanueva2207 Před 4 měsíci +1

    John McArthur is one disturbed person

  • @royfaulkner4326
    @royfaulkner4326 Před měsícem

    just like GOD so loved her , he made her the mother of HIS only son 🙏🌹🙏🌹❤❤❤

  • @glennbulow5366
    @glennbulow5366 Před rokem +2

    I don’t get it , why would any Christian offer prayers to anyone other than God the Father through His Son Jesus?You don’t think he loves you enough to hear and answer your prayers? After all Jesus endured your punishment for you, He paid the price for your sins so any believer can obtain forgiveness. But he will not be your intercessor to the Father when you pray? Then to say Jesus will do whatever Mary will ask Him to do even if He doesn’t want to as if He doesn’t know what is best for us. He is God, He will preform His purpose in our lives.

    • @thereaction18
      @thereaction18 Před rokem +4

      Just sit around and wait for heaven if it requires no involvement on your part then. Oh, wait, is that not what is expected of being a Christian? You pray for one another and support one another and encourage one another and love one another? Why? Doesn't Jesus take care of everything?

    • @lorichet
      @lorichet Před rokem +3

      Have you ever asked anyone for their prayers?

    • @Galaxygacha-ir5ko
      @Galaxygacha-ir5ko Před rokem +2

      Please listen from 1:15 - its clear. No ambiguity.

    • @truthseeker9163
      @truthseeker9163 Před 10 měsíci

      What about prayers to Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

  • @maisuangdibounewmaimarienm1189

    My point, the Catholics have given over emphasis on Mary, and the Protestants have over neglected Mary. Mary should be placed in her place rightly.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 Před 2 měsíci

      We can NEVER honor Mary more than God already did.

  • @lestie1686
    @lestie1686 Před rokem +1

    If jesus want us to pray or go to his mother he said so in Luke chp 11,verse 27,28 for a woman said blessed is the paps that you sucked.
    But what
    t did jesus say ,did he say make images of her ,and bow down to her.
    No he said blessed is he that keep the word of God.

  • @deutschesvaterlandfankanal
    @deutschesvaterlandfankanal Před 7 měsíci +1

    10:44 basically mary and the predecessors of his disciples🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @mufc99ok
    @mufc99ok Před 4 měsíci +1

    Ignorance is bliss he hasnt a clue

  • @darkkiller_2127
    @darkkiller_2127 Před měsícem

    "John Macarthur is wrong"
    ur telling me this for the 1st time

  • @johns1834
    @johns1834 Před 2 měsíci

    My hard core baptist brother loves John MacArthur, who is very charismatic and initially seems very knowledgeable. Personally, I think MacArthur is like the ingredients of d-Con rat poison, which is 99.995% good stuff the rats love to gobble up, but that other.005% is deadly.

  • @lestie1686
    @lestie1686 Před rokem

    I can't even find in scripture were Jesus and Mary got along all that well, and he did rebuke her.
    For she refuses to realize the mother son relationship was over.
    And Mary did not replace eve ,there is no scripture for this.

  • @roshankurien203
    @roshankurien203 Před 4 měsíci

    My conversion to the Catholic Church:
    This is the shortest answer. Not using history or church fathers, since I come from a Protestant background let’s stick to scripture alone in which all Protestants are bound :
    2 or three witnesses truth is is established. Explicit biblical epistemology no systematic theology can go around that
    You can’t bear witness on your own. This is not my words
    “If I alone bear witness about myself, my testimony is not true.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭5‬:‭31‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    Every revelation from God must have 2 or three witnesses:
    Old Testament:
    Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the people of Israel.Aaron spoke all the words that the Lord had spoken to Moses and did the signs in the sight of the people. And the people believed;
    Exodus 4
    And Samuel said to the people, “The Lord is witness, who appointed Moses and Aaron and brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.”
    ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭12‬:‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    “He sent Moses his servant: Aaron the man whom he had chosen. He gave them power to shew his signs, and his wonders in the land of Cham.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭104‬:‭26‬-‭27‬
    Moses and Aaron
    “A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established.”
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭19:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    “And I will get reliable witnesses, Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah, to attest for me.””
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8‬:‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    Bind up the testimony; seal the teaching among my disciples.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    “To the teaching and to the testimony! If they will not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    Uriah and Zachariah
    New Testament:
    There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe THROUGH him. He was not the light, but came to BEAR WITNESS about the light.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    JESUS and John
    “But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:16‬-17ESV‬‬
    “And he called the twelve and began to send them out TWO BY TWO and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.”
    ‭‭Mark‬ 6:7 ESV
    “This is the third time I am coming to you. Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭ESV
    “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
    ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    And finally in Revelations:
    “And I will grant authority to my TWO witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.””
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭11:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    So I ask my Protestant brothers. Who is the witness to your gospel and only from the Bible alone.
    Where lies the ecumenical council there lies the church

  • @royfaulkner5886
    @royfaulkner5886 Před 2 měsíci

    I always believed that at the 2000 years Mary is in heaven and don't you think by now God or our lord Jesus would have said hey stop doing that or stop saying that to people or telling the priests to stop praying to her?

  • @scotbotvideos
    @scotbotvideos Před rokem +5

    A most excellent refutation of MacArthur.

  • @Ajas0810
    @Ajas0810 Před 4 měsíci

    The Protestant arguments are always so bad and theologically wrong. They always deny typology and seem to only read the New Testament. When provided with typology I’ve had some say “the Bible isn’t some coded writing where you have to connect the dots” 😂

  • @spinninginspace
    @spinninginspace Před 7 měsíci

    I love this channel 🤌🏽🙏

  • @johnyang1420
    @johnyang1420 Před rokem +2

    John MacArthur is wrong about a lot of things in the Catholic church!!!!

  • @learnmasterit410
    @learnmasterit410 Před rokem +1

    John Macarthur is hell bound

  • @kathyr.8135
    @kathyr.8135 Před rokem +5

    I IGNORE THESE KNOW IT ALL’S . Try to explain it to them and it’s like talking to a brick wall

  • @martinsisrael2157
    @martinsisrael2157 Před 3 měsíci

    Mary replaced Eve and gave birth to the new Adam? How does that add up? Was Eve the mother of the first Adam?

    • @martinsisrael2157
      @martinsisrael2157 Před 3 měsíci

      ‭‭Luke 11:27-28 CPDV‬‬
      [27] And it happened that, when he was saying these things, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you." [28] Then he said, "Yes, but moreover: blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it."
      Jesus himself made this statement when someone called his mother blessed and he replied by saying if you hear the words and keep them you are more blessed. I posted the Catholic bible translation of these verses, the rest of the translations say “contrary to that, blessed are those who here and keep the word”

    • @martinsisrael2157
      @martinsisrael2157 Před 3 měsíci

      ‭‭‭‭Colossians 2:18-19 CPDV‬‬
      [18] Let no one seduce you, preferring base things and a religion of Angels, walking according to what he has not seen, being vainly inflated by the sensations of his flesh, [19] and not holding up the head, with which the whole body, by its underlying joints and ligaments, is joined together and grows with an increase that is of God.
      ‭‭1 Timothy 2:5-7 CPDV‬‬
      [5] For there is one God, and one mediator of God and of men, the man Christ Jesus, [6] who gave himself as a redemption for all, as a testimony in its proper time. [7] Of this testimony, I have been appointed a preacher and an Apostle, (I speak the truth, I do not lie) as a teacher of the Gentiles, in faith and in truth.

    • @geoffjs
      @geoffjs Před 2 měsíci

      You’re missing the point! Adam & Eve disobeyed God, whereas Jesus & Mary obeyed God.

  • @damienkerrison9269
    @damienkerrison9269 Před 9 měsíci

    A wonderful video, and I agree with all you've said. But it didn't address the true importance of Christ's first public miracle. Or should we say the 'genesis' of the Lord's public ministry. In Genesis, Eve prompts Adam to sin. In the Gospel of John, Mary, the new Eve, prompts Jesus to do the Will of the Father, and thereby erases the sin of Eve. Later, when the Lord is hanging on the cross, he addresses his Mother as 'woman' again. Jesus, the new Adam, is laying down his life for the new Eve, which the Adam of Genesis should have done for his wife when Satan approached her. The Apostle Paul himself instructs husband's to defend their wives even at the cost of their lives.

  • @joanofarc708
    @joanofarc708 Před rokem +1

    APOC 12