Vegan Bodybuilding "Meal Plan" - My Vegan Bodybuilding Transformation

  • čas přidán 4. 09. 2024
  • Free Vegan Bodybuilding Book: VeganMuscleBook...
    Free Vegan Bodybuilding Podcast:
    Here's a full day of eating on a vegan bodybuilding diet. It's tons and tons of whole foods, but it's so simple and easy to do. You'll notice it's just 3 meals, loaded with lots of whole foods and raw produce, plus sandwiches and more.
    Hey guys, you can follow me day by day as I go from being out of shape to fitness photo shoot ready. I'll show you step by step how easy it is to transform your body by showing you how easily I transform mine on a 100% vegan diet using vegan bodybuilding techniques.
    I hope this gives you some insight into how easy it is to eat for muscle building on a vegan diet.
    You can learn the principles of successfully building muscle on a vegan diet in more detail here:
    You can also listen to my free podcast on iTunes here:
    Thanks for watching, and thanks in advance for subscribing and commenting. My future videos are based on your feedback! Much appreciated and much love!
    -Thomas Tadlock

Komentáře • 1,3K

  • @NaughtyNinja94
    @NaughtyNinja94 Před 9 lety +19

    I can almost bet this guy almost NEVER gets sick.

  • @ILIAM
    @ILIAM Před 10 lety +88

    OMFG! What wrong with people?! aint no bodys business why people are vegetarian! im a vegetarian because i throw up if i eat meat! some people feel bad for eating fucking dead animals! and some just prefer not to eat it! deal with it! and besides why the hell are u here if you're not a vegetarian -_-

    • @JemmyRuna
      @JemmyRuna Před 10 lety +11


    • @chuy8356
      @chuy8356 Před 9 lety +2

      You have a lot of mental issues if you throw up after eating meat! That's a mental malady, not a physical one! It's your mind that has been brainwashed by countless violent and grotesque PETA videos that is causing that, quit watching that filth! It's not your physical body that's rejecting meat. PETA is garbage and filth!

    • @BornSociallyAwkward
      @BornSociallyAwkward Před 9 lety +2

      P.S No religion mandates meat eating. Just saying. Im not vegan, or vegetarian. Ill eat meat around the holidays, but besides that I wont eat meat because humans are naturally herbivores, so when we eat meat it makes our blood acidic & the only way for our bodies to get rid of the acidity is by having our bones release calcium phosphate to neutralize the acidity in our blood, then your calcium & the acidity leaves your body through your urine, but also making your bones weak. In America there are 10 million people with osteoporosis because we eat alot of meat. We as a species have classified our selfs as carnivores, but were truly not, just throwing that out there for you to know if like eating meat because the meat industrys will never say anything because they wont risk wasting money.

    • @chuy8356
      @chuy8356 Před 9 lety

      Well, I agree half way with you, I do say a blessing prior to eating any meat. An animal gave its life to give me sustenance, I am thankful for it. I love animals and nature, that's why I love eating meat, because it's nature's cycle for omnivores to eat non-predators. I respect nature, I don't go against it like these vegans or vegetarians by cutting out meat from my diet.

    • @TheAwesomeWeirdo2000
      @TheAwesomeWeirdo2000 Před 9 lety +4

      displayname Actually the animal didn't give it's life for you. It was forced into a harsh lifestyle where it was slaughtered against it's will so you could eat it. You say that as if the animal had a choice, it didn't, most slaughter houses either kill the cows the day they are born, or keep them in harsh living conditions for their whole lives, forcing them to undergo pregnancy hundreds of times over until they can no longer produce milk and slaughtering them for meat. I wasn't brainwashed and I'm not trying to brainwash you into thinking that you can't eat meat, because you can, even if our bodies are not meant for it. I'm simply stating the truth, not opinion, just cold hard facts.

  • @lc3737
    @lc3737 Před 9 lety +41

    Why are the comments full of people against veganism? Why would you click on this video just to write bad of a lifestyle?

    • @mightychad3796
      @mightychad3796 Před 9 lety +1

      because it`s a lie, you can`t build muscle with vegan bullshit. And before someone believes this crap and wrecks his body I leave a comment that it is bullshit.

    • @100kby35
      @100kby35 Před 9 lety +10

      Mighty Gorge but that is a lie. You can build muscle being Vegan. There are many vegan body builders around.

    • @100kby35
      @100kby35 Před 9 lety +1

      *****​ I commend you on going vegan. Definitely a great outcome. I recommend you give rice protein and pea protein a go. Do some research on it. In my opinion, it is far easier to get protein from protein powder than meat or even nuts or seeds or beans. You simply mix it into your smoothie or even just in water. Protein powder is 90% protein compared to meat's 40% protein. Seeds can be high in protein, for example, pumpkin seed is 30% to 40% protein, but nothing beats protein powder.

  • @michaelscoots
    @michaelscoots Před 10 lety +7

    The reason you're getting gas is you're combining lots of fruit with other food groups which isn't the best thing for digestion. Fruit digests very quickly - usually within 30 minutes. If you combine it with grains or other foods that take 3 plus hours to digest, then it sits in your stomach longer and will then start to ferment. Long term, this can also tip the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut. Eating fruit alone, 30 minutes before a meal or 3 hours after will not only prevent gas, but it will enable the good bacteria. Combining it with other food groups all the time can feed the bad bacteria, which can lead to much more serious problems down the road.

  • @Fa1c0
    @Fa1c0 Před 10 lety +41

    I went vegan for about six weeks. I felt pretty good and lost a few pounds. When I started eating meat again the weight came back and I felt tired all the time. I think there may be some benefit to excluding meat or at least reducing meat consumption.

    • @WhatsAfterThisPlace
      @WhatsAfterThisPlace Před 10 lety +2

      Of course we barely need to eat meats. Look at what apes and gorillas eat and their strength. Then look at lions and how they are always laying around.

    • @Fa1c0
      @Fa1c0 Před 10 lety

      InfamousCrimes I know this is a little bit late, but I'll post anyway, as I just now noticed your comment, "No $hit". There is a difference between someone telling you what works and what doesn't work, and doing the work for yourself to see what does or doesn't work.

    • @supahard4feet
      @supahard4feet Před 10 lety

      well you need to workout if your eating meat. utilize the protein before you let the fat in the meat turn you fat also.not to dis this uploader,but he does not have the muscle definition and size i'm trying to achieve and it maybe because he is vegan.that is just my hypothesis.

    • @WhatsAfterThisPlace
      @WhatsAfterThisPlace Před 10 lety

      Jason masiya Type on youtube 'vegan bodybuilders' and you shall see the light.

    • @fender1000100
      @fender1000100 Před 7 lety

      Jason masiya
      This guy isnt the best example of Vegan bodybuilders. He has more of a normal atheletic build.

  • @Choenkwan
    @Choenkwan Před 10 lety +2

    I don't see why many people comment negatively towards this video. These people have no idea that some vegetables have more protein than meat, for instance-broccoli, spinach....I work in a very big gym where I do meet loads of bodybuilders and fitness fanatics, many of them are Vegan and it is normal! *Thumb up Tom!*

  • @secluded30
    @secluded30 Před 10 lety +9

    You're a shining example of what a vegan can be, well done Thomas :D

  • @CyrielGuds
    @CyrielGuds Před 10 lety +11

    Thomas Tadlock you the man!! keep it up, you inspire me a lot. Blessings from Amsterdam

  • @ushireborn
    @ushireborn Před 10 lety +4

    was a vegetarian bodybuilder for 5 years and a vegan bodybuilder for over a year. glad i gave it up. much leaner, bigger, harder, and stronger as a carnivore/omnivore. best of luck to anyone trying to max out their potential on veggies and fruits alone.

    • @ind20000
      @ind20000 Před 10 lety +1

      And how awesome was that first time eating meat again? I was vegetarian for about a year and had a steak as my first reintroduction of meat, damn near orgasmed lol.

    • @empiricwisdom7902
      @empiricwisdom7902 Před 10 lety +1

      I have, for over ten years now. Eating a couple of bananas or apples and lettuce won't do much. You have to know how and what to eat, even being a Vegan. I eat between 10 to 15 different varieties of veggies, nuts, seeds and fruit a day, been on this diet for over 10 years, cured my colon cancer this way, no conventional treatments, I am an athlete and a bodybuilder.

    • @ushireborn
      @ushireborn Před 10 lety

      Although I am happy you were able to cure your colon cancer with your diet, but I'm not sure what that has to do with maxing out your genetic potential as a bodybuilder.
      If you're saying you feel great as an athlete and a bodybuilder while on the diet that you're on, that's great and I applaud that.
      But if we compare and contrast the types of gains many, if not most, serious bodybuilders make with fish and/or animal protein being included in their diets as opposed to not, there tends to be a noticeable difference in the kinds of physiques I'm talking about.

    • @empiricwisdom7902
      @empiricwisdom7902 Před 10 lety

      ushireborn Is that so mate? Well, I suggest you take a look at a man called Frank Medrano. Type his name on CZcams.

  • @saradingess6566
    @saradingess6566 Před 10 lety +2

    thanks for making this video! I too am going vegetarian/vegan and doing weight training- just started this year and taking things slowly. I tried to do the meat/atkins/paleo diet at first but felt like crap, I was constantly hungry, and had no energy to go hard on my training, so I switched to vegetarian and hopefully progress to vegan down the road. I feel so much better now that I can eat fruit and healthy carbs! I feel better about myself and making the decision to switch- thank you for showing what a typical day of eating like this looks like and that it can be done for those who want to body build and go vegan. You look great and glad to report I am starting to show some improvement myself now!

  • @LeonH1010
    @LeonH1010 Před 9 lety +8

    You're like a vegan version of "The Rock" not even kidding xD

  • @kovacspistol
    @kovacspistol Před 10 lety +2

    love this video! Its great to see some talking about vegan lifestyle with such charisma and postive humor/sillyness

  • @alanelba
    @alanelba Před 10 lety +10

    This guys gets as excited about food as i get when i'm high

  • @jesseg.3371
    @jesseg.3371 Před 8 lety +3

    Ever thought about adding carrots in your smoothie? It's also really good with pineapple! I sometimes make a smoothie with kale, spinach, carrots, pineapples, kiwis and sometimes strawberries or blueberries. Good stuff!

    • @hermanharper4594
      @hermanharper4594 Před 4 lety

      Mostly Greens is best . Fruit to taste as per his wife Dr Brooke Goldner .They know what they are doing . What what they got do what they do not hard to figure out

  • @SacredChalice
    @SacredChalice Před 10 lety +9

    Also you should eat watermelon or any melon FIRST in the day as it digests much faster than anything else, and you don't want it overlapping things in your digestive system. Check out Freelee the Banana girls video on food combining.

  • @infowazz
    @infowazz Před 10 lety +1

    i had recent stomach issues and actually happy i did. i am rethinking my whole entire diet now. most people have it all backwards.

  • @LimpLeMad
    @LimpLeMad Před 9 lety +4

    ConCoon 99 _Yeah con.. I personally believe that its the_
    _most popular muscle building programs_
    _online today for a very good reason unlike_
    _many other programs, there's a lot of science_
    _behind this one. Thats why I decided to try it_
    _myself and was happy with the result._

    • @LimpLeMad
      @LimpLeMad Před 9 lety +4

      *Anyway, its in the site*

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 9 lety +11

    Hey guys, I just uploaded a timelapse video showing my muscular gains on this diet over 41 days. Here's the l link to it:

    • @danafoltin8114
      @danafoltin8114 Před 9 lety

      what's up bro, love your videos. where did you get your bpa free gallon size water bottle ?

    • @madsat1965
      @madsat1965 Před 9 lety

      Dana Foltin Best Muscle Gaining Exercises

    • @zeemehmood5499
      @zeemehmood5499 Před 9 lety

      Thomas Tadlock This is hard to believe... So let me get this straight you pretty much survive on mostly fruit based diet? Apart from broccoli where is the real food? How the hell is your body in that shape with mostly fruits?

    • @xavierjones4752
      @xavierjones4752 Před 9 lety +1

      Look at a gorillas diet. And they could flip a small car no problem.

    • @zeemehmood5499
      @zeemehmood5499 Před 9 lety

      Xavier Jones Gorrilla... is an animal.... anatomy is different from ours... Please reply with a logical answer

  • @JR81CCS
    @JR81CCS Před 10 lety

    I don't know if you're reading this, but any way, just a tip. In your video yo blend vegetable to make smoothies, but you don't seem to like the taste all that much. I used to have a huge salad breakfast, but once came to the idea to blend it all. Blended vegetables don't taste too good, but I use condiment to make them taste better. Curcumin, mustard, even a bit of vinager makes the green smoothie, or a salad smoothis more tasteful

  • @valentinodemilch8935
    @valentinodemilch8935 Před 10 lety +12

    I just come to see how people fight in the comments.

  • @thedarkpill3590
    @thedarkpill3590 Před 10 lety +1

    Why do protein heads watch and bash every vegan video out there? Great work Thomas, keep spreading the truth!

  • @LoganTheGeeRaff
    @LoganTheGeeRaff Před 8 lety +4

    Bro make banana ice cream with those frozen bananas!!! You Blend em up until a creamy consistency and then add a little almond milk or something, even some coco powder and or cinnamon, even some protein powrder! If you ever have a craving for "ice cream" try it out !!! I'm sure you'll like it. And thanks for the video I enjoy it. Have thumbs up

    • @andrewbrown3304
      @andrewbrown3304 Před 8 lety +2

      That sounds awesome. I'm going to try that. 👍

  • @greenknitter
    @greenknitter Před 9 lety +2

    Each to their own but I don't put raw tomatoes or broccoli in my smoothies. Both are nutritionally enhanced by cooking except for some Vitamin C loss, but then a serving of cooked broccoli gives 100% of RDA for vitamin C anyway. You lose lypocene by not cooking tomatoes and cancer fighting glucosinalate compounds by not steaming or boiling broccoli.

    • @jeffreyblaise4647
      @jeffreyblaise4647 Před 9 lety

      where have you heard this?? i thought you lose by cooking...raw is the most nutritious

    • @greenknitter
      @greenknitter Před 9 lety +1

      Jeffrey Blaise Lots of sources.

    • @marcusaurelius5837
      @marcusaurelius5837 Před 9 lety +1

      +Jeffrey Blaise Sometimes you need to process the food to be able to access the nutrients.
      Look up for example the history of maize use in the US in the early 1900s: The european settlers introduced maize as a diet staple, but didn't use nixtamalization (cooking in lime) like the mexicans. The result was an epidemic of pellagra (b3 deficiency) ...

  • @ghostofdayinperson
    @ghostofdayinperson Před 10 lety +13

    I've found that kale is the only green that works (taste-wise) in smoothies. Broc and spinach make smoothies gross. I like those veggies in stews and salads.

    • @PickingNRunning
      @PickingNRunning Před 10 lety +4

      Never tried broccoli in a smoothie. I like kale, chard, bok choy, collards, and red cabbage in mine.

      @WAKEUPNOWDAMMIT Před 10 lety +4

      Baby spinach. It's sweet. Havin one now :)

    • @SteveWeltmanANS
      @SteveWeltmanANS Před 10 lety +2

      Hi Ghost, I disagree about kale vs spinach. Its a taste thing. I think that kale is great in smoothies. So is spinach or chard, and collard greens (ok...a little less on the collard greens but they are worth learning to like too). You might like spinach and others after some time.
      Personally, I am thankful that I can afford to put them in my refrigerator and have them in a smoothie...and get to talk about it later on CZcams. Lots of folks can't even afford the basics. Thanks for listening! -Steve

    • @RickVenegas
      @RickVenegas Před 10 lety +2

      Baby Spinach is awesome!!!! Some times its just your genetics that affect your taste buds though.

    • @heatherbmckinney
      @heatherbmckinney Před 10 lety

      I tried a cucumber/apple smoothie today and it was pretty good. I don't like apple sauce, but it had the same consistency.

  • @VegaChastain
    @VegaChastain Před 7 lety +2

    This guy is proof you don't need meat to gain muscle. he is also on a mostly raw diet to which is amazing!

  • @lamareaton
    @lamareaton Před 10 lety +21

    One of the things Vegans and Veggie's don't tell you about is the COST OF EATING HEALTHY. I make over $70K a year and I am single with no kids, last year I had health issues and long story short I'm a Veggie thinking of going Vegan, haven't had meat, soda in over 7 months, very rarely eat animal products. But the REAL TRUTH IS I HAVE GONE FROM SPENDING $30-$50 AT THE GROCERY STORE TO DOUBLE, THAT'S RIGHT DOUBLE! Now I can afford it, but let's be honest as an Black Male with no kids and single, I"m a rare case. You don't see a lot of black Vegans or Veggies for the simple fact they can't afford it. Show me a Vegan or Veggie and I will show you someone well off, not struggling. This isn't a race thing is a class thing! White, Black, Hispanic...anyone poor just doesn't have the money to eat proper and it's a fucking damn shame! It's crazy but it's move expensive when you don't eat meat or animal products! What a backwards world we live in.

    • @lovelyjubbly87
      @lovelyjubbly87 Před 10 lety +9

      I don't know how you work that out. I live in the Uk. I can get bunch of bananas for £1, bag of sweet potatoes £1, large melon for same price and apples, but lot of people wouldn't mind spending £1 on chocolate though or alcohol. I get mostly frozen veg, even cheaper, all nutrients is kept coz they freeze it straight away, when you buy fresh could be sitting there for days, then sits in fridge for days, fish here is expensive and meat, seeds/nuts isn't that cheap really but you can improvise. good luck , from uk

    • @chriscardenas8687
      @chriscardenas8687 Před 10 lety +4

      Maybe because you're buying real food lol

    • @lamareaton
      @lamareaton Před 10 lety

      Chris Cardenas LOL. You mean that cat/rat/dog they pass off as burgers really is cheaper, lol?

    • @lamareaton
      @lamareaton Před 10 lety +4

      Adam Robertson Thanks, it's hard out here in the US. But I just want to let people know, since I come from a black, lower economic background, when I was young i was surrounded by unhealthy people eating unhealthy food, now that I can eat healthy I sure see why some people can't eat healthy. The combo meal at McDonalds is way cheaper than the portobello mushrooms and salad I ate the other night.

    • @chriscardenas8687
      @chriscardenas8687 Před 10 lety

      Wow you're an idiot.lmao
      I said it is more "expensive" because it is REAL FOOD" haha of course there is the $1 menu for people like you who just want the meal without questions.

  • @karalandry8442
    @karalandry8442 Před 10 lety +1

    It doesn't seem like you measure your food to much and I love that. I am the same way I just listen to my body and eat what it tells me to :)

  • @elephantelephant6384
    @elephantelephant6384 Před 8 lety +6

    too much reliance on blenders and powders

  • @Ahdree23
    @Ahdree23 Před 8 lety +1

    I absolutely love your meal plan! It looks delicious and filling. I have been vegan for about 5 months now lol and I still consume a lot of cooked food but I would like to transition to eating mostly raw whole foods. I have gotten into bodybuilding (women's) and I think I will see better results with more whole raw foods consumed. Thanks for this inspiration!

  • @speedylikeafox7248
    @speedylikeafox7248 Před 10 lety +8

    i lost my shit when he started creeping about the frozen bananas

      @LXRDUNKNXWN Před 10 lety +1

      "Got this... knife right here with a straight edge, gunna fricken saw than in with my fork" lmao

  • @maddyG7414
    @maddyG7414 Před 9 lety +2

    Dude you are inspiring! I love veganism and how it makes me feel but I don't want to lose muscle mass, thanks for this.

  • @barrygoldwater360
    @barrygoldwater360 Před 10 lety +6

    As a person new to vegan dieting, I was hoping to hear more of the "why". Perhaps in your next videos you can explain why this food, why this time, why this routine and explain the benefits. Just a suggestion =)

    • @TheRoOxyi
      @TheRoOxyi Před 10 lety

      shut the fuck up adelitaa

    • @barrygoldwater360
      @barrygoldwater360 Před 10 lety +4

      I'll never get over that insult, you've scarred me for life.

    • @TheRoOxyi
      @TheRoOxyi Před 10 lety

      Could you please shut your mouth?

    • @barrygoldwater360
      @barrygoldwater360 Před 10 lety +4

      Carolina Daltton
      I can't imagine what kind of loser is behind that keyboard of yours.

    • @TheRoOxyi
      @TheRoOxyi Před 10 lety

      I can't imagine either adelita someone as stupid as you who keeps replying when i told you exactly what i want from you and you know it, just shut the fuck up, your comment is fucking stupid and nobody cares this guy can do whatever he wants in his videos if you wanna know why WHY why do your own researches, that what i call a loser i guess you know what is being a loser if you can do your own research because your are the loser one, i hope you dont reply again adelita, i guess your udnerstand now why i told you to shut the fuck up, no a really bright child in shcool right adelita? And I'm sorry for my mistakes in english is fucking bad but i dont fucking care.

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 11 lety

    The jars are about 33oz. They are used Veganaise jars.

  • @cruciferousvegetable
    @cruciferousvegetable Před 10 lety +4

    Why the tomatoes in every sweet green smoothie? Doesn't seem appetizing. I can't stop eating tomatoes on their own though.

    • @aquaties
      @aquaties Před 10 lety

      Umami (tomatoes have Natural Msg)

    • @cruciferousvegetable
      @cruciferousvegetable Před 10 lety

      I try to avoid msg. That stuff gives me a headache. I do notice a salty taste to tomatoes.

    • @aquaties
      @aquaties Před 10 lety +2

      It turns out it doesn't necessarily have Msg it has glutamate which is the natural trigger to umami, MSG (monosodum glutamate) is the artificial stuff

  • @CatfishCameras
    @CatfishCameras Před 9 lety +1

    You should eat sweet fruits before the savory smoothies. That prevents fermentation and farting and stuff

  • @maztravelz1391
    @maztravelz1391 Před 10 lety +3

    we've been conditioned to think that meat is our source of protein, but the amount we need is very little and found in most vegetables. this was a good video and I hope people realise that we don't have to eat dead carcasses to be fit

  • @guitarlearningtoplay
    @guitarlearningtoplay Před 10 lety +1

    Use fresh squeezed lemon juice, red pepers, raw honey, brown sugar, etc. also you should use frozen bananas in the fruit smoothy instead of fresh ones. You can even make sobert out of frozen bananas. Also get gluten free oat protein powder and hemp protein powder to mix it up. Also get other nut milks like coconut, brown rice milk, soy (without additives), hazel nut, cashew, hemp milk, etc.. Each has different nutrients. Hemp is the best. Good luck man

  • @Dreamdancer11
    @Dreamdancer11 Před 10 lety +3

    Eating is just like life...practice moderation and you can enjoy everything....the extremes always lead you to misery sooner or later....full vegan the right word is balance and you cant achieve balance when you go to extremes....

  • @nnddrrjj
    @nnddrrjj Před 10 lety

    I eat about 5-6 small meals per day. The more frequently you eat, the better your body will do at absorbing nutrients, and it speeds up your metabolism.

  • @dantean
    @dantean Před 10 lety +5

    I'll bet the protein powder is simultaneously the most expensive and the least nutritionally useful ingredient of every one of your smoothies.

    • @ngxoxo
      @ngxoxo Před 10 lety +4

      mmm yeh whey protein with all those fillers and chemicals are heaps nutritional too!!

    • @jasonhamm7174
      @jasonhamm7174 Před 10 lety +4

      I sense some hostility

    • @pazzini808
      @pazzini808 Před 10 lety +1

      _I hear yah man drake! That is a great course and I use it too and it works. I got that info from a friend of mine who is so health conscious and very dedicated to build muscles. anyway, you got the name of the site mispelled. It should be:_

    • @TheLastLogicalOne
      @TheLastLogicalOne Před 10 lety

      No protein, No muscle. Try

  • @briandebaets3041
    @briandebaets3041 Před 9 lety

    Excellent video, thanks for taking the time, just printed out your packet too. Thanks for the help, I've been considering this for a long time and just now started the research.

  • @MDMAc10
    @MDMAc10 Před 9 lety +3

    Bruh you dogged like 35 bananas today, i fuckin love it

  • @glendarelli
    @glendarelli Před 10 lety

    Proud of your stand for being Vegan. Thank you. Your Vid's help.

  • @andrewbrown3304
    @andrewbrown3304 Před 8 lety +7

    Just going to add a thought, I'm personally a vegan but don't really give two shits if people eat meat or not. Each to their own.
    Anyway, this whole argument about 'not getting enough protein' is nonsense, and really doesn't apply to Joe Public. Bodybuilders need a lot of it, but normal, everyday maintenance for a normal everyday person can easily get it from just vegetables, nuts, legumes etc. The problem is that this argument keeps coming around that 'we're supposed to eat meat'. I agree with that, we have canine teeth, and it doesn't make us sick when we eat it. We just were never supposed to write eat it three or four times a day, everyday. Or process it (aside from simply cooking it.
    Then there is the fact that there are now 7,000,000,000 of us and it will keep growing. There simply isn't enough room on the planet for us to keep feeding all those people meat all day everyday. We're in the golden age of meat, enjoy it because your grandchildren won't be.

    • @Laurkiller
      @Laurkiller Před 7 lety

      you're quite an idiot aren't you, you're 'vegan' but then again encouraging people to eat meat because its the 'golden age' to do this? Basically you're promoting animal slaughter and cruelty while you're a vegan yourself. Wow you're a special one aren't ya?

    • @andrewbrown3304
      @andrewbrown3304 Před 7 lety +1

      The sarcasm was lost on you then? Never mind.

    • @Laurkiller
      @Laurkiller Před 7 lety

      andrew brown that's a weird way of projecting sarcasm man, I don't think any one saw that as sarcasm...

    • @alph8654
      @alph8654 Před 6 lety

      Everybody saw it as sarcasm but you.

  • @Dezhighspeed
    @Dezhighspeed Před 10 lety +1

    I'm so glad that I found your channel, I really want to make the switch to go vegan, I just do not want to compensate my muscle mass but I see that it's not a factor anymore.

  • @harnoorsingh4592
    @harnoorsingh4592 Před 10 lety +6

    hmmmm...idk why everyone is so against him eating as many bananas, monkeys have 30 to 40 bananas a day. And chimps have over 97% of the same DNA as humans and are far stronger and quicker. Did you know that most monkeys are...vegan? So who's to say that evolution require humans to eat meat when our cousins who are stronger and quicker than us do not? Veganism, like any diet can be healthy and not healthy depending on the individual. Recent studies have been showing vegetarianism and veganism as a healthier choice for Americans by the day. "Eating animal fats and proteins has been shown in studies to raise a person's risk of developing cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, and a number of other illnesses and conditions." In fact, as a biology major, I've also been told by my professors that the DNA replication process between cells is far less likely to make mistakes and this is what allows the decrease rates of cancer and such. Honest science shows that 60% or more of your diet should be fruits and vegetables and with continuous research in topics of how meat is created, the "healthy" protein that comes from hormonally injected chickens simply cannot hold up to the meat that our ancestors ate. For those who mention the lack of muscle and probably suggest this is due to lack of protein, research has been showing that America suffers from protein overdose and this may lead to higher chances of osteoporosis. For those of you who have never tried a vegetarian diet, perhaps you should try it for a couple of days or weeks to see how your body adjusts to it. I don't suggest everyone gives up meat...well actually i do suggest it...but im not insulting anyone with there current diet choice. Simply keep an open mind and listen to the facts.

    • @feasibleweasel8681
      @feasibleweasel8681 Před 10 lety

      monkeys aren't vegetarian, they like any all animals eat anything available,the same as birds eat insects and berrys, they eat flowers,seeds,small insects and even birds eggs, they are omnivores..also vegetables arent perfect the insecticides and pollutions from the air comes down in the rain..

    • @harnoorsingh4592
      @harnoorsingh4592 Před 10 lety

      Feasible Weasel "Chimpanzee diets are well researched (see Goodall and Conklin references below). The proportion of flesh/insects in their diet is very small. Studies by Goodall and Conklin show by time that about (4 - 5.4%) is flesh/insects. This figure (Goodall 4% insects, meat 1.4% ) is largely made up by insects which is largely a social activity, not for nutritional gain as the energy expended to catch these termites by fishing far outstrips the energy gained... their diet is made up from 69% fruit, 25% leaves and 6% seeds. To do this we have to totally ignore the most elemental human and chimpanzee biology and biological processes. We also have to ignore the way that chimps 'eat' meat; they put the meat between leaves and chew extracting the juices, these sandwiches are then, most commonly, discarded and not actually swallowed at all. Proteins and fats are much easier to obtain from nuts and seeds. When chimps do swallow these sandwiches there is a high presence of undigested (so unassimilated) meat in their feces. " Also, although it is understood that insecticides and pollution are affecting our diet, does not justify adding another poison to it. If we use this analogy at an exaggerated scale, it would suggest that just because someones chews tobacco, they might as well add in smoking cigarettes. Although most vegetarians are not able to filters out all the poisons of insecticides and pollution in their diet, it does not mean they should simply ignore the poisons added into their meat. I simply want the facts to be heard.

  • @DunguBook
    @DunguBook Před 9 lety

    Raw Hemp Seed Powder Works A Charm and Vegan Friendly. Good work Thomas!

  • @xxx27love27xxx
    @xxx27love27xxx Před 8 lety +7

    Tomatoes in a smoothie?,,,,,?? WAT

    • @taylamorris
      @taylamorris Před 7 lety +1

      Audrey Thompson... haha right and broccoli.. interesting

  • @Sterlacea
    @Sterlacea Před 9 lety

    you need to get a Yonanas machine, it grinds the frozen bananas to a consistency of soft serve ice-cream, you will love it.

  • @Postermaestro
    @Postermaestro Před 8 lety +4

    who has the amount of time to just sit and eat this amount of food, let alone prepoare it all every day

    • @myself2011
      @myself2011 Před 8 lety +1

      yup +1

    • @nyquildays
      @nyquildays Před 8 lety +1

      Or the amount of money. Almond milk is too expensive.

    • @allaunirairl3612
      @allaunirairl3612 Před 8 lety +1

      This guy, I guess.

    • @allaunirairl3612
      @allaunirairl3612 Před 8 lety

      But you don't have to rape anyone to get it.

    • @allaunirairl3612
      @allaunirairl3612 Před 8 lety

      +Gotallofthem1 well, that's not what I meant. You have to rape cows to get milk. They need to be pregnant to produce it and they are forcibly impregnated with an artificial insemination device. Fishing yourself is fine in my opinion, if you actually want to eat fish.

  • @eldsprutandedrake
    @eldsprutandedrake Před 10 lety

    Creatine breaks down in water, don´t really know what the half time is but you definitely don´t get the entire daily dose if you mix it in your smoothie, drink half and put the other one in the fridge. There is some vitamin breakdown as well since cells are ruptured by the mixing and enzymes which are usually kept away from their substrates gets mixed up...
    Make juices and smoothies fresh and mix your creatine with liquid right before you drink it to maximize the nutritional properties! =)

  • @jungleace
    @jungleace Před 9 lety +8

    Reading the comments and I can't believe how stupid our society has become.

  • @MetrosoulTV
    @MetrosoulTV Před 8 lety

    Hey Thomas, funny that I come across your video while looking for Vegan Bodybuilding.. I was at the Millionaire Mind seminar in Dallas, I asked you the question about spirituality. :-) Amazing experience you gave all of us, really appreciate you Thomas.

  • @isis66676
    @isis66676 Před 10 lety +8

    Am I the only one that noticed that it looks like he's drinking his smoothies out of mayo jars?

    • @L0Zar
      @L0Zar Před 10 lety +2

      Noooope, me too ahaha :)

    • @hermanharper4594
      @hermanharper4594 Před 4 lety

      You can buy the jars at Walmart for canning and freezing believe me he doesn't eat Mayo check out the rest of his and his wife program great information

  • @Ahntara123
    @Ahntara123 Před 10 lety

    You may wish to give up that packaged Almond Milk. Make your own if you must have it. But try coconut water and 1/8 avocado for creamy texture, beneficial fats and minerals.

  • @AdiiS
    @AdiiS Před 10 lety +7

    Much respect for vegan bodybuilders out there, but if you look out for some real gainz then sorry it's gonna be hard without meat and the rest of the stuff vegans don't eat.

    • @IamHueGraves
      @IamHueGraves Před 10 lety +4

      look up Frank Medrano

      @WAKEUPNOWDAMMIT Před 10 lety

      Look up Billy Simmonds. 2009 Mr Olympia Natural INBA. VEGAN.

    • @AdiiS
      @AdiiS Před 10 lety +2

      IamHueGraves Isn't really a bodybuilder..right? ;)

    • @IamHueGraves
      @IamHueGraves Před 10 lety

      Adnan Sofic he obviously can build a lot of muscle, he just trains with different goals, the principle is the same. Also, another good example is Avi R Lehyani

  • @KenEbacher
    @KenEbacher Před 9 lety

    Cannot WAIT to see you all in Anaheim Tom!

  • @izabelpavlova5024
    @izabelpavlova5024 Před 9 lety +9

    Why Creatine? It's not vegan

    • @thomastadlock
      @thomastadlock  Před 9 lety +35

      Hi Izabel - synthetically manufactured creatine monohydrate, which is the most common found in creatine monohydrate supplements, is 100% vegan.

    • @acidparanoia
      @acidparanoia Před 9 lety +10

      +Izabel Pavlova Please don't tell me you actually thought Creatine powder came from meat? *Facepalm*

    • @alexhughes7085
      @alexhughes7085 Před 9 lety

      +acidparanoia its dairy, like whey

    • @alexhughes7085
      @alexhughes7085 Před 9 lety

      i thought. dont know tho...

    • @macabrew
      @macabrew Před 8 lety +7

      +GenoyZombiePiss the arrogance is real.

  • @schraz13
    @schraz13 Před 10 lety +1

    I LOVE THAT YOU HAVE A VITAMIX. I have one and needed some new recipes and methods. I have subscribed sir.

    @ETHANGELIST Před 10 lety +3

    Never heard of almond milk until now... now I want some almond milk :-/

  • @lamhuynh3107
    @lamhuynh3107 Před 8 lety +1

    How he looks and the way he talks reminds me of Gary Yourofsky. Wondering if they're somehow related :)

  • @ripptide1997
    @ripptide1997 Před 10 lety +3

    Can vegans take creatine?

    • @thomastadlock
      @thomastadlock  Před 10 lety +1

      Ripp Tide in supplement form yes. No animal products in the production of creatine monohydrate.

    • @brockwie5196
      @brockwie5196 Před 9 lety

      Ripp Tide If you are a RAW vegan than no, you can't take creatine.

    • @brockwie5196
      @brockwie5196 Před 9 lety

      Thomas Tadlock I am a bit confused. How are you able to take creatine when you are a vegan? "Creatine can be synthesized in the body. It is also supplied in the diet by meat and fish".

    • @mikesym_
      @mikesym_ Před 9 lety +2

      Ripp Tide No cause vegans are aliens .They dont eat human food.

  • @NuclearNympho
    @NuclearNympho Před 10 lety

    Try my favorite green smoothie: (fill half of the blender with) organic spinach, organic fresh basil (trader Joe has it),and the other half full of frozen pineapple (trader Joe got that 2), Orange juice from about 2 big Oranges (fresh of course) 1tablespoon of flaxseed (I grind it first in a coffee grinder) mix well in your Vitamix or any other powerful blender...sooooo good !!!
    And of course you can then add all your protein powders but try to make it without the almond milk (alone because Orange juice and almond milk does not mix well).....if you try this let me know if you loved it... :-)

  • @georgesbackyardgym
    @georgesbackyardgym Před 10 lety +4

    Supplementation goes against eating whole foods vegan

  • @ossian1977
    @ossian1977 Před 10 lety

    The video is cool. You present it well, and it is also well edited. I noticed I have a logistic challenge here. Quantity, and weight, and time. Essentially, i live alone and have no car. I look at bodybuilder´s meals for the week and there is enough to fill a fridge full twice over (never mind food for the rest of the family). I simply don´t have the time to slowly prepare 6 wonderful meals a day, or to go shop for BIO stuff, on foot, carrying shopper after shopper from 3 different supermarkets. That is why I basically switched to astronaut food. I am drinking most of my meals, and preparing when I can 20 eggs omelettes to last me a few meals. Tough to grow, so respect to those who manage! (esp. the vegan)

  • @attawbah17
    @attawbah17 Před 10 lety +5

    you look a skinnier Rock

    • @thomastadlock
      @thomastadlock  Před 10 lety +4

      I'm more like the pebble next to the rock.

    • @jollygoodfellow3957
      @jollygoodfellow3957 Před 10 lety +2

      Thomas Tadlock
      I knew I recognized you from somewhere!
      I vote you become The Rock's comedy sidekick.

  • @BringBackQualityTV
    @BringBackQualityTV Před 10 lety

    Nice channel you got there!
    ...and we have the same taste in music as it seems..:-)
    All the best from Germany, the BBQ TV Team.

  • @yomismo5463
    @yomismo5463 Před 10 lety +3

    Creatine? REALLY!?!?!?!

  • @HLGFreeman
    @HLGFreeman Před 10 lety

    Wait... your kid plays with a Millenium Falcon? Apart from the premise of Vegan Bodybuilding, which rocks... you just found yourself a new subscriber :)

  • @tacv
    @tacv Před 10 lety +4

    That's a lot of fruit ... a lot of sugar.

    • @fitgirlcierra
      @fitgirlcierra Před 10 lety +2

      It's natural sugars, not bad for you..

    • @tacv
      @tacv Před 10 lety +3

      Actually you're wrong. Being "natural" doesn't mean a lot of it is good for you. People tend to over eat something just because it's natural or organic or "light". They may be better alternatives but you should consume them in moderation. The recommended total sugar intake is around 36 grams for males and around 25 grams for females (American Heart Association). A banana for example has around 7 grams of sugar, so eating 2 bananas in one smoothie is half the dose already, from bananas alone. Also fructose health problems effects are well known when not consumed in moderation. Some fruits have a high glycemic index, e.g. pineapple, which is bad for your diabetes. You should look to calories as well, 1 middle size banana has about 100 calories. Again eating 2 in a row in your smoothie means you have 200 calories from bananas alone, in one drink. Apples, grapes, kiwi, and so on are very high in sugar content as well. Fructose is also associated with high triglycerides levels on your blood and intra abdominal fat. Fruit is an amazing food, you should eat it, every day actually. But to much of a good thing ... Let me just add that to be vegan doesn't mean eating an obscene quantity of fruit.

    • @fitgirlcierra
      @fitgirlcierra Před 10 lety +6

      My mom was diabetic and she went on a raw foods diet. After she did it for ONE MONTH her diabetes was gone. All her levels were great, even glucose.

    • @rant0rave0and0roar
      @rant0rave0and0roar Před 10 lety +1

      Not only are we frugavores, but carbs are pretty crucial to muscle building. When you're in there killin' it, calories are more important that macros, and just aim as clean as possible.

    • @tacv
      @tacv Před 10 lety +1

      Elizar Tringov
      Are your questions supposed to diminish in any way what i said? You don't need to be defensive you know?! If you don't believe anything i said specially the sugar content in fruit and the fructose correlation with triglycerides and obesity just google it, don't be lazy. The intention of my post was to raise awareness to food moderation, not attack anyone. Moderation is the key my friend, even drinking too much water can kill you.

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 11 lety

    Lol! Will, it took 3 months of not lifting a single weight and eating mostly a junk-food vegan diet (easy to do when married to a wife who loves to make lots of vegan lasagna and pasta).

  • @matthewtube7
    @matthewtube7 Před 10 lety +8

    Why would anyone be a vegan?

    • @DanieleCannova
      @DanieleCannova Před 10 lety +1

      if people could understand something about nutrition, there wouldn't be any religion like veganism.
      the real fact is that lots of people stop eating just mcdonalds, lots of american junk food and overcooked burned meat and begin to eat brown rice, beans and veggies and say: "great, i feel much better now!".
      "oh, really? fuck off!"

    • @alexe1003
      @alexe1003 Před 10 lety +11

      Daniele Cannova veganism isn't a religion....

    • @Stopifti
      @Stopifti Před 10 lety

      Daniele Cannova
      aight, I got one question.. why do we have canine teeth, which are designed to cut into meat. Nature has given us those teeth so we can also eat meat and veges.. eating a bit of fresh meat is not that bad.

    • @IceFish.
      @IceFish. Před 10 lety +1

      ***** survival of the fittest. Animal eats animal. The food chain and we are at the top! So yeah!
      We can.

    • @opcomment
      @opcomment Před 10 lety +2

      That's not even a sentence.

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 11 lety +1

    Thanks brotha! I only started eating lots of bananas about 2 weeks ago. I accidentally tried a frozen one 2 weeks ago, and I became like a vampire to blood. I crave frozen bananas at night. They're soooooo good.

  • @07dukez
    @07dukez Před 9 lety +3

    So much of your day is being filled with eating, dude. Preparing food to eat. All that shiz is so time consuming.
    It's not practical for most people. You describe it as 'easy'. Well, yes, easy for you sitting around all day. People who are into these diets are extremely obsessed about it. I'm exactly the same. Although, I don't do vegan, I do something else. The diet takes over your life.
    That's why humans took to eating animal products. They're high calorie, and you're not sat down, eating plum after plum after plum after plum after plum.. Etc, etc. you could eat 50 plums, and 200g of beef would still have far higher zinc content.
    If veganism is such a natural diet, what did people do when we didn't have smoothie blenders. Did they eat 1,000,000 berries to get their calorie intake? Or did they scavenge a nutrient dense dead carcass?
    That's not a life dude.

    • @JJBGuitar
      @JJBGuitar Před 9 lety +2

      ANY bodybuilding diet is time consuming. Vegan or not. Blender or not. A full meat eater still has to prepare 4 - 8 high protein dishes a day if they are doing the equivalent. This is MUCH quicker...

    • @JagjitBrawler
      @JagjitBrawler Před 9 lety +1

      Who said vegan is natural? It's just the most advanced diet. We don't need to rely on animals anymore. If you still want to, be my guest. But you don't HAVE to anymore?

    • @07dukez
      @07dukez Před 9 lety

      Justin, I am a typical example of someone who eats 80g of animal protein each day but..... I don't eat meat. Its called picking up a milk carton, or sinking my teeth into cheese. My meal times literally last 10 mins (at most). Dairy and fruit is what I live on. To say that non vegans must therefore be 'meat eaters', shows great ignorance on your part. Have another lentil burrito.

    • @JJBGuitar
      @JJBGuitar Před 9 lety

      bobby dukes LOL, that would be ignorant. Good job I didn't say it then!!!

    • @JagjitBrawler
      @JagjitBrawler Před 9 lety +1

      bobby dukes Have you ever heard of seitan? Tempeh? Tofu? And most mock meats are actually very healthy for you (MUCH healthier than meat) provide as much (if not more) protein, and have extra added things such as B12 and B6 which is hard for vegans and vegetarians to get. The reason why I say "advanced" is because it doesn't require animals anymore and a lot of mock meats (that are not the first three I mentioned) are chemically produced. We are using our knowledge of chemical engineering to advance food and slowly decrease our need for animals and other life forms. For example, for many millennia, we have been using horses and other animals to travel. (Whether this is really true or not is obviously not known....scientifically untrue) Myths claimed that people rode on the backs of giant birds, obviously people rode on the back of horses, then developed chariots out of horses. Now what do we use? Science. We drive from place to place. Same is happening with nutrition. The goal is to not need animals anymore for food, clothing, and other things that we currently use them for. With advanced knowledge, we can develop our own stuff that is better, cheaper, and doesn't require other life forms. Seitan and TVP were discovered by Buddhist monks in order to avoid killing animals. Seitan provides as much protein as steak with very few carbs and absolutely no cholesterol. And yeah, what were you saying about arterial walls? Mock meats are MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier for your arteries and your hearth than meat. Meat sucks for your body. By not eating meat you can actually drop your risk of a heart attack/disease to 15% from 45%.....that's a pretty big drop. Anyway, I didn't say it was BETTER....there is no "better" diet, it's whatever suits you. But it is the most scientifically advanced. Btw, I'm not a vegan, I'm a lacto-ovo veg....

  • @joyfulvegan
    @joyfulvegan Před 9 lety +1

    Really liked your video!

    • @lebengm1
      @lebengm1 Před 9 lety

      Thank you for your podcasts!

  • @nunzioforpresident
    @nunzioforpresident Před 10 lety +6

    creatine come from meat..

    • @OliverInTheAttic
      @OliverInTheAttic Před 10 lety

      I'm not a bodybuilder or expert at bodybuilding, but I know that a lot of creatine supplements are vegetarian/vegan friendly, it's a plus to buy from companies who clearly state on their website or product labels that it's safe for vegans.

    • @nunzioforpresident
      @nunzioforpresident Před 10 lety

      TheAmberFiles Hi. I don't know how can there be a creatin there is safe for vegans, since the product has been synthesized from meat, and it can be found only in muscular tissues.

    • @OliverInTheAttic
      @OliverInTheAttic Před 10 lety

      Not all creatine is derived from meat. Maybe you should try Googling it yourself since I know you won't believe me no matter what I say.

    • @nunzioforpresident
      @nunzioforpresident Před 10 lety

      TheAmberFiles no no..i'm searching but i can't find anything about vegan creatine

    • @OliverInTheAttic
      @OliverInTheAttic Před 10 lety

      Oh really? I Googled "Vegan Creatine" and came up with a lot of search results and products. Multiple threads on the Vegan Bodybuilding forums about creatine and safe products for vegans. Your Google must be broken.

  • @RawFitSungazer
    @RawFitSungazer Před 10 lety

    Have you considered juicing instead of smoothies? Juice strains the fibers so that it's easier to digest and goes directly to the blood stream. The problem with smoothies, especially when you mix fruits and veggies, they tend to have different digestive rates. Fruits want to go to the intestines to get digested directly whereas veggies want to sit in the stomach and acted on by digestive enzymes and acids until they are ready for digestion. So you may end up having gas and bloating issues in the stomach. You are better off making a fruit only smoothies on empty stomach, (they'll go directly to the intestine as long as you don't mix the wrong type of fruits to gather) and for veggies you can juice them (dont add any fruits to your veggies except maybe green apples). I would recommend green juice over smoothies to avoid the bloating issues unless you have super fast metabolism.

  • @lilufoo
    @lilufoo Před 10 lety +4

    Why can't you just eat meat geez

    • @McAwesome363
      @McAwesome363 Před 10 lety +15

      Its bad for you and the animals are treated terribly

    • @RickVenegas
      @RickVenegas Před 10 lety +8

      It's really bad for you.

    • @lilufoo
      @lilufoo Před 10 lety

      How we need meat

    • @SteveWeltmanANS
      @SteveWeltmanANS Před 10 lety +6

      Alex, Please, educate yourself on what meat does to your body. I am not going to say YOU cannot eat meat. I will say that it will affect your body's abilities to fight other diseases. Meat creates many undesirable affects in the human body such as cellular inflammation (not the muscle 'pump', but the kind that acts as a disease response). Animal products imbalance your Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio and your EPA-DHA levels. I will tell you that ALL meat is bad for you in some capacity, and I will say that eating ONE egg, once a week will increase your cholesterol long term, your chances of coronary disease by a significant percentage and that is reason enough to leave meat to someone else.
      Here's the best reasons to closely watch your diet I have found...It deals with the cost of national healthcare and prevention. If we (all, or at least most often, a majority) eat as is best for the human body, outside of the marketing fluff and what profits another company or special interest, you will consider what keeps you in the greatest health over your lifespan, not what is affordable or convenient. The "science" of meat, eggs, and dairy all want to promote their products, not protect your life. Modern medicine is funded by selling procedures and substances that symptomatically treat your body, and usually with limited effectiveness and significant side effects. The more often they treat you, whether for a cold or cancer, the more that medicine makes. The more we can reduce our consumption of these groups products, the better and less costly our lives will be, long term.
      Everyone is that is eating the SAD diet thinks vegans have trouble getting enough protein (thus, we "should" eat meat, per some misguided "experts"-- namely the meat and dairy industries). Being vegan, its not really hard to find protein sources that don't have negative affects on a human body. Where did the 1500 pound bull get his protein? Did the bull go to the supermarket and get 5 lbs of air chilled organic chicken? Not likely.
      Check your facts. Look in to this carefully. Its your body and you can eat what you choose.

    • @RickVenegas
      @RickVenegas Před 10 lety +5

      Alex Smith what it comes down to is being educated about proper health intake. Basically, you are a product of your environment. I was oblivious to health facts because I was being fed misinformation by media or my own ignorance. You should really watch on Netflix "Forks over Knives" or "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

  • @jonathanroche732
    @jonathanroche732 Před 10 lety

    That's cool that u know about the bpa in water bottles. More people need to do research on that

    • @bjarczyk
      @bjarczyk Před 10 lety

      New research has shown that there are potentially over 24,000 chemicals in water bottles, including bpa bottles. It messes up our hormones. I'm steering clear of it.

  • @stevefurytv
    @stevefurytv Před 9 lety +3

    You lost me with those gross looking shakes lol

    • @PhanteusZ
      @PhanteusZ Před 9 lety

      Steve Fury they are quite tasty actually. It depends on how much fruit and milk you add of course. I usually add in raw egg yolk and an olive oil. MMM so good.

    • @lightsrallon907
      @lightsrallon907 Před 9 lety

      Phanteus FYI: Eggs aren't vegan, come from horrific crowded filthy cruel conditions (birds debeaked and babies ground alive), contain bad animal-cholesterol, and you can get salmonella from them. HOWEVER an innovative company called Hampton Creek just released a plant-based egg product that has many people raving.

    • @PhanteusZ
      @PhanteusZ Před 9 lety +1

      Gorilla Misty what? Eggs come from chickens. It doesn't matter what conditions they come from, eggs are mostly untouched after birth. They aren't alive nor conscious so that's why I still eate them.

    • @hamishcharchalis9177
      @hamishcharchalis9177 Před 9 lety

      +Phanteus So he's a vegetarian and not a vegan big deal. Please don't be THAT kind of Vegan gorilla you're the reason people hate on Vegans, my parents have their own chickens and they're well looked after and free range - not all eggs are produced in horrible conditions...

    • @macabrew
      @macabrew Před 8 lety

      +Steve Fury right

  • @Elliot137
    @Elliot137 Před 10 lety +1

    Calciferous vegetables (kale/broccoli) + fruit is a recipe for farts. Having to pee at night is also a down side of eating mostly whole foods. I think it's worth it though. I've tried to balance my situation by stop eating early enough in the evening so that I only have to get up in the night once. I then pee into a bottle and go straight back to sleep. Respect x

    • @danajoyner9266
      @danajoyner9266 Před 10 lety +1

      Not after your body adjusts to it..

    • @mobus1603
      @mobus1603 Před 10 lety +1

      Donna Jo Raw *cruciferous* veggies, especially raw broccoli, create some serious farts no matter how long you've been eating them. Kale is good for juicing, but I don't recommend using raw broccoli for juice or smoothies. I peel broccoli stems and steam them with the florets for some easily digested fart free food.

  • @Babyface6200
    @Babyface6200 Před 9 lety +10

    It looks very like a very depressing meal.

    • @Ipufication
      @Ipufication Před 9 lety +19

      ***** Yeah, because obviously a chunk of an animal carcass on your plate isn't depressing at all.

    • @Ipufication
      @Ipufication Před 9 lety

      ***** ?

    • @poopermcdouchebag8160
      @poopermcdouchebag8160 Před 9 lety

      Ipu He's right. If I had to live like this, I would be quite depressed. It looks very bland and boring. And the shakes- oh god, those looked horrible.

    • @Ipufication
      @Ipufication Před 9 lety

      pooper mcdouchebag Well that's your opinion

    • @lightsrallon907
      @lightsrallon907 Před 9 lety

      Ipu Touche' -- precisely. And like it wasn't "depressing" for the animal being turned into a piece of meat on a plate...

  • @isurupt
    @isurupt Před 10 lety +1

    Awesome video. If you don't already, maybe consider making frozen banana + protein + flax ice cream with your blender! probably easier than cutting up frozen bananas. My gf makes an awesome frozen banana ice scream with my Sunwarrior chocolate protein so it tastes awesome, or if not she also uses some cacao powder. Eitherway, good to see videos like this regarding vegan body building meals & nutrition.

  • @GregorySerrano1986
    @GregorySerrano1986 Před 10 lety +3


  • @mts2457
    @mts2457 Před 11 lety

    I think he's referring to how you're at home to be able to make these things the entire day whenever you want to. eating whole foods also takes a lot of physical time for the sheer volume since the calories are not condensed. They weren't really 'meals' but very frequent snacks over a large span of time

  • @aev6075
    @aev6075 Před 9 lety +4

    Human is omnivore. Means human HAS to eat both vegetable and animal based foods. Full vege is unhealthy and if not supplemented, lethal.

    • @JJBGuitar
      @JJBGuitar Před 9 lety +2

      LOL, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Humans are the most sophisticated things on the planet, we can CHOOSE what we eat. You eat meat? Great. You choose to.

    • @aev6075
      @aev6075 Před 9 lety

      Justin Brown Sure, you have free will and ability to think (does not make you sophisticated though). Sure, you can choose to eat what ever you want. Eat bark for all I care, but the fact is that human has to eat both greens and meats.

    • @TheseMusics
      @TheseMusics Před 9 lety

      Saus age
      You dipshit, humans are frugivores, not omnivores. Look into it before blathering nonsense. We have the teeth of frugivores and the digestive tracts of frugivores.

    • @aev6075
      @aev6075 Před 9 lety +1

      TheseMusics Being frugivore does not cancel out being omnivore. Look into it. Besides, we also have the teeth for meat eating. Look into mirror and grin. You'll see sharp teeth with flat surface on the middle, designed to eat pretty much anything you come across. Including meat. Darwinized!

    • @JJBGuitar
      @JJBGuitar Před 9 lety +2

      Saus age I'm not sure if you are trolling, but I am going to fall for it and bite anyway. Even if humans were omnivore, which we are not, the term means we can survive on any type of food, it doesn't mean we HAVE to eat meat or we will die, like you think we do. Otherwise, the hundreds of thousands of vegans that have not eaten meat for decades, would be dead! Eating meat is a CHOICE.

  • @LongReach
    @LongReach Před 9 lety

    I eat meat but I find this interesting. I do eat alot of high protein plant based foods like beans and legumes. What I did notice eating less meat and more plant proteins is my muscles become alot harder and I seem less run down and tired. Good video.

  • @TheGerardfitzgerald
    @TheGerardfitzgerald Před 10 lety +5

    how dare u call yourself a bodybuilder.....have u looked in a mirror.....ur into fitness i get that.....but u aint no bodybuilder//

  • @ejdarly4733
    @ejdarly4733 Před 10 lety

    I don't know how you do it but it's working for you so keep up the good work :)

  • @Northern85Star
    @Northern85Star Před 10 lety +5

    This guy doesn't even look like he works out. Not enough protein? And watermelon?! Watemelon isn't healthy - it's got the one of the highest glycemic index scores.

    • @mick12594
      @mick12594 Před 10 lety +37

      You're actually a moron, thanks for making my day!!

    • @mystictouch9
      @mystictouch9 Před 10 lety +1

      Northern85star... You're aware that a low glycemic index score is a good thing right? just sayin....

    • @mystictouch9
      @mystictouch9 Před 10 lety +1

      ***** The response was towards Northern85star to his statement about glycemic index scores as a bad thing. Now, directing my focus towards you... Glycemic index is not irrelevant. It's an actual quantitative assessment that does have real impacts at the micro-biological level. Now, does this impact become noticeable in healthy people to a considerable degree? No, but does that mean we should ignore it? Absolutely not... With your logic, people should consume pure white sugar... Logic is hard...sigh

    • @Northern85Star
      @Northern85Star Před 10 lety +1

      The index i use is reversed, with one being equivalent to glycose. I now updated it and corrected my initial post. The point is still valid.
      If you consume enough high GI food, the beta cells in the pancreas in a specific area called "langerhanske islands" (direct translation from danish, the name is based on the guy discovering these areas) will produce insulin. Now, insulin works sytemically (ie. in the entire system) and makes sure your body stores energy, because the high GI food has inceased your bloodsugar too much.
      It is not wise to spike bloodsugar like that, if you want to get "ripped"... or prevent diabetus. And i know insulin is used for musclebuilding, but you have no need to spike bloodsugar to produce the small amount of insulin needed to enchance ribosomal production.
      This is off the top of my head, since it's been years since i was lectured in this - but i can look it up if you want further, more scientific, elaboration from medical books (not bodybuilding magazines or forums).
      Eating watermelon is about as useful to musclebuilding as eating candy. How much candy is a watermelon equivalent to? I don't know.
      mick12594 Did you catch this, or should i dumb it down for you?
      @Mackoek Glycemic index is never irrelevant. Look up the amount of people who's going to have diabetus in 10 years. The direct reasons for this is the quantity of high GI foods consumed today - along with added sugar in many products.
      Any idea why bodybuilders eat only lower GI foods to prepare for contest? ;-)

    • @mystictouch9
      @mystictouch9 Před 10 lety +1

      Northern85Star I respect you took your time to try and understand what you "think" is accurate. However, you need more research. Even though watermelon has a high Glycemic Index, it has a low Glycemic load. Glycemic load is more important than glycemic index, and watermelon is in the healthy category. Watermelon has many phytochemicals inside of it that's extremely healthy for you. It's completely irrational to compare watermelon to candy. As for body building, there are many other factors besides protein that adds to building muscle, such as effective optimize muscle repair utility. Please look up watermelons glycemic LOAD, NOT Glycemic index. Hope that helps.

  • @imribarr6177
    @imribarr6177 Před 9 lety

    Thank you very much! This video was really helpful and I think it would help a lot of bodybuilder to start their vegan routine. Post more pleaseeeee! :)

  • @Quarles93
    @Quarles93 Před 10 lety +3

    You can look aesthetic attractive wise by eating like this, but you could never be a competitive bodybuilders. Also, wayy too much sugar.

    • @rawmark
      @rawmark Před 10 lety +4

      That's bullshit. I know plenty of competitive vegan bodybuilder. Look up Kenneth Williams the vegan bodybuilder. Look up Patrick Baboumain the strongest man in the friggin world. Both are vegan. Look up mma fighter, Mac Danzig. Vegan! Oh, and look up Robert Cheeke who teaches people about bodybuilding on a vegan diet and lifestyle. It most certainly is doable.

    • @Quarles93
      @Quarles93 Před 10 lety +1

      ***** None of these men are top natural bodybuilders or top in IFBB pro. None of the top My Olympias are vegan and there's a reason for that. Patrick Baboumain is not the strongest man in the world, Mariusz Pudzianowski and Bill Kazmaier are/were and they are not vegan. Mac Danzig has a huge losing streak in the UFC to B level competition like Gomi and Wiman. He's good because he made it into the UFC, but once again he's not top level. You can be good at what you do as a vegan, but you cannot be a top level bodybuilder, powerlifter, or strongman. Plenty of evidence shows that. Takes nothing away from them because they are some of the healthiest people alive, aside from Pescetarians.

    • @rawmark
      @rawmark Před 10 lety +3

      Collin, whatever. Look up some of the folks I've mentioned. I bet you haven't even done that, have you? Did you know that Bob Paris, has been vegetarian for more then half of his life? Tell me again that no vegetarians or vegans compete on the national or international level. I really want to hear you say that. Better still, just look up vegan bodybuilders. There are plenty up and coming bodybuilders that you haven't heard of who are vegan. No one needs meat to compete and we definitely do not need mercury laden fish.

    • @Quarles93
      @Quarles93 Před 10 lety

      I doubt you'll ever hear me say anything considering I'll more than likely never see you in person lol. More than half his life, key words. I looked up the people you mentioned and already knew some of them. I never said you couldn't be good at bodybuilding vegan, just that you couldn't be at the very top level, and evidence shows that you can't. And to get the mercury content in fish, you would have to eat lbs upon lbs a day to get something significant enough to even get you sick to your stomach. You should research Pescetarians a little bit. They're proven to have the healthiest lifestyle in the world, even over vegans.

    • @rawmark
      @rawmark Před 10 lety +2

      I think you will find that Pescaterians are not the healthiest people in the world. Not sure who fed you that lie but that's all it is. Look up who some of the oldest folks are in the world. Some of them may have a small amount of meat that they eat once or twice a week but, for the most part, their diets are vegan or vegetarian. No fish because the fish in our seas are toxic.

  • @MrPedro4president11
    @MrPedro4president11 Před 8 lety

    Great Video man! Really enjoyed it!

  • @veggiefella
    @veggiefella Před 10 lety

    Check out "Food Combining for OPTIMAL Digestion", it will help with the farts issue. Watermelon should be eaten first before anything else, otherwise causing bloating.

  • @jowoo7237
    @jowoo7237 Před 11 lety

    Hemp protein is awesome! There is also blend proteins such as sun warrior ( more pricey though) which contain pea, buckwheat, hemp, rice..ect. protein.

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 11 lety

    I use whatever brand is on sale at my store. Last week it was PlantFusion. The week before it was something else.

  • @vivianbreedlove435
    @vivianbreedlove435 Před 7 lety +1

    Lol that sandwich is straight up how I make mine.

  • @thomastadlock
    @thomastadlock  Před 11 lety

    Daaaaaaaaaaaamn! I've topped out at 16 reps. 37??? That's incredible! Nice work girl!

  • @SteveWeltmanANS
    @SteveWeltmanANS Před 10 lety

    Now I know who Thomas Tadlock is. Got it! You go Tom.

  • @snagel2012Decor8yourlife

    Hiya! You keep inspiring me! I am now doing a full 40 minutes of HITT, and I'm up to count 37 at the captain's chair! I sweat buckets, and the fat is melting off! I've also started on preparing smoothies for me and the kids each day. Thanks and God bless!