Russia’s New Reality

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Hi guys!
    I hope everybody is doing fine and staying safe during this crazy times!🌸
    My Instagram: @hairgoddes
    This video is shot on IPhone XS Max
    Edited in iMovie on the phone

Komentáře • 10K

  • @jomcgrath6422
    @jomcgrath6422 Před 2 lety +54

    From Australia 🇦🇺 I think we’re all hoping that this situation will end soon for everybody’s sake! 💚🙏

    • @uabjurivina1798
      @uabjurivina1798 Před 2 lety

      !!! ATENTION !!! fascist propaganda Chanel - after the war will see you in Hague

    • @aperta7525
      @aperta7525 Před 2 lety

      What is the situation like there in Australia?

    • @stilley78
      @stilley78 Před 2 lety

      It's not too bad here, not too much has changed overall. Because of the conflict, our fuel prices skyrocketed to the point where it is unaffordable for some people. The government agreed to remove half of their fuel tax for 6 months. I haven't noticed much difference in food prices.

    • @muckle8
      @muckle8 Před 2 lety

      @Sam fuel prices were rising globally long before this conflict started, gas prices were doubling last sept 2021

  • @pantx0
    @pantx0 Před 2 lety +631

    Svetlana, please continue to record life in Russia. It will be channels like yours that will show the world how life continues for the average Russian citizen.

    • @exstazius
      @exstazius Před 2 lety +23

      Russia is banning youtube propably so unfortunately they will not be able to show their lives here.

    • @leigh8926
      @leigh8926 Před 2 lety +4

      Using rumble No sensor

    • @finnthewestiefinnmccool5916
      @finnthewestiefinnmccool5916 Před 2 lety +58

      Tell me how life is continuing for the average denizified Ukrainian citizens?

    • @volkanyilmaz408
      @volkanyilmaz408 Před 2 lety +2

      @@moisesojeda1085 who cares? everything seems illegal there.

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +10

      life in different regions of Russia is different. depends on the economy of the region.

  • @jeffz2111
    @jeffz2111 Před 2 lety +34

    The cost of living is always relative to one's income in a particular area. The price of goods in Russia are lower than in the west, but so are the Russian incomes.

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +4

      But in Russia there is no shortage of goods as in the West.

    • @bainzey
      @bainzey Před 2 lety +7

      @@alexmiller23 huh? What shortages? You’re deluded 😂

    • @MrThecrayzboss
      @MrThecrayzboss Před 2 lety +3

      Yep. Come from Switzerland and am living in Berlin now. Used to earn 2,5 times more but could basically buy the same amount of stuff. Most people dont understand purchase power at all.

    • @MrThecrayzboss
      @MrThecrayzboss Před 2 lety +1

      @@bainzey actually hear in Germany we are having shortages of Oil and Flour. Oil was all sold out when I went shopping. People could be hoarding,

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +1

      @@bainzey I live in Russia. I can see better than you what is happening in the interior of the country. But you know better from the West 😆🤡

  • @robclarkson3697
    @robclarkson3697 Před 2 lety +27

    Thank you so much for making this video. I could have used your help going through the airport in Surgut. I didn't meet anyone there that spoke english although I did have a very helpful Russian walk me through the process even though we couldn't speak the same language. Such good memories. Also 300,000 people that far north is huge. Our largest city that far north has 20,000 people. Price of gas in US is currently twice as much and Canada is 3 times as expensive. Wish for you peace and prosperity.

  • @leonpatrick5606
    @leonpatrick5606 Před 2 lety +48

    The people of Russia are not my enemy, just those who choose war over peace

    • @elsiepfeiffer1395
      @elsiepfeiffer1395 Před 2 lety +2

      _#DONBASSLIVESMATTER_ I have family in Donestk and I Support the People's Republics of Donbass. 💀 to a3ob and all neo-" _notzees_ " in Ukraine. *Patrick Lancaster* is a great source for the truth.

    • @Tex999as
      @Tex999as Před 2 lety +6

      It was not Russia that started the war in the Ukraine , it was Obama by what he did in 2014 in Kiev

    • @dianaolex4270
      @dianaolex4270 Před 2 lety +1

      And who are those? Do u know how many people support Putin? One who chose the war is enemy! One who doesn’t care to speak and never did👎silence supports war!

    • @elsiepfeiffer1395
      @elsiepfeiffer1395 Před 2 lety

      In the West, media outlets are claiming that Russia’s agenda to “denazify” Ukraine is unfounded. At the same time, public opinion in Western countries is totally alienated from the Ukrainian reality, tending to believe only what is reported by the hegemonic media. The result of this is strong disapproval of the Russian attitude based on the lie that there is no trace of Nazism in contemporary Ukraine. In this sense, it is urgent that quality information be disseminated to the Western audience to avoid the proliferation of lies about the Ukrainian reality.
      On almost every TV channel and newspaper in the West, Ukrainian Nazism is questioned with the worst possible arguments: Zelensky is Jewish, and the Ukrainian state is democratic. This kind of superficial thinking prevents a detailed analysis of the catastrophic situation in Kiev since the Maidan, when, through a coup d’état, an anti-Russian junta took power and institutionalized a racist and anti-Russian ideology, which remains until the current days.
      When we talk about “Ukrainian Nazism” we are not saying that Kiev is a contemporary copy of Hitler’s Berlin, but that the neo-Nazi element is a fundamental point of post-2014 Ukraine. The Maidan coup was openly supported and financed by NATO as a way of undermining any Russian influence in Moscow’s own strategic environment. The aim was to make Ukraine a puppet state, commanded from Washington, ending any link with Russia. There was not only the objective to annihilate political, economic, and diplomatic relations between Kiev and Moscow, but also to eliminate cultural, ethnic, religious, and linguistic ties between both nations.
      Since then, anti-Russian plans have been implemented. Ethnic Russians have been persecuted for the past eight years-even through systematic extermination in some regions. The Russian language has been criminalized in entire cities where the population does not speak Ukrainian. Schisms in the Orthodox Church have been supported to form a Ukrainian “national church” out of the Moscow Patriarchate. But the question remains: how has this been possible if Ukrainians and Russians are such close peoples? Many Ukrainians speak Russian and marry ethnic Russians, in addition to the fact that most of the country’s population follows the Orthodox Church. So how was it possible to initiate such a successful racist policy?
      This was certainly one of the biggest concerns of the Maidan planners. And the answer lies in the Nazi element, which was very well worked out by Arsen Avakov, Minister of the Interior during the Poroshenko government. Avakov initiated a process of instrumentalizing neo-Nazi militias that had supported Maidan, making these extremist groups key points in the defense of the new Ukrainian regime. In the West, due to collective ignorance about Slavic history, many people think that Nazi racism was restricted to Jews, but in fact, anti-Russian hatred was one of the biggest locomotives of WWII, having led Hitler to the irrational decision to invade and try to annex the USSR. This sentiment is alive in these neo-Nazi militias, who are literally ready to do anything to annihilate the Russians, being much more fanatical in their racist convictions than the Ukrainian armed forces.
      Groups such as the Azov Battalion, C14 and the armed militias of rightist parties such as Pravyy sektor and Svoboda operate freely in Ukraine and are most responsible for the extermination of ethnic Russians in the Donbass. These groups act with more violence and using more sophisticated equipment than the Ukrainian armed forces themselves, being the real face of Kiev’s anti-Russian brutality. As neo-Nazis, these militias have no obstacles in complying with the government’s objective of destroying any ties between Russians and Ukrainians, thus being the main allies of the Maidan era.
      In a 2020 Freedom House’s report, “A new Eurasian far right rising”, it is said that the far right is one of the strongest and most influential elements in Ukrainian society today, being a sophisticated, highly professionalized, and visible political force. In other words, what would be violent and criminal urban groups elsewhere on the planet have been converted by Kiev into a pro-Maidan parallel armed force. The inspiration for this model of action comes from the original Nazism: the Schutzstaffel (SS) was one of the largest German armed political forces during the 1930s and 1940s, but the group was not part of the German Armed Forces, but a paramilitary militia instrumentalized by the government apart from the official troops. There was a major strategic objective with this: while the German military was commanded by the government, the SS fought for the Nazi Party and for Hitler-that is, if Germany surrendered, the SS would declare war on the German military. This type of “double-shielded” military system is the same one that Kiev has implemented: if one day a pro-Russian government is elected, the neo-Nazi militias will declare war on Kiev-and will be strong enough to defeat the official troops in the same way as the SS was stronger than the German armed forces.
      It is necessary to note that these groups operate not only in the sphere of military force, but also in the cultural field, fomenting anti-Russian hatred among ordinary Ukrainians. The exaltation of Stepan Bandera (Ukrainian anti-Soviet nationalist leader who collaborated with Nazi Germany) is one of the symptoms of this. Before the Maidan, Bandera was a name like any other in Ukrainian history, but he came to be remembered and venerated as a national hero by neo-Nazis and anti-Russian politicians. In the same sense, these groups vandalize parishes and monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church and are responsible for the consolidation of a Ukrainian mentality entirely hostile to Russia, which is gradually permeating the local population.
      Ukraine is in fact ruled by a Jew and the country’s power structure is indeed publicly “democratic”, despite being internally authoritarian and corrupt. But the Nazi element is not in these aspects, but in the structure of protection of the post-Maidan Ukrainian state, which is supported by a national coalition of neo-Nazi militias whose objective is simply to persecute and kill Russians, regardless of who is in power in Kiev. It does not matter to these militias if the President of the Republic is a Jew-what matters is that Russians are dying, which favors both neo-Nazis and the pro-NATO politicians they protect. In other words, the Western media’s arguments to deny Putin’s claims about Ukrainian Nazism are weak and superficial.
      Moscow is right in its concern to denazify Ukraine. It is a measure that should be taken in coalition by several countries. All over the world, Nazism is “condemned”, but only when it benefits the West. The closest political experience to Nazism in the present days has been seen and peacefully tolerated by liberal governments that claim to be defenders of human rights and democracy. Russia is simply no longer willing to put up with crimes being committed by neo-Nazis against its people and there is nothing wrong with that decision.
      @@dianaolex4270 #DonbassLivesMatter

    • @richardhughes8188
      @richardhughes8188 Před rokem

      Well, I guess we can't say much here U.S.A. can we now

  • @mayloo2010
    @mayloo2010 Před 2 lety +44

    Thanks for sharing! I am sorry for what happend but being german, I know what it means for regular people hold hostage for the decision of a few at the top.
    Let's hope the world will come back to better times.

    • @robrobert6232
      @robrobert6232 Před 2 lety +1

      As a German you probably also know that its the Germans who elected Hitler. You bought into him. Just like Russians bought into Putin and continue to support him.

    • @mayloo2010
      @mayloo2010 Před 2 lety

      @@robrobert6232 So did many citicens around the world who voted for ... (place in who ever you want) because they thought it would be for the better and than found out what character it became.

    • @robrobert6232
      @robrobert6232 Před 2 lety

      @@mayloo2010 Putin has been in power for many years. He invaded Georgia and Chechnya. This is not new, yet opinion polls are high. They know and they keep supporting him.

    • @mayloo2010
      @mayloo2010 Před 2 lety +4

      @@robrobert6232 So is Xi, Kim and others. All I want to say: It is easy to blame the regular people if you have your opinion. Look what French, the Brits and so many others did in their colonies. Humanity starts with listening. How should a US citicen feel when asked about Guantanamo or killing people using drones without a legal court case, or what about the natives in CA/USA?
      It all depends on the societies understanding what is good or eval.
      I grew up in East-Germany and studied history, so I saw and learned a lot about historic cases on blaming whole countries for what some in power decide.

    • @mayloo2010
      @mayloo2010 Před 2 lety

      ​@@robrobert6232 Yes but I have lived in a Country (not existing anymore (East-Germany)) where the media (East and West) thought 89% loved their Government! It was not true! The elections where rigged like in China, Russia, Belarus.... today!
      So please do not hate the people of Russia! I don't thing all of them wanted that! I see so many of them wanting to flee their country but have no place to go! All they find is hate. Be open minded, please! Don't let you trap in media!

  • @brwils3378
    @brwils3378 Před 2 lety +14

    In parts of America you can’t even find food in the grocery store. When you can it’s triple what it was. As for gas it’s over 5.50 a gallon which is 4 times what it was from last year at this time. As for Diesel it’s not to be had in some areas.
    I’ll say Russia 🇷🇺 fearing a little better than America right now, as for American movies not missing out all the new ones suck.

    • @jan22150
      @jan22150 Před 2 lety +3

      Well perhaps in California the San Francisco Bay area you pay $5 or $6 a gallon. But in north Carolina $ 4,25 a gallon is more like it. That is for premium gas. Regular less than $4 .

    • @DaDansinBear
      @DaDansinBear Před 2 lety

      @@jan22150 That sounds very reasonable. Do you remember what the prices were and Cheney was our president?

    • @ILikeWhatILike69
      @ILikeWhatILike69 Před 2 lety

      That's crazy that a country like Russia is faring better than the USA. What a joke honestly. Especially after all the sanctions.

    • @brwils3378
      @brwils3378 Před 2 lety

      @@ILikeWhatILike69 sanctions go both ways.

    • @jan22150
      @jan22150 Před 2 lety +2

      @@DaDansinBear I don't remember Cheney ever being our president .
      George Bush yes. Bit Cheney, no.

  • @paulboring9053
    @paulboring9053 Před 2 lety +2

    You are a breath of fresh air. Life is best when we can all be friends.

  • @docdurdin
    @docdurdin Před 2 lety +259

    While sad to see this happening for normal people in Russia, I am struck with the vision that Ukraine's stores have all been bombed out and many deaths on both sides.

    • @gnawershreth
      @gnawershreth Před 2 lety +17

      @@igbc176 You mean the land that you guys stole the last time you attacked a peaceful neighbor?
      The fact that you guys believe the country with a Jewish president that won with 73% of the votes is nazi is so fucking stupid that it's almost funny.
      Which country is it that limits access to foreign news again? Russia or Ukraine? Yeah, it's Russia and it's doing that for the same reason that China and North Korea does it. Wake the fuck up, will you.

    • @Chicago48
      @Chicago48 Před 2 lety +13

      She looks like a millionaire doesn't she? What's the problem w/ living in Russia?

    • @byza101
      @byza101 Před 2 lety +1

      @@gnawershreth referendummmmmmmmm

    • @sirbonobo3907
      @sirbonobo3907 Před 2 lety +2

      @@igbc176 donbass is ukrainian. you nazi cunts can move to russia. there are alot of nazis in russia inkluding the fascist jWladimir Grosny

    • @stanspb763
      @stanspb763 Před 2 lety +15

      @@Chicago48 Russian women ttake care of themselves, are very feminine, and highly dedicated and accomplished.. One of the many reasons I love living in St Petersburg Russia instead of super woke angry USA.

  • @hesabubblebuddy
    @hesabubblebuddy Před 2 lety +16

    Your channel and positive outlook are even more important now. Keep up the good work, We’ll keep watching. ❤️👍🏽

  • @tomholmes9807
    @tomholmes9807 Před 2 lety +17

    Svetlana, I really appreciate your timely video. You are a breath of fresh air in spite of the current sadness that we all feel at this time. Please keep your videos coming! You are a gem!

  • @bobdenk6944
    @bobdenk6944 Před 2 lety +14

    Svetlana I love your videos. I always wondered what life was like for regular Russian people. Don't stop. 🙂

  • @coltfortyfive8262
    @coltfortyfive8262 Před 2 lety +21

    So good to see you well and able to post your videos. We pray for all effected and hope this all ends soon. I hope you continue your videos and continue to show the beautiful scenery and architecture in your travels, and the normal life of your friends and family and ordinary people of your country. Stay safe and well and god bless you and your family.

  • @JaneG
    @JaneG Před 2 lety +7

    As a Ukrainian, I'm so happy I see all these comments supporting Ukraine. I don't see any reply from this svetlana to you guys, to your comments. Because there's nothing she can say. and this video is clearly to make money from it, that's all.

    • @Leoterio76
      @Leoterio76 Před 2 lety +3

      Absolutelly correct.
      Slava Ukraina.

    • @MiriamLove366
      @MiriamLove366 Před 2 lety +5

      She only made this lame video for views/ make money. She is sickening

    • @JaneG
      @JaneG Před 2 lety +3

      @@MiriamLove366 Yep

  • @walkingstick6655
    @walkingstick6655 Před 2 lety +81

    I've been watching a variety of such videos lately, post-sanction Russian grocery store price comparisons. Nearly all of them note some typical things, but one struck me, as not something I consume: buckwheat. So, I had to Google it and found that Russian, followed by Ukraine, is the top consumer, per capita, of buckwheat.

    • @midwestlakelife
      @midwestlakelife Před 2 lety +18

      Yes, the Buckwheat had me perplexed too.
      A lovely woman commented above that Buckwheat for Russia and Eastern Europeans is like Rice in Asia.

    • @walkingstick6655
      @walkingstick6655 Před 2 lety +2

      @@midwestlakelife Thanks! I figured ir was such a dietary staple item. I think it just surprised me to be THE one...though many of the videos also compare prices on, coincidentally, rice, as well.

    • @TarynsTime
      @TarynsTime Před 2 lety +1

      I saw a moment in a video where the buckwheat was explained and every video since it stands out.

    • @at9871
      @at9871 Před 2 lety +6

      Japan is not far off. Before the US government (and EU) determined what crops got federally subsidized buckwheat was a very common thing to be eaten. However, you don't get subsidies to grow it, and you can't use chemical fertilizers to increase the yields so it was phased out of the diets of many in the west. You saw similar things with other food, Americans were brought up to be averse to liver, eels, and many other expensive foods as it was more profitable to sell them overseas as exports.

    • @myrianvalenzuela9199
      @myrianvalenzuela9199 Před 2 lety +8

      Blame it all to putin. Leave Russia. Let him live there alone, stop supporting him.

  • @acajudi100
    @acajudi100 Před 2 lety +1

    I use debit cards, and I always donated to non beggars to help themselves.I keep a little cash, and I keep preps. I do not deal with coins. Thank you. Cash can be counterfeit, so be careful, and you can be robbed of your cash.
    Thank you for sharing your EXCELLENT videos.
    I started traveling from age 20-73, and now at 79, I have retired to Queretaro, Mexico, because USA became too deadly and expensive. Stay blessed and safe always. It is nice to be nice.

  • @GeraldWilhelmBradenComposer
    @GeraldWilhelmBradenComposer Před 2 lety +119

    Amen Svetlana! I am heartbroken about Putin invading Ukraine, and causing all this needless death and destruction for Ukrainians, and also for Russian soldiers. Though I also feel bad for all the good people in Russia that are going to suffer from all the sanctions the free world is placing on Russia because of this needless war. I pray that the war ends soon, and that Ukrainians can mourn and begin re-building their nation. I also pray that Russia will hopefully elect a new president soon, that actually cares about the Russian people, and your beautiful country, and move forward towards a more peaceful and loving world, with respect for all other free nations. Please stay safe!....Peace! 🎼❤☮

    • @GeraldWilhelmBradenComposer
      @GeraldWilhelmBradenComposer Před 2 lety +2

      @@bertkater2467 Amen! 💝

    • @ianbored8859
      @ianbored8859 Před 2 lety +5

      neo-liberalism ,materialism and consumerism are ideologies/dogma that keep people's mind enslaved.
      If you want peace then stop imposing your ideologies to other peoples.

    • @helenamcauley3135
      @helenamcauley3135 Před 2 lety +16

      Plz don't pray for those russian soldiers. They are not playing war. They are bombing pregnant mothers in hospital and schools and peoples homes. They are making this a civilian war and not a military war. They may find their redemption wen they come before the gates of hell and not a minute before.

    • @LightWingStudios
      @LightWingStudios Před 2 lety +9

      As Stalin said of "Elections" in Russia..."The only thing that counts is the guy counting the votes.".

    • @corrupted2638
      @corrupted2638 Před 2 lety +3

      @@helenamcauley3135 agreed

  • @lydia2494
    @lydia2494 Před 2 lety +4

    Every Russian CZcamsr :
    1. Introduction must be about how "apolitical" they are, that their content will avoid negativity as their main goal is to spreads joy and positivity. NO MENTION OF UKRAINE WAR VICTIMS.
    2. Then they will jump into "innocent Russian people" affected by war and sanctions. AVOIDING THE MAIN REASON AGAIN.
    3. Then they will use war and sanctions themes in every single new video manipulating the viewers and gaining more comments. CONTINUOUESLY AVOIDING DIRECT OPINION ABOUT WAR IN UKRAINE OR WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
    In conclusion. Why we are letting Russians manipulate us without forcing them to admit their involvement, we are witnessing absolute ignorance and hypocrisy !

    • @AC-te1xy
      @AC-te1xy Před 2 lety

      Maybe she wants to stay out of prison. They don't have American freedoms to bash their government.

    • @SuboptimalPrime
      @SuboptimalPrime Před 2 lety

      Yeah, it's like "boohoo, war is so hard on you, hope you get your Nike sneakers one day :(", while the other side is getting decimated

  • @peteF776
    @peteF776 Před 2 lety +214

    In the 70s my mother worked at the Russian embassy in London and invited the family of a colleague to visit for Christmas, while we were eating turkey and all the trimmings my dad asked Stanislav if they had any special Christmas food in Russia, he said "Yes, anything we can get that's left in the shops" I do hope that these bad old days never revisit the Russian people.

    • @MegaKubanoid
      @MegaKubanoid Před 2 lety +18

      in the 70s the stores were just in bulk. problems started in the 80s

    • @artemsmirnov1134
      @artemsmirnov1134 Před 2 lety +10

      турки едят американцы на день благодарения.

    • @PyczastyNiechCośWrzuci
      @PyczastyNiechCośWrzuci Před 2 lety +12

      Russian embassy in 70s must be full of KGB agents, dont trust your mother she is russian spy agent

    • @charlottesmom
      @charlottesmom Před 2 lety +5

      @@artemsmirnov1134 , I hear us Americans taste like chicken.

    • @PeninnahMarksz
      @PeninnahMarksz Před 2 lety


  • @MyWinterFairyTale
    @MyWinterFairyTale Před 2 lety +4

    I am from Russia and I am 24, its mean I was about two years old when Putin became a president. I never voted for him. But there are some people who think I am blame that Russia attacked Ukraine. They live in their comfortable countries and tell me that I have to fight against Putin - and to be in the prison after it I guess. I am blame and we are Orks from Mordor, western companies who had good bisiness with Putin are not. Whats wrong with you, guys?!

    • @katiakaterina9260
      @katiakaterina9260 Před 2 lety +1

      That coz, the Russians do have a leader who's taking care of the people and integrity of the country, while most western countries have just puppets in their admin dreaming of deviding Russia into pieces. But this never happens, guess why. The Russians preserved their virtues and moral principles, and the West just keeps degenerating. Look at this girl, she is a beautiful, kind and decent. And look at women in the West who cann't tell if they are women without biologist, or transgenders calling themselves women or whatever

    • @muckle8
      @muckle8 Před 2 lety +1

      @Leah Kostinsky president putin is a hero who has risked everything to stop the bloodshed in lugansk and Donetsk . Ukraine’s neo nazi,s are growing stronger by the day with USA funding and of course with the snake zelensky doing the devils work, I pray Russia is successful best wishes to you from a Brit

    • @katiakaterina9260
      @katiakaterina9260 Před 2 lety

      @@muckle8 God bless you❤️

    • @carolynetter8046
      @carolynetter8046 Před 2 lety

      It is mostly the Catholics including American President Biden that influence the hatred toward Russia because of all the goodies of Russia mostly in the major very metropolitan advanced modern cities. And also all politics aside I guess most people are saying those ballerinas and painters and musicians and craftsmen and seamstresses and farmers of Russia just have to go because they are just too dangerous for modern society. Lol. Yeah I saw all the millions of hateful comments in Social media against Russia including a lot of the news and politicians made bad comments. Many of the rude comments came from the Roman Catholics such as Spaniard Hispanic and French. Greed concerning the goodies of other countries and also any reason to hike prices are what the Catholics are famous for. Do not employ them in your hospitals and keep the more reliable old medical supplies and methods or else you will regret it.

  • @redquoter
    @redquoter Před 2 lety +38

    Prayin' for you and Eli - thank you for your everyday-person perspective of current situations, it's a blessing for many around the world.

    • @richlopez5896
      @richlopez5896 Před 2 lety

      @@artin3141 NO labs at all and that was just a lie and excuse

    • @artin3141
      @artin3141 Před 2 lety +2

      @@richlopez5896 ohh really don't worry soon they will release papers and signatures .and you will disappointed 😁

    • @efssurplusfunds
      @efssurplusfunds Před 2 lety +2

      @@richlopez5896 your a moron, the NIG, NIAD took over the Soviet labs, as in the labs in Ukraine are being funded by fauci, and his group of corrupt beurocracts. Wake up and stop watching the MSM

    • @Robert-ns7id
      @Robert-ns7id Před 2 lety

      @@artin3141 Of course those papers will be forged fabrications lying is the only thing Russia knows and you are not even good at .

    • @artin3141
      @artin3141 Před 2 lety

      @@Robert-ns7id Lol for 40 years your.US regime lying to world.and finally wikileaks exposed your lies and all emails .so please .educated yourself and do some research.

  • @leonhardmay3569
    @leonhardmay3569 Před 2 lety +16

    I converted prices of some of those (international brand) products from rubles to euros and I'm wondering how come some products are still cheaper in Russia then in Romania and Hungary, which not only don't have sanctions, but should also have no import fees for goods from EU. It does appear huge percent of those retail prices around the world is just profit margin of distributors and import companies, and I guess with them trying to keep up with their profit rates is what makes the prices (in non sanctioned countries) ridiculously expensive. That also explains that local products are so much cheaper. Always buy your local product.

    • @UserUser-ww2nj
      @UserUser-ww2nj Před 2 lety +1

      The difference in prices is because the companies tailor them to individual countries

    • @roland1901
      @roland1901 Před 2 lety

      You should shop in Russia to save money lol

    • @VictorDachev
      @VictorDachev Před 2 lety +1

      Maybe because the average sallary in Russia was 628,37 Euro before the rouble went down and that's the price at which they were sellable.

    • @UserUser-ww2nj
      @UserUser-ww2nj Před 2 lety

      @MU99 yes, it's all relative

    • @johnstuartsmith
      @johnstuartsmith Před 2 lety

      @MU99 That is the correct perspective.

  • @tonysingh2908
    @tonysingh2908 Před 2 lety +83

    Thank YOU. I know the situation is difficult, I managed to take my wife and children from our village and moved to Poland, My village full of old people is now almost totally destroyed, I know most russian people do not and will never be told the truth. It is still important to stay positive.

    • @saraswatkin9226
      @saraswatkin9226 Před 2 lety +7

      Tony Singh? Does not sound very Russian to me.

    • @tonysingh2908
      @tonysingh2908 Před 2 lety +15

      @@saraswatkin9226 it's not I'm an Indian born British citizen, married my Ukrainian wife 5years ago and we where living in Kozarovhchi, modernising our house now it all counts for nothing. Village is now occupied by Belarusian troops.

    • @sirrathersplendid4825
      @sirrathersplendid4825 Před 2 lety +6

      @@tonysingh2908 - Belarusian troops in Ukraine, fighting for the Russians? That’s new.

    • @sydneyrivera2568
      @sydneyrivera2568 Před 2 lety +16

      @@sirrathersplendid4825 that's not new or news. Pay more attention to reality, yeah?

    • @cjd5255
      @cjd5255 Před 2 lety +6

      @@sirrathersplendid4825 Russian troops went through from Belarus to kyiv. Do u think they had to take over Belarus first? 🤔

  • @shiningirisheyes
    @shiningirisheyes Před 2 lety +5

    Thanks from so called neutral Ireland .please keep us informed on the life in Russia for ordinary people's and we don't need the politics just any joy people's can have in this crazy world .Love and kisses from Ireland we hope the problems for Russia will be resolved soon and we can all get back to looking the everyday life of Russia and it complicated vast size and people's spread from Moscow to Siberia

    • @63utuber
      @63utuber Před rokem

      Congratulations, you lose the internet!

  • @gagatube
    @gagatube Před 2 lety +138

    Svetlana: "This is just a small city so we only have a few supermarkets..."
    Me in Australia: 😲

    • @drpeterc12
      @drpeterc12 Před 2 lety +21

      Shelves in UK supermarkets are not empty but no longer have the variety of goods and shelves are left partially filled. Petrol prices are very high 1.80 pounds per litre. Craft beer is 5.50 pounds a pint. So no car trips, no going to pub, no russia tv on TV, only the constant stream of anti-putin news from BBC. I am tried of hearing 'we are not against russian people, only the mad war-crazed putin and russian soldiers who massacre innocent babies'. Actually the deep states in the west are so happy with the war, anything they say is now 'true'. They want to refight the crimean war of 1854, and bring back Wranken and the white russians back. Only when russia is crushed and we occupy it will we be 'happy'.

    • @VHSKacceta
      @VHSKacceta Před 2 lety +8

      @@drpeterc12 Вау, ты первый европеец, которого я встретил на просторах интернета, который мыслит максимально рационально и кажется не подвержен какой либо пропаганде. Уважение тебе

    • @H4nek
      @H4nek Před 2 lety +16

      ​@@drpeterc12 Useful idiot, sorry not sorry. Cry about higher prices of beer and petrol, that's definitely weighing in more than a useless bloody war where the preposition was that Ukraine is some sort of Nazi state.. Only ones acting like Nazis are SOME Russian soldiers and policemen with Putin in the lead.
      Loads and loads of proof about the atrocities on foreign soil, no proof about some "deep state conspiracy" - a simplification fairy-tale in my view.

    • @Pysoktus
      @Pysoktus Před 2 lety +15

      @@H4nek stop watching TV and playing with your phone. Please read a history book before you post. It just makes westerners look stupid

    • @xMrCapax
      @xMrCapax Před 2 lety +9

      @@garyfredrickson2301 oh no not the organic applesauce. would have been too hard to buy some apples and make it yourself

  • @irinka_kat
    @irinka_kat Před 2 lety +404

    My heart goes to the people of Ukraine and the regular people of Russia 😩😩😩. May this war end soon.

    • @tdog9762
      @tdog9762 Před 2 lety +22

      Regular people of Russia? Elaborate please

    • @irinka_kat
      @irinka_kat Před 2 lety +68

      @@tdog9762 Regular people who wouldn't benefit anything from the invasion. Regular people who support peace.

    • @kamilakwiat389
      @kamilakwiat389 Před 2 lety +1

      Most of you russians (80% as russian officials say) approves this war (until you go to the warfare). Silently they do. Don't cheat yourself.

    • @user-xt4dt1ep7g
      @user-xt4dt1ep7g Před 2 lety

      @@kamilakwiat389 it's 100% true 👍, russians aren't peaceful nation, they're proud of war with Ukrainian

    • @NazariyArkride
      @NazariyArkride Před 2 lety +2

      Same level of suffering. Poor russians.

  • @lmcwill0502
    @lmcwill0502 Před 2 lety +17

    Malls in the US has not been doing well for a few years now. Many malls have closed in many areas to include my own area in FL. More people are buying on line , the malls are just not what they used to be in US.

    • @happyhorology575
      @happyhorology575 Před 2 lety +2

      At least your haven’t been murdered in your own home or forced to flee your country

    • @reybensoulmates6498
      @reybensoulmates6498 Před 2 lety

      @@happyhorology575 👍 I think some comments made here are being posted by ppl avoiding the "political aspects".

    • @chaddy2409
      @chaddy2409 Před 2 lety

      @@happyhorology575 so?

  • @zarazarzuela1949
    @zarazarzuela1949 Před 2 lety +6

    I agree with you Svetlana the world we live in unfortunately is full of hate, fear, negativity, and chaos. So many unfortunate things are going on. But you and your channel help take some of that negativity away. You truly are a good person. That has so much good in your heart. Many people are going through a tough time but I know that if we all ban together we are all going to get through this. Your channel helps spread such a. Mature uplifting message to stay hopeful and positive. That even though there are lots of horrible things going on in the world. Because there are just some really not so great people. There are still lots of good people and we need to focus on the positives and not ruminate over the negetives.

  • @DeeMoback
    @DeeMoback Před 2 lety +5

    My wife and I just watched your video..... very interesting content....we enjoyed the video...thanks for the shopping wife said that you have more yogurt than we do here in USA(she eats yogurt often) ....she says some things are more expensive there but she sees some things less expensive

  • @misstrever1952
    @misstrever1952 Před 2 lety +8

    ...I must applaud you firstly for being so brave, airing the voice of the REAL Russia, my heart goes out to you and others like you especially the younger generation of Russians who believe in peace and happiness. Bless you 👌💖☮️

  • @steenkigerrider5340
    @steenkigerrider5340 Před 2 lety +9

    "95: $0.49 per liter"
    Bloody cheap!
    In the Netherlands, €2.30 per liter. This is due to the scandalously high taxation* on all fuels.
    * (Basic price + several fuel taxes) x VAT 21%

    • @georgiafrye2524
      @georgiafrye2524 Před 2 lety +1

      I loved seeing all the bicycles in the Netherlands with the bells dinging for pedestrians to get out of the way quickly. All ages and many without helmets and children perched on the handle bars. I live five hours from the Canadian border so I guess we would have to have fat tires. I dated a man from the Netherlands as his family fled to the US after WWII from Rotterdam. Sadly he passed away. I used to tell him Dutch sounds like German and he'd say," To the untrained ear!" People in the US are complaining and talk about taking off tax temporarily. You are correct , minimal to what Europeans pay.

    • @MasterofSR
      @MasterofSR Před 2 lety

      In Slovakia 95 cost 1.705 per liter but the minimal sallary is 510 eur Netto and the average is only 900 euros per month. Inflation over 10%, and our government do nothing. We don't have money they said. But billions for new Armored vehicles, tanks and the Patriot system we have :)

    • @boldaer1026
      @boldaer1026 Před 2 lety +2

      €2.30 per liter. That's all? It's only like... $9.56 per gallon! 😱

    • @olyakirsanova2661
      @olyakirsanova2661 Před 2 lety +1

      Do not forget about payment in Russia and The Netherlands

  • @johngeorgiou5736
    @johngeorgiou5736 Před 2 lety +16

    Hi Svetlana! I have been in Moscow several times from 2008 to 2010. The currency rate at that time was 35 Rubles per 1E and increased to 50 Rubles the next year if I remember well. The gasoline price at that time was 0.6 or 0.65 E while in my country was 0.9E . Today the gasoline price in my country it is 1.5E and diesel is 1.7E. While I was there the prices of goods in supermarkets were similar as in my country or even cheaper. Just one thing made me to fell from the sky and that was the olive oil price. In my country the price was 3 to 3.5E and the price in Moscow was 12E per lt! Wow! The cigarettes price as regards the local Russian made was 1E while in my country was 3E or more.
    I enjoyed your video and hope to watch more!

    • @practicalrussianwithtam4816
      @practicalrussianwithtam4816 Před 2 lety


    • @jakexgold3879
      @jakexgold3879 Před 2 lety +1

      For Russia had stopped all USD usage in Russia. I bet in the future the west would stop all use of Russian currency in their banks. For Russia has stopped and frozen all USD in their banks of their civilians. So anyone want o leave Russian is now, or else it’s only gold allowed to be used internationally for the Russians. There may not be any way to leave Russia in after some months ahead!

    • @practicalrussianwithtam4816
      @practicalrussianwithtam4816 Před 2 lety


    • @DenOfTen
      @DenOfTen Před rokem +1

      @@jakexgold3879 What are you talking about? And what does the money of the Russian Federation have to do with it? Have you seen enough of this on TV? The fact that Russia wants, like China, to abandon the dollar is no secret, so it's a disaster for you, and for us it's the way to independence of the country from the dollar. Why can the US print money just like that, and we have to accept sanctions? If you like being a slave, be one... The last time Libya tried to abandon the dollar, the US staged a coup in the country and killed Kadafi. Such a trick will not work here..

    @ELSAHACK Před 2 lety +4

    A government reflects its nation. Stand up or be guilty.

    • @hildeberg8148
      @hildeberg8148 Před 2 lety

      In regard to your saying, your racist/ warmonger/ Bloodthirsty/Opiod junkies/ pedophile government reflect you, and the Neo -Nazi in Ukraine reflect Ukrainian people.
      Thank you for telling me about your kind, your people.

      @ELSAHACK Před 2 lety +1

      @@hildeberg8148 I am not from the Ukraine. I see you are not very powerful in the thinking department.

    • @hildeberg8148
      @hildeberg8148 Před 2 lety

      Did i sd your from Ukraine??
      Your from USA and your warmonger, racist, bloodthirsty, pedos, Evil gouvernement reflect you, in regard to what you sd, Elsa the demon. Demon.

      @ELSAHACK Před 2 lety

      @@hildeberg8148 No, I am neither from America nor Ukraine. Also it is "you are" not "your". You are just pathetic.

  • @javiermarcialcespedesberne8575

    Always all people are welcomed in perú, if you don't like the wars and his consecuences, perú is your perfect place to enjoy...

  • @nexusapp
    @nexusapp Před 2 lety +6

    Thank you for sharing the economic situation in your hometown. Please continue to tell us how it goes on your end. These are not easy times. Stay strong as the storm will go by soon.

    • @markh2506
      @markh2506 Před 2 lety

      Actually no it won’t and it will soon be here as well

  • @Cat-ik1wo
    @Cat-ik1wo Před 2 lety +1

    A shift in attitude is a shift in altitude. Changes in lifestyle comes from the people. You can make it positive or negative.

  • @Mickey93250
    @Mickey93250 Před 2 lety +9

    Thank you for sharing its nice to know that we are both in the same boat just ordinary citizens trying to live our best lives. Gas prices here are nuts and yep our grocery’s have gone up as well but just like you we are getting by. Nothing but positively for you🙌

    • @tims708
      @tims708 Před 2 lety +2

      Well, Ukraine is not in the same boat.

    • @Mickey93250
      @Mickey93250 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tims708 that is very true! My heart aches for all those innocent people! This all needs to stop and should have never started.

    • @beverleyhagaman7344
      @beverleyhagaman7344 Před 2 lety

      She doesn't represent the ordinary Russian citizen as she looks like a person of means, nicely manicured with beautiful clothes, diamond ring and Pandora bracelet. She is doing great and living the life.

    • @uabjurivina1798
      @uabjurivina1798 Před 2 lety

      !!! ATENTION !!! fascist propaganda Chanel - after the war will see you in Hague

  • @Myah234
    @Myah234 Před 2 lety +15

    Lets be respectful towards Svetlana and her life in Russia. Lets keep her safe. She is keeping politics outside of her channel. Politics have no room here. She is simply continuing her vlogging like normal

    • @onthethrottle7104
      @onthethrottle7104 Před 2 lety +1

      Good idea, while people (kids and babies) are being killed, burned and bombed to death each minute by Putin and his war mongers we should look the other way. No, we should make more noise and use this and every channel to stop it!!!

    • @stepanshreknicholas9520
      @stepanshreknicholas9520 Před 2 lety

      @@onthethrottle7104 I bet you weren't worried about the last 8 years of children dying in the Donbass though huh ? no because our FILTHY CORRUPT Western Liberal Globalist media refused to report on it because it didn't fit their narrative and people like you because you have motivated reasoning won't look into it.

    • @aliza3445
      @aliza3445 Před 2 lety

      @@onthethrottle7104 👏👏👏speak the truth!. Innocent civilians are getting killed and some people want to walk around like it's nothing and talk about sanctions. These people are sick like Pootin and his soldiers!. I am disgusted!.

    • @lordrobert12
      @lordrobert12 Před 2 lety +2

      Moreover, if she says something to offend her government she could go to jail so give this lovely lady a damn break!!

  • @SNROCKS07
    @SNROCKS07 Před 2 lety +39

    She’s obviously never gone shopping in Publix, compared to that places Russian prices are a steal! In all seriousness though, my heart goes out to all of the people suffering from this war, hopefully common sense reigns supreme sooner than later and we can all go back to building bridges instead of fences 🙏

    • @druhefner793
      @druhefner793 Před 2 lety +9

      Yeah she obviously never gone shopping at Publix and you’re obviously not getting paid Russian wages in Rubles lol...Might not make sense to you but I can assure you your their prices are actually higher than yours lol

    • @noname-nr4iy
      @noname-nr4iy Před 2 lety +5

      Their wages in comparison to US wages seem to be about 1/4 . Maybe I'm wrong about this, but not by much. There are many videos you can find for comparison.

    • @mattheww797
      @mattheww797 Před 2 lety +1

      publix is a ripoff

    • @seaside9670
      @seaside9670 Před 2 lety

      Try shopping in Canada and you will think publix is cheap

    • @dwhess504
      @dwhess504 Před 2 lety

      Exactly! I can’t get over how cheap everything is!

  • @felipedaiello
    @felipedaiello Před 2 lety +2

    I am from Brazil. I pray for all people to have peace and justice. I hope this conflict ends soon.

  • @AA-ou2ye
    @AA-ou2ye Před 2 lety +18

    One important thing to mention, food related imports are not on the sanctions list so prices on food will depend on the value of your currency for imported foods, so you will probably adjust and buy more local brands cause weaker currency means more expensive imports . The sanctions will increase and one reason the sanctions exist is to force to Russian people to act and actually start critizing putin and his war. Right now Russian people do not show much engagement in this.. Hopefully Russian people will wake up youtube have alll real life photos from the war you need to see to form your opinion.
    The biggest fear is maybe not imports but your currency u can turn into a hyper inflation because of it once again the west use this to force the Russian people to act and care and put putin responsible cause the sanctions are made for a reason.
    /from Sweden

    • @Battlestar540
      @Battlestar540 Před 2 lety +6

      True we will increase it until the russian goverment is gone.

    • @csk4j
      @csk4j Před 2 lety +3

      Moronic comment you cancel culture stooge...dont be pious like your gov didn't contribute to this

    • @chrillerkiller
      @chrillerkiller Před 2 lety +2

      @@csk4j your country or leader did this to yourself not the west. Dont start wars and shit like this wont happen.
      When you start invading countries left and right you should expect this response. And now you will live with your choice, high inflation and sanctions and worse livingstandard.
      And you deserve it until you move out from Ukraina.

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +4

      Yes, we have seen your fakes. Putin is doing everything right. Let's not let the West threaten Russia!!! More sanctions! See how the West is losing its influence in the world.

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +3

      @@Battlestar540 🤣🤡 Good luck to you. But this is not for you to decide, but for the people of Russia!

  • @johnmorris749
    @johnmorris749 Před 2 lety +4

    Prayers 🙏 for peaceful, and peace loving people, all over the world. ❤

  • @xxconaxx360
    @xxconaxx360 Před 2 lety +75

    It’s really sad to see how one country’s people are dealing with the effects of their government actions while the other side is getting slaughtered and their towns are getting destroyed by bombs.

    • @brendapaint
      @brendapaint Před 2 lety +1


    • @RobSinox
      @RobSinox Před 2 lety +4

      they voted for Putin and their sympathy for ordinary russians .They soldiers slaying civilians and annihilating whole cities...

    • @dreamtobeapolyglot8444
      @dreamtobeapolyglot8444 Před 2 lety +3

      Yes here in America Biden has absolutely destroyed our country as well but he blames it on Russia.

    • @muragewanjiru9208
      @muragewanjiru9208 Před 2 lety +3

      Yall still in the dark huh?

    • @jenn.i5103
      @jenn.i5103 Před 2 lety

      Your a very striking Russian beauty, Thankyou for sharing. We never can see very clearing what’s commonplace and wholesome @ content to your country.

  • @petebrandon8164
    @petebrandon8164 Před 2 lety +9

    I love watching your videos, Svetlana- you do always try to show a positive and ‘normal’ side of russian life; I think we are surprised by how smart and elegant the russian shopping centres are! Probably the shops and shopping centres in Ukraine used to be like that 😢😢
    This video seems to be from March 2022- we are now in June; did I miss new videos? Keep safe and keep making videos 😊

    • @cheezy1969
      @cheezy1969 Před 2 lety

    • @pizdeeec7130
      @pizdeeec7130 Před 2 lety

      Эмм, русская жизнь в принципе нормальная, что для вас ненормальное то? Думать, что она ненормальная это стереотипы, навязанные сми.

  • @jamieredman8606
    @jamieredman8606 Před 2 lety +4

    Personally, i am not buying products from any company that gets political. Im most disappointed in Adidas and Levis

  • @billmolenhof2615
    @billmolenhof2615 Před 2 lety +155

    Thank You so very much for making this video report! It is fascinating to be able to see inside a grocery store and shopping mall in Russia. I am American and my entire life I simply can not understand why the US and Russia have to be “enemies”. Stupid politicians just have to make their money off of war. Tragic repetition of history and the humans refuse to learn the lessons.
    May there be PEACE ON EARTH.

    • @LINER011
      @LINER011 Před 2 lety +14

      Some powerful forces have invested their entire careers in maintaining friction between US and Russia.

    • @Harvz78
      @Harvz78 Před 2 lety

      It’s just the Russian president has the mentality of old soviet and cold war. Russian need to replace him.

    • @digdug7483
      @digdug7483 Před 2 lety +8

      Politics vs politics has always been the real hate and enemy. People when given the freedom to make their own minds will find a peaceful resolve. I like people and diversity. I like himan beings, politicians, not so much.

    • @waffalobill
      @waffalobill Před 2 lety +9

      Imagine the world getting along with each other. Sharing resources instead of fighting for them. Life would become so enjoyable for everyone. But you know rich ppl refuse to let this happen. Then they can't look down on the peasants and feel superior. We are missing out on a wonderful existence.

    • @lovetruth5733
      @lovetruth5733 Před 2 lety

      Its the elites and its to do with UFO-CRAFT🛸. Satans genealogy 🐍🦎👽 creatures, the Reptilian fallen Angels, come as cloned humans, some are synthetics. They have killed to get up to these ranks. The movie "THEY LIVE," is about something similar.

  • @deborahcarroll2172
    @deborahcarroll2172 Před 2 lety +34

    I hope that this international conflict is over soon so that the ordinary citizens in Ukraine, Russia, and Europe can return to a more normal life. Nobody wants to have another world war.

    • @golden.lights.twinkle2329
      @golden.lights.twinkle2329 Před 2 lety +21

      How can Ukranians return to normal life when their homes have been reduced to rubble? It will take many years of rebuilding before the millions can return, if they ever do.

    • @TheWeepingCorpse
      @TheWeepingCorpse Před 2 lety +2

      Please read agenda 21. Another world war is a exactly what the UN have planned.

    • @olgaker6486
      @olgaker6486 Před 2 lety

      @@llkapriziukell sadly you are right

    • @horoshkoaleksandr273
      @horoshkoaleksandr273 Před 2 lety

      only after Russia pays for all the broken lives and destructions

  • @subhashisroy2244
    @subhashisroy2244 Před 2 lety +1

    With❤from 🇮🇳 India. Wish Russian brands spread world wide. But more FMCG goods are needed to be manufactured in Russia. Western companies have an added advantage of their languege English.

  • @bullus41
    @bullus41 Před 2 lety +11

    Our gas in the US is 2 to 3 times more expensive, what I see is that if you're forced to buy only Russian products, that's a good thing for the Russian people, the only negative is those who lose their job working for a foreign company. Stay strong, maybe this won't be as devastating for you as I thought. Here in the US it's getting bad also.

    • @kaimojepaslt
      @kaimojepaslt Před 2 lety

      and your salary there is also 3 times higher than RU

    • @bullus41
      @bullus41 Před 2 lety +1

      @@kaimojepaslt I understand that we are talking about two entirely different economic systems.

  • @JessicaGrey
    @JessicaGrey Před 2 lety +7

    The gas price here in Los Angeles is about $6.50 per gallon !!! please continue the vlogs, we love you ❤

    • @Lubben
      @Lubben Před 2 lety

      You guys are lucky. Here in Norway it's 10.81USD per gallon.

  • @lesliereeves849
    @lesliereeves849 Před 2 lety +4

    Hello Svetlana! We were living in Tyumen until March 1st when we decided to head back to the USA since we were there on a visa. Watching your video makes my heart ache. We absolutely loved living in Russia. I wish you good luck.

  • @skydog22
    @skydog22 Před 2 lety +12

    Thank you, please keep making them. Our prices in the US are 3x+ for all these products. It's outrageous here. Thank you for the on screen conversions too!

    • @nedkek6871
      @nedkek6871 Před 2 lety +2

      Yeah but in US min wage isn't 300$ a month lmaoo

    • @jan22150
      @jan22150 Před 2 lety

      @@nedkek6871 I am on SSA and my income is higher than $300 a month.
      Items in the stores are compared to Russia higher but more affordable for the average American.

    • @nedkek6871
      @nedkek6871 Před 2 lety

      @@jan22150 yeah that's what I meant, ssa equivalent in russia would be like 100$ so idk why are these Americans complaining von Russian videos

    • @jan22150
      @jan22150 Před 2 lety

      @@nedkek6871 the problem with American families lies not in the fact they are not earning enough money. The problem is they are not living within their budget.
      They have a Cadillac taste on a Chevey income.!
      If you live within your budget and save up before you purchase something expensive ,then you could make it.

    • @skydog22
      @skydog22 Před 2 lety

      @@jan22150 Eureka! Charles, can you please come to America to help more of us? Your words have changed my life. All I had to do was make a budget that was within my means and I could afford everything I ever wanted. See I thought I had to spend everything plus money that I didn't even have on things I didn't need. have you and Ned Kek ever thought about writing a book about America together? You guys must be some kind of Power Team

  • @trevmacc
    @trevmacc Před 2 lety +7

    glad to see you will still be doing more videos about your life there as i enjoy seeing you and your family ,take care and sending you my love to you and your family

  • @hendilman
    @hendilman Před 2 lety +142

    I was doing shipyard work in the 1990's, and would sometimes work on cruise ships while underway.
    I remember meeting Russian girls that had gotten jobs with those cruise lines, and how hard they were willing to work.
    Having grown up with long lines for everything and suddenly able to afford a designer purse or pair of shoes, you could see the excitement on their faces while window shopping at the ports the ships would stop at.
    Hopefully the current insanity ends soon and regular people can go back to such concerns.

    • @zeussinternational
      @zeussinternational Před 2 lety +12

      Here in the u.s. you get credit for Everything.. cloth, food, cars... Nothing is yours... Poor people has credit.. They really can't afford anything unless is credit... Sad to say..

    • @Lufftschwimmer
      @Lufftschwimmer Před 2 lety +13

      Poor material people they dont have realized that the most expensive thing in lifetime is TIME to live so how much of your wonderful time will you waste to get material things. Young people get a education in our society which is to 80% is like religion you must wear this you must buy this or those brand bacause it is so nice .....bull shit this the material world of the society NOT MY ! You do this just to impressive others , or why you want to believe other you have a lot of money , because you can buy expensive things...boring game !!

    • @gunaditrisnadi9469
      @gunaditrisnadi9469 Před 2 lety

      You can import any goods from Indonesia ( Bali )

    • @VHSKacceta
      @VHSKacceta Před 2 lety +12

      @@Lufftschwimmer Вы очень умный человек. Потребление - это плохо, у некоторых людей от этого зависимость. Некоторые люди тратят все свои деньги лишь бы купить себе новый Айфон, новую машину, некоторые берут кредиты ради этого и т.д. На самом деле мне как человеку, который осуждает культуру потребления устраивает ситуация с уходом компаний с рынка России. Я сейчас живу в сибирском городе - Тюмень, но у меня есть дом в деревне и я готов переехать туда, что бы быть ближе к природе, мне всегда нравился деревенский быт, когда нужно обслуживать дом ежедневно, следить за огородом и сельскими животными.

    • @glorymanheretosleep
      @glorymanheretosleep Před 2 lety +1

      @@zeussinternational Dude, the reason is they don't know how to budget. No American(generalization) understands how to budget. They love to spend money they don't have because they can use their min to keep spending money.

  • @johnmcguigan4456
    @johnmcguigan4456 Před 2 lety +162

    Hi Svetlana, it’s great to see you and your report about the effects the war is having on the economy of your country, we in the west know that the Russian people are not to blame for this situation and we know that you are just the same as us trying to enjoy a peaceful life and provide a safe place for our loved ones, I hope that we can return to some kind of normal soon, may we join hands in peace and hope soon.

    • @jewelmarkess
      @jewelmarkess Před 2 lety +21

      Most Russian people support Putin, sorry. I know it because I grew up there. Sure, they believe their government media, but if they wanted they could've gotten information e.g. here, there are videos in Russian that tell the truth, they choose not to believe them. Also notice, she talks about her problems and shopping, but she's never shared a single word of compassion for children dying in Ukraine or their destroyed cities. She didn't even use the word "war" which is what it is.

    • @lfsg689
      @lfsg689 Před 2 lety +4

      @@jewelmarkess And you believe the western media propaganda and never felt any sympathy for the people of the Donbass, that have been murdered since 2014.

    • @johnbui6530
      @johnbui6530 Před 2 lety +4

      @@jewelmarkess She's saying it without saying it because she's in Russia.

    • @anthonyoneill2993
      @anthonyoneill2993 Před 2 lety +2

      Apparently these people voted for putin

    • @piotrmackowiak9636
      @piotrmackowiak9636 Před 2 lety +2

      nope, thehy are guilty most of them support regime of course they don't have full picture due to filtration of information but it's not true they are responsible for actons of their goverments

  • @davidtam583
    @davidtam583 Před 2 lety +1

    Hi Svetlana
    I really enjoy ur vlog .
    I'm from London with a Chinese ethnicity.
    Petrol / gasoline price today on 10.08.22 is £1.73/litre.
    Living in London is so expensive and ur videoinspire me to leave this country. Keep up the good work.

  • @TheLDunn1
    @TheLDunn1 Před 2 lety +9

    In the Uk, petrol (gas) prices are around £1.65 per liter which works out at $2.18 per litre at todays exchange rate. It’s always been expensive in the UK, it’s just got more expensive recently with the ‘special military operation’ (I use that term sarcastically).

    • @Nik-hy3zw
      @Nik-hy3zw Před 2 lety

      be honest with yourself ... prices have skyrocketed not because of the operation ... but because the United States demanded to abandon Russia's hydrocarbons ... and the meaning of this refusal is purely commercial - to remove a competitor ... and the operation is an excuse for stupid people , because you need to blame someone and divert attention from your own stupidity and incompetence ... just like sanctions ... this is stupidity that harms the people of Europe, but they won’t tell you about it because someone will put another billion in his pocket. ...
      sorry for my english, google translate...

    • @potcanulsobolanul9138
      @potcanulsobolanul9138 Před 2 lety

      So you propose to keep sustaining financially that ugly scumbag who sits in the Kremlin? I rather walk everywhere and not use my car at all. I will never except to finance a psychopath to have my luxury. He manipulates everything in Russia and brainwashes everybody with his stupid excuses. Europe and US its na🤦‍♂️ Just how stupid can the people be in Russia, to belive his propaganda? What the freak? We are in 2022. There it's no nazis. They are gone since 75 years

    • @paulogaspar8295
      @paulogaspar8295 Před 2 lety

      @@Nik-hy3zw ?? russia is the biggest producer of the oil that is consumed in europe, that's why prices are going up. Are governments and company using this as an excuse to get even more money by pushing the prices even higher? yes, but it's not america who made putin start a war. It's not america that made europe be dependent of russian oil.

    • @paulogaspar8295
      @paulogaspar8295 Před 2 lety

      @@potcanulsobolanul9138 people have to work dumbass. Not everyone has their job next to where they live. What a dumb comment. Europe is dependet of russia in the same way that russia is dependent of europe. You can never just stop selling or exanging without killing millions of people directly or indirectly. Just making some sanctions is already affecting really hard common people in russia and common people in europe.

    • @TheLDunn1
      @TheLDunn1 Před 2 lety

      @all ;-)
      I think the high price of fuel in the UK is primarily due to the high amount of tax that the UK government applies to it. This started happening many, many years ago, the logic being that high fuel prices would reduce the number of miles people travelled which in turn would reduce pollution, climate change, traffic on already congested roads, while also being a good little earner from the UK treasury.
      I don’t think the high price has much if anything to do with the US.
      We have seen a sudden surge in prices since a certain “Special Military Operation” started though….as you might expect if there was a potential interruption of oil supplies from any large oil producing nation.

  • @mistep444
    @mistep444 Před 2 lety +10

    These are not sanctions. These are Special Econimic Operation.

    • @craiggallup5706
      @craiggallup5706 Před 2 lety

      Good one!

    • @stepanshreknicholas9520
      @stepanshreknicholas9520 Před 2 lety

      Is that supposed to be funny ? Globalist EU DEGENERATE you are a tool of the Neo con DEGENERATE Globalist Banking cartels . You can't stop the end of this DEGENERATE GLOBALIST system it's days are numbered FILTHY Joe's mind is going on him .

    • @WanderingKakapo
      @WanderingKakapo Před 2 lety

      @@stepanshreknicholas9520 Lay off the crazy juice......

    • @elsiepfeiffer1395
      @elsiepfeiffer1395 Před 2 lety

      _#DONBASSLIVESMATTER_ I have family in Donestk and I Support the People's Republics of Donbass. 💀 to a3ob and all neo-" _notzees_ " in Ukraine. *Patrick Lancaster* is a great source for the truth.

  • @wedgewizard5429
    @wedgewizard5429 Před 2 lety +23

    I saw another one of these videos where Russia seemed pretty chill under sanctions. They looked at the price of food after sanctions had indeed gone up, a few stores closed, people were upset about mcdonalds being closed, but still mostly okay.

    • @BetwixtDandD
      @BetwixtDandD Před 2 lety +4

      Yes, because the communism taught the Russians how to survive with very little. And when the food runs out they'll make steaks from their comrades' calves (wouldn't be the first time).

    • @SL92018
      @SL92018 Před 2 lety +8

      @@BetwixtDandD stop talking nonsense

    • @juch3
      @juch3 Před 2 lety +2

      Well there are plenty of videos of Ukranian walking and waiting for the bus calmly while air raid sirens are blaring. Stoicism seems like the way people handle situation in eastern Europe.

    • @surfrat8884
      @surfrat8884 Před 2 lety

      She’s right, go read some books

    • @skydivejumprope
      @skydivejumprope Před 2 lety +7

      I don't know why anybody would ever get upset about mcdonalds closing.

  • @guanda76
    @guanda76 Před rokem +1

    The fact is price went up globally for everything because of sanctions and decoupled logistics system. Inflation everywhere, not only in Russia.😢

  • @Vordigon1
    @Vordigon1 Před 2 lety +18

    While this video started and ended on a horribly insensitive point, considering your neighboring country no longer has malls, many of their apartment buildings and in general infrastructure like roads, pipework and etc as it has been mangled and destroyed by your country's leaders, this video nonetheless shows the effects on the ground in Russia. Stay strong and try to do something about this, please.

    • @markosano3289
      @markosano3289 Před 2 lety

      U need to create your own vlog and shut da fuck. If only western idiots. Support again. Just remember if there's a war American and NATO is always present the most stupid organization.

    • @pabloe653
      @pabloe653 Před 2 lety

      The kids of Middle East are dying of hunger and are being bombed since 3 decades by your leaders. You have double standards.

    • @dierdriu
      @dierdriu Před 2 lety

      Were you able to do anything when your country decided to aggress upon and invade others? Have a brain, please, your head shouldn't be a parking garage for propaganda and simple formulations.

  • @janboy54
    @janboy54 Před 2 lety +4

    Thankyou for the courage to publish these video`s, your not at fault for all the mess in the world at the moment, please stay safe and carry on we look forward to them

  • @rachelaspogard6587
    @rachelaspogard6587 Před 2 lety +4

    Focus on the positive indeed! I have friends in Moscow & Ukraine, Hopefully the madness stops soon! Blessings to you from Sweden 🇸🇪💖

    • @user-xt4dt1ep7g
      @user-xt4dt1ep7g Před 2 lety

      I don't think so, to many people and children was killed, and russians bombed Ukraine every day, they're killing our nation. Hate them, russian fascists.

  • @simonmancinas239
    @simonmancinas239 Před 2 lety +1

    I am sorry, at least no one is bombing you or coming at you with animosity in there eyes, you are truly lucky an blessed. Many blessed days for you.

  • @MichaelKarma1
    @MichaelKarma1 Před 2 lety +5

    Funny when britain and america attacked iraq for hosting weapons of mass destructions and turns out they did not no one sanctioned them. Even though Iraq was miles away and no threat.

    • @colinsmith1288
      @colinsmith1288 Před 2 lety

      Iraq was a threat,saddam hussein kept trying to de stabilise the middle East for decades,starting wars with other Middle Eastern countries,torturing and killing his own citizens,so please do not compare the two,Ukraine is fighting for it's own democracy,Iraq was ruled by a tyrant.

    • @MichaelKarma1
      @MichaelKarma1 Před 2 lety +1

      @@colinsmith1288 The justification for war was Weapons of Mass destruction. None were found and when Kelly investigated in UK he mysteriously committed suicide. I don't support regime change when West or Russia does it. Ukraine had a democratic leader Yankovitch he turned down a deal with EU during civil unrest Mccain visited inciting unrest and Nuland handed out food. Can you imagine russians did that in UK or USA.

  • @TheMrpunisher77
    @TheMrpunisher77 Před 2 lety +5

    Your amazing keep it up, don't let anyone stop you from doing you. We all have corrupt governments, Im South African and look at what is going on here, so don't let that stop you ever, you still bring a ray of sunshine in these times.

  • @gtsolerman
    @gtsolerman Před 2 lety +6

    Greettings from Greece Svetlana!As i saw ur video i can say that my country is much more expencive before (actions and sanctions) till today.Even Lidl here are much expencieve than those prices in that Super Market,for brands cant say nothing cause never cared for that,never looked clothes by brands.Take care and stay safe you too lady!

  • @klouism1
    @klouism1 Před 2 lety +12

    Thank you for the video. I wish you well and I wish the Russian people well. I live in the United States. I hate to see the situation the way it is. It seems like the average working person is the one that gets hurt the worst. I don't like to see that happen to anybody. Blessings.

  • @sarahhallvalentin8345
    @sarahhallvalentin8345 Před 2 lety +7

    I feel very bad for the killing of Ukrainians. 🇺🇦 I am praying for this war to end. I pray for peace for the people of Ukraine and Russia.

    • @pedroperezppeez5547
      @pedroperezppeez5547 Před 2 lety

      I pray for a atomic bomb hitting moscow

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety

      You know that many bandit formations of Azov in Ukraine are killing their own.

    • @pedroperezppeez5547
      @pedroperezppeez5547 Před 2 lety

      @@alexmiller23 Go away bot

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety

      @@pedroperezppeez5547 A typical Ukrainian clown who calls everyone "bots" but cannot prove otherwise. 👏🏻😆

  • @xfreakerx1
    @xfreakerx1 Před 2 lety +13

    I have traveled all over the world, opening my eyes to how wonderful all people are. We are all the same and want to live our lives without conflict. We are not the petulant children that rule us.

  • @abedmarachli7345
    @abedmarachli7345 Před 2 lety +20

    According to your report (so far), prices in Russia are very cheap compared to international prices. I hope that your report on unemployment rates, fuel prices, the strength of the ruble, or the volume of annual or quarterly exports, these are the keys to the crisis and not the price of pasta on one of the shelves.

    • @_w_w_
      @_w_w_ Před 2 lety

      I totally agree. We need prospective on their income and whether impacted or not. It will then help us figure out the portion of incoming spent for any given thing.

    • @luciekulhankova7278
      @luciekulhankova7278 Před 2 lety

      Average salary is about 500 dollars, so count with that.

    • @lucyfromsiberia
      @lucyfromsiberia Před 2 lety +1

      She is a blogger, not an economist.
      Russian exports in the first quarter did not change. And in the second quarter there will be a decrease.
      I live in Tyumen. It is near Surgut. There is no unemployment in Tyumen. There is a shortage of low-skilled workers in Tyumen. Gasoline prices have dropped. Food prices have gone up. Except cucumbers. Cucumbers are cheap.
      You can't fire workers in Russia. Therefore, there can be no unemployment in Russia. In Russia, workers are transferred to another job or given leave or reduced hours of work.
      For example. My friend is a cook. She cooked hot food. Now she was forced to make dumplings with meat. She doesn't like making dumplings. But she didn't quit. Because she has been working in this organization for many years. She works.But she's having a hard time. Making dumplings is harder than making soup. But wages have gone up.
      She didn't quit. And a lot of people won't quit. They will work harder.

    • @abedmarachli7345
      @abedmarachli7345 Před 2 lety

      @@lucyfromsiberia With time, you will feel the economic difficulty, as more sanctions have been imposed on Russia than North Korea and Iran!!! The most dangerous thing is that it could disintegrate like Yugoslavia, and this is one of the reasons for Putin’s invasion to get rid of nationalist thought on the Russian borders

    • @lucyfromsiberia
      @lucyfromsiberia Před 2 lety +1

      @@abedmarachli7345 You don't know Russians.
      My grandmother experienced 5 episodes of severe starvation during her life. I had one episode. This lasted 4 years. We had potatoes. We ate potatoes every day. We lived in the city and grew potatoes. It was a mild hunger. There was simply little food and no money.
      Before 1998, I didn't have new clothes, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste. And I thought that was normal. I didn't know any other life.
      Now I am a rich woman, but I continue to plant potatoes. It's a habit.
      And in the most difficult times, I did not want to leave Russia. I didn't want to live in another country.
      Today's teenagers did not experience hunger. They always had food.
      It may be hard for them, but not for us.
      We have very few teenagers. But we have a lot of 40-year-olds. We know how to live in hard times.

  • @alysonzimmer2663
    @alysonzimmer2663 Před rokem

    Many stores in the US are closing as well. We are having a baby food shortage, gaps in the US, and diesel and gasoline is very high as well as food prices. My food bill increased 30%. It’s insane!

  • @jakobstraus9842
    @jakobstraus9842 Před 2 lety +75

    Svetlana, I feel with you and ordinary Russians, especially because this is only the beginning.
    At least, your malls, maternity wards and residential condominiums are not bombed by anyone.
    Wish things were different, borders open 4 all without visas and problems, highways from Moscow to Kiev, Paris and Rome.

    • @tinybrown6710
      @tinybrown6710 Před 2 lety +4

      I fear for your freedom in Putin's vision of Russia. If you can get out to another country before the iron curtain goes back up.

    • @geoeconomics5629
      @geoeconomics5629 Před 2 lety +3

      Existential treat to USA UK is
      Germany-Russia axis

    • @melissabraecke339
      @melissabraecke339 Před 2 lety +8

      Nothing wrong with having borders and visas.

    • @walkingstick6655
      @walkingstick6655 Před 2 lety +4

      @@geoeconomics5629 Tell me, what color is the sky in the world that you're living in?
      Your comment not only makes no sense, but doesn't really fit in, here, does it. Take it elsewhere, chum(p).🙂

    • @geoeconomics5629
      @geoeconomics5629 Před 2 lety +6

      USA started war in Ukraina in 2014

  • @mariavelez737
    @mariavelez737 Před 2 lety +8

    We’re all going through the same issues, however it can’t compare with the many people of Ukraine that have died of starvation. We are thankful and blessed for whatever we have. Thank you for sharing.

  • @mark006868
    @mark006868 Před 2 lety +38

    SVETLANA FROM RUSSIA...There is a big difference between sanctions and companies who choose to leave the Russian market of their own free will...just saying

    • @NTERDK
      @NTERDK Před 2 lety +3

      Yes, that is a VERY important point. The majority of all the private brands that left Russia of their own free will (they won't support a "evil regime", the reason some companies stayed was only because they felt bad for the innocent RU employees and the fear of the RU GOV just taking-over the business). Sanctions made by EU government is not to remove McD from Russia but stop importing gas etc.

    • @haroldhoffman8460
      @haroldhoffman8460 Před 2 lety

      Mark David huh? 2 first names. Anyway most likely an American based on the name. I am American... With that said you are living in a delusional world that the companies in vacating Russia is "real" decisions based on principles...DUH! The are payed PROSTITUTES of our government! Have ya heard of bailouts and TOO BIG TO FAIL!? They can afford to be involved in politics when you as a tax paying stooge can keep em afloat
      Im 54 and educated beyond 8th grade. Be honest with your details

    • @haroldhoffman8460
      @haroldhoffman8460 Před 2 lety

      @@NTERDK people are so fucking retarded and ignorant. Please define evil and regime. Ignorance and arrogance is blissful though quite dangerous. You are dangerous 😃

    • @gergelyzoltan8422
      @gergelyzoltan8422 Před 2 lety +3

      Are you having a laugh? "Out of their own free will" You must be a muppet if you think that US did not exert any pressure on these companies to leave lol

    • @haroldhoffman8460
      @haroldhoffman8460 Před 2 lety

      @@gergelyzoltan8422of course they did... government exerted pressure. We live under a fascist dictatorship modesty disguised as a capitalist Republic

  • @rogermartinez8606
    @rogermartinez8606 Před 2 lety +2

    Also I pray this war doesn't go nuclear.

  • @Jesus.Coffee.Planning
    @Jesus.Coffee.Planning Před 2 lety +5

    Thank you for sharing! Just found your channel we are in California gas is 5.28 per gallon here we are praying for Russia and Ukraine thank you again we were wondering how you all are doing! May you stay safe and happy in the midst of this turmoil amazing times as we see Bible prophecy unfold in our times! 🙏🏼✝️

    • @taoist32
      @taoist32 Před 2 lety +1

      It’s higher for me. In the Bay Area only Costco seems to be the cheapest I can find at $5.29 which is for premium. However, I can’t always get to Costco so my usual price is now around $5.89 to $6.

  • @pm71241
    @pm71241 Před 2 lety +15

    Yeah... Sanctions is the least bad of all bad ways to make it clear that what's happening is not OK and the rest of the world have had enough of the bullying.
    But I just saw pictures of the shopping mall in Mariupol.

    • @edennis8578
      @edennis8578 Před 2 lety +1

      So where were you while the Ukraine forces have been bombing the Ukraine regions of Donetsk and Luhansk for the last eight freaking years? The Ukraine government is evil. They have killed and injured more than 40,000 innocent Ukrainians, their own people. Is that OK with you?

    • @mvalexandra2230
      @mvalexandra2230 Před 2 lety +1

      @@edennis8578 Many Russians have family in Ukraine. Ask them if this is true.

    • @marierejoiceinjesus3846
      @marierejoiceinjesus3846 Před 2 lety

      Where were you while the US invaded and started wars for 100 years? Oh yeah, just another hypocrite. And I am born and raised in the US.

    • @pm71241
      @pm71241 Před 2 lety

      @@marierejoiceinjesus3846 you speak from ignorance

    • @elsiepfeiffer1395
      @elsiepfeiffer1395 Před 2 lety

      _#DONBASSLIVESMATTER_ I have family in Donestk and I Support the People's Republics of Donbass. 💀 to a3ob and all neo-" _notzees_ " in Ukraine. _Patrick Lancaster_ is a great source for the truth.
      Patrick is an independent crowdfunded journalist who has been covering the Ukraine-Russia war in Donbas and the Armenia-Azerbaijan war for years. He isn’t one of these “journalists” who the corporate media sent over a month ago when suddenly caring about dead civilians in Ukraine and virtue signaling about your “moral clarity” on the situation in Ukraine became the Current Thing.

  • @anwarsadat3261
    @anwarsadat3261 Před 2 lety +27

    It is tough. In the US too prices are rising for gasoline and for grocery, etc. I think they will go up even more in the short-term especially in Russia as the existing stocks run out. They might rise very sharply as the companies dump their stocks and exit Russia for good. Getting them back will be incredibly difficult as they will have to rethink the country risks.

    • @brinicole2999
      @brinicole2999 Před 2 lety +4

      Food prices rose long before Russia invaded Ukraine. We don't get enough gas from Russia to cause a surge. This is pure corporate greed. Don't be fooled.

    • @hus390
      @hus390 Před 2 lety +2

      The banking sector was decimated by sanctions. Trade is difficult.

    • @glenngrossman7354
      @glenngrossman7354 Před 2 lety +3

      Ukrainians wish these were the worst of their problems.

    • @readysoldier6799
      @readysoldier6799 Před 2 lety +4

      Gas prices in the US were already rising fast, long before the Ukraine conflict started. Joe Biden is dishonestly trying to blame it all on Putin.

    • @donaldlyons17
      @donaldlyons17 Před 2 lety +1

      As long as there is plenty of money to be made in Russia why would they not come back?!!

  • @rizwanhabib2532
    @rizwanhabib2532 Před 2 lety +3

    This is such a good informative video.
    Besides few things most prices doesn't seem to have soared.
    Gas or petroleum products prices are good. That's awesome, because services and logistics prices effects are biggest in such conditions. And Russia is self sufficient in these.
    And like you said, Russians can learn to make good tasty cheese , chocolates, good fitting garments and cosmetics / skin care items; shouldn't be a big deal.And, may be create new competitive brands in this era.
    Keep up the good work. Good channel.👍

  • @botat34691
    @botat34691 Před 2 lety +7

    Don't worry the value of the Ruble is already back to normal and I suspect that it's value will continue to rise against the dollar and other fiat based currencies as countries like the US just keep printing money devaluing our currency.

  • @whitneycerilli9161
    @whitneycerilli9161 Před 2 lety +37

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I am from Canada and live in Northern Ontario (probably quite similar weather to Russia!) Our gas prices were 1.97 per litre last week and have actually gone down a little this week to $1.84 CDN. Just a few weeks ago it was close to $1.30 a litre. Also, our grocery prices have increased a lot over the past few weeks as well. I bought a small amount of groceries today (and no meat) and it cost me $60 CDN! Thanks again for showing what real life in Russia is like!

    • @boerekable
      @boerekable Před 2 lety +1

      They can still milk a lot of money from us. In Russia that isn’t really possible for many people outside Moscow though.

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe Před 2 lety +2

      i wish y'all ontarians wd quit vot ing jt into power he ruins everything; wont meet with the trucker protesters, runs away, then freezes their bank accounts; outrageous and very komm unistic. a dread ful prospect for the future of that country.

    • @alexmiller23
      @alexmiller23 Před 2 lety +7

      @@boerekable You don't know how people live outside of Moscow. I am from the Far East of Russia. Everything is good here, there is no shortage of goods. Everything is fine. Our gas prices have dropped.

    • @ceecee3339
      @ceecee3339 Před 2 lety

      It was 213.9 for gas here in BC last week today was 195. Everything has skyrocketed at the grocery store ., getting my garden going is top priority now .

    • @Lauren-vd4qe
      @Lauren-vd4qe Před 2 lety

      @@ceecee3339 better fence it with barbed wire and motion detectors

  • @Knowledgeispower2000
    @Knowledgeispower2000 Před 2 lety +15

    Thank you for showing this. The people up top never hurts when things like this happen. Only the average person. I live in Florida and our prices have gone up over 39% from last year on groceries on average. Prices around the world have all gone up. Really sad.

  • @TheGoodguy68
    @TheGoodguy68 Před 2 lety +1

    Brick and mortar stores have been crushed here in the United States for a few years now. Mail-order was the first hit and the COVID hit and wiped out a insane amount of business in the Brick and Mortar malls here.

  • @KB-hx3px
    @KB-hx3px Před 2 lety +10

    Wow! That is a lot buckwheat! 😄 We don’t see that here in Southern California as much. I only buy it to make a potato and ham like pie that my great Grandmother brought over from Czechoslovakia. Stay safe and good health for you.

    • @shonseibert48
      @shonseibert48 Před 2 lety +1

      ☻️ Ooohhttaayyyyyyy 👍🏿

    • @dutchess2121
      @dutchess2121 Před 2 lety

      Haha In Estonia, we can use it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Just depends on what you add and how you cook.

    • @mdarrenu
      @mdarrenu Před 2 lety

      Russian cooking uses a buck-load of buckwheat - better than flour - more nutrients. I had a russian tenant who used to make me some - good stuff!

  • @upotheke
    @upotheke Před 2 lety +20

    Very interesting video. To compare with current US prices, in a midwestern city the Listerine bottle you pointed out at 10:44 that cost $1.30 in the US actually cost $5.79 for 1.0L at my store, meaning an equivalent bottle in the US cost 376 RU. Even with your price adjustments on some items, basic goods in the US are more expensive than many, many places overseas. Why a US product costs 42% less in Russia is another very good question.

    • @upotheke
      @upotheke Před 2 lety +1

      Dannon yogurt is $1.00 or $1.25 per cup at my store. Double to 3x more than your store.

    • @upotheke
      @upotheke Před 2 lety

      2L of Coca-cola is 297 RU, nearly 3x as much.

    • @m2heavyindustries378
      @m2heavyindustries378 Před 2 lety +8

      The local income is much lower than the US, so proportionally it makes it far more expensive to buy from locals

    • @lotuselise4432
      @lotuselise4432 Před 2 lety +5

      The average salary in russia is between $360 to $600

    • @JMorris216
      @JMorris216 Před 2 lety +1

      Absolutely what I was thinking.

  • @LexiUnicorn
    @LexiUnicorn Před 2 lety +11

    I used to sell a lot on my eBay to Russian women, that’s stopped. It’s sad because the Uber rich and politicians won’t be affected by this. It will be normal working Russian people. Not to mention the people who were working at Zara, Sephora and the cinemas etc in Russia. I stand with Ukraine but also this is so sad. Why do we the normal people in every country always suffer for our politicians decisions. ❤️😢

  • @Niles-Guy
    @Niles-Guy Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you for sharing . Its so weird because it looks like your filming in a typical US grocery store . Can’t tell the difference.

  • @reddog4515
    @reddog4515 Před 2 lety +60

    What I find amazing is the prices in Russia for the same brands we have in Australia. They are so cheap!!!!!! And your supermarkets are so well stocked every time we shop there is always something not in stock due to supply chain issues down here and Russia must have the cheapest chicken in the world here a cheap whole chicken is around 8 dollars a kilo. But what really gets up my nose is New Zealand butter (I am a new zealand citizen) is half the price of what it is in New Zealand
    The view down here is no one is accusing the Russian people of what has happened just the politicians so keep up the good work as I am now fascinated with Russian supermarkets

    • @megan2349
      @megan2349 Před 2 lety +9

      Same with the US. The prices here are almost twice what they are every time I see one of these videos after sanctions. It's honestly infuriating.

    • @nameunknown5736
      @nameunknown5736 Před 2 lety +16

      @@megan2349 I believe it's because their wages are much less then ours. Everytime we get paid higher wages the cost of living keeps on rising.

    • @tandlreeve
      @tandlreeve Před 2 lety +7

      I am from the Ukraine and it's exactly the same there but there is a catch. Lots of the quality ingredients are removed by a manufacturer to make it affordable for the local population. Consequently you are getting something which is a lot worse in quality even though it might look the same. The same story with the white goods, TVs ecr

    • @reddog4515
      @reddog4515 Před 2 lety +3

      @@megan2349 we think the USA is cheap compared to Australia and New Zealand I live half my life in Brisbane (the other half at my farm) the average house price here is in excess of $1.1 million or around $800,000 us NZ is even dearer it's killing us down here fuel is 2,25 a litre or around 7 to 8 dollars an American dollar and that is city prices in the bush add another 20 to 30 percent on that. But what makes us laugh is that it is all Bidens fault really!!! And people actually believe that

    • @reddog4515
      @reddog4515 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tandlreeve I see the catch there but the New zealand butter thing has got up my bum so I am off to get an explanation from Fronterra on how that happens

  • @mariooverwater6
    @mariooverwater6 Před 2 lety +33

    Hi Svetlana, stay strong and lets pray for peace soon, i know that russian people also dont want a war. Be careful. kisses.

    • @littlepieceofgreen3051
      @littlepieceofgreen3051 Před 2 lety +7

      Honestly, Wake up Mario. 75% of russian society wants Poland to be attacted After Ukraine. This People are brainwashed and sanctions are to open their eyes. If you want someone to stay strong you can wish it to ukrainian mather with kids, who stay in my house in Poland. They fleed to Poland From Charkiev after they had to live in basement for 7 days. They lost EVERYTHING, left country with one suitcase. But here we see youtube worring where to buy trouseres. How empty is this. Russian bombs dropped 10 km from polish border. SO Wake up and think who needs help.

    • @Cristina-zz5jl
      @Cristina-zz5jl Před 2 lety +1

      @@littlepieceofgreen3051 Agree. The systematic brainwashing has been going on for years in Russia including schools, media etc. The result is that people really think that Ukraine is a fascist country threatening Russia. Unbelievable, but true. The russians living in Finland (there are quite many here) are saying that the ability of critical thinking does not exist anymore, even among majority of younger generation. The ones that see through the manipulation and oppression either have left, or are leaving. The educated ones. Unfortunately the future for Russia does not look good. Combination of ignorance, bitterness and lack of critical thinking is quite scary.

    • @ShivamSoni-ol3rw
      @ShivamSoni-ol3rw Před 2 lety

      Go fck yourself Russia has already warned many times
      And even after promise they stabbed 5 times by expanding. So what you expect after this

    • @Loki1191
      @Loki1191 Před 2 lety

      They do Mario they do get out of your shell. The collective wants this war and is therefore a threat as long as this system exists.

  • @varjokas2811
    @varjokas2811 Před 2 lety +9

    Hi Svetlana, it was interesting to see what is going on in Russia. The difference in the fuel price is extreme compared to Finland. Here the price is over 2€/L for gasoline and diesel at the moment but used to be well below 2€. It is always so relaxing listening to you because you speak with such a calm and soothing voice :)

    • @edennis8578
      @edennis8578 Před 2 lety +1

      @Red knight You don't have clue how things work. Shame on you. Gas and oil prices affect everything because it affects the cost of shipping food, going to work, and heating homes. This is a survival issue, not luxuries.

    • @neba95
      @neba95 Před 2 lety

      Gasoline is 0.35 in russia

    • @aliza3445
      @aliza3445 Před 2 lety +1

      @Red knight this sh*t is disturbing reading some of these comments. Innocent people are getting killed in Ukraine and you have some walking around like it's nothing. I'm so disgusted. The channel I support is called pavlo from Ukraine on CZcams. It's heartbreaking what him and the people of Ukraine are going through right now because of that insane man Pootin!

  • @TJHebert
    @TJHebert Před rokem

    Fuels that use light sweet crude are better. Example oil found in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana are both found in abundance.
    1) Light crudes are primarily refined into gasoline, diesel and aviation fuels.
    2) Sweet crude is a type of crude oil classified by its low sulfur content. When combined with low density, sweet crude is a highly sought after type of oil which commands a high price, known as light sweet crude.

  • @Christine-ry1qq
    @Christine-ry1qq Před 2 lety +85

    Hey 👋
    I’ve always enjoyed your uploads
    I’d suggest you guys stock up on your basics & really prepare for your future because when these latest rounds of sanctions really kick in it’s going to get pretty bleak in Russia.
    I feel for ordinary people that will suffer with job losses and food shortages through this “special financial operation “ in Russia But this is nothing compared to the barbaric genocide happening in Ukraine

    • @Orlington17
      @Orlington17 Před 2 lety +6

      you should be worried about Eu and NAto barbaric genocide around the world! 800.000 civilians killed only in Iraq because Collin Powel showed us his dandruff! Freedom of speech, inviolability of private property, presumption of innocence - the basic postulates of democracy crossed out in one day in Europe and US! That conflict is provoked by US. Now you closed mc donalds in Russia and made oil and gas prices multiple times higher, which is main Russian income. You instead got 3.6 mln refugees already. You better be worried of your future, not Russian.

    • @bobothepittie5578
      @bobothepittie5578 Před 2 lety +13

      @@Orlington17 Nice try but no cigar.

    • @josephbrooks6251
      @josephbrooks6251 Před 2 lety +9

      @@Orlington17 👍🏻well said

    • @manoftheworld1000
      @manoftheworld1000 Před 2 lety +3

      All in all I don't expect serious losses in russia due to the sanctions. Imho the Russian politicians are much smarter than the Western political crooks!

    • @bobothepittie5578
      @bobothepittie5578 Před 2 lety +11

      @@manoftheworld1000Russia has only 1 politician Putin

  • @JacindaH
    @JacindaH Před 2 lety +7

    I know you mean well...but this didn't happen because of happened because your leader declared war on your neighbors and in some cases, family.
    I'm sorry you can't find fashionable clothing..but the people of Ukraine lost their homes and literally their lives. Innocent women and children are dying while you're worrying about the quality of your shopping malls.

    • @simplymilla
      @simplymilla Před 2 lety +1

      Pity I can give you only just one like

    • @zelenicaljubljanica5410
      @zelenicaljubljanica5410 Před 2 lety

      @@simplymilla don't worry the botfarm posting this trash will cover yoor foolish wish

  • @Elathaia
    @Elathaia Před 2 lety +17

    Hi Svetlana, I just stumbled upon your channel; yes, please keep uploading videos like this! I really hope CZcams won't be shut down in Russia or censored; there are so many awesome content creators I'd miss. Please keep up your good work. Oh, and for comparison: I'm from northern Germany; here, gas (95) is about 2,23 US $ at the moment. All the best! :)

    • @_FsEk
      @_FsEk Před 2 lety +1

      Just a small reminder that while we have given Ukraine close to a billion dollars in aid since the start of the conflict we have purchased 35 times as much in energy supply from Russia thereby funding human rights violations including indiscriminate massacres of civilians including children in the Ukraine. As the most powerful country in the EU and Russia’s main energy customer it is time for Germany to sacrifice economic growth in favour of what is right. Your sacrifice, your 2,23 US dollars a litre, pails into insignificance compared to the sacrifice of others.

    • @Elathaia
      @Elathaia Před 2 lety +1

      @@_FsEk And what does that have to do with me telling her to keep up posting videos? I am not Germany. I am German. And her channel or my comment is not about the shameful acts of Russia's OR Germany's government. I am very sure that the majority of the people in Russia, just as us, does NOT want this war.
      Anyways. While I agree that the German government needs to change their behaviour, your comment still doesn't really fit as an answer to mine.

    • @Elathaia
      @Elathaia Před 2 lety

      And btw, I do not see our gas prices as "sacrifice", I just wrote it for comparison.

    • @Maennlichkeitsbeauftragter
      @Maennlichkeitsbeauftragter Před 2 lety

      @@_FsEk actually many Germans are willing to make sacrifices. Gas prices will level again because the Arabs aren’t interested in a high oil price. But I would prefer to not heat my house before I pay just a single cent for Putins invading Military.

  • @stevealkire7626
    @stevealkire7626 Před 2 lety +50

    *Yes, Svetlana these are interesting videos. The shelves seem always well stocked in Russia and although certain buying habits may change a bit I don't think anyone is going to go without food. I similarly avoid beef steak in the US at 2.5k rubles/kg in favor of chicken or pork which is much cheaper (400-600 rubles/kg). Пока...* 🧡

    • @lovera3878
      @lovera3878 Před 2 lety +11

      However, you make enough to buy steak if you want. Standard of living in the States is very high. salaries in Russia are low and with the devalued Ruble it will get even worse. youtubers do alright because they get paid in dollars. You have to see how those Russians who get paid in Rubles live.

    • @stevealkire7626
      @stevealkire7626 Před 2 lety +3

      @@lovera3878 *You are correct. My point is that people are very resilient and will adapt to conditions to make it through. Like all things the current situation will pass.*

    • @richardmillican7733
      @richardmillican7733 Před 2 lety +8

      @@stevealkire7626 I've seen a few of these "supermarket survey" videos out of Russia over the last few months, the fact is the creators of this content do not seem to realise that these brands will not be coming back, Russia is descending back to the Russia of the late 1970s. There will be no overseas goods available shortly, they're not just leaving like a bus, to return later.

    • @johnnyalexander5219
      @johnnyalexander5219 Před 2 lety +7

      You should see the shelves and prices in Ukraine? Specially Maripul, Kiev, Kharkov they are literally having smoking fire sales every day.

    • @johnnyalexander5219
      @johnnyalexander5219 Před 2 lety +1
      I find the shelves in Ukraine more interesting. Instead of supporting Putin's propaganda

  • @confederatestatesofamerica405

    The Mall of America in Minnesota it's the biggest mall in the United States it actually has a roller coaster inside the mall it has a police station inside the mall it has a wedding chapel inside the mall it is seven stories tall and it would take 3 days maybe 7 days to see all of the Mall that is that big of a mall the mall in Milpitas California is known as the Great Mall it's in Santa Clara county it's the biggest mall in Santa Clara county it'll take over 4 hours just to see the Mall there's another Mall in Pleasanton California Called Stone ridge Mall that is an Alameda county it's three stories tall and it will take 7 hours to see all of the Mall

  • @ievaherzlos7151
    @ievaherzlos7151 Před 2 lety +5

    I personally believe that all of the Russians who are pro-war deserve these sanctions or even worse ones to come. However, the main disadvantage of this strategy is that you cannot exclude those who are against the war in Ukraine or even went to jail for protesting. Being someone from the Baltic region, I've never been too fond of Russia, more specifically the Russian politics. But I do feel for your people now. I am also proud of those that are not easily silenced and I hope the protests only grow bigger, because this is the only way to stop Putin

  • @frankvaiden3891
    @frankvaiden3891 Před 2 lety +4

    I am surprised at how reasonable consumer prices are in Russia. Svetlana's videos show that the Russian people do not, or have quit, living in caves. The cosmopolitan atmosphere of the shopping centers is incredibly surprising. I don't need to use my good looks to get bargains, but Svetlana's good looks, she is beautiful, probably gets her into places not normally available to the common Russian folks. I don't know, but I am more informed watching Svetlana's videos than I was before.

    • @andrewwaggoner1831
      @andrewwaggoner1831 Před 2 lety

      Modern cities in russia shouldn't be some surprise, and certainly those shopping centers are available for anyone there. She isn't getting vip treatment as an attractive woman. Plenty of attractive people in Russia and certainly the store owners do not care what anyone looks like ;)
      Just whether you buy something like anywhere.
      This is a provincial city there so , Moscow, st.pete would be more expensive and far larger malls and more variety of high end stores.

    • @nixonmalasi8982
      @nixonmalasi8982 Před 2 lety

      @@andrewwaggoner1831 Don't mind the tinge of ignorance from this one, the media abused people's mind long ago.

  • @williamblansett5786
    @williamblansett5786 Před 2 lety +7

    In the United States our gas prices are high but unlike in Ukraine we are not having to pay for gas prices with our lives. Hope you keep doing videos of real life. GOD bless and bring peace to all.

    • @deathlarsen7502
      @deathlarsen7502 Před 2 lety

      Calm down drama queen creeper. Women are still not attracted to you